How to change the main oqwed un code. How to correctly fill out an application on the p14001 form when adding an okVED? Key Steps in the Process for Adding an Economic Activity Code

An individual entrepreneur informs what areas of business he will be engaged in, submits an application for ... For this, in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, they indicate the types of activities in accordance with the OKVED classifier (so-called).

The number of OKVED codes during registration is practically unlimited, you can enter several tens or even hundreds, but usually entrepreneurs indicate only the codes of those types of activities that they really plan to engage in.

What if over time the direction of your business has changed or a new one has been added? If the corresponding OKVED code was not declared during registration, it must be added to the documents. Necessary add the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur to the state register - EGRIP. Amendments to the OKVED IP are registered by the tax inspectorate. It is necessary to apply to it with a special statement ().

Application form for registration of IP changes

Form P24001 is filled out in the following situations:

  • adding OKVED to be included in the USRIP;
  • change in the passport data of the entrepreneur-foreign citizen;
  • change of citizenship of an individual entrepreneur-Russian or a foreigner;
  • change of place of residence or stay of a foreign IP.

If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur and at the same time are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you do not need to report changes in passport data (last name, first name, patronymic, registration, obtaining a new passport). The FTS automatically receives all this information from the migration service and enters it into the register of entrepreneurs on its own.

Thus, most often the application 24001 is submitted in order to amend the OKVED specified during registration. How to add OKVED to make changes, and how to fill out an application for new activities, read below.

The addition of OKVED for IP 2019 is made in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 25.01.2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / 25 @. This document regulates not only the procedure for opening an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs, but other registration procedures for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

How to fill out an application

Form R24001 includes 9 pages, but when OKVED is added, some of them are filled in. On the first title page, only the full name of the entrepreneur, his TIN and OGRNIP are indicated, and the reason for submitting the application is also noted:

  1. due to changes in information about the individual entrepreneur;
  2. to correct mistakes made in previous statements, including for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

We issue an application for adding the OKVED code to the IP

  • To add the OKVED code to the individual entrepreneur, indicate the number "1" on the title page.
  • A two-page sheet “E” is intended for reporting changes in activities. If you add additional codes, but the main code of your individual entrepreneur does not change, then only page 1 of sheet "E" is filled in. If you want to exclude some codes from the register, then page 2 of sheet "E" is filled in.
  • When the main activity is changed, the old main code is eliminated and the new main code is introduced. In this case, both pages of sheet "E" are filled in.
  • Please note that it is possible to add the OKVED code to the IP only according to the new classifier (OKVED-2), which began to operate in mid-2016. If you mistakenly indicate the codes according to the old OKVED-1, then you will be denied registration of changes.
  • It remains to fill in the last page - sheet "F" - indicating here your phone number and the way you want to receive confirmation that your OKVED codes have been changed. Do not sign the application in advance; this must be done in the presence of a tax inspector or at a notary (if your representative submits form P24001 by power of attorney).

Otherwise, the procedure for filling out an application (font size and color, capital letters, absence of blots and errors, etc.) is similar to filling out an application in the P21001 form, because they are regulated by the same Order of the Federal Tax Service.

The procedure for amending the OKVED codes

Our step-by-step instructions will tell you how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 on your own, without the help of professional registrars.

Step 1. Decide which codes you will add. We remind you that even if, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the codes you specified corresponded to the previous OKVED-1 classifier, you only need to add the OKVED IP 2019 code according to the OKVED-2 classifier. The relevance of the codes can be checked by.

Step 2. Select the code corresponding to the main activity. If you simply add additional activity codes, then the main OKVED remains the same for you. If the direction of your business changes, then your main code will be different.

Individual entrepreneurs with employees will be required to report a change in the main activity to the FSS. The deadline for submitting such a confirmation certificate is no later than April 15 for the previous year. For example, if you changed the main code in 2019, then you need to report this in social insurance before 04/15/2020. Self-employed entrepreneurs do not report the change.

Step 3. Fill out the application and submit it to the tax office where you registered the individual entrepreneur. When you visit the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, you do not need to certify the application with a notary, just have your passport with you to identify the identity of the applicant. If you send the form 24001 by mail or otherwise without your personal presence (for example, by power of attorney), then the application must be notarized.

The deadline for reporting a change in OKVED codes is three working days from the start of a new activity (trade or provision of services has begun), for violation of the deadline a fine is imposed under Article 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation in the amount of 5,000 rubles. The state duty for changing the types of activity of the individual entrepreneur is not charged.

