Business plan for a recreation area on the lake. An approximate (typical) business plan for a recreation center

  1. Project summary.
  2. Description of the conceptual idea of ​​the project.
  3. Marketing analysis.
  4. Capital Raising Plan.
  5. Plan for the construction of a recreation center and its equipment.
  6. Recreation plan.
  7. Organizational and legal aspect.
  8. income plan.
  9. Cost plan for the maintenance of the recreation center.
  10. Risk assessment and methods of dealing with them.
  11. Final results and conclusions.

Why do you need a recreation center business plan?

  1. To present a clear picture of the result you want to achieve and describe the actions that need to be taken to achieve it.
  2. To present the project in front of those who decide on financial support (banks, investors, partners).
  3. To track the compliance of actual activities with planned

An example of a recreation center business plan

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended recreation center business plan with full business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of the recreation center

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Statement of Cash Flow quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


An extended business plan includes a financial model of the recreation center in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will allow justifying management decisions on investing in the creation and development of a recreation center, predicting its financial results and assessing risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


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Business organization

Rest is not only pleasant, but also useful. Not every Russian manages to go on vacation to distant shores, and on short weekends this is completely impossible. An excellent option for such cases would be a recreation center located not far from the place of residence, offering its customers a comfortable pastime. In order to effectively organize the work of the facility, use the recommendations of a professional recreation center business plan.

The main stages of work on the organization:

  1. Analysis of competitors' offers.
  2. Formation of own concept of the recreation center.
  3. Attracting resources for the construction of the facility.
  4. Search for a suitable territory.
  5. Recreation center design.
  6. Project approval.
  7. Construction, installation of communications, interior decoration and landscaping of the adjacent territory.
  8. Customer acquisition work.
  9. preparatory activities.
  10. Start of work.

When choosing a place for the construction of a recreation center, consider the following recommendations: it is desirable that the distance to the nearest large settlement be no more than 100 - 150 km, the base area - from 20 - 25 hectares, ideally if it is located on the river bank and has at least would be a small forest area. As a rule, 2 options for accommodating guests are used in recreation centers: in the rooms of the main building and in separate cottages (houses). Therefore, try to take into account all formats of accommodation when designing in order to satisfy the needs of the maximum number of customers.

Whether you decide to organize a recreation center in the forest or on the lake - it does not matter, in any case you will need to prepare a good business plan.

Market analysis and description of the recreation center project

The popularity of recreation centers is growing every year, and noteworthy offers are practically absent. Now is the time to launch such a project: the decrease in the purchasing power of the population, as well as the difficult political situation, is forcing people to look for recreation options closer to home, there is also a growing trend for a healthy lifestyle, outdoor activities not only on vacation, but also on weekends. More detailed market analysis can be found in the business plan of the tourist recreation center.

Produced goods/services

Accommodation in the rooms and houses of the recreation center, meals, provision of additional services: equipment rental (bicycles, skis, fishing rods, etc.), excursions or master classes.

Potential clients


The opening of a recreation center with calculations is presented below in a sample business plan. The design capacity of the facility is a recreation center with 10 rooms in the main building and 7 separate cottages.

The financial part of the recreation center business plan


InvestmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Organization registration, paperwork

Land lease

Design work

Coordination of the project and obtaining permits

Construction of recreation facilities

14 months

Conducting communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Finishing work

Organization of parking

Organization of work to attract customers

all period

Other costs

According to a sample recreation center business plan, investments in the business will amount to about 90 million rubles.


The annual revenue will be about 90 - 100 million rubles.


Annual expenses - an average of 60 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 3 years, the profit is on average 30-40 million rubles annually, and the profitability is 38%.


The recreation center is an excellent option for a highly profitable and sought-after business. The old dilapidated Soviet-built bases are being replaced by modern facilities with a high level of service and comfort. This process is in its infancy, so there is no need to talk about market saturation yet. It is in your power to join this type of entrepreneurship in time and achieve unprecedented success. However, in order to get started, you will definitely need a recreation center business plan. You can download an example of a business plan with calculations or download a ready-made business plan (for a fishing and tourist recreation center or any other direction). But all these options will have one significant drawback - the document will not reflect all the individual characteristics of your business. The solution for you is a document template.

