The essence and methods of manipulation in the management process. Mechanisms of manipulation in management and protection

It is difficult to imagine a manager who does not use manipulation. But let's try to imagine the management of an organization, from which manipulative tactics are completely excluded. The halo of the leader will disappear. Management is a process that inevitably gives rise to its own internal mythology. Strength is where there are myths. The latter always accompany good managers, as well as good teachers, as well as in general good specialists: there are legends, fables about them, you can make fun of them, they can be angry with them - but they will always listen. This halo is a symbol of power, a sign of strength and an obligatory burden for their owner.

The leader's halo is an effective way to inspire subordinates. It is much more natural to yield and surrender to the mercy of the strong, to trust his qualifications.

Without manipulation, the psychological quality of management decreases: with the elimination of manipulation, the subtlety of management disappears, and the palette of means used decreases. A manager who does not use or does not own manipulation runs the risk of slipping to coarser controls. Manipulation softens. Something resembling tact arises: the boss has the right to order, but, sparing the worker's pride, he only expresses his concern about some problem, counting on the "understanding" of the subordinate.

There are growing cases of abuse of manipulation, when it becomes a means of self-affirmation of the boss at the expense of subordinates, the solution of his personal problems. It often happens that concern for the interests of the organization serves as an excuse for infringing on the rights of subordinates.

When a person gets a job, he offers for sale his professionalism, his health, strength, time and even human qualities: abilities, character traits, competence in communication. Salaries are paid even for character and for the ability to get along with people. This is expressed in the fact that people are selected for certain positions on the basis of personality traits, and when staff are reduced - all other things being equal - brawlers and inconvenient ones are fired first of all. Offering for use his qualifications and everything that is required for work, under normal conditions, the worker is not going to sell his mental properties.

It is this human line that the leader crosses, who, having the right to dispose of subordinates by position, arrogates to himself the right to dispose of a person as a person. This attitude towards the subordinate can be manifested in different forms: in suppression or direct dominance, in manipulation, in humiliation - explicit or rude or refined and veiled. Manipulation is better than grossly trampling on the dignity of people. But manipulative confrontation is noticeably harder to recognize and harder to resolve constructively. In manipulation, the struggle with the other is complicated by the struggle with oneself.

One circumstance makes manipulation especially attractive. Manipulation allows you to shift the responsibility for the decision to subordinates. Regular practice leads to the fact that power accumulates in the hands of the rulers, while the ruled are overloaded with hyper-responsibility. You have to pay for any pleasure - not every worker wants to take on such a burden.

There are situations in management when manipulation cannot be avoided. But the ability to manipulate must be tightly coupled with the ability not to manipulate. Manipulation is effective when used as an adjunct to the task, and not as an obsessive desire, an end in itself, or a trap for the manipulator.

The classical management model includes several elements. The main one is the subject of management, which has a goal, the will to achieve this goal and resources, another key element is the object of management, the impact on which allows the subject to achieve its goal. The act of management is managerial impact subject to object. The last element in the management process is the result. Its main property is compliance with the goal set by the subject. For effective management the subject must have an auxiliary element - feedback, which allows you to compare the result with the target and make adjustments to the control actions as the result approaches or moves away from the target.

The management cycle is reduced to a standard set of actions of the subject: a) goal formation; b) formation of criteria (indicators) for achieving the goal; c) choice of managerial influence; d) implementation of the control action; k) determination of indicators of changes in the object; f) comparison of the result (indicators) with the goal. Further, if the goal is achieved, the control action stops. If the target is close, the control action is corrected and repeated. If the goal is still far and unattainable with existing resources, the subject adjusts the control goal, and the cycle repeats.

Thus, managerial influence plays an important role in the management of man and society. Management influence is carried out in social system and involves the impact of the subject of control on the object of control in order to transfer it to a new desired state. The problems of mastering scientifically based and effective methods of influencing people in order to control their activities and behavior are among the most significant in the sociology and psychology of management. Successful and efficient execution management activities requires the ability to build interaction with people based on rank psychological factors, scientific methods and ways of influencing people.

