Decorative drawing "Curl" (based on the Khokhloma painting) in the preparatory group outline drawing lessons (preparatory group) on the topic. Decorative painting in kindergarten "magic curl" is a joint activity of the teacher and

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the preparatory group.

educator Veselova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

Educational area: "Artistic creation"

Topic: "The magic curl of Khokhloma"

View: productive activity (decorative painting)

A type: final, integrated.

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creation", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Health", "Music".

Target: development of children's interest in folk arts and crafts, artistic creativity in decorative painting.

Artistic creation:

  • To develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned drawing methods when creating patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
  • Improve the ability to paint with the end of a brush, poke; perform the pattern in a specific sequence.
  • To develop independence in choosing the color of painting, depending on the basic tone, a sense of color, creativity, imagination.


  • Expand and clarify the ideas of children about the items of folk art craft of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, especially its painting.
  • To develop sensory skills: hand-eye coordination when drawing Khokhloma patterns, fine motor skills of the hands.


  • Improve the ability to answer questions.

Reading fiction:

  • Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word.


  • Develop creative imagination; to foster interest in the applied arts and traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in their country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.


  • Develop the need for physical activity.
  • Develop emotional feelings in the perception of works of folk art.

Preliminary work.

Informative conversations about folk arts and crafts.

Consideration of the visual - didactic manual "Khokhloma", items of applied art, stylized samples.

Cycle of GCD in the field of "Artistic creation" (decorative painting).

Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern, composing compositions, painting silhouettes in the joint activities of the educator with children and independent artistic activities of children.

Didactic games "Golden Khokhloma", "Make a pattern on the dishes", "Guess", "Continue the pattern", "Collect objects".

Reading fiction, memorizing poems.

Listening to musical works of Russian folk art.

Making templates with children for Khokhloma painting. Toning templates.

Learning to dance to the children's song "Pykh-pykh, Samovar".

Demonstration, handouts and equipment.

Khokhloma products, audio recording of folk music, an envelope painted with Khokhloma painting, presentation "The Magic Curl of Khokhloma", visual didactic manual "Khokhloma", cut pictures for the game "Collect Objects", tinted blank templates of Khokhloma dishes, brushes, pokes, gouache ( red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins.

A tape recorder, a disc with a recording of a Russian folk melody, a presentation "The Magic Curl of Khokhloma", an audio recording of the song "Pykh-pykh, Samovar".

The course of direct educational activities

Educator. Hello guys!

A knock on the door. Pass the envelope.

Educator. Children, look at what an unusual envelope they sent us!(the envelope is decorated with Khokhloma painting)

Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers) Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Do you know something about the Khokhloma painting. What is it used for? (children's answers) Well done! Let's see what's inside the envelope.

(The teacher takes out small envelopes with cut pictures from a large envelope.)

Children, Khokhloma craftsmen invite us to play the game “Collect items”. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Exercise. Children must assemble cut pictures and name the resulting objects.

Educator. Well done! Did a very good job. But that's not all. There is a message in the envelope: “Dear guys! An exhibition of folk decorative handicrafts opens today. We invite everyone, everyone, everyone! At the exhibition you could try yourself as a craftsman and “paint” the dishes. We are looking forward to seeing you !!! " Children, would you like to visit this exhibition?

Children. Yes!

Educator. But first, we must remember the basic rules of conduct at exhibitions! Name them.

Children. Keep quiet!

Listen carefully to the narrator!

Do not interfere with others listening!

Educator. Well done boys! Then I invite you to the exhibition! (children enter the prepared room and sit on high chairs)

Children, we are with you at the exhibition "Golden Khokhloma", look how many wonderful beautiful things are here. All this is created by the hands of masters.

A long time ago, in the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, a folk wooden craft was born. There was a village with the cheerful name of Khokhloma, where dishes were made of soft tree species (linden, birch, alder). Since ancient times, fairs for the sale of wooden dishes have been held in this village. This gave the name to the whole trade.

Look, children, how bright they are! How do they become so beautiful?

First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with oil and melted, after heating in an oven, they give the product a unique golden shine. This is where the name "Golden Khokhloma" came from. "Gold" because all items shine like gold.

Guys, and also Khokhloma masters prepared a presentation for us so that we could see all the beauty of Khokhloma painting. "

(showing the presentation "The Magic Curl of Khokhloma", during the presentation the teacher reads the poem "Golden Khokhloma").

Gold khokhloma.

Like a sorceress Firebird,

Doesn't go out of my mind

The sorceress is a craftswoman

Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful

Glad to the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, bowls and ladles.

And what is just not there:

Bunches of fire rowan trees

Sunny summer poppies

And daisies of meadows.

I absorbed everything, like a memory:

Dawn beams of hearts

And patterned ornament

Ancient Uzdal brocade.

The leaves are reddening, not thinning,

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey,

Into the world of magical beauty.

Carved spoons and ladles

Take your time to see.

There are curling grass and flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if drenched in the sun.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is gold.

The beauty of such people

They call it Khokhloma.

Educator. Children, did you like the presentation? Would you like to try yourself as craftsmen and paint dishes?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Then sit down to your jobs. Each of you has several templates for Khokhloma dishes. Choose any you like. Now you will feel like real craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes yourself. Before we start decorating the dishes, let's remember the sequence.

Where do you start? (From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or in shape if it is round).What will you draw after?(Curl, curved twig). Why? (The curl is the main element of the Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are drawn on it).

What will you depict on the curl first, then what? (First, large elements: berries, leaves, then small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.).

How do you draw the curls and weed? (With the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use to draw berries? (Brush, jab).

What colors will you use? (Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done, guys, you know everything!

Now, a little finger warm-up.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are all my fingers, turn them as you want:

And this way, and like this, they will not be offended in any way (rubbing with hands).

