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Brewer's yeast (Faex medicinalis)


The drug Brewer's yeast has a therapeutic effect due to vitamin B complex, amino acids and minerals that are included in it.
The active substance of the drug is involved in the regulation of redox processes, protein, lipid and carbon metabolism, and also activates a number of enzymes.
The drug improves the functioning of the immune system, promotes tissue repair processes (including epithelial cells), strengthens the body's resistance.
The drug also regulates the functioning of the endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.
The vitamins that make up Brewer's Yeast are components of enzymatic systems that regulate the exchange of biological macromolecules (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
Individually, each of the B vitamins takes part in many biologically active reactions, and their balanced amount in the body is necessary for the normal activity of metabolic reactions.

The drug Brewer's yeast contains 4 B vitamins, which are necessary for normal operation nervous system, neuronal metabolism, as well as in deficient states of B vitamins.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) in the human body, being phosphorylated, it turns into cocarboxylase (a coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions).
Thiamine is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the synapses of neurons, the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as in all key metabolic reactions in blood and muscle cells, the nervous system, and the heart.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) regulates redox processes in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, maintains normal vision, skin regeneration.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) in the phosphorylated form, it is a coenzyme in the metabolic processes of amino acids (transamination, decarboxylation, etc.), necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Participates in the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters: histamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) necessary for the maturation of red blood cells and normal hematopoiesis. Cyanocobalamin, in a coenzyme form (methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin), is necessary for the processes of replication, cell growth. Vitamin B12 is involved in a number of biochemical reactions - in the transport of methyl groups, in translation processes, in the synthesis of nucleic acids, in the metabolism of amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Cyanocobalamin affects the functioning of the nervous system (synthesis of RNA, DNA, myelin and the lipid composition of cerebrosides and phospholipids).
The components of the drug are water soluble vitamins and therefore do not accumulate in the body.
Suction and distribution.
Vitamins B1 and B6 are absorbed in the upper intestinal tract.
Absorption of vitamin B12 depends on the presence of intrinsic factor in the stomach and upper intestinal tract. The transport protein transcobalamin II is responsible for the further transport of cyanocobalamin into tissues.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 are metabolized in the liver. Riboflavin is transformed into a flavin mononucleotide (coenzyme) - and then into another form - the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide.
Approximately 60% of metabolites are bound to plasma proteins.
Excretion from the body.
Vitamin B6 is excreted from the body with urine. Unchanged Pyridoxine and thiamine are excreted by the kidneys (8-10%).
With an overdose of the drug, the excretion of vitamins B1 and B6 through the intestine increases. Vitamin B12 is excreted in bile and re-passed through the liver.
An insignificant part of the accepted dose of cyanocobalamin (6-30%) is excreted from the body with urine during the first eight hours.
Zinccobalamin passes the placental barrier, and also enters breast milk during lactation.

Indications for

Brewer's yeast is prescribed for adults and children for the prevention of:
- Violation of vitamin, mineral and protein-carbohydrate metabolism;
- increased neuropsychic and physical stress;
- alcoholism;
- disease of the mucous membrane and skin of the corners of the mouth caused by streptococci (angular stomatitis);
- hypovitaminosis group B;
- dysbacteriosis;
- prolonged exposure to hazardous chemical substances and radiation, as well as being in adverse climatic conditions;
- inadequate or unbalanced nutrition, especially during the recovery period after infectious or somatic diseases.

Brewer's yeast tablets are often used for prevention the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system with smoking, arterial hypertension and dyslipoproteinemia.
In dermatology the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of:
- dermatosis;
- itching;
- furunculosis;
- psoriasis, eczema.
Often used Brewer's yeast for acne (acne), especially in adolescence, inside and in the form of masks.
If necessary, appoint Brewer's yeast for weight gain.
The drug improves metabolic processes, resulting in improved appetite.
However, the use of the drug should be combined with regular training to increase muscle mass.
For weight gain, it is advisable to use Brewer's yeast after consulting a nutritionist who will select proper diet and diet.

Mode of application:

Brewer's yeast tablets are taken orally after meals.
For prevention usually appoint a course of 30 days:
- adults - 1 g 2-3 times a day;
- children from 7 to 12 years old - 0.5 g 2 times a day;
- children from 3 to 7 years old - 0.25 g 2 times a day.
Children under 3 years old Brewer's yeast tablets are not prescribed.

