What is a private unitary enterprise: registration conditions, required documents. We register a private unitary enterprise (PUE)

Process registration (opening) of a private unitary enterprise consists of a number of successive stages, the positive result of which is a prerequisite for the implementation of subsequent actions, and in general, registration of private unitary enterprises in Belarus. Our lawyers hope that the prepared article will be useful and will answer many of your questions: “ How to open a private unitary enterprise in Belarus?».

Opening of a private unitary enterprise: name

Name approval is the first step in registration, which consists of general and special parts:
- a common part:

  1. indicating the form of ownership (republican, communal, private). If a private unitary enterprise is created by a legal entity, the use of the word "Private" is prohibited from 01.05.2013;
  2. reflecting the nature of the work (trade, transport, production, and so on);
  3. an indication of the organizational and legal form (ChUP, OJSC, ODO).

- a special part, placed in quotation marks and individualizes the company ("Orion", "Jupiter").
The general and special parts form the full name of the company. For example, a citizen decided open a private unitary enterprise for trade, then the name of the company will look like: "Private Trade Unitary Enterprise" Vector-Sever "". Abbreviated: "Vector-Sever private enterprise". The name of the company, opened at the expense of the property owned by the legal entity, will have the following form: full - "Trade Unitary Enterprise" Jupiter ""; abbreviated - "unitary enterprise" Jupiter "".

Violation of these rules, as well as other conditions provided for by law, is the basis for refusal to agree. It is possible to check whether the name you have chosen is free or whether it is registered (reserved). To do this, go to the site egr.gov.by, which accesses the USR database. If the proposed and available options coincide, the approval will be refused.

When the name is prepared, you should apply with a corresponding application to any registration authority (department of justice) in Belarus (not subject to state duty). From a practical point of view, preparing multiple name variants before going through the approval procedure will help to avoid the need to re-run. Disputes arising in the course of this procedure are resolved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. In case of a positive decision, a certificate of approval is drawn up, which is valid for 1 month.

Registration of legal entities in Belarus of any form of ownership and organizational and legal form (private enterprises - UP, LLC, ODO, OJSC, CJSC, cooperatives, institutions). Legal assistance on amendments and additions to constituent documents, reorganization (transformation, division, separation, merger, accession) of legal entities.

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Registration of private unitary enterprise: legal address

After agreeing on the name of the organization, it is necessary to determine the location of the private unitary enterprise, in other words, it is necessary to decide where the legal address will be located, since the legislation provides for specifics regarding its location. As a general rule, the legal address is located in a non-residential premises (office), however, a private unitary enterprise can also be located in a private residential fund (house, apartment) in the following situations.
1. The founder is registered and lives in an apartment (house under a lease agreement):
- the owner (co-owners) of the premises gave their consent to the placement of the private unitary enterprise;
2. Residential premises owned by the founder:
- there is a consent of the co-owners of the premises;
- persons living together have expressed their consent.

When registration of a private unitary enterprise at the place of residence the owner will begin to pay for utilities and make other deductions in an increased amount, which will fully reimburse the economically justified costs of their provision. At the same time, it is forbidden to engage in production, to provide services in such a dwelling bypassing the procedure for transferring to non-residential.

Registration (opening) of a private unitary enterprise: decision on establishment, charter

Having gone through the previous stages, it is possible to start developing and approving the charter, decisions on the creation of a private unitary enterprise, a questionnaire and an application for registration. The charter is drawn up in accordance with the rules of office work (notarization is not required) and includes the following information:
goals and procedure for managing activities;
legal address;
other information.

According to the latest changes in legislation, it is not necessary to prescribe the types of activities in the charter, however, in the application for registration of a private unitary enterprise, they should still be indicated with an accuracy of 5 characters according to the national classifier. Under the main type of activity, it is worth indicating the priority area of ​​work, with the presumably the largest revenue. The charter can provide for the right of the director to keep accounting and prepare reports.

Before registration, in preparation decision to establish a private unitary enterprise... This decision is drawn up independently and contains information about the founder, as well as:
the name of the organization being created;
size, sources and procedure for the formation of the statutory fund;
legal address;
other information.

