Training centers for innovation activities. Analysis of the problems of innovation and training

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should:


  • basic concepts and directions of personnel formation for the innovation economy;
  • main regulatory and program documents in the field of personnel training and development of the education system;

be able to

  • analyze and apply industry and regional experience in training personnel for an innovative economy;
  • identify the specifics of training specialists for high-tech sectors of the economy;


  • modern methods personnel management in innovative economy;
  • methods for developing training programs for high-tech industries of the economy.

Keywords: innovative economy, scientific personnel, innovative personnel, innovative person, competencies, education system, corporate university, scientific and educational center.

The concept of "personnel for an innovative economy"

When it comes to an innovative economy, it is understood that this is an economy that is based on knowledge, innovation, on a positive perception of the results of creative intellectual activity, new ideas, the desire to bring them to life, which ensures a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products that the market needs . Wherein modern companies strive to attract to the workplace employees who would have intellectual abilities and themselves strive to find new progressive solutions in their activities. In order to be able to effectively manage innovation processes, develop and implement innovative projects, personnel are needed who are ready for such activities. In this case, it is about personnel for innovative economy.

Classic economic theory J. Schumpeter in his famous book "Theory economic development"explored those factors that "explode" the equilibrium of the market system from the inside. These internal factors become new production combinations, which determine dynamic changes in the economy. J. Schumpeter identified several types of fundamentally new combinations of production factors:

  • creation of a new product;
  • use of new production technology;
  • use of a new organization of production;
  • opening of new sales markets and sources of raw materials.

New combinations of factors of production received

titles "innovations" (innovations). It was J. Schumpeter who first introduced this term into economics. It should be borne in mind that innovation is not just any innovation or innovation, but only one that seriously increases the efficiency of the current system. J. Schumpeter assigned a leading role in economic development to the entrepreneur, believing that entrepreneurship is a special gift, a property of the human character, in no way dependent on class, social affiliation. This type of character is distinguished by the following features:

  • self-reliance;
  • risk preference;
  • the value of one's own independence;
  • orientation to one's own opinion;
  • the need to achieve success, despite the fact that the inherent value of money for him is small;
  • The key quality of an entrepreneur is the desire to innovate.

The entrepreneur is the main subject of the process of economic development. It is his activity that contributes to the implementation of technical progress, an excess of value is created, the stationary situation is "cracked", and the economy receives an impetus for development.

Classical examples can be given that confirm the conclusions of J. Schumpeter. It is the desire for innovation of such well-known managers as Bill Gates from the company microsoft, Akio Morito from sony, Jack Welch from General Electric, led their companies to global leadership.

In the broad sense of the word innovative personnel(including workers) in the modern economy means workers with high innovative potential. The main characteristics of such workers can be:

  • high professional level, the desire to constantly improve the level of their education and qualifications;
  • creative abilities, which are manifested in a sense of the new, in the ability to see shortcomings, find ways to eliminate them;
  • the ability to master the latest technological methods, methods and forms of labor organization, high technical and technological culture;
  • the presence of certain psychological and moral qualities - adaptability, flexibility of thinking, imagination, purposefulness, conscientiousness, diligence.

The classification of innovative personnel, based on the selected criteria, is presented in Table. 6.1.

Table 6.1

Classification of innovative personnel

The main modern problems in the field of training specialists call the following:

  • the gap between education and production;
  • training of engineering specialists is focused on mass industrial production of 30–50 years ago;
  • most graduate students have little industrial experience;
  • there are no effective links between employers, enterprises and universities, higher educational institutions;
  • few tools of public-private partnership are used in vocational education;
  • weak correlation of the number of graduates with the needs of the economy;
  • many professional standards have not been developed on the basis of which training should take place;
  • student practice in production, in design bureaus is still not mandatory;
  • there is a problem of retaining young specialists in production;
  • weak promotion of scientific and technical knowledge among young people;
  • a large number of paid higher educational institutions that train unskilled specialists;
  • lagging behind in the development of vocational education;
  • lack of prestige and weak promotion of engineering professions;
  • depreciation of the material, technical and information base in universities.

The most significant in the innovation economy is the development of personnel (personnel, human resources), since it is they who will develop, implement, and then manage innovation processes, and help them to be effective. In this regard, based on a generalization of existing views, a number of new approaches to the development of personnel in the innovation economy can be distinguished:

  • - strengthening the training of specialists for the branches of the innovative economy;
  • - emphasis on investment in human capital, which can be regarded as long-term investment in an innovative economy;
  • - development of the creative component of the labor potential of the individual.

Enterprises interested in innovative development, increasing their own competitiveness, should focus on personnel with analytical skills, who themselves are striving for innovation, which will contribute to an increase in progressive management decisions and activation of the labor potential of employees. It is these personnel who are able to actively adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of the post-industrial society.



The Concept addresses the issues of creating and developing a staffing system for the innovation activities as a subsystem of the innovation system of the Moscow Region in the light of the tasks defined by the Main Policy Directions Russian Federation in the field of innovation system development for the period up to 2010, Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, instructed by the President of the Russian Federation to implement a pilot project on the territory of the Moscow Region for the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms of interaction in the innovation process of bodies state power and local government; Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region "On the approval of priority measures for the implementation in the Moscow Region of a pilot project for the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms for interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local self-government", decisions of the Interdepartmental Commission to ensure the implementation of the pilot project in the Moscow Region on practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms of interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local self-government and the law of the Moscow region "On scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Moscow region."

This Concept was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, the Main Department for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow Region and the Committee on Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Region with the municipal governments of the cities of Troitsk, Fryazino, Chernogolovka, as well as with leading educational institutions , implementing training programs for organizing and managing in the field of innovation, taking into account the prospects for the development of innovation infrastructure, plans for scientific, technical and innovation development of the Moscow region.

The subject of the Concept is the definition of the basic principles and forms of interaction between public authorities, local self-government of the Moscow Region, subjects educational activities, innovation infrastructure, industrial enterprises, scientific and research and production organizations and professional associations of employers in the implementation of the task of forming a system of staffing the sphere of innovation in the Moscow region.

The object of the Concept is the relations that arise when solving the problem of training personnel in organization and management for the sphere of innovation activity between state authorities and local self-government of the Moscow Region, subjects of educational activity, innovation infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow Region, professional associations of employers.

The concept contains the following sections:

Section 1. Status and problems of staffing the sphere of innovation.

Section 2. The purpose and objectives of the system of staffing the sphere of innovation.

Section 3. Interaction between public authorities and local self-government of the Moscow region, subjects of educational activities and innovation infrastructure, industrial and scientific and technical organizations, professional associations of employers in the formation and development of a system of staffing in the field of innovation.

Section 4. The main directions, stages and measures for the development of the system of staffing the sphere of innovation as a subsystem of the innovation system of the Moscow region.

Section 6. Financing the system of staffing the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow region.


The Main Directions of the Policy of the Russian Federation in the Development of the Innovation System for the Period up to 2010 emphasize the importance of the relationship public policy in this area with the sustainable functioning of the system of continuous training in management in the field of innovation.

"The main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period up to 2010" consider "the development of a system of continuous training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation" as one of the main measures "implementation of state policy in the field of development of the innovation system", “which is designed to become one of the instruments for the dynamic development of the national economy ... through the introduction and commercialization of scientific and technical developments and technologies .....”

In a message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation V.V. On May 10, 2006, Putin stated: “In general, we need today such an innovative environment that will put the production of new knowledge on stream…. The government should put things in order with the content of programs in vocational education. Moreover, this should be done jointly with representatives of business and social sectors, for which, in fact, specialists are being trained. It is necessary to create a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of the acquired knowledge.”

In accordance with the instruction of V.V. Putin dated April 16, 2003 No. PR-645, a pilot project is being implemented on the territory of the Moscow Region for the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms for interaction between state authorities and local governments in the innovation process.

Governor of the Moscow Region B.V. Gromov, when summing up the results of the Government's work for 2005 and the tasks for 2006, strictly demanded "to start concrete work and evaluate concrete results" for the implementation of a pilot project on the territory of the Moscow Region on the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms of interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local authorities. self-government.

Thus, starting from the above-mentioned documents, the development of the concept was carried out on the basis of the following basic principles:

the development of a system of continuous training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation is one of the most important measures of state policy in the field of the formation of a national innovation system;

the creation of training centers for innovation activities is a prerequisite for the formation and development of a system of continuous training of personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation

creation of a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of training
is an necessary elements creation of a system of staffing innovation activities.

As world experience shows, in order to staff the sphere of innovation activity in each sector of the economy, managers and specialists with special training and specific knowledge, skills and abilities are required to ensure the effectiveness of the innovation process in the relevant subject area.

At present, more than 183 subjects of educational activity are training personnel in the Moscow Region.

