Recirculating water supply units for sturgeon. The right choice of food

Breeding sturgeon at home

RAS - installation of closed water supply. The equipment of such an installation will require significant financial investments.

But, breeding sturgeon at home, without resorting to buying expensive equipment, does not require large financial costs. Let's take a closer look at the last option. In order to start breeding sturgeon at home, you will need: a heated room and containers where fish will be kept, special equipment and fry, as well as fish food.

First initial stage you can use a small container (mini-pool) for breeding sturgeon. The depth of such a pool should be 1 meter, and the diameter can be 1.5-2.5 meters. In a pool of this size, up to 1 ton of fish can be grown within one year. Do not forget that good filtration and aeration should be established in the pool, and as the tank gets dirty, it must be cleaned periodically. To do this, we need to purchase a pump and compressor, filter. Additionally, you can buy an automatic feeder. This is an additional cost, but it saves a lot of time.

When choosing a pump and compressor, you need to pay attention to the volume that they, according to technical specifications will be able to process. It is better to buy them with a small margin so that the equipment does not work at maximum loads. So it will last us longer without replacement. In order to save extra money at the beginning of your business cash, the pool can be made by hand. At the initial stage, one pool will be enough for us. Over time, the number of containers can be increased.

Getting sturgeon fry at home is quite problematic. For this you need special conditions and special skills. The easiest way to buy fry. To do this, it is enough to visit a large fish farm that breeds sturgeon. It is better not to save on the purchase of fry, because your profit will also depend on their quality.

The faster the fish grows, the faster we can get the first profit. Now about fish food. It has its own peculiarities and nuances. You will need to purchase food of various sizes. For small fish, the food should be small. As the fish grows, the size of the feed should increase. It should not be forgotten that this species of fish feeds from the bottom. The sturgeon searches for food with the help of smell. It is for this reason to purchase food that sinks in water, with a pleasant smell. In addition, sturgeon needs high-calorie food. It should contain up to 50 percent crude protein, about 25 percent fat, and about 3 percent fiber. Lysine and phosphorus are also needed.

When buying feed, it is better to purchase specially designed for sturgeon fish. Another feature of sturgeon breeding is temperature. Sturgeon feeds best, and, therefore, grows at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. To obtain the maximum result, it is this temperature regime that must be maintained.

Let's look at the process of fry growth a little. As a rule, they acquire fry weighing 5 grams. Sturgeon grows unevenly. Some fry can reach half a kilogram by the age of six months, but this is only about 15 percent of total fishes. Sturgeon, whose weight is from half a kilogram and above, is best suited for sale. Fish can be sold through supermarkets or restaurants, as well as in the market. After growing up to the above mass of the first sturgeons, after about a month and a half, medium-sized individuals grow up. Thus, after 9 months, you can repeat the whole process. On the second round, you only need to purchase fry and food.

It should be noted that sturgeon breeding can be done not only in a house or apartment, but also in an insulated greenhouse, on your own. suburban area.

Sturgeon breeding in RAS

Finally, let's dwell a little on sturgeon breeding in the RAS. Installation of closed water supply - several pools (tanks) equipped with filters and to which a system of regular water renewal is connected. The water needs to be refreshed regularly so that it has the right amount of oxygen. Such devices are most often used when breeding sturgeon in regions with a harsh climate. Thanks to this system, it is easy to maintain the temperature regime of water, the concentration of oxygen.

When growing fish in a RAS, sturgeon can reach a commercial mass by the end of the first year. Even when breeding sturgeon in recirculating water supply systems, you need to remember about the technologies, norms and requirements for growing this type of fish. Only with their full observance can one count on success, and therefore on making a profit.

Recall that without fail, for the full breeding of sturgeon, it is necessary:

  • provide the fish with the necessary amount of oxygen in the water;
  • regularly replace the water in the pool with the help of special biofilters; evenly carry out the landing of the fry every time after removing the fish that has reached the marketable weight; do not exceed the planting density in the pool. For 1 square meter no more than 60 kilograms.

