What kind of air can fly. Experimental search activity "Why can birds fly?" fun facts about

FROM balloons once upon a time, civil aviation began: before airplanes and helicopters, it was like walking to the moon, and people began to fly on balloons back in the 18th century. Today we will tell you how it happens on the 21st: I went to Cappadocia - a region in central Turkey - where mass flights are carried out almost every day; balloons in the air - several dozen at the same time, and passengers, respectively, several hundred.

A little physics. How a hot air balloon flies

Modern passenger balloon correctly called a hot air balloon, or hot air balloon - by the name of the Montgolfier brothers, who in 1783 made the first flight on aircraft of this type. As part of import substitution, the story has become popular that in fact the first hot air balloon was built half a century before by the Russian inventor Kryakutnoy, but this is just a hoax created after the French flight and promoted in Soviet times.

The principle of flight of a hot air balloon is very simple: inside its shell there is air whose temperature is higher than the temperature of the surrounding air. Since the density of warm air is lower, it, according to the law of Archimedes, tends upward under the action of a buoyant force. At the same time, the shell itself and the payload are attracted to the Earth (the shell is approximately 25x15 m in size with a basket and all equipment weighs 400-500 kg, plus passengers: there were twenty people in our basket). The equality of these forces allows the balloon to "hover" in the air at a certain height.

How a balloon is flown

The main control element of a hot air balloon is a gas burner located under the shell and directed upwards. It burns a mixture of propane and butane, which is taken on board in cylinders similar to those that many summer residents have in the kitchen. With the help of fire, the air in the shell is heated; the temperature rises, the ball rises. Depending on the volume of the shell (2-5 thousand cubic meters of air), payload and ambient temperature, the temperature inside is 50-130 degrees Celsius. The air in the shell is constantly cooling down and the ball begins to decline, so you need to periodically “turn on the heat” to maintain a constant height. In general, everything is simple: more fire - we rise, less fire - we maintain altitude, little-little-little-little-little fire - we descend.

However, in order to descend, you can not wait until the air cools down: in the upper part of the shell there is a valve that can be opened and closed with ropes. If you open it, some of the warm air will come out and the ball will fly down.

They take at least two gas cylinders with them (one main, the other spare) - this is enough for about one hour of flight, a variometer for measuring vertical speed and a walkie-talkie for communicating with pilots of other balls and escort vehicles (more on them below). And, most importantly, there are no sandbags. They are used as ballast on gas balloons (with helium and other similar gases inside), and a hot air balloon is not needed.

The top valve is open, the balloon is deflating. Pay attention to the number. In Turkey, balloons are registered as TC-Bxx, for example, TC-BUM. In Russia, they are registered in the aviation register general purpose and are numbered RA-xxxxG. Each balloon has a certificate of airworthiness, everything is as it should be.

Where is the balloon going?

We can only control the vertical speed of the balloon. It flies horizontally wherever the wind takes it. That is why, as a complete vehicle the balloon is unusable: it is still a pleasure aircraft. Despite this, flights on balloons are regulated by the aviation authorities no less than on airplanes. Each ball has a registration in the registry aircraft and the corresponding number on board, and the pilots (there are two of them) - a license. Flights are carried out according to the rules of visual flight, that is, in good visibility, prerequisite is also the absence of strong winds. The problem is that you can only fly early in the morning at dawn or, conversely, at sunset: during the day, ascending air currents from the earth’s surface heated by the sun make flights unsafe (and there are up and down flows in the morning, just not so strong). So you can easily run into a situation where you arrived, but did not fly anywhere - plan just in case for several days at once!

Each balloon has its own escort vehicle: a jeep with a flatbed trailer the size of a basket. Jeep - because the ball will land, most likely not on the road. Aerobatics is landing directly on the platform; much cooler than putting a fighter on an aircraft carrier.

If the balls collide with each other in the air, then ... nothing happens, they just repel each other and fly further. In general, it is quite difficult for the balls to collide: after all, the wind carries them in the same direction.

How is a hot air balloon flight

First, you are brought to your hot air balloon. At this moment, he is still lying on the ground, the basket is on its side, and with the help of a powerful fan, the shell is filled with air, while simultaneously heating it with a burner. At some point, the limp ball becomes elastic and soars up. The basket is turned over, passengers sit in it, climbing over the side. Inside there are two-point harnesses, which, however, few people use, as well as ropes that you will need to hold on to when landing. The pre-flight briefing, in fact, lies in the fact that when landing, you must definitely sit down and hold on to the ropes, since there is a high probability of the basket tipping over: this will avoid injury.

