Top 10 recruiting agencies. Rating of recruiting agencies

One of the main activities of our company is the solution of personnel issues for organizations and the selection of vacancies for applicants. The recruitment agency allows employers to form a team of professional employees, and job seekers - to find a position that suits the requirements with a decent level of salary.

Services for employers

The activities of the recruiting agency include the following services for employers:

  • Search of applicants for candidates for vacant positions;
  • Assessment of the applicant's compliance with the employer's requirements;
  • Checking a candidate's readiness to work in a given position, assessing his qualifications and professional suitability;
  • Verification of the submitted data and documents of the applicant in order to protect the employer's business from fraudulent activities.

Contacting a professional recruiting agency relieves the management of organizations from the need to select employees, which can take a lot of time. The specialists of our recruiting agency have extensive experience in the selection of employees for any vacancies, including those with a high level of material responsibility and associated with making managerial decisions. When recruiting personnel for such positions, special attention is paid not only to the professionalism and qualifications of the candidate, but also to his reliability.

Services for job seekers

Our recruiting agency has an extensive vacancy base and provides the following services for job seekers:

  • Help in writing a professional resume;
  • Selection of vacancies in accordance with the requirements of the candidate;
  • Assistance in preparing for the interview;
  • Organization of a meeting with the employer.

Currently, there are many organizations offering their services in finding suitable vacancies and guaranteeing 100% employment. You should not trust such offers, especially if the company requires prepayment for its services. The final decision on hiring a person is made by the management of the employing company. The recruiting agency specializes in finding suitable vacancies and assists in finding a job.

Our main advantage is our extensive professional experience in the field of recruiting. A team of professional employees of the recruiting agency carries out strict control at all stages of the selection of employees, ensuring the safety of the employer's business.

Among the ratings presented on the portal, the site enjoys the greatest interest in the rating of Moscow recruiting agencies. This testifies to the demand for personnel services and a keen interest in this segment of the market - both on the part of customers and on the part of job seekers. The recruiting industry is not only an integral part of the civilized market, but also performs an important social function - the promotion of employment.

Modern recruiting agencies are gradually expanding the range of their services, responding to the requirements of the times, changing the organizational structure, adapting professional forums and social networks for their activities. The market is changing towards the enlargement of the average customer, not so much due to the development of enterprises, but due to the large-scale reduction of small business, therefore, for a stable position in the market and successful development for recruitment agencies today it is no longer enough to provide only a single-service recruitment. For large enterprises, agencies become an out-of-order structural unit that solves a whole range of personnel tasks.

Rating mission

The portal site constantly adjusts the algorithm for taking into account user opinions and ranking companies. The ranking is open and democratic: you can leave a review on the portal at any time, take part in assessing the activities of market operators, and thus influence the dynamics of the balance of power. The algorithm recognizes bot voices and artificial counter cheats and does not take them into account in the total score.

  • Formation of an objective picture of the recruiting industry and ideas about the modern recruiting agencies that are most in demand on the market.
  • Assistance to service customers in choosing partner companies to solve their HR problems.

Leaders - 2017

The portal site presents the TOP-10 recruiting agencies in Moscow at the end of 2017:

The TOP-10 includes Russian representative offices of international companies that provide comprehensive HR management services around the world - Adecco, Penny Lane Personnel, Kelly Services, ManpowerGroup Russia & CIS, as well as long-standing and stable Russian agencies - Contact, Maxima, StaffLine, MainStaff ...

The opening of the season was the ABIS Personnel agency, which proves that even a very small enterprise can not only compete, but is also among the industry leaders.

Also worth noting is the recruitment service provided by the PROFELIT recruiting agency - resume screening. A service that is interesting not only for enterprises, but also for recruiting agencies.

Congratulations to the top ten leaders and awarding the distinction they rightfully own - "The Best Recruiting Agencies in Moscow, 2017".

The image of the medal site can be used by the winners of the rating in information, advertising and promotional materials, on sites and in printed products.

We wish further development and prosperity of business to all participants in the personnel market of the country and its capital!

The international personnel center "Favorit" is included in the TOP of the best recruiting agencies in Moscow and the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by numerous reviews, ratings and HR conferences.


Rating of the best recruiting agencies in Moscow and Russia





List of the best recruiting agencies in Moscow and the Russian Federation

(until 2018) - 1st place - TOP 5 best recruiting agencies - 3rd place


Rating of recruiting agencies in Moscow (until 2014)

Acknowledgments, Diplomas, ISLQ Prize Nominees in Paris

(The main criterion for selecting nominees for the ISLQ Awards is the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles such as the Balanced Scorecard or Growth and Competitive Advantage Theory. and the services they provide have a significant impact in their industry through an innovative approach to the development of their activities.)