The seafood market is not yet oversaturated with offers - there is room for growth. And given that valuable fish species supplied to stores from afar cost a lot, it is possible to offer consumers a quality product at a lower cost. This will be possible if breeding is organized sturgeon fish at home. Experts have long agreed that the most win-win business option is the production or sale of food products. Even in a crisis, people buy food, and therefore, with a competent approach, you can establish a stable business.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 200,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

In general, it is not difficult to open a business for breeding and growing sturgeons in Russia. But this business, of course, requires a special approach and knowledge of a clear technology. The "scale" of the fish farm will depend on the entrepreneur's start-up investments - you can start as a small family business and large fisheries. What does a businessman have to think about, regardless of the size of the planned business?

Where to breed sturgeon?

Breeding and raising sturgeon at home as a business can be carried out either indoors or in an open pond. It will be difficult to say which option is better, because in the end, this will not affect the quality of the fish.

For breeding fish, you will need a fairly spacious room (≈30 m 2) to fit everything here necessary equipment. The entire area should be well lit and heated, since the conditions for breeding sturgeons are rather harsh in terms of water temperature:

  • In winter ≈17 ˚C.
  • In summer - 20-24 ˚C.

No free closed space? Many entrepreneurs often use indoor greenhouses for their own purposes.

The business plan for sturgeon breeding provides for the use of both an artificial reservoir on your own suburban area and the rental of a natural pond. If there is an open pond, the entrepreneur will not face the task of equipping the fish habitat. The only thing left to do here is to bring the pond into the condition required for the growth of the sturgeon - thoroughly clean it of debris, provide the fish with a suitable "atmosphere" (algae, reeds, worms, mollusks).

Sturgeon breeding technology

It cannot be said that sturgeons are whimsical fish, and therefore, even in artificially created conditions, they actively grow and multiply.

Sturgeon cultivation technology implies:

  • Providing fish with a regular balanced diet.
  • Regular cleaning of the reservoir.
  • Maintaining optimal conditions for fish growth in the reservoir - temperature, lighting.

Practice shows that growing sturgeon in conditions of recirculating water supply is somewhat more technologically difficult, since equipment failures sometimes occur here that provide the fish with proper temperature indicators, and in order to save “pets”, you will have to respond quickly to any system malfunctions. A mini farm in the open air will recreate the natural habitat of sturgeons.

What equipment is required for breeding sturgeon?

Mini farm for growing 6 tons of sturgeon per year

The next thing to take care of is to buy equipment for breeding sturgeon. What is included in the standard package of a closed water supply system?

  • frame pool,
  • cleaning pump,
  • air compressor,
  • automatic feeder.

The final price of equipment for growing sturgeon varies in a wide range depending on the volume of the pool, on the availability of additional tanks, on the degree of equipment of the artificial reservoir. If we take into account the minimum figures, then the purchase of equipment will cost the entrepreneur 10,000 rubles. But the package will include a pool of small volume, which means that there will be less profit. But to equip a full-fledged plant for breeding and growing sturgeons? will have to spend at least 500,000 rubles.

Many of those who decide to breed sturgeon in cages build small ponds on their own or install home-made pools with simple components. in this case, you do not need to buy any professional equipment at all.

When buying equipment, special attention will be required for sturgeon breeding filters and pumps. The quality of the fish depends on these components.

Acquisition of fry

To start your own business, you need to buy sturgeon fry. And the acquisition of "raw materials" must be approached very responsibly, since low-quality fry can grow very slowly and often get sick. The price of fry can be different - it all depends on the specific region. Minimum cost planting material - 800 rubles / kg.

In addition to buying fry, there is another option - to buy sturgeons for breeding already adults. But in this case, you need to have special knowledge to help determine how healthy the acquired fish is. There is a very high risk of buying sick individuals.

What feed is suitable for growing sturgeon?

In order for fish to grow actively, they need proper nutrition. With the purchase of feed, no feed should arise, since there are a lot of offers on the market.

It is possible to single out the main requirements for sturgeon feed:

  • The food must be bottom.
  • The food should have a strong smell.
  • The food should not dissolve quickly in water.
  • The food should swell in water.

Feeding rates depend on the age and size of the fish.

To home breeding sturgeon fish have begun to make a profit, they must grow. Active growth is noted in the presence of a balanced diet, which contains in its composition:

  • protein,
  • fiber,
  • fats,
  • lysine,
  • phosphorus.

How profitable is the sturgeon breeding business?

All investments in business, as practice shows, pay off literally in 1 season. And business here can be built in different ways:

  • sale of fish (fresh or processed),
  • sale of caviar,
  • sale of fry.

