Charity event: the secrets of the right organization. Announcements of charity events organized in the dow How to make a charity event

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DEAR PARENTS! "____" _________ 2015, a charity event "Give the baby a book" is held! ANNOUNCEMENT At all times in Russia there were educated, generous people, true patrons of the arts, who shared their book collections, collections, individual publications with people. These priceless gifts helped people survive and develop. Those who donate books are people with a high civic position, a special sense of duty to society, as a rule, they are not rich, but they perfectly understand that these books will find their reader. The idea of ​​the action is to popularize children's and family reading. We are sure that the books donated as a gift will be useful not only for children, but also for parents - all those who want to keep their child entertained! JOIN! HOW WOULD WE LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS?.. We are friendly with the printed word, If it weren't for it, Neither about the old nor about the new We didn't know anything!


DEAR PARENTS! "____" ______ 2015, a charity event "Toys for a GIFT" is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT Charity is a matter that is highly valued in our difficult times. We invite all mothers and fathers, grandparents with a sympathetic heart to help us in this noble cause! The purpose of the action is to collect voluntary donations in the form of toys. As part of this action, we invite everyone to help each other, a sick baby, large and low-income families who are always with us. JOIN!

MARATHON "WE DO GOOD" Do you often think about how often you do GOOD? Do you create it at all? It is sad and ashamed to admit it, but today is the time when everything around began to depreciate. Except money. But the soul of each of us is saturated moral values and moral and ethical qualities! Only many of us diligently hide them. We stopped thinking about our neighbor, helping in difficult times, although our houses are full of new things, toys, books, diapers, albums, pencils and other things. And to remind everyone how important it is to do GOOD, thereby showing your best qualities, we will organize a marathon of good deeds "Do Good". As part of the marathon, it is planned to hold a number of charitable events: “Day of Good Deeds”, “Give the baby a book”, “Let's give children a holiday”, “A grain from each”, “Bird feeders”, “Toys for FREE”. The symbol of goodness is the "giving hands" inside the heart. Look out for ads with this icon. Maybe this is your chance to do something good in life? Give a piece of your heart to our future - CHILDREN!

DEAR PARENTS! "____" _______________ 2015, a charity event "Day of Good Deeds" is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT X otim to unite completely ordinary people of different professions, ages, social status, in order to organize together a holiday for children "Children's Day!". We can all find at home what is no longer needed, but the kids need. You can contribute to the organization of help. To do this, you need to look in your closets for unnecessary things that are suitable for children under 4 years old: books that may be gathering dust on your shelves. Or maybe the children have grown up a long time ago, and the toys are waiting for someone to play with them ... or your baby has already grown up, but the pencils, plasticine, paints, felt-tip pens are left and you don’t know where to put them? May your gifts be to the delight of the children!

If you have got something ALREADY unnecessary from things in your house and what you practically did not use, but if it is not necessary and it is a pity to throw it away, then give this unnecessary as a gift to other people! If you do not know who is worthy of such a priceless gift, then pass this item to our group - we will find IT new house and happy owner! ANNOUNCEMENT DEAR PARENTS! "____" ___________ 2015, a charity event "Superfluous things" is being held!

DEAR PARENTS! "____" _______________ 2015 a charity event "Let's give children a holiday!" On the eve of the New Year holidays, so beloved by all of us, we so want a fairy tale to come to every child. And he believed in a real New Year's miracle! DOW organizes charity event: "Let's give children a holiday!". As part of the campaign, Christmas and New Year gifts are collected for children from the orphanage. Responsive and caring people take part in the action. You feel the pre-holiday excitement, expect magic and New Year's gifts... Give these emotions to the kids who do not have a family and loved ones!!! ANNOUNCEMENT


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DEAR PARENTS! "____" ______ 2015, a charity environmental campaign "Bird Feeders" is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT Winter is a difficult time for the birds left in our lane. 8 out of 10 birds die not so much because of the cold, but because of hunger. Come on, dear parents, let's help the birds survive the harsh winter days and create feeders, "bird dining rooms" with our own hands from different materials. Let it be "budget" feeders. The main thing is that they be made together with the children and presented to “our smaller brothers” from the bottom of our hearts!

