Greenhouse business plan. Greenhouse farming as a business: what is profitable to grow

Just recently, a significant part of the inhabitants of our country lived in countryside and their main activity was in one way or another related to agriculture. During the 90s Agriculture in the country was almost destroyed, and many villagers moved to the city. Now a chance to buy agricultural products from citizens and wholesale buyers there are, but there are clearly not enough manufacturers of such products. Therefore, the idea to open greenhouse business could be a great solution. However, in order to properly organize this business, it is required detailed business plan. Above on this page you can get information about exemplary business plan greenhouse economy.
It must be borne in mind that this business plan describes a previously calculated option for doing this business. Because Russia big country and natural and climatic conditions are very different, which can both reduce and increase the cost of establishing a greenhouse economy. However, this greenhouse business plan provides for all aspects of organizing this business.

Technology Overview

This business plan considers the creation of a greenhouse farm engaged in the cultivation, harvesting and subsequent marketing of agricultural products.
The organizational and legal form of doing business is a limited liability company. This form of doing business will not only reduce taxes, but also simplify accounting and settlements with end users.
The success rate of the project is assessed as very high, as the demand for good quality agricultural products is very high.

Information about the company

It is planned to create a greenhouse facility, consisting of six greenhouses with an area of ​​150 square meters each. The size of each greenhouse is 25x6 meters.

Product List

The greenhouse facility will be engaged in the cultivation of agricultural products for subsequent sale to wholesale and retail customers.

Marketing Plan

This part should give detailed description greenhouse market in your region. It is mandatory to indicate possible wholesale buyers and their maximum purchase volumes.

Production plan

The beginning in the organization of the greenhouse economy will be the search and selection of a suitable land plot. The main requirement for the land plot will be the availability of access roads and proximity to natural reservoirs (if there is no centralized water supply to the site).
The next step will be the construction of greenhouses. To date, the most promising is the modern Dutch technology.
Nevertheless, we note that it is more profitable to buy easily assembled ready-made greenhouses - their price is about 1000 rubles per square meter.
After the greenhouses are purchased and installed, it is necessary to determine the range of products that will be grown in the greenhouses. As a rule, tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in greenhouses, less often zucchini and greens. The final decision should be made based on demand and the general specifics of the region.
The next step will be the selection of personnel for work in the greenhouse industry. For a small greenhouse farming, which is discussed in this business plan, you will need 1-2 responsible workers who can work in the beds.

Sales plan.

Even before the launch of the greenhouse economy, it is necessary to decide on the circle potential buyers your future harvest. These can be both large and medium-sized agricultural bases, and large stores, supermarkets, food markets, etc.

Financial plan

In this business, we will consider in detail all the financial aspects of organizing a greenhouse business.
Plot rent - 200,000 rubles for 12 months.
Purchase of greenhouses - 130,000 rubles (6 greenhouses of 25 square meters each).
Staff salary - 190,000 rubles for 12 months.
It is difficult to determine the exact amount of receipts, since it will depend on the type of product, its market value, costs, etc. Also, in some regions there is a chance to grow only 2-3 crops in 12 months, and in some - 4 crops.
Generally speaking, the payback period for a greenhouse economy is less than a year. With the right approach, greenhouses begin to make a profit in the first year of operation.
We believe this greenhouse business plan will help you organize your business and you will succeed in this difficult but profitable business.

Natural vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, flowers and berries, regardless of the season, have long been available in the store or on the market. They get there not only by delivery from warm countries, but also from local farmers, among whom there are both large enterprises occupying vast areas of thousands of hectares and private farms located in garden plots. Absolutely anyone who owns land or can rent it can organize a greenhouse business.

How to start farming

Anyone who loves to work on the ground, take care of plants and decided to start building a greenhouse business at home for financial enrichment, must take into account a number of nuances for organizing entrepreneurial activity. Before launching and opening a business that can bring profit throughout the year, you need to take care of the "airbag":

  • For activities in the legislative field, it is necessary to prepare: register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, obtain all permits, analyze the scheme of remuneration and taxes.
  • The home greenhouse business assumes that the grown crop should be sold all year round, and this must be done very quickly, since all products are perishable. To do this, you need to analyze competitors, the demand for products, and so on.
  • A permanent base of buyers with a good reputation should be ready, find out in advance about the possibility of selling products. When creating a small greenhouse best solution will enter into appropriate agreements with shops, restaurants, kindergartens, etc. A medium-sized farm needs cooperation with at least one hypermarket, respectively, in this case, certification and delivery arrangements will be required.
  • It is not worth saving on equipment, fertilizer and seeds, as well as on modern technologies which will save you from unnecessary losses and costs in the future.