If necessary (especially in unfavorable climatic zones), the course is repeated after consulting a doctor after 1-3 months.
In the treatment, a dose increased by 1.5-2 times is usually used.
Specifically calculate the dose with great neuropsychic or physical stress, at the rate of 0.3-0.5 g per 1 kg per day.
Brewer's yeast for hair and nails is also often used.
For brittle, dry and slow growing hair cosmetologists prescribe a drug with sulfur and zinc. For hair Brewer's yeast can also be applied externally in the form of masks.
To do this, 1-2 tablets are crushed and diluted with water to the appropriate consistency. Other components can be added to the masks - honey, fruit or vegetable juice.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- Leber's disease (hereditary atrophy of the optic nerve);
- candidiasis dysbacteriosis;
- do not take in patients who are taking the anti-Parkinsonian drug levodopa.
If signs of hypersensitivity appear, the drug should be discontinued.

other medicinal
by other means:

Since Brewer's Yeast is a multicomponent drug, as a result of its use with other medicines, the activity of both the drug itself and those medicines that are used simultaneously may change.
Use of oral contraceptives, alcohol, and diuretics reduces the level of vitamin B1(thiamine).
Magnesium is necessary for the activation of vitamin B1, its transition of thiamine into an active state. Simultaneous use of Brewer's yeast with magnesium-containing preparations is advisable.

Brewer's yeast should not be used in patients taking levodopa, since vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) inhibits the effect of this drug.
Also pyridoxine may interfere with absorption and reduce blood levels of anticonvulsants(phenobarbital and phenytoin).
Pyridoxine chloride can increase the level of intracellular trace elements Mg and Zn.
The dose of brewer's yeast should be increased when used concomitantly with oral contraceptives, penicillin, isoniazid, cycloserine and theophylline.


Patients during pregnancy and lactation should use complex preparations of vitamins and microelements only after consultation with your doctor.

Release form:

Brewer's yeast tablets round brown with the smell of yeast - 500 mg each; 60 pcs. in vials.

Storage conditions:

Store at room temperature in a dry place.
Keep away from children.

1 tablet of Brewer's Yeast contains:
- active substance: brewer's yeast - 500 mg;
- Excipients: silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

Brewer's yeast is used not only as an ingredient for making beer. They are also used as a food additive and as a valuable element in cosmetology. Today we will consider what are the benefits of such vitamins and how they can be used in personal care, as well as find out the potential harm and contraindications.

Brewer's yeast: application

Rich chemical composition brewer's yeast makes them popular both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and in cosmetology, for the preparation of masks. No need to be afraid to drink them, for fear of gaining weight. Such a "side effect", of course, takes place, but only in cases where there are initially problems with the thyroid gland. If all is well, then taking yeast will only benefit. A little lower we will give the best recipes with brewer's yeast and tell you how to drink them correctly.

Brewer's yeast: benefits

Brewer's yeast has invaluable benefits for our body. They contribute to the establishment of all processes in the body, including the normalization of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Their regular intake leads to the fact that digestion improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, and it has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Over time, accumulated toxins and toxins leave the body, which positively affects the state of all health.

Brewer's yeast is one of the main suppliers of B vitamins. They are especially useful for people suffering from, due to the high content of chromium in yeast, which activates the body to process glucose. Brewer's yeast will be good helpers in the fight against high physical activity. A positive effect of yeast on the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, was noted. They maintain the acid-base balance of fluid in the body.

The use of brewer's yeast helps to get rid of hated and acne, significantly improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands,. It is also worth noting the beneficial effect of this element on hair and nails. They help eliminate dandruff, improve the overall structure of the hair. In addition to internal intake, brewer's yeast can be used in masks. The latter are very effective and give quick result. Their only negative, for which many criticize yeast, is the pronounced strong smell that they leave behind on curls, and washing it is problematic.

Brewer's yeast with the addition of calcium strengthens teeth well, restores the health of nails and hair. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and increases muscle tone. With iodine - improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Indications for use

Brewer's yeast is useful for everyone who has no contraindications, but they will become especially valuable when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • recovery period after serious illnesses, exhaustion;
  • preventive measures to prevent deficiency of B vitamins;
  • anemia;
  • exposure to the body of radiation and harmful chemicals;
  • dryness and brittleness of hair and nails;
  • problematic skin, especially prone to oiliness;
  • neuralgia;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • failures in metabolic processes in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress and nervous tension;
  • psoriasis and eczema;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • furunculosis.

Brewer's yeast: harm

If there are no contraindications, then they will not cause any harm. Only with rare exceptions can appear. In this case, you should immediately interrupt the reception and contact a specialist to identify the allergen. It also happens that at the same time as taking the drug, a person uses New Product, to which a bad reaction of the body occurs, but they begin to sin precisely on yeast.

Follow the rules of admission and then everything will only benefit.

Brewer's yeast contraindications

Brewer's yeast has contraindications, in which the intake is unacceptable, or a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary. Let us clarify that we are talking about the internal reception, and not about the external one. So in general list includes:

  • children up to three years old;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • gout;
  • genetic disease of optic nerve atrophy;
  • old age, due to the presence of nucleic acids in yeast;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • diseases that characterize the development of fungi:; cryptococcosis; aspergillosis, etc.