However, the problem of training, professional retraining, advanced training of personnel in organization and management in the field of innovation, from the point of view of participants in innovation processes, remains unresolved, both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Preliminary estimates based on pilot data marketing research, for the Moscow region it is necessary to train annually about 3.5 thousand specialists in the organization and management in the field of innovation.

However, the number of trained specialists and the level of their training do not fully meet the requirements of the Governor and the Government of the Moscow Region to ensure the formation of an innovation system in the Moscow Region.

Not available in the Moscow Region single center(body) developing a strategy and coordinating the training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation.

At the municipal level, centers for training personnel for innovation activities have not been formed, which should conduct training in advanced training programs for state and municipal employees, managers and specialists in the innovation infrastructure, industrial enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations and provide consulting services in the field of innovation with the involvement of the best specialists of the Moscow region.

Due to the low development of an innovative culture in society, as well as insufficient promotion of success and experience in the field of innovation in the means mass media some of the specialists who have undergone retraining and advanced training have problems of being in demand in the Moscow region.

The issues of personnel training in organization and management in the field of innovation activity are solved by various state authorities and local self-government bodies with insufficient coordination of actions and with insufficient reliance on studying the real needs for personnel for innovative development programs in the region. Such activities are not systemic.

In educational institutions of the innovation infrastructure, public authorities and local governments, there is no common understanding of the content of training programs for organizing and managing in the field of innovation. The needs of employers and the innovation infrastructure for personnel have not been sufficiently studied.

Developed on the basis of a study of the opinions of the leaders of innovative organizations and approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor in 2004, the professional standard for the profession "Manager of innovation activities in the scientific, technical and industrial fields" is not used in full to form the content of educational programs. Qualification level employees of enterprises and organizations in the field of innovation management is significantly inferior to the requirements of the labor market.

There is no training for teams of specialists capable of implementing investment projects and programs for the innovative development of territories, industries and organizations, taking into account industry (subject) specifics.

There is a lack of qualified teaching staff for the training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, there is a significant variation in the level of their qualifications, the educational, methodological and material and technical base is insufficient, and public opinion has not been formed about the need for such training.

At present, the need for training of the following categories of managers and specialists is most acutely felt:

1) public authorities of the Moscow region responsible for the formation and management of the innovation system of the Moscow region;

2) local governments of municipalities with a high concentration of innovative potential, interested in the innovative development of their territories;

3) innovation infrastructure (technoparks, innovation and technology centers, technology transfer centers, venture funds, etc.);

4) industrial enterprises, scientific and research and production organizations,

5) small innovative technology firms.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to simultaneously increase the number of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation activity to the required level, special attention should be paid to the training of teachers and consultants who, focusing at first in educational and consulting centers at the municipal level, will be able through programs advanced training and consulting activities to meet the needs of organizations located in municipalities.


The purpose of forming a system of staffing in the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow region is to give a new quality to innovation activity and, on this basis, to increase the share of competitive innovative products in the production structure of the Moscow region.

To achieve this goal, the following interrelated tasks should be solved as a matter of priority:

Organization of interaction between public authorities, local self-government, subjects of educational activities, innovative infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow region in the interests of staffing the sphere of innovation;

Development and subsequent approval of a set of documents for legislative, legal, regulatory and methodological support of the system of staffing in the field of innovation;

Modernization of the content and structure of professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in accordance with the needs of innovation-oriented competitive sectors of the economy of the Moscow region;

Formation of a system for monitoring and forecasting the needs for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation activities in the Moscow region;

Creation of a network of municipal training and consulting centers that implement plans for retraining and advanced training of personnel in organizing and managing innovation activities in the territories of municipalities of the Moscow Region with a high concentration of innovation potential, including science cities, Academgorodoks, special economic zones, closed administrative-territorial formations and other types technopolises;

Formation of conditions for continuous professional growth of the teaching staff, leading the training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the Moscow region;

Creation of a system for monitoring the quality of training for the organization and management in the field of innovation;

Formation of a system of independent external quality control of personnel training for the organization and management in the field of innovation, together with representatives of business and social sectors;

Development and organization of the implementation of the Governor's training program for the organization and management in the field of innovation for the period up to 2010;

Development and organization of the implementation of a comprehensive plan of the main activities for the creation and development of a staffing system for the sphere of innovation in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010;

Formation of an innovative culture and public opinion on the need for training in the organization and management of innovation activities, promotion of success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities in the media.

As part of the staffing system for the sphere of innovation in the Moscow Region, it is necessary to expand the scale and achieve a new quality of training of qualified personnel in accordance with the needs of the regional and municipal labor markets in order to accelerate the socio-economic development of the Moscow Region.

3. The interaction of government bodies and local self-government of the Moscow region, subjects of educational activities and innovation infrastructure, industrial and scientific and technical organizations, professional associations of employers in the formation and development of the personnel support system of innovation

3.1 Coordination of the activities of executive authorities, local self-government of subjects of educational activities and innovation infrastructure, industrial and scientific and technical organizations, professional associations of employers of the Moscow Region on staffing the sphere of innovation

The coordination of staffing in the sphere of innovation activity is entrusted to the authorized executive body of the Moscow Region in the field of industrial policy and innovation activity - the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Moscow Region.

For the purpose of coordination, the Government of the Moscow Region creates a permanent interdepartmental working group for staffing the sphere of innovation.

The Chairman of the permanent Interdepartmental Working Group on staffing the sphere of innovation activity is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region.

The Chairman of the Commission is also a member of the Interdepartmental Commission to ensure the implementation of a pilot project on the territory of the Moscow Region for the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms for interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local self-government.

The working group consists of leaders and specialists:

Ministry of Industry and Science of the Moscow Region,

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region,

Main Department for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow Region,

Committee for Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Region,

local self-government bodies with a high innovative potential, implementing the Programs of Innovative Development of Municipalities,

subjects of the educational infrastructure involved in the training of personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation,

subjects of the infrastructure of the innovation system of the Moscow region,

production enterprises, scientific and scientific-technical organizations implementing innovative development programs;

professional associations of employers.

To implement the decisions of the Interdepartmental Working Group, coordinate actions in building a system for staffing the sphere of innovation activity and creating a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of training of specialists, the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing the Sphere of Innovation Activity is being created.

The Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activities is being created in the organizational and legal form of a non-commercial partnership of subjects of educational activities, innovation infrastructure and employers' associations of the Moscow Region.

In order to organize the interaction of all interested parties and state regulation processes of creating a system of staffing in the Moscow region, the Supervisory Board of the non-commercial partnership "Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activity" is being created, which also includes representatives of state authorities and local self-government.

At the municipal level, advanced training of personnel and consulting activities are carried out by municipal educational and consulting centers in the field of innovation, which, in cooperation with local governments, organizations of innovation infrastructure at the municipal level, educational infrastructure entities at the municipal level, enterprises and professional associations of employers:

organize retraining and advanced training of personnel in organization and management in the field of innovation activity (primarily state and municipal employees, managers and specialists of innovation infrastructure, industrial enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations);

carry out consulting activities in the interests of the innovation infrastructure, enterprises and organizations, especially small innovation and development firms;

participate in the development and implementation of innovative projects of enterprises and programs of innovative development of the municipality.

The status of the Municipal Training and Consulting Center in the Sphere of Innovation Activity (Center for Training in Organization and Management in the Sphere of Innovation Activity) can have:

educational institutions of higher vocational education or their structural subdivisions;

institutions of additional education or their structural subdivisions;

any organizations, regardless of their main activity, implementing additional professional educational programs for training personnel in organization and management in the field of innovation.

3.2 Activities of the public authorities of the Moscow region in terms of staffing the sphere of innovation

3.2.1 Government of the Moscow Region:

a) approves a comprehensive action plan for the development of a system of staffing in the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010;

b) approves the Governor's training program for the organization and management of innovation activities for the period up to 2010, prepares proposals for financing the Governor's program with the involvement of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds;

c) creates conditions for the formation of an innovative culture and public opinion on the need for training in organization and management in the field of innovation, promotion of success and experience in training personnel in organization and management in the field of innovation.

3.2.2 Moscow Regional Duma:

a) approves the expenditures of the budget of the Moscow Region for the implementation of:

a comprehensive action plan for the development of a staffing system for the sphere of innovation in the Moscow Region;

Governor's training program for organization and management in the field of innovation;

b) in accordance with the established procedure, considers the proposals of the subjects of the legislative initiative on improving the legislation in the field of state support for staffing the sphere of innovation in the Moscow region.

3.3 Activities of local governments of the Moscow region in terms of staffing the sphere of innovation

Local self-government bodies of municipalities with high innovative potential:

a) within the framework of the program of innovative development of the municipality, approve the training program for managers and specialists in the organization and management in the field of innovative activity;

b) organize interaction with the municipal educational and consulting center in the field of innovation;

c) organize the forecasting of the needs for personnel for the sphere of innovation activity in municipalities;

d) organize training for managers and specialists of local self-government bodies under programs for retraining and raising personnel in organizing and managing in the field of innovation activity;

e) contribute to the formation of an innovative culture and public opinion on the need to train personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, promote success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the media on the territory of the municipality.

