Textbook of the USSR - physical electronics and microelectronics. Centralized library systems of nizhny novgorod Physical electronics and microelectronics rosado pdf


E. D. GATES. Introduction to electronics. Practical Approach. 1995 638 pp. DJVU. 4.7 MB.


I. Got it. operational amplifiers. 1982 513 pp. DJVU. 4.2 MB.
Methods for constructing and using operational amplifiers are considered with exhaustive completeness. The author from Czechoslovakia managed, without resorting to complex mathematical apparatus, to highlight all the essential issues of theory and give a very complete overview of the circuitry of operational amplifiers and the principles of their use. A large number of modern amplifier circuits are given. Separate sections are devoted to practical issues of parameter determination and test methods.

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M.Kh. Jones. Electronics, practical course. 1999 528 pp. DJVU. 4.8 MB.
The book discusses the principles of building basic circuits of modern electronics, a wide range of both analog and digital devices. This is a textbook for students of secondary and higher educational institutions of radio engineering and electronic specialties will certainly be useful to a wide range of radio amateurs. When translating, terminology designations are preserved that differ from those accepted in the domestic literature, which may be useful to readers in the further study of the technical literature of Western countries.
For the elements used in the considered examples, domestic analogues are indicated.
The translation was made by associate professors of the Department of Radio Engineering at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

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I.P. Efimov REA power sources: Tutorial. 2nd ed. correct 2002. 136 pp. PDF. 1.2 MB.
The following are considered: parameters and circuitry of linear and switching power supplies based on semiconductor elements; functional units of secondary power supplies (transformers, controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers, smoothing filters, voltage regulators on discrete elements and integrated circuits ah, overcurrent and overvoltage protection nodes); chemical current sources of the most common systems (carbon-zinc and chloride-zinc, alkali-manganese, mercury-zinc, silver-zinc and lithium systems). The technical and economic issues of the use of various chemical current sources in modern equipment are touched upon.
The manual is compiled in accordance with the curriculum and work program in the discipline "Electronics in instrumentation" for students of direction 551500.

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Zabrodin. Industrial electronics. Textbook. 1982 500 pages djvu. Size 11.20 Mb.
Table of contents: 1. Semiconductor devices. 2. Amplifier. 3. Pulse and digital technology. 4. Indicator devices and their application. 5. Low-power single-phase current rectifiers, etc. There are 8 chapters in total.

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Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Textbook. year 2001. pdf. 4.7 MB.
This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not "specialists" in power electronics, but who study courses of various names on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, electrical systems. The sections of the textbook highlighted in sans serif are intended (also at two levels of presentation depth) for additional, deeper study of the course, which allows it to be used as a textbook for students of the specialty "Promelectronics" of the REF, who are preparing "as specialists" in power electronics. Thus, the proposed edition implements the principle of "four in one". Reviews of scientific and technical literature on the relevant sections of the course added to separate sections allow us to recommend the manual as an information publication for undergraduates and graduate students.

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Izyurova and others. Calculation of electronic circuits. Examples and tasks, tutorial. 335 pp. djvu. 2.9 MB.

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Ibrahim. Fundamentals of electronic technology. Elements, schemes, systems. 2nd ed. year 2001. 400 pages djvu. Two PDF files in RAR archive. Size 2.5 Mb. This textbook on electronics by an English author is at the same time a small encyclopedia: it says a little about everything, but in such a way that the essence becomes clear even to a person who is completely ignorant of electronics. The book covers the widest range: from elementary concepts to the functioning of complex electronic circuits and systems, including radio and television, digital and microprocessor systems, amplifiers, generators and meters. Numerous exercises and tasks contribute to the reliable assimilation of the material. For students of technical schools and universities with a technical bias, as well as their teachers as the basis of a course of lectures on electronics. In addition, this book will serve as a good help to anyone who wants to get acquainted with electronics without spending a lot of time.

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Kazyonnov G.G. Fundamentals of designing integrated circuits and systems. 2005 year. 295 pp. djvu. 3.6 MB.
The book deals with issues related to the methodology for designing integrated circuits and systems, including VLSI and systems on a chip (SoC). The attention is focused on the main stages of the design process (system, microcircuit, register, logical, circuitry, topological, component). Provides information about the funds computer-aided design, as well as on the use of artificial intelligence systems for these purposes.
For university students specializing in the field of electronics and studying disciplines related to the design of integrated circuits and systems. The book may also be useful to developers of microelectronic equipment.

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Kotyuk A.F. Sensors in modern measurements. 2006 96 pages djvu. 920 Kb.
In a popular form, the main types of sensors used in various measuring systems are described: contact, optoelectric, optical, fiber optic. The metrological characteristics of measuring transducers and their typical block diagrams are given.
For a wide range of readers involved in the development of measuring systems for various purposes, the book can be useful for high school students, students of universities and colleges.

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Kardashev G.A. Digital electronics on a personal computer. 2003 djvu. 2.3 MB.
An introduction to the circuit modeling of digital electronic devices on a computer is given. Simulation is performed using the most simple and popular programs Electronics Workbench and Micro-Cap. The technique of computer modeling of digital devices from the simplest logical elements to the microprocessor is described in detail. Consistently with the consideration of the operation of the models, the necessary information about the programs and advice on their specific application. The book can be used to study and practical application digital electronics and methods of circuit modeling of electronic devices on computers. For a wide range of readers. Submitted by the author.

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Koledov L.A. Technology and designs of microcircuits, microprocessors and microassemblies. Educational for high schools. 1989 400 pages djvu. 5.0 Mb.

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Kraus L.A. et al. Design of stabilized power sources for radio electronic equipment. 1980 288 pp. djvu. 3.0 MB.
The book discusses the design and calculations of stabilized secondary power sources. Electrical diagrams are given, given short description the principle of their operation, the choice of schemes that satisfy the given technical requirements. Each chapter contains a methodology and examples of circuit calculation. The book is intended for engineering and technical workers involved in the development of power supply sources, and students of radio engineering specialties of universities as a design guide.

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W. Kester, editor. Analog to digital conversion. 2007 1019 pp. djvu. 26.8 MB.
The book is written for design engineers who use data converters and associated auxiliary circuits. Therefore, in the text there are many practical advice. Much of the material has been taken - with necessary updates - from previous popular editions of Analog Devices Seminar Books. Many sections have been revised to make the material more precise and clear. Various Analog Devices technicians have contributed to the book and their names are mentioned at the beginning of each major section.

