How to open an un on wheels. How to open your own kiosk or stall on wheels and how much does it cost

The “on wheels” service sector, which is familiar to Europeans and Americans, in our country so far has only fragmentary manifestations, although mobile trading platforms and catering establishments are now at their best.

We will tell you about promising niches, features and advantages of off-site trade using auto shops in this article.

What is exit trade

This method of selling goods was resorted to in Soviet times: after all, collective farm cars with vegetables - fruits that drove on market days in villages and city markets - are nothing more than a prototype of this format.

Then they were replaced by private entrepreneurs and unofficial traders with a wide assortment: seedlings, chickens, piglets, appliances, household items and even clothes.

Commercial items were predominantly in the form of trailers or truck bodies. Over time, trading rules became stricter and the stationary form gained the upper hand, leaving the wheeled service option predominantly for the markets.

Street food on the hood

The last five years have seen the birth of the format for the second time. The rise in land lease prices, long-term processes for obtaining permits, difficulties with communications, the struggle of officials of large cities with small architectural forms have become the reasons for the transplantation of kiosks on wheels.

Neat and convenient mobile coffee shops appeared on the streets of cities, later food points were added - hot dogs, shawarma, pancakes, hot baked goods, Belgian waffles, etc.

In contrast to the undemanding look of its predecessors, now these are mostly stylish, technically equipped commercial caravans, almost independent of the surrounding conditions.

The basic business principles are quite simple: an interesting format and food assortment, a good location (metro, office centers, checkpoints, other crowded places), high-quality goods and the availability of appropriate permits and certificates.

Marketing and promotion in such a business is not needed, advertising is the object itself. And although this business is not super-profitable (net income is about 20%), thanks to the large flow of consumers in a year, another point begins to work

By herself

The niche of trade "from wheels" is filled more or less densely only in the capital and cities - millionaires. Although there is a well-thought-out new format or the product will be profitable.

For example, a grill bar "on wheels" is in great demand, mobile ice cream sellers have only recently appeared, the idea of ​​automobile fresh bars has swirled in the air to sell fresh juices, popsicles, etc.

By the way, a seasonal idea is very relevant, which can be easily implemented with the same investment as a coffee machine, or even less.

A typical "runabout", an electric generator, a high-quality juicer and a clean container for storing prepared washed fruits and vegetables - that's all. There will be no competition yet, unlike the coffee trade.

A new trend in the old format is the emergence of coffee shops, restaurants, bars "on wheels". Many years ago, the pioneer was the red tram, in which the bar is located, known to everyone who has visited Lviv. And although he is not going anywhere, there are enough passengers in it.

In Kiev, there are several trams (a retro car, a buffet car, a cafe car), which can be ordered for celebrations, weddings, discos or just for group rest. Moreover, the trailers do not stand, but ply.

Rural car shop

Trading from wheels, but in a slightly different format, is extremely relevant today for countryside from which it once began. Indeed, unfortunately, villages and small towns, due to the sharp urbanization and economic difficulties, the further, the more they become abandoned and are deprived of the attention of business.

Often, residents of settlements that are inconvenient from the point of view of logistics have to travel to regional centers and cities to buy affordable things: foodstuffs(the choice in local grocery stores can be very scarce), clothes, household appliances, telephones and even medicines.

Therefore, if your company produces cheeses, sausages, confectionery, consumer goods, children's and adult clothing - a branded auto shop, as additional view distribution may be more successful than another stationary point of sale.

However, for successful work you don't have to produce anything. It is enough to do the simple marketing research... Drive around at least part of the settlements within a radius of up to 100 km from your location and study the needs of consumers.

And to start with the more distant ones, because the closer to the city, the less relevant the offsite stores are. And long distances are unprofitable in terms of fuel costs and the length of the working day of the driver - seller.

The logistics of the route should also be well thought out, since staying at one point for a whole day is hardly advisable, and less than three hours is not enough.

The first two months of work, you should not expect a tangible turnover, because during this period the local population will only get acquainted with the new trade facility, and the entrepreneur will form a database of settlements - to which it makes sense to go, and which are unpromising.

You can decide on the future assortment by visiting local stores and taking a closer look at what is and what is not from the service sector.

Further actions - the production of noteworthy and vivid advertisements with information that a branded car shop with the relevant goods will conduct trade in the village. Leave a free field for the days of the week / date / time in the layout so that you can fill them in with your own hands for each locality separately.

The driver or his assistant should post these announcements at popular points of the village or city in the bazaar, near the post office, bus station or transport stop, hospital or pharmacy, school, etc. also in advertising purposes the vehicle should be equipped with a loudspeaker. Driving up to the place of trade, in such a simple and cheap way, you can attract a lot of customers.

