Roskontrol of the Russian Federation is the best. What products are blacklisted? We check products at home

Since December 2013 NP Roskontrol has become hardly one of the main newsmakers of the consumer market. In 2015, the Russians learned from the experts of the non-profit partnership that most of the cheeses in the country are "imitation in palm oil", in 2016 - that most of the semi-smoked sausages are counterfeit, and in 2018 we were told that chicken thighs popular brand names are dangerous and contain antibiotics. Blacklisted manufacturers regularly sue Roskontrol (with varying degrees of success), but arbitration proceedings are nothing new for the leaders and owners of the partnership - billions of rubles have been “dissolved” in their previous projects.

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Entering the arena

The first serious public appearance of Roskontrol (according to SPARK-Interfax, the partnership and the associated JSC Agency RK-Media were registered in 2012) was dated December 25, 2013. On Catholic Christmas, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published the material "Loves the people with caviar a sandwich." In it, the journalists talked about the research of Roskontrol: experts tested six brands of red caviar and found an excess in microbes in four samples, and found signs of spoilage in two. Only the caviar "Northern Company" did not cause any complaints. Komsomolskaya Pravda recounted the Roskontrol study to its readers in detail, releasing material on the caviar topic that was in demand on New Year's Eve, and the little-known non-profit partnership received the first promotion.

On its website, Roskontrol published data on the research of caviar only a month later - on February 2, 2014. In the first half of 2014, the partnership continued to actively cooperate with Komsomolskaya Pravda: the newspaper published materials about the study of sausages, salted red fish and drinking water.

During this period, the Roskontrol brand began to become more and more recognizable in the journalistic environment, but the publication of the results of the examination of dairy products in September 2015 became the “star” material for the partnership: “36 of 46 trade marks cheese and butter - counterfeit. " Experts from Roskontrol confirmed the talk at that time that the import substitution of cheeses in our country was carried out with the help of palm oil.

After that, literally everyone learned about Roskontrol. Each new partnership study became a serious news item.

Business partnership

The managers and owners of Roskontrol can be divided into three conditional groups: "experts", "builders" and "bankers".

To understand how they interact with each other, you need to understand how Roskontrol works.

The role of the poster, which is brought to the fore when communicating with journalists and ordinary consumers, is played by the very non-profit partnership Regional Organization of the Control System (abbreviated as NP Roskontrol). The phrase about funding sources posted on the organization's website refers to it: Roskontrol operates through contributions and donations from organizations and citizens, among whom there are no interested parties - neither manufacturers nor retailers. "

The financial performance of the poster is modest. Revenue for 2015 - 2.7 million rubles. Administrative expenses - 7.4 million. As a result, the loss is 4.7 million. Thereafter, the organization did not publish the reports.

NP Roskontrol has two founders - belonging to the group"Bankers" JSC "Agency" RK-Media "and JSC" Rostest "group of" experts ".

The rights to trademark Roskontrol (a red-and-white bear with raised forepaws) is owned by Agency RK-Media JSC. The domain of a non-commercial partnership is also registered to it. This company, together with NP "Roskontrol", acts as a defendant in claims, which state manufacturers who are dissatisfied with the results of examinations.

Until 2016, Agency RK-Media JSC was called Roskontrol CJSC, but the tax authorities filed a lawsuit demanding to change the name and remove a part of Ros from it - allegedly it creates a deceptive impression that the company is acting on behalf of the state. The court took the side of the IFTS, and the company had to be renamed.

JSC "Agency" RK-Media "also does not show a large turnover Money... In 2015, the company earned 2.8 million rubles and spent 1.5 million.


According to SPARK-Interfax, the 56-year-old native of Primorsky Krai Anatoly Kolesnikov owns JSC Agency RK-Media, directly and through Strong Group LLC.

Anatoly Kolesnikov is a man who has been in the shadows for almost his entire career. Before Roskontrol, he was spotted only in two interesting companies, and then only briefly: at the beginning of the 2000s, he headed the International Center OJSC, which was building the President Plaza complex in Moscow City, and in 2003 entered audit commission bank "Euromet".

The owner of this collapsed bank is Dmitry Skopinov. Rather, 100% of Euromet belongs to Business Center Kronos-21 Vek LLC, and in this company Dmitry Skopinov has 99.92% of the capital, and Anatoly Kolesnikov has the rights to the remaining 0.08%.