Tip: to set up a greenhouse business at home, set aside finances for the future to modernize and improve the greenhouse. For the fruitful development of the project and its transformation into a successful business, it is necessary to work for the future, to invest accordingly. A greenhouse built from unnecessary window frames, covered with polyethylene on top, will not be able to bring good profit.

What is the best to grow

Whether you can create a profitable greenhouse business primarily depends on what kind of crop you decide to grow. The inability to provide the plant with heat, water and light balance will lead to a fundamental deterioration in the quality of the crop, and in some cases to its complete destruction.

Therefore, do not neglect the careful study and selection of varieties and types of crops. To facilitate the choice, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. Grow favorites farming- cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and flowers (potted or for bouquets).
  2. Exotic - lemons, strawberries, blueberries or even watermelons and grapes.

The second option is much more difficult, as it requires certain knowledge and skills to grow crops in a confined space. But when choosing flowers, one should not forget that they are very whimsical to the quality of the soil and the temperature regime, so it is very difficult to grow even good roses.

In matters of greenery, everything is much simpler, it is less capricious in its care, it is growing rapidly, but in this case it is important to be able to implement it as quickly as possible.

As for tomatoes, this is a very heat-loving plant, which in the cold season will require huge energy costs, and in summer the level of competition increases significantly, in addition, products grown in the open field appear.

Growing plan

To really create successful business, it is recommended to give preference to a combined scheme, taking into account the specifics of the local climate, the difficulties of transportation, storage and consumer demand. For example, a growing scheme might look like this:

  • Spring - growing flowers.
  • The first half of summer - tomatoes.
  • The second part of summer is cucumbers.
  • Winter - different types of greenery.

This is ideal. Of course, at first it is quite difficult to organize a constant flow, so the scheme can be taken as a goal, but for now, gain experience and clients.

Greenhouse business: plan

The amount of investment directly depends on a number of factors.

Where will the greenhouse be located?

  • In your area.
  • On leased land.

Is expansion being considered in the future by:

  • buying own land;
  • leased area.

How far away is the place where the product will be sold.

The ratio of supply and demand.

Have communications been carried out on the site where the greenhouse will be located, their cost and whether there are restrictions on use.

The business is seasonal or year-round.

Is there enough money for:

  • Acquisition of land and warehouse.
  • Purchase of construction and materials for the construction of the greenhouse.
  • Maintenance costs.
  • Purchase of tools.
  • Registration of commercial activity.


In addition, in the greenhouse business plan, in the monthly payments section, you need to enter:

  • Payment for the lease of the site (if necessary).
  • Employee salaries (if any).
  • The cost of consumables and services (heating, electricity, water, seeds and fertilizers).
  • Payment of taxes.

A greenhouse business plan should take into account the most impressive expenditure part - energy. That is why the key task in drawing up a business plan is to find effective ways to minimize these costs. This will help:

  • Farming in the southern part of Russia.
  • Construction of capital greenhouses with a strong heat-insulating layer.
  • Arrangements with suppliers on a more favorable cost of resources, etc.

The greenhouse business (we gave the beginning of the action above) involves a clear analysis of its capabilities. It is much more difficult to form an income category than an expenditure part, because it is influenced by great amount moments - from your personal volumes and quality of the harvest, to the performance of competitors. For this reason, without farming experience, it is not recommended to start with large volumes, product quality should come first.

How to build a greenhouse

First way. The most affordable option is a metal, plastic or wooden base, covered with polyethylene on top. This design cannot be described as reliable, it retains heat poorly, therefore it is suitable exclusively for seasonal use, but it copes with the main problem of protecting the crop from spring cold weather. Thanks to this, it is possible to collect an early harvest and sell it at a favorable cost. If it is planned to install the greenhouse on a removable land plot, then it is recommended to connect the frame parts not by welding, but by removable parts, so that the structure can be dismantled at any time and transported. Polyethylene should also be fastened with specialized clamps that allow you to remove and stretch the film if necessary.