Download the business plan for the construction of a recreation center, and you will be able to:

  • Independently calculate the main performance indicators and the current work of the recreation center, based on the individual input parameters of your business.
  • Form a consistent and detailed strategy of action, and systematically strive to implement it.
  • Accelerate the process of promoting the recreation center through a well-thought-out marketing plan that works specifically for your business.
  • Attract the required funding for the project by presenting a unique business plan for the development of the recreation center to the bank or investment company.
  • Do not lose money and funds to work with third-party consultants and experts, create your own project.

Opening your own recreation center is the dream of any entrepreneur, the opportunity to earn money in comfort for yourself. Now is the time to start this project. Don't lose it. Act now.

Other business plans.

A recreation center is a type of tourist services that are provided to customers on a paid basis. If earlier almost all Russian camp sites were separate departmental structures, maintained at the expense of the state budget and provided the opportunity for recreation only to certain categories of citizens, today any business entity (IP or LLC) can organize and maintain a camp site. And he can conclude service contracts with any interested persons who are ready to pay money for the service. About how to the recreation center and how to implement it, later in the material.

How to arrange a recreation center

The end of winter-beginning of spring is the best time to start preparing for the summer tourist season. For three spring months, you can do a colossal job of opening your own camp site:

  • register entrepreneurial activity ();
  • find a suitable plot of land and get it for rent;
  • order a project and a business plan for the construction of a recreation center;
  • build the base itself and put it into operation;
  • conduct a bright campaign to promote services in the tourism market.

Ideally, all of the above activities should take six months. But additional funding and cooperation with responsible contractors will allow the entrepreneur to launch the recreation center much faster.

If the reader is new to business, then the best start option is to purchase a ready-made recreation center and draw up a business plan specifically for this type of service. Well, if you already have experience in doing business, then you can start your own project.

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The main requirements for a land plot are as follows: it must be intended for recreation (permitted use), the area of ​​the land plot must not be less than four hectares, and the land plot must not be located in protected areas.

In addition, the territory must meet a number of utilitarian requirements:

  • close to large and / or medium-sized cities;
  • close to big highways;
  • there must be a convenient access to the site;
  • for a camp site it is desirable to have access to the water;
  • the area should have unique qualities and be remembered by tourists.

If an entrepreneur has found such a plot, then the permitted type of its use can be determined by the public cadastral map on the website of the state registration service for rights and real estate transactions Here you can also see the cadastral number of the site and data on the ownership of it. This information is quite enough to start work on concluding a land lease agreement.

On average, the term of the conclusion of the contract is about two months.

Useful to read. Premises, equipment and staff requirements, opening budget and profit planning.

In the piggy bank of a novice entrepreneur: exemplary.

Design work

The project for the construction of the camp site is being prepared by the design bureau. It will start working only after the customer receives the lease of the land, and also when the competent authority issues the conditions for the use and development of this site.

The project preparation time is about two weeks. The customer has no right to deviate from the project. Any unauthorized changes will cause a delay in putting the hostel into operation.

The recreation center should consist of a housing stock (about 20 rooms), which can be organized both in separate houses and in several buildings. And also there should be an administrative building, a buffet / dining room, technical rooms. If the houses or buildings are not equipped with a bathroom, then a common bathroom (several bathrooms) should be located on the territory.

It is necessary to provide a bathhouse, landscaping, playgrounds (for children and adults), barbecue facilities and other facilities necessary for organizing the planned types of recreation.


After the camp site is built and put into operation, no additional permits and licenses are needed for its opening and operation. A businessman is obliged to comply only with the rules for doing business, as well as ensure environmental, sanitary and fire safety on the territory of the complex.

Financial calculations

The business plan of a tourist recreation center consists of counting expenses, income and profit.

The start-up costs for opening a camp site include the costs of its design and construction. On average, an entrepreneur will have to spend about 10 million rubles.

Let's give an example of a business plan for a recreation center for eight houses with approximate calculations.

The construction and equipment of one house made of profiled timber will cost about 700 thousand rubles. This price includes the building itself, decoration, house communications, equipment and furniture. When choosing a more economical material for construction, a house can cost 400 thousand rubles. It is not recommended to build cheaper housing.

The construction of a bathhouse (see), a barbecue and general landscaping will cost at least 3 million rubles.

The monthly maintenance of the recreation center costs about 300 thousand rubles (salary of five employees, rent and taxes).