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Krasko. Circuitry of analog electronic devices. Tutorial. 2005 year.
The tutorial covers theoretical basis and principles of operation of analog devices on bipolar and field-effect transistors. The main circuits used in analog paths of typical radio-electronic equipment are analyzed, calculation formulas are given to determine the elements circuit diagrams these devices according to the required type of frequency, phase and transient characteristics. The basics of constructing various functional devices based on operational amplifiers are outlined. A number of special issues that developers of analog electronic devices have to face are also considered - assessment of non-linear distortions, analysis of stability, sensitivity, etc.
Doc in RAR archive, size 1.1 Mb.

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46. ​​Walt Kester, editor. Analog to digital conversion. 2007 1016 pp. djvu. 26.1 MB.
The book is written for design engineers who use data converters and associated auxiliary circuits. Therefore, the text contains a lot of practical advice. Much of the material has been taken - with necessary updates - from previous popular editions of Analog Devices Seminar Books. Many sections have been revised to make the material more precise and clear. Various Analog Devices technicians have contributed to the book and their names are mentioned at the beginning of each major section.

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B. Carter, R. Mancini. Operational amplifiers for everyone. 2011. 530 pp. djvu. 11.5 MB.
The book includes both the basics of electrical engineering and introductory concepts about op-amps, as well as consideration of various areas of application of op-amps, ranging from elementary circuits of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers and adders to various generators, active filters (including simple practical methods for calculating them), interfaces for ADCs and DAC, etc. The book uses a minimum of mathematics, but a lot of attention is paid to the practical aspects of using an op-amp, including frequency response compensation methods to ensure the stability of the op-amp, op-amp noise, features of using op-amps in single-supply and low-voltage circuits, designing printed circuit boards with op-amps and the most common errors in the use of OS.

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Kostikov, Parfenov, Power supplies for electronic devices. Circuit engineering and design. Textbook. 2nd ed. year 2001. 344 pp. djvu. 3.1 MB.
Considered circuitry and design solutions in the development of low-voltage and high-voltage power supplies electronic means. The features determined by the characteristics of autonomous power supply systems, the nature of the load, operating conditions and circuit design are noted. Methods for constructing parametric series of power supply modules and methods for providing the specified temperature conditions. Calculations and theoretical provisions are supported by examples of circuit and design execution of power supplies and their components.
For university students in the specialties "Design and technology of electronic computing facilities" and "Design and technology of electronic facilities".

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Kuchumov A.I. Electronics and circuitry. 2nd ed. revised add. .2004 336 pp. djvu. 2.0 Mb.
The tutorial is written according to State standard Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the disciplines "Electronics and circuitry" and "Fundamentals of radio electronics", which are studied in higher educational institutions at the faculties information security. The manual includes tasks for modeling using the Electronics Workbench program and a description of the laboratory workshop.
For students and teachers of information security faculties, as well as for all computer users who want to gain knowledge of the basics of computer radio electronics.

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Kaufman, Seedman. Practical guide on calculations of circuits in electronics. In 2 volumes. djvu. 1993
Volume 1. 365 pages 5.7 Mb. The first volume contains the basics of the analysis of electrical circuits, the characteristics of the elements, the rules for choosing semiconductor devices. Includes chapters on audio amplifiers, resonant amplifiers, feedback circuits, signal generators, power supplies. Information is given on operational amplifiers. The fundamentals of digital and video technology are outlined.
Volume 2. 288 pages 4.4 Mb. The second volume discusses the principles of building microprocessor systems, transmitting information in analog and digital forms, and the basics of electrical measurements. Chapters are included on communication lines, filters, main types of directional antennas and microwave transmission lines. Information on thick-film technology and fiber-optic systems is given.

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Krekraft D., Gergely S. Analog electronics. Circuits, systems, signal processing. 2005 year. 360 pages djvu. 7.7 MB.
A textbook for the general reader - a handbook for a radio amateur with a wide coverage of the topic. The book is structured by both applications and implementations of analog electronics. Separate chapters are devoted to medical equipment, Hi-Fi, power supplies, radio communications. At the same time, there was a place for an intelligible presentation spectral analysis, feedback, quantization, filter synthesis.

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Korolev. Electronic devices of automation. Study guide. 2nd ed. added 1991 256 pp. DJVU. 1.7 MB.
The book contains the theoretical foundations, principles of operation and calculations of various electronic devices used in automation. The main element base is semiconductor integrated circuits and transistors.

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Kuchis E. V. Alvanomagnetic effects and methods of their investigation. 1990 264 pp. djvu. 13.4 MB.
Questions of the theory of alvanomanitic effects in the regimes of EMF and Hall current, including those in quantizing magnetic fields and in materials with mixed conductivity, are discussed. Their features in inhomogeneous and disordered semiconductors and layered structures are considered. A methodology for interpreting normal and abnormal measurement results is given. The requirements for the test samples are given, and interfering phenomena are analyzed. Methods for measuring the mobility profile and concentration of carriers, as well as contact and non-contact methods for measuring alvanomagnetic effects are considered.
The book is good because it explains in detail the physics of the phenomena under consideration.
For scientists engaged in the research of semiconductors and the development of semiconductor devices.

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Lachin V.I., Savelov N.S. Electronics. Tutorial. 2007 704 pp. djvu. 11.6 MB.
The tutorial covers all the basic, including power, semiconductor devices and the most widely used devices of analog, digital and power electronics. Descriptions of the characteristics and parameters of devices are preceded by the necessary information on physical phenomena taken into account in mathematical modeling. The studied material is focused on practical application.
Designed for students of higher technical educational institutions.

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Lenk J. Electronic circuits. Practical guide. 1985 344 pp. djvu. 3.0 MB.
The book by the famous American author continues the series of books on technical creativity. It covers over 270 electronic circuits widely used in amplifiers, detectors, oscillators, filters, stabilizers, and voltage converters.

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Litovchenko VG, Gorban' PK Fundamentals of physics of microelectronic systems metal - dielectric - semiconductor. 1978 320 pages djvu. 3.8 MB.
The monograph considers methods for obtaining layered structures of the dielectric-semiconductor, metal-dielectric-semiconductor types, methods of various active influences on them. physical properties and instrument features. great attention devoted to the presentation of physical concepts of the mechanisms of the flow of nonequilibrium phenomena in semiconductors and dielectrics.
Designed for scientific and engineering workers specializing in the field of semiconductor integrated electronics.

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Manaev E.I. Fundamentals of radio electronics. Educational for high schools. 1990 512 pp. djvu. 8.1 MB.
The fundamentals of radio electronics are outlined. The elements of electronic circuits are described. The main electronic devices are considered: amplifiers, generators, modulators, detectors, etc.; methods of transmission and reception of signals; influence of noise and interference. Compared with the second edition (1985), the issues of using integrated circuits, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers are more fully reflected. Introduced new chapter dedicated to microprocessors.
For a wide range of specialists working in various fields of radio engineering; may be useful to students of universities of radio engineering and radiophysics specialties.