April 1 is International Bird Day. The holiday has a rich history. Back in 1905, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds came into force. And in 1918, Russia signed the International Treaty on Migratory Birds, which is still in force today. Since 1927, the Day of Birds has been officially celebrated in the USSR. Come on, dear parents, let's meet the birds with "bird houses" made with our own hands from different materials. Let it be "budget" birdhouses. The main thing is that they be made together with the children and presented to “our smaller brothers” from the bottom of our hearts! ANNOUNCEMENT DEAR PARENTS! From March 1 to April 1, 2015, a charitable environmental campaign for the manufacture of birdhouses "House for Birds" is being held!


DEAR PARENTS! "____" ___________ 2015, a charitable environmental campaign "From each grain" is held! ANNOUNCEMENT Birds cannot live without food. In every family, crumbs, pieces of bread, seeds, millet, etc. remain after eating. Do not rush to throw away what you can feed the birds, which means saving their lives! You have feed, we have feeders! So, thanks to joint efforts, love, kindness, care will settle in the hearts of children!

Do you know what the main advantage of charitable events is? They contribute to the achievement of many goals. For example, you can raise a very substantial amount for a good cause, draw public attention to a problem, or increase the image and recognition of an NGO.

But it is worth remembering that the success of any event will depend on its careful preparation. So, what items should be included in the plan?


Before you start preparing, ask yourself the following question: Why am I doing this? Have you conceived an exclusively fundraising event or are you pursuing other goals? Perhaps your NGO hopes to raise a certain amount, but this is just a nice bonus, and you make the main bet on promoting the project or attracting an audience.


If you are focusing on fundraising, clearly define the format of the event (fair, charity ball, concert, etc.) and the amount you plan to raise after deducting all expenses.


A budget is a detailed description of the expenses that you will face. These include rent and decoration of the premises, payment for staff services, invitations, equipment, food, entertainment, transportation and much more. Be sure to add 20% to the amount received for unforeseen expenses - you can’t do without them.


When the estimate is drawn up, you need to decide on the sources of funding. Their choice will depend on the type and format of the event. It could be a sponsorship budget, state grant, crowdfunding, pro bono services, financing commercial companies etc.

The target audience

You can prepare a wonderful event, but if you invite the wrong people to it, you will not achieve the desired result. Have you conceived a general fundraising in which everyone can take part, or is the event focused on a specific group of people (donors, businessmen, parents, young professionals)?


Do not forget about the organizational nuances: venue, equipment, refreshments, entertainment, printed products(flyers, posters, booklets), dress code, event program, etc. You need to think about all this in advance and add the estimated cost items to the estimate.

Audience engagement

Any event needs advertising. Start with announcements on the organization's website and social media. Contact your subscribers and partners with a request to make the maximum repost. Prepare an informative and colorful press release for journalists and formally invite them to cover the event.


If you have planned such a large-scale event as a concert or a charity ball, you cannot do without a preliminary run. All participants must know in advance what they are responsible for, where they stand and what they do. So you can avoid unnecessary fuss and confusion at the most crucial moment.


“But they didn’t even say thank you,” is one of the most common phrases that can be heard from guests and volunteers of fundraising events. Don't forget the thank-you notes addressed to all participants, including guests, volunteers, vendors and service personnel.

Participation in charity events gives everyone the opportunity to do a good deed and help people who need help. That is why it is so important to draw public attention to this event.

The purpose of the charity event is transparent and simple It is the provision of necessary assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. These can be charity events for the disabled, assistance to social shelters and orphanages, etc.

What are the forms of expression of charitable assistance ?

Selfless transfer of skills and knowledge

Collection and transfer of various commodities (e.g. medicines, clothing, food, etc.) as well as financial resources

Disinterested provision of any services or performance of works

Volunteering - helping and caring for orphans, the disabled and the elderly

How to organize a charity event?

Social charitable actions can acquire a variety of scales - these are both urban and international charitable events. It all starts with a sincere desire to help. That is why absolutely every person can organize such an action, based on their capabilities. The main thing is the desire and possession of at least minimal organizer abilities.