Successful implementation of managerial activities requires skills and abilities to build relationships with people, to be able to convince and have a motivating effect, etc. Common to any methods of influence is the need for careful preparation of the control action: the goal of the dialogue is determined, the psychological characteristics of the opponent, his intellectual, cultural and moral-volitional appearance are studied, the tactics of behavior are thought out, the features of the information available and other important and secondary factors that can affect the planned contact .

Management influence from the point of view of sociology and psychology: 1) is carried out in a situation of mismatch of needs, interests, views; 2) due to the desire to resolve the situation in a mutually acceptable way; 3) assumes the existence of mutual interest in each other as the basis of relationships. The complexity of the problem of psychological impact is determined by the presence of many different ways of organizing verbal and emotional information, means and conditions of life in order to achieve real changes in human behavior.

In management practice, there are often situations when the goals of management diverge from the goals and interests of the objects of management influence. In such cases, it is necessary to overcome the natural resistance of the controlled system, and the subject of control resorts to a technique called manipulation .

In terms of content, manipulation and manipulation is a form social management, in which the own goals and interests of the control object are ignored. Social practice shows that the concept of "manipulation" is used in the following meanings. Firstly, as a designation of a specific general approach to social interaction and management, involving the active use of various methods of covert coercion of people. Secondly, manipulation is used as a designation of a specific type of psychological impact. In this sense, the concepts of "manipulative influence", "psychological manipulation", "manipulation of public opinion" and "manipulation of public consciousness", "interpersonal manipulations", "socio-political manipulations of a person", etc. are also used. Thirdly, the concept of manipulation is used to refer to certain organizational forms of the use of secret coercion of a person and certain methods or stable combinations of methods of hidden psychological impact on a person.

Any manipulations and acts of manipulative influence act as constituent elements of the process of social control and communication. Manipulation is generated by a situation when there is an external goal for communication and there is no open explanation for it for all participants in communication. Target communication, where in the communication itself the goal external to it is not declared openly or, moreover, is hidden by special means, is manipulative communication. Target communication and communication of understanding, where in addition to any internal or external goals for communication, the condition for achieving mutual understanding by the participants in communication is fulfilled, is conventional communication.

In terms of content, manipulation is a form of management in which one's own goals and interests of the object of management are ignored. They can be ignored completely or recognized formally (fictitiously), but upon acceptance management decisions not taken into account as part of the management objective. In form, manipulation is a socio-psychological deception based on a fictitious recognition of the partner's interests.

There are an infinite number of techniques that provide the possibility of manipulating both individual and mass consciousness. In the field social relations depending on the subject area, economic, political, bureaucratic, ideological, psychological manipulation are distinguished.

Economic ones begin with the use of a difficult, or better, hopeless financial situation of a partner, when he is ready to agree to any work that is most undesirable for himself for an insignificant reward.

Political manipulations are based on the use of political mechanisms, groups, statements, for purposes other than those declared.

Bureaucratic or organizational manipulations imply any pseudo-activity of an administrative or organizational nature: delaying the resolution of issues, confusing the applicant in the labyrinth of numerous instances and responsible persons; non-execution of managerial functions and their replacement by a deliberately useless, but outwardly efficient operation; expansion of the organization.

Ideological manipulation involves insincerity and
falsity in the sphere of public and personal ideals.

Psychological manipulations are actually the simplest and are part of all of the above. Any manipulation of individual or collective consciousness necessarily takes into account the peculiarities of mental perception and structure of the manipulated.

The next mechanism of influence is manipulation, usually used in the absence of formal power, therefore it is more often used by subordinates. Manipulation differs from the manifestation of power in that, firstly, it hides its goals; secondly, it requires more information about the person, which the authorities do not need; thirdly, the results of this influence come more slowly; and also this mechanism is difficult to apply.

