Greenhouse business plan. Greenhouse business

Choosing between imported vegetables and products of domestic producers, the buyer is increasingly leaning towards the latter. And this is not only patriotism and an expression of one's attitude to the policies of some countries involved in sanctions and pressure.

In addition, the buyer is absolutely sure that the domestic food manufacturer will treat the use of top dressings, chemicals exactly as if he were growing vegetables for his family, for his children.

Drawing up a business plan: the benefits of greenhouse farms

Doctors advise eating vegetables and fruits, the more vitamins on the table, the healthier the nation.

The redistribution of family budget finances towards vegetables is natural, and if there is a demand, then it is necessary to establish production. The attitude of the government towards entrepreneurship today contributes to the fact that many young people are ready to invest their strength, skills and money in their own, albeit small, business.

Growing vegetables in greenhouses is just as profitable as making, for example, paving slabs or sewing clothes, with only one small advantage - people still want to eat every day, but you can buy a new dress tomorrow.

What you need to organize a greenhouse economy

The very first thing is the earth, this fact is undeniable. If a young person has even a very small plot on which the dacha is located, even it can be completely converted into a greenhouse. The first greenhouse will pay off in a year, then with an increase in productivity, the payback is faster, since you have a base.

Start by planning the site, calculate how much finance you need for the first greenhouse, consider the water and electricity system, whether you will grow vegetables year-round or leave it only for the season. The opening will allow operation all year round.

Compete with big farms young entrepreneur not under force, but the demand for fresh vegetables and herbs is always there.

If the area of ​​your plot is small, you can rent part of the land from your neighbors or find unused land altogether (unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such plots), renting even a hectare will cost you inexpensively.

The financial part of the project should include calculations for seeds, inventory and equipment (water tanks, film, wood - it all depends on what you are going to grow).

preliminary calculations

Since you intend to rent one hectare of land for a start, you should turn to professional ready-made calculations:

  1. To equip the site - 350,000 rubles
  2. Buy greenhouses and install them on the site - 2,500,000 rubles
  3. Equip irrigation, lighting, ventilation and heating systems - 1,800,000 rubles
  4. Inventory - 250,000 rubles
  5. Outbuildings - 500,000 rubles
  6. Planting material - 200,000 rubles
  7. Registration, approvals, etc. 150 000 rubles
  8. Car for the export of products - 700,000 rubles

Even the simplest calculations show that you cannot do without government assistance, but all the figures given are justified, professionals are involved in such calculations, so the amount of seven million plus unplanned expenses - one million can be asked as investment plan for your future production.

It is worth noting immediately that on an area of ​​​​one hectare will already be needed work force , it is difficult even for a large family to cope with such greenhouses, and since there are hired workers, then this is wage, and contributions to Pension Fund and insurance.

What can be obtained from an area of ​​​​one hectare with the right turnover and cultivation, for example, cucumbers and tomatoes - it is fashionable to quietly grow 90,000 kg of fresh vegetables per year, at today's average annual prices of 75 rubles per kilogram of products, this is 6,750 rubles, which means that in one year you practically pay off all production costs.

Of course, you should always take into account force majeure circumstances, but there is no doubt that all the money invested in the first year will turn into a huge profit in a couple of years.

Government Russian Federation provides grants to young entrepreneurs. If you decide to work seriously, then it will be easy for you to report on the finances spent, start acting today, while the demand for clean products supply is very high, let your greenhouse industry develop rapidly.

What greenhouses to install

You need to build high-quality greenhouses that will last you a long time without requiring repairs. For cucumbers and tomatoes, you need to install different greenhouses, these cultures require a different microclimate, they do not get along side by side. In order to install two greenhouses on an area of ​​one hectare, you will need metal molds and girders.