For example, you can throw a party to celebrate your wedding day or your birthday. But ask guests instead of gifts to make a donation to a charitable foundation. You can also organize a subbotnik for the residents of your home. So, when you get together, you can make a great contribution to a good deed by cleaning, for example, your yard or the nearest park from garbage, painting benches, etc.

You can organize a charity event to help those in need within the framework of your office. You can contact a volunteer organization or a charitable foundation, request a list of the necessary funds and gifts that the wards of these organizations are waiting for. After that, the company's employees can purchase the necessary funds and take them to charitable organization, or transfer the donation amount to the fund's account.

If you are planning to arrange mass event at the level of a city or region, then here you can’t do without the help of professionals. Event agency organizers Holiday PRO they will develop an event program, prepare a clear timing and plan, think through every detail to create an interesting and rich scenario, and also take care of all the coordination with the city administration, charitable foundations, and volunteers.

A charitable action to help is an event that requires wide coverage in order to more people heard about it and were able to help. To do this, as part of the organization of the event, we organize and hold a press conference.

We can implement a charity event in various formats:

  • Charity fair
  • Celebrity workshops
  • Charity Auction
  • Children's theatrical performances
  • Sports charity events (marathons, tournaments, sports days, relay races)
  • Donation collection, etc.

Holiday PRO is a team of experienced organizers who put all their strength, knowledge and experience into creating a bright event. But a charity event is not just an event. For us, this is a unique opportunity to reveal all the kindness and generosity of our hearts, to help many people thanks to your initiative.

Host Mikhail Martynov told how to organize and hold a charity evening. In his professional practice, this experience was the first!

Today, charity events are gaining more and more popularity both abroad and in Russia. For some, this is an opportunity to sincerely help the seriously ill and needy; for others, it is a way to create positive image or strengthen your position in the eyes of others. But, one way or another, today charity finds a wide response from the Russian audience.

Participants are ready to donate even if insignificant funds, which in the total amount sometimes amounts to quite a decent amount, and provides tangible benefits to those who really need it. Such a "nationwide" response greatly facilitates the organization of such events. After all, doing good deeds, even at the cost of your own funds, is always pleasant. However, the organization and conduct of charitable programs cannot be called easy. Whatever one may say, this is a lot of work, where it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances.

The charity auction, which took place on July 8 in St. Petersburg, was timed to coincide with the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The event had two goals at once: firstly, to collect cash for the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, which helps seriously ill children with oncological diseases brain; secondly, to financially support contemporary art.


As a rule, the preparation of such serious events takes at least one or even two months. Michael managed to do the almost impossible. The term of its preparation was - 8 days! This is because the idea came spontaneously, and we wanted to hold a charity auction on July 8 - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! It was simply impossible to deny yourself, or the guests of the event, or those for whom, in the end, this was done, this pleasure! Michael decided, by all means, to bring his plan to the end. Day and night, without letting go of the phone, he called everyone who could be interested in this one way or another: potential sponsors, artists, friends and acquaintances. Mikhail does not hide the fact that on the eve of the event, for just a few seconds, he had doubts about the need and success of the future event. But he immediately mentally straightened himself up and threw all doubts aside.


No matter how outstanding the planned event may seem to you, it must certainly go through all the maximum possible stages of approval. This will save you and your guests from unpleasant surprises. Moreover, this must be done if we are talking about holding an event implemented on behalf of someone or for some organization. Since the key element of the Charity Auction was assistance to the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, the organizer of the event, Mikhail Martynov, contacted Anna Sysoseva, PR manager of the Foundation. In order to get approval, a week and a half before the “x” hour, he provided the concept, plan and logo of the event. Only after the final approval of the program by representatives of the Khabensky Foundation, Mikhail was able to start implementing his plan.

Search for sponsors and cooperation

Sometimes it seems that the search for sponsors is the most difficult stage in the process of organizing an event. However, as practice shows, when it comes to charity, companies are more willing to negotiate. Firstly, this, of course, has a positive effect on their image, and secondly, what can I say, doing good is always nice! The companies that sponsored the Charity Auction represented various fields of activity, but mainly the industry of beauty, sports, fashion clothes, accessories, and contemporary art. They also provided lots, including: paintings by the popular artist Alexei Sergienko; subscription to a fitness club; teddy bears; tablecloth for hostesses; butterflies for gentlemen; certificates for a photo session, Thai massage, wind tunnel flight; as well as a certificate for individual tailoring of fashionable shoes.