A constant stream of good music (but where it won't disturb the tenants) will also draw attention to your car dealership.

In addition, it is important to communicate with the population and study their needs, perhaps even collect orders for subsequent flights. The success of this line of business depends on the right choice goods and a reasonable mark-up on them.

Formats without analogues

It is much easier and more cost-effective to work with formats that have no analogues. The sphere of "automobile" services is now in its infancy. Although in some places there are precedents - and with enough successful history... What can we say about Europe, where such democratic and fast formats correspond to the mentality of entire countries, and America, where, in fact, they first appeared.

Therefore, if off-site trade is more relevant for remote locations, then some services will go "with a bang" even in big cities... You just need to know the demand and understand the consumer.

For example, most middle-aged people (especially office workers) complain of pain in the spine. Hundreds of thousands of white-collar workers are haunted by the desire to "straighten their backs".

But not to go to a doctor or a special salon, there is always a reason: there is no time, there are no familiar specialists, it is expensive. But, if under office center came a mobile express massage parlor with the services of a vertebrologist, chiropractor, the demand for services would be huge.

And all that is needed is just a Gazelle or another car with a corresponding salon, which is equipped with a massage table, a screen - a locker room and, first of all, a certified specialist. Recommended cost and duration of the service: express - "exercise" - $ 6-7 (15 minutes for manipulation) and a more thorough half-hour treatment session with, respectively, twice the price.

Long-term massage services (for women, medical, etc.) will also be relevant, but the location of such a car dealership should be near large shopping and entertainment facilities, in sleeping areas. The category of express services includes mobile hairdressing and manicure salons (relevant in central areas with business activity).

The idea seems attractive given the demand for stationary express manicure points in shopping centers... But the points of express - hairstyles (not yet common in our country) bring worthy additional income to the owners of stationary salons in Israel.

Good ideas for expanding your business mobile way there may be many. Easy entry into a new business, an understandable scheme of work and an easy exit without losses (after all, the most expensive investment is a car that can be easily sold as a separate vehicle, and with all equipment and permits as an operating business) are the arguments for try.

-> Other ideas

Shop on wheels. Vintagemobile traveling boutique (American experience).

We continue to develop the theme of off-site trade and a mobile store on wheels.

What is the advantage of mobile commerce from wheels? First of all, in the maximum proximity and accessibility to a potential buyer, as well as in the ability to trade in a busy, crowded place, in almost any place where there is a sufficient amount of potential buyers... You can drive right up to where the people gather. At the same time, there are no costs for renting or purchasing premises and other costs incurred by a stationary outlet.

In our country, trade from wheels is usually represented by shuttle merchants who put their goods on the hoods of their cars in spontaneous markets or in the central squares of the rural hinterland. How does this happen in other countries?

The USA is the same endless country as Russia. And although supermarkets (by the way, it is an American invention) are found literally at every step, nevertheless, the idea of ​​a mobile trade on wheels successfully works there as well. Moreover, with a truly American scale. For mobile trade, buses or large caravan trailers are used.

This is how Jeremy and Kelsey Turner from Dallas started their business. The guys really wanted to sell vintage things, but to do it in an unusual way. They thought for a long time how they could organize their business, and when they saw one store on wheels in Oklahoma, they decided to do a similar one.

Through the Craiglist service (American bulletin board, something like "From hand to hand") they found an old school bus made in 1980, painted in a bright color, equipped with all the shelves-racks necessary for trading, collected the goods - and began to drive around their native state Dallas, staying in crowded places - near hotels, in city squares and various entertainment events.

What happened? See for yourself:

Inside, the furnishings are no worse than in any stationary store (there is even a fitting room and benches for trying on shoes).

Jeremy and Kelsey buy things for sale from the public, in specialty stores and on the electronic ebay auction(bought - immediately put up for sale).

A short video from the guys on how the shop bus looks and works:

The bus itself is a huge moving advertisement, as it travels through the city people find out where the interesting sale will be today.

Additionally, the guys have created their own website, they are blogging the project. All this will allow them to inform potential buyers about their routes of movement and acquaint them with the assortment of their store on wheels.

But back to Russia.

With us, as always, everything is somewhat more complicated. Basically, all the problems of the exit trade relate to obtaining permits and approvals for the implementation of the exit trade. The rules for outbound trade depend on the position of the local authorities, somewhere there are fewer problems, somewhere more. But if there is a desire to trade from the wheels, then you can always get the necessary papers.

In addition, we should not forget that the severity of our laws is fully compensated by the general non-obligation of their implementation. Spontaneous, unauthorized markets where trading is conducted without permits is common. Yes, it happens sometimes, but people still trade ... It turns out to be profitable.

On the other hand, our people, especially in the provinces, are not so spoiled by trade that the demand for almost any product is guaranteed and people will just be happy with the appearance of another outlet. And, as practice shows, absolutely any assortment is possible - our people are not capricious!