Flight preparation

The pilot gives more fire, and ... the ball soars smoothly up and to the side. It feels like riding a Ferris wheel, only much higher. And at the same time, there is no noise or vibration, so even seasoned aerophobes are not afraid. And even those who are afraid of heights (and the balloon rises to 1500 m with an average flight altitude of about 500) are not afraid: because of the high (about 1.5 meters) side of the basket, it is impossible to fall out of it, and standing posture provokes to look not down, but to the sides. Indescribable beauty! The real Tatooine! Turkish pilots try to fly in such a way as to get closer to the rocks, "chimneys" and give them the opportunity to see them, descend almost to the roofs of the houses of ancient villages - of course, everything can be photographed and filmed, the main thing is not to drop the camera.

Flight altitude reaches 1500 m

By the way, there is no wind at altitude - or rather, it is not felt, because you are flying along with this very wind!

How to fly in a hot air balloon

Cappadocia, as you already understood, is a place where hot air ballooning is a developed and popular form of recreation. You will need to get to the city of Urgup, which is 70 km from Kayseri, where the nearest civil airport (ASR) is located. There are several daily flights to Kayseri from Istanbul (IST and SAW) by local airlines: Turkish Airlines, Anadolujet, Pegasus Airlines, etc. The flight takes about an hour and a half. Of course, many different airlines fly to Istanbul itself - from Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines to Onur Air and Pobeda. Buying two separate tickets to Istanbul and to Kayseri can help you save a lot (and at the same time spend a couple of days in Istanbul).

Low pass over the mountain - one of the aerobatics in balloons

There are more than a dozen airlines with balloons in Urgup; You can also purchase a flight through their Russian partners by simply typing the appropriate request on Google - it’s convenient if you don’t know Turkish and want to plan everything in advance, or you can directly at the hotel in Urgup, but everything depends on the hotel. Be guided by the fact that the cost of an hour-long flight is 13,000 rubles per person, including transfer from your hotel and back and a modest breakfast in the immediate vicinity of the starting point (tea, coffee, buns).

Video (pre-flight briefing, low-altitude passage, landing on an aircraft carrier, balloon cleaning).

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 4"

Experimental search activity

"Why can birds fly?"

Kirillova Kristina Gennadievna,


Bolkhov, 2016

Target: find out why birds can fly?

Program content:

Consolidate children's knowledge about birds.

Activate the dictionary, due to the words: pen, rod, fan, flywheel, downy.

Develop long-term memory, thinking, auditory perception, fine motor skills of hands.

To develop in children such ways of knowing as observation, experimentation, comparison and comparison, analysis, reasoning and inference.

To cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards nature, love and kindness to birds.

preliminary work: bird watching; viewing illustrations; reading fiction; artistic creativity (sculpting, application, manual labor); didactic game: "Migratory and wintering birds").

Material: a tape recorder, a candle, a lighter, poplar fluff, plastic cups, paper napkins, basins of water, soap bubbles for all children, sheets of paper for all children, 2 pieces each, trays, zippers, bird feathers (fly, down), magnifiers.

Lesson progress

Children sit on the couch and play a finger game.

Finger game: bird feeder

We hung feeders

They were filled with grain.

For hungry birds in winter

It is very tasty.

Come to us, tits,

Dove, crossbill and sparrow!

(Children's answers: 4 birds).

Educator: - What groups are the birds divided into? (migratory, wintering, nomadic). Educator: - What kind of migratory birds do you know? (After the children's answers, show a poster)


The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. So, among the inhabitants of forests and settlements, about half of the species are migratory, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, reservoirs - almost all species. migratory there are more birds among insectivores and carnivores, less among granivorous ones. This is understandable: if grain can still be found in winter, then there are no insects at all.

Educator: - What are the wintering and nomadic birds? Educator: - That's right, well done! (poster display)

WINTERING AND Wandering Birds

Educator: How does a person help birds? (feeds birds, hangs feeders, builds birdhouses in spring). Educator: - What do birds eat? (grain, crumbs, berries, insects) Educator: - How do birds move? (flying, jumping, walking). Educator: - A person also walks and can jump, but can he fly? (no, a person cannot fly). Educator: - Why, then, can birds fly, but humans cannot? Do you want to know? (Yes!) Educator: - Where do birds fly? (Children's answers: through the sky, through the air). Educator: - Birds fly through the air, but does it exist? Let's try with you to find out if there is air. Go to the laboratory. (Children move to the tables).