In October 2015, the Arbitration Court declared Bank Euromet bankrupt. At the time the license was revoked (this happened two months earlier), the bank's assets, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, did not exceed 1.3 billion rubles, while the debt was equal to 6.7 billion rubles.

As a result of an audit organized by the Deposit Insurance Agency, it turned out that “for two years prior to the revocation of the license, the persons controlling Euromet were performing actions to replace liquid assets bank for bad loans of technical legal entities". That is, on the eve of bankruptcy, the owners of the bank actually siphoned money out of it. In the spring of 2018, the DIA sued eight citizens who could be involved in the withdrawal of funds - Dmitry Skopinov is among them, Anatoly Kolesnikov is not.

The chairman of the board of Euromet, Igor Shutov, was found guilty in 2016 by the court under Article 172.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Falsification of financial accounting and reporting documents financial institution". For the fact that he hid the withdrawal operations from the Central Bank, Shutov was fined 500 thousand rubles.


The group of "builders" has no direct relation to the ownership of Roskontrol. They control it.

This group includes members of the Gitlin family. First of all, this is Vadim Gitlin, director of NP Roskontrol and JSC Agency RK-Media. He is the only public face of the "builders" and occasionally appears in the media as a speaker of Roskontrol.

Person number two is Vadim's father, Boris Moiseevich Gitlin. He owns OOO Goldenberg, once the main asset of the family. The third number - Igor Borisovich Gitlin - manages the shares of ZAO Goldenberg.

The history of the construction blitzkrieg of the Gitlin family is somewhat reminiscent of the one that happened to the Euromet bank.

In 2011 Goldenberg LLC (almost all last years the company reported losses and did not show a large turnover) unexpectedly won the tender for the reconstruction of the bridge in the Nagatinskaya Poyma, which was held by the Moscow Housing and Utilities Department. In the struggle for a contract worth more than two billion rubles, Boris Gitlin's company left six competitors behind.

In 2014 Goldenberg LLC received another capital contract - this time from the Construction Department. Boris Gitlin's company was supposed to build the "House of Moscow" in Vilnius for 677 million rubles. The bank guarantee for this contract was issued by Dmitry Skopinov's Euromet.

The contract for the construction site in Vilnius was concluded against the backdrop of gigantic claims against Goldenberg LLC under a previous order - practically no work was carried out to put in order the Nagatinsky Bridge. In October 2014, the mayor's office through the court was able to terminate the contract and invite a new contractor.

"House of Moscow" also remained only on paper, however, already through the fault of the Lithuanian authorities, which, against the backdrop of cooling relations, did not allow construction to begin.

Also, according to media reports, Goldenberg LLC was one of the contractors of Atomstroyexport in the project for the construction of the Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh. There is no information about this transaction in the SPARK-Interfax system, but indirect evidence of this information is that the only branch of Goldenberg LLC operated in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. In the documents of the Arbitration Court Nizhny Novgorod region mention is made of agreement No. 7764/141499 dated February 6, 2015 between Goldenberg LLC and Atomstroyexport, under which 546 million rubles were transferred.

In April 2018, Goldenberg LLC was declared bankrupt.

The amount of claims declared at the moment exceeds one billion rubles. Among those who expressed their demands were the tax authorities, the Moscow government, subcontractors, Boris Gitlin's Business Class LLC. But the largest lenders are two offshore companies: Golden Barley Capital Limited and Orsford Limited.


The group of "experts", which logically should be the main one in Roskontrol, is not involved in the leadership of the partnership.

They are presented exclusively within Rostest JSC. It is a private company that operates under the wing of the state-owned Federal Budgetary Institution Rostest-Moscow, which is engaged in certification and laboratory testing.

AO Rostest's turnover is about 300-400 million rubles every year. In 2016, the company's revenue amounted to 393 million rubles, but the costs were higher, and by the end of 12 months, JSC "Rostest" recorded a loss of 151 million. However, all previous years the company has remained in positive territory.

100% of shares of JSC "Rostest" are owned by LLC NPF "Testekspertiza". It, in turn, is 98% owned by Olga Pavkina, and 2% by Gennady Barsegov. The latter is the chairman of the board of Shinto Bank.