3.4 Activities of the permanent Interdepartmental Working Group on staffing the sphere of innovation

The main goal of the creation and functioning of the permanent Interdepartmental Working Group is to develop a strategy for the formation of a system of continuous education in the innovation sphere of the Moscow Region and the organization of interaction between state authorities, local governments, subjects of educational activities, innovation infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow Region in the interests of staffing the sphere innovative activity.

Permanent Interdepartmental Working Group for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activities:

a) develops a strategy for the formation and development of a system of continuous education in the innovation sphere of the Moscow Region;

b) coordinates the activities of state authorities and local self-government in terms of staffing the sphere of innovation activity as a subsystem of the innovation system of the Moscow Region;

c) analyzes the state and quality of personnel training in organization and management in the field of innovation activity in the Moscow region;

d) organizes the implementation of the Governor's training program for organization and management in the field of innovation for the period up to 2010;

e) organizes the implementation of a comprehensive plan of the main activities for the development of a system of staffing in the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010;

f) generates proposals for amending the legislative acts of the Moscow Region in the field of staffing innovation activities;

g) analyzes the provision of industrial enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations applying for the support of the Government of the Moscow Region, with qualified personnel in the field of innovation, takes measures to meet the needs;

h) ensures the implementation of a set of measures to form an innovation culture and public opinion on the need to train personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, promote success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the mass media of the Moscow region.

3.5 Goals and main functions of the Moscow regional coordinating center for staffing the sphere of innovation

The main goals of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activity are organizational work to implement the decisions of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Coordinating the Activities of the Subjects of the Educational and Innovation Infrastructures of the Moscow Region in order to form and develop a system of staffing innovation activities.

The main functions of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activity:

a) coordination of the activities of the subjects of the educational and innovation infrastructure of the Moscow region in training personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the state authorities of the Moscow region;

b) promoting the creation of a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of the knowledge obtained, together with representatives of business and social sectors;

c) organizational and methodological support for the interaction of state authorities, local self-government, subjects of educational activities, innovation infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow Region in the interests of staffing the sphere of innovation activity;

d) assistance in the formation in the territory of the Moscow Region of a system of public and professional certification of specialized educational programs for training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation;

e) monitoring of educational activities for the training of personnel for the field of innovation in the Moscow region;

f) facilitating the formation, on the basis of proposals from the executive authorities of the Moscow Region and local self-government, of a network of municipal training and consulting centers in the field of innovation and providing them with scientific, methodological and consulting support;

g) organization of monitoring the needs for personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation activities on the orders of state authorities, local self-government and other interested organizations;

h) participation in the development and implementation of the Governor's training program for the organization and management of innovation activities for the period up to 2010;

i) participation in the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan of the main activities for the development of a system of staffing in the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010;

j) preparation of analytical materials on the state of training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation activities at the request of state authorities and administration, other interested organizations;

k) study, generalization and dissemination of best practices in the field of training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation based on an analysis of existing practice;

l) preparation of proposals for legislative and regulations Moscow region, regulating the staffing of the sphere of innovation;

o) providing scientific, organizational and scientific and methodological support for the training, professional retraining and advanced training of teachers, managers and specialists in the field of innovation activity in the Moscow Region;

o) organization of retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees, as well as teachers-consultants of subjects of educational activity of the innovation infrastructure of the Moscow Region;

p) holding scientific and methodological seminars and conferences on the issues of staffing the sphere of innovation activity, preparation for publication teaching materials for staffing the sphere of innovation;

c) development, creation and maintenance of an information and analytical system that provides reference and analytical information to the state authorities of the Moscow Region, local self-government and participants in the innovation process at their request;

r) creation and maintenance of the Center's website;

s) implementation of a set of measures to form an innovation culture and public opinion on the need to train personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, promote success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the mass media of the Moscow region.

3.6 Functions of the municipal training and consulting center in the field of innovation

Functions of the municipal educational and consulting center in the field of innovation:

a) training in programs for advanced training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation;

b) formation of teams of consultants for the implementation of specific innovative projects commissioned by interested organizations;

c) assistance in the development of programs for the innovative development of the municipality on the orders of interested organizations;

d) study of the needs for personnel for innovative activities in the municipality on the orders of self-government bodies and interested organizations;

e) preparation of materials for the information and analytical system of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Personnel Support in the Sphere of Innovation Activities;

f) implementation of a set of measures to form an innovative culture and public opinion on the need to train personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, promote success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the mass media of the municipality.


The development of the system of staffing in the field of innovation should lead to the achievement of a new quality of training in the organization and management in the field of innovation and an increase in their number, which will achieve a new quality of innovation and increase, on this basis, the share of competitive innovative products in the production structure of the Moscow region.

The development of the system should be carried out in stages, taking into account the implementation of the Main Directions of the Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period up to 2010, Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. PR-645 on the implementation of a pilot project on the territory of the Moscow Region for the practical development of elements national innovation system and mechanisms of interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local governments, the Federal target program development of education for 2006 - 2010, the Law of the Moscow Region "On scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Moscow Region", Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 05.04.2004 No. 183/13 "On approval of priority measures for the implementation in the territory of the Moscow area of ​​the pilot project on the practical development of elements of the national innovation system and mechanisms of interaction in the innovation process of state authorities and local self-government”, other laws and regulations of the Moscow region.

At the first stage - 2006, the development and approval of the concept of staffing the sphere of innovation activity and the creation on its basis of a system of staffing the sphere of innovation activity as a subsystem of the innovation system of the Moscow Region are carried out, systematic work is carried out to train personnel for the organization and management in the field of innovation activity on the territory of the Moscow Region. regions, mechanisms for interaction between state authorities and local self-government, as well as specialized organizations are being worked out.

For this purpose, the following tasks are solved.

Development of the concept of staffing the sphere of innovation as a subsystem of the innovation system of the Moscow region. The development should be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, the Main Department for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow Region and the Committee on Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Region, as well as with municipal authorities, taking into account the prospects for the development of innovative infrastructure, plans for scientific and technical and innovative development of the Moscow region.

Study of the state of training in the organization and management in the field of innovation in the Moscow region in order to develop recommendations for the formation of a network of municipal training and consulting centers and improving the quality of training in the organization and management in the field of innovation. The monitoring of the current system of personnel training in organization and management in the field of innovation activity should be carried out taking into account the methodology for similar monitoring of the activities of educational institutions of the innovation infrastructure of Russia, developed by order of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation. Based on the monitoring results, a register should be drawn up and a database of subjects of educational activity providing training (retraining, advanced training) of personnel in organizing and managing innovation activities in the Moscow Region should be created.

Development of proposals for the organization of interaction between public authorities, local governments, subjects of educational activities, innovation infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow Region in the interests of staffing the sphere of innovation.

Creation of a permanent Interdepartmental Working Group on staffing the sphere of innovation.

Establishment of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activities in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region.

Scientific, methodological and organizational support for the creation and functioning of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Personnel Support in the Sphere of Innovation Activity should contain a description of the main areas of activity, principles of operation, structure and staffing, an assessment of the annual budget. At the first stage, the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Personnel Support in the Sphere of Innovation Activities is created as a subdivision of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, which is working to develop scientific, methodological and organizational support for the creation and functioning of the center as a non-profit partnership of educational and innovative infrastructure entities and employers' associations of the Moscow Region with participation in the Supervisory Board of the non-profit partnership of interested representatives of state authorities and local self-government. At this stage, the center initiates the formation of a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of the knowledge gained, together with representatives of business and social industries.

1. Creation of pilot municipal training and consulting centers in the field of innovation in the cities of Chernogolovka and Fryazino, Moscow Region, presentation of the centers of the regional system of personnel support for innovation. Scientific, methodological and organizational support for the creation and operation of pilot municipal training and consulting centers should contain a description of the main areas of activity, principles of operation, structure and staffing, an assessment of the annual budget.

2. Development of a comprehensive plan of the main activities for the development of a system of staffing the sphere of innovation activity in the Moscow region for the period up to 2010, an assessment of the sources of financing for the implementation of the plan with the involvement of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

3. Development of the Governor's training program for organization and management in the field of innovation for the period up to 2010 and preparation of proposals for financing the Governor's program with the involvement of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

4. Development of scientific and methodological support for the creation of a training system for the organization and management in the field of innovation and its testing during the scientific and practical conference "Personnel support for innovative activities of organizations in the Moscow region."

5. Development of a mechanism for interaction between the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activity and municipal training and consulting centers. The mechanisms should be tested on the example of interaction between the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center in Krasnogorsk and pilot municipal training centers in the cities of Chernogolovka and Fryazino, Moscow Region. During the approbation, a professional development program for specialists in innovation management of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the city of Chernogolovka should be carried out.