One, two, three, four, five (claps of hands).

Doesn't sit with them again (shaking with brushes).

Knocked, turned,

We wanted to draw.

Now, young masters, you can safely get down to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!

(To the accompaniment of folk music, the children start drawing. Independent activity. Children are provided with the necessary assistance on an individual basis).

Educator. I'm very interested to see what did you do? I see everyone has already finished. Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your work.

(Children, with the help of a teacher, hang their work on a pre-stretched rope with clothespins).

Educator. Guys, look what a wonderful dish that turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are true masters!

Well, guys, "every business ends well", so I invite you to dance with the surprise "Samovar"!

(dance performed)

But, children, and a surprise, the samovar is not simple, inside the treat.

(Children treat themselves, present their work to guests).

Educator. Guys, it's time for us to go back to childhood cue garden. Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Author: Grishchenko S. А. educator MBDOU №31 Armavir.
The purpose of the lesson:
Drawing up a pattern from a smoothly curving branch with berries, leaves, curls, herbs.
Continue introducing the art of Khokhloma
Continue learning to draw a pattern in a specific sequence (border, branch, berries, curls)
To form the ability to combine in the pattern the colors typical for the Khokhloma painting: black, red, gold (ocher). Develop the creativity of children.
To educate the accuracy, the ability to objectively evaluate children's work.

Demo material:
Multimedia, tape recorder, items with Khokhloma painting, brushes, gouache, oilcloths, napkins, brush stands, cans of water, palette,
Preliminary work:
Excursion to the museum, acquaintance with Russian folk art crafts, training sessions on Khokhloma painting, examination of samples.
The course of the lesson.
Everyone sat down at their desks, everyone looked at me to make the lesson interesting, creative, we begin the lesson with a good mood.
Show children a demonstration material with a Khokhloma pattern. Look at the screen slide number 1, number 2.
What is this subject?
Children: this is a plate, this is a bowl, spoons,
What patterns is the plate decorated with?
Children: Khokhloma.
Today you and I will learn how to draw a small plate with a Khokhloma pattern. Look at the bottom and top of the product, straight stripes are drawn, repeating the shape of the object. Slide number 3 is a border.
What does the pattern on the bowl consist of? (From a branch with berries, leaves, curls and grass). Slide number 4.
Sediments are the simplest element of the pattern. It is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom.
Blades of grass are strokes with a slight gradual thickening.
The droplets are drawn by applying a brush to the paper.
Antennae are drawn in the form of a continuous line of equal thickness, twisted into a spiral.
The curls are made with light pressure in the middle of the element.
The bush is the most complex element; all elements of the herbal ornament can participate in its image.
Which branch? (Curved). How are the berries and leaves located on the branch? Where are the curls and weed located? Name the colors used to paint the elements of the patterns. Slide number 5.
Now let's talk in detail about the methods of applying elements of the Khokhloma painting. Slide number 6. The order of drawing the elements of the pattern: at the top and bottom of the product draw a border, then along the bowl a slightly curved branch; it depicts berries, leaves (three at a time), then curls and thin curved grass are depicted on all free places on the branch.
Physical minute.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn’t matter.
The flowers are leaning
The petals are lowered.
And then they get up again
And they are still blooming.

We continue to draw. When the children draw the berries and leaves, advise them to add small details to the berries at their ends (dots or "tendrils", and on the leaves - streaks (black). Draw curls and grass with the tip of a brush.
A small view of the work performed. Correctness of implementation. Accuracy of execution. We select the most successfully completed work.
Analysis of errors. Conclusion. Presentation. A small survey to determine the types of Khokhloma ornament.

Gorbunova Lyubov Nikolaevna

EMA: Wonderful, wonderful, golden khokhloma.


Learning goals:

To acquaint with the history of fishing, features Khokhloma painting;

Exercise in drawing up a pattern;

Based on knowledge about Khokhloma craft to consolidate the ability to create an independent composition, conveying the plant character of the ornament, festivity, solemnity of color. Khokhloma;

To teach to fill with a pattern most of the surface of the silhouette, to carry out the pattern in a certain sequence (branch, leaves, berries, grass).

Educational goals:

To foster love and respect for folk art, in particular, for craftsmen Khokhloma painting.

Developmental goals:

Develop memory, observation, speech, creativity.

MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: cookware with Khokhloma painting, gouache, brushes, water cups, napkins, brush stands, paper for drawing - cookware patterns, sample items Khokhloma painting; musical recording of Russian folk songs "There was a birch tree in the field", Kalinka, "Let's go to the garden for raspberries".



What do I see, what a wonder

How much joy is around!

True, children, it's beautiful here

Already, breathtaking!

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush

There are curls of grass and flowers

Of unprecedented beauty

They shine like gold.

As if drenched in the sun.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is gold.

The beauty of such people

Are called khokhloma.


Do you guys know why these products are called Khokhloma?

- Khokhloma Is a village on the banks of the Volga River. The craftsmen who live here know how to turn wooden dishes into gold ones. At fairs sellers shouted: "Who needs dishes for food - okroshka, a miracle - a dish, but cups, spoons?" Buyers asked: "Where did the dishes come from?" And they answered: “Zolotaya herself came to us Khokhloma And so it happened Khokhloma, Yes Khokhloma... They began to call the dishes Khokhloma.

How did this amazing art begin? They say that a long time ago a cheerful peasant-craftsman settled in the forest beyond the Volga. I set the hut, set the table and the bench, cut out the wooden dishes. I cooked millet porridge for myself and did not forget to add millet to the birds. The Firebird somehow flew to his doorstep. He gave her a treat. The Firebird touched a cup of porridge with its wing, and the cup turned golden ... This is certainly a fairy tale.