For one greenhouse 7.5 m wide and 67.2 m long, the foundation must also be poured. The area of ​​such a greenhouse will be 504 sq.m. in addition, for year-round work, you need gas boilers and all communications. Plan at least 15 hired workers, it will take 370,000 rubles a year to pay people. An example of a functioning greenhouse can be seen in the following video:

Greenhouse equipment:

  1. Mounting and installation.
  2. Communications.
  3. Roofing.
  4. Finishing.
  5. Carrying out electrical communications.
  6. Ventilation, watering equipment.
  7. Household blocks, change houses.

All work on the installation of greenhouses will take at least a month from the beginning of pouring the foundation, tilling the soil and forming beds for vegetables. It is worth immediately taking into account the costs of fuel and lubricants (to export finished products), and immediately begin to conclude contracts with retail outlets.

There is no need to stop only at large retail outlets, there are probably many small entrepreneurs in your city who are ready to receive fresh vegetables daily. For delivery finished products you also need to pre-purchase plastic boxes, packaging film.

It is immediately worth noting that more than 50% of the costs will be spent on wages, and yet, even with the most approximate calculations of benefits greenhouse farming from two greenhouses, professionals predict revenue of about 22 million rubles a year with a net profit of about 3 million.

Moreover, even such indicators as depreciation of equipment, taxes, costs for product verification and obtaining quality certificates are taken into account. Of course, these calculations are carried out for 100% sale of goods, provided that all products are of perfect quality.

Where to sell finished products

It is necessary to determine in advance with the sales market. It should also be taken into account that a lot of citizens are also engaged in seasonal vegetable growing, which means that sales may be reduced in summer and autumn. At this time, I should try to conclude agreements with processing enterprises.

The profitability of the greenhouse industry cannot be 100%, so the full payback will come in 3 years. But then you can safely count on profit, you won’t have to invest in greenhouse farming.

To successfully run such a business, you can also pay attention to growing seedlings - it is very unprofitable to buy ready-made, but a young entrepreneur can become a supplier of excellent planting material.

The city has not only outlets, but also restaurants, cafes, children's institutions, which will be happy to cooperate with you, it is much more profitable for enterprises to work with small suppliers, this is always a guarantee of product quality.

The soil in greenhouses must be prepared, it is also necessary to periodically change the crops grown. Plants like to have a change in planting material, such a change in plants favors the growth and quantity of the crop.

Invest quite a bit of work at the beginning, tune in to work, - it only seems at first that it's not enough time for nothing else. Within a couple of months, you will feel a real "taste" for work - it is always a pleasure to grow food, you help people get everything they need for life.

Well-established work will not take so much time, it is enough to clearly plan responsibilities, find good consumers, conclude contracts - and we can say that your greenhouse complex will become your source of permanent income.

Greenhouse business plan - we present detailed calculations, the payback period for this business, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of running it.

Capital investment in greenhouse: 15 000$
Business payback: 2-3 years
Profitability level: 15%

Greenhouse at competent organization and management is able to bring a stable large income to the owners.

However, entering a business without understanding its principles is almost a 100% guarantee of unprofitability.

Therefore, often the greenhouse is organized by those who have a large practical experience work in this area.

But even the most experienced person will need greenhouse business plan.

Advantages and disadvantages of organizing a greenhouse

You can start a business with minimal investment.Profitable only for the southern regions.
State subsidies available.A business organized by an insufficiently competent person is guaranteed to become unprofitable.
Pays off quickly.Large power consumption.
There is a controversy in retail chains as well as retail customers.It is required to think over the product storage system (short implementation period).

Greenhouse business plan: planning

It’s worth starting with the fact that the greenhouse business is divided into three main groups: growing vegetables, flowers and herbs.

The chosen direction depends on how the business will be built in the future.

It is believed that the latter option is simpler and more cost-effective than others.

At first, it will be possible to grow greens even in a greenhouse, collected with your own hands.

At the same time, the business of selling such products is considered very profitable.

Summary and Goals of the Greenhouse Project

In the introductory part of the greenhouse plan, the basic information about the enterprise is indicated: type of activity, location, information about the owner.

But also business planning must include the goals that the entrepreneur sets for himself.