If the citizen has restrictions on entrepreneurial activities, as well as the founder of the circumstances that do not allow the establishment of commercial organizations - registration (opening) PUE will be impossible. Registration authorities do not check for compliance with the legislation of the documents submitted for registration. All responsibility for providing accurate information lies with the founder. The activities of organizations registered with the use of deliberately provided false information is considered illegal and prohibited. In this case, by the decision of the economic court, the registration is invalidated, and all income received after the opening of the private unitary enterprise is subject to collection in the state revenue.

Registration of a private unitary enterprise in Belarus: authorized capital

According to the decision on the creation (opening) of a private unitary enterprise and the approved charter, the statutory fund is formed prior to registration. The legislation does not contain requirements regarding its size, by virtue of which this issue is decided by a person independently.

The authorized capital of a private unitary enterprise in Belarus is formed from the property belonging to the founder, and represents money, securities, property rights, and other property. An independent appraisal is required to confirm the value of the in-kind contribution. When the authorized fund is formed in whole or in part in cash, then they are transferred to a temporary account. To open it, the following is submitted to the bank:
- application for opening an account (usually the application form is available in the bank).
- the decision to create a private unitary enterprise;
- the passport.
The deposit of funds is confirmed by a receipt of enrollment, an account statement.
Due to the fact that this money has a designated purpose, it can be transferred to the current account of a registered organization, or returned in the event of a refusal to register, or due to a refusal of a person. open a private unitary enterprise .

Registration of a private unitary enterprise: registration fee in Minsk, Belarus

Before registering a private unitary enterprise, a state duty is paid, the amount of which, as a general rule, is three basic values ​​(450,000 thousand rubles). In the event of the opening of the second and subsequent enterprise engaged in commercial activity by one person (except for enterprises engaged in production), the duty is increased by twenty percent.
State duty for registration of a private unitary enterprise in Minsk to be paid to the account of the Main Department of the Ministry of Finance in Minsk on settlement account No. 3602101000006, Branch 500 of the Minsk Department of JSSB Belarusbank, bank code - 601, UNP 100626729, payment code (03001 - for legal entities, 03002 - for individuals). You can pay at any bank or post office. The payment document is a confirmation of the payment of the duty.

Registration of a private unitary enterprise: submission of documents

After sequentially going through the stages of registration of a private unitary enterprise described above, a package of documents will be prepared for the opening of the private unitary enterprise... Summing up, the following documentation will be on hand:
Two printed and stitched copies of the charter;
statement about registration of private unitary enterprises(the signature is put in the presence of an authorized person of the registering authority);
the founder's questionnaire (sheet A to the application);
A copy of the charter on electronic media (flash card, disk);
Document confirming the payment of the state duty.

The registration of a private unitary enterprise in Minsk is carried out by the Justice Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee. These documents are submitted personally by the founder of the private unitary enterprise when visiting the registering authority at the alleged location of the opening of the organization. You must have a Belarusian passport. In case of registration of a private unitary enterprise by a foreign citizen, you should have a certified copy of an identity document with a translation into Belarusian (Russian) with a notary certification of the translator's signature. It is possible to entrust the passage of the registration procedure to a representative. To use the help of a representative, you need to conclude a deed of order and a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Registration takes place on the day of submission of the entire set of documents, after which one copy of the charter of the private unitary enterprise is returned with a mark of registration. After making an entry in the USR of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the private unitary enterprise in Belarus is considered created. The certificate of registration of a private unitary enterprise will be ready no later than 1 business day.

It should be noted that the registration of a company with the tax inspection, state statistics bodies, the Social Security Fund, RUSP "Belgosstrakh" is carried out by the registering authority according to the area where the company is located. After 5 working days from the date of registration, you can receive a document that confirms the fact of registration.

In order for a registered private unitary enterprise to actually start work, it is required:
1) conclude an employment contract with the director;
2) hire an accountant;
3) make a seal;
4) open a current account of a private unitary enterprise.

05:54 15.11.2018

Let's try to briefly and in simple words describe what and how to do for those who are going to create a new legal entity in Belarus.

Choosing the form of a legal entity

Commercial enterprises in the status of a legal entity are divided into several types, each of which is beneficial for certain situations.

To choose the right type of future legal entity, you need to answer yourself a few questions:

  1. Who wants to start a business?
  2. Who is the owner of the initial capital? One person or several?
  3. Do the owners of capital want to receive income from it?
  4. Do all capital owners want to influence business development?