It seems to be a simple dish, but it is not easy to make it. First, spoons, bowls, cups, plates are cut out of wood, then they are covered with clay so that the wood does not absorb paint, covered with linseed oil, rubbed with aluminum powder, this makes the dishes look like metal. The dishes were painted with different patterns, varnished and placed in a hot oven. The varnish turns yellow under the influence of temperature. Then this delicious honey-gold color appears. This is how the phrase arose "Gold khokhloma»

Let's take a look at the dishes with you. What colors are used Khokhloma masters? (Red, black, gold, green, yellow).

What did the craftsmen depict on wooden dishes? (Berries, leaves, flowers, curls, blades of grass).

You are absolutely right in your murals the craftsmen used the fabulous beauty of their native nature. The unchanging element of the pattern in Khokhloma painting is"grass"... The grass is dotted with large and small curls that resemble narrow leaves. Others are included in this pattern. the elements: leaves, berries, flowers, birds. Sometimes the main elements are placed in the center. (flower, rowan bunch)... And around it twigs, grass bend, as it were, grow. Khokhloma artists love to paint on their products strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, black and red currants, mountain ash.


Do you know, guys, that guests from other countries come to our country and everyone wants to take away from Russia as a keepsake souvenir: Dymkovo horses, painted nesting dolls, and of course elegant Khokhloma products!

Through the mountains and seas, the whole world admires -

Oh yes, a Russian souvenir!

Oh, what a miracle of paint!

And fairy tales roam the world

And smiles Khokhloma!


Guys, let's open our own art salon, so that our guests could also choose a souvenir for themselves. Do you want to become artists? (Yes)... Before painting the cutting boards, let's get some rest!


Our scarlet flowers dissolve petals ... we smoothly understand hands up

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway ... swinging hands left and right

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals ... sat down, hid

They shake their heads quietly fall asleep ... movement of the head to the left and to the right, handles under the cheeks


Before we start decorating, let's remember the sequence!

Where do you start? (- From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or in shape if it is round).

Wake up draw after? (- Curl, curved twig).

Why? (- Curl is the main element Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are drawn on it).

What will you depict on the curl first, then what? (- First large the elements: berries, leaves, then - small the elements: droplets, weed, curls, etc.).

As needed draw weed and curls? (- The end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use to drawing berries? (- Brush, poke).

What colors will you use? (Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done, guys, you know everything!


Now, young masters, you can safely get down to work! Surprise your guests Khokhloma patterns!

Khokhloma, Khokhloma,

Our miracle is wondrous!

We are drawing Khokhloma -

Unprecedented beauty.


Sunny paint

Berries, lights -

Scarlet paint from dawn.

(Russian folk melodies sound, children work to the music).


I'm very interested to see what did you do? See how beautiful it turned out, bright, colorful, festive - real gold khokhloma.

What elements Khokhloma painting used in their drawings.

Do you like guys? Look at each other!

What did you like the most?

Listen to a very beautiful poem about Khokhloma painting.

Poem by P. Sinyavsky « Khokhloma»

Khokhloma painting

In the green of the grass.

Groves, copses,

Silk splash

Sunny honey

Golden foliage

The beauty is chiseled

Brocade sundress,

By waves of patterns

Yakhonts are on fire.

What kind of sorcerers

Khokhloma was dressed

Into this unspeakable

Party outfit?

Khokhloma painting

Like a witch

Into a fairy song

She asks herself.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

All the miracles are more wonderful

Our khokhloma.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Decoration of a scarf based on Dymkovo painting" Program content a) Educational tasks. Learn to create a decorative composition based on the painting of the Dymkovo toys, using.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognition, social and communicative development, speech development. Methodical.


Elena Vakhrushina


1. Continue introducing subjects Khokhloma painting... Introduce the view

Khokhloma painting"grass" and her elements: Sedge, "Droplets", Antennae,

"curl", "Bush"... Give an idea of ​​the color scheme of the ornament.

Teach draw ornament"grass"... Continue to improve the way you work with

paints. Strengthen the skill draw the whole brush and the tip of the brush, adjusting it

position and force of pressure on the wrist. Introduce new in words: Sedge,

"Perpendicular"... Activate dictionary: "bowl", "Salty", "Supplies",

"Body", "spiral", "Droplets", Antennae, "curl", "Bush".

2. Develop memory, attention, speech.

3. To cultivate a sense of beauty.


Russian folk music.

- Khokhloma dishes;

Gouache paints (yellow, red, green) ;

Squirrel brushes No. 2 and 3;

Bank of water;

Flannel napkins;

Blanks Khokhloma dishes(spoons) .

Stroke:one. Organizing time.

Guys, let's play. Finger gymnastics "Helpers":

One two three four, (Rhythmic strikes with fists and hands alternately) .

We washed the dishes: .

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. (We bend our fingers, one for each name of the dish) .

We washed the dishes (One palm slides over the other) .

We only broke the cup,

The ladle fell apart too,

The teapot's nose broke off, (Bend our fingers again) .

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom. (Rhythmic strikes with fists and hands alternately) .

2. Motivational target stage.

Guys, look at the table. Consider the items that stand on it.

(The teacher invites the children to consider the dishes Khokhloma painting) .

3. Learning new things.

Who knows what they are called? Where do you think they were made and from what?

(Answers children) .

That's right, they are made of wood and painted by master artists. (Slides 1-7) Let's

take a closer look at these items. On round golden sides hospitable

the bowls are depicted in bright red and black blades of grass; the body of the vase is bent

delicate leaves and twigs with elastic, as if shiny in the sun, black berries

currants. On the surface, sugar bowls, salt licks and delivery - so called

a cylindrical vessel with a lid - blooming and never seen anywhere gold

flowers. The fiery red color of the dishes and golden the shining of the patterns really evokes the sensation of a hot flame, fire. And it's not for nothing that the fire turned wooden

the surface of these things in gold... Why are the subjects in question

are called khokhloma? How are they born under the hands of skilled craftsmen and how

different from other works of folk art? The answers to these questions

sound in the lines of a Russian song.

