RBC partnership projects. Jobs at RBC

Multimedia holding of Russia,
uniting media projects and IT services and infrastructure for business

What are we doing

RBC's media projects cover the most important events and trends in the economy and business. Timely information and high-quality analytics help our audience make decisions and manage finances

The information and analytical portal www.rbc.ru (18+) is one of the most popular online media in the country, the leader in terms of citation and attendance among the media in Runet (according to the rating of federal media by the Medialogy service for 2015).

Daily business newspaper RBC 16+– leader in terms of audience in the segment of daily business publications (according to TNS-Russia (cities 100K+, population 16+), wave 1, 2016).

Monthly RBC magazine 16+ – business magazine Moscow, publishing stories real business, interviews with entrepreneurs, research, analytics and economic trends.

RBC 16+ TV channel is a Russian business channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

RBC thematic media projects– RBC Money 18+, RBC Real Estate 18+, RBC Style 18+, as well as Autonews 18+ and Cnews 18+ websites help readers earn money and spend it tastefully in accordance with consumer trends.

IT services

The ideology of RBC IT services is to provide the most convenient tools and services for successfully building a business in Runet

The RU-CENTER group of companies (Regional Network Information Center) unites the leading players operating in the Internet infrastructure market. The group includes the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe hosting providers, domain name registrars, data center operator and telecom provider.

The flagship of the group of companies is the domain name registrar in Russia RU-CENTER - 3 million domain names, 750,000 customers, more than 8,000 partners.

Business conferences and events

RBC is also a space for dialogue between entrepreneurs, experts and government officials. RBC awards - the main award for achievements Russian business

Several dozens of annual conferences on the main sectors of the economy and business areas.

Regular press conferences of companies, entrepreneurs and government officials.

RBC Award for Business Achievement, Effie Awards Russia* for the most effective marketing strategies.

Market Research

ready-made supermarket marketing information for business development in Russia and the CIS

More 50 annual industry surveys which are of decisive importance for market players.

Analytics, databases, reports and forecasts - everything to make the right decisions for the growth of the company.

Special industry events based on market research for business representatives.

Why are we

Ideas and ideals

RBC Holding is a space of opportunities. We believe that everyone should do what they are interested in and what they are talented in. Therefore, at RBC you can propose any idea or project and implement it.

At the same time, on October 31, a single information space "+1" begins to work at three sites in partnership with TASS, Kommersant and RBC and the One for All and All for One project.

"This is an unprecedented thing when the largest media holdings unite in order to promote social and environmental responsibility. This is a very big responsibility for all of us. The aggregator as a model equalizes the information rights of big and small. In the "+1" sections, social entrepreneurs, volunteer organizations , urban communities, foundations and big business will have absolutely equal information opportunities. The only criterion for selecting participants is the availability of solutions - social and environmental," says general manager"One for all and all for one" Anastasia Popova.

The +1 project combines three special projects on the Kommersant, RBC and TASS websites into a single whole. Kommersant will host multimedia blogs of project participants - companies, organizations, universities and communities involved in the search for practical solutions within the framework of tasks sustainable development.

Editorial materials will also be published here - infographics, theoretical and analytical studies, expert opinions, expanding the topics raised by the participants and embedding them in the context of global challenges of our time: degradation environment, poverty and other socio-economic problems.

The section of the RBC website is devoted to practice: management techniques and physical technologies. Detailed cases will be published here - examples of the successful solution of specific social, environmental and economic problems, columns, interviews with bloggers and experts. The TASS website will host news from market participants and announcements of significant events.

The "+1" project expects to become a platform for dialogue big business, non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurs, charitable foundations representatives of government and society. By raising people's awareness, engaging all stakeholders in a conversation about the challenges and practices of sustainable development, talking about successful examples problem solving, we want to contribute to the future of the country, humanity and the planet as a whole.

"What needs to be done better is to communicate more often, talk about what is good, positive, bright done every day by millions of people. By the novelty of the mechanism, geography of coverage, ease of implementation, "+1" can be called Uber for social PR. And this another bright trend of our time, when seemingly simple solutions, supported and implemented by people, companies, communities, allow in a short time to solve those problems, the disappearance of which for a long time did not even dare to dream of, "says the expert on social entrepreneurship and project consultant "+1" Olga Ryabova.

The Association of Social Investment Market Participants and social communications ASC, which is created by the Public Relations Development Company (JSC KROS).

Material provided by the project "One for all and all for one".