Usually, all kinds of consumer goods are sold in a similar way in rural areas, Appliances, electronics, household. inventory. These things always go with a bang.

From village to city, the opposite direction is the supply of fresh, ecologically pure products nutrition (healthy eating is a very popular topic too!).

By the way, you can arrange delivery necessary goods under the order both that and in the other direction.

In general, the idea of ​​outbound trade from wheels in our vast country has always had, has and will have great opportunities. Use them!

What is the article about?

Profitable and promising direction - kiosk on wheels, or "tonar", so this type of trade is also called. This is an ideal solution for those who are just starting their way in business. This direction in entrepreneurial activity has not yet gained much popularity, so there is a real chance to become a successful pioneer in this direction.

Investments for this type of trading will be needed, but they are not as significant as it happens with the opening own store... Opening a stationary kitty, in addition to paying for this point, the entrepreneur will have to pay monthly rent of the land on which the LFA is installed. Moreover, having such a mobile point as stall on wheels, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to study consumer demand in each separate area, region. After all, no one bothers him to move from place to place, from city to city, from one region to another.

How to open your kiosk on wheels

Assortment, whatever your heart desires. It can be a fast food or a mobile coffee shop, a point of sale household chemicals or a pastry shop. In a word, what is in demand is what we offer. There are a lot of ideas and the entrepreneur makes the final choice himself. For example, in the USA, they practice mobile salons for animals, where the owners can wash, cut, comb their pets. In France, it is hot baked goods. We have anything, everything will be in demand.

With dogs and cats, things are more complicated in our country, but points of sale of food products, mini-cafes or fast foods are exactly what is in demand. In any case, the owner has the right to change the assortment and direction of activity at any time. The main thing is that the documents are drawn up properly. Read more: How to open a cafe fast food... Business plan.

How to legalize your type of activity

The process of registering a private enterprise is not difficult. Initially, it is worth deciding that it will be a private enterprise or an entrepreneurial individual activity... In both of these types of business, the landlord has the right to hire people. But while talking about wage labor still early.

For registration of entrepreneurial activity, you must contact the administrative authorities at the place of registration. Write an application on the proposed form of the established sample and give it to the registrar with copies of your own documents.

Important! At the very first stage, the future entrepreneur must decide on the type of activity. There is a specialized list of services for this. Each type of activity is determined by a special number, which must be entered in the provided column in the application. After that, pay the state duty and hand over the package of documents to the registrar with a receipt for payment.

The issue is being considered promptly, and in a couple of weeks you will have a certificate of an entrepreneur and an extract from the register, indicating registration in Unified register... This day can be considered the birthday of your own successful business.

After receiving the certificate in your hands, you must register with the tax authorities. A copy of the certificate is provided there, an application is filled out, where it is necessary to indicate the form of taxation. Usually, start-up entrepreneurs choose such a form as a single tax. In any case, the type of activity and the form of taxation can be changed if it suddenly turns out that the choice was made incorrectly.

Purchase and registration of tonar (kiosk on wheels)

Offers of this type in today's automotive market lot. You can bring it from abroad, for example, from Germany. But customs red tape will take too long. If there is such an opportunity, then this should be done even before the registration of entrepreneurial activity. But for a minor overpayment stall on wheels can be purchased at the car market.

There are many offers and it is necessary to choose a mobile stall in the form of a trailer. It can be:

  1. Mobile store MZSA 815001 on the basis of the trailer. Closed type, equipped with the necessary shelves, has a certain set of equipment. The manufacturer can make a kiosk on wheels according to the individual order of the client. Nice appearance, neat and comfortable inside.
  2. Ural-Kupava is made on the basis of a car trailer. The walls and ceiling of the kiosk are made of sandwich panels, which increases the thermal performance in winter period time. Roomy and comfortable. The large internal space allows you to install enough necessary equipment, a refrigerator, providing conditions for storing food. Ideal mobile food stand and hot baked goods.
  3. Kazachok 82721-01 based on a single-axle trailer. A small, comfortable stall often used for selling dairy products, cooking and baking.
  4. Tonar-Trade. One of the most capacious representatives for street trade... Equipped with large display windows through which the buyer can watch the cooking process or select the desired product.

You can buy such kiosks new or used, there are also a lot of such offers. But just buying is not enough, it is vehicle, requiring special registration and not only in the bodies of the state road inspection. Such a tool will require an additional permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire authorities. In ready-made mobile pavilions, all the requirements of these services are provided, so there should be no difficulties.

Probably, you shouldn't remind the driver-entrepreneur that category “B” is not enough for working on tonar. Category, permit to drive with a trailer plus entrepreneurial permits, coordination with municipal authorities. It will not work to come and put the tray in any place you like.