It is worth being as careful as possible in taking brewer's yeast if a course of treatment with other medicines is carried out in parallel. Yeast can significantly reduce the effect active ingredients some drugs, which will reduce their effectiveness. This action does not apply to everyone, however, before self-appointment, it is still better to consult a specialist in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Some girls who carefully monitor their figure are afraid to drink yeast due to the fact that they supposedly inevitably put on weight. We hasten to reassure you, if initially you do not have problems with metabolism and the thyroid gland, then you will not notice any negative changes in weight. On the contrary, they have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract and increase the absorption of nutrients. Very often, yeast can be seen in diets that are aimed at normalizing weight.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain

For the prevention of diseases and treatment, brewer's yeast is taken once a day, but if the goal of weight gain, namely muscle mass, is pursued, then the intake is carried out according to a different principle. It is also worth mentioning the importance of consulting a specialist, as an overdose can lead to disastrous consequences.

However, it should be understood that yeast by itself may be ineffective, so they must be used correctly and in a balanced way. Switch to a diet that is rich in protein.

As a dietary supplement, brewer's yeast is taken one to two tablespoons daily. If translated into the number of tablets, then it will be 8-16 pieces. If brewer's yeast is purchased in liquid form, then various drinks can be prepared on their basis. For instance:

  1. Cut a piece of black rye bread into small pieces and dry them in the oven.
  2. Pour the finished crackers with water and let them brew for a couple of hours.
  3. Add about 40-50 g of brewer's yeast to the drink, mix well and strain the composition.
  4. Boil and let cool.
  5. Add about five grams more to the drink and leave overnight.

Reception is carried out before meals in half a glass. You can add honey to the drink or sweeten it with sugar.

With a high content of brewer's yeast in the diet, you need to revise your menu so that it contains enough calcium. If, coupled with the intake of dietary supplements, there is a high-quality physical activity and proper nutrition, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Brewer's yeast for acne

To begin with, if you decide to finally make your face and body perfect, get rid of hated acne forever, then this struggle should be complex. Do not think that if you leave everything to flow as before and simply include brewer's yeast in your diet, then the skin will clear itself. The supplement will act as an auxiliary tool that will help speed up the results, but will not replace everything else. Give up junk food and habits, switch to a healthy diet and start exercising. Love yourself and start taking care of yourself.

In addition to the internal administration of the drug, you can use auxiliary face masks that are prepared from yeast. And, as mentioned earlier, its action will extend not only to the treatment of acne and acne, but also to the prevention of signs of aging. As they say, one blow of several birds with one stone.

Here are some recipes for healing masks. If you can't find powdered brewer's yeast, then replace it with a tablet version. However, before adding to the mask, they must first be ground into powder, this will greatly facilitate the work process.

  • Dissolve one and a half tablespoons of dry brewer's yeast in warmed milk. The consistency should be like a thick porridge. Cleanse your face and apply the composition on the skin for twenty minutes. Remove the mask with warm water. Regularity of use - at least once a week. Constant use leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, improvement of the skin condition and smoothing of small wrinkles.
  • Dilute a large spoonful of yeast in 10 ml of clean warm water. Mix and add the yolk of one chicken egg and a couple of small spoonfuls of wheat germ oil. Beat everything vigorously to form a homogeneous mass. Apply to a cleansed face for a quarter of an hour.
  • Dilute a large spoonful of brewer's yeast in pre-brewed warm mint tea so that a dense slurry is obtained. To the resulting mass, add a large spoonful of your favorite nourishing cream, mix until smooth and apply to the skin for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. This is a universal mask that is suitable for absolutely any type of skin.
  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of dry yeast in water to get a thick slurry. Add the yolk, three tablespoons of heavy cream and a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on cleansed face. The exposure time is 15-25 minutes.
  • Mix a tablespoon of yeast in water until you get a porridge. Separately crush a tablespoon of grape seeds. Mix everything, spread over the skin of the face and start massaging, trying to adhere to the massage lines, for three minutes. After the procedure, rinse with warm water.

Brewer's yeast for nails

Regular use of brewer's yeast significantly improves the quality of nails. They stop peeling and breaking. In addition, their growth is noticeably enhanced. Therefore, if you can’t grow strong and healthy nails in any way, try drinking a course of yeast. A visible positive result will not keep you waiting and will be noticeable in a month and a half.

There is no need to invent complex schemes for taking dietary supplements, just drink it the way the manufacturer recommends. Just before that, make sure that you have no contraindications and allergies.

Brewer's yeast for hair

Regular, but at the same time normalized intake of brewer's yeast has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, including hair. They become "alive", healthy and silky. Dandruff passes, stops. As in the previous case, in order to obtain a positive effect, in addition to taking the drug orally, you can use it as an ingredient in masks. Here are a few recipes that will bring the effect closer.