For a greenhouse business, the goals in the plan may sound like this:

  1. Organize a greenhouse business to meet retail demand in the selected region.
  2. Establish wholesale distribution of products to retail chains.
  3. Scale up entrepreneurial activities by adding less common crops to the assortment for sale to restaurant enterprises.
  4. Reach the level of profit - N million rubles a year.

Marketing section of the greenhouse business plan

Although the greenhouse business has many specific features, it also needs to have a marketing section in the plan.

This includes all the analytical information that will help organize a profitable business.

Let's look at two main points - target audience and competitor analysis.

Who are the buyers of greenhouse products?

The plan usually analyzes who the average customer is.

For a greenhouse, an analysis of purchasing power in the region is also very important.

After all, an entrepreneur can select a product for cultivation, based on the intended target audience.

Businessmen who plan to start small and work only with retail should bet on simple running greens.

This includes green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce - a standard set.

Radishes and strawberries are also among the popular retail products.

When the business expands, an additional seasonal product can be introduced into the assortment - seedlings of various crops in early spring.

But entrepreneurs who “target” the organization of a large-scale business should focus exclusively on wholesale sales.

For this, cucumbers and tomatoes are mainly grown.

Another niche of consumers that you can focus on is the owners of cafes and restaurants.

As a rule, they often have a need for some relatively exotic crops.

A businessman can take the risk of growing a couple of species of whimsical plants in a greenhouse and thus occupy a narrow niche. The benefit is that the prices for such goods are correspondingly high.

Analysis of the level of competition in business

Competition analysis is an essential part of any planning, including a greenhouse business plan.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that the level of competition in the greenhouse business is generally small.

For analysis, it is necessary to select all representatives of this sphere in your region. Their activities are considered according to the following points:

  • What products are grown in greenhouses?
  • How many items are offered for sale?
  • Are customers satisfied with the quality of the offered product?

When studying information, it is also important to take into account the demand of the population of the region or those areas where you plan to supply goods.

The analysis must be approached in a holistic manner.

After all, even if now you have 2-3 large wholesale customers, there are no guarantees that you will continue to cooperate in a year.

In addition, you should always consider expanding the business over time.

Room for a greenhouse

The description of the location and premises has a separate meaning.

For example, if an entrepreneur plans to grow agricultural crops, it is important to assess the quality of the land in the chosen location.

Also, in additional information, you need to indicate how close the reservoirs are, whether the water is of high quality in them.

What transport hubs or routes are located nearby?

It is important to know this because greenhouse products are often very whimsical in transportation (has a short sales period).

So an entrepreneur should look for places of sale as close as possible to greenhouses and have convenient ways transport links to increase profits.

Greenhouse business equipment

In terms of the greenhouse, the entrepreneur must pay special attention to the description technological processes organization of work.

First of all, indicate which model of the greenhouse will be used and why.

Technical points are painted as detailed as possible.

Decide who will be involved installation work, and what's the price.

It would not be superfluous to note why this particular company was chosen and give examples of their successful work.

This is important when using the plan, an entrepreneur is trying to attract investors or obtain credit funds.

Greenhouse staff

Greenhouse business plan should include detailed information about the staff.

The entrepreneur lists in the document the names of positions, the number of employees, their work responsibilities.

Financial information must also be provided: salary for the year, possible bonus payments and planned rate increases.

Subsequently, the plan is supplemented with an established work schedule and even a vacation schedule.

Opening calendar

Calendar plan is compiled so that the entrepreneur himself and investors can track the process of organization.

Is everything going according to schedule and have you forgotten about any step?

The calendar plan acts as an instruction to which you need to return from time to time.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Conclusion of a land lease agreement
Acquisition and installation of greenhouses
Installation of lighting, ventilation, heating, irrigation
Search and recruitment of personnel
Purchase of seeds, soil, chemicals
Beginning of work

The financial section of the greenhouse business plan

The financial section is an essential part of any business planning. The greenhouse cultivation plan is no exception.