Experience 1: On the table are plastic cups, paper napkins, basins of water.

Educator: - Check the napkin, what kind of napkin do you have dry or wet? (Children's answers: dry). Educator: - Crumple the napkin in your fist and put it on the bottom of the glass. - To prove that there is air, turn the cup upside down and quickly lower it into the water. (Children perform). Educator: - And now take the glass out of the water and check the napkin? What kind of wipes do you use, dry or wet? (Children's answers: dry). Educator: - Why do you have a dry napkin? (Children's answers: there was air there, he did not let the napkin get wet).

OUTPUT: there is air, birds fly through the air.

Educator: - So we proved that there is air. Can we see air? Can we feel it? (Children's answers: no, we don't see. We can't feel).

Experience 2 : There is a candle and a lighter on the table. The teacher lights a candle. Educator: holds a lit candle in his hands. - Swipe your palm over the candle, under the candle? (Children follow instructions). - What is the air above the candle? (warm). Educator: - What is the air under the candle? (Children's answers: cold). Educator: - Tell me, what is the air like outside? What about indoors? Educator: - Can we feel the air? (Yes!)

OUTPUT: The air can be felt. The air can be warm or cold.

Fitness minute. To the music, an outdoor game is held: “Birds in nests.

Educator: - Guys, pay attention, does the air prevent us from making movements? (Not). Educator: - Can he help us? Let's check. Experience 3: Take poplar fluffs and blow on them. Children take fluff and blow on them. Teacher: What is happening to her? (Children's answers: a fluff flies). Teacher: What did we do? - What fluff? (Children's answers: We blew air on a fluff, it is light, it can fly).

Experience 4: Educator: - Take bubbles and blow them. (Children blow bubbles). Educator: - What is inside the bubble? - What bubble? (Children's answers: there is air inside the bubble, the bubble is light). Educator: - What happens to the bubble? (Children's answers: the bubble flies because it is light). Educator: What objects does air help? (Children's answers: air helps light objects fly). Educator: - What can we conclude?

OUTPUT: Air helps light objects fly, which means the bird is light. Experience 5: Educator: - When the bird flies, what does it do? (Children's answers: she opens her wings). Imagine that a sheet of paper is open wings, and a crumpled sheet is folded wings. (The teacher takes a sheet of paper, crumples it and throws a crumpled sheet and not crumpled, the children do the same). Educator: - Which sheet of paper flies longer? Why? (Children's answers: not a crumpled sheet of paper flies longer, but a crumpled one immediately falls. Educator: - What can we conclude?

OUTPUT : Spread wings help the bird to fly, if the bird closes its wings, it will immediately fall to the ground like a stone. Educator: - What is the body of birds covered with? (Answers of children: the body of birds is covered with feathers). Educator: - Do they help her? Let's make sure.

Experience 6: (Children sit at the tables). Educator: - You have bird feathers on the trays. Take a big feather. This feather is called a fly feather. It is necessary for the bird to fly. Educator: -Wave to them. What happens to the hairs on the feather, do they diverge or not? (Children's answers: the hairs on the feather are closed). Educator: - You hold the pen by the rod, the rod of the pen is hollow, look (shows) there is air in it, and waves it - a fan (closed hairs).

Experience 7: Educator: - Take the zipper, unzip it and fasten it. In a bird, all the hairs of a feather are connected like teeth on a zipper. Educator: - Take a magnifying glass and examine the pen under the magnifying glass. (Answers of children: you can see the teeth on the hairs). Educator: - Take another feather. How does it differ from flywheel? (Answers of children: the hairs are not closed, it is fluffy, like fluff). Educator: - Take a magnifying glass and examine the feather under the magnifying glass. This feather is called downy. It is necessary for the bird to keep warm. Educator: - Are there teeth on this feather? (Children answer: no). Educator: - Compare the feathers. What are they? (Children's answers: the fly feather is long, the down feather is short, they are light, there is air in the core of the feathers). OUTPUT: The longer the flight feather, the wider the wingspan, the bird will fly longer. The core of the feathers is filled with air. Feathers help the bird to be light.