Growing for caviar and growing fresh fish meat for sale brings a big profit to a businessman. Fry are sold if there is an excess of planting material.

You can buy fish and caviar:

  • wholesale stores,
  • individuals,

Sturgeon breeding in the household can bring a decent profit, since the finished product on the domestic market is sold at a price of at least 400 rubles per kg. At the same time, the average cost of growing 1 kg of sturgeon is ≈250-300 rubles. And if the artificial breeding of sturgeon in the pools will require investments in the amount of 30,000-50,000 (equipment, feed, fry, IP registration), then if all the fish that have grown up to 500 g, all costs can be recouped in six months.

Demand for sturgeon meat and caviar is consistently high. Most of the species are listed in the Red Book, are under state protection - their fishing in natural sources is prohibited.

It will not work to breed a valuable species in ordinary reservoirs, because it breeds only in clean running water enriched with oxygen, at the appropriate temperature of water and air. Modern technology raising sturgeon in a RAS solves this problem, allowing you to grow fry practically in home pools.


RAS is a recirculating water supply facility designed specifically for breeding sturgeon, sterlet, trout, beluga and other varieties in artificial conditions.

Installation includes:

  1. Round or rectangular pools. There are models with mobile polypropylene, stationary and combined pools. Depth and diameter vary depending on the size.
  2. Oxygen generator and pressure sensor.
  3. Filters for water purification of different types.
  4. Ozonator and flotator.
  5. circulation pump.
  6. Air compressor.
  7. UV lamps for disinfection.
  8. Water heating and cooling systems.

Principle of operation

The units operate from a flowing water supply system. The water is pre-cleaned, enriched with oxygen and is supplied in streams to the pools. This is necessary in order to saturate the liquid with oxygen as much as possible.

After a while, the water from the tank is cleaned and saturated with oxygen again. After some time, part of the water drains into the sewer, and its place is taken by a new liquid pumped from the plumbing system. And so - in a circle.

Advantages of RAS

The main advantage of RAS technology for growing trout and other sturgeons is that the plant maintains optimal temperature conditions for fish growth regardless of the season.

The optimum water temperature is +20 degrees. In natural waters, when the water temperature drops, the growth of fish is inhibited. In artificial devices, breeding is possible all year round.

The value of sturgeon fish is caviar. In the natural environment, their puberty cycle lasts from 9 to 15 years, in installations it begins at 4-5 years of age. With the help of RAS, this process is accelerated - the first caviar can be obtained in 5-6 years.

It is no secret that fish are bred for profit from the sale. Restaurants buy from farms sturgeons weighing from 0.5 kg. Under artificial conditions, they can be grown in 8-9 months - for these purposes, the power of the simplest closed water supply systems is sufficient.

To grow a kilogram sturgeon, you need 100 liters of water. V natural conditions this figure is several times higher.

Modern RAS are suitable for operation in any climatic conditions, including the northern regions.


Like any business, it has its risks. One of the main ones is financial. An entrepreneur needs to purchase and connect a RAS, purchase fry. The minimum number is 10 thousand individuals, because the volume of cases is often 50-60% of the total number of fry. And this is subject to full compliance with the recommendations of specialists, maintaining the climatic conditions necessary for normal growth and development.


Entrepreneurs use 3 technologies for growing sturgeon in RAS:

  • Kiselev's method;
  • Krasnoborodko method;
  • breeding for caviar.

When breeding fish according to the Kiselev method, it will be necessary to stock the pools with fish twice a year. "Catch" also meets twice a year. There will be more fish in quantity, but you should not count on large individuals. For 6 months, large trout cannot be grown.

The Krasnoborodko method has an advantage in this regard, because it provides for a one-time stocking of a reservoir and periodic catching of small batches of fish. RAS are equipped with disinfecting and filtering elements, so the method can be implemented without difficulty.

Breeding fish for caviar is a separate expensive technique. To implement the plan, the entrepreneur needs to install 2 RASs that work autonomously. The first setting is intended for the broodstock, the second - for producers.

The most unpretentious is the Aksai bester, a hybrid of sturgeons. It develops faster than relatives and gives a good harvest. For the first time, females provide caviar in a volume equal to 8% of their own weight, and for the second and subsequent times - up to 20% of their weight. This is twice as much as the cultivation of the classic sturgeon.