If the business is started by one person, and he is the owner of the initial capital, then it is most correct to open a unitary enterprise: for example, a unitary enterprise or a private unitary enterprise.

If there are several owners of capital, but only one of them wants to do business, and all the others only want to receive income from capital, then there is a choice:

Option 1- one of the owners opens a unitary enterprise, and everyone else just lends him money. If there is an intention to receive benefits, then at interest. After that, they have no share or responsibility in the future business, only the obligation to return the borrowed funds.

Option 2- everyone becomes co-owners of a business and founders of a business society.

Business companies are:

  • limited liability companies - LLC;
  • with additional liability - ALC;
  • open and closed joint stock companies - OJSC and CJSC, etc.

The founders of a business company receive the right to influence its work, hire a director, and receive income from the company's profits.

Since 2016, in Belarus, it is possible to create an LLC or ALC with one founder. This information will be useful for those who, in the future, wish to involve other participants in the society or divide the property of a legal entity.

An LLC (ODO) with one participant differs from a UE in that a unitary enterprise does not own property, but only disposes of it, and a business entity owns it.

Another form of commercial enterprise is a cooperative. Its peculiarity is that all founders must also be employees of the cooperative.

Who can be the founder of a legal entity?

The founders can be citizens of Belarus and foreigners. The founder of a legal entity must have full legal capacity (in the Republic of Belarus, it is automatically obtained by citizens over 18 years old).

Not eligible to be founders:

  • Those to whom it is prohibited by the court.
  • Founders and managers of legal entities that are in the stage of bankruptcy and liquidation.
  • Persons with outstanding debts arising from a court decision.
  • Former founders and heads of organizations that have not paid off debts to the budget.

Stages of opening a legal entity

The creation of a legal entity is a multi-stage, legislatively regulated process. Let's name only the main mandatory stages.

  1. Constituent assembly and adoption of the charter

The founder of a unitary enterprise may decide to register a legal entity without consulting anyone. He simply draws up the Charter, which spells out important aspects of the creation and future operation of the enterprise:

  • title;
  • activities;
  • the size of the authorized fund;
  • the procedure for obtaining income;
  • legal address;
  • information about the leader.

Several founders usually register an LLC or ALC. The order of their actions is more complicated.

A meeting of founders is held at which:

  • a plan of joint activities is agreed;
  • the responsibilities of the founders are distributed;
  • the size and procedure for the formation of the authorized capital (official initial capital) of the enterprise is determined;
  • the issue of holding a constituent assembly is being decided.

The next stage is the constituent assembly. On him:

  • the charter of the company is approved;
  • management bodies of the company are appointed from among the founders.

The charter of a legal entity with several founders (LLC, ODO) differs from the charter of a unitary enterprise in sections that describe:

  • the powers of the founders (general and each separately);
  • their shares in total capital;
  • collegial work: holding meetings, voting, etc .;
  • the procedure for distributing profits among the participants.

The ordinary charter of a legal entity is a multi-page document in which all sections and provisions are based on some kind of legislative norms, most often from the Civil Code.

The safest way is not to invent your own company charter, but to take a sample that has already been verified by lawyers.

Such samples can be downloaded free of charge on the Internet or borrowed from registered businesses of a similar type.

  1. Choice of name.

The name of the future company is determined by its owners. The only limitation is that there should not be another company with the same name.

The name of a unitary enterprise must contain an indication of the nature of its activities. Example: ChTUP is a private trade unitary enterprise.

The name of the company is agreed and approved by the justice departments of the regional executive committees and some other bodies, the exact list of which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

To approve the name, you need to submit to the appropriate authority:

  • an application with a request to agree on a specific name of a legal entity;
  • a document confirming the powers of the applicant.

Both documents are submitted to the registration authority in person or by e-mail. In case of personal contact, the name is registered during the day.

  1. Determination of the legal address

This address is required for any legal entity. However, the requirements for it have noticeably softened in recent years.

  • a unitary enterprise is allowed to be registered at the place of registration of the owner;
  • addresses of other business entities cannot be registered in the housing stock.

Here you can give one practical advice - it is best to have not a formal, but a real legal address, where there will be heating, light, a table, a chair and a place for documents. This is useful for inspections and other cases of communication with government agencies.

An organization that has not yet been registered cannot conclude an agreement with the owner of the premises for a legal address, but receives a letter of guarantee from him, which is then submitted to the registering authority.