TOTAL: We learned why birds can fly:

  1. the air helps the bird,
  2. light bird,
  3. the wider the wings, the longer and higher the bird can fly.

Literature: Dybina O. V. "A child in the world of search." M., 2007; Dybina O. V., Rakhmanova N. P., Shchetinina V. V. "Unexplored nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers." M, 2001; Kolomina N.V. “Education of the foundations of ecological culture in kindergarten: lesson scenarios. M., 2004; Gorkova L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. “Scenarios for classes on environmental education of preschoolers: middle, senior, preparatory group". M., 2005; E. Motylyova «The Big Book of Experiments for Preschoolers». M., 2003; V. Zhukova, Cognitive Experiences at School and at Home. M., 2002; Zarinova A. "Elementary search activity in kindergarten" // Preschool education. 1994. No. 7; Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers. M., 2004

what kind of air can fly

Alternative descriptions

Horizontal movement of air relative to the earth's surface

The movement of air relative to the earth's surface

The dog barks... wears "", the word

Both the breeze and the simum

Movement, horizontal airflow

A film by A. Alov

. "..., ..., you are powerful, you drive clouds of clouds"

. "The waves are extinguishing..." (Strugatsky)

. "Whoever sows... will reap a whirlwind"

. "Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter?" (mystery)

. "only ... the stone age knocks on the black gates"

atmospheric motion

Atmospheric tramp

atmospheric draft

Bora, marshmallow or nord

Throw words at...