Last year, a resident of St. Petersburg told the editorial office of one of the newspapers that he bought cottage cheese near his home and decided, for the sake of interest, to check whether it burns when heated. Imagine his surprise when he saw: in the process of burning, the curd turned into a black liquid with a characteristic smell of chemistry.

An investigation has confirmed that the product he bought does not contain cottage cheese, although it is included in the composition. The curd was based on hazardous fat substitutes such as palm oil. The most interesting thing is that “curd” was written on the packaging of the product, while in the documents it was listed as “curd product”.

Recent laboratory tests of 5 types of butter, carried out by the Russian Institute of Consumer Nutrition, revealed that one of them also did not correspond to the specified composition. The test results suggested the presence of non-dairy fats in the oil.

Despite the proliferation of warnings about how important it is to read the information on the product packaging, unfortunately, today you cannot be sure that the specified composition will be close to the real one.

In addition, according to the legislation, the manufacturer is obliged to report the composition of the product only if it is made in accordance with GOST. In the event that the product is manufactured according to TU, the manufacturer is not obliged to write the composition. To save even more, industrialists have come up with concepts such as "curd or cheese product." In this case, such products do not obey any technical specifications at all. In other words, such a product may not contain milk. But do not despair, since you can check the quality and composition of some products on your own at the store counter or at home.

How to check the quality of products in the store?

When choosing food products, you must carefully read the information on the packaging: product name, weight, calorie content, composition, shelf life and storage conditions, manufacturer's address, bar code.


Determine the quality of the cheese on appearance almost impossible. However, experts believe that in the current market conditions a kilogram of cheese cannot cost less than 600-700 rubles. Since the cost of one liter of milk is about 30 rubles, and for 1 kg of cheese at least 10 liters of milk is used, the cost of cheese is 300 rubles. Also, to this cost, you need to add sourdough, enzymes, the work itself and the seller's margin.

In the store, you should also pay attention to the cheese crust. It should not have cracks or deposits. Bacteria can enter the cheese through the cracks and spoil the product.

That. in the store, we can analyze the quality of the cheese according to the information indicated on the package (try to choose GOST cheeses), as well as the price. Some information can be given by color: unnaturally yellow (poisonous) colors of the cheese indicate the addition of chemical dyes to the product.

Beef, pork

  1. When choosing meat, you need to pay attention to its color and consistency. Fresh and good quality meat should be light pink to red in color.
  2. If the meat is dense and elastic, and when you press on the meat with your finger, a dent is formed, which quickly levels out, then the meat is fresh.
  3. Meat, which began to spoil, is treated with potassium permanganate. This can be recognized by the fat, which turns pink.
  4. Also used for spoiled meat Chemical substance- fuchsin. To recognize fuchsin, take a napkin from the market and attach it to the meat. You will see a hot pink print on the napkin.
  5. Unscrupulous sellers increase the weight of meat at the expense of water. It is very easy to check the water content in the market or in the store. It is enough to press the middle of the piece with your finger. In the resulting hole, water will appear.
  6. Meat can also be unevenly swollen due to the fact that it is treated with moisture-retaining and weight-increasing polyphosphates.


For rapid growth, the chicken is often fed with hormones and growth regulators, this is no longer a secret to anyone. It is great if the buyer, when choosing a chicken, determines how proportional the product is: a high-quality chicken without hormone supplementation will have long legs and a well-proportioned rounded breast. However, most likely, such a definition will cause difficulty.

Another point related to chicken: when chicken meat begins to deteriorate, in some (especially small) stores and markets they can mask its staleness by processing in a solution washing powder, dish detergents or antiseptics (bleach, formalin). Sometimes, even through the packaging, you can smell a disturbing smell. Therefore, in order to test the product before buying, it will not be superfluous to smell it.

A fish

As a rule, the scales of high-quality fresh fish are covered with transparent mucus, and the abdomen should not be swollen. If the fish is fresh, then the eyes should be bright, and the frozen ones should be a little pale. A finger dent on fresh fish, as well as on meat, should level out quickly.

Recognizing the larvae of worms in fish can be very difficult due to the fact that the diameter of some species is thinner than a human hair. But there are some outward signs indicating the presence of helminths.

  1. The presence of blackheads on the skin is post-diplostomosis. These are black marks that the worms have struck the deep layers of the skin of the fish.