The second way. When organizing year-round crop cultivation, a capital structure is required, with equipped systems of light, heating, ventilation and irrigation. The structure should be erected on a strip foundation with a recess to the freezing height of the soil. The base must certainly be made of metal with anti-corrosion treatment. For shelter, the best material is polycarbonate or glass, laid in two layers. In order for the greenhouse to be able to withstand a lot of snow in winter, it is better to make the shape of the roof single or gable. On the north side, the building can be laid out with brick / cinder block for better wind protection.

We select fuel for heating the greenhouse

One of the most important and difficult moments is the artificial maintenance of a temperature regime that is comfortable for plants, regardless of the season outside. The process is complicated for a number of reasons:

  • Inside the greenhouse, in no case should overheating and drying out be allowed.
  • The process of heat transfer must be carried out in the direction from the bottom up and slowly.
  • It is required to organize all conditions for the distribution of heat around the entire perimeter of the room.

To meet all the requirements, a heat generator with fans or water heating is perfect. What type of fuel is beneficial to produce heat?

  • First of all, firewood comes to mind, which is easy to obtain, and their cost is acceptable. However, it is quite difficult to warm up a large room in this way due to rapid combustion (about three hours).
  • Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers are more economical and convenient to use, they also have high efficiency and buleryans.
  • Water heating. This is the most expensive way to warm up, but it is good at maintaining almost 90% performance, automatic fuel supply and no soot. All this makes it possible to facilitate several times the conduct of the greenhouse business. As a disadvantage, it can be noted that the stoves are extremely picky about the quality of the fuel.

  • Gas heat generators. They have good performance, however, are difficult to install. First, you need to order a project from a gas company, which is not cheap, and then coordinate it in several instances. In addition, the greenhouse should be located near the gas main.
  • Electricity. This method is not very cheap, but it is quickly mounted. It is not recommended to use electricity for the main heat source, only as an additional one.
  • Ceiling-mounted infrared heaters, which are now popular, often cause dissatisfaction due to the fact that plants are stretched upwards.

The internal structure of the greenhouse

At the very beginning, if there is a need to organize a greenhouse business at minimal cost, the interior arrangement is limited to installing shelving if necessary, hanging illuminating lamps and installing a heating system. However, the more successfully the business develops, the more acute is the issue of simplifying the system of plant care. In other words, the process is automated.

Get rid of a significant part of the functions help automatic systems watering, lighting, heating and ventilation of the room. They provide an opportunity to completely abandon manual mode due to the installation of special sensors inside the greenhouse. At the right moment, the sensors are triggered and transmit a command to the actuators (heating, ventilation, pump), after which the equipment restores the desired microclimate:

  • Automation does not always operate at the expense of electricity. For example, craftsmen build an irrigation system from two barrels, one of which is a storage tank, the second is a receiver tank. A float cock is installed in it, which sets a regular water level. Built in common system ball valve in the process of solar heating, it opens and passes water into the drip system or sprinklers.
  • Ventilation hydraulic equipment consists of two containers with liquid, which are located on the movable window part. When the air inside the greenhouse warms up, the container changes position, thereby acting on the window and opening it.

The disadvantage of such homemade systems is their unreliability, so if your greenhouse business develops, electrical systems will be required.

Ideally, a modern greenhouse facility is an almost completely computerized complex, with many tasks to maintain the microclimate using special equipment. Therefore, it is possible to plan a greenhouse business with significant income only after the technical and material base for its conduct has been created.

Greenhouse benefits

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether a greenhouse business at home is profitable or not, since in any business there are advantages and disadvantages.