In the natural environment, fish independently find food - algae, mollusks, insects. When breeding in artificial conditions, fry and adult fish need special food. It is selected according to the age and size of the individual.

To ensure normal development and vital activity, food must be high in calories. Sometimes minced fish is added to it or fry are planted in the pool.


The units are fully automated, so they require a minimum of personnel to maintain them - at the rate of 2 operators per 10 tons of sturgeon.

Intensive growth in artificial conditions is explained by the immediate reaction of the system to a deviation from the given environmental parameters, the possibility of round-the-clock control of climatic conditions.

Practice shows that the farmer receives up to 100 kg of products from a cubic meter of water every year, and investments in the installation pay off in 3-4 years after starting the business.

Some entrepreneurs have mastered some types of business related to breeding various living creatures for the sake of making a profit. Unfortunately, in terms of profitability, these types of activities are inferior to sturgeon breeding.

The consequences of the economic crisis affected almost all areas entrepreneurial activity person. Many entrepreneurs have decided to various kinds activities, including in the livestock sector. V Lately there has been a trend towards healthy lifestyle life, which is inextricably linked with proper nutrition. Increasingly, a person prefers to eat fish, but not meat, especially pork. Therefore, having decided to start breeding sturgeons, you should not worry about selling your products.

You can breed sturgeons at home, if you create a certain temperature regime, supply water and sewerage.

Organization of a reservoir for sturgeon breeding

For the convenience of growing sturgeon, it is enough to have a plastic pool, 1.0-1.2 meters deep and up to 3 meters in diameter. This is the most convenient pool model, since it can be serviced without much difficulty.

The right choice of food

The main task is to get the maximum weight gain of the fish in a short period of time. Therefore, the food should be high-calorie and appropriate for the age and weight of the fish.

  1. The sturgeon leads a benthic lifestyle, so the food must quickly sink to the bottom.
  2. The food must have an appropriate smell. In nature, these species of fish search for food by smell. This suggests that he has a well-developed sense of smell. The food should not only smell good, but also be attractive to this type of fish.
  3. The time of dissolution of feed in water should not be less than 30 minutes.
  4. For each size of fish, the size of the feed pellets is selected.

Where to get sturgeon fry

You should buy fry only from large fish farms that have been breeding it for years. The better the product, the more likely it is to make a profit. In this case, you should not save on fry. Only healthy fry will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions and grow to the size of a marketable sturgeon.

Tanks for growing fish

At the initial stage of development of this type of business, it is enough to acquire a small mini-pool. It can be installed in a residential area or in a greenhouse of cellular polycarbonate. The mini-pool occupies an area of ​​​​no more than 2.2 square meters, so it can be installed even in an apartment.

Growing Equipment

To grow fish yourself, you will have to purchase the following equipment:

  1. Plastic pool.
  2. Pump for pumping water.
  3. Compressor.
  4. Automatic feeder.
  5. Generator.

Capacity. For growing fish, you can purchase and install several mini-pools with a diameter of 2.5 meters.

Pump. With its help, water is supplied to containers from a well or well, if sturgeon will be grown in the private sector. If there is a central water supply, mini-pools can be connected to the water supply, but this method can be much more expensive, given today's water prices.

Compressor. It is necessary for the constant saturation of water with oxygen, otherwise it makes no sense to talk about growing fish at all. Moreover, you need to install a couple of compressors, just in case, so that if one of them fails, the next one is included in the work.

Automatic feeder. It is necessary for large production volumes. If this is the beginning of a business and there is the possibility of feeding fish by hand, then you can not buy it. Malek feeds up to 6 times a day and with small volumes you can do without it.

petrol or diesel generator. Same important element like the compressor. In the absence of power supply or its suspension, the generator will help out and will not allow the fish to suffocate. The generator must have a power reserve so as not to work at the limit. Then it will serve for a long time and will be able to guarantee the cultivation of sturgeon.

Here, the list includes only the main components of a mini-farm, without which sturgeon breeding is impossible. In addition to these elements, you will need all kinds of pipes, taps, angles, tees, etc. If you calculate everything, then you need serious investments funds. Despite this, with a serious approach, sturgeon breeding will pay off in the first year.