Step 4. Receive confirmation of the changes. Before adding OKVED to the USRIP register, you had to indicate in what way you want to receive confirmation: personally to the applicant; representative by proxy; by mail. The law gives five working days to register changes if you have chosen the method postal delivery, then this period will be longer.

We hope that our step-by-step instructions Adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 answered all your questions regarding changes in activity codes. Ask your questions in the comments. And don't miss our new articles - subscribe!

Prepared a step-by-step inspection for 2018 on how to change the OKVED IP. With its help you can add the new kind business in EGRIP or exclude the old one.

Each entrepreneur has codes for the types of activities. They indicate them during registration, and the tax authorities enter them into the USRIP. According to the OKVED codes, you can determine what kind of business a merchant is engaged in. Sometimes merchants need to add or change the codes that they previously indicated during registration. How to change OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2018? Step-by-step instruction- in the article.

When is it necessary to change OKVED IP in 2018

Often, entrepreneurs choose OKVED codes that do not fully correspond to their directions. economic activity... This leads to the fact that in the USRIP there are incorrect codes, superfluous ones are indicated or the necessary ones are missing.

If the entrepreneur has not entered the necessary OKVED codes into the USRIP, the tax authorities will refuse a special regime, tax holidays and reduced rates of insurance premiums. Extra codes will lead to additional reports and overpayment of contributions. To avoid trouble, a merchant should put things in order in EGRIP.

How to change OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2018: step by step instructions

To change or add OKVED, individual entrepreneur in 2018 must contact the tax office. Since it is she who registers changes to the USRIP.

Step number 1. Choose OKVED code

First of all, an entrepreneur needs to choose the correct OKVED codes, which will most accurately reflect the nature of his activities. To do this, you need to use the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity - OKVED 2 (approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st).

In the classifier, the merchant will have to select a section that corresponds to the field of his activity. For example, for sewing and paper mills, section C "Manufacturing" is suitable, and for courier firms, section H "Transportation and storage".

After the section is selected, you need to determine the desired class. It is a two-character code. And in it you should already find a suitable type of activity. Codes in the document consist of two to six digits. The entrepreneur must indicate at least four characters in the codes. For example, in Moscow, an entrepreneur is engaged in the production of hosiery. For this type of business, the OKVED code is 14.31.

Step number 2. Determine the main OKVED code

The main type of activity is the one that brings or will bring the greatest income to the merchant. It is for this type of activity that the OKVED code will be the main one. If the entrepreneur simply adds new codes, then usually the main code does not need to be changed. It is changed only if the individual entrepreneur decided to radically change the direction of the business.

Step number 3. Fill out the application

To change or simply add new OKVED codes, a merchant must submit an application to the tax office in the form of P24001. It is approved by Appendix No. 14 to the order of the Federal Tax Service dated 25.01.2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / 25 @. Not to be confused with Form 14001, only companies use it.

On the title page of the application, the entrepreneur must indicate:

  • surname, name and patronymic;

New OKVED codes that the merchant decided to add in 2018, he must reflect on page 1 of sheet E. And the extra codes that must be excluded from the USRIP are on page 2 of sheet E.

You need to enter codes into the application only those that consist of at least four characters. On sheet G, the entrepreneur must indicate his last name, first name and patronymic. And then you need to choose in what way the individual entrepreneur wants to receive the record sheet: in person, by mail or through an authorized person.

Step number 4. Submit an application to the tax office

There are three ways to submit an application to the inspection. First, directly to the inspection. If the entrepreneur takes the application personally, then it is not necessary to sign the application in advance. In this case, the individual entrepreneur will sign in the presence of the inspector. An application to the inspection can be carried by a person by proxy. In this case, the signature of the merchant must be certified in advance by a notary. This follows from sheet G of the application form.

Secondly, to the multifunctional center - in person or through a representative by proxy. Information about the provision of this service in your MFC must be clarified on the MFC website.

Thirdly, by mail with a declared value and an inventory of attachments.

Fourth, in in electronic format... This method can be used by entrepreneurs who have an electronic signature. To submit an application electronically, you should go to the FTS website and go to the section "All services" / " State registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs ”. Next, you should select the section for the sole proprietor and press the button "Making changes to the information about the sole proprietor".

Please note: you do not need to pay the state duty when you change the OKVED codes.