Farming benefits:

  • Its main advantage is high profitability: if all technologies for growing crops are observed, up to four crops can be obtained from one greenhouse per year. You can organize the whole process in your own garden plot, and care and cultivation can be done independently, involving a family, while mechanizing individual processes (ventilation, irrigation).
  • It is possible to start a greenhouse business from scratch without investing large sums. The use of inexpensive and common materials such as metal, plastic and polyethylene makes it possible to minimize the initial investment, however, this is only suitable for seasonal crop cultivation. In addition, you can assemble the greenhouse yourself. And in a maximum of a month, any person can become the owner of a small, but promising farming business.
  • There is always a demand for food. In the most extreme case, the unsold crop can be canned, frozen or eaten by yourself.
  • The price of an early harvest is always high, especially for berries and herbs of excellent quality.

All these advantages indicate that the greenhouse business has a very good profitability.


In any situation there are positive and negative sides. There are also many shortcomings in the greenhouse business. People who have been farming for a long time say that it is hard work. And also the disadvantages include:

  • The volatility and seasonality of business. Financial enrichment depends on the yield, which can change several times in one season.
  • Resource cost. A year-round greenhouse requires additional heating, and, accordingly, a large amount of fuel.
  • All products are perishable. Due to the rapid loss presentation and taste, it is impossible to carry the harvest far, which is why the sales market is very limited.

Planning to open a farming business and receive good income from a year-round harvest, careful preparation should be made. However, when proper organization a greenhouse business can grow into a lifelong business with a good income.

In this article you will find practically ready business plan greenhouse and overview various options, as well as some technologies for growing greenhouse products. So, is the greenhouse business profitable? We will find the pros and cons of this idea and find out how quickly this project will pay off.

Greenhouse business plan: calculate the profitability

Let's say right away: the greenhouse business should be started only in the southern regions.

Experts have calculated that it is more profitable to transport the grown products to the northern regions than to pay for electricity or gas for heating a greenhouse. Ready business the plan of the greenhouse should take this into account when calculating the profitability of the enterprise.

However, you should know what to transport finished products It will be profitable only when you have well-established logistics. Usually, large firms that grow vegetables and herbs equip their "ownership" in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, where not only the length of the day is longer and warmer, but also labor and land are cheaper. In addition, according to media reports, the administration of these regions allocates 50% subsidies for the opening of agriculture.

According to experts, in order to "go to zero" it is necessary that the value of the profitability of the greenhouse business be at least 20%.

It is worth taking care of the sales market in advance, agreeing with the owners retail chains and conclude contracts for the supply of their products. You can organize the delivery of greens to customers.

The following pros and cons of greenhouse cultivation can be included in a ready-made business plan:

The pluses include:

  • low cost of organizing a business;
  • quick payback;
  • demand for products outlets and population;
  • opportunity to use fresh produce.

The cons include:

  • expensive electricity (you can save on it using wood heating);
  • business seasonality;
  • the need to solve the problem of delivery to the buyer and preservation of the presentation of products.

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Greenhouse farming: what to grow?

The most profitable, according to experts, is the cultivation of flowers. Second is the greenery. And the least profitable - growing vegetables. Currently, the most common cultivation of greens: onions, parsley and lettuce. Greens are not particularly difficult to grow, do not require as much heat and light as vegetables, and besides, they are almost always present on the dinner table.

A greenhouse business plan should start with the following questions:

  • choice of growing system;
  • choice of the number of greenhouses and their total area;
  • selection of greenhouse cover.

The most common and less costly growing system is hydroponics. It automates the growing process and makes it faster. At the same time, the plants are in a "glass" with water, where fertilizers and nutrients in liquid form come through the tubes.

The disadvantage of such a system is that such greens have a watery taste and a picky buyer will always distinguish green bunches grown in the country from "hydroponic" plants. Nevertheless, 90% of the market is occupied by greens grown precisely in a hydroponic way.

Advocates of hydroponics claim that soil-grown vegetables accumulate an increased amount of pesticides.

There are intermediate technologies between soil and hydroponics. They allow you to achieve the taste of "ground" vegetables. This is achieved by adding real soil and peat to the nutrient solution that the plants are in.

And finally, there are convenient mobile beds in which vegetables of the highest quality grow.

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Greenhouse and its cover

In addition to the method of growing greens, a lot of controversy raises the question of what is better to use as a greenhouse cover: glass or polyethylene?

Glass transmits a lot of heat, it is not economical, and in too sunny regions it can cause plant burns. In addition, thin glass cannot be used in the greenhouse. At a minimum, it should be 6 mm, such glass costs a lot of money.