Another way of influence is cooperation. The main idea of ​​this mechanism is that a person, entering into cooperation, assumes the obligation to restructure his behavior. The value of this method lies in the fact that it gives a person freedom, independence in making decisions about his new form behavior.

It is not easy to apply this mechanism, and the results are not immediately visible, but over time, cooperation is very beneficial for the organization.

A factor in the success of managerial communication is also the manager's awareness of one or another type of "relationship of interdependence". Relations of interdependence should be understood as special relations that arise as a result of solving various contradictions between the organization and individuals. Their essence lies in the coordination of the interests of the organization and the employee, that is, the relationship of interdependence is a mechanism of mediation between the individual and the organization. This mechanism can act, on the one hand, as self-regulating, associated with cultural phenomena, and in particular, with organizational culture. On the other hand, as a controlled mechanism associated with the principles and methods of management.

1.2 Management and manipulation. Types of manipulation

Manipulation is a kind of psychological influence, the skillful execution of which leads to the hidden excitation of intentions in another person that do not coincide with his actual existing desires.

In practice, there are situations everywhere when, due to the conditions for solving the problem facing the control system, it turns out to be incompatible with the goals of the participants. This may be due to the selfish orientation of the goals of the control system; unsolvability of contradictions within the controlled system. In these cases, the subject of control resorts to a technique called manipulation. He not only manages by influencing the object, but completely ignores it, neglects its own interests. In manipulations, the object of control - a person - begins to be seriously considered only as an object of control. The value and significance of the human personality is reduced by the manipulator to usefulness in terms of their own momentary tasks. In terms of content, manipulation is a form of management in which one's own goals and interests of the object of management are ignored. They can be completely ignored or recognized formally (fictitiously), but when making management decisions, they are not taken into account as part of the management goal.

In form, manipulation is a socio-psychological impact, deceit, fraud, built on a fictitious recognition of the partner's interests.

Economic manipulation begins with the use of a difficult, or better, hopeless financial situation of a partner, when he is ready to agree to any work that is most undesirable for himself for an insignificant reward. More subtle methods of economic manipulation include such as increasing the nominal rate wages, payment of an insignificant premium, additional payments, compensations in case of incomparably high inflation and a reduction in purchasing power; unreasonable reduction in the level of wages, delays and non-payment, the same kind of actions can have the opposite direction - when the owner of material resources, the employer, becomes the object of manipulation. Strikes and lockouts, timed to coincide with the moment when the organization will not be able to resist the pressure of the labor collective, are the same manipulations. These include any other deliberate non-compliance with formal or implied agreements of an economic nature.

Political manipulation is based on the use of political mechanisms for purposes other than those declared. This may be a declarative following by a politician of the interests of political groups, the use of their support and the subsequent failure to fulfill political promises; deliberate misrepresentation by means mass media real constellation political forces(informational); embellishing some facts of political significance and hushing up others or making public their sequence, which creates a false idea of ​​​​political leaders, parties, movements. Bureaucratic or organizational manipulations imply any pseudo-activity of an administrative or organizational nature: delaying the resolution of issues, confusing the applicant in the labyrinth of numerous instances and responsible persons; failure to perform managerial functions and their replacement by obviously useless, but outwardly effective activities; expansion of the organization. Ideological manipulation involves insincerity and falseness in the realm of public and personal ideals. They can be built on a fictitious adherence to existing social ideals or by creating new ideologies that justify the use of immoral and immoral means with unrealistic final goals. The same manipulations include the formation of a certain and, as a rule, harmful system of values, cultural clichés, and stereotypes of behavior. Psychological manipulations are actually the simplest and are part of all of the above. Any manipulation of individual or collective consciousness necessarily takes into account the peculiarities of mental perception and structure of the manipulated. This does not exclude, however, the existence of psychological manipulations aimed at psychological values. A person can be manipulated in order to win his respect, friendship, love, gratitude. Purely psychological manipulations can act as a prelude to others, prepare the ground, remove suspicion. The manifestations of such manipulations include: external attentiveness and tact with internal indifference to psychological problems object; artificial identification of oneself with the object, the formation of sympathies; using personal trust for their own purposes.