Water temperature

In order to live and develop, constantly gaining weight, a certain temperature regime should be maintained. It is believed that the temperature from +18°C to +24°C is optimal.

Concerning winter period, you will have to maintain the temperature at the proper level. If this is not done, then the water will simply be covered with ice, and this cannot be allowed. In this case, a large energy consumption will be required, although you can work on the heating scheme and get by with minimal costs. It is not necessary to resort to heating with electricity or gas, as this will cost a serious penny. It is better to use a conventional solid fuel boiler, and use wood waste as fuel.

If the fish is grown in improper conditions, then it will start to hurt, especially if it is fry.

Premises for growing sturgeon

Even in an apartment where there is running water and sewerage, you can breed fish. The most suitable option is the private sector, where you can easily build a suitable room and organize heating, both water and air.

Depending on the number of containers, the useful area of ​​​​the mini-farm is also calculated. At the same time, one container with a volume of 2 cubic meters is able to occupy an area of ​​10 to 12 square meters.

What do sturgeons eat

For this, there are special compound feeds intended for growing sturgeon species. The daily dose depends on the age and weight of the fish. The sturgeon feeds 4-5 times a day. If an automatic feeder is used, the fish may be fed more frequently, depending on its setting.

The payback of such a business

This is a profitable type of business that, with the right approach, will pay off in the first year. The growing cycle, starting from the purchase of fry and ending with commercial products, takes about 9 months. During this period, a fry weighing about 5 grams is gaining weight of about 500 grams, which is quite enough to sell the goods. One fry can cost 20 rubles, or even more. Ready sturgeon is sold at a price of 600-800 rubles. for 1 kg. If you count everything, then one fry is able to make a profit in the amount of 300 rubles, or even more. Unfortunately, this is not net profit. The cost of feed will take up a significant amount of expenses.

Growing one thousand fry will require the purchase of feed in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. Electricity costs can also be significant and can be up to 20 thousand rubles a year, depending on the size of the mini-farm.

If you do not take into account the equipment, then in order to grow 1000 fry, you will have to spend:

  • expenses for the purchase of fry - 20 thousand rubles;
  • food costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • electricity costs - 20 thousand rubles.

Moreover, these calculations do not include the cost of water. It is believed that water is taken from a well or well.

So, total costs amount to 70 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the profit from the sale of 1000 pieces of fish, weighing 500 grams and costing 600 rubles per kilogram: it will amount to 300 thousand rubles.

Net profit will be: 300 thousand rubles - 70 thousand rubles, the total will be 230 thousand rubles.

To grow 1000 fish fry, you will need to purchase equipment for 250 thousand rubles. In the first year of growing fish, the costs will fully pay off. Starting from the second year, each thousand fry will be able to give up to 200 thousand rubles of net profit.

Experience of successful farms

Unfortunately, this type of business is not as widespread as the livestock business. Events recent years indicate that major manufacturers meat of sturgeon species of fish receive a constant income already in the 2nd or 3rd year of their activity. At the same time, you can get not only sturgeon meat, but also sturgeon caviar using accelerated technology. This can happen in the 5th or 6th year of a female's life. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that sturgeon caviar can be sold at $ 1,000 per kilogram.

Business plan

The calculation formulas are absolutely the same, but to organize the breeding of sturgeons in large quantities (up to 20 ... 30 tons per year), one should take into account the fact that you will have to spend money on construction capital building. Alternatively, such a building can be rented. Moreover, you will have to spend a lot of money on paying wages hired workers. Still, it is unlikely that you yourself or your family will be able to cope with such volumes of work. With an increase in production volumes, other expenses, such as deductions to the budget, also increase. The more production, the more problem and the more difficult it is to grow sturgeon fry to presentation, the greater the risk associated with unforeseen expenses.

To whom to sell sturgeon fish

You can sell your products according to various schemes: sell on the market, where you can organize your outlet, sell in the store, having agreed with the owner or deliver to restaurants, having concluded the relevant agreements. Through restaurants, you can sell up to 70 kg of sturgeon per month. It is not difficult to calculate how much fish you need to grow per year: up to 1 ton of fish or up to 2000 units, weighing 0.5 kg each. Such small sturgeons are the most popular in restaurant business. They prepare the most refined and delicious dishes.