Received the "Enterprise of the Year 2007" award

"Results of VII Research of the Moscow recruitment market conducted by Human Resources Management magazine

A surprising fact of the annual VII Recruitment Market Research was a significant increase in the number of Russian companies using the services of recruitment agencies. Last time, out of 1200 large Moscow firms, about 600 indicated in the questionnaires the names of large - rating recruiting agencies and assessed their quality of work well. This time there were 200 more of them, ie 800. The increase was mainly due to Russian companies. The growth leaders are IT companies and car dealers.

The specificity of the study, as before, is that the respondents are current and former clients of Moscow recruiting agencies, who assess the quality of services and the quality of the selected personnel on a 10-point scale.

Our method of calculating estimates is fundamentally based on the number of selected specialists. For example, agency X was rated 7 points for 1 vacancy and 9 points for 2 vacancies. With the usual calculation, we would have received an average grade of 8 points (we did this in the distant first study), in this case, we think differently: 7 * 1 + 9 * 2. So, we divide 25 points by 3 vacancies: a total of 8.3. Thus, the assessments of companies where the agencies have filled more vacancies have more weight. And this is true.

80% of companies submitted their lists to us, the rest can, of course, claim that in reality they have many more clients. We will not argue with them. But this is unlikely because:

  1. most companies work with several recruiting agencies with high ratings;
  2. it is unrealistic to keep an exclusive customer today, since more than 300 agencies in Moscow are "attacking" the market very actively, leaving almost no company unattended;
  3. today all serious firms are forced to turn to the services of recruiting agencies (selection, personnel consulting) - in Russia there is a real battle for talented and successful managers.

The purpose of the study is to identify the scale of the Moscow recruitment market, the real level of HR outsourcing in large companies, new trends and, in the final analysis, the best among HR agencies in Moscow and the Russian Federation.

The VII Study also shows the scale of Kelly Services, although, again, we did not set the task of rating the scale of companies. Our goal is to assess the average quality of service and identify leaders "along the way".

So, what do readers want from the research, that is, Russian companies that sometimes turn to the services of recruiting agencies? They want to see all the agencies together, in one table and, above all, compare their average performance ratings for the quality of service and candidates. But there is one paradox here: the larger the recruiting agency, the more difficult it is for it to maintain the quality of service at the highest level.

Many agencies with up to 10 clients receive top marks because they operate almost exclusively and manage to keep their consultants under control. And all the more respect are worthy of agencies that, while increasing their scale, maintain the quality of services.

A spoon of tar

Some respondents complained to our marketers that some of the large leading agencies were very slow in looking for candidates and could not close positions in almost half of the cases.

What can we say here?

Indeed, large recruiting agencies are sometimes in no hurry to sign an agreement for various reasons - firstly, for example, your company previously distinguished itself by not paying for the services of a recruiting agency (last year this was done by one large insurance company that managed not to pay five recruiting agencies enough a large amount for them).

Secondly, an HR director who had “distinguished himself” somewhere earlier could have gone to work for you. Third, and most often it happens, your job is daunting.

Fourth, your company may not offer the highest package, but it must be higher than 30 percent in order to pique the interest of the candidate.

Fifth, you turned to the wrong agency or at the wrong time for it.

Another surprising fact is that this year no one has ever branded any recruiting agency. Moreover, according to our information, the majority of arbitration courts between recruiting agencies and customers won the first.

Thus, it is practically pointless in the era of IT technologies to "joke" with recruiting agencies: for example, consider candidates in one company, and then invite them to work in a friendly structure without paying a recruiting agency. Believe me, this all comes to light, as many agencies almost consider candidates as their property, as one respondent told us. In fact, they are simply friends with them once and for all and, having phoned after 3 months or six months, they are interested in their fate. The market is a complex thing, the battle for personnel continues ... " *

The normal desire of every person is to receive good wages for their work, providing for themselves and their families. Qualified specialists, not receiving a decent financial assessment of their knowledge, often decide to change their current job and get a higher-paid and prestigious position. Recruitment agencies can help in this, the specialists of which will be able to offer several vacancies that fully meet the current requirements. And so that you can make the right choice, we have collected for you the best recruiting agencies in Moscow.