Step number 5. Receive a list of USRIP record with new codes

When submitting an application, the individual entrepreneur chooses in what way he will receive the record sheet - in person, by mail or through a person by proxy.

Five working days after receiving the application, the tax authorities will issue a record sheet with new codes.

In case of refusal to make changes to the USRIP, the tax authorities will issue or send a corresponding document by mail.

Changes to the OKVED IP may be necessary when starting to conduct activities in new areas of activity for an entrepreneur. For example, when the individual entrepreneur at registration indicated that he would only be engaged in sewing leather clothes (code 14.11), but a year later he decided that there would be enough capacity for sewing overalls (14.12). To expand the business to legal grounds, it is necessary to make adjustments by type of activity in the record sheet of the USRIP. To do this, you should contact the Federal Tax Service with the appropriate set of documents.

How to open an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs

The process of registering changes in data about a private entrepreneur and the activities carried out by him is regulated by the norms of Art. 22.2 of the Law on State Registration of 08.08.2001, No. 129-FZ. The procedure is free for the taxpayer, there is no state duty for these actions. To add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs (2019), you must submit to the tax office form R24001, which is a unified application template for correcting registration information.

The order of the entrepreneur:

    Determine what types of activities will actually be carried out, select the appropriate codes for them from the OKVED2 reference book. Highlight the code for the main line of business, the rest will be reflected as additional.

    Fill in the application Р24001, sign it.

    Submit the application form to the registering authority. This can be done in several ways - bring it to the Federal Tax Service in person, send it by mail or via the Internet in electronic form, as well as through the MFC. If changes to the USRIP (adding OKVED) will be made through a representative, a power of attorney must be attached to the application. If you appear in person at the tax office at the time of accepting the application, the entrepreneur may be asked for a passport for personal identification.

    Within 5 days, the specialists of the Federal Tax Service will consider and check the application, after which a decision is drawn up and corrections are made to the USRIP database (Article 8 of Law No. 129-FZ).

    The final stage is the receipt of a USRIP record sheet, which will indicate the codes of activities taking into account the latest changes.

It is necessary to register the types of activity incl. in order to correctly determine the risk class for them, on which the percentage of contributions paid by the entrepreneur to the FSS for "injuries" depends. The risk class is established in relation to the main type of activity - the line of business, which is the main source of income. The rest of the areas are considered optional. The type of activity is indicated by uniform classification codes from the OKVED2 reference book.

Next, the entrepreneur needs to double-check whether the main type of activity is the same according to the updated documents. If the code has changed, you must notify the FSS (not required if the individual entrepreneur is without employees). This is done by confirming the main activity until April 15 based on the results of the past year. After receiving a notification from the FSS about the change in the insurance rate, the calculation and payment of premiums for injuries should be made at a different rate.

If the new type of activity is licensed, you need to take care of obtaining permits.

Filling out an application

How to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs? To do this, you must correctly fill out an application in the form P24001. A sample document was approved by the Federal Tax Service in Order No. ММВ-7-6 / 25 @ dated 25.01.2012 (as amended on 25.05.2016). It is mandatory to fill in only the title page, it contains data by which it is possible to reliably identify the taxpayer. The rest of the sheets must be completed if there are grounds for their submission. In the case of adding codes of activities, you will need sheet "E". It consists of two sections:

    Section 1 contains information about the codes that need to be changed or entered.

    Section 2 is drawn up in relation to ciphers that are excluded from the database in the entry sheet for the entrepreneur.

To confirm the correctness of the entered data and designate the method of obtaining a decision on the application, it is necessary to fill in the "F" sheet.

How to add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs: if the main type of activity changes, in line 1.1. section 1 of sheet "E" a new code is entered according to OKVED2, and in line 2.1 of section 2 of sheet "E" the old code is indicated. If the composition is updated additional types activity, the new codes fit into the cells of lines 1.2 of section 1 of sheet "E". If there are excluded types of activities from the category of additional ones, lines 2.2 of section 2 of sheet "E" are also filled in. To identify the line of business, you must specify at least 4 digits of the code from the classifier.

Sheet "G" is needed to confirm the fact of the accuracy of the information reflected in the application. There is a text block on this page that, when an entrepreneur signs a document, makes the citizen responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information and documents provided. On the sheet, it is necessary to indicate which method of obtaining a decision of the tax authority based on the results of consideration of the application is preferable:

    personally in hands;

    through a representative acting by proxy;

    by mail.