As practice shows, you can make serious money on a home mini-farm. Somewhere in 3-5 years, if you approach it smartly, you can organize a business with a turnover of several million rubles, and this is on your backyard or summer cottage. But not everything can be obtained immediately and momentarily. In any case, you should start with a small amount of growing sturgeon meat. And when experience and confidence appear, production volumes can be increased, and not immediately, but also gradually: first, grow 1000 fry, then, if possible, 2000 pieces, and then, as they say, appetite comes with eating.


Naturally, business is not such a cloudless occupation. In the process of organizing, serious organizational problems may arise related to the legitimization of your business. Indeed, without these skills, it is unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate with a store or restaurant. Therefore, the business plan does not include organizational measures related to obtaining the relevant documents. In addition, it is not known what it will cost the entrepreneur and whether it can be organized in his country house or in his backyard. In addition, without the relevant documents, it is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase fish fry.

Every business project requires integrated approach with different calculations. Each business plan should include various losses associated, for example, with the death of some fry. In other words, risks must be considered, and this is not always possible. Therefore, being engaged in a non-traditional field of activity, you can always ignore something, and this “something” can ruin the whole business.

Breeding animals and fish at home has recently become more and more popular. Many entrepreneurs are learning quail business, they breed piglets and other livestock, but in terms of profitability, these types of activities cannot be compared with sturgeon breeding at home.

In addition, the economic crisis has affected almost all areas economic activity people, including animal husbandry, forcing many to abandon this type of business. But the demand for products, even in times of crisis, always remains at a high level, and there may be a shortage of such a delicacy as sturgeon meat.

Therefore, those who decide to engage in this type of entrepreneurial activity should not worry about possible problems marketing of finished products.

Sturgeon breeding can be carried out at home, it is enough to have a heated room, connected water supply and sewerage.

In order to be able to service the tank without much difficulty on its own, the dimensions of the plastic pool should be small. In practice, containers with a depth of 1.0-1.2 meters and a diameter of no more than 3 meters are chosen as the most convenient models for growing sturgeon in artificial conditions.

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

In order to get a significant weight gain in a limited period of time, the food must be high in calories and correctly selected depending on the age and weight of the fish.

  1. Sturgeon is a bottom fish, so the food should immediately sink to the bottom when it enters the water.
  2. The feed mixture should smell good. In wild, natural conditions, the sturgeon searches for food by smell, it has a very well developed sense of smell, so one should choose food that has a pronounced aroma that attracts this breed of fish.
  3. The feed should not dissolve quickly in water, for quality feed this time,
    should be less than 30 minutes.
  4. For fry and grown-up individuals, the feed should differ in the size of the granules.

You should buy fry only from large fish farms that breed sturgeon. It is not worth saving on quality, because the future quality of commercial sturgeon and the decrease in the mortality rate of fry depend on how healthy the planting material is and is ready to endure the adaptation period in a new place.

At the first stage of development sturgeon business, you can purchase a small mini-pool, which can be placed in a living room, or in a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate. You can even put such a container in an apartment, because its dimensions occupy an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 2 m2.

Equipment that will be needed for growing sturgeon:

  1. Plastic pool.
  2. Pump for water supply.
  3. Compressor.
  4. Automatic feeder.
  5. Generator.

Capacity for growing sturgeon, you can buy different volumes and if the room allows, then you can put several pools with a diameter of up to 2.5 meters at the same time.

Pump needed for supplying water to tanks, from a well or a well, if it is planned to grow sturgeon in a country house or in a private household. If there is a central water supply, the sturgeon growing tank can be connected to the water supply system, but economically this approach will be more costly than taking water from an individual source.

Compressor- the most responsible node in the system. Without constant saturation of water with oxygen, the life of fish is impossible, this unit must be duplicated. In the event of failure of one compressor, a spare unit must be included in the work.

automatic feeder will save a large amount of time that is spent on feeding the fish, but it is not necessary to purchase it, if it is possible to manually carry out regular feeding of the fish, the fry should be fed up to 6 times a day, then with a small amount of production you can do without a feeder.

Gasoline or diesel generator, in the event of an accident on the power line, will allow not to suspend the process of growing sturgeon. The power of the generator should be equal to the total power of all mechanisms and units involved in growing fish, and also have a small margin so that the generator does not work for wear.