The annual income of the camp site from renting eight houses (two rooms each) is approximately 4.5 million rubles. On additional services, including a bathhouse, leasing equipment for games and entertainment, selling soft drinks, you can additionally earn about 500 thousand rubles a year. In total, the total annual income of the camp site is about 5 million rubles. And the current annual consumption is about 3.5 million rubles. The average salary is about 1.5 million rubles per year.

With such turnovers and profits, the camp site will pay off not earlier than in six years.

The income from renting houses was calculated based on the fact that the average summer occupancy of the camp site is about 70%, and the average occupancy from autumn to spring is about 40%. The average cost of a room in a house is 1.5 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur has two ways to increase earnings: either increase the percentage of occupancy of the hostel, or increase the cost of services. But more expensive services are more expensive, so this path is not for everyone.

To increase attendance, entrepreneurs who develop a business plan for a recreation center on the lake clean the reservoir, improve beaches, and install additional water entertainment.

The business plan of the recreation center in the forest includes additional services: picking mushrooms, berries, a telescope for stargazing, a swimming pool, etc. Everything that can diversify a tourist's vacation.

How to attract clients

The promotion of tourist base services can be carried out simultaneously in four directions:

  • advertising in the media and distribution of printed materials;
  • inclusion of information about the hostel in tourist information guides (including interactive ones);
  • promotion through groups in social networks;
  • placement of signs and banners on the roads leading to the camp site.


If an entrepreneur wants to build a camp site and turn it into a profitable business, he needs to be prepared for the following difficulties: good land for a camp site is not so easy to find, and even more difficult to rent it; large investments will pay off over a long period of time. But if he overcomes these difficulties, he will eventually become the owner of a promising, interesting and profitable business.

What is the article about?

Most people enjoy spending their holidays in boarding houses and tourist camps. Quality rest is an essential human need, allowing you to recuperate, improve your health and have a good time. Regardless of the time of year, the recreation center maintenance business brings a steady income. In any case, having your own camp site in a picturesque corner of our country guarantees a stable profit. We will talk about the prospects and features of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bcommercial activity below.

How to open a recreation center?

It is known that on the territory of modern Russia there is still a huge number of abandoned recreation centers and boarding houses that have been preserved since Soviet times. Most of them are in a dilapidated state, however, the places where such objects are located can be re-used for business.

Many novice entrepreneurs have no idea how to open a camp site and what is needed for this. First of all, it is worth remembering whether there are places near the settlement where people could get unforgettable impressions of their vacation so that they would have a desire to return there again. This moment is extremely important, since the income from the operation of the camp site is made up of the number of visits to the establishment by regular customers and people who arrive for the first time. The next thing to do for those who want to organize their own tourism business is to assess the possibility of installing entertainment and gaming complexes in the planned territory.

Such an approach to doing business will initially make it possible to offer the target audience in-demand services both in winter and in summer. There are a lot of picturesque places where a person wants to return again and again, so there is no need to be afraid of competition. The main thing is to find a suitable territory, study its prospects and open a recreation center from scratch. A businessman should immediately be prepared for the fact that a sufficiently large amount of capital investment is required for a successful start.

We will have to build several residential and utility buildings, complete them with modern finishes, conduct communications, and purchase appropriate equipment. It is also necessary to purchase entertainment complexes and equip sports grounds so that customers can have a good time. It does not hurt a businessman to think about opening a trampoline center, a billiard room or organizing a small restaurant on the territory of the base. All this will bring tangible profits in the future. Important: from the consideration of land plots suitable for a recreation center or a boarding house, reserves and territories equated to them should be immediately excluded. This is due to the fact that such objects are protected by the state, so it will not be possible to obtain permits for organizing commercial activities.

Business registration

After a detailed study of the project of the recreation center, drawing up a financial plan and analyzing the market of competitors, a novice entrepreneur needs to register his business. For these purposes, you can open a limited liability company or an individual entrepreneur. If a large-scale project is planned and there will be several founders of the enterprise, an LLC will be the best solution. Various companies have more confidence in legal entities than in individual entrepreneurs, so in the future there will be no problems with concluding cooperation agreements. When registering at the branch of the Federal Tax Service, documents are submitted, among them:

  • Application for opening an LLC;
  • company charter;
  • Minutes of the constituent assembly;
  • Information about the co-owners of the business;
  • Check for payment of state duty.