6. Formation of proposals for amendments to the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Moscow region. Acts must be adopted to ensure the implementation of the Governor's program for training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities for the period up to 2010 and a comprehensive plan of basic measures to develop the system of staffing in the field of innovation activity in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010.

7. Development of a set of measures to form an innovative culture and public opinion on the need for training in the organization and management of innovation activities, promotion of success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities in the mass media of the Moscow region.

At the second stage 2007-2008. mechanisms are formed effective management the system of personnel support for the sphere of innovation activity, the necessary legal and regulatory and methodological support for its activities is being developed.

The main directions and priority measures of this stage are:

Practical development of mechanisms for effective management of the staffing system in the field of innovation in the Moscow region.

Improving the mechanisms of interaction between state authorities, local self-government, subjects of educational activities, innovation infrastructure, manufacturing enterprises, scientific and scientific and technical organizations of the Moscow Region in the interests of staffing the sphere of innovation.

Improving the principles of functioning and structure of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Staffing the Sphere of Innovation Activity, the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing the Sphere of Innovation Activity in order to solve the problem of effective coordination of the actions of the subjects of the system of staffing the sphere of innovation activity. Creation of the Moscow Regional Coordinating Center for Staffing in the Sphere of Innovation Activities as a non-profit partnership of subjects of educational and innovation infrastructures and associations of employers of the Moscow Region with the participation of interested representatives of state authorities and local self-government in the Supervisory Board of the non-profit partnership.

Establishment of professional associations of employers in the Moscow Region as full-fledged subjects of the development of the system of personnel support for innovation activity in order to give a practical orientation to training programs for organizing and managing in the field of innovation activity, taking into account the requirements of the labor market, attracting additional intellectual and material resources to the development of the innovation system.

Development of a system of objective, independent external control over the quality of the knowledge gained, together with representatives of business and social sectors, the establishment in the Moscow Region of a system of public and professional certification of specialized educational programs for training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation.

At the third stage - 2009-2010. it is necessary to fully implement the above measures, in particular those that have been experimentally tested, to deploy new models of the content of training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities based on an analysis of the experience and specific conditions of the Moscow region.

2. Deployment of a network of municipal educational and consulting centers in the sphere of innovation activity, improvement of the principles of their functioning and structure.

3. Development and adoption of legislative, legal, regulatory and methodological support of the system of staffing in the field of innovation.

4. Implementation of mechanisms for the formation of a single information and methodological space of the system of staffing the sphere of innovation, which include:

4.1 creation of a unified information and analytical system to support continuous training of personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, including a regional register of subjects of educational activity of the innovation infrastructure;

4.2 development of a new generation of educational and methodological support for training personnel in the organization and management in the field of innovation, reflecting the changing situation in the innovation market;

4.3 use in the process of training staff on the organization and management in the field of innovation information resources and distance learning technologies;

4.4. ensuring the availability of all forms of providing training for the organization and management in the field of innovation through the use of Internet resources.

5. Implementation of a comprehensive plan of key activities to develop a system of staffing in the area of ​​innovation activity in the Moscow Region for the period up to 2010.

6. Implementation of the Governor's training program for organization and management in the field of innovation for the period up to 2010.

7. Implementation of a set of measures to form an innovation culture and public opinion on the need for training in the organization and management of innovation activities, promotion of success and experience in training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities in the mass media of the Moscow region.

At the third stage- 2009-2010 it is necessary to fully implement the above measures, in particular those that have been experimentally tested, to deploy new models of the content of training personnel in the organization and management of innovation activities based on an analysis of the experience and specific conditions of the Moscow region.


Financing of the system of staffing the sphere of innovation activity in terms of the implementation of programs of higher professional education and programs of additional professional education is carried out in accordance with the current legislation.

The work of the permanent Interdepartmental Working Group on staffing the sphere of innovation activity, professional associations of employers is carried out on a voluntary basis.

The Moscow Regional Innovation Staffing Coordinating Center functions as a legal entity and is financed by members of a non-profit partnership.

Municipal educational and consulting centers in the field of innovation operate on the principles of self-financing from educational and consulting activities.

The implementation by educational and consulting centers of training programs for innovation activities (the Governor's Program) is financed on a shared basis from the budget of the Moscow Region, with the involvement of at least 50% of extra-budgetary funds from interested subjects of innovation activity with approved innovation development programs.

The budget of the Moscow Region finances the implementation of training programs for managers and specialists of public authorities of the Moscow Region.

From the budgets of municipalities, the implementation of training programs for managers and specialists of local governments is financed in the interests of the innovative development of the municipality.

The implementation of the Governor's training program for the organization and management of innovation activities for the period up to 2010 is carried out on a shared basis, involving at least 50% of extrabudgetary funds, with interested legal and individuals(enterprises implementing innovative projects, venture and other funds, municipalities implementing innovative development programs).

Funds for state support of enterprises and municipalities are allocated only if they have Innovative Development Programs, which must necessarily include a subprogram for training personnel, including in organizing and managing in the field of innovation.

Thus, the market principle of training is being implemented and steps are being taken to form and develop a civilized market in the educational activities of training personnel in organizing and managing in the field of innovation.

V.G.Zinov- Dean of the Faculty of Innovative and Technological Business of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics

I.I. Kuzmenkova - Executive Director Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business GOU VPO Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation

V.G.Yashin- Director of the National Information and Analytical Center for Monitoring the Training of Personnel for Scientific and Innovative Activities of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences

UDC 331.526
BBC 65.05

The article considers the main problems that cause the low efficiency of the existing system of training qualified workers. The necessity of a radical restructuring and advanced development of primary and secondary vocational education institutions based on the implementation national project"Russian work qualification". Innovative mechanisms for the training of workers and professional and pedagogical workers are proposed, which ensure network interaction between educational institutions, business and science.

Keywords: qualified workers, scientific, educational and industrial clusters, primary and secondary vocational education, working profession, system of vocational and pedagogical education.

The current state of Russian vocational education is assessed by specialists as a crisis, which is connected both with global development trends modern society, and with the peculiarities of its development in Russia.

Twenty years of development of the country in the conditions-lo-vie-yah open society and global-ba-li-za-tion revealed a sharp lag of vocational education from the demands of modern production, as well as the realization that O most part educational institutions the systems of primary (NGO) and secondary (SVE) vocational education of the country are not able to participate in the creation of a modern competitive economy of an innovative type.

Despite the significant reductions in educational institutions in the system of NGOs and SPO that occurred in the country in the first post-Soviet decade, at the present time in most regions of Russia there is a large-scale system for training workers: in total there are about 5 thousand NGO and SVE institutions in the country, in some more than 2 million people study. In quantitative terms, the system of NGOs and SPO could fully meet the needs of the innovative development of the country's economy. but the vast majority of graduates institutions that train workers (about 85%) are not employed in the specialty they have received. At the same time, according to Rosstat, among the vacancies announced by employers, working professions account for over 70%.

This situation in the system of training qualified workers is explained, in our opinion, by the presence of the following main problems:

First problem is associated with sharp deformations in the structure and volume of personnel training, which clearly do not correspond to the real needs of the labor market. It should be noted that for Russian market labor issues are not so much a shortage of labor as a general shortage work force, how shortage of qualifications. At present, almost three-quarters of Russian workers have a tertiary education, i.e. trained in universities and colleges. At first glance, this indicates an increase in investment in human capital, opening up such workers to the upper floors of the professional and qualification hierarchy. However, the amount of accumulated human capital is not used effectively enough. In particular, a significant proportion of university graduates do not work in their specialty, often occupying positions that do not require higher professional education. At the same time, issues of staffing become especially acute. Vocational education institutions produce 1.5 times more technicians and more than 5 times fewer workers than the national economy needs. At the same time, only 5% of the total number of highly qualified workers remained in the country (for comparison: in the USA - 43%, Germany - 56%, Japan - over 75%). Taking into account the fact that the average age of skilled workers is approaching the pre-pen-si-on-no-mu - 54 years, in the next 5-7 years, domestic production may face severe crisis phenomena in the personnel sphere. In this regard, unfortunately, it can be stated that the domestic economy is characterized as an economy of unclaimed knowledge, and the shortage of qualified workers is becoming a serious obstacle to the further development of the country.

Second problem lies in the old and static material and technical base of most institutions of NGOs and SPO, which does not reflect the dynamics of innovative changes in the domestic and world -vom production. The teams of these institutions do not conduct constant research on promising areas and di-na-mi-ki of innovative changes in the technical-tech-no-lo-gi-ches-coy products of leading domestic and world developers and manufacturers -di-te-lei.

Third problem lies in the extreme lag of the content of vocational education from the needs of the country's innovative development and the demands of the labor market, from the trends of the world socio-eco-no-mi-ches-ko-go development, which not only causes frank dissatisfaction among domestic employers and increases unemployment, but, and this is the main thing, makes the education system, and, accordingly, the country's economy uncompetitive.