Forms of manipulation: scam, fraud, fraud, intrigue, hoax, provocation, etc.

Chapter 2. Analysis of processes and methods of manipulation in business

Let's analyze the various processes taking place in business from the point of view of the presence of manipulative actions.

2.1 Manipulation in management

There are three main components in management: planning, organization and control. Each of these elements has its own manipulative moments.

In planning, the leader must be able to "throw" himself for several years ahead in order to see the future in which he and his team will find themselves. Someone can see the prospects of 10-20 years, and someone with great difficulty can only see what will happen in a month or two. The fact is that a manager really should be able to create a vision of the future, because sometimes it is simply impossible for subordinates to do this. After all, it is not they (as they believe) who should plan the growth and movement of the main and working capital that do not belong to them. In any case, even if you ask them about it, they will do it much worse and still leave their boss unsatisfied. Well, it's none of their business. strategic planning. Therefore, the leader has to look into his future and see where his people will be located and what they will do. And then talk about what he saw to his team, motivating her to work hard. At the same time, he will manipulate his subordinates with a simple thought: "Here, guys, your bright future, follow me and you will have everything." It's amazing, but I want to believe in fairy tales. This creates a motivation for good work. And, only after some time, you understand that it was a manipulation and you become somewhat offended for yourself, for the lost time and the dead hope.

The leader must be able to plan and set achievable goals. Perhaps this can be called manipulation, but rather even programming the future of each member of the team. That is why it is useful to speak the future more often, thereby motivating people. At the same time, it must be remembered that small exaggerations of plans are forgiven by people (after all, they understand the difficulties and reasons that changed the course of events), but never big ones (it is at this moment that they feel offended and deceived).

I must say that the emotions that someone's manipulation causes are usually negative. That is why we feel "somehow not very". Who would like such tweaks from below, such as, for example, "You think slowly as always" or "Don't slow down, think faster", or "You don't have enough brains to get this position" .

The concept of "manipulation" became widely known thanks to the media and pre-election political technologies. Manipulative techniques are often used not only in politics, but also in business. We offer you to understand how communication "traps" work - in order to be able to effectively defend yourself, defend your goals. As a tool of “soft” management, we recommend using manipulative techniques only in those “critical” cases when other management methods do not work.

Business involves constant communication, the impact of people on each other: managers, subordinates, customers, representatives of regulatory authorities - all participate in a whirlpool of mutual influence. One of the methods of covert control is often manipulation: the manipulator influences his interlocutor ("victim") in such a way that he performs an act allegedly of his own free will, although in fact he fulfilled someone else's demand. At the same time, the real goal of the manipulator is masked by another, false one, which is presented to the “victim” interlocutor as true.

Going through the "strings" of the soul of the interlocutor, the manipulator finds those that "sound" in a certain way. "Stroking" these "strings" or "pulling" for them, he brings the "victim" out of emotional balance. For example, we get out of balance when we are told “Oh, how amazing you look today”, and when we hear “Yes, you are not very good today ...” This is how the necessary emotional mood is prepared for manipulation.

HR, who, due to the specifics of his work, is at the “crossroads” of communication flows, must be able to influence people. He must also be able to protect himself from the influence of the manipulator, to resist his "non-ecological" influence.

Is it ethical to apply manipulative techniques to the HR itself? The question is, what are the goals pursued in this case. A similar situation: “white lies” refers to one of the “crisis” tools in medicine, in the same way, manipulation is sometimes (but only sometimes!) Acceptable in management. There are several typical situations when a "soft" manipulative influence can help the HR manager in his work.