Only the most significant components of the sturgeon mini-farm are listed here. When organizing the process of growing fish, the purchase of pipes, fittings, taps and other fittings will also require significant cash costs.

But all investments proper organization sturgeon breeding process, pay off already in the first year of the mini-farm.

Water temperature

In order for the increase in live weight of sturgeon to be significant, it is necessary to maintain optimal temperature regime water in which this finicky fish is bred. The temperature from +18 to +24 is the most optimal for sturgeon growth.

In winter, it may be necessary to heat the water to the desired temperature. A small pool holds more than 2 m3 of water, which, when heated even by 1 degree, will require a significant amount of electricity. But hot water is a must.

If the sturgeon is grown in unfavorable artificial conditions, then it often gets sick, especially for fry that have not yet grown strong.

You can breed sturgeon even in an apartment equipped with plumbing and sewerage. If you plan to breed sturgeon in a private house, then any heated room can be equipped for this purpose.
A mini-farm can be located in a greenhouse, and equipped with air and water heating.

The area that the mini-farm will occupy is calculated from the number of installed pools. For one container with a volume of 2 m3, a room with an area of ​​​​10 - 12 m2 is enough.

What to feed sturgeons

Feeding is carried out with special feed for sturgeon fish. The daily rate of feed depends on the age and weight of the fish. Feeding is carried out 4 - 5 times a day. If an automatic feeder is used, the feed is fed more frequently.

Business payback in detail

The sturgeon farming business is profitable and pays off in the first year. Usually one cycle takes about 9 months. During this time, a fry weighing 5 grams. gaining a live weight of 500 gr. this is the most demanded weight of sturgeon, which can be sold through restaurants, supermarkets and markets.

The cost of one fry varies widely and starts from 20 rubles.
The price at which sturgeons are sold on the market is 600-800 rubles per kilogram, i.e., each launched and fattened fry will bring an income of 300 rubles or more, but this will not be a net profit. Feed accounts for a significant share of the costs in the sturgeon business.

In order to grow up to a marketable weight of 1000 fry, you will need to purchase feed for 30,000 rubles.
Electricity costs will also be significant, and depend on the size of the mini-farm. The minimum set of equipment will consume electricity for 20,000 rubles a year.

Without taking into account the cost of equipment, the costs for one growing cycle of 1000 fry will be:

  1. Buying a fry - 20,000 rubles.
  2. Feed - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity - 20,000 rubles.

The cost of water, which can also be significant when connected to a water supply system, is not taken into account and only the electricity used to supply water from a well or well is calculated.

The total costs are: 70,000 rubles.

Profit from the sale of 1000 fish weighing 500 gr. 600 rubles per kilogram, will be: 300,000 rubles.

Total: 300,000 - 70,000 \u003d 230,000 rubles of net income.

The cost of a complete set of equipment for growing 1,000 sturgeon fry will be: 250,000 rubles.
In the first year of running the sturgeon business, the costs will almost fully pay off. Starting from the second cycle of growing sturgeon, an entrepreneur will receive more than 200,000 rubles from every 1,000 fry.

To date, this type of business is not as well developed as animal breeding, but even large sturgeon producers reach a stable profit as early as 2-3 years from the start of production. In addition to breeding sturgeon for meat, it is possible to obtain, according to an accelerated technology, at the age of 5-6 years of life of female sturgeon caviar, which can be sold at a price of $ 1,000 per kilogram.

Business plan

A business plan for a large sturgeon farm is calculated according to the formulas given above for mini-farms, with the only difference being that in order to organize the production of sturgeon in volumes, for example, 20-30 tons per year, it will require a capital building that will need to be built or rented.

Wages will also be a significant expense. employees, without which, with such volumes of production, one cannot do.

To whom to sell sturgeon fish

You can sell fresh fish in the market or in fish stores, but the easiest way is to donate the grown products to restaurants that need this type of product monthly in the amount of up to 70 kg. It is small sturgeons weighing 500 gr. ideal for preparing delicious dishes from this type of fish.

Growing sturgeon at home can become real, profitable business. If we take a serious approach to organizing a business, then in 3-5 years it will be possible to organize a farm, even on a personal plot, with an annual turnover of tens of millions of rubles. But, it is worth starting to master this business with a small mini-farm for 1000 sturgeon tails.

Cultivation of sturgeons on a mini farm. How to start a profitable business

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