Polyethylene also has its drawbacks: it does not transmit as much light as glass, it is short-lived. You can also use polycarbonate and acrylic, which eliminate the disadvantages of polyethylene.

With the right approach, the greenhouse business can provide a stable income. However, in order to properly organize it, you need to be aware of all the nuances - otherwise you will burn out. In the article, we will consider how to open a greenhouse business from scratch from minimum investment and analyze an example of a business plan with calculations.

Introduction to the greenhouse business. What is the best to grow?

First of all, you need to decide which greenhouse you want to organize, since they differ in the type of assembly. This partly depends on what vegetables you will be growing. After you do this, it's time to start to solve organizational issues.

In short, you need to contact buyers or find other points of sale for products. Only after that you can start building a greenhouse, organizing a workplace and purchasing the necessary equipment.

Please note: if you are good at working with your hands and do not plan to immediately start with large volumes, then you can build the first greenhouse yourself. In this case, you will save a lot of money.

There are 3 main branches of the greenhouse business: vegetable, flower and herb cultivation. It is worth noting that the latter is the most profitable at the moment. The greatest profits are received by those businessmen whose greenhouses are located in the southern regions of the country. Why? Firstly, because the cost of transporting products is significantly reduced. And, secondly, in the southern regions you will not have to deal with cold weather, which can bring big losses.

The figure below shows the main legal forms for running a greenhouse business: private household plots, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms.

How to open a greenhouse business: preparation

The greenhouse industry is developing and improving very quickly. In addition, there is a lot of competition in this area, which leads to the fact that the rate of profit decreases. Despite this, technology is still changing rapidly, and the cost of equipment is also rising.

Thus, to keep your business afloat, you need to keep abreast of all events, expand in time and use the latest technologies. A business plan will help you cope with all these tasks. It consists of the following steps:

  1. assessment of the situation in the sphere;
  2. division into seasonal or permanent business (ordinary greenhouses are enough for seasonal business, while only special industrial greenhouses with year-round heating are suitable for permanent business);
  3. building relationships with wholesalers and evaluating sales opportunities;
  4. creation of a business plan and calculation of profits and expenses;
  5. comprehensive development of a business plan;
  6. financing.

The first step in creating a business plan is to sketch out an investment plan.

The first cost will be related to obtaining project documentation to the greenhouse and external networks. It should include the specification for all equipment. Please note: you must know the exact price of each piece of equipment.

Hydroponics is the most popular type of cultivation. This technology is usually used for different types vegetables. If you organize everything correctly, then the cycle will be a couple of weeks, that is, 5-10 times faster than a regular vegetable cycle. At the same time, from one hectare you will receive 2-3 tons of crops every day. You can also specify 7 workers per 1 hectare in the costs.

Video lesson: "How to create a greenhouse business?"

How to open a greenhouse business: creating a business plan

First of all, you will need to determine the location of the land itself, its area. After that, you will need to decide which vegetables (greens, flowers) you will grow, and how much area will be allocated for each type. Then you need to specify the growing method that you will use.

After that, approximately calculate how much crop you plan to receive per square meter per year (for each type of product separately). With the help of such a short plan, you will be able to determine what you already have and what you need to purchase or do.

Project objectives and total cost

Think about what settlements are located near your greenhouses. If you manage to deliver products there, then significantly reduce the cost of transportation.

The next goal is to sign an agreement with a large corporation (supermarket chain, food preparation plants, etc.). However, it depends on how large your greenhouse business is.

The last goal is to determine the maximum profit for the year for the available resources and the minimum profit at which you can develop in next year. It is desirable that these 2 numbers are very different from each other and be much higher than the loss line.

To calculate total cost greenhouse economy, you need to determine what expenses you will face. First, find out the initial capital. This amount of funds should ensure the direct construction of greenhouses, their connection to various networks (water, electricity, etc.), the purchase of equipment and planting material. Also, one should not forget about running costs, which will occur until the first profit is received.

Project preparation time

To determine not only the volume, but also the time of profit, it is necessary to make several calculations:

  1. preparation of the territory, the construction of greenhouses and their connection to the networks should be carried out in T-time (you can find out this figure if you take into account the number of workers, the type of greenhouse and its size);
  2. purchase of equipment and its installation;
  3. acquisition and planting of planting materials;
  4. according to your work strategy, determine the timing of the ripening of the crop;
  5. the timing of the sale of goods.