Fourth problem associated with low the level of professionalism of teachers of vocational training that does not meet the requirements of the state, society and eco-no-mi-ki, which is due to unfavorable the current state of the human resource of the vocational education system, the main trends of which include:

● decrease in the total number of teachers in educational institutions of NGOs and SPOs;

● increase in the structure of the teaching staff of institutions of NGOs and SPO teachers working on a full-time part-time and part-time basis. At the same time, the proportion of teachers who actively conduct scientific and methodical activities is less than 10%;

● a slight increase in the proportion of teachers over 50 years of age at all levels of vocational education and a noticeable decrease in this indicator for age cohorts under 40 years of age.

Fifth problem is associated with the low efficiency of the use of budgetary resources in the training (very poor quality) in many professional educational institutions of specialists in non-core business specialties for this institution. Such "specialists" make up a significant part of their training contingent.

This is an extremely costly measure that causes direct damage to the state, and leads to the encouragement of weak, inefficient vocational schools, which reduces incentives for the development of high-quality and competitive-tos-on-own -th domestic vocational education.

Sixth problem - in the last decades, the social status of working professions among young people has sharply decreased and, as a result, the prestige of primary and partly secondary vocational education. This was reflected in the quality of the contingent of students in these educational institutions.

Seventh problem - Russians cannot compete with several millions of labor migrants in the low-skilled labor market. On the other hand, low-skilled labor is socially discredited in the eyes of the indigenous peoples of the country. As a result, the professional niche of low-skilled workers is almost completely occupied by ethnic groups from the countries of the near and far abroad, including China and Vietnam.

The current situation is due to a number of factors affecting both demand, so on sentence qualified workforce.

The main reasons limiting demand on highly skilled workers from the labor market are:

● “absolute” lack of prospects for the majority of jobs offered by employers;

●Employers do not want to hire graduates of institutions of the NGO and SVE system;

● weak motivation of young people after graduating from NGO and SVE institutions to work in their specialty;

● there are a significant number of migrants among the workers without special training.

From the side suggestions highly skilled workers in the labor market, such factors may include the low level of training of workers in most NGO institutions, as well as the discrepancy between the structure of working specialties they propose and the real demands of production.

The above problems are largely due to the shortcomings of the existing system of continuous professional education, which has a peculiar "estate" character, where the training of workers is carried out in a rigid connection "profession-level of education". At the same time, the initial level of vocational training also extends to the level of education, causing a veiled discrimination of an individual on a professional basis. Workers continue to be trained as a labor force with the dominance of the “worker-technician” relationship, designing for them an “initial” humanitarian education, with an “initial” moral, legal, aesthetic consciousness, i.e. for life "initial" person.

The contradiction between the dominant socio-professional multi-level model of the lifelong education system, which focuses on a hierarchical social status, and the needs of an innovative economy in high quality professional activity of workers, is one of the key and is manifested in various forms Oh. In particular, stagnant and severe forms of unemployment are typical for poorly educated workers, and the return on training in educational institutions of the VET system is extremely low: wages increase by 2-3% or have no effect. From the point of view of wage increases upon completion of training in the system of vocational and secondary vocational education, Russian workers lose to graduates of similar educational institutions in developed countries ah.

It's obvious that innovative development and increasing the competitiveness of the country are possible only as a result of the synergistic effect of radical changes in the system of vocational education, providing for giving it the proper quality and efficiency, dynamism and flexibility, universal and non- re-burst-no-th increase in the professional level of human capital. In connection with this, there the task of reprofiling vocational education institutions, rationalization and optimization of the system of training of skilled workers.

Modern NGO and SVE institutions need not so much a “cosmetic” improvement in the system of training personnel, but rather its radical restructuring based on change of generations of material and technical-but-lo-gi-ches-coy base, introduction of innovations, new content, forms and methods of professional training of pupils (students), as well as pedagogical management.

The great socio-economic significance of the above problems, their multi-level and multi-aspect nature necessitates the application of a program-target approach and project management. In this context, it seems appropriate to develop and implement the National Project "Russian Job Qualification", aimed at ensuring network interaction of NGO and SPO institutions of the country, business and science.

At the same time, the following innovative models can be implemented as priority areas for training workers within the framework of the proposed national project:

● model " Higher working education - Applied Baccalaureate»- type of multi-level variable training of highly qualified workers with higher professional education for innovative high-tech production;

● model " Vocational vocational education” - integrative training of qualified specialists for the wide development of small business.

The models are based on modern theoretical and methodological developments, accumulated domestic and foreign experience. Let us state the conceptual provisions of each of the above models:

The need for re-ali-za-tion of the model " higher working education - applied baccalaureate" due to the following . Currently whole line working specialties put forward the requirements of the level of higher education (for example, steelworkers, specialists in the field of information technology, etc.). Similar processes are taking place in developed countries - in Japan, the USA, Germany, etc., where the worker special higher education is no longer a rarity.

Back in 1992, specialists from the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RGPPU) developed and implemented in a number of educational institutions in the Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions the Concept of higher working education and a package of normative and educational me-to-di-ches-coy documentation that fully provides a multi-level, variable educational process of training workers with higher education (applied bachelor's degree). A model was developed for the institute of workers' education (IRO), created on the basis of a university, technical school, college or "advanced" vocational school, in some each person is provided with the formation of an individual educational trajectory for further professional, career and personal growth.

In fact, this is the country's first system of workers' education, which corresponds to the "knowledge economy" and makes it possible to realize the slogan "Education through life" popular in developed countries. Such a system allows a young person not only to successfully professionalize and plan his career at any enterprise, but also, in case of a social and economic need, to independently create new jobs, including small innovative enterprises .

The relevance of the re-ali-for-tion model " Professional trade education» due to natural processes of social development. Modern national economies of developed countries are characterized by a transition from mass production of standard products to special-i-ali-zi-ro-van-ny small forms of production and service, designed not only for the individual needs of citizens, but also for the needs high-tech production. At the same time, the production of goods and services for the direct orders of the population is, as a rule, exclusive in nature and aimed at improving the quality of life.

At the same time, the increase in the number of small handicraft enterprises that took place in the last twenty years was not accompanied by appropriate training.

In this way, the problem of the urgent need to organize the training of artisans-pre-pri-ni-ma-te-lei of international qualification is actualized.

An artisan is an employee of a fundamentally new type, not only in professional, economic, but also in legal terms, combining the qualities of a highly skilled worker and me-ned-je-ra, able to design, provide resources labor process and to do the work, constantly focusing on the maximum satisfaction of the customer's requests.

Since 1998, in Yekaterin-burg, RSPPU specialists, together with non-metz-ki-mi partners, have developed and successfully introduced into practice new professional educational programs for Russia for the training of artisans - pre-pri-ni-ma-te-lei in the specialties “painter-de-zainer”, “carpenter”, “tiler-mo-for-ich-nick”, etc. It should be noted that the number of craft professions, which are training of workers of a new type is constantly increasing.

Today, the training of artisans is carried out by several colleges and vocational schools in the Sverdlovsk and Che-lyabin regions, the Yamalo-Ne-nets Autonomous Okrug, etc. Despite the fact that that about a thousand students are involved in this process and the accumulated experience is recognized by domestic and foreign experts as successful in all respects, nevertheless, given the scale and potential of our economy , the existing craft training in our country is the level of pedagogical experiments, and not mass practice, which could radically change the sphere of small business.

The considered models of workforce training, along with the existing ones, should implement innovative advanced development of the system of vocational education and training in accordance with international standards mass training of Russians in working professions of medium and higher qualifications and be based on processes:

formation and development of regional scientific, educational and production clusters for the resource support of educational programs based on a constantly updated modern technology and technologies of the world's leading developers and pro-of-the-di-te-lei (logistics);

development and implementation of effective methods and content of theoretical and industrial training of skilled workers (professional and pedagogical support).

Currently, the implementation of these processes is hindered by a number of factors. So, in regions with a relatively developed industry, various forms of accelerated differentiated training of workers for limited highly specialized activities in a particular workplace have become widespread. The low level of training of workers in this approach is due to the dominance forms and methods of education that are inadequate to modern social and industrial requirements. It seems that, along with the op-re-de-line economic effect for employers, this approach will lead to to the stagnation of production and significant material losses.

Also relevant is the problem of developing and app-ro-ba-tion of models for the training of skilled workers with the participation of social partners (employers). According to the results sociological survey more than 70% of executives of enterprises believe that the necessary conditions for the training of such workers are:

● formation of an individual educational trajectory for professional, career and personal growth of students;

● close interaction of enterprises with institutions of vocational education in terms of determining the goals, content, forms and methods of training.

At the same time, almost half of production managers believe that the potential of the vocational education system should be involved in the training of personnel in the conditions of enterprises.

An analysis of the theory and practice of vocational education shows that the provision of the conditions noted above it is possible on the basis of a comprehensive improvement of the organizational, content and process-su-al aspects of vocational training. This will ensure the transition of vocational schools and educational structures of enterprises to the prospective variable multi-stage training for groups of professions and professions of a wide profile.