Greenhouse Business Startup Costs

The costs of opening a greenhouse business will not scare you with numerous zeros in the final amount.

Moreover, you can start small: build a greenhouse with your own hands, instead of an irrigation system, purchase an ordinary garden hose for 1000 rubles.

This approach will allow you to start a business with minimal investment.

Operating monthly expenses for the greenhouse business

It is important for an entrepreneur to remember: in addition to the costs of organizing, there will also be costs for its maintenance and development.

All these points should be listed in the business plan.

The video below shows an example of a successful greenhouse business:

Payback periods for greenhouse business

Though Agriculture is not a particularly thriving industry in our time, this business can bring high profits.

If at the same time to maintain profitability at the level of 15-20%, investments will pay off in 1-3 years.

The payback period depends on the amount of capital investment, the scale of the business, and the type of product chosen.

For example, for flower business the entrepreneur will need to invest 3-4 times more money, than in .

At the same time, growing vegetables is 3-4 times less profitable than growing greens!

The final choice of products remains, of course, with the entrepreneur.

The main thing is to think over and fix in greenhouse business plan all essential details.

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Greenhouse business available to anyone with the appropriate skills and desire. The owner of his own personal plot has special advantages. Before taking action, you need to understand the following nuances:

  • what kind of crop is profitable to grow,
  • choose a place for the location of greenhouses,
  • determine materials for construction,
  • decide in what soil and under what conditions the planting will be carried out,
  • define the market
  • select legal form for registration,
  • create a business plan.

So, let's go over the main points in details.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

What will you have to spend on?

Financial investment is what starts a greenhouse business. Even if you have your own area for growing, you will have to buy all the necessary materials for the farm. Usually you have to invest in:

  • purchase or lease of land,
  • purchase of materials for the construction of a greenhouse, inventory and culture,
  • business registration.

What to grow?

In a temperate and southern climate, it is beneficial to grow the following types of plants:

  • berries,
  • greenery,
  • vegetables,
  • flowers.

You can choose a specific culture based on the following factors:

  1. Climate. In colder regions, many Money goes to heating. In this case, it is recommended to choose less heat-loving crops.
  2. Competition. The success of sales will be influenced by the availability of the same product from entrepreneurs in the neighborhood. It is necessary to analyze the situation and stop at the culture with the smallest proposals.
  3. Demand. There must be a high demand for the selected products. It should be borne in mind that in summer and early autumn the profitability of greenhouses decreases due to the abundance of ground plants.
  4. Capital. To start a business without initial investment it is better to give preference to growing greenery. After the accumulation of funds, you can switch to other crops. The highest profitability is the cultivation of flowers.

You can select several crops at once to avoid a period of idle soil. But for this it is necessary to carefully study the permissible predecessors and take into account the neighborhood to increase productivity.

Where to place greenhouses?

Greenhouse farming as a business begins with finding a place for a greenhouse. It must be located near settlements. Otherwise, fuel costs will increase the cost of the crop. The site should have good access at any time of the year.

Growing plants in a greenhouse is impossible without electricity and running water, so the chosen place must be connected to communications. The use of tap water is allowed, but the cultivation of any crops requires frequent and plentiful watering. Therefore, to reduce costs, it is better to use liquid from an open reservoir. It must be periodically taken to the laboratory for analysis in order to control the chemical composition.

Areas with a significant slope or subject to flooding are excluded. There should not be large trees and buildings near the greenhouses, as they will shade it. But being at a short distance on the north side of the forest belt or solid fences will protect from the wind, which will significantly save electricity.

The soil on the site must be fertile, since planting plants in bad soil does not make sense. The purchase of soil separately requires certain costs, which reduces the profitability of the greenhouse business.

What material to choose for the greenhouse?

The choice of material for the manufacture of a greenhouse is important point, since the size of the crop depends on it. The following characteristics are taken into account here:

  • light transmission,
  • life time,
  • ease of operation.