There is a certain list of a package of documents that give permission to carry out this type of activity. It is not difficult to solve this, but it is necessary to collect all the papers in order to avoid large fines. It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly is necessary. The basic requirements are listed. Normative base constantly changing. But if the package of documents is collected today, then in the next year nothing will have to be changed. Read more: How to open your store. Shop business plan.

Requirements for products sold

Regardless of where the product is sold or the service is provided, the entrepreneur must have a certain list of documents on hand. It is minimal for industrial products and household chemicals. But any group of goods must necessarily have documentary evidence of compliance with the established standards. On the basis of this, manufacturers maintain special certificates. Any certificate, declaration is legally binding.

If these are products manufactured directly on site, then the corresponding declaration is used. It is difficult for a newcomer to such a business to understand, but it is also impossible to explain what exactly is needed to carry out this type of activity. The legal framework is constantly changing.

It's definitely fashionable to say one thing Required documents it is not difficult to prepare, it will all take 2-3 days. Each region has different requirements, but it is possible and not difficult to fulfill them so that you can work calmly for at least a year.

When selling grocery products, you must have certificates. When offering the consumer products of their own preparation, a declaration is required.

What is the most promising type of activity in a kiosk on wheels

Do not think that a kiosk on wheels will quickly bring good money. This is, like any other business, daily hard work... It is simply impossible to say unequivocally what exactly will sell better. Today, a person can come to the outback simply by loading the car with bread. And tomorrow, when he sells in the city, the buyer will look for a completely different product. In a short time, each entrepreneur will independently determine in which region and what the buyer needs.

But in urban settings, few people will be able to pass by the aroma of coffee mixed with the smell of fresh baked goods. Therefore, fast food with hot homemade cakes and coffee is the most popular option. Moreover, in an urban setting, a businessman can offer:

  • fresh milk and dairy products from the nearest farms, a fairly demanded category, which is lacking in the market;
  • meat, meat products;
  • confectionery;
  • kitchenware;
  • household chemical goods;
  • materials for repair;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish and fish products.

It is clear that the cost of all this should be lower compared to the price of the nearest store, hypermarket or bazaar. Moreover, the difference does not have to be significant. Just a couple of rubles is enough for people to go to the kiosk.

Financial questions

It is clear that such a business is developing in all countries of the former CIS approximately in the same way. In order not to mislead the reader, you can analyze the forthcoming costs in connection with starting a business in Russian rubles. And so, what and how much it costs:

  • paperwork for doing business and the stall itself - 10-100 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition cash register if it is necessary at the legislative level - about 6-7 thousand rubles;
  • rent of a mobile kiosk - 10-25 thousand rubles;
  • buying your own kiosk - 100-150 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 10-15 thousand rubles.

It is worth recalling that these are approximate calculations based on the Russian ruble, to which you must add land lease, fuel purchase and vehicle depreciation. In reality, the total amount can change significantly in one direction or the other.

To all these costs it is worth adding contingencies. These are fines and, sadly, bribes. No matter how the fight against corruption and bribery is conducted, it exists and it is obvious that it will exist for a long time. A certain amount of money must be set aside for bribes.

Interesting but scary? Then the franchise

It is clear that every start of a business raises a lot of questions. Most newcomers in this business doubt, therefore they are afraid to take a decisive and independent step. For such people, it would be most appropriate to take advantage of such an offer as a franchise. Hundreds of promoted brands have thousands of points on wheels that they are ready to share with budding businessmen.

They are ready to help, provide everything you need, including a kiosk on wheels, until the person realizes that he has grasped the essence of this business and can work independently.

The essence of the franchise in simple words

To put it simply, a well-known brand provides a kiosk on wheels, paid space, equipment, products. A novice businessman begins to carry out activities as a representative of a known company, but he pays part of the profit to his creditor. It is to the lender, since the franchise, is a small business lending to operate under the brand name of a well-known brand.

In other words, a person promotes his own business using the big name of a well-known brand. This happens until he repays the entire loan amount. After that, he is given the opportunity to continue working under this brand, or to promote his own brand with the money earned.

This is a rather advantageous offer, since this type of loan is issued with minimal risks. If we talk about success in this type of activity, then more than 85 percent of entrepreneurs in a fairly short period of time managed to master this type of activity at the expense of another company and managed to create their own, profitable business on wheels.

In order to start a business using a franchise, some influence is still required. This is a kind of entrance fee, which serves as a guarantee that a person is determined to work and make a profit. Minimum amount can be close to 4-5 thousand dollars, the maximum is simply unlimited. It all depends on how quickly a budding businessman wants to become independent.