  1. The visible larvae of nematodes that have invaded fish fillets, such as tadpoles, are most often found in pollock.

When buying eggs, it is important to pay attention to the date of packaging and shelf life. Eggs are usually stored for 3-4 weeks. But this period is again determined by the thickness of the shell.

Checking an egg in a store is easy enough. Almost all chain supermarkets are now equipped with a special device - an ovoscope, which is located near the cash register. When checking with an ovoscope, the egg should be free of irregularities, dots and clots.

The shell membrane is damaged, the shelf life with such a defect is 24 hours.

There is one or more small, fixed spots under the shell.

Also, the freshness of eggs can be judged by their weight. When stored, it generates a lot of air. Due to this, the egg becomes lighter, while a fresh egg is heavier. Therefore, if you are not sure about the expiration date of the eggs, you can take two eggs from different boxes and compare their weight on a store scale.

Rotten eggs don't show through at all.

Dried fruits

When choosing dried fruits in the market or in a store, pay attention to their too bright unnatural shine. It may indicate that the dried fruit is moldy. Vendors often brush off mold. vegetable oil... The smell of machine oil from dried fruits also indicates poor production and storage quality. The markets may offer to try dried fruits from the counter. It is better to refrain from this: hepatitis A or infection with worms, for example, will not benefit anyone.

We check products at home


At home, you can check eggs in a simple way.

Pour in a liter of water to the top and pour a spoonful of salt into it. Dip the egg into the water. A fresh egg should sink to the bottom on its side. Stale will hang near the bottom or float in the water.

An egg that floats to the surface of the water is considered completely spoiled. This is due to the evaporation of carbon dioxide from the egg during storage. And oxygen accumulates, due to which the egg deteriorates.

If you are going to add an egg to baked goods, it is best to break it into a separate plate first. If the yolk looks like a ball, and the protein gathers around it, then the egg is fresh. If the yolk spreads on the plate, and the protein is similar in consistency to water, then such an egg is spoiled.


Before milk reaches store shelves, it goes through a long process of processing in production. Initially, the milk is filtered and then separated in special separators, where the cream is separated from it. After separation, the milk is considered skimmed. The last stage is pasteurization at a certain temperature. The shelf life of the milk also varies depending on this temperature. For example, UHT milk is heated to 150 ° C, after which it can be stored for up to six months. In order to create a certain fat content in milk, non-dairy fats are added to it. They are cheaper than milk in cost, and will certainly affect the quality of the product. Determining the content of such fat in milk is very difficult. Today, there is not even a hosted method for determining a specific non-dairy fat in the laboratory.

Pay attention to the composition of the milk, as well as its price. If you see suspiciously cheap milk, the cost of which is significantly different from the cost of other packages, this is a sure sign that milk contains dangerous fats.

For the preservation of milk, various stabilizers, soda and antibiotics are added to it.

To find out if milk contains chemistry, do a simple experiment at home. Pour 150 ml of milk into a glass and put a teaspoon of sour cream in it, leave in a warm place. Natural milk without antibiotics and fats will acidify or even turn into yogurt in 4 hours.

To determine the soda in milk, drop a drop of vinegar into it - a violent reaction will certainly go.

Also, manufacturers add starch to milk to make it thicker. You can check the starch content by the blue color of the milk after a drop of iodine.

Cottage cheese

Most often added to cottage cheese . It is very easy to check for its presence - leave the cottage cheese at room temperature for 12 hours. If the cottage cheese begins to sour, then it is natural. If it turns yellow, windy and does not change the smell, it means that it consists of non-dairy fats.

To increase weight, starch or chalk is also added to the curd. Starch can be determined by dripping a drop of iodine into the curd. On natural ones, you will see a drop of iodine that has not changed in color. In this case, low-quality cottage cheese will change its color to green or blue.

Sour cream

Starch is added to sour cream to increase weight, as well as stabilizers and thickeners.

Natural sour cream dissolves in hot or warm water. If, after dissolving in water, you see a precipitate, then sour cream contains additives.

The presence of starch can also be determined by dropping iodine into sour cream.


Natural butter at room temperature begins to float and melt. If you leave the palm fat butter for two hours, it will not change its shape.