Today, the following covering materials are used in the construction of greenhouse structures:

  1. Polyethylene film. It is more profitable to start a greenhouse business at home with it, as it has a low cost. Polyethylene film can last for several seasons, but then the coating must be re-coated. If installed incorrectly, it can be torn by wind, and constant condensation requires proper ventilation. In addition to the standard polyethylene film today reinforced, air-pimple, PVC and its other varieties are offered. Each of them is superior to the usual version in terms of performance and cost.
  2. Glass. This material, before the advent of competitors, was very popular due to its durability and transparency. Due to the high price, installation complexity and fragility, other materials are now more often chosen.
  3. Cellular polycarbonate. It has all the properties of an ideal covering material. The only negative is the cost, which makes it inaccessible to a novice businessman.

How to create optimal growing conditions?

All conditions for year-round cultivation of crops should be created in greenhouses. For a high yield, each parameter must be properly organized.

  1. Ventilation. V small greenhouses a door and a window on the opposite wall can cope with this task. In buildings of medium and large size, hatches are used. The mechanism for opening the ventilation holes can be either manual or automatic. In greenhouses with a large area, the operation of fans is allowed.
  2. Shading. In the southern regions, greenhouse farming as a business requires the creation of conditions to eliminate overheating. They are achieved by closing the greenhouse inside or outside, as well as coating the covering material with an opaque composition.
  3. Heating. To heat winter greenhouses, it is necessary to think over the heating system. Gas is convenient and effective for this purpose, but it costs a lot of money and dries out the air. Stove heating does not require communications, but it heats the room unevenly. During its use, care must be taken that carbon monoxide does not leak into the greenhouse. Electrical appliances are low fire safety. A thermal cable is more preferable, as it evenly warms the soil. This favorably affects the growth rate of plants and the size of the yield. Infrared ceiling heaters emit energy similar to that of sunlight. All cultures tolerate their effects well.
  4. Lighting. Winter greenhouses for business should be provided with additional lighting. In the cold season, plants need only a few hours a day. The most energy-saving options are fluorescent, LED and phyto lamps. All of them have a good effect on cultures, but relatively low cost have only white luminescent products.
  5. Watering. In small greenhouses, watering is carried out manually using a bucket or watering can. Watering plants on your own in larger buildings is inconvenient. Drip irrigation is the most common. It can be adapted to any source of moisture.
  6. Tools. To care for crops, you need to purchase equipment (shovels, wheelbarrows, buckets, boxes, etc.). Many devices are required for seedlings. It is more economical to use improvised materials, for example, plastic bottles or milk bags. For tall plants, it is necessary to consider support tools and garter materials.

How to prepare the soil?

After finishing construction works and installation of all business equipment on greenhouses requires soil preparation. Plants can be grown in the following ways:

  • on standard ridges,
  • on the raised ridges,
  • in hanging pots.

It is more convenient to use ridges raised by 50-70 cm. The interlayer can be pipes with heat carriers, biological fuel or electric cables.
Soil preparation must be carried out in accordance with the agricultural technology of the selected crop. It is impossible to act at random, therefore, the technology of growing a plant must be thoroughly studied. Otherwise, all the work will be in vain.

How to register a business?

At first, it is not necessary to register a greenhouse business from scratch on your site. To own a personal subsidiary farm, it is enough to take a certificate from the local administration stating that the property has a plot and crops are grown on it. When the business starts to develop, you will have to deal with the design. Consumers like to cooperate within the law, in order to get around competitors, they will have to follow the rules. There are two forms of registration of a greenhouse business, depending on its size:

  1. Medium greenhouse is the presence of a large number of greenhouses that are served by one family. It is registered with the territorial tax service as a peasant farm. All family members will have ownership rights. You do not have to register an individual entrepreneur, but the presence of PSRN and TIN is mandatory. To obtain a KFH certificate, it is necessary to collect a number of documents. When this issue is settled, registration with other regulatory authorities takes place. Then a current account is opened and, if necessary, a seal is made.
  2. Large greenhouse farm- the main difference from the average is that it contains hired workers. Such a business can be registered in the form of LLC or IP. The first option is more expensive and has uncomfortable conditions. Registration of IP occurs in a standard way by collecting the necessary papers.

