Russian distributors of electronic components. Electronic Component Marking


Electronic component marking. Determinant (V. Halikeev (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-94120-131-0
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
V. Halikeev (ed.)
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Radio electronics, radio engineering, communication
Publisher: Dodeka XXI
Russian language
Number of pages: 386

Description: The book is a reference guide-identifier of electronic components according to their outward appearance... Using this guide, you can decipher the code or color marking of most passive (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and active (discrete components and microcircuits) electronic components of domestic and foreign production. Reference materials are presented in graphical and tabular form.
The search in the identifier is carried out by the type of the component body, and then by the type of marking: color or code. The directory contains more than 15000 code markings active ingredients: diodes, dinistors, zener diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, switches, amplifiers, comparators, digital potentiometers, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, valves, etc. in housings for surface mounting, including housings such as SOD, SOT, MSOP, TQFN, UCSR. For all components, reference information is provided about the functional purpose of the devices, the manufacturer, the main characteristics and features, as well as the pinout of the conclusions. Separate chapters provide detailed information on the color and code marking of domestic components in KT-26 and KT-27 cases.
In the chapters on passive components, the principles of color and code marking of resistors, capacitors, inductors and other elements by rating, tolerances and other parameters are considered, as well as non-standard marking of components of some leading manufacturers.

The book is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs and radio engineers.


Guide to color, code marking and interchangeability of components (Sergey Koryakin-Chernyak, E. Mukomol, Oleg Partala)

ISBN: 978-5-94387-812-1
Format: DjVu, OCR without errors
Author: Sergey Koryakin-Chernyak, E. Mukomol, Oleg Partala
Year of issue: 2010

Publisher: Science and Technology
Series: Handbook
Russian language
Number of pages: 320 + color incl.
Description: The handbook details the color and code marking of electronic components: passive and active, both in traditional and SMD cases. Of particular interest is the application-guide to the vastness of the Internet, where you can find the sea useful information on the latest electronic components. Handbook for ...


Assembly and installation of electronic devices (A.M. Medvedev)

ISBN: 5-17-009351-9, 5-271-01789-3, 985-13-8438-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Yudin A.V.
Year of issue: 2001
Genre: Encyclopedia
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of pages: 256
Description: The guide-guide describes more than 320 species of edible, conditionally edible and poisonous mushrooms growing in central Russia. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. To uncover


Keys to Plants of the Altai Republic (Krasnoborov I.M., Artemov I.A. (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-7692-1231-4
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Krasnoborov I.M., Artemov I.A. (ed.)
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Biology, ecology
Publisher: SB RAS
Russian language
Number of pages: 701
Description: The book contains dichotomous keys to identify 134 families, 600 genera and 2136 species of higher vascular plants growing in one of the floristically unique regions Russian Federation... Scientific (Latin) and Russian names of plants are given. For each species, its life form, characteristic communities and habitat are indicated ...


ISBN: 978-5-9775-0295-5
Format: DjVu
Year of issue: 2008
Author: Pavel Agurov
Publisher: BHV
Number of pages: 480
Description: The book contains all the information you need to create full-fledged Win Forms components in C # in MS Visual Studio 2005/2008, from development and debugging to licensing and distribution. Designers, type converters, services, type editors, and much more are considered. Information about each class described in the book is accompanied by an example of its use. All program code is an author's development and tested in practice. On CD ...


Collection of electronic books on esotericism.

Genre: Esoteric
Author: compiled by AOSP
Country Russia
Year of issue: 2007] Kabbalah "10 lectures on Kabbalah" "Baal HaSulam - Teaching of the Ten Sephiroth" "Dion Fortune - Mystical Kabbalah" "M. Laitman - INTERNAL CONTENT" "M. Laitman - Basic principles" "Michael Laitman - Comprehension of the Higher Worlds (Kabbalah) "" FOREWORD TO THE BOOK OF ZOAR "" Dryness of science Kabbalah "Magic" I and II books of magic of Moses "A. Crowley" Crowley - 8 lectures on yoga "" Crowley - Gematria "" Crowley - BOOK 777 "" Crowley - BOOK THE LAW "" Crowley - BOOK OF LIES "" Crowley - Book of wisdom or stupidity "" Crowley - Book ...