When cutting with a knife after freezing, the natural butter breaks into pieces. When heated in a frying pan, the natural oil will foam, and then turn black, the fake will be a homogeneous plastic mass.


The good quality of chocolate can be judged by the white bloom that arises from the temperature drop. You can create such a difference if you hold the chocolate in the refrigerator, and then take it out and hold it over hot water or a stove.


Starch is added to honey (check with iodine), chalk and sugar syrup.

The presence of syrup can be checked by spreading honey on paper and setting it on fire. Natural honey will melt and the sugar syrup will burn and char.

You can also put a slice of bread in the honey. In high-quality honey, the bread will harden, and in sugar syrup it will soften.

If chalk has been added to the honey, a white precipitate will form when the vinegar is added to the aqueous solution of honey.


To increase the weight, chalk and starch are added to the flour. When vinegar is added to such a low-quality flour, intense foaming will begin, and a drop of iodine will give a blue color. If you find such flour, remember its manufacturer and do not buy it again.

It is also important to note that there are public organizations in our country, as well as state structures that control the quality of products. If you bought low-quality products or if you doubt its quality, you can contact the appropriate services. In our country, these are Rospotrebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor. There are also public organizations "Roskachestvo" and "Roskontrol", on the website of which or in mobile application you can see the products that have already passed the tests.

Now it is very difficult to navigate among large assortment goods different kind: products, cosmetics, household chemicals and technology. Something on the market is even dangerous for the consumer. The real properties of the product are hidden behind loud advertising phrases and a beautiful wrapper. How not to be deceived and do right choice? The site helps a little with this. Roskontrol.

I found this site when I was interested in the quality of baby powders. For a long time we have been using the "Eared Nanny" powder, which can be seen on the windows of, probably, any supermarket. But then I read the composition more attentively and began to look for information about it. He and other domestic powders were blacklisted after being checked by Roskontrol.

Roskontrol is the first large-scale non-state project in the field of quality control and safety of goods and services. Roskontrol unites the leading research laboratories and scientific institutes of Russia, societies and associations for the protection of consumer rights.

You can understand a little about the compositions, carefully read all the information from the manufacturer, but this will not save you from low-quality goods. The average buyer has no way to check how far from the truth or the promises on the label correspond to it. And the organization "Roskontrol" possesses methods of testing products and a number of laboratories for research.

Test sites include:

Sounds serious.

Site structure

Subsection Roskontrol introduces the organization itself and its goals and this site.

In chapter Catalog you can find information about already tested products, some of which are blacklisted, others confirm their qualities, and the organization recommends them for purchase.

Products that have successfully passed the examination are given ratings of safety, usefulness, naturalness, quality and other properties important for a particular product. For blacklisted products, a reason is given. By clicking on a product, you can see more detailed information about the test results.

In chapter Community articles from experts, manufacturers of goods and services are published.

Chapter Consumer protection offers support and consumer information.

Here you can also find interesting articles, suggesting how to act in a given situation, or describing illustrative cases from life.

My favorite section is magazine buyer. There are many informative articles, comparative product reviews, news.

Information often changes point of view on products and is disappointing. It turns out that the filters do not meet the declared characteristics, the powders are unsafe, the sausages in best case useless pampering, etc.

It is this document that confirms that the goods, before going into circulation, passed laboratory tests, during which they were found to be in compliance with all applicable technical regulations... With a probability of more than 99%, the seller has such a document, because its absence threatens the retail outlet with significant fines.

However, in practice, this paper does not guarantee much. Issuance of documents confirming that goods have passed quality tests in streaming mode are handled by commercial organizations who have received the appropriate certificate from the state represented by Rosaccreditation. In 2016, 6,400 laboratories and a little less than a thousand "certification bodies" - companies that directly issue permits based on research results, were engaged in the issuance of documents on the compliance of goods with technical regulations in Russia. To enter this market, a company needs to pay from 200 thousand rubles. (for a certification body) up to 500 thousand rubles. (for the laboratory).