The contact details of the entrepreneur are prescribed below - phone number and email address. The applicant puts the signature in the presence of a specialist of the registration authority. If the application is sent by mail, the authenticity of the signature must be confirmed by a notary. The application can be filled out manually or on a computer.

Encodings and abbreviated names constantly catch the eye of those who conduct business. One of the varieties of such encodings is. This is the designation of the general classifier of types of economic activity. Further registration actions largely depend on which code the entrepreneur chooses.

Making the right choice will be facilitated by several available expert advice. Among them, the main principle is the approach when first comes the general and then the particular. There is the simplest way:

  • the choice begins with the definition of the main field of activity
  • after that, proceed to the definition of the corresponding section
  • followed by subsection, class and subclass
  • next - group and subgroup
  • finally, the activity itself is defined along with the immediate code

For an individual entrepreneur, it is mandatory to determine the type of activity, from which the largest ones. According to OKVED, it is she who becomes the main one. But you can also choose additional types of codes. It is permissible to use special classifier applications if difficulties arise. Licensing is required for some types of activity.

Internet services in order to select codes in an automatic mode are available for mastering to each user. It is enough to enter a keyword associated with the proposed type of activity. The next step is to form a list with codes from which a suitable option is selected.

Possibility to change OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs

The entrepreneur must prepare a certain package of documents if it is necessary to change the information about the codes. The list of actions will look like this:

  1. First, we fill in the prescribed form.
  2. Next comes the selection of codes for basic and additional economic activities.
  3. An individual entrepreneur must also fill out an application with information about himself. After that, the documents are submitted to the tax office.

Changing codes for individual entrepreneurs: procedure

Adding a new activity to existing ones

It is important to decide for which code you need to add. Only after that you can start filling out the official application on the P24001 form. The application is given to the tax officials.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out:

  • filling - mandatory requirement to page 001. Other sheets - additional option
  • foreign citizens enter their information on sheet A when they change their full name
  • sheet B is needed for those who change citizenship. Individuals are responsible for providing the person
  • sheets D and D are needed for foreigners and those who have not received citizenship
  • two parts make up sheet E. In the first section, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED codes that are added. In the second - codes that require an exception

Becomes obligatory and the sheet, which is indicated by the letter G. Here is put personal signature, data for contact with the applicant. Notaries, together with tax inspectors, fill out the sections, which are designated by numbers 2 and 3.

Documents and rules for filing

There is different ways in order to send an application to the tax authorities:

  • confidant
  • by post
  • on one's own

Notary certification is not needed if the individual entrepreneur submits it on his own. Then the tax inspector is only required to sign on sheet G. Copies of the passport and must also be presented to the tax service. If necessary, a set of documents is shown to confirm the legality of the change of surname.

A receipt is issued to applicants after all documents have been accepted. Papers confirming changes to the USRIP must be issued a maximum of five days after contacting tax office... The receipt indicates the date when everything was received.

A power of attorney is required if an intermediary is involved in the process. Then a copy of the passport together with the application is certified by a notary. Documents are signed in any case. The firmware becomes mandatory.

The main type of activity according to OKVED

This issue requires a particularly careful approach. Tariffs developed for the main activity are used in order to protect employees from accidents with insurance. The more dangers the job is, the more expensive insurance will be.

To confirm that the activity complies with the codes, documents must be submitted by April 15 of the year that follows the reporting period. Organizations must annually draw up such a package of documents. IE employers need this only if there are changes in the main activity.

The main activity is that from which the maximum benefit is obtained. In the absence of an application, setting tariffs becomes the right of employees, and then the cost is really overstated. The overly specified codes are no longer valid.

On the timing and possible penalties

The main thing is that every entrepreneur and manager should promptly inform the tax authorities about all changes that are related to the main activity. If the application is submitted for the second time later than the deadlines specified in the legislation, then the activity may be suspended for a period of 1 to 3 years.

As a rule, when registering, an individual entrepreneur indicates one or two main types of activities that he plans to engage in. But business is unpredictable. And after a while, the individual entrepreneur realizes that completely different operations can bring him income. Our step-by-step instructions will help you quickly and without errors add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.

What is OKVED

The abbreviation OKVED stands for “ All-Russian classifier types of economic activity ". This classifier was approved by the order of Rosstandart.

OKVED is intended for the classification and coding of the types of economic activities declared by economic entities upon registration. It is used for statistical purposes.

Everyone who plans to become an individual entrepreneur will have to study OKVED. In the application for registration, you must indicate the codes corresponding to the types of activities that the entrepreneur intends to do. From this statement, the codes fall into the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs). An individual entrepreneur has the right to carry out only those types of activities that are included in this register.