Situation 1. Recruiting. Manipulative techniques as a subtle tool of influence can help an HR manager during an interview with a candidate for vacant position. The HR manager has to great amount interviews, and in a kaleidoscope of resumes, faces, gestures, questions and answers, it is very easy to get lost. Correctly performed manipulation goes unnoticed by the applicant and provides invaluable information to the interviewer. Having created the necessary emotional mood, the personnel manager will be able to see the “true face” of the interlocutor (in any case, his most characteristic features).

Situation 2. Motivation. Motivating an employee is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks for an HR. How to "make" a person want to work effectively? If he has an internal "setting for success", he is professional, purposeful and active, then the personnel manager can only direct the energy of such an employee to the company needs channel, help align personal and team goals.

And if the employee is "serving time"? If intrinsic motivation just enough to complete job descriptions? But you can’t fire this person, and there’s no one to replace him? In this case, you can turn to manipulation for the "origin" of the employee's own motivation.

Situation 3. Corporate culture. It is sometimes advisable to use manipulation techniques to form and “tune” a corporate culture, to enhance a sense of loyalty.

If a company is a branch or representative office of a foreign corporation, with its own established culture, in which the "rules of the game" have crystallized long ago, then, at first glance, there is nothing easier than transferring these norms to a subsidiary structure. However, this ease is deceptive: often a borrowed culture looks like a fur coat from someone else's shoulder. It is the personnel manager who must make the "adjustment" of the "parental" model to the domestic mentality. In this case, you need to act subtly, including with the help of “soft” manipulative techniques.

In a domestic company, top managers sometimes have a poor idea of ​​what corporate culture what advantages does the "corporate spirit" give in the competitive struggle. If an HR manager sees the need to change the attitude of management towards employees, and straightforward arguments “do not work,” then it is often more effective to resort to manipulation in relation to the boss.

"Traps" of manipulation

In order to resist the "non-ecological" influence of manipulators, let's consider the most typical manipulative "traps".

"Trap" No. 1. Imposing an unambiguous assessment of the situation.“Well, you understand that your act is condemned by the collective?”, “Only a completely frivolous person can do this.”

As soon as the victim nodded in agreement, she began to worry (Or maybe this is really so? From the outside, it is probably more visible ...), she is already “on the hook” (and the manipulator proceeds to use the “trap” “No. 2”).

Remember: by accepting someone else's assessment of the situation, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to play "your" game. You can answer like this: “I have not heard such feedback from our team”, “Is this your own assessment? I have my own”, etc.

Trap No. 2. Narrowing the options for solving the problem. Although this or that problem can always be solved in different ways, the manipulator offers one option and “convinces” his victim that there is no other way: “You have one way out of this situation - to make a report yourself” (in fact, this is not the responsibility of the victim, and other employees). "You have no choice but to agree to the conditions that I propose."

In this case, you should answer: “I understand your point of view, now listen to mine. So, I see several options for getting out of this situation.

Remember that obligations imposed on you from the outside are not your obligations. Check how they are consistent with your personal commitments and goals in the company.

"Trap" number 3. Artificial creation of a shortage of time. The manipulator convinces the victim that the actions he (the manipulator) needs must be taken immediately: "There is no time to think, make a decision now, tomorrow it will be too late."

Of course, there are situations that require immediate action (fire, change in negotiation strategy), but making a decision that can affect the fate of an employee, his relationship in the team, almost never requires haste. If a decision is imposed, then there is simply no time left to analyze the situation and calculate options.

We advise you to sincerely ask clarifying questions: “I am very pleased that you are worried about me (I really appreciate your concern for me). Tell me, please, what will change if I make my decision in a day? And what happens if we do not rush to make such an important decision? And why will this happen? And where did you get such information?

"Trap" No. 4. The illusion of a simple solution. The manipulator offers the victim an "easy way out" of a difficult situation. “You only need to say (do, wait)…”

We really like it when a "wizard in a helicopter" of one color or another appears and "shows movies for free." Belief in miracles is great, but - in homeopathic doses, it has nothing to do with outright laziness.