Traces of animals and birds. Encyclopedic guide-determinant (Vadim Gudkov)

ISBN: 978-5-9533-1847-1
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Vadim Gudkov
Year of issue: 2007
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Veche
Russian language
Number of pages: 592
Description: This unique encyclopedic publication is the result of many years of painstaking work by the author to study the track activity of animals in many parts of our country, in the near and far abroad. The book contains detailed descriptions and drawings of footprints of 166 species of mammals, 374 species of birds and 19 species of amphibians and reptiles, mainly of the Russian fauna. Fascinatingly told about ...


Create e-books from scans: DjVu or PDF from paper book quickly and easily (TWDragon)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: TWDragon
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Samizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 32
From the author: Here is a book taken from a friend, from the library, or just a good, interesting book that I would like to have on my computer. And not just to have, but to have it in a form that would allow you to search through the text, it is convenient to read a book on a monitor screen or on eBook devices, and if it is not scientific, technical or reference literature, then also read it on your beloved cell phone, iPhon "e or PDA. ...

Specialists of the Ruselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation are engaged in the formation of a unified database of domestically produced electronic components. To date, the database contains information on 50 thousand items. Access to it is provided to employees of 77 enterprises radioelectronic industry.

Information and reference system “Electronic component base of domestic production. Electrical, technical and operational parameters ”is intended to provide developers and manufacturers of radio electronic equipment with up-to-date information on the characteristics of manufactured components by providing access to open information using Internet technologies.

The data contains a complete description of the electrical, dimensional and operational characteristics of electronic components in such sections as "Integrated circuits", "Semiconductor devices", "Resistors and capacitors", "Electrical connectors, wiring and connection products", "Transformers, chokes, delay lines "," Optoelectronic devices ".

The system is equipped with a number of options aimed at reducing costs and speeding up the process of selecting components that are optimal for the development of a particular type of electronic equipment. In particular, the system implements a developer's personal account, a classifier in accordance with the List of Electronic Components, approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as a search by the name of the component type, their specifications and ranges of electrical characteristics, or by the manufacturer. In addition, the system is responsive to user requests, which provides targeted marketing for component manufacturers.

Developer information system- St. Petersburg JSC "Russian Research Institute" Electronstandard "- provided access to the database to employees of 77 enterprises of the radio-electronic industry. At the same time, 39 enterprises entered into contracts for the use of the system's resources on an ongoing basis, the rest are getting acquainted with its capabilities in a temporary access mode.

The database users include both component manufacturers and radio equipment designers. In particular, the resources of the system are used by specialists from Ruselectronics enterprises - for example, the St. Petersburg Research Institute "Vector" and the Nizhny Novgorod NPP "Salyut", the holdings of the State Corporation Rostec - NPP "Eltom", NPO "Molniya", the Central Design Bureau of Apparatus Building. In addition, the Spetselectron Group of Companies (Moscow), the Kazan plant “Elektropribor”, KB “Tekhnika” (St. design department Detail (Kamensk-Uralsky).

More than 150 companies are engaged in the distribution of electronic components on the Russian market, not counting regional dealers.

The total sales of Russian distributors, excluding regional dealers, amounted to about $ 1,435 million in 2016, a decrease of 3% compared to 2015.

Market distribution

The figure below shows the ratio of sales of 60 Russian distributors. The rest have sales of about $ 60 million more. Approximately 10% of their total sales come from resale between federal distributors, which we deducted when calculating market size.

The 10 largest Russian distributors account for 45% of the total sales of Russian distributors and 41% of the entire distributor market (including foreign distributors and regional dealers), approximately 28% of the total Russian market electronic components.

Table. Sales volumes and market shares of every ten distributors from the first to the sixth.

Sales volume 2016, million dollarsMarket share of distributors of electronic components,%Share in the Russian market of electronic components,%
Sales volume and market share of Top 10 Russian distributors673 41% 28%
Sales volume and market share of distributors ranked 11-20 in the Top 60342 21% 14%
- distributors 21 - 30168 10% 7.0%
- distributors 31-40118 7.4% 5.0%
- distributors 41-5082 5.2% 3.5%
- distributors 51-6062 4.0% 2.7%
Top 601450 89% 61%

A detailed analysis of the Russian market for distributors of electronic components is presented in the report marketing research... Cm.