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Marchenko A.L. Fundamentals of electronics. Tutorial. 2008 296 pp. pdf. 5.3 MB.
The book is a textbook on the basics of electronics, the material of which is structured in accordance with the State Standard and the program for general professional discipline for universities "electrical engineering and electronics". The material of the book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the element base, as well as the basics of analog, pulse and digital electronics.
The second part is devoted to testing electronic devices modeled in the NI Multisim 10 software environment. Electronic device circuits designed in the NI Multisim 10 environment and discussed in the book are posted on the website of the publishing house www.dmkkpress.ru and the author www.marchenko.elinf.ru.
The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions, and may also be useful to engineers and other scientific and technical specialists.

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E.A. Moskatov. Electronic equipment. 2004 120 pp. pdf. 1.9 MB.
A book for students and teachers of technical schools, technical colleges and universities, for people who want to know the processes occurring in radio equipment and in the electrical parts that make it up. How is this book different from many others written on the subject? Most books contain detailed descriptions of the processes occurring in the elements and nodes of equipment, usually presented in such a complicated and incomprehensible way that only its author or a major specialist in electronics can understand this literature. Other books, titled "Electronics", "Electronic Engineering" or similar, often contain material that is completely inconsistent with the programs of educational institutions and the plans of the Ministry of Education. Often they write not what is the basis of the course, but what they know. The book that is now in front of you is devoid of such shortcomings. Its author tried in the most concise form available to students to talk about the most important processes in electrical elements and equipment units, which are the basis for the successful completion of many other special disciplines. This textbook is, in essence, the basis for conducting lectures, therefore, most likely, it will be of interest to teachers of the corresponding subject.

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Morozov. Electrical engineering, electronics and impulse technology. Tutorial. 448 pages 5.3 Mb. djvu.
The book rather refers to the initial acquaintance with this topic, so the explanation starts from the very basics. The author believes that physics students do not know. 448 pages 5.3 Mb. djvu.

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Medvedev A.M. Printed circuit boards. Structures and materials. 2005 year. 300 pp. DJVU. 5.2 MB.
The book of a well-known Russian specialist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.M. Medvedev, describes the schemes of processes, systems of combinations, technologies for forming a topological pattern.

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Malakhov. Circuitry of analog devices. year 2000. 210 pp. PDF. 3.1 MB.
The circuitry of cascades of amplifiers for various purposes, made on the basis of bipolar and field-effect transistors and integrated operational amplifiers, is considered.

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Meleshyn. Transistor converter technology. 2005 year. 635 pp. DJVU. 12.7 MB.
The principles of conversion of electrical energy performed by pulsed transistor devices and the technical solutions used in this are outlined.

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V.V. Maslennikov. Passive RC circuits. Textbook for the course "Analog integrated circuits in measuring equipment". MEPhI. 2006 djvu. 263 Kb.
Passive RC circuits. Basic information from the theory of electrical circuits. Transient processes in RC circuits. Integrating RC circuits. Differentiating RC circuits. RC circuits with two capacitors. Electrical circuits for a sinusoidal signal.
Below is a continuation of the guide.

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V.V. Maslennikov. Collection of tasks for the course "General electrical engineering and electronics". MEPhI textbook. 2006 djvu. 680 Kb.
Contents: 1. Passive RC circuits. 2. Transistor amplifying stages (calculated by direct current). 3. Transistor amplifying stages (accounting for alternating current). 4. Amplifying circuits based on integrated operational amplifiers. 5. Errors in op amp amplifiers. 6. Selective amplifiers and generators of sinusoidal voltages. 7. Pulse devices based on op amp chips. 8. Integral logic elements. 9. Rectangular pulse generators based on integral logic elements.

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IN AND. Margolin, V.A. Zhabrev, V.A.Tupik. Physical foundations of microelectronics. Uch. allowance. 2008 400 pages djvu. 4.0 MB.
The fundamentals of quantum mechanics, fractal geometry and fractal physics, nonlinear dynamics are outlined. Considered physical foundations the main technological processes of micro- and nanoelectronics: obtaining thin-film structures, creating and transferring a lithographic image, methods for modifying surface and bulk structures, basics and methods of control and metrology.
For university students

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Meerovich, Vatin, Zaitsev, Kandykin. Magnetic pulse generators. 1968 477 pp. djvu. in one archive 8.6 Mb.
The book, which is based on the work of the authors, outlines the issues of constructing circuits of generators for various purposes, their theory and development methods. Along with those previously published, circuits with frequency multiplication and division are considered, which significantly expand the capabilities of generators powered by alternating voltage. They allow you to receive pulses, the repetition rate of which is an integer or fractional number of times greater or less than the frequency of the power source.

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E.A. Moskatov. Electronic equipment. Start. 3rd ed. revised add. 2010 204 pp. djvu. 1.8 MB.
The author tried in the most concise form available to students to talk about the most important processes in electrical elements and equipment units, which are the basis for the successful completion of many other special disciplines. This textbook is, in essence, the basis for lectures, so the book will be of interest to teachers of the relevant subject.

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Uwe Naundorf. Analog electronics. Fundamentals, calculation, modeling. year 2009. 470 pp. djvu. 5.9 MB.
Knowledge of the basics of analog circuitry is the basis of almost any technical specialty. The book discusses in detail the main electronic elements and basic circuits on them. Particular attention is paid to non-linear elements, they are analyzed by means of an appropriate approximation, then their characteristics are modeled on a computer for practical assimilation of the material.
A large number of exercises, the ability to check calculations through computer simulation, and clarity make the book an excellent modern textbook, especially useful for first-year students studying electronics in technical universities.
The book is also intended for practical engineers, technicians and anyone interested in electronics and circuitry.

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V. Nemudrov, G. Martin. Systems-on-a-chip. Design and development. 2004 216 pp. djvu. 3.6 MB.
The book discusses various aspects of the design and development of a new class of promising electronic element base - "system-on-chip" ("system-on-chip" - abbreviated as SOC). On a specific example of SOC in the application area of ​​third generation wireless communication, the features of algorithmically oriented SOC design methods are considered. The methods of "platform" design of SOC are also considered. Described characteristics SOC design (repeated use of IP blocks in the design process, introduction to the "system" level CAD, spiral model of the design route, etc.). The new global infrastructure for the design and production of SOC, which developed in the world in the early 2000s, is analyzed.
A new design methodology based on the multiple use of IP blocks (Intellectual Property blocks) is described. A complete SOC design methodology is outlined, including the system, functional, logical, and physical levels of SOC design. The features and advantages of using the System C language in the process of designing SOC at the system level are described.
For specialists, students and teachers in the field of modern electronics.