  • This mask is ideal for hair that needs emergency restoration. Combine a tablespoon of red pepper tincture with 10 g of dry yeast (observing the indicated proportions, you can increase the amount of ingredients, depending on the length of the hair). Previously, the tincture should be diluted with water in equal proportions. Rub the resulting mass into the hair roots and leave for half an hour.
  • A very simple composition that will breathe life into the most tired hair. Pour 20 g of dry yeast with milk to form a liquid slurry. Put the composition for a quarter of an hour in a warm place so that it ferments. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the prepared mass, mix and apply to the hair roots and scalp. Wrap the curls with a film for 40 minutes.
  • Dilute about 10 g of yeast in half a glass of kefir. Let wander in a warm place for about forty minutes. Spread the mass over the scalp and curls. Leave to act under cling film for at least half an hour.
  • Dilute a tablespoon of yeast with two tablespoons of warm water and add a small spoonful of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and distribute over the head and hair. Leave under polyethylene for 40 minutes.
  • Squeeze out the juice of one onion. Combine it with a mass prepared from 10 grams of yeast and two tablespoons of warm water. Add a small spoonful of burdock and castor oils to the mask. Warm the composition in a water bath and apply to the hair and scalp. Leave the mask under cling film for 40 minutes.

The mentioned masks should be done once a week, the duration of the course is about 15 sessions, after which a three-month break is necessary. If the purpose of masks is treatment, not prevention, then the frequency of application is 2 times a week, and the number of procedures is 18-20.

Where to buy brewer's yeast

Now brewer's yeast is sold everywhere, from pharmacies to online stores. However, when purchasing any drugs, be it medicines or dietary supplements, it is better to give preference to pharmacies. This way you are less likely to run into a fake. Moreover, they are in every pharmacy and cost "penny". For a package of 100 tablets, you will have to pay from 70 to 180 rubles. The price varies depending on the manufacturer and auxiliary additives included in the composition.

How to drink brewer's yeast

The correct intake of brewer's yeast implies a division into courses. The drug itself lasts two months, after which a two-month break is made. Three courses are allowed during the year. Pleasant and persistent improvements are observed after a month and a half of regular drinking of brewer's yeast.

You can drink yeast from the age of twelve, one pill once a day, an hour after eating. But it is best to adhere to the recommendations that are indicated by the manufacturer on the package. This technique has preventive and curative properties. The dosage may be increased as directed by the physician. Children from three to seven years old are allowed a dosage of 0.25 g per day, from seven to twelve years old, 0.5 g each.

Brewer's yeast: reviews

The high development of the Internet has led to the fact that before accepting or testing something new, people are used to getting to know the opinions of others in order to understand how good this or that thing is. But if everything is clear with technology, then with food and similar drugs everything is much more complicated.

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Brewer's yeast is a common organic substrate belonging to a non-taxonomic group of unicellular fungi that have lost their basic mycelial structure. This product is used as one of the main ingredients in the preparation of beer, as well as feed, immunomodulatory and vitamin supplements.

Why take brewer's yeast and how does it affect the body? Can the substrate be used during pregnancy? What are the benefits and harms of brewer's yeast tablets? You will read about this and much more in our article.

How does yeast affect the body?

Brewer's yeast as an independent product was artificially created relatively recently - the founders of this product category was Emil Hansen. It was this botanist, chemist and microbiologist, working at the main research center of the Carlsberg company, who isolated the purest fungal cultures from the so-called “wild” yeasts previously used in brewing practice.

Brewer's yeast is different. The general classification divides them into top-fermenting and bottom-fermenting substrates - the former are used to create Weizen, ale and a number of other varieties, while the latter sit on the bottom of the sediment and form almost all modern unfiltered types of beer.

As modern biological studies show, brewer's yeast is 40 percent composed of amino acids and proteins. In addition, the composition of brewer's yeast includes vitamins B, P, folic acid, thiamine, biotin and many trace elements, in particular zinc, copper, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and so on. This led to the use of the substrate as a dietary supplement and alternative schemes for the recovery of the whole organism.

What are the benefits of brewer's yeast?

The use of brewer's yeast as a basis for the treatment of diseases is the subject of scientific discussion. On the one hand, this product contains high concentrations of individual beneficial trace elements and vitamins. On the other hand, even high-quality substrates do not have a perfectly balanced composition that would allow them to be classified as classic vitamin-mineral complexes.

Based on the above arguments, the medically conditioned scope of specially prepared and purified from unnecessary impurities, brewer's yeast, can only be an addition to the treatment and prevention of diseases exclusively within the framework of the use of dietary supplements.