Franchise pitfalls

This type of business is considered less secure for the aspiring entrepreneur. But, like any other activity, there are certain pros and cons. Considering positive sides, then there are not so many of them, but they are quite weighty.

  1. Start own business under the aegis of famous brand... Many organizational issues, difficult for a beginner, are solved by an experienced person.
  2. Escort. It is convenient to open a tornar under the patronage of a well-known brand, since the kiosk itself on wheels and a full set of equipment are provided for rent. Marketing, advertising campaign, search and contracts with suppliers, this is the task of the company managers.
  3. Lack of surety to banks. It is quite difficult for a novice businessman to get a loan from a bank for business development. In franchising, the brand owner acts as a guarantor to the bank, credit funds are issued without problems.

It is clear that starting your own business under the brand name is much easier than promoting your own name or the name of your future company yourself. But with all this positive side, negative points is still there.

  1. Strict requirements. You don't have to set the conditions for your work yourself. It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the owner. This is the place of work, the range of goods, the working hours, and so on.
  2. The rights of the parties are valid only on the basis of an agreement. If suddenly the owner begins to incur losses and is forced to wind up his business, then the entrepreneur will have to close the business, even if he was doing well. The property is returned or redeemed, and the credit debt is a heavy burden on the entrepreneur's shoulders.
  3. The entrepreneur has no right to choose suppliers. This applies not only to products, but also to equipment.
  4. The entrepreneur bears the financial costs of registering a business, purchasing raw materials, legal responsibility for this and much more.

That's not a lot the new kind entrepreneurial activity. Clearly established legislative framework not yet. Therefore, before starting to conduct this type of activity, it is necessary to think over everything well and not get involved if doubts arise. There are not so few such offers, so the choice should be made slowly.

Are you looking for a simple business that requires minimal investment? Perhaps the option of organizing an offsite trade within your region will suit you.

The essence of this idea is simple. You buy a truck, choose an assortment of goods and go to retail outlets in various villages and small towns in your region.

There is a certain offshoot of this type of business in trading from wheels, namely, urban options for outlets, this is most likely organized by the sale of fast food or narrow-fish goods such as flour, sugar, vegetables and other food products.

The competition in many regions is actually small in this area, the main thing here is to attract buyers, and your advantage will be more low prices than in the same stores that are located there, due to a decrease in investments in rent of premises, salaries for employees and payment of taxes for personnel.

With a well-built off-site business, you can earn $ 400 - $ 700 per month, and this is with your part-time employment as an entrepreneur. Agree, quite a good option for a first business.

If we consider the work schedule of a trade on wheels business, then usually it is either weekends or on weekdays outside of working hours. The main thing is that people know about you, and then regular trips will help establish a base of regular customers.

A reasonable question arises: "How do the villagers know that I am selling products from a car shop?" The answer is simple, before the start of sales, you can drive around the village and honk, this usually works well and many will come up to see what you are selling and evaluate the quality of the goods and the price level in your stall or trailer on wheels.

Let's now take a closer look at the issue of organizing and promoting this business.

What documents are needed?

You will need all the necessary permits to carry out onsite trading. Here is a list of what you will need:

  • open SP.
  • indicate OKVED on the activity. For Russia it is 52.6, 52.62, 52.63. For Ukraine - 47.9.
  • have quality certificates for the products sold.
  • if you are selling food, then you need to have medical card the seller.
  • permission from SES to trade from a car shop.

If you are not sure about the correctness of all the documents, then it is best to seek advice from a lawyer in your city.

Also, if you want to work in an urban environment, then you definitely need to get a permit for trading from wheels from the local administration. This must be a specially designated area and you must have all the documents confirming the right to trade. Otherwise, your van may be sent to a fine area, and you will be given a rather big fine.

Before starting, try to study the legislation in this direction in as much detail as possible in order to work exclusively legally and there are no questions for you from the inspection services.

For off-site trade, an excellent solution would be dishware trade. What do you need to know about this product and how to make the right assortment? All answers in our article are.


This is probably one of the most pressing issues in this direction. Its essence lies in the fact that due to your mobility, you can be flexible in terms of the assortment, and change it depending on the season and the relevance of a particular group of goods.

So if you are planning to engage in outbound trade in the nearby villages, you should carefully study their market for goods, and understand what is missing. Or offer a wider and cheaper assortment of products already sold there. The most relevant products are:

  • food trade
  • clothes
  • agricultural supplies
  • household chemicals
  • mineral fertilizers and seedlings
  • in the summertime, watermelons, melons and more.

If we talk about the urban types of such trade, then here we can note coffee shops on wheels, the sale of ice cream and popcorn, and much more.

V last years This type of activity in big cities is actively developing, since not too much money is needed to start, and the payback will not be long in coming. But city authorities often begin to struggle with the installation of LFAs, and therefore the risks of being left without everything are very high.