If you feel such a hook, remember that miracles are very rare phenomena. And do not forget the classic phrase of A. S. Pushkin: “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself,” if you don’t want it to be about you.

Trap #5: Overgeneralization. The use of words such as "everyone", "we", "always", "no one", "never" and references to "majority authority" are clear signs of manipulation. “Everyone thinks that you should not express your opinion”, “No one will support you”, “You are always late!”, “Everyone knows that individualism in a team is disrespect for colleagues.”

In this case, the manipulator not only imposes his assessment of the situation, but also “relies” on the opinion of the majority authority. A person very often consciously and subconsciously wants to be “like everyone else”, because life teaches: it is not easy for “white crows” not only to make a career, but often just to survive. Once the "bait is swallowed", the victim is looking for a way to escape. And the "kind" manipulator offers the only correct solution.

The advice is this: ask “Who are they all? Did you ask all the employees of the company? And everyone is who? Why do you think never? Is there such a statistic? Where? Show me, please."

"Trap" No. 6. Formation and use of the "guilt complex". The manipulator "plays" on past mistakes or miscalculations of the victim. A reminder of past failures in itself knocks out of a state of equilibrium, and if a person is especially vulnerable at this “point”, then the words of the manipulator fall on already prepared ground. To confirm his positive reputation or to make amends, the victim takes steps that are contrary to his true goals and desires.

As a response to the manipulator's move, ask yourself if it was your fault, if it was so great, and if you have already corrected your past mistake.

Then answer: “Yes, it really was. And what does the past mistake have to do with the current situation? And why are you talking about my mistake right now?

Remember another famous phrase: "Don't let the past lay your future in the grave."

"Trap" No. 7. Lulling vigilance. If the manipulator needs information that he cannot get in the question-answer mode, the “circling around the main question” technique is used. This is, most often, a multi-step tactic of manipulation. Her options are:

1. Working on a related topic. The manipulator starts talking on a “safe” topic, gradually expanding it to include questions that interest him. On a “safe” topic, the “victim” relaxes (especially if she is given the opportunity to show off). In such an unbalanced-favorable state, the manipulator with careful questions (at first glance, within the framework of the previous topic) manages to obtain information that would be impossible to “extort” in a direct conversation.

2. Demonstration of self-awareness. A manipulator with hints and mentions of some information known to him creates the appearance that he already knows “everything”, it would still be interesting to know only minor details, although this data will not change anything in the overall picture. “Yes, this is not news. It's obvious. It's not a secret to anybody. You explain to me such a trifle ... ".

Remember the advice of Kozma Prutkov: "Watch out!"

"Trap" No. 8. The technique of "unfulfilled fears." This manipulative technique consists in creating a contrast of emotions. In order for it to work, a “terrible future” is created in the victim’s imagination: the boss’s anger, a fine, weekend work, winter vacation, etc. And when the interlocutor is already horrified, they say that everything is not so bad, you just need to do ... "Fuh, carried over!" - the "victim" sighs with relief and quickly agrees, "is saved." In contrast, what the manipulator proposes to do seems so small compared to Apocalypse Now.

Take time out and analyze the situation.

"Trap" No. 9. Non-equivalent exchange. The manipulator offers the victim a “reciprocal exchange” by providing a service: he gives information, helps him deal with the issue of interest to him, and then asks for a favor. Usually we are accustomed to reciprocity rules. It says: we must try to repay in some way what the other person has given us. For this reason, we often agree to render a greater service than the one rendered to us in order to throw off the psychological burden of debt. If the exchange is unequal, then, most likely, the impact is "non-environmentally friendly", that is, there is manipulation.

Assume that the one who helped you did it of his own free will. Therefore, gratitude on your part should be consistent with your goals. Do not forget the advice of the ancient sages: "Beware of the Danaans who bring gifts."