Should an individual entrepreneur change OKVED when changing activities

If an individual entrepreneur has started to engage in a new type of activity, then it is necessary to inform the tax authority at the place of his registration within three working days (sub. "O" clauses 2 and 5 of Art. Federal law dated 08.08.01 No. 129-FZ; hereinafter - Law No. 129-FZ). For violation this requirement a fine of 5 thousand rubles is possible (clause 3 of Art. of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

From the literal interpretation of the norm of paragraph 5 of article of Law No. 129-FZ, it follows that the new OKVED code is entered into the register if the individual entrepreneur actually conducts business (and does not carry out one-time transactions) in an activity not specified in the USRIP.

The legislation does not contain criteria by which one can distinguish one-time transactions from systematic maintenance entrepreneurial activity... You need to focus on common sense and the usual understanding of the term "systematic". The completion of one or two transactions during the year should not be regarded as a systematic activity aimed at generating income from the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services (i.e., as a type of entrepreneurial activity). Therefore, it is not necessary to formally enter the additional OKVED code into the register in this case.

But one should take into account important point... For tax purposes, income received from transactions that do not correspond to the declared OKVED codes are considered “non-entrepreneurial” (letter from the Ministry of Finance of Russia). This means that when paying income, the counterparty (organization or other individual entrepreneur) must withhold personal income tax, even if the entrepreneur who received this income applies a special regime. If such income comes from an "ordinary" individual, then the individual entrepreneur is obliged to include this amount in the personal income tax return. Moreover, in full, without any reduction in professional tax deductions.

ADVICE. An additional OKVED code must be entered into the USRIP even in case of a one-time transaction. It is better to do this in advance, before receiving income from such an operation. Otherwise, additional tax charges are possible.

Choosing new OKVED

To select the desired code, it is better to use OKVED in electronic form with the ability to search by keywords... It is necessary to indicate the words that correspond to the new type of activity (for example, "rent", "welding", "pavement", etc.), and familiarize yourself with the description of those groups where they were found.

The classifier is built according to the principle: "from the general to the particular." Therefore, you need to "go up" in the grouping higher to codes containing four, three, and then two digits, and study the explanations to them (for example, from code 01.11.31, go first to code 01.11, and then to codes 01.1 and 01). It is quite possible that, based on the results of studying the "higher" codes, you will understand that the "lower" code does not suit you. Carefully read the explanations for all the groupings that include the new code. Typically, it first describes what activities a given grouping covers, and then lists the exceptions.

If a suitable code is found, then one more question needs to be resolved: should we enter a “lower” code into the USRIP, or should we “climb” the grouping higher and indicate a code that includes a larger number of possible operations?

IMPORTANT. Include in the USRIP "higher" codes containing four digits. This will expand the list of operations that an individual entrepreneur is entitled to engage in, which means it will reduce the risk of claims from the tax authorities.

If the search by keywords did not give a result, you will have to pick up the code based on the general logic of building the classifier. First you need to select a section (they are indicated in the OKVED in Latin letters), and inside it - the most suitable grouping. And already in this grouping, find codes corresponding to "other, not included in other groupings" types of activities. They are usually at the very end of the grouping.

For example, this is exactly what individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in mediation(to agents, commission agents). There is no special code for them in OKVED. Therefore, in carrying out such activities, code 82.99 “Activities for the provision of other support services for business, not elsewhere classified” applies.

Before entering the found code into the USRIP, you need to analyze how this will affect the amount of tax liabilities of the individual entrepreneur. The fact is that the use of some OKVED codes entails the loss of the right to UTII, PSN, a reduced single tax rate under the simplified tax system or reduced insurance premium rates.

If the individual entrepreneur has wage-earners, you also need to check to which class of professional risk the activity under the new code belongs. It is quite possible that the new OKVED will lead to an increase in the tariff insurance premium"For injury."

How to make changes to OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2020

In most cases, in order to enter new codes, you only need to submit an application in the form No. Р24001 (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service).

If the entrepreneur plans to carry out pedagogical, educational or educational activities(according to the list approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation), then it is advisable to attach to the application a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution. The form of the certificate is contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Having this certificate will speed up the application process.

If there is a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution, then the decision of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights must be attached to the application. This decision should state that the individual entrepreneur is allowed to carry out these types of activities (subparagraph "g" of clause 1 of Art. Law 129-FZ).