Registration of an LLC will cost the entrepreneur 4 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to have the authorized capital of the company (its size is at least 10 thousand rubles). Please note that, regardless of the form of ownership, a license is not required to open a camp site. An individual entrepreneur is suitable for business people who decide to open a small business (this form will be needed if, for example, a person wants to organize a business selling potatoes or open a store). When registering a company, it is mandatory to indicate OKVED codes. The following are suitable for the activities of the recreation center:

  • 55.23.2 - "Activity of rest houses and boarding houses";
  • 92.7 - "Other activities for the organization of entertainment and recreation";
  • 92.72 - "Other entertainment and recreational activities, not included in other groups."

In addition to the procedure for registering an organization, an entrepreneur with a ready-made project for a recreation center should contact the BTI for its approval. It is necessary to obtain permission from the municipal authorities to carry out the construction of the future boarding house. To open a camp site, you will need to take the relevant documents from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the fire service. At this stage, the costs will amount to about 60 thousand rubles. They include the development of project documentation and the issuance of permits.

Location selection

Picturesque places, the ability to connect communications to the construction site and the convenience of access to the future base are the main criteria that an entrepreneur should rely on when choosing a suitable land plot. Without fail, there should be a reservoir near the recreation facility, which will attract a large number of regular customers. The area where it is planned to place the object should be remote from the settlement in such a way that it can be easily reached by car or public transport. We have already talked about the presence in the regions of a large number of abandoned sanatoriums, pioneer camps and former recreation centers. These are the things to pay attention to first. This is due to the fact that such establishments have a good location (from a commercial point of view), and the territories occupied by them are already adapted for people to relax in an ecologically clean natural area.

Construction of premises

How to arrange the objects on the territory of the recreation center? It is advisable to entrust the task of developing a project to a designer who will draw up documents in accordance with the requirements of the law. Let's give an example with calculations for the purchase of a land plot of 20 acres. If you buy an old boarding house, its cost will vary within 7 million rubles. For the construction of a camp site from scratch, the price of a land plot in the central zone of the Russian Federation is about 11 million rubles. On such an area, you can freely build a common boarding house that can accommodate 30 guests, as well as 4 family cottages (capacity of each - 5-6 people). In addition, you need to place certain objects:

  • playgrounds and sports grounds;
  • restaurant, cafeteria or canteen;
  • swimming pool;
  • administrative building, staff rooms;
  • warehouses for storing inventory, provisions and equipment.

As for the dimensions of the rooms for guests, is it better to calculate them in such a way that there are about 8-9 m2 per person? of living space (50 m² of the area of ​​the cottage, 130 m² of a shared boarding house). In addition, it is necessary to conduct new communications. This will provide comfortable living conditions for people, because of which they will quickly spread information among their relatives and friends (word of mouth will work, which is an effective and free advertising channel). Finishing work is recommended to be carried out from modern building materials in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities. This is especially true of the sanitary zone and the kitchen, which, as a rule, are visited first by SES employees. The cost of construction, interior design and installation of communications to equip a small base varies within 10 million rubles. These expenses make up the most significant part of the cost of the hostel business plan.

Purchase of equipment

Upon completion of construction work, it will be necessary to purchase equipment for the facilities of the recreation center. First of all, plumbing should be connected in each living room and other office premises. For 20 rooms, the cost of this will amount to 200 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to buy:

  • lighting equipment, household appliances - 140 thousand rubles;
  • furniture for each room, administrative building, service premises - 350 thousand rubles;
  • gym equipment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • equipment of a boiler room, split system - 600 thousand rubles;
  • children's play complex - 70 thousand rubles;
  • computers, WiFi - 50 thousand rubles;
  • kitchen equipment - 1 million rubles.

In total, the cost of purchasing equipment for the camp site will amount to 2.46 million rubles (for comparison, equipment for a bakery will cost several times cheaper). In practice, the costs may turn out to be significantly higher due to the fact that you have to buy consumables, equip a restaurant and rest rooms, a medical center, etc. Advice: installation at a recreation center with a large attendance of equipment such as coffee and vending machines can bring a stable passive income.