Like hop beyond the Volga

It winds over the bush.

Overturned yar hops

To our side.

As on our side

Accommodation is rich:

Silver leaves,

Flowers gold.

How dearly you need to love your land to compose such a song! As needed

deeply feel and see everything that surrounds you in order to express it in a song and

figure. (Slides 8-13)

Walking through the forest, by the river bank, you are surprised at the abundant forbs of native meadows, above

which in the summer heat there is a sweet honey aroma and buzz on all voices

shaggy toilers-bees. You lie down on this ground and start looking at a blade of grass

behind a blade of grass, flower by flower, leaf by leaf - how many of them are dissimilar and

similar to each other. There are curly branches of ants and flexible sabers of sedge. Everything

they strive up towards the sun. Loving your home side with all my heart and

admiring her, the Russian people not only sang her beauty in songs and fairy tales, but also

created simple household items, decorated with bright elegant painting, in

which came alive with natural motives. True works of art

these things become beautifully shaped, easy to use, skillfully

executed. Today we will begin to learn how to transfer elements Khokhloma painting in

figure. The masters did not at all strive to show the plants exactly as

saw them in the forest, in the clearing. Khokhloma Images decorative: they are in the very

generally convey the beauty of living life, decorating objects with vegetative

ornament. This is a pattern of flowers, herbs and berries. Khokhloma artists and they say:

"I am writing with a floral ornament".(Slides 14-18) There are several types of it. Most

old and beloved by artists - "Herbal ornament", or simply "grass".

These are elongated, slightly curved blades, written in three, five or more

bushes. Separate "grass" resembles sedge. One of the types of this ornament and

called Sedge. "Grass" usually written in red and black. Her

the main wide leaves are juicy, because a lot of paint is taken on the brush and it

lays down tightly. The tips of the leaves are written thinly, they curl, as if bending from

wind. "Grass"- an obligatory part of any floral ornament khokhloma.

Very often among bushes and twigs of black, red, green or yellow "Herbs"

the artist places berries, birds and fish. Such an ornament is also called

"Herbal" or the name of a berry or flower. Today we will learn draw

the simplest element of herbal ornament.

(The teacher shows the ornament) .

All elements of the herbal ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying

preliminary drawing with a pencil. The brush must be held with three fingers,

perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, that is, the brush handle points upward into the ceiling. "Sediment" performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom. "Grasses"

are drawn smoothly, with thickening. "Droplets" drawn by all of you known trick

attachment. "Antennae" are drawn in the form of a continuous line, twisted into a spiral.

"Bush"- the most difficult element "Herbs" performed from simple Sedge,

located symmetrically on paper, that is, at the same distance from each other.

And now we will take the blanks of the dishes and paint it.

(Children do work to the accompaniment of Russian folk music)

4. Summing up.

Well done boys. Carry your work, we will make an exhibition and admire your

Khokhloma dishes... At the end of our take a look, how Khokhloma painting can decorate the modern world in which we live. (Slides 19-22

Artistic and aesthetic direction project on the topic:

Decorative painting in kindergarten

"Magic curl"

The systematic mastery of all the necessary means and methods of activity provides children with the joy of creativity.

The goal of the project is to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children by means of folk and decorative - applied arts.

Studies of domestic and foreign experts indicate that artistic and creative activity performs a therapeutic function, distracting children from sad events, offenses; removing nervous tension, fears, causes a joyful high spirits; provides a positive emotional state for every child.

Main tasks.

Ø Expand children's ideas about the diversity of folk arts and crafts. To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality by means of folk arts and crafts. Learn to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of products of various folk crafts. To foster a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen; national pride in the skill of the Russian people. To acquaint with the techniques of folk craftsmen. To form positive emotional responsiveness in children when they perceive the works of folk artists. Learn to see the relationship between reality and folk art. Form an aesthetic taste. Develop creativity and imagination, associative thinking and curiosity, observation and imagination. Improve technical and drawing skills.

Ø Strengthen the ability to draw decorative elements - dots, circles, stripes, wavy lines, leaves, berries, etc.

Ø To acquaint children with the peculiarities of constructing geometric and floral ornaments. Learn to come up with patterns for paper silhouettes. To consolidate the ability to sculpt decorative items from clay in a constructive, combined and plastic way; decorate clay products by molding, scratching and painting.

Educational - thematic plan.





1. Acquaintance with folk decorative and applied art.

2. Consideration of Dymkovo toys. Drawing elements of Dymkovo painting.

3. Modeling and painting of the Dymkovo horse.





1 Modeling and painting of the Dymkovo young lady.

2. Modeling and painting of Dymkovo turkey.




1 Acquaintance with Gorodets fishery. Examination of objects with Gorodets painting.

2. Drawing elements of Gorodets painting.

3. Drawing a pattern on the strip.





1 Mug decorated with a flower garland.

2. Drawing Gorodets birds.

3. Drawing the Gorodets horse





1 Drawing the Gorodets horse. (continuation)

2. Acquaintance with Gzhel ceramics.

3. Drawing elements of the Gzhel painting.





1 Drawing elements of the Gzhel painting. (continuation).

2. Modeling and painting of Gzhel products.




1 Modeling and painting of Gzhel products.

2. Acquaintance with the Khokhloma fishing industry.




1 Drawing elements of the Khokhloma painting.

2. Drawing. "Pattern on a keg or vase."




1 Drawing "Khokhloma spoons".

2. Drawing "Khokhloma buckets - birds"

3. Final conversation. "Russia artisan"




Download the full version of the project

Sections: Correctional pedagogy

  • To consolidate in children the ability to independently compose a pattern based on the Khokhloma painting, using the knowledge, skills and experience gained in previous lessons; select their color depending on the background of the products, independently choose the elements for your pattern, name them. Exercise in drawing with all the pile, the end of the brush, and cotton swabs.
  • To develop memory, thinking, attention, auditory perception, fine motor skills, to activate the speech of children.
  • Raise interest in Russian folk arts and crafts.