Not being a medicine in the framework of conservative therapy, brewer's yeast has the following composition:

  • Trace elements in the form of magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, sulfur, selenium, chromium, iodine and other components;
  • Vitamins of group B (from B1 to B8), D, E, PP and others;
  • Protein structures;
  • Acids - linoleic, oleic, arachidonic.

The benefits of yeast for the body are as follows:

  • Prebiotic in the restoration of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • Normalizer of blood sugar level (as an addition to the main therapy);
  • blood cholesterol stabilizer;
  • A general tonic that improves immunity, vision, the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, hair. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general and metabolic processes in all human systems and organs (including nucleic, amino acid, lipid, carbohydrate, fat, protein) in particular;
  • Body cleanser of toxins, as well as an effective component within the framework of a comprehensive sports nutrition(set of muscle mass).

How to take brewer's yeast tablets?

Brewer's yeast as a biologically active substance can act as a separate dietary supplement or be part of complex solutions. It should be noted right away that only a purified high-quality substrate can be used as a food additive - household yeast is not suitable for this variation, moreover, they can cause various problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.

As a separate product produced by domestic pharmacological companies and sold through pharmacy chains, the following recommendations should be followed (calculated as 500 milligrams of substrate per 1 tablet taken orally):

  • The minimum age for use is 3 years. For the category of people younger than the specified time interval, it is prohibited to use the remedy;
  • For children from 3 to 12 years old - 1 tablet of food substrate 3 times a day. The course is prescribed individually by a specialized medical specialist. Average recommendations - at least 3 and no more than 5 weeks daily with a minimum intercourse break of about 1.5 months (after which it is possible to repeat the course);
  • For children from 12 and adults of any age - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks, after which you should take a break for 14 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Harm of substrates for the body

As mentioned above, the rationality and necessity of taking brewer's yeast as a dietary supplement is still the subject of scientific discussion due to the characteristics of the substrate itself - it is not a classic monosubstance, but has a polyform composition based on fungal structures. Possible side effects from taking brewer's yeast:

  • Local allergic reactions. As modern clinical practice shows, yeast can act as a fairly strong allergen for the body. As a rule, they do not cause systemic autoimmune reactions, but every 10th patient complains of local allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and itching of the skin;
  • Increase in body weight. It is well known that the product is actively used in sports as a supplement to nutrition for building muscle mass. However, in the absence of an active lifestyle, substrates can contribute to obesity, naturally not being a key factor, but still making their "feasible" contribution to the development of pathology;

Substrate contraindications

The intake of beer substrates as a dietary supplement has a number of direct and indirect contraindications. The most well-known direct contraindications:

  • Children's age up to 3 years;
  • The presence of confirmed fungal infections in the body, especially candidiasis, aspergillosis, mycosis and cryptococcosis;
  • Primary osteoporosis;
  • Leber's disease, which is expressed in an organic lesion of the retina.

Indirect contraindications to taking brewer's yeast:

Brewer's yeast during pregnancy

In the official instructions for dietary supplements, which contain exclusively brewer's yeast, the period of pregnancy and lactation is one of the contraindications for taking this organic substance.

However, as practice shows, the above prohibition is not absolute and is primarily due to the fact that individual components of the drug can enhance or weaken the effect of a number of drugs.

With guaranteed accuracy, pregnant women who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, have retinal detachment, gout, cholecystitis, osteoporosis and a tendency to allergic reactions should not use brewer's yeast.

In all other cases, the use of the substrate is the subject of discussion and can be discussed with a gynecologist or other specialized specialist who observes the future woman in labor on a regular basis.

Overdose symptoms and first aid

In the general medical classification, an overdose of brewer's yeast is not specific, since the agent belongs to a food supplement and is not used as a drug. However, given the complex composition of the substrate, as well as the features of its organic structure, a person who consumes dietary supplements in too large quantities may experience various unpleasant symptoms.

The most typical negative manifestations include:

What to do with an overdose? As clinical practice shows, there is no specific therapy in this case. Possible actions at the prehospital stage include gastric lavage and induction of artificial vomiting, administration of adsorbents, induction of bowel movements by the use of laxatives.

In the case of severe forms of overdose (they are very rare), the victim is placed in a hospital, where he receives detoxification, supportive, symptomatic, protective therapy as part of standard medical care protocols.

To prevent certain diseases and maintain immunity, many take brewer's yeast. They are available in tablets, capsules or powder; sometimes additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals. But in Lately often talk about the side effects and diseases that occur while taking such supplements. What causes the harm of brewer's yeast, and is it worth taking them at all?


Beer yeast culture arrived in the early 20th century. Danish chemist Emil Hansen proposed to brew intoxicating drinks based on brewer's yeast, and not using coating from the surface. fruit crops, as it was done before.