Personnel attraction

What employees to invite to work? First of all, you should take care of having a responsible administrator in the staff who can professionally organize the work of the base, conduct the marketing policy of the organization and control the process of spending on the purchase of foodstuffs and consumables. This specialist is also responsible for the distribution of guests to hotel rooms and their advance booking (his salary varies within 45 thousand rubles). It is worth inviting two cooks and dishwashers to the kitchen, who will work in shifts and prepare food for visitors and employees. The cost of paying for their work will amount to 70 thousand rubles. It is difficult to imagine a tourist base without maids. They need to be invited in the amount of 4 people. On average, the salary of one such specialist is 10 thousand rubles. Without fail, among the employees of the recreation center there must be a doctor who will monitor the health of visitors. He can be offered a salary of 25 thousand rubles. You can not do without an electrician, watchmen and a janitor. Their salary is 48 thousand rubles. Total - wage costs will amount to 198 thousand rubles.

Advertising organization

The quality of the marketing campaign largely determines the number of regular customers of the base and potential profit. To do this, it is better to contact an advertising agency that will promote the business. Specialists will develop a plan to promote the recreation center, marketing materials (they are familiar with the rules for designing business cards, banners, flyers, leaflets, ads), the company's website and organize its promotion on the Internet. It is recommended to place information on the location of the recreation center, the range of services offered, the characteristics of the housing and tourist complex and other information on the information resource. It is recommended to promote the activities of the camp site in social networks. Also a good effect will give:

  • targeted and contextual advertising;
  • placement of announcements on city information platforms;
  • distribution of leaflets, banners and booklets in places of high traffic;
  • dissemination of information about the hostel in public transport.

It does not hurt to place data about the enterprise in the city information directory, which contains information about most organizations in the region. In addition, it is necessary to entrust the specialists of the advertising agency with the placement of advertisements in the press and the media. Marketing costs will amount to approximately 100 thousand rubles. In the future, for these purposes, it is necessary to allocate about 20 thousand rubles a month.

Recreation center business plan

To determine the amount of capital investment required to open a business, the amount of monthly mandatory costs, as well as profitability and possible monthly income, a business plan for the recreation center should be drawn up. Here is an approximate calculation of the initial investment, which will include:

  • registration of an enterprise - 20 thousand rubles;
  • development of project documentation, obtaining permits - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a land plot - 7 million rubles;
  • construction of facilities - 10 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 2.46 million rubles;
  • installation work to equip playgrounds - 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 100 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the needs of the enterprise - 25 thousand rubles.

In total, in order to open a recreation center from scratch, an entrepreneur needs to invest 19.745 million rubles in the business. Now let's calculate the monthly maintenance costs of the company. These include:

  • salary of employees - 198 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food - 250 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 30 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 20 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

The amount of monthly mandatory costs is 543 thousand rubles (in this way, you can draw up a business plan for a dance school, grocery store, cafe and other enterprises). Now let's calculate the expected profit. Suppose that the recreation complex includes 50 beds (the average cost of one varies in the range of 800 rubles per night). It turns out that in 1 month the enterprise will bring 3.6 million rubles in the summer season. Obligatory payments must be deducted from this amount, as a result, the net profit will amount to 3.057 million rubles. At the end of the summer period, the number of clients of the recreation center may be reduced several times. Thus, even in the cold season, the enterprise will bring about 0.6-1 million rubles a month. With this state of affairs, the investment will pay off in 4-5 years.

In summary, we note that the opening of a recreation center is a costly and at the same time profitable activity. There is little competition in this market as most entrepreneurs do not have a large upfront investment to launch their own project.

Everyone loves to relax, and people tend to leave the bustle of the city as soon as possible and enjoy mentally and physically outdoor recreation. The crowds and the constant noise of cars give way outside the city to the tranquility and peace of nature, allowing you to have a great time with your family or alone. Such a holiday is in high demand, so it makes sense to open a recreation center as a business.

Consumer requests

Some who want to have a good rest visit foreign countries - Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Thailand or Tunisia. But a large proportion of those who spend their summer vacations at tourist bases, which were popular in the Soviet years, are also large. Vacationers want a little: admire the beautiful nature, swim, fry a barbecue, fish. I would also like the cost of the camp site service package to be low and the location of the base would be nearby.

Many resting places still belong to enterprises, so the service of such institutions leaves much to be desired. But if there is demand from consumers, then why not create your own offer. Starting a business to open a recreation center will be a profitable solution.

Location selection

The business plan of the tourist base includes the choice of location. The main selection criteria are:

  • remoteness from the city (no more than 2 hours by private or public transport);
  • picturesque nature (river, lake, forest or all together);
  • a plot of about 3-5 hectares;
  • the proposed location of the camp site should not be the territory of the reserve, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain permission to open.

After choosing a site, we proceed to the placement of buildings. This stage of the business plan is calculated based on your desires and available funds. There must be at least 6 visitor cottages. Or they put wooden log cabins: a minimum of equipment and a maximum of comfort. They are double, quadruple or family with several rooms.

On the territory of the camp site, an economic building is needed to accommodate the administration, a bar-restaurant, a canteen and other services. The complex of services provided by the camp site is focused on the target audience. If you intend to receive businessmen, then it is advisable to consider the presence of a conference room, a family with children - a complex of children's attractions and entertainment. The exclusivity of the offer will allow you to beat your competitors.

Swimming pool, sauna, equipped beach, mini-spa, gym - focus on potential customers. It would be nice to provide entertainment for visitors - a shooting range, billiards, ATVs, catamarans or kayaks. The possibility of renting inventory will be an advantage for creating a positive image of the future business.


It is impossible to open a tourist base without an advertising strategy. Clients are attracted in different ways:

  1. Indirect marketing, which means positive feedback from other people about your database. Recommendations from friends will certainly attract visitors to relax at your camp site.
  2. Direct advertising. This includes billboards, flyers, advertisements in newspapers and public transport.
  3. Application of various discounts and bonuses. Discounts on holidays for large companies or a gift in the form of free use of inventory will attract additional customers.

If the territory and infrastructure of the camp site allows, then start working with legal entities. They will hold seminars, courses, corporate parties or trainings on the basis. For non-cash settlements with such clients, you will have to register the organization as an LLC.

When organizing a business in the service sector, every detail is important. Uninterrupted electricity and water supply, restaurant and dining room menus, transfers to and from the base - these factors will create a positive image of your camp site.


One of the sections of the business plan for opening a tourist base is the calculation and selection of personnel. If the camp site does not have a large capacity, allowing 30-50 vacationers to be on it at the same time, then few workers will be needed.

The staff should include workers serving visitors in the dining room. These include the head chef and his assistant. It is difficult for one cook to feed 50 people. In addition to them, cleaners and waiters will be needed.

The tourist base needs an administrator or manager, whose duties include managing all affairs, purchasing products, holding celebrations, settling in and evicting vacationers. For the continuous functioning of the camp site, he will have to solve a lot of issues every day. Therefore, a competent worker with extensive experience is hired for such a position.

The recreation center will be incomplete without a medical worker who can provide first aid to the victims and send them to the nearest hospital. Also, you can not do without an electrician in case you need to repair something to maintain complete comfort.

If necessary, hire instructors and animators who will organize cultural and sports activities for children and adults. Employ and watchmen who will ensure the protection of the camp site in the winter.

As a result, according to the calculation, you will need a minimum of 6 staff members. In this case, the monthly total salary will be about 200,000 rubles - the average annual value. In winter, it is more expedient to mothball the camp site and pay the wages of the watchmen.

Recruiting staff for the summer season will not be difficult. For this, students who are looking for a part-time job for the summer are suitable. Recruitment depends on the level of your hostel. Accompany regular business meetings and conferences on the territory of your camp site with banquets, which are unlikely to be arranged by students of a culinary college. This is where real professionals come in. Recruit employees based on the needs of the camp site.

Calculation of expenses and profits

Let's calculate the costs:

  • construction of houses / cottages or rent + repair work - up to 10,000,000 rubles;
  • the cost of equipment for the camp site - up to 5,000,000 rubles. (depending on the level of the hostel);
  • monthly expenses - about 150,000 rubles. (water supply, electricity, food, etc.);
  • annual salary for employees - 1,000,000-2,000,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the payback of the recreation center:

  • the minimum amount of investment investments is 15,000,000 rubles;
  • daily income, which consists of renting houses / rooms for 500-1000 rubles. from a vacationer per day with a stream of 25 people - 15,000-25,000 rubles;
  • additional service (equipment for fishing, billiards, catamarans, kayaks, etc.) - from 10,000 rubles. per day;
  • sale of bar products - from 5,000 rubles per day.

The daily total income of the tourist base will reach 30,000-40,000 rubles, monthly - 1,000,000 rubles. As a result, you will receive profit from your recreation center after a 2-year period of work, which is very good.