Material: Khokhloma products, samples with pattern elements: trefoil, border, branch, curl, rowan berries, currants, strawberries, tinted crockery contours (spoon, vase, bowl, cutting board); illustration of crockery based on the Khokhloma pattern, melody recording, doll corner, 3 bears, d / and "Lay out the pattern", black, yellow, red, green gouache, brushes No. 5 and No. 2.

Dictionary: Khokhloma pattern, border, twig, curl, currant berries, rowan berries, strawberries, shamrock.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the group room (Russian folk melody is playing). The teacher meets the children and asks them to listen to the melody:

- Guys, listen, what a beautiful, fabulous melody! She seems to be inviting us somewhere. Look, track! Where does it lead to? Come on, suddenly we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

(Children, together with the teacher, walk along the path and come to the doll corner)

2. Introductory part

- Oh, guys, but we got into a fairy tale with you! Did you recognize her? (Three Bears.)

- Right, who are the main characters in this tale? (Nastasya Petrovna, Mikhail Potapych, Mishutka.)

- Let's say hello to all the bears. (Children say hello.)

- Guys, please see what a beautiful painted hut the bears have, and how many dishes are there and all of them are bright, elegant, painted.

- Do you recognize the patterns on the dishes? What is it called? (Khokhloma.)

- Yes, guys, that's right, this is a Khokhloma pattern. Very handsome, smart.

“Here are Khokhloma dishes
Glows like gold.
Paints burn like fire
They promise us joy. "

- Oh, something Nastasya Petrovna is sad, she wants to tell me something. (The teacher leans towards the bear.)

- Do you know what I learned? Nastasya Petrovna is sad that she has few dishes, that a lot is broken, frayed, and she does not know where to get it. What a problem!

- Guys, maybe we can help our favorite fairy-tale heroes? (Yes.)

- Of course, we will help, we know how to paint dishes with a Khokhloma pattern!

- That's good, now I will wave my hand and a magic chest will open, which will help you become real artists. (The teacher removes the handkerchief from the box containing the aprons.)

Children wear aprons. The teacher invites you to go to the workshop.

- So you have become artists, go to the workshop.

3. Main part

1. Children sit at tables, the teacher pays attention to the posture of the children. On the blackboard there are illustrations of utensils with Khokhl Omsk painting.

- How can you name these items? (Tableware)

- What pattern is painted on the dishes? (Khokhlomsky)

- How did we recognize the Khokhloma pattern? (By color, by pattern, a lot of pattern)

- What colors do artists use for painting? (red, black, yellow, green)

- Yes, guys, this tableware is made of wood and to make it look beautiful, elegant and different from each other, artists from the village of Khokhloma painted it with a pattern for a long time. The pattern was thick and therefore the dishes were beautiful.

- And what parts does the Khokhloma pattern consist of? (Twig, border, curl, trefoil, currant berries, rowan berries, strawberries)

- But in order to beautifully paint the dishes, the artists draw the pattern several times.

The teacher asks 2-3 children to depict the individual elements of the pattern with explanations: a curl, a branch, a trefoil.

2. D / and "Lay out the pattern"

- And also the artists selected the pattern. Let's pick up a pattern and put it on the dishes.

Children lay out the pattern. Then the teacher proposes to move the pattern to the edge of the table:

- This pattern will serve as a sample for your painting.

4. Physical education

- The guys are tired, go out to the fairy glade, get up in the circle and we will play a game called Teremok.

“Between two roads There is a tower-tower. In this mansion, the mothers wanted to bake a pie.

If you like pies Come in, come in.

5. Independent activities of children

- So we had a rest, before hard work. Go to the workshop (draws attention to the posture of the children.)

- Guys, let's remember where we start work? (From the border.)

- How are we going to draw? (All nap.)

- Where are we going to paint? (Below, above.)

- How are we going to draw? (With the tip of a brush.)

- What to draw on the branch? (Treelists, curls.)

- What are we going to draw under the branch? (Currant berries, rowan bunches.)

- What colors will you choose for the pattern? (red, yellow, green)

The teacher asks the children not to forget to look at their sample, which they completed. Music sounds, the teacher provides individual assistance.

6. Analysis by children

Children finish work. The teacher asks the children to lay out the dishes on the table. - Here, Nastasya Petrovna, our children have painted dishes for you. You will admire her, and we will share with the guys whose work we liked best.

(Interview all children.)

7. Lesson summary

Educator ( on behalf of Nastasya Petrovna): What a beautiful, elegant tableware, a real Khokhloma!

All the goods you have for glory,
You have not worked in vain.
Here you will get sweets
And thank you friends!

Decorative drawing "Curl".

Purpose: To teach children how to decorate a paper plate with a large twig with curls (a typical main element of painting decorative products). To be able to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arcs, small curls) to decorate a branch. To develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, fusion of movements, spatial orientation to plates. Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning how to analyze pictures.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher's story about the Khokhloma fishing industry.

This magical, fabulous painting was born a long time ago in a village called Khokhloma. Hence its name - Khokhloma painting. There lived in this village people who loved to sing songs, dream, admire the flowering of herbs, ripening of berries, enjoy the fresh air, the breath of spring. All this was reflected in the objects that are in front of you.