It was the unique chemical composition that made scientists think about the benefits of brewer's yeast and its use as a dietary supplement. They contain vitamins of groups B, P and D, which are important for strengthening the nervous system and maintaining normal skin, hair and nails. Amino acids and proteins make up almost 40% of the composition of brewer's yeast and help the body to function normally. Of the useful elements, the product also contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, biotin, folic acid, thiamine and much more.


Today there are a lot of different dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, but many people prefer brewer's yeast. What advantages does this product have over the rest?

Firstly, brewer's yeast does not contribute to weight gain because it has a low calorie content. Therefore, those who seek to lose weight are happy to take this natural supplement.

Secondly, the body acquires the ability to better withstand stress, because the combination of brewer's yeast elements improves the functioning of the brain responsible for mood. This is especially noted in women who become less irritable in the premenstrual period.

Thirdly, brewer's yeast acts as an immunostimulant and protects cells from the harmful effects of toxins. The product is recommended for those who live in megacities or have jobs in hazardous industries.

Fourth, brewer's yeast is good for diabetics and people prone to this disease because it helps regulate blood sugar levels.

How to use

Depending on the form of release of brewer's yeast, there is a difference in their reception. So, tablets should be taken after meals. Daily value: 0.25 g for children preschool age; 0.5 g for schoolchildren; 1 g for teenagers; 2 g for adults. Average course duration: 1 month.

The powder is taken as follows: it is dissolved in 100 ml of boiled cool water and drunk half an hour before meals. The dosage is determined by the doctor. You can improve the taste of the drink with honey or granulated sugar. Adults can add brewer's yeast powder to food.

Contraindications for admission

Such, at first glance, useful brewer's yeast also has contraindications.

  • gout;
  • fungal infections (mycosis, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis)
  • cholecystitis or kidney stones;
  • osteoporosis;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • Leber's disease (retinal damage);
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Women planning pregnancy are also not recommended to take brewer's yeast either in tablets or in any other form.

Side effects

Any product, no matter how useful, can cause side effects. And sometimes this is manifested due to the excess of the recommended daily dosage, and sometimes the individual intolerance of the body. Due to the intake of brewer's yeast, some people have a greatly increased appetite, so there can be no talk of any weight loss.

The manifestation of allergic reactions in the form of rashes, itching, urticaria and even edema is not excluded. Sometimes a person has diarrhea or just such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating.

Attention! If after taking brewer's yeast some side effect appears that was not there before, you should refuse the supplement or consult your doctor again.

The likelihood of a decrease in potency in men

The most important indicator of male health is potency. There are cases when it decreased while taking brewer's yeast. The mechanism of this side effect is explained by the fact that with frequent use of supplements containing vitamins, the body gets used to this state and synthesizes useful elements (in particular, zinc) in a smaller amount. And, accordingly, when a man stops taking yeast, he begins to experience problems with potency.

The risk of thrush in women

Brewer's yeast are living organisms, so they can contribute to the development of fungal diseases. In women, this is most often manifested by candidiasis, in other words, thrush. This is an unpleasant disease that forces you to temporarily forget from intimacy. In addition, a woman constantly experiences itching, which makes it difficult to concentrate on work and sleep. And even after the thrush is cured, the fungi will remain dormant in the body and may wake up again after the resumption of brewer's yeast.

The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast tablets have been studied by scientists quite well. However, people who are far from science often do not quite understand why they take yeast supplements. Can they help to lose weight or, conversely, contribute to weight gain. Whether acne is treated and what effect it has on diabetic patients.

So let's figure it out. But before talking about the benefits and harms of brewer's yeast in tablets, it is necessary to clarify what it is in principle.

What is this dietary supplement and what is the composition?

Brewer's yeast ( Saccharomycescerevisiae) are single-celled fungi that are traditionally used for brewing beer and making dough.

V last years they were used not only in Food Industry, but also in medicine in the form of special food additives.

The exact composition of the tablet with Saccharomyces cerevisiae may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. If we consider the average, then the drug contains (per 1 tablet):

  • 58 kcal;
  • 8 grams of protein;
  • 3 grams of fiber;
  • 6.5 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 45% of the daily norm of selenium and vitamin B2;
  • 40% vitamin B1
  • 25% niacin and copper;
  • 20% vitamin B6;
  • 9% potassium;
  • 7.5% folate.

At the same time, brewer's yeast tablets are probiotics enriched with chromium. There is not much of this trace element in them. But it should not be much, since it affects the functioning of the human body in negligible concentrations. It has a particularly strong effect on the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Beneficial features

Treatment of diarrhea and improvement of the composition of the intestinal microflora. One of the first explanations for why brewer's yeast is taken is its ability to positively influence the intestinal microflora.

The drug is a prebiotic, and therefore it enhances the immunity associated with the work of the intestinal microflora, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Tablets with Saccharomycescerevisiae help to cope with such types of stool disorders as:

  • diarrhea from antibiotics;
  • traveler's diarrhea;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • colitis caused by clostridia;
Improved blood sugar control. In several placebo-controlled clinical trials, brewer's yeast preparations have been shown to be beneficial in improving blood glucose control and increasing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.