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Nikolaenko. Tutorial on radio electronics. 2006 224 pp. DJVU. 3.7 MB.
The book is a collection practical advice and advice on the design, manufacture and commissioning of analog and digital electronic devices for various purposes. Each reader, in accordance with his level of training, will be able to draw recommendations in this book on the selection and use of standard and specialized radio-electronic components, the development and use of electrical circuits, advice on the manufacture and installation of printed circuit boards. The book contains the basic principles of design and assembly of electronic devices, the procedure for testing components, making measurements in electrical circuits and repairing devices. The book is intended for the technically minded reader who has already assembled electronic devices and is addressed to a wide range of radio amateurs, both professionals and beginners.

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Novikov Yu.V. Fundamentals of digital circuitry. year 2001. 380 pp. djvu. 2.8 MB.
The book is a textbook on the basics of digital circuitry. The basics of circuitry of digital devices are considered, which should be fluent and actively used by every professional developer of digital equipment. Discusses the functioning and interaction of all major types of digital circuits - from the simplest to the most complex. models and levels of representation of digital microcircuits used in the design of digital electronic systems, methods for optimal construction of highly efficient digital systems of various degrees of complexity are written.

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Opadchy Yu.F., Gludkin O.P., Gurov A.I. Analog and digital electronics. Textbook. year 2000. 768 pp. PDF. 16.5 MB.
The element base of semiconductor electronic devices, diodes, transistors, thyristors, charge-coupled devices is considered: classification, current-voltage and frequency characteristics, basic switching circuits and features of the use of specific devices in various operating modes are given. The principles of constructing typical analog, pulse and digital devices are outlined. Methods of mathematical description of their work are given, as well as the basics of analysis and directed synthesis of devices with given technical characteristics.
For students studying in the specialty "Design and technology of radio electronic means".

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Oppenheim A., Shafer R. Digital signal processing. 2006 856 pp. djvu. 12.5 MB.
The book brought to your attention is the second revised edition of the world-famous classic textbook "Digital Signal Processing", published in 1975. It was based on an extensive course on discrete signal processing, taught for a number of years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The textbook is devoted to mathematical algorithms implemented in discrete systems. It omits complex proofs of mathematical statements, but all techniques and methods are illustrated with numerous examples and problems.
The book will be useful both for students mastering the subject, and for development and system engineers.

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A. J. Peyton, W. Walsh. Analog electronics on operational amplifiers. 1994 352 pp. djvu. 4.8 MB.
The book presents a selection of analog circuits on operational amplifiers with detailed technical descriptions and practical recommendations that will help you quickly select the desired circuit, manufacture and configure the necessary device.

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Pease A. Robert. Practical electronics of analog devices. Troubleshooting and development of designed circuits. 2001..320 pages djvu. 11.0 Mb.
The book, written by American engineer Robert Pease, is dedicated to troubleshooting analog circuits, but the proposed technical solutions can also be useful when working with digital devices. The author approaches the problem of finding and eliminating various defects from the position of a design engineer, illustrating the theoretical positions with examples from personal experience.
The first chapter of the book discusses methods for troubleshooting, testing circuits and their components. The second chapter focuses on diagnostic equipment; the following sections contain a detailed analysis of problems associated with passive and active elements and devices: resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, voltage references, stabilizers, etc. Information is also provided on printed circuit boards and about cables.
Additional information about the causes of malfunctions is provided in numerous appendices. Special consideration is given to the principles of use technical documentation.

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Presnukhin L.N., Vorobyov N.V., Shishkevich A.A. Calculation of elements of digital devices. 1982 385 pp. djvu. 5.2 MB.
In the tutorial, modern microelectronic logical, auxiliary, storage and special elements, their static and dynamic parameters, issues of synthesis of arbitrary trigger devices and the use of modern universal triggers are considered according to a single methodology; information is given on the prospects for the development of the element base of digital devices, machine calculation and machine optimization of the parameters of elements, practical recommendations are given on the use of integrated systems of elements and ensuring the noise immunity of digital devices on integrated circuits. For university students studying in the specialties "Electronic computers", "ACS", "Design and production of electronic computing equipment". It may be useful for graduate students and engineers involved in the calculation of elements of digital devices.

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Pryanishnikov V.A. Electronics. Full course lectures in 1998. 401 pages djvu. 9.0 MB.
The course of lectures on electronics corresponds to the programs of the disciplines "Electronics", "Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Electronics", "Electronic Engineering", "Power Supply of Electronic Devices". The author taught the proposed course for a number of years at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics ( Technical University). The course consists of 35 lectures and is designed to study the discipline for one or two semesters. The lectures contain carefully selected illustrations that can be used as visual aids, as well as reference tables that give the characteristics of the most advanced modern electronic elements and devices.

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Rozanov Yu.K. Industrial electronics. 1992 296 pp. djvu. 2.8 MB.
The book outlines the principles of converting electrical energy: rectification, inversion, frequency conversion. The main circuits of converter devices are described, ways to control them and regulate the main parameters, shows the areas rational use various types of converters. The features of design and operation are considered.
The book is intended for engineers and technicians in the development and operation of electrical systems containing converter devices, as well as those involved in the testing and maintenance of converter equipment.

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Routledge D. Encyclopedia of practical electronics. 2002 522 pp. djvu. 5.8 MB.
This publication is an introduction to analog electronics. Here, using the example of assembling and detailed analysis of the design of an amateur radio transceiver, all the fundamentals of analog electronics are considered - from Kirchhoff's laws to antenna theory.
The book describes in detail the main electronic elements and simple circuits, as well as filters, amplifiers, oscillators, frequency converters and antennas. During practical exercises, the reader will be able to independently design, assemble and test the performance of the NorCal40A amateur HF radio station. The book can serve reference guide for professionals and novice radio amateurs, as well as students of technical universities and colleges.

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Rovdo A.A. Semiconductor diodes and circuits with diodes. year 2000. 290 pp. djvu. 8.6 MB.
The book is completely devoted to a comprehensive description of diodes and the features of their application in various circuits. Presented detailed information on the physical foundations of the operation of semiconductor diodes, background information is provided on all the main varieties of semiconductor diodes, descriptions of all the main parameters for each type of diodes are given, sufficiently detailed tabular data on diodes of the corresponding type are given, drawings of all cases are available in the appendix.