But the way of making Khokhloma products is difficult. First, the products are sharpened from wood on special machines, covered with a layer of liquid clay, linseed oil, aluminum powder, after drying, the product is varnished and placed in the oven. Here the varnish darkens and gives the product a golden hue. That is why so often the Khokhloma painting is called gold.

Khokhloma dishes have different names. Name those that are familiar to you.

( Spoon, vase, glass, salt shaker. )

Physical education

(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)
- Stamp with your right foot,
Stamp with your left foot
Again - with the right foot,
Again - with the left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - with the left foot.
And then you will come home.

The teacher shows the children on the board 2-3 options for drawing a curl branch with a smooth, uninterrupted movement in a circle. Then invite all the children to show this drawing movement with their hand in the air. Invite the children to practice drawing a branch - a curl on paper (prepare the halves of the album sheets in advance). When the child has a curl, give a sheet of paper on which the drawing will be performed.

Put all the ready-made drawings on the board, invite the children to choose smoothly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, explain their choice. Ask someone the child to compare the selected drawing with his own, to note what is better in his drawing, and what is in the drawing of a friend.

Software content. Teach children to convey the peculiarities of constructing a drawing or ornament on the front and back covers of the book; beautifully match the colors for the pattern to the color of the paper chosen for the cover; reflect the content of the selected fairy tale in the drawing and selection of colors. Develop imagination, creativity.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, consider with the children the covers of fairy tales that are different in design, pay attention to the location of the picture, to the combination of colors.

Invite each child to choose paper for the cover. Ask a few guys what they want to draw and how they will do it. Point out possible differences in the sequence of the drawing (you can start with the design of the frame or with the main plot, subject).

Materials. 3-4 books of fairy tales. Sheets of paper of different colors (colored paper for the cover can be prepared by the children on the eve of the lesson), gouache paints (6-8 colors), brushes, palette.

Conversations about books, about who creates them and how (writers, artists, photographers). Acquaintance with two book illustrators (by illustrations); organizing the exhibition of their books.

Software content. To acquaint children with the decorative arts of different nations. Learn to highlight the composition, main elements, color and use them in your drawing. To consolidate the ability to freely and easily draw curls in different directions with the end of a brush. To improve multidirectional fusion hand movements, visual control over them. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Continue teaching to evaluate the completed drawings in accordance with the task at hand.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Ask the children what folk and contemporary art they have seen curls on. If they do not answer, remind about the Khokhloma painting, show typical products. To clarify how they are decorated, to remind the decoration elements.


Nadia M., preparatory group

Invite the children to draw a curved curl twig and decorate it with curls, flowers, berries, leaves, etc. Call the child to show how to draw the main curl and side curl twigs.

Invite each child to choose paper, to think about which colors of paints will go well with the background. Remind that you need to draw large, full sheet.

Consider ready-made drawings with the children, select the best works for decorating the group room and other premises of the kindergarten.

Materials. A4 paper of different shades (to choose from), watercolors, gouache, white, palettes, brushes (instead of watercolors, you can take colored wax crayons or pastels).

Links with other educational areas. Acquaintance with decorative and applied folk and modern art (fabrics, dishes, scarves, etc.), viewing albums with Khokhloma painting.

Lesson 80. Drawing "Saturday"

Software content. Teach children to display the work of people in the drawing: the position of the figures performing this or that work; tools. To consolidate the ability to convey the ratio in size when portraying adults and children. Improve the ability to draw with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawing with paints, fill the entire sheet with images.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Talk with children about Saturday clean-ups. Offer to create drawings on this topic. Discuss what the guys will draw, how they will arrange the shapes on the sheet. During the lesson, encourage the most complete reflection of the topic in the drawing.

At the end of the work, consider all the drawings, suggest choosing those that depict interesting types of labor, figures of people in working poses.

Materials. A4 paper, plain graphite and colored pencils, paints, brushes.

Links with other educational areas. Labor of children at the site of the kindergarten. Observation of the labor of adults.

Lesson 81. Sculpting by design

Software content. To develop the ability to conceive the content of their work, to determine the ways of fulfilling the plan. To cultivate the desire to achieve the best result, to bring the matter to the end. Improve the ability to give a detailed assessment of their work and the work of other children.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Invite the children to sculpt a group of people (animals) according to the plan. Remind about the need to correctly convey the ratio of figures in size, achieving the similarity of sculpted people (animals) with real ones.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the works, invite the children to choose the most interesting ones and justify the choice.


Lesson option. Modeling "Nanny with a baby"

Software content. Teach children to convey images of folk toys in modeling. Strengthen the ability to maintain the proportions of parts, use previously mastered techniques (separately sculpt the bell-shaped skirt and the upper body). Develop aesthetic perception.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Consider the Dymkovo nanny with the baby with the children. Refine the shape, proportions of the figure; techniques and sequence of sculpting figures of a doll, baby.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the sculpted figures, choose the most beautiful ones.

Materials. Clay, stacks, sculpting boards. Dymkovo toy - a nanny with a baby.

Links with other educational areas. Consideration of various Dymkovo dolls, clarification of their figurative content, shape and proportions of parts.

Lesson 82. Drawing "Colorful country"

Software content. Develop imagination, creativity. To consolidate and expand knowledge about colors and their shades, the possible variety of the color solution of the image. To consolidate the ability to convey colors and shades in different ways (regulating the pressure on the pencil, diluting the watercolor paint with water (as water is added to the paint, the color becomes lighter), adding white to lighten the color when painting with gouache).

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Invite children to create illustrations for the book "Rainbow". Refine their knowledge of color references.

Invite each child to think about what color of the rainbow he would like to make the picture. If there are no volunteers for a certain color, you should gently persuade the guys by suggesting possible images. A different picture is made for each color of the rainbow.

From the created drawings, you can collect books and give them to children of the older group.