So far, the mechanism of influence of dietary supplements with Saccharomyces cerevisiae for these two indicators. Apparently, the most important is the presence of chromium in tablets and the presence in them of a significant amount of fiber, which slows down digestion, and, therefore, prevents the rapid rise in sugar after eating.

Strengthening immunity. The benefit of brewer's yeast tablets is that they are probiotics. That is, they have a positive effect on the work of the intestinal flora, which is necessary for the correct functioning of the immune system. In addition, the preparation contains a lot of selenium. And this microelement is not only an antioxidant, but also plays a significant role in the body's immune responses. Preservation of vision. The supplement is an excellent source of vitamin B1. The lack of this compound is associated with such a serious disease leading to blindness as glaucoma. There is also a lot of vitamin B2 in the preparation, the lack of which leads to keratoconus - a progressive thinning of the cornea of ​​​​the eye.

Antioxidants supplements, the same selenium, also have a positive effect on vision, because many eye pathologies are caused by the negative effect of free radicals on sensitive areas of the eyes.

Reduced frequency of migraine attacks. It has been found that taking vitamin B2 helps to reduce the number of migraine attacks and reduce their intensity. Since brewer's yeast preparations contain significant amounts of riboflavin, they are considered as one of the ways to improve the quality of life of those people who often suffer from severe headaches accompanied by nausea, hypersensitivity to light and visual disturbances.

Help for the brain. The complex of vitamins "riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, B6, folate" is important for maintaining high brain activity and preventing cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer's disease. Preparations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain a fair amount of all these vitamins, and therefore they are advised to be taken to maintain good brain activity, especially in old age.

Prevention of anemia. Another reason people take brewer's yeast tablets is their ability to protect against anemia. In clinical trials, vitamin B2 preparations have been shown to improve iron absorption and thus help prevent anemia. 1 tablet of dietary supplements with yeast contains 45% of the daily dose of riboflavin. And it is extremely useful for the normalization of hematopoiesis. Treatment of dermatological diseases. It is well known that brewer's yeast helps with acne, acne, boils, acne. The explanation for this effect of the additive is as follows:
  • a complex of B vitamins, antioxidants and fiber helps to cope with inflammation in the skin, leading to acne;
  • chlorine contributes to the normalization of the hormonal profile, namely, problems with hormones are often the cause of increased oily skin and, as a result, boils and acne.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The positive effect of brewer's yeast on the human heart and blood vessels has three main explanations:
  • anti-inflammatory activity of the drug helps to eliminate inflammation in the walls of blood vessels, which is the cause of atherosclerosis;
  • tablets with Saccharomyces cerevisiae help normalize the lipid profile of the blood - reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol) and;
  • A sufficiently high level of potassium supplementation is useful for lowering blood pressure when needed.
Facilitate the flow of the menstrual cycle a. The special benefit of brewer's yeast tablets for women is not only due to the fact that they help prevent anemia, a disease that most representatives of the weaker half of humanity suffer from, but also because they facilitate the menstrual cycle.

Against the background of taking supplements, menstruation is less painful. It also reduces the severity of premenstrual syndrome: irritability decreases, mood swings and eating disorders are less common.

Powerful boost of energy. in the western scientific literature this dietary supplement is often referred to as a “pick-me-up” class, that is, to general tonic products that give the body a powerful boost of energy. Some experts even believe that this is the main benefit of the drug.

Additional useful qualities of other dietary supplement options with Saccharomyces cerevisiae

In addition to the usual yeast dietary supplements, there are also drugs with additional healing components.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur

Sulfur is involved in the formation of bone and cartilage tissues, stabilizes the work of ligaments and joints. Eliminates cramps.

Improves the condition of nails, skin and hair, as it is a component of melanin, keratin and collagen. Therefore, if it is necessary to take brewer's yeast for acne, acne and to strengthen hair, it is advisable to choose sulfur supplements.

Sulfur increases, enhances the effect of vitamins B5 and B1, biotin and vitamin B1.

It has detoxifying activity: it helps to neutralize toxins and remove them from the body, promotes the release of bile.

Brewer's yeast with zinc

They have additional antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Especially useful for men, as they increase testosterone production.

Zinc enhances the anti-diabetic activity of yeast supplements. Makes them stronger for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, as well as the treatment of diarrhea.

How do dietary supplements affect weight loss?

Brewer's yeast tablets have several features at once that allow them to positively influence the process of weight normalization.