Entrepreneurs who work in the format of off-site trade purchase products at wholesalers. Usually, a large batch of goods is taken and sold already in various settlements of your region.

For example, very often in small towns and villages you can see mobile merchants selling exclusively vermicelli, sunflower oil, flour, cereals and other products. Or with detergents from Europe, the same powders and cleaning agents.

Equipment and work organization

To start a business, you will need:

  • a car (a gazelle or a foreign cargo car is perfect) - $ 8,000, for the sale of coffee, a Tavria pickup will be enough for you.
  • racks and shelves - $ 250
  • showcase - counter - $ 150
  • product. When trading food product, to start you will need about $ 4000 - $ 6000.
  • driver, part-time seller. You can do this type of business yourself. In this case, you can go several times a week and you will have time for another type of activity.

From the monthly costs you will have:

  • fuel for travel
  • minor car repair
  • taxes

How much can you earn?

The average markup on a product, in case of exit trade, is about 50% - 100%. Sometimes, if you, for example, sell condiments brought from Europe, the mark-up can be more than 100%.

The earnings of a small car shop, in which an entrepreneur independently trades, can, on average, be $ 350 - $ 500 per month, and the payback period for such a business is 1.5 - 2 years. This is taking into account the purchase of a car. If you have a car, then the business will pay off in 3 - 4 months, and then the profit comes.

Conclusions. If you decide to engage in outbound trade, then you first need to assess the situation in the region and draw up a travel itinerary. Next, choose a car and an assortment, then draw up documents and regularly go to sales. Is not light business but with such minimum investment quite within the power of everyone.

Do you work in this niche? We look forward to your feedback on this business in the comments.


Discussion of the article: 6 comments

    A striking example is the entry into the Ukrainian market of the mobile pizza chain La Pizza espresso, based on trailers and vans.
    You can become a participant in the project by receiving a professionally equipped van, branded business, technologies and recipes.

    How to contact you?

    Good afternoon Alexander,

    You have such great ideas! Do you help to implement them?

    Vera Aleksanyan
    Wellness Entrepreneur

    Tell me how to contact you, where to buy a gazelle?

    In our city, goods from Europe are sold from such a machine. There they have an assortment of: olive oil, coffee, sweets and other products of European brands. I took olive oil several times, delicious and the price tag is adequate. When I walk past their cars, I constantly see buyers, and this is a city, in the village I think it will definitely work, the main thing is to offer something new and a low price tag.

    We are engaged in a similar business. But not everything is as easy as it seems. There are many things to consider for beginners. First: a lot of people have gone abroad (the solvent population) or periodically away. Second: those who were abroad, they saw the quality of a different product and, accordingly, they are already comparing. Third: when opening, you need to carefully study the niche, weigh everything. I'll tell you from my own experience. I have one car shop with clothes and in the summer my wife and I decided to open a car shop with cold drinks and went bankrupt. They did not take into account that this year in our city in every store they will put a beer tap))))). In my opinion, in order to become successful, one must trade in goods without which a person cannot do. But if you decide to trade in products, see there is a very strong competition and a very small gap in earnings. Cheat 20-30%. Write on a piece of paper what you want. 1) Shop or coffee shop? 2) Is it a hospital or a car? Example on a store: I decided to open a store. 1) Is it a car dealership or a stationary one? 2) Is it grocery or non-grocery? 3) What category of the population is it intended for? general population or above average income? or VIP? 4) Clearly define the place of the store. 5) Decide for yourself how you will sell the product 6) Where will you get the product. Keep in mind that if you yourself bring the goods from the wholesale base, then you pay only for gasoline, if they brought it to you, then the price is about 5-10% higher. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyers. It would be convenient for you to make purchases here or not, and so on. Having opened a store, do not be stingy, do it once a month, such as Black Friday, throw off the prices for certain purchases, this will get you about 20% + buyers and the word of mouth of old ladies will tell you about you as yourself the best store... Make a specific group of products social. Staff: do not take as they say from the street. The staff should be friendly and talkative, should be able to offer and sell goods in such a way that Aunt Masha would come for bread, and then she bought butter for bread because it’s the freshest, and even bought a pack of new tea)))) Offer, but not impose !! ! The opening hours of the store also depend on its location. If this is a store in a residential area, then it is better to do it before 22.00 (my uncle was lying on the couch and remembered about a bottle of beer). Enter courier delivery... Create a website for your store. Now young people are promoted, so if they see that it is possible to order food without leaving home, then you will have + 10% of customers.

Business on wheels - features of running + 8 steps for opening it + basic financial investments + description of 5 topical ideas.

A poorly chosen place to sell goods or provide services is almost always a failure and loss for an entrepreneur.

And few can find the strength in themselves, and also have additional funds to start all over again.