If your company is not represented in the directory, please send information in the appropriate table format by e-mail. mail

Main specialization - up to 50 characters

Analysis of supply models

In the course of the research, the following basic models for the supply of electronic components (distribution models) were identified, which are used by market participants:

  • Warehouse deliveries.
  • Project or planned deliveries. They, in turn, are divided by approaches into the following types:
  • Engineering distribution
  • Logistic distribution

Warehouse distribution includes deliveries of products that were purchased by a distributor to a warehouse not for a specific customer, but based on the regular needs of the market. Deliveries in warehouse distribution are carried out mainly for urgent orders. Warehouse distributors are characterized by a wide range of products, mass advertising and demand stimulation methods, formalized customer service procedures. Warehouse distribution provides a large number of customers with relatively small purchase volumes. Large customers also need the services of warehouse distributors to ensure urgent, “fire” deliveries of products. Prices in warehouse distribution, as a rule, are not agreed individually with the customer, but are subject to the general price list and the system of discounts on the volume of purchases. A warehouse distributor's relationship with customers can be compared to a supermarket's relationship with customers.

The project model includes deliveries, purchases for which the distributor carries out after agreeing with the customer the nomenclature and quantities, price conditions and the delivery schedule. Prices and other terms of delivery are agreed individually with each customer. Design distributors have fewer customers. At the same time, the volume of each order must be large enough to justify the costs of individual work. The share of the largest customers in the sales of project distributors is much higher than that of warehouse distributors.

Engineering distribution ensures the implementation of partner manufacturer's components in development projects. This guarantees the distributor a special price from the manufacturer for the introduced products. Engineering distribution requires individual work with the developers of the customer. It ensures the formation of demand for a fairly narrow range of, as a rule, expensive components, the supply of which justifies the costs of implementation and technical support... They carry out a large amount of work together with the technical specialists of the manufacturing companies. The work model of an engineering distributor is similar to work sales representative manufacturer to promote products.

Logistic project distribution typically provides consolidated component supplies. Consolidated deliveries are based on the distributor's higher procurement and logistics efficiency compared to the customer. Consolidated supplies optimize purchase prices and logistics costs for the supply of components that are already selected and used in production. Consolidation of purchases from a specific distributor can be at the level of individual lines by component manufacturers, at the level of product groups (passive, electromechanical, etc.) and at the level of the entire consumed item (packaged supplies). Large qualified customers tend to consolidate purchases from distributors by product line (high-value components) and by product group (low-cost components), selecting distributors with the appropriate specialization. Customers resort to bundled sourcing when they lack the competencies to manage procurement and supply chains. The operating model of a logistics project distributor consolidating deliveries is similar to that of a purchasing agent serving a large customer.

Most large Russian distributors combine all three operating models. Moreover, each distributor has a basic model that determines its specialization and positioning in the market.

The largest Russian warehouse distributors are KOMPEL, Symmetron, Promelectronica, Platan. All warehouse distributors strive to develop project deliveries to ensure that large orders enter the market. However, these models are difficult to match within the same company, since require different approaches to customer relationships.

Most engineering distributors (who are dominated by this supply model) tend to expand consolidated supply. Together with deliveries registered with the manufacturer of the main components, they ensure the supply of complementary components.

Consolidated deliveries are developing in two directions:

  • Specialization by product groups - allows you to develop certain competencies in procurement, to form supply lines corresponding to specializations.
  • Complex supplies - allow you to work with companies that do not have sufficient procurement competencies. The "picker" takes over many of the functions of procurement departments. At the same time, the customer loses the ability to manage the risks arising in the procurement channels.

Among the Russian distributors, there are companies that supply mainly components of domestic production. Largest distributors Russian electronic components are the companies "Zolotoy Shar", "Milandr", "Radiant-Elkom", "RSP", "Promtekhkomplekt", "Exiton".

Distributors of domestic components strive to develop the supply of foreign components. Basically, this happens in an independent (unauthorized) distribution model.

A detailed analysis of Russian distributors by supply model is presented in the marketing research report. Cm.