  1. The ability of chromium to lower blood sugar levels and at the same time increase tissue sensitivity to insulin is important not only for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes, but also for weight loss. Since the massive release of insulin, which occurs with a sharp rise in glucose and low cell sensitivity to the hormone, is one of the reasons for the rapid formation of excess body fat.
  2. Vegetable fiber supplements slow down the digestion of food. It also helps prevent a spike in blood sugar after a meal and a further rush of insulin.
  3. Tablets with Saccharomycescerevisiae are probiotics. And like any probiotics, they have a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora. This is important for normalization of weight. Since with a set of excess body weight, the composition of the intestinal flora changes. And these changes accelerate the further formation of body fat.
  4. The anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity of dietary supplements makes it possible to fight chronic inflammatory processes that always take place in the body of people with excessively overweight.
  5. Yeast preparations increase stamina. Allows you to move more actively throughout the day. And, therefore, burn more calories daily. Against the background of their intake, it is easier to conduct high-intensity interval training, which is the best.


Despite all the benefits of brewer's yeast diet pills, they also have a negative effect on weight loss, which is associated with their high calorie content.

1 tablet contains 58 kcal. And given that the instruction dictates taking from 2 to 6 tablets, it becomes clear how much such treatment increases total calories ingested per day.

So if you're on a weight loss diet but are considering taking yeast supplements, be sure to carefully calculate the number of calories they give you and then adjust your calorie intake.

Otherwise, you risk getting better, not losing weight.

Does brewer's yeast work or not for weight gain in athletes?

The hypothesis that drugs with Saccharomyces cerevisiae able to help quickly build muscle mass for people who dream about it, is quite popular in the athletic world. In any case, this is one explanation for why healthy young men take brewer's yeast.

But in fact, this version does not have any strict scientific evidence. Even those who recommend taking yeast for weight gain cannot give a unique description of its biological activity that allows you to build muscle. In addition, it is a general tonic, rich in protein, fiber and vitamins.

And it really is. Against the background of taking brewer's yeast, a person can train more actively. And, therefore, to demonstrate the best sports results, including weight gain, if he strives for this.

At the same time, the tablets are quite high in calories. Which in this case is their big plus, not a minus.

However, they do not have any specific effect on the growth of muscle mass.

It is also worth bearing in mind that for men to gain weight, it is better to take brewer's yeast enriched with zinc, as they increase testosterone production.

Who can benefit from taking yeast supplements?

  • Children and adolescents who are actively developing and moving a lot.
  • Fitness people.
  • Those who want to lose weight and are on a diet (only taking into account careful calorie counting).
  • Vegetarians.
  • To old people.
  • Those who suffer from a lack of nutritional compounds, those with anemia.
  • Diabetics (with the permission of a doctor).
  • Those who have an imbalance in hormones, especially those of the sex and thyroid glands.
  • Cancer patients (as prescribed by the attending physician).
  • Those who have eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).
  • Those who have an impaired lipid profile.
  • People with liver pathologies (with the permission of a doctor).

How to use?

The exact instructions for the use of brewer's yeast tablets can be found in the package of the drug. Since drugs from different manufacturers may have slightly different recommendations for admission.

General advice is that adults should take up to 3,000 mg of yeast per day, divided into three doses. It is usually advised to take 2 tablets three times a day with meals.

Children are given up to 1000 mg, also dividing the dose into several doses.

Start taking a small dose and then, making sure there are no side effects, bring it up to 3000 mg.

For people with severe liver pathologies, diabetics and cancer patients, only a doctor can develop instructions for using the drug.

In addition to tablets, there is also brewer's yeast powder. It is taken 2 tablespoons at a time or several times, mixed with fermented milk products or juices. Can be added to salads and smoothies.

What is the possible harm?

The most common side effect of taking dietary supplements is bloating and increased gas production. Such symptoms do not indicate any serious harm to health.

  1. Contraindications for taking supplements are frequent recurrences of yeast infections and yeast allergies.
  2. Do not take with Crohn's disease and severe immune disorders.
  3. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there is no up-to-date scientific information on how dietary supplements affect the development of the fetus and the quality of breast milk.

Interaction with other medicines

Possible harm to brewer's yeast tablets when combined with certain medications. Namely:

  • antidiabetic agents (hypoglycemia may develop);
  • antidepressants of the class of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (cases of a sharp rise in blood pressure up to the onset of a stroke are described);
  • Diphenhydramine (Meperidine) - a rise in pressure is also possible.

The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast in tablets: conclusions

Additives with Saccharomyces cerevisiae have many useful properties.

They boost immunity, protect against heart disease and diabetes, help to cope with acne and acne.

Brewer's yeast preparations also have benefits for weight loss. However, it is not as large as it might seem at first glance, since the high calorie content of the supplement contributes to weight gain, it is not for nothing that bodybuilders use it.

When using yeast supplements, it is important to remember that they can be harmful when combined with certain medications, such as antidiabetics and antidepressants.