Divination without cards. "Martyrdom is the only way to become famous without any ability." - Bernard Shaw

Return. Return

Return. Success. Entry and exit flawless. Friends are coming. There will be no trouble. If you return on your way, you will return in seven days. It's good to go somewhere.


1. Initial nine.

Walk away and come back. There is nothing to repent. Primal happiness.

2. Six second.

Rest and return. Happiness.

3. Six third.

Multiple returns are evil. There will be no trouble.

4. Six fourth.

Himself to return from the middle of the path.

5. Six fifth.

sincere return. There will be no remorse.

6. Top nine.

To go astray when returning is a misfortune. There will be disaster. If you use troops, you will suffer a great defeat. Due to the misfortunes of the ruler, it is impossible to correct the situation in the state for ten years.


1. Initial six.

Do not be embarrassed to show your helplessness, stop and return to the beginning of the business, the relationship. Fate is favorable to you, your plans are initially successful, so flexibility in their implementation is only welcome.

2. Six second.

You shouldn't go all the way. If you are given the opportunity to relax, have fun, take a break from business for a while, do it. The process can go successfully without your participation. A period of good luck and satisfaction.

3. Six third.

It's time to stop fussing about and without. You are disturbing yourself and those around you. Stop and determine for yourself the immediate goals and ways to achieve them. You will understand that the problems are not great, you yourself provoke them in many ways.

4. Six fourth.

You have put in a lot of effort and done enough already. But the situation is such that it is necessary to start all over again. You can do this, you will not ask for help from others, you are strong in spirit and wise.

5. Six fifth.

And now you are required to return not to business, but to yourself, to your views on life, primary aspirations, dreams. The more sincerely you treat yourself, your needs, understand yourself, the easier it will be for you to change the habitual, leading you in the opposite direction from yourself.

6. Top nine.

There comes a moment of saturation with change. All acceptable options for change have been exhausted, and if you continue to stubbornly seek adrenaline from life through war and aggressive behavior, blame yourself. For a very long time, you will not be able to restore harmony, and the revolutionary mood and change will turn into chaos and anarchy, like a carriage into a pumpkin in a well-known fairy tale.


See how the content of the hexagram has changed from the change in the position of the upper Yang line (in hexagram? 23) to the lower part. Something useful came out of the destruction that thoroughly shook life. "Useful" turned out to be a return to its origins. A lot has "grown" and remained in the soul, in the business sphere, appeared bad habits, but the rejection of one's own outdated views on life cannot last forever, through a painful change, there was a return to a purified self ...

You are on the threshold of a new stage in life, and you need to start all over again. Thunder under the Earth is a vivid symbol of awakening forces. Don't delay the time for change and action. If you miss this chance, you will regret it in the future. Now you are forgiven for inexperience, incompetence, those whom you previously refused are ready to accept you, you are ready to forgive mistakes and past misunderstandings.

It will not hurt you to forgive others, to accept them as they are. Comparison and obvious disappointment in the last experience allowed you to know the true beauty and value in love. It concerns the issue of personal relationships.

Admit that you were wrong and chose the wrong tactics in business (or even the business itself). Do what you are good at. Everyone has their own purpose, the name of your occupation may sound dissonant and social status it is not high, but you are a master in it and feel great.

The top line warns of the danger of losing all success. But this is not surprising. A common story from life: more than once you have heard or watched a husband return to an abandoned wife, the union is renewed, everyone is happy. But not even a month passes, as he ends up with his mistress, and so it repeats endlessly. Such throwing even leads to the death of one of the participants in the triangle. Someone may not withstand the moral burden, fall ill with an incurable disease, or commit suicide. If you are a participant in such events, think again, constant changes can destroy life stability for 10 years, as the Book points out.

"I Ching", "Book of Changes", "Canon of Changes" - this text is known by many versions of the title. The ancient Chinese divination system has come down to our days and still helps many people to understand their lives.

The principles of divination "I-ching"

The "Book of Changes" describes 64 symbols called hexagrams, each of which conveys a certain state. They are a column of six lines called yao. A hexagram can also be represented as a combination of two trigrams - columns of three lines. Each has its own name and serial number (for example, in this article we consider Fu hexagram number 24).