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Rauscher K., Janssen F., Minihold R. Fundamentals of spectral analysis. 2006 224 pp. djvu. 16.4 MB.
The fundamentals of the theory and practice of analyzing the spectra of signals used in radio electronics and communications are outlined. The material has been prepared on the basis of many years of experience of Rohde & Schwartz, a company specializing in modern measuring technology and, in particular, in the development and production of spectrum analyzers. Introductory information, the main characteristics of the analyzers are briefly outlined, and on the example of one of the latest models, structural scheme device, the subtleties of working with it and the features of determining the main parameters of the signal.
For specialists in the field of radio electronics and communications, senior students, graduate students. It will be useful to a wide range of readers interested in modern measuring technology.

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Raikhlin. Fundamentals of digital circuitry. Tutorial for fuzes. Kaz.GU. 2002 350 pp. PDF. 20.2 MB.

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Revich Yu. V. Entertaining electronics. 2005..672 pages djvu. 7.0 MB.
Practical examples show how to design, debug and manufacture electronic devices at home. From the physical foundations of electronics, descriptions of the device and the principles of operation of various electronic components, tips on home laboratory equipment, the author moves on to specific analog and digital circuits, including devices based on microcontrollers. Elementary information on metrology and theoretical foundations of electronics is given. Many practical recommendations are given: from the principles proper organization power supply until obtaining information about the devices and purchasing components in relation to Russian conditions. The book can be used as a guide to some typical components of electronic equipment.
For a wide range of radio amateurs

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Revich Yu.V. Entertaining microelectronics. 2007 594 pp. djvu. 13.7 MB.
The book, using practical examples, talks about how to design, debug and manufacture modern electronic devices at home. Theoretical foundations, physical principles of operation of electronic circuits and various types of radio-electronic components are illustrated with practical examples in the form of complete amateur radio designs and are supplemented by tips on amateur equipment manufacturing technology.
At an accessible level, the theoretical foundations of digital technology are stated - mathematical logic and various systems reckoning.
The second part of the book is completely devoted to the programming of microcontrollers, as the basis of modern electronics. Particular attention is paid to the data exchange of microelectronic devices with personal computer, examples of programs in Delphi are given.

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Rosado. Physical electronics and microelectronics. The book examines the physics of semi-conductor materials and devices at a high physical and mathematical level, the physical foundations of the technology for the production of integral fem. The advantage of the book should include a large number of problems on all topics. Most of them have solutions brought to a numerical answer (in the SI system). 351 pages 4.9 Mb. djvu,

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Suker K. Power electronics. Developer Guide. 2008 252 pp. djvu. 1.6 MB.
For a specialist in the field of electronic engineering, the term "power electronics" is associated primarily with power supplies, control circuits for various actuators with a power not exceeding a few kilowatts. This book discusses the features of equipment with capacities measured in megawatts! This book is essentially a concise encyclopedia of modern power electronics.
This book will be useful to engineers and technicians, developers and designers working in the field of power electronics, as well as students studying various aspects of power electronics.

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B.Yu. Semenov. Power electronics for amateurs and professionals. year 2001. 333 pp. djvu. 2.7 MB.
Power electronics is a rapidly developing area of ​​technology, the purpose of which is to reduce the mass and dimensions of equipment power devices. Today it is already impossible to imagine a computer, VCR, TV without a light and reliable switching power supply. Talk about the unreliability of impulse technology is also subsiding. This book is intended to some extent fill the lack of information on this topic. Here, in an accessible language, it talks about the basics of designing switching power supply devices, about the promising element base, about its features and optimal choice given a lot of practical advice. The "pitfalls" of circuitry are described in detail, some typical designs are analyzed, non-traditional issues are touched upon, such as the creation of electronic ballasts to significantly extend the life of fluorescent lamps. The book will be useful not only for radio amateurs, but also for young specialists-developers.

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Semenov B.Yu. Power electronics: from simple to complex. 2005 year. 416 pp. djvu. 8.2 MB.
Power electronics is a rapidly developing area of ​​technology, the purpose of which is to reduce the mass and dimensions of power devices for electronic equipment and electric motors. Today it is already impossible to imagine a computer, video camera, DVD player, TV without a compact and reliable pulse source. Unfortunately, in last years There has been an acute shortage of literature on this topic. The second edition of the book has been largely revised and expanded. In an accessible language, it talks about the basics of designing switching power supply devices, about the promising element base, the features of its application and the optimal choice, and practical designs are given. It is told in detail about the "difficult issues" and "pitfalls" of circuitry. Non-traditional areas are also touched upon, such as the creation of high-frequency ballasts for fluorescent lamps and electronic power factor correctors. The book will be useful to specialists-developers of power equipment, university students, repairmen and radio amateurs.

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I.P. Stepanenko. Fundamentals of microelectronics. year 2001. 488 pp. djvu. 2.5 MB.
The main aspects of microelectronics are considered: physical, technological and circuitry. An idea about the level of modern microelectronics, its methods, means, problems and prospects is given. The types of integrated circuits and circuit design of digital and analog ICs are discussed. The 2nd edition reflects new fundamental achievements in the field of microelectronics, which are currently used in practice.
It is intended for students of radio engineering and radiophysical specialties of universities. It may be useful to a wide range of specialists associated with the creation and operation.

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Soclof. Analog electronic circuits. 1988 580 pp. djvu. Size 5.0 Mb.

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B.Yu. Semenov, I.P. Shelestov. Guide to the world of electronics. Book 2. 2004. 340 pp. DJVU. 8.8 MB.

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Titze U., Shenk K. Semiconductor circuitry. 12th ed. 2008
Volume1. 832 pp. djvu. 5.9 MB. Volume 2.942 pp. PDF. 65.1 MB. My program refused to translate the second volume into djvu. If anyone can, send me, I will replace the file (it should be about 8 MB.).
"Semiconductor circuitry" is a translation of the 12th edition of the well-known book by Ulrich Tietze and Christoph Schenk (in 1982, the Mir publishing house released a translation of the 5th edition of this book). This is a fundamental work that combines the principles of the design of semiconductor elements (diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, integrated circuits) and the basics of creating various functional units of analog technology (amplifiers, modulators, filters, radio receivers) and digital (trigger circuits, counters, registers, etc.) encoders and decoders, memory devices, etc.). The book is divided into two volumes: the first is devoted to the basics of circuitry, the second - the use of functional units in the creation of more complex devices.
When presenting the material, equivalent circuits are widely used, both for semiconductor elements and functional units, corresponding to work in the field of direct current and low / high frequencies. Particular attention is also paid to the transient processes of digital circuits. The description of each element or circuit is accompanied by the necessary number of rather elementary formulas that serve for their engineering calculation.
Encyclopedic completeness, an abundance of various schemes and an accessible mathematical justification make the book useful to a wide range of readers: radio amateurs, technicians repair enterprises, engineers of radio engineering and electronics and scientists. Students specializing in the field of "Informatics and Computer Engineering", teachers of relevant disciplines, practitioners involved in the development of IIS for various purposes.