Wind m. movement, flow, flow, current, air flow. According to its strength, the wind happens: a hurricane, a kavk. bora: storm, storm (usually a thunderstorm and rain are connected with a storm), severe, strong, windstorms: medium, weak, quiet wind or breeze, breeze, wind, vltrishka; according to the constancy of strength: even gusty, squally or bare, wind with spirits, arch.; according to the constancy of the direction: trade wind or strip; permanent, vonduluk; changeable, shaky or transitional; tornado, whirlwind or wrap, i.e. circular. According to the direction in general, the winds are called the countries of the world, for which the ovid is divided into parts, along the axis in a quarter (see compass, uterus). At the mouths of the rivers, two main types of winds are generally accepted: sea, sea, surge, name, and coastal, mother, gorych, sukhmen, oust, pasture, horse. Russian wind, from Russia, arch. southern, sib. west. The wind pulled from Russia. The Russian wind brought warmth. On the White Sea, the winds are called: sever, north, summer, summer, letnik, east. west, midnighter, frostbite or rekostav, obednik, deepwater, golomennik, in Kola the coast. shalonik in Mezen pauzhnik, Intermediate countries or winds are called intermediaries there, and are denoted by the words: streak and between, for example. in a quarter: north streak of the north to the midnight owl, mid-north streak, streak of the midnight owl to the north, midnight owl, streak of the midnight owl to the east, inter east midnighter, eastward streak to the midnight owl, east. Winds on Onega: longitudinal or columnar, Rebrovsky, east, east, middle, Galician ruffs, shalonik; -west, On Seliger: north, noon, east, west, low water, mezhnik, zimnyak, mokrik, cross west, On Lake Pskov: north, noon, greenhouse, west, stochey (east), mokrik, On the Volga: Khilok or Sweet, Moryan, Rotten, Veshnyak, Gorych, Nagorny, Meadow, On the Caspian Sea, the fishermen’s compass is naval, i.e. Dutch.On Baikal: north or mountain, noon, east, kultuk, barguzin, mountainous, gorych, gorynya, deep, shelonik , On the Danube: midnight, noon, carp, obaza, Vologda Belozer, In the direction of the wind into the sails: fordak, gybe, straight, aft, Baikal obeton; passing: wind, backstay, full; transverse: cross, gulfwind, half wind , lateral, Baikal, sway, kolyshen; steeper than half a wind: oblique, sidewind, twist, steep, aster. rake, arch. sloping, bet, baikal. bitez; counter; baking sheet, nasty, on the forehead, lobach, frontal. Cake wind, French wind, cream, whipped cream, sometimes on eggs. * Wind, speaking. about the person: carminative, windy, quick-grab; inconstant, restless, unreliable, reckless. Wind-blown, the same. Do something with the wind: walk with the wind, do everything at random, recklessly. The wind walks in (across) the room, blows, carries, pierces through. Like the wind, in vain. Vey in the wind, and opposite (and opposite) you will powder your eyes, do not argue with force. Do not wear your head above the wind, do not forget. the wind came, the wind went. You can't keep up with the wind in the field. You can't measure the buckets of the wind. Ask the wind for advice, will there be an answer? Whoever serves with the wind is paid with smoke. French wind, carminative. Where the wind blows, pleases; where it blows, not racks. Don't puff up against the wind. Something is not said from the wind. Everything went to the wind, squandered. Shoot into the wind. Do not believe the wind (horse) in the sea (in the field), but the wife in the wild (in the house). Hope for the wind, be without grinding. From the owner to smell of wind, from the mistress of smoke. The winds blew, the hat was blown off, the caftan was taken off, the mittens were asleep on their own, about the drunkard. Don't blow cold wind on us, be merciful. In the wind it is good to catch fleas, myrrh. The wind will go berserk, and the roof will be torn off from the bean hut. Where is the wind from? breakfast (or: from an afternoon snack, from lunch). The wind shelonik along Onega is a robber, southwestern, dangerous for ships. On Astafya September) note the north wind, to the cold; southern, to heat; western, to phlegm; east, to the bucket. On Eulampius of October), the horns of the month seem to be on the side where the winds come from. Kirghiz in the steppe wind! Winds pl. gases formed in the stomach and intestines, air that swells. Windy, where there is wind, literally and figuratively. Windy, relating to the wind [Windy phr. suffer., wind and wind, adj.; if you distinguish between them, then it seems that the indicated difference will be close to the point.]. Windy time, windy summer, plentiful winds. It is nicer in the yard, it is windy (nar.) worthless. Windmill, crowd, driven by the wind. Windpipe, purge, air. Wind fur, wheel, blowing, delivering, catching up air. Wind-driven melting furnace, air, self-blown, with gravity blower. Wind guests, arch. arrived by sea. Wind fish, meat, dried, hanging, hanging, polling. Windy man, helipad, frivolous, unfounded, legost, carminative, anemone. Wind sickness, winds, puch, by popular belief sent. Windy catch, aching lesion of the shoulder in horses. Windy Wed arch. shooting, this is a disease that is made up by the wind. Wind related to air or wind, in various meanings. Wind window hooks, expansion, mortar, to hold the dissolved halves. Wind Guy, Wind Runner. Wind gut, for the inlet where the wind, air. Wind pike perch, dried. Windy, windy adv. tamb. yarosl. windy, the wind is blowing, the weather is windy. Windy, windy, about the weather, become windy; about the wind: grow stronger, freshen, blow out, rise. To wind what, to dry in the wild, to dry, to hang; ventilate. If you don't wind your clothes, you won't save it. Campfire wind, have fun, walk. Okhotnich. about a dog, to smell, to hear with a flair. Wind or wind, ventilate, dry out, wither; weather; to weather. The linen is windy. Lips in the wind wind, soften. The stone is windy. The flag winds, flutters in the wind. The girl winds, chickens. eagle started behaving badly. The stone has weathered, loosened. Air out clothes. Everything went out of my head. It's clear, the wind has picked up. The skin is weathered, withered in the air. Lips blew, softened. It's windy outside. Rewind all clothes, air them out. Windmill, windmill m. Yuzhn. kaz. perm. windmill windmill (water mill). Sail Wed sail. Windmill children's toy with windmill wings. Plant Hepatica triloba, coppice, curls, p(r)shot. Vetrenik m. open to the winds, an elevated place where the crop dries. Sib. wind vane, weather vane, wind vane, an icon showing the direction of the wind, turning in the wind. Podnezhnik, plant Anemone Pulsatilla, anemone. Helicopter, carnivore, flying machine, frivolous, fickle person. Tver. fan, fan. Vetrenik m. arch. windmill a window, a pinwheel, an air vent, in a window or in a wall; weathervane, weathervane. Windmill dryer, dryer, space in the attic or a high platform, sometimes behind bars, for drying clothes, for drying fish, etc. Anemone w. lower windmill, windmill. Windy woman, reckless, helicopter, frivolous. Vost. each of the long twigs, poles, which cover haystacks, omets and thatched roofs of huts, to protect against a storm; peremetina; arch. three upper boards on the boats, sides above the deck, necks. An internal crack or crack in a forest, in a log; sometimes these cracks show out on the cuts. Generic name of Anemone plants: forest anemone, Nemorosa; in. yellow, ranunculoides; in. hepatic, hepatica. Emphysema disease, wind or air swelling, esp. in the lungs, or externally, in the fiber, under the skin. A lever with wings or flappers, on an axis, to moderate the speed of rotational force; anemone sets the speed of the clock. Wind, up to the wind vane, up to the wind vane, etc. related. To be frivolous, to act recklessly and frivolously, recklessly, quickly and recklessly. Windiness property of a windy person, helicopterism. Windy, somewhat windy; about a frivolous person. Vetroboy, -shaft, windbreak m. Collected. windbreak and stormy, the forest broken, felled by a storm, by the wind. The ending shaft means uprooted trees; scrap broken; fight this and that. Windy, windy, polled, ceiling, hanging, dried. Vetrogar m. sunburn on the face, on the hands, weathering of the body in the air. Vetrogarny, from sunburn, weathering occurred. Vetrogon m. anemone, helipad, man-wind. A windmill is also a wheel in a box, or another projectile that serves to drive air, wind; carminative, driving wind, air; relating to the carminative, in both meanings. Wind tunnel m. tagan, tripod, tripod, for cooking food in the field. Anemone, helipad, legostay. Windy thin, full of holes, through, slit, blown by the wind. Windburner, windburner, windburner, tan. Wind-yellow, wind-faded, yellow from the wind, heat. Wind deflector, wind deflector. Vetrolet m. boyer, buer, sailing vessel on skates. Helicopter, anemone. Windmill frivolous, windy woman, fidget. Windbreaker m. windbreaker, windbreaker. Windfall forest. A wind-breaking tree, fragile, whose branches are upholstered in the wind: buckthorn, willow. Vetromakh m. -mashka w. windhook, -gon, -years, heliport. Wind meter m. anemometer, projectile for measuring wind force. Windy sands, loose, erratic. Windspitter, -weave, or windspitter, windspitter, liar and liar, idler. Wind dancer, helipad, doing nothing, connecting rod, shambler. Wind turbine m. tube or other conductor, air flow hole; aeolipil, a physical device that turns water into vapours. Vetrosvist m. vetrolet and wind dancer. Wind dry, wind dry m. Winding cf. church smoldering in the wind, in the air; foul, foul air. Windy, destroyed by the influence of the elements, mortal, rotting