In this aspect, a positive trend is the supervision of schools and technical schools by leading enterprises in order to train workers for the needs of a particular production. On their part, social partnership is most often carried out on the basis of providing students with jobs for internships. For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, which positions itself as a regional zone of rapid economic development due to a high level of human capital, a network of successfully functioning resource centers has been formed (Pervouralsky Novotrubny Plant together with a metallurgical college, etc.). Another example of resource provision and modernization of SVE programs based on social partnership can be corporate educational institutions. In particular, a similar project is being implemented at the corporate university of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company in partnership with leading universities and colleges.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of these projects creates the prerequisites for actualization and modernization of both the theoretical and practical components of vocational training, which determines the implementation of a system of variable content, individualized in time, pace and direction nos-ti continuing professional education workers. However, in our opinion, the above examples will not acquire the character of a systemic process and will not give the expected synergistic effect if the situation with professional-si-onal-no-pe-da-go-gi-ches-ki-mi personnel does not change ( teachers teaching professions) in the system of secondary and, in particular, primary vocational education.

In o-ra-zo-va-tel-ny institutions of NGOs in Russia, the total number of managerial and professional-si-onal-but-pe-da-go-gi-ches-cal employees is about 210 thousand people (they about 74% of the rates are occupied). Considering that part of the vacancies are for part-time workers, and up to 17 thousand people is the annual turnover of personnel, it is possible to determine the total unmet need for professional-sio-nal-but-pe-da-go-gi-ches-cal workers , which is equal to 52 thousand people. This quantitative characteristics of the structure of professional and pedagogical personnel.

Quality this category of workers is characterized by the following indicators. In the leading composition of NGO institutions, only 26% of teachers have a higher professional pedagogical education (PPO) and 2% have secondary education; 24% of teachers have higher PPO and 4.6% - secondary; 9.7% of the masters of industrial training have higher secondary education, 14.9% - secondary and about 15% of workers - primary and general secondary education. This sharply reduces the quality of professional training of workers. Meanwhile, a professionally-ped-da-go-gi-chess worker should be trained as a specialist with a wide pedagogical profile, including the functions of a master of industrial training, a teacher of special and general-tech-no-chess disciplines, and as well as the possibility of combining these functions. Therefore, the specificity of vocational-ped-da-go-gi-ches-ko-th education consists in preparing students for future professional activities, combining the interaction of psychological-ped-da-go-gi-ches-kih, special industry and production water-stven-but-tech-no-lo-gi-ches-components. In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard, production-tech-no-lo -gi-ches-kaya component of such activities determines another specific feature of the training of a teacher of vocational training - compulsory employment.

By the combined efforts of theorists and practitioners, who train professionally-ped-da-go-gi-chess workers, representing 128 universities and 88 colleges of the Russian Federation, united in Teaching-no-me-to -di-ches-some association for vocational-ped-da-go-gi-ches-to-mu education, and employers-ek-sper-tov, in our time a comprehensive program for the development of vocational pedagogical education has been developed "Professional-pe-da-go-gi-chess personnel of Russia." The program includes a set of interrelated activities: legal, socio-eco-no-mi-chess, organizational-management, methodological, prognostic, etc. The implementation of the Program will allow the system of vocational education to become a full-fledged system-forming core in solving the problems of training highly qualified workers.

Further development of the above conceptual provisions and their implementation in the form of a national project is impossible without an appropriate institutional solution. This means the presence of a coordinating organization that has the necessary resource and competence potential. The prerequisites for the creation of such an organization can be demonstrated by the example of the activities of the Russian State Pedagogical University, which is the basic university in Russia in the field of vocational education.

RGPPU specialists for last years developed and introduced-re-on an effective technology for creating regional scientific-educational-production-from-water-station clusters,providingnetwork interaction of institutions of NGOs and SPO, business and science of the region. In particular, jointly with the Ural Machine-Building Company "Pumori - SIZ" LLC, the "Educational-de-monster-ci-on-centre of engineering technologies Pumori-SIZ - RGPPU" was created and developed , equipped with the most modern and sophisticated metalworking equipment of the world's leading companies, on the basis of which:

● designing technologies for manufacturing parts of a high level of complexity;

● fulfillment of orders of enterprises for the manufacture of products of high complexity;

● study of problems in the field of metal cutting and teaching and learning problems of training workers in high-tech industries;

● or-ga-ni-za-tion and re-ali-za-tion educational process for the training of operators, adjusters, programmers, technologists from among university students studying under SPO programs, employees of enterprises in the city and region.

The university has created similar cluster formations in other sectors of the economy:

● scientific and educational complex "UralNITI - RGPPU", which carries out:

● conducting scientific research to develop new qualification requirements to the professions in the conditions of modernization of equipment and technologies, the introduction of innovations;

● development of modular training technologies for the professions “CNC lathe (milling) operator”, “mechanics” and “adjusters”;

● development of control programs, tools and machining technologies;

● for research-and-research activities: study of problems in the field of metal cutting, low-pressure casting, heat treatment of metals, as well as problems of training high-tech industries.

Center for machine tool equipment Unimatic LLC, which performs:

● organization of the study and development of the concepts and methods of industrial training of the company "EMCO" in the in-te-rak-tive class "Unimatic" by teachers and mas- te-ra-mi industrial training of the university and other educational institutions;

● organization of permanent training-pro-from-water-stv-ny courses for training operators and on-lad-chi-kov work and programs-mi-ro-va-nia on machines with CNC from among the students of the university studying under the programs of secondary vocational education, workers of industrial enterprises and on-se-le-tion.

Scientific and educational center "Business School of Electricity", which carries out:

● carrying out, at the request of employers, scientific research to develop new professions in the energy profile that are in demand on the labor market;

● creation of modern competitive samples and models of educational equipment of an electrical and technical profile for educational institutions of NGOs and SPO;

● development of an electrical installation workshop, laboratory-workshop of electrical equipment and power supply, laboratory of intelligent technologies, tasks for training power engineers based on Schneider Electric equipment;

● training of university students enrolled in vocational programs according to the developed training programs.

Scientific and educational center of network technologies D‑Link, which carries out:

● when-about-re-te-ing hardware-software-ram-many complex of network equipment;

● raising the qualifications of the teaching staff (PPP) by certifying teachers in the field of network technologies.

Danfoss Research and Training Centre, which provides:

● conducting scientific research on the development of new professions;

● creation of modern competitive samples and models of educational equipment of an electrical profile for educational institutions of NGOs and SPO;

● interaction with the regional training center for power engineers.

Similar functions are also performed by the educational center "IT Aka-de-mia Microsoft" for advanced training in the field of IT technology and the scientific and educational center for training assemblers of radio-electronic equipment and devices Tesla (together with the ATLAS PRO company).

Currently, it is planned to develop a new approach to the modernization of the economy through the creation and development regional centers competencies designed to:

● to promote the development and implementation of efficient technologies and equipment at the level of the best foreign analogues in the design of new and reconstruction of existing enterprises; carried out on a national scale;

● initiate and coordinate the implementation of complex sectoral projects, as well as innovative research projects;

● develop and review federal and regional development programs;

● combine the efforts of academic, industry institutes, university science, design organizations to effectively solve scientific and technical problems facing domestic production, etc.

The priority directions of the regional centers will be:

● formation of databases of foreign and domestic world-class technological competencies;

● creation of a pool of potential domestic and foreign investors for the implementation of regional industry programs and individual projects;

● promoting the commercialization of domestic developments;

● development and review of federal and regional development programs, etc.

Realizing its mission in creating the theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of professional and pedagogical education, its development and modernization, generalization and dissemination of best practices in the training of workers, RSPPU should become one of the main elements of the above regional competence centers responsible for the certification of qualifications, as well as the implementation, together with specialized enterprises, of a technological audit in order to master new and modernize existing equipment, effectively master new technological processes with appropriate personnel support.


  1. Fedorov V.A. Vocational and pedagogical education in changing socio-economic conditions: scientific support for development // Education and Science. Proceedings of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education, 2008. No. 9 (57) P. 127-134.
  2. Goncharov S.Z. Logical-categorical thinking. In 3 parts. Part 2 The objective basis for the emergence and development of thought. Ekaterinburg, Publishing house “Ross. state prof.-ped. un-t. 2008. - 344 p.
  3. Kapelyushnikov R. "Demand and supply of highly skilled labor in Russia: who ran faster" / Questions of Economics, 2012. No. 3, pp. 120-147.
  4. Romantsev G.M. Theoretical Foundations of Higher Working Education. Yekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. state prof.-ped. un-ta, 1997. - 333 p.
  5. Shikanov S.V. "Modern problems of professional education of workers in the framework of the economic development of the Russian Federation" // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2008. V. 313. No. 6, S. 70-73.