We draw up a business plan for a greenhouse

When writing a business plan, you need to take into account all aspects. The resulting document should include the following sections:

  • overview,
  • company information,
  • service description,
  • market analysis,
  • production plan,
  • implementation plan,
  • calculation of costs and revenues.

As a rule, the profitability of a greenhouse as a business is 15-40%. The final figure depends on competition and demand for the selected crop. Usually full payback occurs in two years.

Where to sell the harvested crop?

The winter greenhouse as a business has been set up and the first harvest has been received, now it is necessary to organize sales. You can engage in self-sale at a rented trading place or start cooperation directly with small traders and supermarkets.

Many consumers are wary of purchasing foreign berries and vegetables. Therefore, entrepreneurs prefer natural local products. This is the advantage of the greenhouse business.
Each region has its own characteristics that must be taken into account during planning. The location of the greenhouse is chosen very carefully. Poor choice of area and improper construction of buildings can make a business unprofitable. Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to get the highest possible yield. You will have to make a lot of physical effort, but in the future all efforts will be rewarded.

Greenhouse farming is a stable business.

Probably, many enterprising people came up with the idea to start growing vegetables or flowers in greenhouses, in other words, the greenhouse business. But not everyone knows where to start, how much it will cost and how to draw up a greenhouse business plan. We will talk about the features of the greenhouse business in our article.

Features of the greenhouse business: pros and cons

If you seriously decide to go into the greenhouse business, then you should know all its pros and cons.

What are the advantages of the greenhouse business:

The greenhouse business does not need large area earth. It can be organized on 2 - 3 acres away from the city, that is, you do not have to pay much for renting land;

The construction of greenhouses does not take much time; it is possible to create a greenhouse business from scratch within 1-2 months;

If everything is organized correctly, then such a business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

What are the disadvantages of the greenhouse business:

A significant disadvantage of the greenhouse business is the high energy consumption, as well as growing in greenhouses requires a lot of water;

Prices for grown greenhouse products are seasonal, therefore, before starting a business, you need to study the local market well.

Download business - greenhouse plan for free

In order to make it easier for you to start your greenhouse business, we offer you detailed business- greenhouse plan, which you can download for free, just by clicking on the link below. It includes a description of greenhouse facilities, building structures and engineering technological systems with illustrations, calculation of the need for water, gas and heat, financial and organizational plan, features tax accounting and much more.

Greenhouse business: a list of documentation + the pros and cons of greenhouse farming + types of greenhouses + 4 crops that will quickly pay for the business + 3 growing methods + calculating the costs and profitability of the business.

Capital investment in greenhouses: 775,000 rubles.
Greenhouse payback time: 1-2 years

Find greenhouse business plan on the Internet is quite difficult. This is due to the wide variety of growing methods, as well as the choice of crops.

This article contains all the key points that you can use to fully plan your own business.

In Russia, the greenhouse industry is developed quite heterogeneously.

Such a business in our country began to enter the European level with advanced technology and highly skilled workers only ten years ago.

This kind entrepreneurial activity quite profitable, so it is popular. Consider a structured plan for creating a greenhouse business.

Greenhouse business plan: documentation collection

In some cases, no special documents for the farm will have to be collected.

For example, if a plot of land for growing products is owned by an entrepreneur, and he does not plan to sell goods on an especially large scale, hire staff and sell products to legal entities.

When it comes to growing not “for oneself and a neighbor”, it becomes necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or a peasant farm. How to do it?

How should I apply for an IP?

It is necessary to register the activity of the farm as an individual entrepreneur if the goods will be sold with the involvement of employees and on a large scale:

  • in small shops;
  • hypermarkets;
  • restaurants;
  • Cafe.

Status Assignment individual entrepreneur makes it possible to have some benefits for running a greenhouse business.