Of course, the sponsoring companies put forward their requirements, the fulfillment of which was mandatory on the part of the organizers. During the event, and to a greater extent during the auction, the presenter repeatedly mentioned the names of the companies that provided the lots, as well as the scope of their services and capabilities. Presentation and advertising texts were also agreed with the companies in advance.

Moreover, sponsoring companies were allowed to send their representatives to the event. Here they could meet and communicate with the guests, as well as distribute their promotional products to everyone.

It should be noted that the organizers tried to bring the lots closer to the theme of the event as accurately as possible. However, when choosing sponsors, preference was still given to those companies that already have charitable experience in their “baggage”. This greatly facilitated the negotiations, allowing both sides to understand each other more quickly.

Concept and plan of the event

The program of the Charity Auction was divided into several parts. Moreover, the theme of each of them, of course, in one way or another was connected with the holiday "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity."

Educational part.

Liliana Modigliani, a professional image maker and personal growth specialist, was invited to the event as a speaker. She gave a lecture, the theme of which is directly related to the celebrated holiday: "How to maintain harmony in family relationships." In many ways, the invitation of such a famous speaker became possible thanks to Mikhail's personal acquaintance with her, who, by the way, is also a regular listener of her lectures.

The little guests of the event were not deprived of attention either. Especially for preschool children, the Opener show was organized as part of a charity auction. With the help of bright and colorful experiments, the children explored the world of science.

Concert program.

As a concert program, the performance of the Imperia-Dance group with Russian folk dance was organized. Moreover, such a choreographic direction was not chosen by chance. Do not forget that the holiday "Day of family, love and fidelity" is popularly called the Day of Peter and Fevronia. The Slavic roots of the holiday determined the theme of the concert program.


As part of the event, it was decided to move away from the standard auction scheme. The organizer realized it in a show format. Each lot was accompanied by a thematic musical composition. For example, during the drawing of a trip to the ranch, the guests heard a song performed by the Lyube group “I will go out into the field at night with a horse”. During the drawing of a certificate for tailoring shoes - Zhanna Aguzarova's song "Yellow Shoes". All this, of course, gave the event a pleasant, fun and relaxed atmosphere.

The starting price of the lot, by the way, was very democratic - 1 ruble. During the auction, the guests themselves increased this figure.

According to the organizer, this part of the program was especially successful. In many ways, this became possible thanks to Mikhail's successful experience in holding auctions as part of other events.

Buffet table . This is perhaps the only costly part of the event. The organizer spent a little more than one and a half thousand rubles to purchase mulled wine, fruit, coffee and tea. Gingerbread cookies were provided by sponsors, and a good friend of Mikhail baked a bird cherry cake for all the guests.

Force majeure

On the day of the Charity Auction, at the moment of the most active phase of preparation, the electricity was suddenly cut off in the room where the event was to be held. One can only imagine what the organizers and participants of the Charity Auction experienced. But, when your budget is limited, it is unlikely that you will be able to build your own backup substation, and in general - to foresee such circumstances.

According to Mikhail, here he simply had no choice but to remain calm, and inspire others to do the same. However, the story was resolved in favor of the organizers and participants of the holiday - the light was still given. Michael himself associates this with nothing more than a "check by higher powers". Still, they did a good deed, and it simply could not have turned out differently!

Outcome: According to the results of the Charity event, 30 thousand rubles were collected. Someone will call this amount small compared to those who regularly collect Charitable foundations high level. However, the organizers are ready to argue with such skeptics. After all, the main thing is to take the first step and draw attention to the problem. The rest, as they say, will follow.

Conclusions and troubleshooting

According to Mikhail Martynov, in the future he will devote much more time to preparing for such an event. Perhaps it will be a month, perhaps two! Still, his experience in the event industry once again prompted him to think that any event is a long and detailed study in a calm and measured atmosphere. After all, fatigue and stress, as you know, will not lead to anything good, but Mikhail once again realized for himself that it is possible to cope with any task. The main thing, according to Mikhail, is to believe in yourself, by all means, and “break the bridges” for serious progress and the impossibility of stepping back.