As a result, you will be able to determine the approximate time for making a profit. Please note: if your contract with the customer does not provide for immediate payment upon receipt, and you receive money according to the quantity of products sold, then the average crop damage period must be added to the above formula.

You need to start your business by looking for wholesale buyers who will be ready to purchase your products: wholesale depots, shops, markets.

Greenhouse segment competition

There is no point in knowing how to open a greenhouse business if you are not competitive. It is necessary to determine the specifics of greenhouse farms that operate in this region. Pay special attention to the type, quantity and quality of the products they offer.

To be competitive, it is necessary to determine how full the sales market is and what demand the population has. Even if you have found one or more wholesale buyers, you need to take into account the fact that after some time they may go bankrupt, and you will have nowhere to sell your products. Therefore, it is best to have fallback sales options.

Technical and financial details

Having dealt with all the above issues, it is time to get acquainted with the intricacies of production:

  1. Remoteness of communications from your greenhouses. The fact is that the connection will be carried out entirely at your expense. Therefore, you need to consider these additional costs.
  2. Territory size. It should be such that it would be possible to easily organize access roads for transporting your goods.
  3. If you do not have enough funds to purchase a land plot, you can rent it. But in this case, it would be inappropriate to build greenhouses - it is best to purchase prefabricated greenhouses.
  4. Heating of greenhouses. It will allow you to clearly regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse and control the growth of vegetables.
  5. Free finance. Availability of free Money will allow you to invest in new technologies, marketing or scale existing business processes.

An example of greenhouse business calculations

Let's get acquainted with the approximate calculation of how to open a greenhouse business:

  1. one greenhouse with all the equipment and an area of ​​​​0.5 hectares will cost $ 15,000;
  2. to service it, you need to hire 5 people: 3 workers, a manager and a technologist (salary 25-30,000 dollars per year);
  3. 90% of the costs are heating and electricity, so you need to find the cheapest, but at the same time effective method(it is best to choose species for which the growing temperature does not differ much from the temperatures in the region - this will reduce variable costs);
  4. business profitability is 15-40%, that is, your expenses will pay off in a couple of years (depending on competition and demand in a particular region).

The greenhouse business is one of the many areas.

With the help of greenhouses, you can ensure the harvest almost all year round. Moreover, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce - this is only a small part of what can be grown in greenhouse conditions.

Moreover, the northern climate, with its changing seasons and off-seasons, limits the opportunities for multiple harvests during the summer. And the greenhouse makes it possible! And so the greenhouse business is promising!

Advantages and disadvantages

The greenhouse business is an ideal solution where the weather does not favor heat.

The fact is that the greenhouse itself is a structure designed to accumulate heat. But under the direct sunbeams inside this building is achieved very heat, which is liked by almost all plants.

Therefore, this type of business:

  • requires more initial investment for the arrangement of the greenhouses themselves. After all, in order for something to grow in them, a certain temperature regime and humidity level. For example, even such a heat-loving crop as a cucumber, if it is hot, will shed its embryos and not produce a crop;
  • requires hired labor. Otherwise, who will look after the plants and serve them;
  • constantly demands. Especially at the very beginning - for seed, for fertilizers, for the import of soil, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to think about the payback of greenhouses. In other words, they must be loaded for a year or almost the entire year in order to reduce the level of costs associated with their downtime. Therefore, you should take care of differentiation of greenhouse business areas, i.e. Don't stop at just one type of culture.

However, the greenhouse is not only disadvantages, but also serious benefits:

  • complete independence from the weather. Plants in a greenhouse are not afraid of cold, so even in early spring or before frost, you can get a fresh crop. As for the heat, many greenhouses are equipped with a ventilation system or even ventilation;
  • the opportunity to harvest all year round. Therefore, even on March 8, if the company is busy growing flowers, you can please with fresh bouquets. And in the New Year - fresh salad and herbs;
  • in the greenhouse, you can equip hanging gardens, which seriously save space and provide a large area of ​​​​sowing. And this leads to a decrease.