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E. F. Turuta. 5000 modern ULF chips and their analogues. 2008 560 pp. djvu. 20.5 MB.
The best reference book on ULF in Europe, according to the tradition of the publishing house, was simultaneously published in Russia and Germany. It summarizes and systematizes information about most ULF ICs - integrated low-frequency power amplifiers manufactured by the world's leading manufacturers: ECG-Philips, Matsushita (Panasonic), National Semiconductors, NTE, Philips, RCA, Sanyo, Siemens, SGS-Thomson, Telefunken, Toshiba, etc.
When working, you should first refer to the table "Alphabetical summary table of ULF parameters", which shows the most important characteristics of microcircuits. Other sections present: body types, pinout, appearance, analogues, manufacturers, functional purpose. The ULF switching circuits are presented below: world circuits with the same electrical switching circuit are combined into single blocks to optimize the volume of the reference book.
The guide is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs, as well as for radio electronic equipment repairmen.

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E. Ugryumov. Digital circuitry. Textbook allowance 2004 528 pp. djvu. 5.3 MB.
The book deals with a wide range of issues related to the study, design and use of digital elements, nodes and devices, the microcircuits of which are the basis for the implementation of various means of information processing - computers, digital automation systems, telecommunications, measurements, etc. General problems of the circuitry implementation of digital devices, their typical functional units, structures and circuitry of storage devices, simple microprocessors, interface circuits and programmable logic circuits. Compared with the first edition, sections devoted to microcontrollers, programmable logic, memory devices, problems of high-speed data transfer, etc. have been supplemented and expanded. The methodology for both "manual" and automated methods for designing digital components and devices is outlined.
For students of technical universities and technical schools, as well as specialists working in the field of digital equipment.

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Ugryumov. Digital circuitry. From logic element to LSI/VLSI with programmable structures. 530 pages 7.5 Mb. djvu.

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Whitson. 500 practical circuits on IC. 375 pp. djvu. 6.6 MB.

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D. Wakerley. Design of digital devices. In 2 volumes. 2002 DJVU. 1 Volume 544 p. 48.2 Ch.1-5. 2 Volume 536 p. 24.5 Mb. Ch. 6-11.
A fundamental textbook that covers all areas of modern digital electronics. The main attention is paid to programmable logic circuits (FPGA).
For students, graduate students, university professors and hardware developers.

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J.E. Fisher, H.B. Getland. Electronics - from theory to practice. 1980 400 pages djvu. 3.3 MB.
In a popular form, concisely, in style close to the reference literature, basic information about the parameters and characteristics of typical devices is reported, simple calculation ratios are given that allow you to find the values ​​​​of the nominal values ​​​​of the main elements of the circuits. Numerical examples of the calculation of a large number of circuits used in modern applied electronics are given. Most likely, the book can be attributed to the "recipe" reference books on circuitry.

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K. Fricke. Introductory course of digital electronics. Uch. allowance. For the first time I see that a translated book is given the status of an account. benefits. 2003 425 pp. djvu. 4.6 MB.
The book provides a science-based introduction to digital technology, providing a full understanding of its basics, right down to design and programming. The reader gains knowledge that makes it possible to understand most digital technical schemes. The synthesis of logical circuits is considered in particular detail. The most commonly used standard circuits - multiplexers and code converters - are discussed with examples. The fundamentals of fixed-point arithmetic and the hardware implementation of arithmetic blocks are analyzed in detail. For various memory blocks, typical timing diagrams are given. Software-controlled drivers are presented as an introduction to the design of computer structures. The element base of digital devices is described in detail and the key problems of their energy are considered. A clear introduction to microprocessor technology is given.
The tutorial will be useful to practical engineers who actively use the element base of digital technology, programming microcontrollers and FPGAs.

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Khablovski I., Skulimovski V. Electronics in questions and answers. .1984 304 pp. djvu. 4.0 MB.
The book explains the physics of electronics in a popular question-and-answer format. electronic components and schemes, features of their application. The breadth of topics from discrete semiconductor devices to integrated circuits is successfully combined with simplicity and clarity of presentation of the material.
For a wide range of readers.

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Kharchenko V.M. Fundamentals of electronics. Tutorial. 1983 353 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
This book corresponds to the second part new program course "General electrical engineering with the basics of electronics." It outlines the device and principle of operation of electrovacuum, gas-discharge, semiconductor and photoelectronic elements, considers electronic rectifiers, amplifiers, generators and measuring instruments, provides basic information about electronic elements of automation, computers and automatic systems. For students of technical schools of non-electrical specialties.

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Mark E. Herniter. 10 exciting analog electronics projects. 2008 169 pp. DjVu. 2.7 MB.
This book examines several cases and examples of project development, selected for the express purpose of showing readers some of the useful stylish "tricks" that can be created using analog technology. Examples like these encourage further study of analog electronics, and also show where analog electronics still holds great potential. As examples of circuit solutions, the following were chosen: a fan control circuit designed to blow out a candle flame using a semiconductor diode as a temperature sensor, a blood-sucking flying insect presence sensor using an IR diode and a phototransistor, an electric shock that develops a voltage on the output electrodes of about 1000 V when the circuit is powered by 18 V batteries, a voltage multiplier circuit, as well as a DC motor speed control circuit.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuitry. Volume 1. 600 pages djvu. Size 8.7 Mb.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuitry. Volume 2. 590 pages djvu. Size 9.4 Mb.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuitry. 5 revised ed. 1998 17 djvu files in 16 MB RAR archive. 700 pages. Size 5.2 Mb, djvu.

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F. Chaki et al. Power electronics. Examples and calculations. .1982 384 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
The book discusses the main characteristics of various groups of power electronics circuits, gives nomograms and curves for calculations. Numerous examples are used to consider the operation of various power electronics circuits - network switching rectifiers, AC and DC breakers, self-excited inverters, and protection of powerful rectifiers. At the end of each chapter there are tasks for independent solution.
For electrical engineers, technicians, designers and operators.

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Chizhma S.N. Fundamentals of circuitry. 2008 420 pp. PDF. 34.6 MB.
The principles of construction of modern devices are outlined electronic systems designed for the formation, generation and processing of information signals. The manual reflects the latest achievements in the element base. Particular attention is paid to analog-to-digital conversion devices - ADC and DAC, as well as the latest achievements in the field of semiconductor memory and programmable logic integrated circuits.