  1. Choosing a type of activity

What the firm will do is usually known in advance. But legal registration begins precisely with registration, since the proposed activities are spelled out in the charter.

The first thing to do is to define your type of activity in OKRB 005-2011.

Then you should refer to the text of the Decree No. 450 dated September 1, 2010. It is written there what types of activities can be engaged only after obtaining the appropriate license.

Licensing does not depend on the organizational form of the enterprise, this also applies to OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

A license is required:

  • for trade in alcoholic and tobacco products, jewelry;
  • for lending activities, financial services;
  • to open casinos, gambling clubs;
  • for legal services, security and real estate activities;
  • for activities in the field of medicine and health improvement.

This is not an exhaustive list. In each specific case, it is necessary to clarify everything anew in the executive committees, relevant ministries and committees.

Obtaining any licenses is possible only after registration of a legal entity. But you should understand the issue in advance.

Licenses are issued:

  • executive committees at the place of business;
  • ministries;
  • committees and other state bodies of the republican level.
  1. Submission of documents for registration of a legal entity

Before registration, founders pay a state fee in the amount of 1 base unit. Today it is 24 rubles 50 kopecks.

To register a legal entity, the local executive committee shall submit:

  • an application in the prescribed form (the form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Justice);
  • two printed copies of the charter and one electronic copy recorded on disk in doc or rtf format;
  • original bank receipt confirming payment of state duty.

Now the registration of legal entities is carried out according to the declarative principle, therefore, one should not expect a refusal if the documents are correctly drawn up and there are no restrictions.

  1. Appointment of the head and chief accountant

Most often, one of the members of the company receives the authority from the meeting to conclude an agreement with the director.

The director, even if it is one of the members of the company, is an employee who receives the rights to the current management of the organization and to make independent decisions.

The director is accountable to the owners of the legal entity in the manner prescribed in the charter and the agreement with the head.

The rights of members of a society to interfere with its current activities are limited.

The director enters into an agreement with the chief accountant. The powers of the chief accountant are prescribed in this agreement and the internal documents of the enterprise.

The chief accountant is given special authority to manage finances and is responsible in the event of irregularities.

The director of small businesses can act as a chief accountant himself if he has the appropriate education and experience in accounting.

An alternative to appointing an accountant is an agreement with a third-party specialist, individual entrepreneur or company.

Mandatory actions after registration of a legal entity

Unlike individuals, i.e. Individual entrepreneurs, artisans, etc., a legal entity cannot count on such indulgences as: work without opening an account, without a seal, without maintaining full accounting (like an individual entrepreneur on a single tax).

After registration, the head of the legal entity, or an authorized representative, must appear at the tax office in order to:

  • Write a statement about the transition to a certain tax calculation regime. Here you can choose between a general (STS) or one of the simplified (STS) tax assessment systems.
  • Get books of comments and suggestions and books of accounting checks. One copy for the legal address, and one copy for each object of trade or rendering of services.

A legal entity needs to open an account with one of the banks, conclude a service agreement. In the future, the account number, address and bank code will become part of the legal entity's details.

The legal entity orders, receives and registers the company seal. Oval and typesetting stamps do not need to be registered.

Since any legal entity has at least one employee (director), a visit to the Social Security Fund and Belgosstrakh is required. There the necessary documents will be filled in and the obligations for paying contributions for employees will be explained.

It is written above about obtaining licenses. But legal entities engaged in retail trade or services should also apply to the local executive committee for inclusion in the Commercial Register or the Register of Personal Services.

Registration of a legal entity requires much more knowledge and effort in comparison with the opening of an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, many founders of legal entities seek help from specialists who, for a certain fee, solve all the above issues.

In this article, we will consider what a PUE is. They are recognized as a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right to ownership of the assigned property.

In such an enterprise, it is privately owned by an individual (joint ownership of spouses or members of a farm) or a legal unit and belongs to this institution on the basis of economic management rights. Thus, the property is indivisible and cannot be distributed by contributions (share, share), including among the employees of the enterprise.

Registration conditions

Let's consider what a PUE is in more detail.

Registration conditions are generally as follows:

Place of registration of private unitary enterprise

A private unitary enterprise can be located in a residential area (for example, in an ordinary apartment or residential building) of the owner of the property, subject to a number of the following conditions:

  • Real estate is owned by right of ownership (share or joint).
  • The person permanently resides in this room.