Turns the windmill

Drives flocks of clouds

Reveler in the head of a fool

head dweller walking in the field

A draft walking on the sea

Air movement in the horizontal direction

Breath of nature

Measured in points on the Beaufort scale

What element forms the bizarre landscapes of the Sahara desert

Who drives the clouds across the sky

Who is king over the earth? (Mystery.)

Mighty chaser of fat packs (lit.)

Garbage in the song of the group "Crematorium"

restless air

He usually walks on the street, but some - in the head

Trade wind or monsoon

moving air

Song by O. Gazmanov

Aeolus was the lord of what

Cloud Driver and Sail Blower


Raven family bird

The novel by the Russian writer L. S. Ovalov "... over the field"

Whistles in the wires and blows the sails

Whistler in wires

Strong in a hurricane

A poem by the Russian poet V. Kuchelbecker

dune builder


Film by Abram Room "... from the East"

Film by Alexander Zarkhi "... in the face"

Film Alova

Film by Mikhail Kalik "And returns ..."

Eldar Kuliyev's film "Traveling..."

Film by Ang Lee "Icy..."

Film by Yuri Egorov "... wanderings"

Film by Jan Fried "Free"

What makes a weather vane capricious

What makes the foliage rustle

What's ruffling your hair on the street

What spreads poplar fluff

What sways the branches of the trees and drives the clouds across the sky?

Who drives the clouds across the sky?

The main distributor of horsetail

Drives a wave

Blizzard ringleader

Movement of air on the earth's surface

Bradbury's story

Küchelbecker's poem

What should you sow if you want to "reap the whirlwind"?

Poem by Sh. Petofi

Movement, air flow


Film by Ang Lee "Icy..."

Film by Yuri Egorov "... wanderings"

Eldar Kuliev's film "Traveling..."

Abram Room's film "... from the East"

Film by Jan Fried "Free"

Alexander Zarkhi's film "... in the face"

Film by Mikhail Kalik "And returns ..."

The novel by the Russian writer L. S. Ovalov "... over the field"

What element can turn a calm into a storm?

It was from him that Elisha heard the good news: the bride is in the coffin!

It comes from pressure fluctuations.