"Electronic Components" - Trading Companies
Database of electronic components and parts from Russian and foreign manufacturers: diodes, capacitors, microcircuits, tools, devices, etc. Directory of companies. Registration rules.

"Market of microelectronics" - information system
Reference data on electronic components: articles, thematic reviews, diagrams, information about manufacturers, dealers, representative offices. Microcontroller tools, publications.

"Chipinfo" - electronic components database
Electronic Components Handbook: Technical Documentation, schematic diagrams. Software for design. Literature review.

"E7E" - search for electronic components
Search system for warehouses of suppliers of electronic components. Announcements of the purchase and sale of components on the forum.

"Kompel" - supply of electronic components
Import and sale of components from various foreign companies. Catalog of manufacturers (information about the company, product range, ordering samples and documentation). Information about the company. Contacts.

"Petersburg Electronic Company"
Supplies of electronic components: active, passive, electromechanical, etc. Search system in the catalog. Information about the company. Contacts.

"" - electronic portal
Directory of links to schematic diagrams, articles, documentation. Handbook of electronic components. Component search system in online warehouses. Forum.

"Platan" - supply of electronic components
About the firm. List of electronic components: microcircuits, transistors, thyristors, diodes, etc. Technical documentation... Prices. Subject news, articles and seminars. Contacts.

"Master Kit" - electronic kits for radio amateurs
Presentation of electronic kits and modules for self-assembly of various devices. Catalog: photographs, descriptions, schemes, approximate prices. The addresses of the points of sale in the cities of Russia. FAQ. Articles.

"Promelectronica" - electronic components
Price list for diodes, imports, resistors, transistors, microcircuits, etc. Documentation and reference data. Scheme consumer electronics... Information about the developments. Links.

"Rainbow technologies" - electronic components
Supply of electronic components (microcircuits, electronic modules). List of products offered. Prices. Contacts.

"Symmetron" - supplies of electronic components
Catalog with detailed descriptions electronic components and components for manufacturers of radio electronic equipment and computer technology. Prices. Contacts.

"Atmel" - manufacture of electronic components
About company. Electronic components catalog (descriptions) and software tools to work with them. Documentation and scientific articles about Atmel electronic components. Addresses of Russian representatives.

"Trimmer" - supplies of electronic components
Catalog of the goods: microcircuits, imported connectors, potentiometers, domestic radio components and other technical data. Online check of stock availability. Subscription to the price list.

Sale of development and debugging tools for microcontrollers, DSP and FPGA; sale of electronic components from global manufacturers. Articles. Information about the company. Contacts. Bulletin board.

"World of electronics" - sale of electronic components
General information about company. Proposal for the supply of radio-electronic products: electronic components, devices, tools, literature, scientific and technical materials for developers. Price lists.

"Electronic Components" - Publishing House
Contents of the latest issues of the journals "Electronic Components", "Live Electronics" and others. Archive (contents) since 1999. On the editions: subscription, distribution, release schedule, etc. About the publishing house.

"NIIME and Mikron" - manufacture of microcircuits
Information about the company. Catalog of manufactured microcircuits with descriptions and technical characteristics. Contacts. Selection of articles on microelectronics.

"Taberu" - production of printed circuit boards
Manufacturing printed circuit boards and stencils, supply of components and solder paste, surface and lead-out mounting of boards. Price list. Description of technologies. The ability to track the readiness of the order.

"Micro-chip" - supply of electronic components
Enumeration of the offered products: microcontrollers, operational amplifiers, debugging crystals, memory microcircuits and other price list. Technical documentation. Contact Information. Links.

"Fulcrum" - sale of electronic components
Supply of logical components from Atmel, Altera, Triscend and others. Technical documentation. Prices. Information about the availability in the warehouse.

"Contract Electronics" - contract manufacturing
Manufacturing and assembly of printed circuit boards, selection and production of housings for electronic devices. Description of services. Forms of orders. Directory of terms for contract electronics. About the firm. Contacts.

"Dial Electrolux" - electronic components
About the company and its activities: wholesale and small-scale trade of foreign electronic components. Catalog, prices, characteristics: resistors, capacitors, thermistors and other order online.

"Start" - relays and switches
Manufacture and sale of switching equipment products (relays and switches). Catalog with descriptions and technical characteristics. Price list. Contacts.