Biochemical examination of watermelon (Photo: Alexandra Mudrats / TASS)

About 1 million declarations of conformity and about 150 thousand certificates are issued annually (the latter are issued for technically complex products - machines, building materials, etc.). Declarations can be drawn up in a couple of days, representatives of one of the food manufacturers told RBC. The manufacturer can himself agree on the testing of products in a certified laboratory or delegate this to the company issuing the certificates. “But in fact, no one conducts any tests, - explains RBC Vladimir, the owner of the company - a manufacturer of snacks. - For the manufacturer, this is an extra waste of time and money, and the "certification body" is not responsible for the reliability of the test data: it is at the manufacturer and the laboratory. "

There is no exact data on the volume of the market for issuing compulsory certificates and declarations due to its high fragmentation and the absence of uniform tariffs. Experts interviewed by RBC estimated the delta of the total annual revenues of companies working in this area from 50 billion to 100 billion rubles.

The order in the market for the issuance of certificates and declarations should be monitored by the Federal Accreditation Agency - established in 2011 federal Service, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development. But officials fail to overcome the chaos, and sometimes they themselves are part of it.

“Officially, we conduct more than 500 tests of electrical equipment per day, including weekends,” an employee of one of the laboratories in the Moscow region told RBC on condition of anonymity. - It is clear that this is impossible even theoretically. Nevertheless, on the basis of our test reports, the most real certificates are issued - at a "negotiated" price. "

In 2016, the Federal Accreditation Agency conducted more than 1.3 thousand inspections of accredited companies. Some of them, the inspectors simply could not find at the place of registration, despite the fact that in electronic system they continued to receive data on hundreds of issued permits... 415 such companies were stripped of their accreditation in 2016. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of people willing to engage in this type of "business", said the head of the Federal Accreditation Agency Alexei Khersonsev.

“Our position is that declarations, results of inspections and laboratory research Producers themselves, not intermediaries, must register in the Rosaccreditation system. Now this is simple money for such organizations: you accept documents, enter data into the register and at the same time you are not responsible for anything, ”Aleksey Khersonsev described the situation to RBC.

In a conversation with RBC, the head of Rosaccreditation admitted that the resources of his department for conducting inspections are limited, therefore, in this matter, it counts on the help of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with which an agreement on cooperation was reached at the end of 2016.

Test purchase

Nevertheless, the demand for information on the quality of goods remains, and public organizations instead of the state assume the responsibilities of controllers. Of course, they do this not only for reasons of fairness. All reports of the last two or three years regarding counterfeit cheeses, wine, down jackets, etc. - their handiwork.

Caring for consumer protection can be overhead. For example, in order to establish that pollock was being sold to buyers under the guise of frozen cod fillets, one of these testing organizations conducted a sequenced DNA analysis of store fish. How are these consumer rights advocates making money?

On the website of the non-profit partnership "Roskontrol" you can see the phrase "quality enforcement", which clearly indicates the rigid principles of its work. “The producers are afraid of us, because for them we are a monkey with a grenade! - laughs Vadim Gitlin, general director of Roskontrol. "We are not affiliated with anyone, we do not trade test results, in this sense it is impossible to come to an agreement with us."

Having organized Roskontrol in 2012, Gitlin planned to put pressure on manufacturers. “We were going to conduct investigations that proved the fictitiousness of these certificates, and to offer manufacturers to conclude contracts for the actual testing of goods with Roskontrol,” says Gitlin.

The organization managed to agree to conduct tests with most of the specialized research institutes (laboratories of eight such institutes are mentioned on the organization's website), which were engaged in product research back in Soviet time... However, this scheme turned out to be inoperative: potential clients did not want to pay for checks. “And then we decided to put pressure on producers through consumers,” says the head of Roskontrol.

The Roskontrol website and mobile application contains an open catalog of products that have been tested on the initiative of the organization itself, with an assessment of the test results on a 100-point scale. There is also a black list of products that failed the tests (now there are about 300 product names). Roskontrol does not charge any fees for accessing this information.

The commercial part of the Roskontrol project is known as the “independent quality control system”. It involves regular monitoring of the same product (from four to 12 times a year), which allows you to control the stability of quality over a long period of time. A company that subscribes to this program gets the right to place the Roskontrol sign, a stylized red bear, on its labels.

According to Gitlin, the average cost of a bear for a manufacturing company is about 200 thousand rubles. for one item per year. At the same time, most of the amount goes to laboratories, and Roskontrol's margin is about 12% of the contract amount. At the end of 2016, Roskontrol's clients included 60 companies with 200 types of products. As RBC calculated, the administrative costs of this non-profit partnership amount to 30 million rubles. per year, so for the project to reach the level of profitability, it is necessary to conclude commercial contracts for testing at least 1250 products.