What was Eol the ruler of?

Garbage in the song of the group "Crematorium"

How were the heroes of the landmark Hollywood melodrama carried away?

What needs to be added to the snow to make a blizzard?

Operetta M. Dunayevsky "Free ..."

Buzzing in the wires

What is barguzin?

Atmospheric phenomenon in an empty head

. “He waved his hand, bent the tree” (riddle)

. “Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter?” (mystery)

. “it curls around the nose, but it doesn’t come into the hands” (riddle)

. “without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut” (riddle)

Look for it in the field

Afghan but not a resident

Garbage at the "Crematorium"

Its strength is measured on the Beaufort scale.

B. Pasternak's poem

fills the sails

Blowing in the back

What spreads poplar fluff?

What makes a weather vane capricious?

What's ruffling your hair on the street?

What kind of air can fly?

What makes the leaves rustle?

. "Feelings die when you throw them at..."

. “only ... the stone age knocks on the black gates”

. "he who sows ... will reap a whirlwind"

. "..., ..., you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds"

Barking dog peddler

He makes the weather vane turn

People have been obsessed with the idea of ​​taking to the air for centuries. In the myths of almost all peoples there are legends about flying animals and people with wings. The earliest known flying machines were bird-like wings. With them, people jumped from towers or tried to soar by falling off a cliff. And although such attempts ended, as a rule, tragically, people came up with more and more complex aircraft designs. Iconic aircraft will be discussed in our today's review.

1. Bamboo helicopter

One of the world's oldest flying machines, the bamboo helicopter (also known as the bamboo dragonfly or Chinese spinner) is a toy that flies upwards when its main shaft is quickly spun. Invented in China around 400 B.C., the bamboo helicopter consisted of feather blades attached to the end of a bamboo stick.

2. Flying flashlight

A flying lantern is a small balloon made of paper and a wooden frame with a hole in the bottom, under which a small fire is kindled. It is believed that the Chinese experimented with flying lanterns as early as the 3rd century BC, but traditionally, their invention is attributed to the sage and commander Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD).

3. Balloon

The hot air balloon is the first successful technology of human flight on a supporting structure. The first manned flight was carried out by Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d "Arlande in 1783 in Paris in a balloon (on a leash) created by the Montgolfier brothers. Modern balloons can fly thousands of kilometers (the longest balloon flight is 7672 km from Japan to North Canada).

4. Solar balloon

Technically, this type of balloon flies by heating the air in it with solar radiation. As a rule, such balloons are made of black or dark material. While they are primarily used in the toy market, some solar balloons are large enough to lift a person into the air.

5 Ornithopter

The ornithopter, which was inspired by the flight of birds, bats and insects, is an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Most ornithopters are unmanned, but a few manned ornithopters have also been built. One of the earliest concepts for such a flying machine was developed by Leonardo da Vinci back in the 15th century. In 1894, Otto Lilienthal, a German aviation pioneer, made the first manned flight in an ornithopter.

6. Parachute

Made from lightweight and durable fabric (similar to nylon), a parachute is a device used to slow an object through the atmosphere. A description of the oldest parachute was found in an anonymous Italian manuscript dating back to 1470. In modern days, parachutes are used to lower a variety of cargo, including people, food, equipment, space capsules, and even bombs.

7. Kite

Originally built by stretching silk over a split bamboo frame, the kite was invented in China in the 5th century BC. Over a long period of time, many other cultures adopted this device, and some of them even continued to further improve this simple flying machine. For example, kites capable of carrying a person are believed to have existed in ancient China and Japan.

8. Airship

The airship became the first aircraft capable of controlled takeoff and landing. In the beginning airships used hydrogen, but due to the high explosiveness of this gas, most airships built after the 1960s began to use helium. The airship may also be powered and the crew and/or payload located in one or more "nacelles" suspended below the gas cylinder.

9. Glider

Glider - aircraft heavier than air, which is maintained in flight by the dynamic reaction of air on its bearing surfaces, i.e. it is independent of the engine. Thus, most gliders do not have an engine, although some paragliders can be equipped with one to extend the flight if necessary.

10 Biplane

Biplane - an aircraft with two fixed wings, which are located one above the other. Biplanes have a number of advantages over conventional wing designs (monoplanes): they allow for greater wing area and lifting force with a smaller wing span. The Wright brothers' biplane in 1903 became the first aircraft to successfully take off.