But in order to have fewer shortcomings in the greenhouse business, you will need to plan plantings. Those. it is necessary to decide what is most profitable to grow in them.

The nuances of organizing a greenhouse business are discussed in the following video:

What is more profitable to grow in greenhouses?

There are crops that are financially murderous to try to grow in a greenhouse and are simply impossible - potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage, etc. The fact is that some vegetables require a large distance between plants. For example, there should be at least 60 cm - 1 m between zucchini. Moreover, they grow well in open ground.

For other vegetables, huge fields are needed to pay for their planting. This applies to potatoes, carrots, beets and other similar crops. Moreover, their processing requires technology, and therefore keeping them in a greenhouse is unprofitable.

But there are cultures that perfect fit for greenhouse conditions. In particular, these are traditional cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, various greens - parsley, dill, sorrel, cilantro, peppers, onions and much more. Such an assortment is especially in demand in winter and spring - at this time it will cover any expenses.

One of the fastest payback types of greenhouse business are flowers! Oddly enough, flowers are in demand all year round and especially on certain dates - March 8th, New Year, Birthdays, September 1st, etc. Moreover, roses, carnations and a number of simple but exquisite plants are considered the most popular - tulips, daffodils, etc. To decide on the assortment, you should look into the flower shop. And you should not limit yourself to the flowers that go into bouquets - any woman strives to surround herself at home with beautiful plants in pots.

An excellent option for the greenhouse business is considered Strawberry. This is an expensive berry, but very popular. And many people want to see it on their table in the winter.

However, when choosing one or another type of plant, you should remember: it is not so easy to organize a fruit change in a greenhouse. The fact is that growing a new crop takes time and money, and also entails the loss of clientele.

Let's take an example. For New Year's Eve lilacs, it will take at least 5 weeks before the plant is ready to bloom. And it will take more time to achieve flowering and special conditions. But during this time the greenhouse will lose money. And cucumbers, in order to be in time for the winter holiday, will take much less days if the necessary conditions are maintained for the plant. Thus, a repeated crop of cucumbers can bring more profit than expensive lilacs. Moreover, it is exotic only for a holiday, and cucumbers will always be in demand. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to support the fruiting of the crop that is needed on the table all year round. However, lilac can also be profitable if separate conditions are created for it, under which it will bloom all year round in parallel with cucumbers. In other words, the greenhouse business must be differentiated and there should be no rush to irrevocably replace one culture with another.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What type of greenhouse business to choose?

The point is not so much in the design of the greenhouse, but in its scale and in.

If the greenhouse business designed for year-round work, then:

  • first of all, it will be necessary to solve the problem of heating and independence from central heating communications. Those. about the autonomous system. And this requires investment. But if, for example, there is a warm room, then the construction of a shed greenhouse, which should be adjacent to a warm building on one side, will help to save some on heating, but it will complicate lighting;
  • if you grow crops in winter, then you need to solve the problem with a short daylight hours, which is so necessary for any plants for growth and fruiting;
  • winter is snow. And its presence on the roof of the greenhouse is a threat to the integrity and strength of its structure, as well as the difficulty of natural lighting. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the issue of snow removal or install such a greenhouse design that will avoid the accumulation of snowdrifts immediately. For example, an arched or gable greenhouse eliminates this problem;
  • the land must rest periodically to produce a good harvest. Therefore, with a year-round business, technologies will be required that will allow the soil to stay fallow, but at the same time receive a crop. And this requires investment.

But year-round business in greenhouses - this is a guaranteed income all year round and maintaining a constant connection with customers.

If choose seasonal greenhouse business, you may encounter the following problems:

  • simple greenhouses for several months, which will have to be paid;
  • growing a new crop requires preliminary preparation of greenhouses and land, and this entails costs;
  • there is a risk of non-germination of seeds;
  • time wasted on growing a new crop;
  • Rebuilding relationships with customers is essential.

But seasonal business does not require a solution to the problem of heating and lighting, which reduces the amount of capital investment. In addition, the land is resting, which allows you to get a good harvest from it.