The nature of the lines in the "I-ching"

There are two types of yao dashes: solid or intermittent. As in many other cultural traditions, pairing is intended to reflect the duality of this world. The solid line symbolizes yang energy - the active state, light, sun, day, man. The broken line is responsible for the Yin energy - a passive state, darkness, moon, night, woman. You also need to know that solid lines are also called nines, and broken lines are called sixes. If you ever come across an unfamiliar interpretation of the "I-ching" - do not be surprised where the sixes and nines suddenly came from in the text.

Hexagrams are written and read from below. The gradual transition from line to line symbolizes the development of the situation that is being guessed about. The first line is the origin of the process, the last is its completion and transformation into another, sometimes completely opposite process (just in the case of 23 and 24 hexagrams). The "Book of Changes" by its name alone hints that the order of hexagrams is a set of situations that, changing their nature, flow into one another. Change follows change.

How to guess by "I-ching"

The version of divination that has survived to this day is slightly modified and simplified compared to the classical one. If you fully adhere to the tradition, then, imagine, for divination you need 50 stalks of yarrow. With the help of cunning arithmetic manipulations and shifting from hand to hand, you will get several bunches with a different number of stems. These beams determine the shape of the line.

To simplify your life, use the modern version of divination and take three coins - ordinary or Chinese with a hole in the middle. It is desirable that you use these coins exclusively for divination, then they will accumulate your energy. The use of special objects for rituals always helps to switch from everyday life to the process of communicating with higher powers.

Using Coins in the I Ching

Decide which side of the coin will be a solid line and which side will be a dashed line. If you use Chinese coins, then it is customary to consider the side with hieroglyphs to be Yin, that is, the corresponding broken line. The other side is responsible for yang (solid line). It is logical to assume that on our coins the eagle will be responsible for the yang male energies, and tails for the female yin energies.

Shake the coins in your hand or in a bamboo cup and discard on a flat surface. While shaking coins, try to clear your mind and tune in to the process. You can ask a specific question or mentally describe a situation that worries you. Then we throw away the coins.

If 2 or 3 coins fell yang side up - draw a solid line, if yin - dashed. We toss coins 6 times and draw a hexagram from bottom to top. In the case of hexagram 24, the first time the coins fell with the yang side, and all the other five times fell with the yin side up. What does it mean?

Meaning of hexagram 24

The Fu hexagram is a solid line on which two columns of broken lines grow. Only the first bottom line is solid.

The main meaning of the sign at number 24 is return. Keywords and symbols - freshness, clean water, renewal. If the previous, 23rd hexagram symbolizes a turn upside down, then hexagram 24 returns everything to its place. It can be compared to the cyclical flow of time - everything changes, but in fact it remains the same and just moves in a circle.

The return does not occur without renewal, even if we step into the same water twice, we step into it differently - more experienced and wise. Water washes away the dust of everyday life from you, and you are ready for new achievements. The dark streak is over, then luck shines on you. This is especially true for people who are going on a trip: the hexagram traditionally patronizes travelers and promises a safe return home. Even if you get lost and go astray, the I Ching says, you will still return to your only true path. Note that this metaphor is not limited to travel per se. It's about life in general.

The interpretation of the hexagram also says that mistakes can always be corrected. If the mistake is small, then the return to the roots will be easy and imperceptible. You will be proud of yourself because you noticed in time that the process was going wrong, stopped it and started again. But even if the mistake is old and requires the accumulation of a significant amount of personal energy to solve it, still try to do it. Fu sign predicts a favorable outcome in any situation, no matter how confusing it may be.

Hexagram 24: Interpretation of Love Relationships

As you may have guessed, the symbolism of return also applies to love affairs. Most likely, old ties can be restored. Awkward situations are forgotten and erased from memory, feelings are renewed. Your romantic interest from the past will return to your life, and the past will flare up with new passion. But what does hexagram 24 mean for relationships that have lasted for a long time? Will your previous romance really come up, even if you have already found your chosen one a long time ago and built a strong union?

In this case, the hexagram suggests that it is time to take your relationship to a new level. Perhaps you will see each other again and remember why you chose your chosen one. Why did the partner choose you? From time to time you must answer these questions to yourself again and again, and the dropped hexagram 24 shows that now is the time.

The previous pictogram, Destruction, was a combination of shadow lines, but its effect is over, and a line of light appears from below.

Some benefit came out of negative changes, therefore the interpretation of hexagram 24 is external self-giving and internal excitement, a return to one's own sources. According to the book of fate, the Fu sign refers to the period when previous plans were discarded, therefore, a person is observed trampling in one place.