If you have a fear of "burn out" precisely because you can choose the wrong place, then business on wheels- this is really a way out and a solution to the problem.

Especially if you don't want to have any business with renting and renovating premises.

In our country, this is a fairly familiar and well-known way of doing business, but in Europe and the USA it is more widespread.

Mobile beauty salons, nightclubs, right in the cars there have not been perceived as something outlandish and unusual for a long time.

We will consider a few ideas that work successfully with us.

Features and benefits of doing business on wheels

Open mobile business does not constitute a great deal of work.

An entrepreneur does not need to look for a suitable premises, make repairs in it and hire a large staff of staff.

It is enough to decide on an idea, buy the necessary car, re-equip it and start your "journey" through different parts of the city in search of a profitable place.

A business on wheels, like any other, is focused on a large number of customers.

But its main difference from the "stationary" one is that in case of failure, you can easily move to a more advantageous place.

In addition to this, the business on wheels has a number of other advantages:

  • there is no need to spend time and money looking for suitable premises;
  • relatively small investments and regular expenses;
  • minimum investment in advertising;
  • quite simple obtaining permits.

If the chosen direction still could not bring the expected results to the entrepreneur, he will be able to resell even a converted car and not incur large losses.

Another option may be to try your hand at another business idea, which can also be implemented on wheels.

Procedure for starting a business on wheels

A detailed study and careful planning of the implementation of a conceived business idea are the key steps that need to be taken before starting a business.

Without knowledge of work in the chosen direction of business, as well as without drawing up an action plan and financial calculations not get to organize a stable and profitable business, no matter how profitable and profitable it may seem at first glance.

    Study of consumer demand in a specific area.

    Many people mistakenly believe that if a business on wheels is not tied to a specific location, then there is no need to study demand.

    It's not like that at all.

    Agree that even by car it is not profitable to send 200 km to another settlement just because people need something there.

    Therefore, you need to study unoccupied niches in your city and analyze their need among the population and choose several directions for yourself.

    Generating a business idea.

    The best option would be the direction in which you have certain knowledge or experience.

    If they are not there, but there is a long-standing dream of trying something new, then you need to start studying it and start acting.

    This document is drawn up in any case.

    Even if you have own funds to start a business, do not neglect this stage.

    The business plan will help to analyze the profitability of investments in the idea, calculate the amount of capital investment, and will also serve detailed instructions actions to be taken.

    Buying and branding a car.

    Depending on your chosen business idea on wheels, you will need to purchase a new or used car.

    It can be a light vehicle or a utility vehicle that can fit into the concept of the idea.

    After the purchase, you can start branding the car.

    This refers to its re-equipment and the development of a design that will fit the conceived idea.


    The procedure for registering a business on wheels is carried out in the usual way.

    You need:

    • choose the organizational and legal form: individual entrepreneur, LLC;
    • decide on the form of taxation;
    • obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection;
    • obtain permits for doing business from local authorities.
  1. Purchase of equipment and, if necessary, goods.

    After buying a car, you need to start looking for and purchasing equipment.

    This is the second largest cost item in the initial investment.

    Depending on the chosen area of ​​activity, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment and goods that will be needed in the course of work.

    Search for personnel.

    The idea of ​​a business on wheels does not need a lot of investment in staff.

    At first, you can do the work yourself and hire a replacement who needs to be trained in all questions and nuances, as well as working with equipment.

    It is important that the employee has a certain category of rights.

    But you may have to hire a driver to ferry the car if the employee cannot do it himself.

    In any case, the cost of staff salaries will not be too large.

    The idea of ​​a business on wheels does not need active advertising so much.

    Here you need to find a "cereal" place with a large flow of people, or consider such an area where there is a demand among the population for your activity.

    Depending on the chosen field of activity, you need to develop a marketing strategy, the tools of which will be used in the implementation of the idea.

    After completing this process, you can safely choose a place, go to the first planned point and start work.

    Remember that in case of failure, you can start the car right on that day and go to another place.

Major financial investments in a business on wheels

As mentioned above, the business plan of the chosen idea includes detailed calculations of the initial investment and regular investments.

The starting capital for the implementation of the idea will consist of the following expenses:

  • buying a car;
  • its re-equipment and branding;
  • purchase of an electric generator, a tank with water and a pump for its supply;
  • purchase of a cash register;
  • expenses for registration and obtaining permits;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment / tools and the first batch of goods / raw materials;
  • advertising costs;
  • other unforeseen expenses.

Among the regular investments, it is necessary to highlight:

  • fuel and car maintenance costs;
  • car depreciation;
  • communal payments;
  • employee salaries;
  • regular purchase of goods or raw materials;
  • advertising costs;
  • other expenses.