The general term for consideration of an application for adding OKVED codes is 5 working days (clause 1 of article 8 and clause 3 of article of Law No. 129-FZ).

IMPORTANT. The state duty for entering new OKVED codes is not paid. It is not necessary to attach a document on the transfer of the state duty to the application (subclause 6-8, clause 1 of Art. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. Law No. 129-FZ).

Application for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in the form R24001

When filling out an application, you need to consider the following rules.

In section 1 of the title page (page 001), information about the entrepreneur (OGRNIP, TIN and full name) is entered in the same way as they are reflected in the USRIP. Accordingly, before filling out the application, it makes sense to order an extract from this register, so as not to be mistaken when specifying information. In section 2, in the first field, the number "1" is put down. It means that the application has been submitted to change the information in the USRIP.

New OKVED codes are indicated on sheet E of the application. The codes to be added to the registry are displayed on page 1 of this sheet. Each code must consist of at least four characters (that is, it is impossible to indicate "higher" codes with two or three digits). Please note: if the main activity remains the same, you do not need to fill out section 1.1 of page 1 of sheet E.

If any codes specified in the USRIP need to be excluded, they should be listed on page 2 of sheet E. Otherwise, page 2 is not completed.

On sheet G of the application, you must indicate the name of the applicant (i.e. individual entrepreneur), contact information and the method of obtaining documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the USRIP. In connection with the changes made in 2017 to Law No. 129-FZ, option number 3 "send by mail" is not working. Even if you choose it, the documents will still have to be collected personally by the applicant or his representative (letter from the Federal Tax Service). Sections 2 and 3 of sheet G do not need to be completed.

REFERENCE. In 2020, in order to enter new OKVED codes, you must fill out the title page (page 001), page 1 of sheet E and section 1 of sheet G of the application in form No. P24001.

It is not necessary to sign the application (i.e. fill out section 2 of sheet G) immediately after it is drawn up on paper. An autograph should be affixed in the presence of employees of the IFTS or MFC, if an individual entrepreneur submits an application in person. Or in the presence of a notary, if the application will be submitted by a representative by power of attorney from an individual entrepreneur.

Instructions for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs

You can apply for a change in OKVED directly to the registering authority, that is, to the tax inspectorate, which deals with the registration of individual entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneur himself can submit an application to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. He will have to sign this document in the presence of the inspector.

Any other person can submit an application on the basis of a notarized power of attorney from an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to notarize his signature on the application.

You can submit an application in the form No. Р24001 without visiting tax office... The individual entrepreneur has the right to submit this document through the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and municipal services(MFC), or using electronic services.

How to add OKVED through the MFC

Submitting an application through the MFC is actually no different from submitting this document directly to the IFTS.

If the entrepreneur himself came to the MFC, then he will have to sign the application in the presence of an employee of the center. Accordingly, this should be done after the operator checks the correctness of the document filling.

We recommend that you include in the package of documents for a visit to the MFC several copies of Form No. Р24001. They will come in handy if an employee of the center finds errors or inaccuracies in the completed form. The presence of blank forms will allow you to immediately make the necessary corrections.

If the application to the MFC is carried by the authorized representative of the entrepreneur, then the IP signature on this document will have to be certified in advance by a notary. The representative will also need a power of attorney certified by a notary. In this case, it will no longer be possible to quickly correct the errors found during the application acceptance.

REFERENCE. Not all multifunctional centers provide the same range of services. Via special service you can check whether the MFC accepts an application for adding OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.

If Form No. Р24001 is sent through the multifunctional center, documents confirming the introduction of the new OKVED code can also be obtained from the MFC (clause 3 of Art. Law No. 129-FZ).

How to add OKVED in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service

The Tax Service on its website offers a special service “ State registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs ».

This service is associated with personal account the taxpayer and allows, among other things, to fill out and submit in electronic form an application in the form No. Р24001. An electronic application must be signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature... If the SP does not have such a signature, then he will not be able to send finished document through the FTS website.

How to add OKVED through State services

Currently, on the State Services portal, you can only draw up an application according to the form No. Р24001.

To do this, on the main page, select the category "Services" and go to the section "Business, entrepreneurship, non-profit organizations". Next, you should click on the link "Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs". In the window that appears, go to the "Non-electronic services" section, where the link "Changes to information about individual entrepreneur contained in the USRIP ".

It will not work to send through the State Services portal the application necessary to add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.