Lesson option

Invite children to draw fabulous pictures by completing all the images in the same color, but in different shades.

It can be “Fairy Streams”, where the brook is covered with a light (light) shade (each child has its own color), and there are fish of different shapes, darker shades than the water in the stream, and algae of even brighter color.

You can suggest drawing a "Fairy Tale House" with transparent walls, in which birds live in a brighter color than the house itself. The suggestion could be as follows: create patterns using different shades (warm and cold) of the same color.

As a result, you can arrange an exhibition of children's drawings, decorate the premises of a kindergarten, a group with drawings.

Materials. Depends on the topic chosen by the teacher.

Lesson 83. Drawing "May Day in the city (in the village)"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing the impressions of the festive city (decorated houses, fireworks). To consolidate the ability to compose the desired colors, shades on the palette (mixing paints with whitewash), to work with the whole brush and its end.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Talk with children about how the city is decorated during the holiday; to remind about the festive fireworks. Clarify the idea that houses in the city are different in proportions, decorated in different ways. Mark the types of decorations that children can draw: flags, colored ribbons, lights, etc. Invite the children to think about how to draw flying fireworks. Suggest that the composition of the picture can be different (horizontally, vertically).

Consider all the finished works with the children, choose the most interesting ones.

Materials. Dark paper (gray, blue) slightly larger than A4 size, brushes, gouache paints.

Links with other educational areas. Observations of the decorated city, fireworks. Examining illustrations.

Lesson 84. Molding "Doctor Aibolit and his friends"

Software content. Strengthen the ability of children to transfer images of literary heroes in sculpting. To foster the desire to achieve an expressive solution to the image. Develop imagery, imagination.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Remember with the children of Dr. Aibolit, his friends.

Invite each child to sculpt 1–2 figures (of his choice). In the course of the lesson, direct the attention of children to the transfer of the similarity of the image with a literary character, more accurate observance of proportions.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), modeling boards, stands.

Lesson 85. Drawing "Blooming garden"

Software content. Teach children to convey the characteristic features of spring flowers (shape and structure of the flower, size, place on the stem, color). Strengthen the ability to draw with a simple pencil and watercolors.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Examine and examine nature with children - 2-3 flowers (daffodils, tulips or snowdrops) in a small ceramic vase of a simple shape. Suggest to determine the characteristic features of plants, their position in the vase, the size and shape of the vase; show the direction of the stems with a movement of your hands, think about the composition of the picture.

Clarify the sequence of drawing: first, draw a vase (basic shape) with a simple pencil and indicate the direction of the plant's stems, and then paint the drawing with watercolors.

Consider all finished work with the children.

Materials. 2-3 flowers (daffodils, tulips or snowdrops) in a small, simple ceramic vase. Simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, brushes, A4 paper.

Links with other educational areas. Examining spring flowers. Conversations about spring.

Lesson 86. Application from nature "Flowers in a vase"

Software content. Learn to convey in applications the characteristic features of flowers and leaves: their shape, color, size. Reinforce cutting techniques by eye from paper folded in half, etc.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Consider nature with children - flowers in a vase. To draw their attention to the fact that the flowers are very beautiful, they have large bright yellow petals. Clarify the structure of the flower, the shape of the core, petals. Offer to remember how to cut flowers, a vase. Remind about the beautiful arrangement of the image on the sheet of paper.

Consider with the children all the finished works, mark the similarities with nature.

Materials. Album sheets protonated with light yellow or light green watercolor, colored paper, scissors, glue. Vase with Flowers.

Links with other educational areas. Examination of spring flowers, illustrations.

Lesson 87. Sculpting from nature "Turtle"

Software content. Teach children to sculpt an animal from nature, conveying the proportions and characteristic features of the shape, body parts. To consolidate the ability to apply familiar sculpting techniques (sculpting in parts, applying a relief with a stack, when sculpting the same parts (paws, etc.), first sculpt all the parts, establish their uniformity, and then fix them on the product).

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Consider a turtle (animal, toy or sculpture) with children, clarify the shape of the body, the shape and size of individual parts, and their position.

Invite the children to tell what techniques they will use when sculpting a turtle.

At the end of the lesson, suggest comparing the sculpted images with nature, selecting the most successful ones.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), modeling boards. Turtle (animal, toy or sculpture).

Links with other educational areas. Observing animals in a corner of nature, caring for them.

Lesson 88. Drawing "Spring"

Software content. To consolidate the ability to convey in the drawing a picture of nature, the characteristic signs of spring. Develop a sense of composition, color, aesthetic perception. Learn to use the wash technique, draw on raw paper.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Remember with the children the characteristic features of spring, offer to draw different pictures about spring (who likes what better). Show blur techniques.

In the process of work, stimulate children to use the wash technique, draw on raw paper, and convey the characteristic features of spring.

When considering finished works, invite children to talk about which moment of spring is depicted and evaluate how this was done.

Offer to select the most interesting, expressive works and hang them in a group in the lobby of the kindergarten.

Materials. Sheets of white paper, a little larger than A4, watercolor paints, white gouache, brushes.

Links with other educational areas. A conversation about a spring landscape (based on reproductions of paintings). Observations on walks, excursions. Learning poems and songs about spring.

Lesson 89. Application "Squirrel under the spruce"

Software content. Teach children to compose a composition based on a fairy tale. Strengthen the ability to carve a variety of objects using familiar techniques. Develop imagination, creativity.

Offer to create an applique on this topic. Ask how the children will carve the tree. Clarify cutting techniques. Help children who have difficulties in the process of work by showing some techniques on a separate sheet.

Consider all the finished works with the children, mark the most expressive images.

Materials. Colored paper, album sheets, scissors, glue.

Links with other educational areas. Observation of a squirrel in a living corner, viewing illustrations.