Regardless of which business idea is chosen, investing in the purchase of the appropriate vehicle is indispensable.

It needs to be selected depending on what you decide to do.

For example, in some idea you can limit yourself to a passenger car, but for something you will need a campervan, truck or even a bus.

Examples of cars:

  • Toyota DD;
  • Volkswagen Caddy;
  • Mercedes Sprinter
  • GAZ / Gazelle and others.

And now you have decided on the idea of ​​a business on wheels, and at this stage you will need to purchase a car and re-equip it, that is, start branding and styling it:

  • buying a new car - $ 20,000-25,000;
  • branding and styling of cars - 5000-10000 $.

The rest of the investment will depend on what you plan to do.

5 topical business ideas on wheels

A business on wheels can be implemented in the form of many ideas.

They can relate to food and non-food trade and service delivery.

Let's consider several options.

1. Coffee to go

This is the most popular idea for a business on wheels, and, of course, we can't help but dwell on it.

In Russia and Ukraine it can be seen more and more often.

The idea is to trade in coffee that visitors can take with them and enjoy a drink on the way.

To open a business, you will need to purchase a water tank, an electric generator, a showcase, a professional coffee machine, a coffee grinder and small refrigeration equipment for storing cream and milk.

Regular investments in such a business idea on wheels are presented in the form of purchasing high-quality coffee, sugar, milk, cream, syrups, consumables - plastic or paper cups and napkins.

You need to place a mobile point in crowded places - metro stations, bus stations, business centers, schools and city parks.

2. Mobile coffee shop or canteen

This mobile business idea is more advanced than the previous one.

There are two options for development, among which you can choose the one that suits you best:

    Fast food to go.

    This includes items such as hot dogs, donuts, sandwiches, pizzas, and similar foods.

    Depending on the assortment you choose, you may need a microwave oven to warm up dishes, a coffee machine, a hot dog machine, a waffle maker, and a crepe maker.

    Refrigeration equipment and a powerful electric generator will be required.

    Cooking will not work, except maybe hot dogs, so you need to find suppliers who will provide you with preparations and semi-finished products.

    Or you can cook meals yourself in a stationary room, and sell them already in a fast food on wheels.

    Full dining room with seating.

    To implement such a business on wheels, you cannot limit yourself to a passenger car, because you will need to purchase a full-fledged bus, which is subsequently divided into two parts: a small kitchen and the cafe itself with several tables.

    The assortment of offered dishes can be the same as in the variant described above.

    In order not to be sprayed on the menu with many positions, we recommend choosing a narrow specialization - pizzeria, donut.

    And the cafe itself can stand in one place or move around the city with visitors.

3. Tire service or field emergency service

Car owners often find themselves in unforeseen situations - tire puncture, car breakdown.

Naturally, you won't be able to leave anywhere, that's why mobile workshops were invented, which are engaged in emergency repairs.

The implication of this idea of ​​a business on wheels is that when a driver has a problem, he calls a similar service that comes to him and fixes the problem.

For these purposes, you will need to choose a car in the form of a van with equipment and tools that are necessary for servicing cars.

To implement such an idea, active advertising is needed.

As with the previous options, when people just walk by you, they will not be able to declare themselves.

Here you will already need to work on a call, so promote your business in all known ways.

4. Shop

"The types of business are different, but the business as a system remains the same, regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets."
Peter Drucker

One of the walls truck is a showcase with goods.

To realize this idea, you can trade both food - baked goods, fresh vegetables fruits, meat, fish, and non-food products - clothing, jewelry, accessories and others.

In the case of a food group of goods, it is imperative to obtain the appropriate permits, as well as to make such investments - to buy an electric generator showcase and refrigeration equipment, which will be responsible for the safety and freshness of the products.

If you are thinking about starting a trade, then first take a closer look at a business on wheels.

And then you will have a chance to find a really profitable place where the sales volume will meet your expectations.

One more original idea business on wheels is covered in the video:

5. Cinema

The idea of ​​a business on wheels in the form of a mobile cinema is relevant both in small towns or villages, where there is practically no entertainment, and in large settlements, especially in districts remote from the center.

Having installed a projector and several seats, you can travel around your city or nearby settlements, and give their residents the opportunity to have fun.

In this case, you need to take care of purchasing not only equipment, but also a license to broadcast films.

The latter will be presented in the form of regular attachments.

Business on wheels is not limited to just these ideas.

If your imagination for generating ideas works well, and you are not afraid to take risks, then you can easily implement almost any conceived project, which, with this kind of business management, has a quick payback.

And this is not surprising, because you get a unique opportunity to move around the city in search of a profitable place.

Therefore, find a suitable car, buy the necessary equipment, make up detailed business plan and take action.

And remember that success doesn't come to those who do nothing.

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