To get them, you will need to register (which is not so difficult even for a beginner).

Need to collect and transfer to tax office documentation:

  • registration application in the form P21001;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the founder of the farm;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • a photocopy of the document on assignment of TIN (if any).

After five days, you can pick up documents confirming registration.

For up-to-date information and detailed information, see the website of the Federal Tax Service:

How to register a KFH?

The process of registering peasant farms contains the same stages of registration as the registration of individual entrepreneurial activity.

To register a peasant farm, you will need to collect a package of papers and take it to the tax service:

  • application for registration of the farm, which must be certified by notary services;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • list of selected codes according to OKVED-2;
  • photocopies of documents confirming the family ties of other people with the founder (this data may be needed to search for a person if he decides to hide from the law).

detailed and actual information about registration of peasant farms is on the website of the state tax service:

If a greenhouse business is founded not by one, but by several members, then a contract is drawn up between the partners.

It contains the following points:

  • contact phone numbers;
  • the founders must choose one person to lead the greenhouse business, the business plan of which is developed by all members;
  • the rights and obligations of all founders must be clearly defined;
  • the procedure for the admission and exit of members of the greenhouse business into society;
  • photocopies of all passports are also attached.

To clarify the list of documents, you must consult a notary or a lawyer.

Unlike registration of an individual entrepreneur, this procedure is quite complicated, therefore it is better not to take risks, but to trust the specialists.

Greenhouses are not subject to licensing. The only "but": if you decide to sell the product wholesale buyers, you will need to pass mandatory sanitary control.

Also, if you install greenhouse heating of the farm, the state of the systems should be checked by the fire safety inspection.

Only after completing the relevant documentation, you can begin to implement the business plan.

Greenhouse business: two sides of the coin

Before starting each case, its weak and strengths. This will allow you to evaluate the feasibility of bringing the idea to life.

Advantages of the greenhouse business

  • minimum investment to start your own business;
  • the greenhouse business will quickly pay for itself with proper implementation;
  • high profitability of the idea;
  • the ability to use your own product for your needs.

Disadvantages of business idea farming

  • you will have to pay a large amount for the use of electricity monthly;
  • greenhouse business is a seasonal type of trade;
  • will have to solve issues with the transportation and storage of products before they hit the counter.

In every business, there may be certain problems that require a lightning-fast solution. But with experience, the head of the greenhouse enterprise develops the skills to quickly resolve issues, and he will be able to significantly expand the farm.

Therefore, the shortcomings indicated above should not be feared if you are determined to bring the idea to life.

Having found out all the nuances that are associated with paperwork and the pros and cons of a business, you can move on to the practical part.

Types of greenhouses for organizing a greenhouse business

The greenhouse business today offers to use 3 types of structures:

This greenhouse material requires no effort to install.

But even if many years of experience with it is not needed, this does not mean that polyethylene can be treated without special care.

For example, if the greenhouse material was poorly stretched and fixed, in the morning only torn parts from the common canvas can be found.

This can happen due to a strong gust of wind that walked inside the greenhouse structures. But if you do not allow air to enter the greenhouse, the plants overheat and die!

Therefore, there is only one way out: to fasten the material securely and monitor the state of the economy.

After choosing one of the types of greenhouses, you can begin to develop a greenhouse business plan, taking into account the crop.

Greenhouse business plan: crop choice

There are many crops and plants that can be grown on the farm. The profitability of the greenhouse business really depends on your choice.

We will not analyze absolutely all types of vegetation available for cultivation.

Better yet, we will provide 4 categories that provide maximum business profitability.

1. Growing vegetables

Such a greenhouse economy will bring good profit in the cold season.

You can grow:

  • cucumbers;
  • pepper of different types;
  • tomatoes;

Which culture is considered the most popular, the graph clearly shows:

Of course, in the summer it will be unprofitable to engage in such a business. But if trade is carried out during the cold season, then the prices displayed on the shelves for vegetables will compensate for all costs.