A private unitary enterprise (private unitary enterprise), only with the permission of the owner, can act as a participant in a business company and an investor in a limited partnership. A unitary enterprise has no right to contribute in the role of a contribution to the statutory fund of partnerships or business entities, the real estate belonging to it on the basis of the rights of economic management without the consent of the owner.

A private unitary enterprise cannot sell its property and lease it, send it as a pledge, make a contribution to the statutory fund of a business company and partnership, or dispose of it in any alternative way without the actual consent of the owner. The rest of the assets belonging to the enterprise can be disposed of, except in cases established by law.

The owner of property that is under economic jurisdiction, according to the law, decides on the creation of a unitary enterprise, determines the subject and purpose of its activities, along with reorganization and liquidation. Among other things, this person can appoint a manager, exercising control over what is in the company.

The owner can expect to receive a certain part of the profit from the use of the holdings that are under the economic jurisdiction of the organization he has created. He is not responsible for the obligations of the private unitary enterprise, except for cases of bankruptcy at the enterprise through his fault.

Statutory fund

As part of the creation of a private unitary enterprise, the size of the authorized capital by the founder and the owner of the property is determined independently. The governing body of such a company is the head, who is appointed by an authorized person. It is worth noting that such an enterprise has the full right to reorganize into a partnership or business entity in the manner prescribed by law, and at the same time by agreement of the parties. What is a private unitary enterprise is now known. Next, let's talk about the required documents.

Documentation package

Let's say a citizen has made a decision to register a private unitary enterprise. In order to carry out this procedure as quickly and correctly as possible, he needs to prepare the following documents:

  • First of all, you need a decision to create an organization. This document is important for a temporary bank account.
  • Help on the approval of the name of the legal entity. This will be required to create the charter of a private unitary enterprise (PUE). To obtain such a certificate, you must contact the city executive committee with a special application. Usually, the name is agreed on the day of application.
  • Letter of guarantee regarding the provision of a legal address. Any company should have it.
  • The charter in duplicate and in the form of one electronic copy. After the name of the future company has been agreed and the legal address is determined, you can start creating the charter. This is the most important document, since on its basis the institution will carry out its direct activities.
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of five basic units. It can be done upon contacting the registration authorities.
  • Application in the prescribed form for registration. It is filled in upon request.
  • Order on the date of payment of wages. This paper is needed to launch a checking account. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all banks need it. If a citizen has decided in which financial institution such an account will be opened, then it makes sense to clarify whether a document is required.

Thus, this is a comprehensive package of documents that must be prepared immediately before applying for the registration procedure.

It is worth noting that for a private construction unitary enterprise, the registration process is exactly the same as the registration conditions with financial costs will be absolutely the same as in all other cases.

Liability of unitary enterprises

Such institutions are responsible for their obligations with all property actually belonging to them. A unitary enterprise, as a rule, is not responsible for the obligations of the owner, except in cases provided for by the Civil Code.

We have fully examined what a PUE is.

A private unitary enterprise is a commercial organization consisting of one participant with the right of ownership to assign property to the enterprise. That is, the property of the private unitary enterprise belongs to the organization only on the basis of economic management rights. Unlike a company, the property of a unitary enterprise is not divided into shares; therefore, the sale of a private unitary enterprise (the main difference from an LLC) takes more financial costs and time.
However, the procedure for creating a PUE (as well as the procedure liquidation of legal entities) has a certain algorithm, without the positive implementation of which it is impossible to successfully register a PUE in Minsk.

How long does it take to register a private unitary enterprise?

You can register a private unitary enterprise using our services within 2 working days (registration with the executive committee and opening a current account). Do you want to urgently open a private unitary enterprise in Minsk? Then I will help you solve the problem within one business day (along with opening a current account). The process of registering a private unitary enterprise on a turnkey basis will take 5-7 days.