Hexagram, 24, Fu, Return.


Success. Entry and exit flawless. Friends are coming. There will be no trouble. If you return on your way, you will return in seven days. It's good to go somewhere.

The Return symbol represents the time before the winter solstice. Light gradually begins to arrive and fill the space. The development of bright forces is inevitable and unhurried; it does not encounter obstacles, since the dark features also become helpers.

Hexagram 24, Fu, Return speaks of a return to the activity of light. The location of this sign suggests that any process, even Destruction, has its end. The cessation of a negative period in life means a transition to creative activity.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine initial. Return from the nearest point. There is no regret, but there is luck. You need to carefully plan your actions. Help other people to realize their hopes. If someone is unfair to you, realize his stupidity and relax.
  • Second six. As the Yijing suggests, the interpretation of this Yao is associated with a calm return and success. We need to come together and understand what is truly right. Spring returns and guarantees the smoothness of events.
  • Six third. Return in replay and danger. It is very harmful to constantly come to the same point, but there is a chance for success. For any action, first anticipate the consequences. Interest in the future is growing.
  • Fourth six. You begin to understand that if there is an ideal path and way of life, look for it, despite your difference from your friends. However, remember that serious tasks cannot be solved alone. Develop an independent attitude to different things and situations.
  • Six fifth. According to the Yijing book, this Yao is associated with a noble return. Time to realize your mistakes, a period of apology for being rude and changing behavior. Hard work will lead to success. Think carefully about your next steps.
  • Top six. Missed return and misfortune. Failure is coming from all sides. Compromise is impossible. Don't poke your nose into other people's business. The fighting continues despite the chances of a truce. Therefore, a complete defeat lies ahead.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. According to the book of changes, a minor damage to the business does not require serious efforts to return to the old road. In this case, the return is carried out from the nearest point, so a new cognitive act may even be absent. At this stage, a person has enough of his own past experience, and small mistakes do not cause cardinal repentance. However, the return is still full, and it can atone for the guilt of the past. In such a situation, happiness is quite obvious.
  2. A deeper delusion begins at the next stage, but one can still turn away from it onto a different path. However, natural efforts are no longer enough. A beautiful return is guaranteed only by the harmonious combination of the new act of cognition and the old mind. An even position is occupied here by a weak line, which means that the correspondence of the position and forces will lead to success.
  3. Since the Fu symbol is very auspicious, even a crisis in the context of this pictogram does not look too intimidating. The Book of Changes interpretation of hexagram 24 leads to a constant feeling of harmony, although the return at this stage is no longer a one-time primitive process. The return here hesitates and moves forward gradually, sometimes increasing the danger of the situation. However, a bad ending is impossible.
  4. At this stage, there is the last opportunity to receive support from the moving light principle. The first and fourth lines gravitate towards each other, so help from the past is obvious, although the actions no longer overlap with each other. Here a certain loneliness of actions is manifested, which can also be characterized as independence.
  5. Passing through the previous stage means that ease is possible, the rejection of errors was complete and now the return to the truth has a free connotation. The decoding of this stage no longer speaks of support from the past. That is why doubts about the success of the actions are likely. But the hexagram is very happy, so there will be no regrets.
  6. A full return excludes the possibility of other returns. Now this process resembles an inanimate automatic restoration, which is capable of inviting trouble. This is no longer the natural course of world events, but the actions of the subject, which lead to spontaneous changes. In other words, the moral qualities of a leader or sovereign directly affect the processes of nature, as well as the political situation of the whole territory.

Extended interpretation of the sign

The situation of frustration and confusion, confusion and crossroads - these are the features that are characteristic of the life of a person who has drawn out hexagram 24 according to Yijing. The book of changes connects the interpretation of this symbol with the need for patience, because obstacles must be overcome. After a specific time (7 days, weeks or months), changes will occur, and everything will work out.

In such conditions, it will be useful to save up some finances, however, they will help out in financial difficulties. Good friends. At this time, it will be useful to analyze your mistakes so that the right path is chosen flawlessly. Do not persist in the coming changes, otherwise defeat is inevitable. To admit that you were mistaken about something means to emerge victorious from the situation. There is nothing wrong with starting a business from scratch, taking a new step towards success.

The full meaning of the pictogram speaks of rebirth, the return of energy flows after a difficult period. A person pays attention to the original sources, occupies himself with the restoration of his fresh sensations and feelings. Any events should not cause shock or anxiety.