In addition, the greenhouse business can be combined with outdoor cultivation.

The main costs of growing vegetables are associated with greenhouse heating, lighting, irrigation and, in some cases, soil heating.

2. Berries in a greenhouse

What do you think, which berry is especially appreciated in winter?

Growing brings the greatest profit from the greenhouse business.

The demand for this berry remains consistently high throughout the cold season, so there should be no problems with the sale of goods.

3. Greens in greenhouses for sale

A greenhouse business plan developed for growing dill, parsley or similar crops will quickly pay for itself, since this product always remains in demand among consumers.

The greens on the table are not only healthy, but also delicious and beautiful decoration any dish.

4. Growing flowers in a greenhouse

The greenhouse business, whose business plan is based on the cultivation and cultivation of flowers, is considered the most profitable area.

The best-selling flowers that will quickly help recoup investments in the implementation of a business plan:

  • roses;
  • orchids;
  • tulips;
  • lilies.

Of course, growing roses and exotic varieties will cause quite a lot of difficulties. But after selling the goods and receiving the proceeds, the founder will be satisfied - this is guaranteed.

When starting to create a greenhouse business plan, you need to study the market, product sales statistics and prioritize.

The founder must realistically evaluate his capabilities and determine whether he is able to grow the products demanded by the consumer.

Methods of growing products in greenhouses

1) Hydroponics

The least expensive and most common method is hydroponics.

The process of plant growth in this way is automated, so vegetables, berries, fruits grow much faster than in natural conditions.

The crop, which will subsequently be sold, grows in a container. Water, saturated with various mineral compounds and fertilizers, enters there with the help of special tubes.

But such a quick method contains a rather significant disadvantage in the sales market - this is a watery and unnatural taste of the product.

The buyer will immediately distinguish a bunch of greenery grown in a garden bed from a bundle that has grown hydroponically.

However, numbers are inexorable things. Statistics say that 92% on the shelves are grown in this way.

2) Intermediate option

There is also an intermediate method that lies between hydroponic and in-soil cultivation.

It lies in the fact that peat and natural soil are added to the nutrient solutions.

The advantage of this method is that the plants will not have a watery, but already familiar “earthy” taste. Minus - additional costs for providing conditions for growing.

With this method, the entrepreneur receives a significant competitive advantage- a more "live" taste, which is appreciated not only by retail customers.

This criterion is important for the sale of products in cafes, restaurants.

3) Mobile beds

A greenhouse business, the business plan of which was developed on growing conditions on mobile beds, makes it possible to obtain products the highest degree quality with maximum approximation to the natural taste.

A novice entrepreneur must choose a crop and a method of cultivation, and then draw up financial section greenhouse business plan. The indicative estimate below will serve as an example for you.

You will learn about the advantages and prospects of the greenhouse business from the issue of the Agronomics program:

Greenhouse business: business plan with financial calculations

The main costs for the economy: land rent, construction of greenhouses, purchase of inventory, equipment, plants, wages, fertilizers.

Greenhouse expenses

This greenhouse business plan did not include the salary of the manager, only auxiliary workers. This is due to the fact that the founder at first can handle this work himself.

If a manager wants to grow crops on 1 hectare of land, then he needs to hire about 11 workers to carefully control the farm. But if the greenhouse business is based on advanced technologies and the latest equipment, then the number of maintenance personnel can be reduced.

Payback of greenhouse farming

It is quite difficult to give an accurate assessment and the payback period of the economy, since it depends on many factors:

  • With the territorial placement of greenhouses in some regions, you can get more than four crops per season. And in others - one or two.
  • The place where the greenhouse business is located is also of great importance.

    When creating a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the costs of fare and calculate how much gasoline will need to be poured into the car to deliver goods from greenhouses to points of sale.

According to average statistics, a greenhouse economy will be able to pay for itself in 1-2 years.

The article outlined the main nuances, based on which you can plan your own greenhouse business.

With proper management of the case, the payback period can be reduced to a year.

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