11. Helicopter

A helicopter is a rotary-wing aircraft that can take off and land vertically, hover and fly in any direction. There have been many concepts similar to today's helicopters over the past centuries, but it wasn't until 1936 that the first operational Focke-Wulf Fw 61 helicopter was built.

12. Aerocycle

In the 1950s, Lackner Helicopters came up with an unusual flying machine. The HZ-1 Aerocycle was intended to be operated by inexperienced pilots as the standard reconnaissance vehicle in the US Army. Although early testing indicated that the vehicle could provide sufficient mobility on the battlefield, more extensive evaluations indicated that it was too difficult to control for untrained infantrymen. As a result, after a couple of accidents, the project was frozen.

13. Kaitun

Kaitun is a hybrid of a kite and a hot air balloon. Its main advantage is that the kaitoon can remain in a fairly stable position above the anchor point of the cable, regardless of the strength of the wind, while conventional balloons and kites are less stable.

14. Hang glider

A hang glider is a non-motorized, heavier-than-air aircraft that lacks a tail. Modern hang gliders are made of aluminum alloy or composite materials, and the wing is made of synthetic canvas. These vehicles have a high lift ratio, which allows pilots to fly for several hours at an altitude of thousands of meters above sea level in the rising currents of warm air and perform aerobatics.

15. Hybrid airship

A hybrid airship is an aircraft that combines the characteristics of a lighter-than-air craft (i.e. airship technology) with heavier-than-air aircraft technologies (either a fixed wing or a rotary propeller). Such designs were not put into mass production, but several manned and unmanned prototypes appeared, including the Lockheed Martin P-791, an experimental hybrid airship developed by Lockheed Martin.

16. Airliner

Also known as a jet airliner, a jet airliner is a type of aircraft designed to carry passengers and cargo through the air that is propelled by jet engines. These engines allow the aircraft to reach high speeds and generate sufficient thrust to propel a large aircraft. Currently, the Airbus A380 is the world's largest jet airliner with a capacity of up to 853 people.

17. Rocket plane

A rocket plane is an aircraft that uses rocket engine. Rocket planes can achieve much higher speeds than similarly sized jet aircraft. As a rule, their engine runs for no more than a few minutes, after which the plane glides. The rocket plane is suitable for flying at very high altitudes, and it is also capable of developing much higher acceleration and has a shorter takeoff run.

18. Float plane

It is a type of fixed wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing on water. The buoyancy of the seaplane is provided by pontoons or floats, which are installed instead of the landing gear under the fuselage. Float planes were widely used until the Second World War, but then they were replaced by helicopters and aircraft used from aircraft carriers.

19. Flying boat

Another type of seaplane, the flying boat, is a fixed-wing aircraft with a hull shaped to allow it to land on water. It differs from a floatplane in that it uses a specially designed fuselage that can float. Flying boats were very common in the first half of the 20th century. Like floatplanes, they subsequently fell into disuse after World War II.

Also known by other names (for example, cargo aircraft, freighter, transport aircraft, or cargo aircraft), a cargo aircraft is a fixed-wing aircraft that is designed or converted to carry goods rather than passengers. At the moment, the An-225 built in 1988 is the largest and most lifting in the world.

21. Bomber

Bomber - a combat aircraft designed to attack land and sea targets by dropping bombs, launching torpedoes or launching air-to-ground cruise missiles. There are two types of bombers. Strategic bombers primarily intended for long-range bombing missions - i.e. to attack strategic targets such as supply bases, bridges, factories, shipyards, etc. Tactical bombers are aimed at countering enemy military activities and supporting offensive operations.

22. Spaceplane

A spaceplane is an aerospace vehicle that is used in the Earth's atmosphere. They can use both missiles alone and auxiliary conventional jet engines. Today there are five such vehicles that have been successfully used: X-15, Space Shuttle, Buran, SpaceShipOne and Boeing X-37.

23. Spaceship

A spacecraft is a vehicle designed to fly in outer space. Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, space colonization, planetary exploration, and transportation of people and goods.

A space capsule is a special type of spacecraft that has been used in most manned space programs. A manned space capsule must have everything you need for daily life, including air, water and food. The space capsule also protects astronauts from the cold and cosmic radiation.

25. Drone

Officially known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the drone is often used for missions that are too "dangerous" or simply impossible for humans. Initially, they were used mainly for military purposes, but today they can be found literally everywhere.