At this time, you can safely accept offers to participate in interesting projects. You need to be open to new ideas, but at the same time adhere to some kind of action plan. You stand facing the future and give impetus to future events, accelerate their arrival and development.

A rolling thunder on the earth's surface is the meaning of hexagram 24, based on trigrams. In fact, such an image refers to the period of the awakening of new bright forces that cannot be closed to. The time of action must not be missed, because otherwise the trouble will not bypass the person. Even inexperience and lack of skills should not frighten a noble person. Past misunderstandings are forgotten, so it is possible to restore previous contacts.

In this period of life, you need to pay attention to your attitude towards other people. Forgive your enemies and accept your friends for who they are. Previous experience allows you to understand what true beauty is and how important love is. Do not be too fussy, try to objectively evaluate your communication with the environment. Just don't forget your own interests. Be sure to consider the extent to which you are accustomed to listening to other people's opinions.

According to the Chinese book, the Fu symbol also represents the understanding of mistakes in business. Business tactics could be wrong, but now you need to fulfill your destiny. Choose the field of activity that is best for you, even if it is a dissonant occupation.

Creative development is a new path, which, however, is still influenced by the past. Creative movement can sometimes slow down, but there is no need to get annoyed or rushed. Be reasonable and calm.

Hexagram 24 says that a person, having passed through a chain of obstacles, has reached the starting point. But it is she who is the starting point on the way up. The movement to the heights is now associated with new useful experience and skills of action in difficult conditions. Therefore, do not forget to thank fate for past lessons. Do not mope and give preference to reasonable risk.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • General with a long sword in his hand. The image of influence, status and prestige.
  • The official is sitting in the cart. This is a prediction of future career success, as the Yijing says. The Book of Changes interprets the interpretation of this association as follows: “obtaining an overseas or distant assignment.”
  • A wagon with two flags flying at the top. A symbol of the success of the first attempts.
  • Hare with a tiger. The personification of good luck during the Tiger or Hare period. It could be specific year, month, day, or hour.
  • Hieroglyph "Dun" on the gate. An image of finding friends or working in the East.
  • The main symbol is the comings and goings, which are repeated.
  • The central image is the washing of river sand and finding gold.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. Return leads to success. The road goes both ways. Great time for business.
  2. The hexagram has the nature of November. It is favorable in winter or autumn, but not suitable for summer.
  3. As the Chinese Book of Changes shows, the meaning of a symbol is determined by 5 Yin Yao and one Yang. Yang is in the first Yao, so it gradually replaces Yin. The situation is constantly improving.
  4. The long deterioration of conditions is over. The darkness has come to an end. Now is the time for calm. Work proactively, taking advantage of opportunities for improvement.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • Everything returns to normal in political activity and public status. This is a good period for successful actions. A person has a surge of new strength, a second wind. You don't just have to regret what you've done. Remember past spiritual teachers. Luck will be moderate. All favorable time periods are multiples of 7.
  • The multidimensional perception of the hexagram suggests that business begins to develop at an inexorable pace. Profit in this area is growing, but you need not overdo it. Operate from a reasonable point of view and be wary of going too far with bold ideas.
  • The love sphere is improving. Couples reconcile, feelings return to their original stage. Probably a return to the family hearth. Interpersonal relationships are also very good, however, you need to avoid conflicts. Otherwise, the proceedings may drag on for 10 years.
  • In terms of health, one should be wary of the return of previous diseases.

The interpretation of hexagram 24 is not associated with stagnation or inhibition, but with the expectation of new positive changes. This is a reset of the life stage, which requires active action and farewell to the past. It is necessary to treat the world around with gratitude. Be a kind and reasonable person in everything.

Time takes away everything: a long series of years can change both the name, and appearance, character, and fate.
Parmenides of Elea




Recovery. Update. Better times.

Structure Explanation

When there is misfortune on Earth, merchants do not trade, inspectors do not inspect. Time is a week, then everything returns to normal.

The structure of both guas



To be able to return, one should not go too far.


Do not forget the Sabbath to keep it holy. Give rest to the body and to those below (subordinates).


Do not make too many attempts to RETURN to what you think is best, this can lead to sorrows.



Search in action golden mean, do not involve anyone in dubious enterprises.


Take an example from your ancestors, from the elders in the family, never regret what you have done.