Successors of the Quality Mark

Another model of work was chosen by ANO “ Russian system quality "(" Roskachestvo "). This organization was created in 2015 at the initiative of the government and is funded from the budget. “The main task of the same Rospotrebnadzor or Rosselkhoznadzor is to monitor the safety of products. And the issues of quality ceased to be binding upon the entry into force of the law "On technical regulation", so the state decided that a market mechanism is needed to work precisely on the quality of products. ANO "Russian Quality System" is the very market mechanism "- this is how the need to create an ANO was explained in the press service of the organization.

The head of the ANO Maxim Protasov explained to RBC the mechanism of checks of Roskachestvo: experts anonymously go to stores and “based on data on consumer interest” purchase samples of goods. In an impersonal form, they are sent to laboratories. After receiving the protocols, data on the research results are published on the organization's website and sent to the media. The best samples products are awarded the Quality Mark.

The availability of state funding (in 2016 - 180 million rubles, in 2017 - 250 million rubles) allows Roskachestvo not to take money from manufacturers for product research or for the right to put the Roskachestvo mark on the label. One test costs the budget 25-30 thousand rubles.

At the same time, Roskachestvo, together with associations of manufacturers and retailers, has developed its own standards for goods with the Quality Mark - “twice as stringent as Soviet GOSTs”. “If we say and believe that the Quality Mark is the highest rate of product evaluation, then our standards should not only be of high quality, but super quality,” the press service of Roskachestvo explained to RBC. For example, for applicants for the Quality Mark in the category of red caviar, Roskachestvo introduced an indicator for the content of so-called jus - caviar juice and regulated it at a level of no more than 5%. Also, "Roskachestvo" does not allow artificial carbonation for sparkling wine with the Quality Mark - by analogy with international standards.

Manufacturers interviewed by RBC are generally critical of the activities of public inspectors. “They deliberately go too far,” says the director of a company that was blacklisted by Roskontrol and asked not to mention the name of the company in the publication. - They reveal a slight deviation from some norm prescribed in the technical regulation, and there are dozens of such standards for any product, and then they declare to the whole country that this is a fake. And the consumer is too lazy to study the research results, he sees a loud headline and remembers: these are not necessary to take ”.

A representative of a champagne company whose products failed the Roskachestvo test before the New Year, during the peak sales of sparkling wines, told RBC: “All our wine complies with the current technical regulations and standards, and this was recognized by Roskachestvo's inspection. At the same time, they revealed an insignificant drawback - the actual content of ethyl alcohol in the wine was 1% different from the information stated on the label. It happens with wine, it's not a violation. Nevertheless, the information in the media was presented as if our entire line was fake. We wanted to file a lawsuit, but they made it clear to us that if we download the rights, we will be tortured with checks. " According to the winemaker, Roskachestvo is deliberately stirring up hysteria around the abundance of low-quality goods on the shelves of Russian stores, thereby knocking out an increase in state funding for itself.

Over the two years of its work, Roskachestvo has checked more than 1.5 thousand goods, of which almost 40% of the goods were recognized by the organization in varying degrees as not meeting the ANO's own standards. Defense claims business reputation, filed to "Roskachestvo", until recently did not come to the trial on the merits. The arbitration courts noted that the manufacturers' claims are outside the scope of their competence, since Roskachestvo does not conduct business.

So it was in the situation with the statement of JSC "Start" - the manufacturer school uniform("Roskachestvo" revealed an underestimated wool content in the products of "Start" in comparison with the declared one). However, the Court of Appeal on April 5 this year returned the claim of "Start" to arbitration for a new examination. “In our opinion, the inappropriate conclusions of Roskachestvo regarding the products of Start hit the commercial interests of the company as well. And in the appellate instance we were able to prove that it was the Moscow Arbitration Court that should consider our claim against Roskachestvo. Now the date of the meeting should be set, ”the legal department of JSC“ Start ”told RBC.

Consumers understand everything

Rospotrebnadzor, the state oversight body that is obliged to monitor the safety of products already in circulation, is also not enthusiastic about public assistants. According to the head of the department Anna Popova, the share of food products on store shelves that do not meet the requirements of both safety regulations and the data stated on the label does not exceed 7%. This is several times less than the indicators identified by social activists. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor itself has significantly reduced the number of scheduled inspections- from 1 million in 2008 to 285 thousand in 2015.