Lesson 90. Drawing "All year round" ("Twelve months")

Software content. To consolidate the ability to reflect in drawings knowledge and impressions about the life of nature, work, rest of people in each month of the year, defining the content of the drawing at will. To achieve the transfer of the characteristic features of a particular month. Strengthen the ability to build the composition of the picture. To develop creativity, imagination, the ability to convey images in drawing not only from personal experience, but also focusing on the literary image, the means of expressing the artistic verbal image.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Talk with children about the months of the year, read the corresponding poems. Note the salient features of each month.

Invite the guys to think about who wants to draw a picture about which month. To say that when fulfilling a plan, you need to remember all the time about the peculiarities of the month you are drawing about, and draw it so that it looks like it.

Consider all the finished drawings together with the children, clarifying with the children what month this or that drawing is about.

Materials. White paper, a little larger than A4, watercolor paints, gouache of different colors, whitewash, brushes.

"Beautiful tree"

Alyosha P., preparatory group

Links with other educational areas. Reading books about nature, viewing landscapes (reproductions, photographs). Observations of nature at different times of the year, in different weather. Keeping a nature calendar with children. Conversations about the characteristics of each month (in relation to the area where the preschool is located). Hearing pieces of music about the seasons.

Lesson 91. Sculpting by design

Software content. Strengthen the ability to create an image by design, giving it the characteristic features of the intended image. Develop imagination. To cultivate the desire to bring the matter to the end, to seek the best solution.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Invite each child to think about what he wants to blind, and decide how best to do it, so that you can immediately guess who blinded what. In the course of the lesson, direct the attention of children to a more thorough finish, the transfer of the characteristic features of the conceived image. Help with advice, reminder.

Consider with the children all the finished works, note the most interesting, expressive solutions.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), modeling boards.

Lesson 92. Drawing according to the concept "Native land"

Software content. Strengthen the ability to draw according to your own design, independently think over the content, composition of the drawing, select material for drawing, and bring your plans to the end. Improve the ability to work with different materials. To cultivate love for the Motherland.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Before class, talk with children about how you can tell about our Motherland in drawings (directing the children's attention to reflecting impressions about their hometown, about the fields and forests of our country, about the work of people). Invite each child to think about what he would like to draw about our Motherland, about what he saw, what he likes best, independently choose paper of the appropriate size and color, paints or pencils for the drawing (or both). In the course of the lesson, direct the children to a more complete solution to the topic.

At the end of the lesson, put all the drawings on the board, examine them with the children and choose the most interesting ones. Suggest completing unfinished drawings in your free time, and then posting all the work in a group or in the hall. Organize excursions around the exhibition for parents, kindergarten students, employees. The children themselves must be the guides.

Materials. Paper of different sizes and colors, watercolors, gouache of different colors, whitewash, colored pencils, colored wax crayons (at choice).

Links with other educational areas. Formation of public perceptions. Acquaintance with others, conversations and conversations with children about the Motherland, reading books, watching filmstrips, illustrations, reproductions.

Alekhin A.D. When the artist begins. - M., 1993.

A.V. Bakushinsky Artistic creativity and education. - M., 1925.

Borev Yu.B. Aesthetics. - M., 1998.

Wenger L.A., Wenger N.B., Pilyugina E.G. Education of a child's sensory culture. - M., 1988.

Vetlugina N.A. Artistic creativity and the child. - M., 1972.

Vetlugina N.A. The system of aesthetic education in kindergarten. - M., 1962.

Volkov N.N. Color in painting. - M., 1977.

Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: A psychological sketch. - M., 1987.

Doronova T.N. For preschoolers about the artists of children's books. - M., 1991.

Komarova T.S. Visual activity in kindergarten. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2009.

Komarova T. S. Children's art creativity. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2009.

Komarova T.S. Teaching drawing techniques to preschoolers. - M., 2005.

Komarova T.S., Ratanova T.A., Bykhovets G.V. Folk art in the upbringing of children / Ed. T. S. Komarova. - M., 2005.

Komarova TS, Zyryanova O. Yu. Continuity in the formation of artistic creativity of children in kindergarten and primary school. - M., 2005.

Komarova T.S., Zatsepina M.B. Art culture for children. Integrated classes with children 5–7 years old. - M., 2005.

Folk arts and crafts of Russia. - M., 1983.

The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 6th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010.

Reikovsky J. Experimental psychology of emotions. - M., 1979.

Sakulina N.P. Sensory education in the process of visual activity. - M., 1965.

Savenkov A.I. Children's giftedness: development by means of art. - M., 1999.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky I give my heart to the children. - M., 1974.

B.M. Teplov Psychological issues of art education. - M., 1947.

A.P. Usova Russian folk art in kindergarten. - M., 1961.

Flerina E.A. Aesthetic education of a preschooler. - M., 1961.

Artistic creation in kindergarten / Ed. N.A. Vetlugina. - M., 1974.

Chumicheva R.M. For preschoolers about painting. - M., 1992.

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Workbook series "Art for Children": "Filimonov Toy", "Gorodets Painting", "Khokhloma Painting", "Dymkovo Toy", "Magic Plasticine", "Simple Patterns and Ornaments", "Patterns of the Northern Dvina", "Fairy Gzhel", "Funny Plastic Toys" , "Secrets of a sheet of paper", "Secrets of a sheet of paper". - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010.

Series of visual and didactic aids "The world in pictures": "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the middle lane", "Birds of the middle lane", "Insects", "High in the mountains", "Arctic and Antarctic", "Trees and leaves", "Vegetables", "Fruits", " Flowers ”,“ Marine inhabitants ”,“ Reptiles and amphibians ”,“ Garden berries ”,“ Forest berries ”,“ Pets ”,“ Pets ”,“ Dogs - friends and helpers ”,“ Animals - pets ”. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010.