TOP 10 best recruiting agencies in Moscow

  1. - Unity . The payment for the work of the company's specialists is estimated at 20% of the annual income of the selected candidate. But the exact price of the service is determined in the course of an individual conversation. Not the least role is given to the level of complexity of the vacancy, urgency, etc. The warranty period for a candidate who has taken up his duties is 90 calendar days. If necessary, the warranty period can be extended or reduced.
  2. - Staffline . Payment for work is 15% of the selected specialist's annual income. The warranty period is three calendar months. During this period, one free replacement of the candidate is provided in the event that the selected employee has not passed the probationary period.
  3. - Sirius . The company compares favorably with its competitors in the affordable level of payment for the work of its specialists. On average, this indicator starts from 7% of the annual income of the selected specialist. The agency offers its clients the opportunity to work in three options - basic, standard and VIP, which differ not only in cost, but also in the pledged package services. The guarantee of replacing a candidate who has not passed the probationary period is 3 - 6 months and also depends on the chosen option of cooperation. The recruiting agency offers services in 9 main areas - finance, medicine, construction, IT technologies, sales, production, TOP management, agriculture, transport / logistics.
  4. - Lightman Solutions . The company will select technical, office and TOP personnel for you. The agency, regardless of the complexity and level of the desired vacancy, evaluates its services at a uniform rate - 12% of the specialist's annual income. They work quite quickly - the first interview can be held two days after the application is submitted. The warranty for the replacement of an employee who has not passed the probationary period reaches 12 months.
  5. - Triumph ... The recruiting agency was established in 1997 and, following the results of work with clients in 2011, received the title of “Company of the Year”. It provides its clients not only with recruiting services, but also some others.
  6. - "A.N.T." The company specializes in the selection of not only industrial, but also domestic personnel. The company has been on the market for recruiting and hiring services for over a decade and has excellent reviews. During their work, the agency's specialists have filled more than 2,000 vacancies at various levels.
  7. - ProfiStaff - Moscow... The company successfully combines the selection of qualified personnel for various enterprises, specializing in various industries, and training potential employees in accordance with the requirements of employers.
  8. - Techno-frames ... The company's specialists practice in the selection of specialists in the field of IT-technologies, as well as industrial enterprises and the construction sector.
  9. - Zebra . The company has been operating in the service market since 1999. The field of activity is the search for personnel for business projects.
  10. - Kaus . The agency is specialized in providing highly specialized services. The company has been successfully operating for 7 years already.

These are recruiting agencies in Moscow 2017, which received the best responses from clients - both employers and job seekers.

2017-10-29 Article

As of 2017, there are about 1000 recruiting agencies operating in Moscow, engaged in the search and selection of personnel for existing vacancies, assessing the effectiveness and competence of employees, personnel consultations, training applicants at trainings and seminars. There are players of various levels in this market - from large companies with representative offices in various regions of the country and abroad, to small highly specialized agencies, which employ 3-5 people. They are able to fill vacancies of various levels - from TOPs and senior executives in prestigious public or private corporations to ordinary employees: managers, IT specialists, freight forwarders, storekeepers, etc.

How the rating is compiled

In order to understand the abundance of companies and find a suitable one for finding a job or employees, a rating of recruiting agencies is compiled, assessing the quality of work by various indicators. The assessment is usually made according to the following criteria:

  • The number of times the agency's name has been mentioned on the Internet.
  • Number of positive reviews and ratings in company lists.
  • The level of vacancies to be filled, the total profit for a period of time.
  • The number of closed vacancies for a certain period of time.
  • Number of views of company information.
  • The age of the agency and the number of staff employed by it.
  • The age of the recruiting company reviews.
  • Agency activity (updating news on the site, writing analytics, posting vacancies).
  • Participation of company employees in various conferences.
  • Fame and weight of the company in the corporate environment.

How much does the rating correspond to reality?

It is noteworthy that many companies included in the top recruiting agencies in Moscow do not disclose detailed information about their work, since they guarantee complete confidentiality to customers and candidates. At the same time, some of the points in the ratings can be "screwed up" - to promote the company they order writing comments, "likes", views, articles, so it is virtually impossible to objectively evaluate the agency.

When selecting, we recommend focusing not so much on the popular ratings of Moscow recruiting agencies, but on indirect indicators: search methods (direct search, classic recruiting), international and expert representation, company popularity and reputation, time of its existence, uniformity of reviews, customer level , employee awards, levels of vacancies to be closed, search technologies, etc. In our opinion, the rating may look like this:

Agencies specializing in direct search of candidates (Executive Search), with an office in Moscow. Such agencies are, in a way, the elite of the sector and fill C-level vacancies (CEO, CIO, CMO, etc.) How to work with them. The companies presented do not post vacancies. They need to send a resume and extended cover letter.

  • Amrop
  • Arthur Hunt Russia
  • Egon zehnder
  • Morgan hunt
  • Multiple choice
  • RosExpert
  • Spencer stuart
  • Keinbaum
  • Heidrich struggler
  • Pedersen & Partners
  • Boyden
  • Ward howell
  • Sommers & Associates

Recruitment agencies specializing in management selection or search for middle managers with offices in Moscow and / or other cities of the Russian Federation. Such recruiting agencies can be large in number from 100 to 500 employees.

  • Ancor
  • Antal
  • Manpower
  • Kelly Services
  • Coleman Services
  • Consort Group
  • Cornerstone
  • Agency Contact
  • Staffwell
  • Unity
  • Favorite

In any case, it is recommended to study not only the rating of recruiting agencies, but also their offers, prices and reviews about them. If you need qualified employees, then pay attention to the selection of a company - the effectiveness of personnel selection depends on it.