If you are in the greenhouse business within a normal suburban area, for example, 25 or 50 acres, or even less, then there are some difficulties:

  • the cost of the grown crop will be higher than that of large farms;
  • less harvest;
  • The crop must be sold directly to the final consumer. Then this will make the maintenance of greenhouses profitable;
  • great difficulty in organizing year-round harvesting.

But small business is an opportunity to experiment; it's savings on hired labor force and independence from large wholesale buyers.

Technology and communications

Now on the market of greenhouse complexes there is a wide choice, in which there are, as major manufacturers and lesser known ones.

Here are some of the current offers:

As for communications, all greenhouse complexes are already initially equipped with the necessary systems. But you need to choose the option that is most complete and has:

The market is now dominated by multi-row and tunnel complexes. Therefore, when choosing between them, you should consider the following:

  • tunnel systems are much cheaper than multi-row structures;
  • less technologically advanced than multi-row greenhouses;
  • both options are suitable for year-round cultivation of vegetables, flowers, seedlings, fruits and mushrooms;
  • equally suitable for operation in all climatic zones.

And if you build a greenhouse business in the country? In this case, you should choose small greenhouses that are built with your own hands or purchased ready-made:

  • if wood is used in construction, then such greenhouse complexes will require replacement in a few years. Moreover, the tree attracts ants, and they attract aphids, which destroy plants. In addition, the use of fresh wood in the construction of greenhouses can take part of its strength from the soil, as well as deform. Therefore, the tree must be aged;
  • flexible plastic frames are most suitable for temporary greenhouses. But plastic does not rot, does not corrode and does not deform - therefore it is often used in the construction of greenhouses. However, their service life does not exceed 10 years;
  • therefore, it is worth choosing galvanized frames - they are more durable, strong, do not corrode and do not collapse. At the same time, they cost more, but pay off faster;
  • ordinary film will not allow you to grow crops in the winter;
  • a greenhouse made of glass or polycarbonate will require ventilation and heating. However, polycarbonate is more preferable than glass - it is more reliable!

For heating small greenhouse, which was not originally equipped with such a system, wood (solid fuel) boilers can be used if there is no gas heating. Such boilers are a more economical option than electrical equipment.

The nuances of a business plan

First of all, one should identify crop types that will be grown. Depending on this, the area and technology of the greenhouse complex, and its arrangement are selected. Now many are turning their attention to hydroponics, which allows you to harvest more than one crop from small areas and reduces the cost of products and greenhouse maintenance. But first you need to find out whether everything can be grown using this technology. In addition, it is necessary to find out which types of crops can be adjacent to each other, i.e. find options that can be grown in the same greenhouse. This will reduce the cost of maintaining the crop.

Next, find out level of competition. If you rely on traditional types of crops - onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, etc. - you will have to put up with a large number of competitors. Therefore, it is worth looking for a niche, but there is no need to abandon traditional plant species, since they are always in demand.

To minimize competition, you must not forget about. In other words, you should look for ways to sell products that will allow you to reach the end consumer.

For example, open own store. Usually large farms sell their products to wholesale customers, not seeking to find direct contact with ordinary retail buyers. By the way, it is precisely in the presence of such contact that the advantage of a small farm is.

Where to get money? The most painful question. But there are a number of answers to it:

  • external private ;
  • under which some banks give a loan;
  • to support start-up farmers.

Depending on the scale of the planned greenhouse farm, the list of funding sources may expand, for example, by attracting for a small greenhouse complex and internal borrowings - friends or relatives, for example.

Do not forget that funds are needed not only for opening, but also for maintaining the business at first. working capital necessary for fertilizers, for the delivery of products to the end consumer, for the purchase of planting material, for payment employees, etc.

An important part of a business plan that everyone is interested in is the payback period. Its value depends on the scale of the economy itself, the initial contribution and the size of the sales market. But it is usually believed that this period ranges from 2-3 years, and the level is from 15%.

It is also important to consider:

  • the presence of a number of communications that will reduce the cost of building the complex and its maintenance;
  • the degree of remoteness of the transport interchange and the sales market;
  • buying or leasing land.

Today, any direction in farm business- it is promising and profitable. Therefore, if you build greenhouses, then regardless of their scale, they will allow you to extract a good income. But this is a lot of work! And you should be ready for this.

An example of opening a greenhouse is shown in this video: