The crane is spherical isolating kshi flange. Glossary of terms for pipeline fittings

The CSI must be installed and serviced only by qualified operating personnel.

The equipment is installed in a location that allows it to be serviced. At the same time, access to the crane handle (Control Key) must be provided.

Before installing the equipment, the gas pipeline must be cleaned of mechanical impurities.

Cranes must be mounted in the "open" position.

When installing valves by welding on a vertical gas pipeline:

1. at the time of welding of the upper end, the valve must be fully open to avoid damage to the ball and seal by sparks from welding;

2. At the time of welding of the lower end, the valve must be completely closed to avoid draft from the heat of welding.

When connecting the equipment to the gas pipeline, welding must be done by electric welding, the location area O-rings the ball must be cooled from overheating with moistened rags or by pouring water on the nozzles of the equipment.

When welding valves with a gas pipeline, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of burrs, sludge, metal chips, sparks into the internal cavities of the equipment and into the gas pipeline adjacent to it.

Flanged equipment is mounted on the gas pipeline to the mounting (reciprocal) flanges, pre-welded to the gas pipeline. After welding the mounting flanges, the equipment is installed on the gas pipeline using fasteners included in the set of counter flanges. When mounting between the flanges of the equipment and the gas pipeline, it is necessary to install a paronite gasket for additional electrical insulation of the flanges. It is forbidden to mount the complete equipment with a set of mating flanges on the gas pipeline.

During the construction of highly reliable and economical pipelines, it becomes necessary to install modern pipeline fittings. Fittings are an integral part of any pipeline system. In accordance with, pipeline valves include devices designed to control the flow of media by turning off pipelines or their sections, distributing flows in the required directions, regulating various parameters of the medium, releasing the medium in the required direction by changing the flow area in the working body of the valve. These devices are mounted on pipelines, boilers, devices, units, tanks and other installations.

When choosing fittings, various requirements are imposed, in connection with which, today there is great amount various designs, each of which represents a certain compromise between the conflicting requirements of the consumer. All pipe fittings can be divided into four main groups:

  • Industrial fittings;
  • Special purpose fittings;
  • Ship fittings;
  • Sanitary fittings.

Industrial pipeline fittings general purpose used in various industries industry and is installed on water pipelines, steam pipelines, city gas pipelines and heating systems. Designed industrial fittings for environments with frequently used parameters of the working environment. fittings special purpose it is operated under conditions of relatively high pressures and temperatures, at low temperatures, in corrosive, toxic, radioactive, viscous, abrasive or friable media. Target pipeline fittings include especially critical general industrial and special fittings, the use of which is regulated by a special technical documentation. Often, special fittings are made to order based on specific requirements. technical requirements, and is used in experimental and unique installations. Marine fittings designed to work in special conditions operation on ships of the river and navy. Marine valves meet increased requirements in terms of minimum weight, vibration resistance, increased reliability, and specific control and operating conditions. Sanitary fittings installed on various home appliances such as gas stoves, bathroom units, kitchen sinks and other plumbing fixtures. Basically, these valves have small passage diameters and in most cases are controlled manually.

The main operational characteristics of pipeline fittings include: nominal diameter, nominal pressure, working temperature, shutter tightness standards, throughput, climatic design and operating conditions, type of connection to the pipeline. The safety and efficiency of technological processes largely depend on well-chosen fittings and the correct operation of them.


This is a common, well-established name for reinforcement. The designation can be a table of figures (developed by TsKBA), drawing number, original factory designation, and so on. The most commonly used classification is the Central design office valve industry, according to which the symbol of the valve consists of sequentially repeated digital and alphabetic characters that determine the type and type of valve, design, material version of the body, type and material of the seal in the valve, type of actuator.

Consider this designation on the example of reinforcement 13ls963nzh , where:
13 - shut-off valve;
hp - alloyed steel;
9 - electric drive control;
63 - specific design;
nzh - surfacing in the stainless steel shutter.

The first two digits indicate the type of fittings (valve, valve, faucet and other types). This is followed by one or two letters indicating the body material (cast iron, stainless steel etc). Then come two or three digits. In the case of three digits, the first indicates the type of drive, and the rest indicate the serial number of the product according to the catalog, depending on the design features. If there are two digits, then this valve is controlled manually. The last one or two letters in the symbol indicate the material of the sealing surfaces or the internal coating of the reinforcement.

Besides symbols, a distinctive coloration was introduced for the reinforcement. Depending on the material, the outer raw surfaces of cast iron and steel fittings, except for the actuator, are painted in different colors.

Knowing the symbols and colors of fittings allows you to determine its type, conditions of use in pipelines and carry out proper control. Modern pipeline fittings meet the highest international standards and ensure the uninterrupted operation of high-tech equipment, installations and pipelines in general.

Diameter, mm

Diameter, DN, conditional pass, nominal size. Approximately equal to the internal diameter of the connected pipeline in millimeters. The diameter values ​​must correspond to the numbers of the parametric series, set according to . Through the fraction, the diameter is indicated for non-full bore reinforcement and those blocks in which the diameter changes over the course of its constituent elements.

Pressure, MPa

Pressure can be conditional - PN or working - Pr, measured in MPa. Nominal pressure PN - the highest overpressure at a working medium temperature of 20 °C. The nominal pressure values ​​must correspond to the numbers of the parametric series, set according to . Operating pressure Pr - the highest excess pressure during normal operation, that is, the temperature of the working medium corresponds to the normal operating conditions of the valve. The working pressure is equal to the nominal pressure at a temperature of -15 to 120 C°, as the temperature rises, the working pressure decreases. Working pressure is indicated only for special, energy, nuclear fittings.

Reinforcement type

Types of valve structures that differ depending on the nature of the movement of the locking or regulating element relative to the direction of movement of the flow of the working medium. The type of reinforcement is determined in accordance with.

Connection to the pipeline

The method of attaching fittings to the pipeline. The choice of method for connecting fittings to the pipeline depends on the pressure, temperature of the working medium and the frequency of pipeline dismantling. There are valve, combined, coupling, welding, coupling, flange, pin, fitting connection of fittings to the pipeline.

According to the method of tightness of the movable elements of the shutter with a fixed part in the cover, relative to external environment Distinguish between stuffing box, bellows, membrane and hose fittings.

Type of control

Armature control method. Remote control - does not have a direct control, but is connected to it using movable columns, rods, chains and other transitional devices. under drive – control is carried out by means of an actuator mounted directly on the valve. working environment - control occurs without the participation of the operator under the direct influence of the working environment on the locking element or the sensitive sensor. Manual – control is carried out by the operator directly manually.

According to the principle of control and operation, pipeline valves are divided into controlled and automatically operating valves. Controlled valves can be equipped with a manual drive, mechanical, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic or electromagnetic drive.


The climatic conditions for the operation of valves are determined in accordance with.

Housing material

The material from which the valve body is made. It should be remembered that the valve body may have an internal polymer coating, which means that there will be no correlation between the material of the body and chemical composition working environment.

Functional purpose

Functionally, pipeline valves are divided into shut-off, control, distributive-mixing, safety, protective and phase-separating valves. Shut-off valves provides blocking of a stream of a working environment with the set tightness. Shutoff valves include taps, valves, gate valves and butterfly valves. Shut-off valves are produced both with manual and electric drive. Control valves is responsible for regulating the parameters of the working environment by changing the flow area. Control valves include motorized control valves, self-acting control valves, level controllers and steam traps. into action this species valves are driven manually or mechanically, hydraulically and electromagnetically. Distribution and mixing fittings designed to distribute and mix the flows of the working environment. These fittings include three-way taps and valves. Safety fittings designed to automatically prevent unacceptable overpressure in the pipeline by dumping excess working medium. Safety fittings include safety and check valves that automatically release excess pressure into the atmosphere or automatically close when flow occurs in the opposite direction. Protective fittings designed to protect equipment from emergency changes in environmental parameters by shutting down a serviced line or pipeline section. Phase separation fittings used to separate working media in different phase states. The phase separation fittings include a steam trap that removes condensate and limits the passage of superheated steam.

Insulating ball valve KShI is designed for installation as a shut-off valve and an insulating insert between ground and underground pipelines. The special design of the insulator and the materials used provide high electrical resistance (more than 1000 MΩ at a voltage of 1 kV), tightness and protection of the insulating layer from external influences.

Cranes KSHI-s do not require maintenance.

Main technical data and parameters of the crane KShI-s

Nominal passage diameters: 15-300 mm.

Conditional working pressure: 16, 25, 40 kg/cm 2 .

Working environment: environments in relation to which the applied materials are corrosion-resistant.

Tightness class: "A" GOST 9544-2005

Climatic version: in accordance with GOST 15150-69.

Operating temperature: U1 -40 ... +40 °C; UHL1 (HL1) -60 ... +40 °C

Materials of the main parts: case steel 20, 09G2S, 12Kh18N9T; ball 12X18H9T, seal in the gate is fluoroplast or polyurethane. External anti-corrosion coating polyurethane composition "LITUREN".

Type of connection to the pipeline: welded (welded).

Control type: manual.

Installation position on the pipeline: any.

Resource: crane 4000 cycles.

Warranty period: 12 months.

Service life: 5 years.

Manufacture and supply: TU 3742-003-35506687-98.

Overall and connecting dimensions of the crane KShI-s

Faucet brand DN, mm d, mm D, mm L, mm B, mm H, mm Weight, kg
KShI-15s 15 19 41 260 101 79 1
KShI-20s 20 25 47 275 101 85 1.3
KShI-25s 25 32 60 280 141 121 2.2
KShI-32s 32 39 75 296 141 133 3
KShI-40s 40 45 76 300 141 128 2.9
KShI-50s 50 57 107 396 141 162 6.5
KShI-65s 65 76 113 490 400 179 11.5
KShI-80s 80 89 150 472 400 218 14
KShI-100s 100 108 178 492 400 250 21
KShI-125s 125 133 218 580 600 286 42.4
KShI-150s 150 159 244 570 600 336 52.5
KShI-200s 200 219 325 700 1000 418 95
KShI-250s* 250 273 420 680 - 728 192
KShI-300s* 300 325 529 760 - 820 283

* Insulating ball valve with manual gearbox

Rules for storing cranes KSHI-s

Ball valves insulating KShI-s should be stored in warehouses or under a canopy, protected from direct sun rays, at a distance of at least 1 meter from heating devices.

The valve lock during storage and transportation must be in the “Open” position.

Tips for the installation and operation of the crane KShI-s

The shutter of the KSHI-s valve during storage, transportation and installation on the gas pipeline must be in the “Open” position.

It is allowed to open and close the tap only with the help of the handle included in the package, it is forbidden to use improvised means (Swedes, wrenches, etc.)

Before installing the valve, the pipeline must be cleaned of dirt, sand, scale, etc. When welding the valve, overheating of its body over 80 ° C should be avoided. It is recommended to cool the valve body with moistened rags.

Bolt tightening flange connections should be uniform.

When installing a crane, it is prohibited:

  • Rotate the KSHI-s valve immediately after welding without pre-cooling.
  • Use handles, gear wheels, parts of electric or pneumatic drives for slinging.

When operating the crane, it is prohibited:

  • Use the KSHI-s valve as a control device.The faucet shutter must only be in the "Open" or "Closed" position.
  • Use the valve as a shut-off device ("gun") when purging the gas pipeline after construction and installation work.
  • Use of improvised means for opening / closing the tap, as well as levers extending the arm of the handle (pipe cuts, wrenches, Swedish, etc.).