Do not wander in the twilight of desires. Ban on quarrels, wars, battles for ten years. Do not argue with the Supreme Ruler.

The main thing in gua

The process of returning the Yang line to the FU sign from the BO sign takes seven days. Yin breath manifests itself in the forty-fourth sign, GOU, in May. Yang breathing manifests itself in the sign of FU in November, because the time is a multiple of SEVEN, including it can be seven months. Within seven months Yang increases.

Main thesis

Calamities come from outside, and adversity is the fruit of one's own efforts, one should distinguish between the two.

Divinatory Aspect

The onset of better times within a time multiple of seven.
Do not go too far in your thoughts and deeds, think of the Return.
Use the experience of the older generation, traditions in solving your problems.
If he started a lawsuit, the time of the arrival of better times is pushed back ten years.

Correspondence with Tarot

The FU sign in the layout corresponds to Arcana XXI, the World, in a negative position.

As a result of a return to better times, there are no delusions, stupidity. Therefore, they accept it through the sign of the twenty-fifth, WU VAN, THE LACK OF DELUSION.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

The symbol of the previous sign is inverted situations, "peeling bark from trees." In the same sign, on the contrary, everything returns to normal, takes on its former form and status. are coming better times which everyone is looking forward to. A new breath, new forces appear in the fortuneteller. But you should never regret what you have done. We should never forget our spiritual guides. Everything will work out, successes are moderate, successful periods of time are multiples of seven (seven days, fourteen, twenty-one, etc.).

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Successes and profits in business, but do not overdo it, keep a reasonable balance. You should not go far in your daring plans.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love relationships are getting better, reconciliation with the former “object of feelings”, return to the family is possible.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships are developing perfectly, but quarrels should not be started, because the time of litigation will be long, up to ten years.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Health. Relapses of past illnesses may occur.

6. Trend.

Attitude towards those who wish good, reasonable, grateful.


The negative position is due to the fact that good luck is short-lived, disruptions are possible, it is not yet the time for prosperity and well-being in full. All this is waiting for you ahead.

Nietzsche said so.

During divination, you got the twenty-fourth hexagram of the Chinese classical "Book of Changes".
You may remember that a little earlier your life situation was reflected byhexagram "Bo - Destruction". All your striving for creative creativity has been suspended due to an unfavorable set of circumstances.At the moment, this destructive period has managed to fade into the past, and your life, having gone through a series of trials, has returned to the starting point of the upward path. You can move forward again, to new goals and heights, but now enriched with experience and the ability to act in difficult circumstances. Isn't it true that now, looking back, you do not regret the difficulties that you had to endure quite recently? After all, if you had not tested yourself in this way, you would not have discovered new abilities in yourself and would never have known what a great store of optimism and love of life is hidden in your character! Thank fate for giving you the opportunity to bring out the best of your inherent qualities, and with renewed vigor begin to fulfill your plans for the future.
essence of the name"Return" is that you have returned to the path of creative development. As long as the inertia of the past, which hinders any creative movement, still fetters you, do not immediately try to "embrace the immensity." The text of the Chinese classic "Book of Changes" says the following: "Return. Accomplishment. There is no haste in going out and in." Please pay attention to the words "there is no haste in the exit and entrance." This means that, based on the current situation, you must act slowly, guided in everything by reasonable ideas about the timing of the implementation of tasks.

Start your development journey with analysis and reassessment your relationship with others. Take your time: with the fussiness of your actions, you risk spoiling even what needs to be preserved. Act according to your own interests: are you happy with everything in relationships with people? Don't you think that you attach too much (or, conversely, too little) importance to other people's opinions? Evaluate your strengths and capabilities - this will help you not to go astray in the future!

How are things going with your work ? Without a doubt, the previous period of destruction affected this area of ​​your life as well. It is possible that you are now filled with pessimism and do not want to continue moving forward. You managed to convince yourself so much that the goals you have chosen are unrealistic and unattainable, that you completely “dropped your hands” and go with the flow of life. Stop moping and slowly start correcting past mistakes. Throw away everything that irritates you, and give all your strength to the most promising and interesting duties. Do not be afraid to take risks: reasonable risk is the basis of future well-being.

Since your activity cannot yet fully manifest itself, talk about the imminent fulfillment of your desire until you have to. Move slowly towards your chosen goal, not forgetting other things as well. And after some, albeit not very close time, you will definitely achieve the desired goal!