  1. Fedorov V.A. vocational-pedagogical education in changing socio-economic environment: scientific support of development // Education and science. Proceedings of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education. 2008. No. 9 (57). pp. 127-134.
  2. Goncharov S.Z. logic-categorical thinking. The 3-h. h. 2 Objective basis of origination and development of thought. Ekaterinburg, Izd-vo “Ross. GOS. Prof.-Ped. university. "2008. -344 p.
  3. Kapelushnikov R. The supply and demand of highly skilled labor in Russia: who was running faster // Questions of economy. 2012. No. 3. Pp. 120-147.
  4. Romantsev G.M. Theoretical bases of higher worker education. Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. GOS. Prof.-Ped. University Press, 1997. 333 p.
  5. Shikanov S.V. Modern problems of professional education of personnel in the context of the economic development of the Russian Federation // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2008 Vol. 313. No. 6. Pp. 70-73.

Skills development for the innovation economy: problems and solutions

In the article the main problems that lead to poor performance of the existing system of training skilled workers. The necessity of radical restructuring and advanced development institutions of primary and secondary vocational education on the basis of the implementation of the national project "Russian working qualification". Proposed innovative mechanisms for training and vocational/educational professionals that provide networking educational institutions, business and science .

key words:

CM. Nikitenko
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

O staffing innovative activities in the region

The solution to the problem of enhancing innovation activity largely depends on the saturation of the labor market with specialists who are able to promote the results of scientific research and development to the market of high technology products. At present, in Russia, the demands on the labor market for the training of new generation specialists who are able to navigate and act actively in the conditions of dynamically developing relations in the world market have become aggravated. Such conclusions are contained, among other things, in the study "The labor market and the system of vocational education", which was carried out by the Levada Center together with the "Public Opinion" fund, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
In 2006, a team of specialists led by the author of the article conducted an expert survey among managers and chief specialists of enterprises in various sectors of the Kuzbass economy. The survey was conducted as part of a project to develop a national information and analytical center (NIAC) to monitor the training of personnel for scientific and innovative activities and ensure their mobility. The methodology provided by the Faculty of Innovation and Technological Business of the Academy of the National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation was applied. In total, about 200 enterprises of Kuzbass of various forms of ownership, various industries, with a staff of 10 to 14,000 people, participated in the survey. The purpose of the survey is to obtain information about the demand in labor collectives for a specialist in innovation management and determine the need for them in the coming years.
The results of the survey showed that the need for such specialists is currently formed by both large and small enterprises operating in the field of scientific and technological business. Respondents expressed a desire to hire from one to two innovation management specialists. Representatives of the administration (regional and municipal) noted that, in their opinion, at least one person, the first manager, should have such knowledge at small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing sector.
In general, the study showed that the enterprises of the region are ready to hire 650 - 670 innovation management specialists annually. Presumably, the growth of this indicator will increase by 7-10% annually.
The results of the survey showed that the requirements of the real sector of the economy for specialists in the management of innovation activities have their own specifics. The analysis and systematization of the requirements of employers made it possible to draw up a proposed portrait of an innovative manager:
obligatory higher education;
the presence of a certain baggage of the basic abilities of a manager;
practical experience;
willingness to work in a stressful situation;
commitment to corporate culture;
high motivation to achieve the goal;
initiative and creativity;
constant thirst for something new;
ability to generate ideas.
The study conducted in the region made it possible to identify a number of issues, the solution of which is of decisive importance: the presence of an imbalance between the demand and supply of labor in the professional and qualification context; backlog of proposals educational services from the needs of the labor market; poor conjugation of the sphere of labor and the sphere of education in the field of interaction between the classification of professions and specialties.
Some enterprises carry out the entire innovation cycle, and innovation projects are managed through certain functions of the staff. Qualification guide(as amended in 2005) places the responsibility for implementing innovation activities on managers structural divisions: head of a research laboratory, chief engineer, patent specialist, personnel manager, etc. In practice, as the survey showed, the management of innovation activities is mainly carried out by the "directorate" of the enterprise and special units that are engaged in innovation activities partly within the framework of the main tasks. At the majority of enterprises covered by the survey, there are no special units or individual specialists who perform the functions of an innovation manager. It can be noted that precisely those functions that provide the dynamics of innovation activity “fall out”: production design of the release of new products; evaluation and examination of the commercial prospects of innovations; business planning of the process of creating and promoting a new product; acquisition of patents and licenses; certification, attestation and standardization of innovations, intellectual property management. One can also draw a quite logical conclusion about the need to adjust educational programs in order to provide the necessary knowledge to currently studying university students.
However, during the implementation curricula there are difficulties associated with the absence in universities integrated approach to the training of future managers for the innovation sphere. From the point of view of the final result, the learning process should be focused on training specialists who not only have a certain amount of theoretical knowledge, but also speak the same language as an innovative entrepreneur.
To the greatest extent, coaching technologies correspond to the solution of this problem. In this case, the concept of "coaching" is invested in the technology of integrating existing practitioners into the process of training innovative managers, turning what experienced specialists in the innovation field can do into training situations. Helping others learn is not the same as teaching others. Helping the student to learn how to practically learn from the events that are happening or have happened at the regional and international level, successful or not successful - this is the key mechanism that allows you to gain managerial skills both as an individual and as a whole team.

It is clear that today, to put it mildly, there are few people who want to educate a manager “for themselves”, to put it mildly. To solve this problem, an experimental business adapter for young specialists was organized on the basis of the interuniversity innovative research and production center INNOTECH. the main objective pursued by the creators of the new training structure was to professionally and psychologically adapt yesterday's graduates to their future activities. To work in the adapter, the first 12 graduates were selected, who were registered with the Kemerovo City Employment Center immediately after graduation. In developing the criteria for selecting people to work with, the organizers proceeded primarily from such a concept as the innovation cycle. It is known that the idea from the moment of appearance to the moment of implementation must go through several stages of development. Moreover, at each stage, the participation of completely different specialists is required. Financiers, economists, technologists, experts, presentation managers, translators, journalists - through the efforts of all these specialists, an idea turns into a competitive product. Graduates who, as a result of defending their diplomas, were awarded similar qualification categories and were invited to work in the adapter. For half a year, yesterday's students trained under the supervision of mentors, leaders, working on real projects, which are orders from existing enterprises in the region. As a result, young specialists received their first production experience, which helped them, after graduating from the adapter walls, to successfully pass competitive selection employers. Today, all those who have passed through the adapter are successfully working in organizations and enterprises of the region. These positive results speak for themselves. The business adapter of young professionals has every right to exist. However, the organization of such a structure requires certain means. The question is who will provide them. Many local enterprises can invest in the development of a business adapter, but only on one condition: to train specialists to work in the conditions of this production. However, in this case, the structure automatically becomes dependent on the state and policy of a particular enterprise. It seems appropriate that the problem of financing such a structure as a business adapter should be solved by the local authorities. And the sooner it does this, the sooner it will be able to meet the ever-increasing need of regional enterprises for qualified and experienced innovative managers.
The experience of practical training of personnel has shown that learning the basics of innovation management must begin even before a graduate leaves the walls of his native university. This will significantly reduce the socio-psychological tension of graduates associated with the problem of future employment, as well as fully preserve the educational, scientific and professional potential of young professionals.
In order to create conditions for improving the quality of education and practical activities of managers in the field of engineering, scientific, technical and industrial fields, taking into account gender characteristics, a group of scientists and specialists are developing a model of multi-stage training of specialists based on categorical-dialectical methodology using new information technologies.
What end results are expected to be obtained in the end?
ь Model of professional training of managers, focused on the development of personal and professional competence based on the development of higher mental forms.
ь Program of multi-stage training of engineers and managers for the innovation sphere.
ü Specialists who are able to productively engage in professional activity at the enterprises of the region, bypassing the period of adaptation.
The training program for innovative managers should begin with pre-university training for high school students and be systematically implemented not only with the help of universities, but also with the active support of local authorities. Only under this condition can a mechanism for high-quality training of specialists be launched, who, in turn, will be able to work with an innovative project at all stages of its life cycle”, thereby contributing to the eradication of the energy and raw material orientation of the Russian economy and its integration into the world market.

In order to intensify the process of training personnel for the innovation sphere in the region, it is necessary to:
1. To make the universities of the region the supporting centers of the emerging multi-level system of continuous education in the innovation sphere, on the basis of which a system of advanced training of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions that carry out or plan to train personnel should be organized.
2. Create a branch of the National Information and Analytical Center in the region as a regional educational coordinating center, which should work through a network of educational and consulting centers at the municipal level.
3. Create an Association for the Promotion of Innovation and Technology Business, on the basis of which to create a mechanism for public-state certification of educational programs of additional education.
4. Implement functional model management of the training of innovative managers in the region, in which the concept of "a system for training specialists in the management of innovation activity" is considered as a process of interaction and feedback between the whole complex of factors that determine the training of professionals.