"Mega-electronics" - electronic components
Wholesale supply of electronic components (microcircuits, microcontrollers, transistors, IGBTs) for the production of electronics. Official dealer Philips Semiconductors.

"Elecond" - production of capacitors
Supply of aluminum, niobium, tantalum capacitors to the CIS market. Product catalog, documentation (pdf format). Price lists. Information about the enterprise. Requisites.

"Argussoft" - supply of electronic components
Catalog of signal processors, microcontrollers, converters, power electronics, microcircuits and other price list. Information about the producers. Contacts.

"Eltech" - sale of electronic components
Product catalog: microcircuits, thyristors, DC-DC converters, etc. Specifications. Addresses of representations.

"EKiT" - electronic, electrical products
Illustrated catalog of electronic and electrotechnical components: terminal blocks, relays, optocouplers, connectors, cable leads and other reference materials. General information about the company.

"SMP" - sale of electronic components
Nomenclature of chip components: resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, etc. Descriptions, specifications radio components. Online store. Contact Information.

"Integral" - research and production association
Information about the association: history, structure (design centers, factories), contacts. On the services: design, production of electrical appliances, components, crystals and other catalog of production.

"ITC-Electronics" - electronic components
Complex supply of electronic components, production automation equipment and industrial equipment... Online order form. Reference data on manufacturers of electronic components.

"AV-Center" - electronic components and materials
Sale of electronic components, microcircuits, transistors and other radio components. Cables, connectors, acoustic components for the production and installation of professional audio, video, Hi-Fi equipment.

"Concern Argo" - supply of electronic components
Diodes, transistors, microcircuits, connectors, etc. List of products. Prices. Delivery conditions. The text of the contract. Information about the company.

To date, information on 50,000 products has been entered into the unified database of domestic-made electronic components, formed by the specialists of the Ruselectronics holding of the State Corporation Rostec.

The developer of the information system - St. Petersburg JSC Russian Research Institute Electronstandard, provided access to the database to employees of 77 enterprises of the radio-electronic industry. At the same time, 39 enterprises entered into contracts for the use of the system's resources on an ongoing basis, the rest are getting acquainted with its capabilities in a temporary access mode.

The database users include both component manufacturers and developers of radio equipment based on them. In particular, the resources of the system are used by specialists from Ruselectronics enterprises - for example, the St. Petersburg Research Institute Vector and the Nizhny Novgorod NPP Salyut JSC, the holdings of the State Corporation Rostec - NPP Eltom JSC (Tomilino, Moscow region, part of the KRET holding) , JSC NPO Molniya (Moscow, part of the Tekhnodinamika holding), JSC Central Design Bureau of Apparatus (TsKBA, Omsk, part of the High-Precision Complexes holding).

In addition, access to the database was obtained, in particular, by OOO GK Spetselectron (Moscow), OAO Kazan plant Elektropribor (part of the Ak Bars holding), OOO KB Tekhnika (St. Petersburg) , JSC Ural Design Bureau Detal (Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk Region, part of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation).

Information and reference system “Electronic component base of domestic production. Electrical, technical and operational parameters ”is intended to provide developers and manufacturers of radio electronic equipment with up-to-date information on the characteristics of manufactured components by providing access to open information using Internet technologies.

The system is equipped with a number of options aimed at reducing costs and speeding up the process of selecting components that are optimal for the development of a particular type of electronic equipment. In particular, the system implements the services “ personal account developer ", a classifier in accordance with the" List of electronic components "approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as searches by the name of the type of components, their specifications and ranges of electrical characteristics, or by the manufacturer.

In addition, the system allows for the tracking of user requests, which provides targeted marketing for component manufacturers.

One of the users of the system, the largest Russian contract electronics manufacturer - St. Petersburg PANTES Group LLC, highly appreciates its characteristics and development potential. "This information and reference system has significantly reduced and simplified the process of choosing an electronic component base in the design of radio electronic equipment for the state defense order," the letter says. general director LLC "PANTES group" Gennady Korshunov, who entered the RNII "Electronstandard".

At the same time, the letter expresses hope for the development of the system “in the direction of creating an industry information portal[...] representing the maximum possible amount of information about the developed, serially produced and promising electronic components of domestic production ”.