“Under the slogan“ stop nightmare business ”lobbyists from retail we managed to drastically complicate supervisory verification activities, ”said Dmitry Yanin, head of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, in a conversation with RBC. And this trend, obviously, will continue in the future, also because the reduction in costs federal budget on medicine also affects the article "sanitary and epidemiological well-being".

One of the reasons why Rospotrebnadzor ignores the results of their tests, public figures consider a certain "jealousy" of the state structure. “It’s clear, because we work in their field, they don’t like it,” says Vadim Gitlin. “All the more so when budget money is taken away from them.”

"Roskachestvo" claims that it has already checked more than 1.5 thousand goods, of which almost 40% were found not to meet the requirements, - said the chairman of the Union of Consumers of Russia Pyotr Shchelishch to RBC. - I asked the management of Roskachestvo a question: have these goods been removed from sale? It turned out not. Then what is the point of this work? If the requirements for the quality of goods are overestimated, then they must be reduced. Or such products cannot be sold. "

The representative of Rospotrebnadzor told RBC that it would be quite sufficient measure in the fight for quality to toughen the punishment for falsification food products, in particular, an increase in the fine for the production of goods that do not comply with the regulations.

According to Vadim Novikov, a senior researcher at the RANEPA economist, state officials are well aware that control over the quality of goods in Russia is a complete fiction, but they turn a blind eye to the situation. And this is a political decision.

With the introduction of the food embargo by Russia, it became clear that, being left without competitors from outside, domestic producers could not simultaneously increase both the quantity of goods and their quality. The share of imported ingredients in their products still remains high, and due to the high dollar exchange rate, the products are becoming more expensive. Experts explain the decline in the quality of goods by the desire of the manufacturer to prevent price increases. “Food manufacturers have clearly begun to use cheaper and lower quality ingredients,” notes Tatyana Krikun, head of the food products committee of the Union of Consumer Market Participants.

“The only way to compensate for the rise in prices for natural raw materials is by deliberately replacing them with cheaper analogs,” the chairman agrees. public organization consumers " Public control"Vsevolod Vishnevetsky. “As a result, vegetable fat appears in all sorts of products instead of milk fat, and in sausages we increasingly find fermented rice, which is used as a color fixer. This means that there is even less meat in the sausage and the dyes that were used before are no longer able to cope with their task. "

“Both Rospotrebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor understand that the quality of many goods does not meet the standards, but they will not actively fight this,” Vadim Novikov from RANEPA is sure. “Because they understand that if everything is produced strictly in accordance with GOSTs, then the price of the goods will rise, and this can already cause social tension in society.”

The expert notes that at the same time, consumers should not be viewed as victims of deception. “People understand or at least guess that they are buying low-quality goods. But they cannot afford to buy better quality products, because it is expensive for them, because it is clear that the higher the quality of the product, the more expensive it is, ”says Novikov. Until the income of the population grows, it will hardly be possible to overcome counterfeiting, the expert concludes.

Parking lab

In 2015, Ivan Lebedev, the head of the department for monitoring the activities of accredited persons of the Federal Accreditation Agency, inspected the activities of the Remservice LLC laboratory, which, according to the documents, had the right to test all types of products - food, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, clothing, footwear and children's toys. The inspection did not reveal any violations, even though at the address of the laboratory there was an office space with an area of ​​40 sq. m in a multi-level parking building.

After the law enforcement agencies did not find any statutory traces of the laboratory's activities, the Federal Accreditation Agency conducted an official check against Lebedev. In the course of it, “facts were established that had signs of criminally punishable acts, in connection with which the relevant materials were sent to law enforcement agencies for consideration and decision-making in accordance with the norms of criminal and criminal procedural legislation”. This is stated in the response of the Federal Accreditation Agency to the appeal of the Association "Union of Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies", which also repeatedly pointed to the official's illegal actions.

Lebedev was dismissed from Rosakkreditatsiya, but the matter did not come to criminal prosecution. Moreover, new job in the civil service, he quickly found, becoming the director of the department public service, personnel and anti-corruption of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.