One of the most important conditions for the transition of the economy to an innovative path of development is the presence in the scientific, technical, industrial and business fields of a sufficient number of qualified specialists who, on the one hand, can ensure the promotion of the results of scientific research and development on the market of high technology products, and on the other hand, use these results in manufacturing and entrepreneurial innovation.

The experience of industrialized countries shows that the transformation of scientific and technical developments into an innovative product that is attractive to investors, manufacturers and buyers can be ensured by professionally trained specialists. They should be proficient in the issues of commercialization of developments and technology transfer, theory and practice of legal protection and use of intellectual property, management of innovative projects and high-tech firms, forecasting and evaluating the commercial significance of new products and technologies at an early stage of project implementation, and promoting them to the market.

According to experts, the optimal number of specialists in the field of innovation management is up to 25% of the total number of employees in scientific and technical sectors of the economy. The current minimum need for training and education of such specialists is about 24 thousand people per year. However, the volume and especially the quality of training specialists for innovation and effective commercialization of technologies currently do not meet modern needs. Therefore, it is so important to saturate the labor market as soon as possible with specialists who are able to organize the processes of commercialization of intellectual property and implement the results of scientific and technical developments in the market of science-intensive products, and effectively use these results in the innovation process.

Currently, many educational organizations and institutions provide their services in the field of training specialists involved in management issues for various sectors of the national economy:

State and non-state higher educational institutions, focused mainly on teaching students, but also providing paid educational services to persons with practical work experience who wish to receive a second higher education (economics or law);

Specialized institutions for advanced training of workers in certain industries;

Non-state educational institutions focused on retraining personnel for large industrial and financial structures;

Non-state educational institutions created under associations, foundations and other structures focused on providing support to small and medium-sized businesses.

Various business courses have also become widespread. Short-term training at specialized seminars is carried out by many training centers and business schools as part of separate curricula and courses. The network of organizations providing consulting services is expanding. The practice of organizing the educational process with the participation of leading universities and educational centers of industrialized countries is being developed.

At the same time, the majority of specialists involved in the innovation field do not have systemic knowledge in the field of intellectual property, a strategy for its legal protection and commercial use of research and development results, limited understanding of the life cycle of a high-tech product, integration of heterogeneous technologies in the overall activities of the company, strategies development of knowledge-intensive business, technological audit, expertise and management of innovative projects. Education in these areas is currently only a small part of those who need it.

As a result, the quality level of employees of Russian organizations and enterprises in the field of innovation management is significantly inferior to the requirements of the international labor market.

Despite the large number of state and non-state educational institutions that train managers across the entire spectrum of business education, there are big problems in providing highly effective training of specialists for innovative activities throughout Russia.

The solution of these problems is associated with the development and implementation of a set of scientifically based measures of an organizational, economic and methodological nature. This implies the creation of a unified system of training and retraining of specialists for innovative activities.

An important step in this direction was the “Concept for the Formation of a System for Training Specialists for Innovation Activities in the Scientific, Technical and Industrial Spheres”, developed on the basis of the “Concepts for the Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 83224 dated July 24, 1998, as well as “Coordination plan for joint actions to create a multi-level system for training managers for innovative activities in the scientific and technical sphere”, approved on April 30, 1999 by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation , decisions of the collegium of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation on the issues of staffing the scientific and technical sphere.

In accordance with this Concept, addressing the issues of staffing the business sector is of particular importance for enhancing innovation activity in the country. The main place here is occupied by the training of specialists for small technology firms and innovative structures (technoparks, innovation and technology centers, technology promotion centers). In addition to material, financial and information resources, they need effective management and, accordingly, trained personnel along the entire chain of the innovation process. We are talking about the training of heads of small firms, managers of innovative projects, specialists in legal protection and commercial use of research and development results, launching a high-tech product on the market, the development strategy of high-tech companies, technological audit in innovative firms and scientific institutions, expertise of innovative activities of firms.

The training of qualified personnel of teachers and consultants for educational structures specializing in the training and consulting support of specialists for innovative activities is topical. The goal of training teachers and consultants should be the formation of professional teams in regional educational institutions capable of providing the required quality of education and providing effective consulting support on innovation management issues.

One of important issues- training employees of federal and regional executive authorities responsible for organizing and providing conditions for the development of innovative activities, the basics of innovation management and technology commercialization. The main goal of training civil servants is to acquire the knowledge they need to provide effective assistance to the development of innovation at the federal and regional levels.

Based on the Concept, the functioning of the system should be based on the following methodological principles:

    a multilevel approach to training specialists of various categories;

    modular scheme for building the system and educational programs;

    harmonized teaching methodology at all levels of the system;

    continuous updating of the educational process, reflecting the changing situation on the market with the advent of new technologies;

    the formation of sustainable skills for the practical implementation of innovative projects ;

    adequacy to international educational standards.

A multi-level approach to the training of relevant specialists implies:

The need for parallel development of short, medium and long-term programs (for individual modules of advanced training, for the format of retraining and obtaining a second higher education);

Distribution of relevant educational courses in universities of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation for the parallel training of young specialists (obtaining basic knowledge or simultaneously two specialties) in the field of innovation management.

The formation of the content of professional programs, the choice of forms and methods of training, information and technical support for the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel should meet the specific needs for educational services, taking into account the quality and terms of training.

The financing of the personnel training system should be based on available internal development resources (state funds, support for regional administrations, corporations interested in training personnel, innovation centers, commissioned research work, tuition fees), as well as opportunities provided by international organizations, foundations and technical assistance programs.

As the analysis of foreign and domestic experience shows, personnel training is an area in which financial investments, at relatively low costs, bring a quick and positive socio-economic effect.

The state is called upon to play a decisive role in launching mechanisms financial support personnel training systems. At present, the most important criteria for state participation in financing the training system in general and its elements in particular should be qualitative characteristics that determine the effectiveness of training processes. These characteristics include the quality of staff training, expertise and selection of innovative projects, performance indicators of innovative companies, training programs and methodological materials.

The state's focus on quality characteristics when selecting projects for budget financing is an important guarantee for attracting additional funds and investments. The availability of highly qualified specialists in the field of innovation management among organizations and high-tech enterprises is one of the conditions for allocating budget funds for implementation of scientific, technical and innovative projects.

Within the framework of the “Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation” (1997), the so-called multi-level system for training managers for innovative entrepreneurial activities in the scientific, technical and industrial sectors of the economy was developed and adopted (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.04.1999 No. 542-r) .

The purpose of forming a multi-level system is to provide large-scale training of qualified specialists of different categories and levels on issues of innovative theory and practice. The system should be flexible and promptly responding to the demands of the market of educational services in the field of additional education.

The multilevel and meaningful focus of the system is determined by the need to solve the following tasks.

    Training of researchers, primarily authors of developments, specialists of scientific departments and heads of scientific organizations and institutions, in the basic provisions and principles of technology commercialization, the use of scientific results as an innovative resource.

    Training of personnel in the business sector, primarily for small technology firms and innovative structures (technoparks, innovation and technology centers, technology promotion centers). They need effective management along the entire chain of the innovation process.

    Training of qualified personnel of teachers and consultants for educational institutions specializing in personnel training and consulting support for enterprises engaged in innovative activities.

    Training and advanced training of employees of federal and regional executive authorities, municipalities responsible for providing conditions for innovation, technology commercialization, formation and regulation of relevant markets.

As for any education, the basis of this training is training, which should be not only multi-level, but also continuous and repeated, and, in its own way, innovative. The latter is ensured by the appropriate selection of teachers and trainers, educational and methodological developments, teaching methods and technologies.

The organizational basis of the multi-level system is a network of specialized centers, the methodological recommendations for the formation of which were approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation on September 29, 1999. The core of the network is formed by the following basic educational institutions for training specialists for innovative activities in the scientific and technical field .

1. Technology Commercialization Center of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

2. Institute of Entrepreneurship and Investments of the Academy of Management and Market (Moscow).

3. International Institute of Management "LINK" (Zhukovsky, Moscow region).

4. Institute of Public Administration and social studies Moscow State University Lomonosov (Moscow).

5. Franco-Russian Institute of Business Administration (Obninsk, Moscow Region).

6. Center for Innovation Management (training center) (St. Petersburg).

7. Nizhny Novgorod Research and Information Center (Nizhny Novgorod).

8. Volga Regional Educational and Scientific Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship, SSTU (Saratov).

9. Foundation "Ural Educational and Scientific Center for Innovative Business" at USTU (Yekaterinburg).

10. West Siberian International Educational Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship of Tomsk State University (Tomsk).

11. South-Russian educational center "Innovation" of the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don).

In order to support and intensify innovation activity, including the appropriate training of personnel, since December 1998 the Interdepartmental Program for the Activation of Innovation Activity in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Russia has been implemented. Within the framework of this program (and in accordance with the aforementioned order of the Government of the Russian Federation), the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation in April 1999 adopted the multi-level system of training managers for innovation activities”.