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Shchuka A.A. Electronics. Uch. allowance. 2005 year. 800 pages djvu. 12.5 MB.
The book covers sections of electronics: vacuum and plasma electronics, semiconductor electronics and microelectronics, optical and quantum electronics, functional electronics. The content of each part includes a historical background on the stages of formation and development this direction electronics. Each section contains Control questions and problems with solutions, some of them are performed using standard computer programs.
For students of electronic, radio engineering and radiophysical specialties of universities, graduate students and engineers of relevant specialties

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35. EARL D. GATES. Introduction to electronics. Practical approach. 1995 638 pp. DJVU. 4.7 MB.
The book by a famous American specialist in a simple and accessible form introduces the basics of modern electronics. Its main goal is to theoretically prepare future specialists - electricians and electronics engineers - for practical work, therefore, in addition to a detailed presentation of the principles of operation of measuring and semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, general issues of the physics of dielectrics and semiconductors are considered. A very understandable book. I recommend if this science is difficult.

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To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For instance:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify maximum amount possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Municipal State Institution of Culture

"Centralized library system" of the Sormovsky district of the city Nizhny Novgorod

News and Events

Dear readers!

May 4 at 11.00 in the hall of ecological culture of the library-branch. Lenin Komsomol will open the exhibition "Man-Made Miracle". Residents of the Komsomolsky village will present their works made in various techniques: tatting, ribbon embroidery, origami, quilling. Of particular interest are products made in the tatting technique, presented by Yu.D. Stulov. Yuri Dmitrievich could be considered a completely ordinary resident of the Sormovsky district, if not for his passion. 67-year-old Sormovich is the only man in our city who weaves lace.

reference. Shuttle lace came to Europe from Eastern countries. In Italy, it was called "okko", that is, "eye", in Germany "schiffchen spitzen" (shuttle weaving), in England - "teting" (woven lace), in France - "tatting" (frivolity). Lace weaving of this kind came to Russia from France and became widespread under this name. The subject exhibition "Magic Shuttle" will help you get acquainted with this amazing technique.

The exhibition will run until May 15, 2012. Free admission. The exhibition is open every day except Saturday. from 10.00 to 18.00, on Sunday - from 10.00 to 17.00.

Dear readers!

One of the most significant events of the coming year in history is the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War 1812. Anyone who wants to learn more about the heroes of that great era, we invite you to get acquainted with virtual exhibition-gallery "About the heroes of bygone times...".

For everyone who is interested in history, who cares about the events of that heroic era, we offer to supplement the exhibition with our own creative works. It can be reviews, drawings, poems. Bring your work to the children's libraries of the MKUK CLS of the Sormovsky district.

Dear readers!

More recently, in the Central Regional Library named after. On May 1, the service for the visually impaired began. For this category of readers, 170 audio books and 26 Braille titles were purchased.

Responding to the requests of the blind people, it was decided to replenish the library fund with audio books and Braille publications. Readers are offered literary creations for every taste. These are books on natural and humanitarian disciplines, culture and art, teaching aids, dictionaries and reference books, collections for children, classics of Russian and foreign literature, modern prose.

Librarians appeal to all Sormovites with a request to convey information about the service for the visually impaired to people of this category.

For audiobooks, you can come to any library of the Sormovsky library system. But publications in Braille will be available only to readers of the Central District Library named after. 1st of May.

Dear readers!

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev declared 2012 the Year of Russian history. What does the history of the fatherland mean for modern man? Is it the glorious past of our Motherland or memories of the events of the past distorted by time? We encourage you to take part in the survey. "Library in the context of the Year of Russian History". By answering the questionnaire, you will help us determine the role of the library in shaping the stable interest of readers in Russian history.

The theme of love is one of the most popular in Russian and world literature. Those deep feelings experienced by the heroes of author's creations have always been for us, readers, a standard and an object of admiration. And so, on the eve of the holiday we all love so much - Valentine's Day - we invite you to compose Top 10 Literary Couples in Love. Who, in your opinion, deserves the title of the brightest and most famous couple?

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USSR textbook

The book "Physical electronics and microelectronics"


Pages: 351

Rosado L.

Physical electronics and microelectronics: Per. from spanish S. I. Baskakova / Ed. V. A. Terekhova; Foreword V. A. Terekhova.- M .: Higher. school, 1991.- 351 p., ill.

The book discusses in detail, at a high physical and mathematical level, the functioning of the main semiconductor devices - discrete and integrated (diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors), as well as the physical foundations of integrated technology. All material is divided into portions, including theoretical material, exercises, examples of solutions and tasks, including those with analysis of solutions. Each chapter ends with a conceptual diagram.