The service "Registration of Private Unitary Enterprise" consists of the following types of assistance:

  • consultation on all the intricacies and nuances of registering an organization;
  • approval of the name of the private unitary enterprise;
  • assistance in finding a legal address;
  • preparation of the founder's decision on the formation of a legal entity;
  • preparation of the charter of the private unitary enterprise;
  • preparation of the founder's decision on the appointment of the director and approval of the charter;
  • submission of documents for registration of a private unitary enterprise in the executive committee;
  • print order;
  • preparation of labor contracts with the director and chief accountant, orders on their appointment, order on the timing of payment of wages;
  • assistance in the formation of the statutory fund and opening a bank account;
  • provision of documents required for the tax office, the Federal Tax Service, Belgosstrakh;
  • registration of the book of revisions and checks, comments and suggestions.

As a general rule, the legal address of a private unitary enterprise should be located in non-residential premises. But one of the characteristic features of the creation of a private unitary enterprise is that the address of a new commercial organization can be a private housing stock (house or apartment) of the owner of the property of a private unitary enterprise in cases where:

  • the dwelling is owned by the founder;
  • the founder of the private unitary enterprise lives in this residential building permanently.

Both cases require the consent of the owner and all family members who live in this room and have reached the age of 18.

Do you want to start a business by opening a private unitary enterprise, avoiding possible problems and wasted time? I will be happy to advise you on all issues of interest, as well as quickly and successfully implement all stages of registration of a private unitary enterprise on a turnkey basis.

If you need to register a private unitary enterprise in Minsk or other regions of Belarus, call and I will provide the necessary advice on opening a legal entity, as well as perform all the stages of opening a private unitary enterprise on a turnkey basis.

Private unitary enterprise or PUE- its abbreviated name, well-established in speech, is one of the most demanded organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations existing in Belarus. This form of legal entity is characterized by the presence of one owner, individual or legal entity. It should be noted that both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus can open a private unitary enterprise in the Republic of Belarus.

The procedure for opening a private enterprise, as well as a company of a different organizational and legal form in Belarus, despite its apparent simplicity, is quite complicated and requires certain knowledge and experience in going through it. Registration of a private unitary enterprise in Minsk is carried out by the Minsk City Executive Committee on the basis of documents submitted by the applicant and duly executed. Before applying for registrations of a private unitary enterprise, it is necessary to perform certain actions, including the approval of the name, preparation and approval of the charter, etc.

When opening a private unitary enterprise on your own, you run the risk of making a lot of mistakes, including those related to restrictions on participation in a commercial organization, which may subsequently lead to the recognition of state registration as invalid. Therefore, the most convenient and rational option is to register a private unitary enterprise in Belarus with the help of qualified lawyers from RASHKEVICH & PARTNERS. We will carry out this procedure professionally, efficiently and in the shortest possible time!

Stages of registration of a private unitary enterprise

All stages of opening a private unitary enterprise in Belarus can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. pre-registration procedures;
  2. directly applying for registration;
  3. post-registration procedures.

Pre-registration procedures include:

  • consultation on the possibility of opening a private unitary enterprise;
  • making a decision on the creation of a private unitary enterprise;
  • approval of the name of the enterprise, determination of its location (in cases specified by law, the location of a private unitary enterprise may be a residential building);
  • preparation and approval of the charter of the PUE.

Registration of a private unitary enterprise in Minsk is carried out by the Minsk City Executive Committee (Minsk, Pushkin Avenue, 42). Registration of a private unitary enterprise in another locality is carried out by the relevant regional or district executive committee.

Post-registration procedures include:

  • opening a current account;
  • production of a seal (if required);
  • registration of labor relations with the head of the private unitary enterprise.
  • support for obtaining an EDS.
  • representation of interests in the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and the Federal Tax Service, etc.

How much does it cost to open a private unitary enterprise in Belarus?

Basic registration costs:

  • payment of state duty - 25.5 BYN (~ 10 euros);
  • production of a seal (if required) - 40 BYN (~ 15 euros);
  • registration service for an electronic digital signature key for 12 months - 95.28 BYN (~ 40 euros).

Opening of a private unitary enterprise in Minsk

The cost of legal support for the registration of a private unitary enterprise by RASHKEVICH & PARTNERS specialists is 150.00 Euro *.

Advantages of opening a private unitary enterprise with RASHKEVICH & PARTNERS

  • The lawyers united under the RASHKEVICH & PARTNERS brand have more than ten years of experience in creating and registering commercial organizations.
  • We have earned the trust of well-known national and foreign companies "SERGE", "CDEK", "Onilab" and others.
  • Adequate cost of legal services.