Trap #10: Using the desire to be consistent. The manipulator's desire to be logical can turn into an extremely powerful tool of influence. A "sense of consistency" often leads us to act in ways that are clearly against our own interests. First, the manipulator asks a few questions, to which the person answers “yes”. For example, “After all, is it true that a good psychological climate in the team is important for everyone? Would you like to have a big salary? Are you interested in an objective assessment of your work? Having given several positive answers, the “victim” by inertia answers “yes” to the next one, often unrelated to the previous ones. Without prior “yes” preparation, the person would most likely answer “no.” More often, men fall into this trap - for them, being logical and consistent is psychologically more significant than for women.

If you find yourself in this situation, then pause after each question and do not mentally link them. Ask the question: “Why does A and B imply C? I do not understand". Better to seem slow-witted than to play someone else's game later.

"Trap" No. 11. Pseudo-attachment.“You and I are of the same blood” - these words saved Mowgli from predators. You have to help yours. The manipulator tells the victim, “You are such a good friend. You know, I absolutely agree with you. I also like (dislike, irritate, infuriate) when someone does this.” Now the manipulator and the victim are “one team”, and in the team the common interests are higher than the private ones. Against this background, the manipulator promotes his ideas and pushes the “victim” into actions that are completely unprofitable for her.

It should be remembered: friendship does not arise too quickly. If you “suddenly” have a friend at work, analyze his goals. Before each of your actions, you should ask yourself: “Why am I doing this? And what will I get as a result? Do I really want to do this?"

"Trap" No. 12. The "good and evil investigator" technique. This manipulative technique is very widely known, however, continues to be effective. Here, as in many other cases, the naive belief works: "Thus, they can" play "with anyone, but not with me." Options for playing in the office: “evil boss” - “everything understanding HR”, “evil department head” - “HR defender of my interests”. In this game, the good one always wins.

As a word of caution, analyze the goals of the "players" communicating with you, abstracting from their words.

We have given examples of only a small number of "traps" used by manipulators to achieve their goals. We emphasize that there are no universal manipulative strategies. You can play on the feelings of the victim only if his weaknesses are known.

When you resist manipulation, you should remember: you can’t emotionally “get involved” in the situation: defend or attack in response, make excuses, explaining why you act one way or another. The manipulator should be answered in a calm, even tone of a self-confident person.

Pay attention to how you feel when communicating. At the level of emotions, a person is very sensitive to "manipulative penetration". The victim of manipulation, as a rule, is irritated, tries to avoid the manipulator or take revenge on him. If you have to do something that you don't really want to do, it feels like you've fallen into a trap. Don't ignore this clue from your inner self.

An HR should remember that manipulation is good only if it pushes the employee to some action in his own interests. If an employee begins to work better, communicate more effectively, conflict less, then the whole team will benefit from this. In this case, the object of manipulation will be sure that the decisions are not imposed on him from the outside. He is more likely to change his views and behavior, because a person makes his own decisions more responsibly than others.

What are your weaknesses that manipulators can take advantage of? Emotions, stereotypes of perception:

  • fears: bankruptcy, illness, fines, the anger of the boss (“Can you imagine what will happen if the boss finds out about this?”);
  • greed (“You can take all this money for yourself. Don’t you need money?”);
  • superiority (“You are much more experienced and professional ...”, “Only you can be entrusted with this difficult task, no one else will cope with it so perfectly!”);
  • generosity, kindness, pity (“I’m so tired. Nobody understands me, doesn’t appreciate me. I can’t cope with this for anything. There is only injustice around”);
  • guilt (“We hoped so much for you. And you…”);
  • stereotypes of belonging to the male or female gender (“You know that it is much more difficult for me, as a woman, to communicate with such a difficult employee”);
  • revenge (“And how long will you endure this?”);
  • envy (“We are all the same, but he has more than that, is that fair?”).

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