Translation editor's preface



1.1. Definitions

1.1.1. physical electronics

1.1.2. Microelectronics

1.1.3. Manufacturing Technology of Discrete Semiconductor Devices and ICs

1.2. Historical overview

1.2.1 Physical electronics and microelectronics

1.2.2. Semiconductor and electrovacuum devices that preceded the transistor

1.2.3. Historical overview since the invention of the transistor

1.3. The state of the art in electronics



2.1. Covalent bond model

2.1.1. Crystal cell

2.1.2. Electrons and holes

2.2. Energy Zone Model

2.2.1. A simple energy band model

2.2.2. Mathematical model of energy zones

2.3. concept diagram

2.4. Self Test Exercises

2.5. Solutions

2.6. Tasks



3.1. The equilibrium state of a semiconductor. Transport Phenomena in Stationary Non-Equilibrium Regimes

3.1.1. Level filling density

3.1.2. Fermi - Dirac distribution function

3.1.3. Charge carrier concentration

3.1.4. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors

3.1.5. Transport Phenomena under Stationary Nonequilibrium Conditions

3.2. Non-equilibrium processes in semiconductors

3.2.1. Generation and recombination processes

3.2.2. Internal electric field

3.2.3. Quasi-levels and Fermi quasi-potentials

3.2.4. The phenomenon of transfer in a dynamically non-equilibrium state

3.3. Basic Equations Describing Processes in Semiconductor Devices

3.4. concept diagram

3.5. Self Test Exercises

3.6. Solutions

3.7. Tasks



4.1. The equilibrium state of the p-n junction

4.2. The work of the p-n-junction with an external voltage. semiconductor diode

4.2.1. Qualitative consideration of the properties of a biased junction (with an external voltage)

4.2.2. Barrier capacitance of reverse biased junction

4.2.3. Mathematical model of the diode. Shockley equation

4.3. breakdown phenomena

4.4. Small Signal Diode Models

4.4.1. Mathematical model

4.4.2. Equivalent circuit of a p+-n junction diode

4.5. Switching processes in a diode. Large signal mode

4.5.1. Phenomena when turning off the diode

4.6. Transition metal - semiconductor

4.6.1. Diodes Schottky

4.7. Semiconductor-semiconductor junction (heterojunction)

4.8. Diodes for optoelectronics

4.8.1. solar cell

4.8.2. Light emitting diode

4.8.3. Lasers with p-n junctions and heterojunctions

4.9. concept diagram

4.10. Self Test Exercises

4.11. Solutions

4.12. Tasks



5.1. Introduction to the Theory of the Ideal MOS Capacitor

5.1.1. Enrich, lean and invert modes

5.1.2. Surface charge in enrichment, depletion and inversion modes

5.2. Ideal MOS Capacitor

5.2.1. Capacitance-voltage characteristic in small signal mode

5.2.2. Threshold voltage

5.3. Real MOS Capacitor

5.3.1. Factors that determine the ideal capacitance-voltage characteristic

5.3.2. Threshold voltage and flat zone voltage

5.4. Ideal MOSFET

5.4.1. Ideal physical structure

5.4.2. Principle of operation

5.4.3. Volt-ampere characteristics

5.4.4. Equivalent Circuit Parameters in Dynamic Mode

5.5. Real MOSFET

5.6. An ideal field effect transistor with a control p-n junction

5.6.1. Structure and principle of operation

5.6.2. Operating characteristics

5.6.3. Equivalent Circuit

5.7. Real field-effect transistor with a control p-and-junction

5.8. Field-effect transistor with a control metal-semiconductor junction

5.9. concept diagram

5.10. Self Test Exercises

5.11. Solutions

5.12. Tasks



6.1. The structure of a bipolar transistor and the principle of its operation

6.1.1. Transistor switching circuits

6.2. Transistor parameters

6.2.1. DC parameters

6.2.2. AC parameters (small signal mode)

6.2.3. Analytical expressions for the parameters of a DC transistor

6.3. Frequency properties of the transistor

6.3.1. Time of flight of carriers through the base

6.4. Phenomena observed at high injection level

6.5. Static model of a bipolar transistor

6.5.1. Simplifications and hypotheses

6.5.2. Distribution of the concentration of charge carriers in the region of the base, emitter and collector

6.5.3. Ebers-Moll model

6.5.4. Equivalent circuit for the Ebers-Moll model

6.6. Transistor Models in Small Signal Mode

6.6.1. Hybrid U-shaped transistor equivalent circuit at low and high frequencies

6.7. Charging model of a bipolar transistor

6.7.1. Charge model of a structure with a p-n junction

6.7.2. Charge model of the transistor in active mode

6.7.3. Model application

6.8. Transistor in switching mode

6.9. Thyristors

6.9.1. controlled thyristor

6.10. concept diagram

6.11. Self Test Exercises

6.12. Solutions

6.13. Tasks



7.1. Microelectronics and integrated circuits

7.1.1. IP classification

7.1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of IP

7.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing

7.2.1. Manufacturing processes

7.3. Integrated circuit design

7.3.1. Insulation

7.3.2. Computer-assisted design

7.4. Manufacturing processes

7.4.1. Preparatory operations

7.4.2. Photolithography

7.4.3. Diffusion

7.4.4. epitaxial process

7.4.5. Thermal oxidation

7.4.6. Ion implantation

7.4.7. Metallization

7.5. Connection of terminals, installation in the housing and testing

7.6. Resistors and Capacitors ICs

7.6.1. Resistors

7.6.2. Capacitors

7.7. concept diagram

7.8. Self Test Exercises

7.9. Solutions

7.10. Tasks



8.1. Bipolar transistors ICs

8.1.1. NPN Hidden Layer Transistor

8.1.2. P-n-p type transistor with horizontal structure

8.1.3. P-n-p type transistor with vertical structure

8.1.4. Composite pnp transistor

8.2. IC Diodes

8.2.1. Diodes Schottky ICs

8.3. Electrothermal models of bipolar ICs

8.3.1. Electrothermal resistor model

8.3.2. Electrothermal Diode Model

8.3.3. Electrothermal model of n-p-n-transistor

8.3.4. Application of electrothermal models

8.4. Bipolar VLSI

8.4.1. isoplanar process

8.4.2. Self-Aligned Polysilicon Process

8.5. Families of bipolar logic ICs

8.5.1. Integral injection logic I2L

8.5.2. Logic with Schottky transistor (TLSH)

8.5.3. Schottky injection logic (I2LSH)

8.5.4. Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL)

8.5.5. Diode-transistor logic (DTL)

8.5.6. Transistor-transistor logic (TTL)

8.6. Main types of analog bipolar ICs

8.6.1. Differential Amplifiers

8.6.2. Operational amplifiers

8.7. concept diagram

8.8. Self Test Exercises

8.9. Solutions

8.10. Tasks




9.1.1. Main characteristics, physical processes and applications of MOS ICs

9.2. p-MOS logic

9.2.1. Basic p-MOS transistor equations

9.3. nMOS logic

9.3.1. n-MOS Transistor Performance in Enrichment Mode

9.3.2. Basic Equations of an nMOS Transistor

9.3.3. n-MOS storage devices

9.4. CMOS logic

9.4.1. Some Characteristics of CMOS Devices

9.4.2. Comparison of CMOS and n-MOS Structures

9.4.3. Application of ion implantation for the production of CMOS ICs

9.4.4. Silicon Gate CMOS Devices

9.5. Logic devices of types CMOS-KNS and CMOS-KND

9.6. Use of MOS technology in VLSI

9.6.1. Reducing the size of devices

9.7. Combined technologies

9.7.1. CMOS/Bipolar Integrated Circuits

9.7.2. MOS/CMOS/Bipolar Integrated Circuits

9.8. Charge coupled devices

9.8.1. Surface potential in CCD

9.8.2. CCD application

9.9. Integrated circuits based on field-effect transistors with a control p-n junction and with a metal-semiconductor junction

9.9.1. Field-effect transistor with a control p-n-junction and an n-type channel

9.9.2. Field-effect transistor with a control p-n-junction and a p-type channel.

9.9.3. Field-effect transistors with a control junction metal - semiconductor

9.10. concept diagram

9.11. Self Test Exercises

9.12. Solutions

9.13. Tasks



10.1. Materials, design methods and technological processes

10.1.1. materials

10.1.2. Design and manufacturing processes

10.2. Modern technologies

10.3. Devices of the near future

Answers and instructions for exercises and tasks


Appendix 1. Relations between some physical units.

Multipliers for the formation of submultiples and multiples

Appendix 2. Some physical constants

Appendix 3. Parameters of germanium, silicon and gallium arsenide

Appendix 4. Some properties of chemical elements

Appendix 5 Some Useful Graphs

Appendix 6. Recalculation of quadripole parameters

Appendix 7. Relationship between h-parameters of transistors in various switching circuits

Appendix 8. Physical parameters of semiconductors


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