Spectral analysis of steel. Chemical analysis of metals and alloys

Provision of services for the chemical analysis of metal

We can perform the following works:

Chemical composition, chemical analysis of metal:

    Determine the chemical composition of steels and alloys

    Confirm steel grades

    Restore product documentation

    Confirm or deny the certificate

    Incoming inspection of metals and alloys

    Sort ferrous and non-ferrous scrap

    Determine the chemical composition of ore rocks

    Select an analogue of steels and alloys (using a special program - the brand of steels Win Steel 8.0 Prof)

Mechanical tests:

    Compression and stretching

    Determination of hardness

Cooperation options:

    Testing at the customer's facility

    Sample testing in our laboratory

    Departure to the regions and receipt of samples through transport companies


Departure of a specialist at the customer's site

Work throughout the Russian Federation

Highly qualified specialists

Work in accordance with GOST

Selection of analogs of steels and alloys

Specialist consultation

One-click application (order a service from the site)

"Steel. Method of X-ray fluorescence analysis"

GOST 12353-78, GOST 12344-2003, GOST 12345-2001, GOST 12350-78, GOST 12346-78, GOST 12347-77, GOST 12348-78, GOST 12352-81, GOST 12355-78

Equipment used for chemical analysis


X-MET 8000 is a portable X-ray fluorescence energy dispersive spectrometer with the ability to determine light elements Mg, Al, Si, P, S in accordance with GOST 28033-89.

Measuring elements range: from Mg to Bi.

PMI MASTER UVR-mobile optical emission analyzer of metals, which allows high-precision analysis and determine the grade of any steel and alloys with the ability to analyze carbon, sulfur, phosphorus.

ARC-MET-8000 portable optical emission analyzer operating in argon mode. With the ability to determine and excellent repeatability of results for carbon, sulfur, phosphorus and boron.

Rockwell stationary hardness tester METOLAB101
The stationary hardness tester is used to measure the hardness of hard alloys, as well as hardened and non-hardened steels, castings, bearing steels, aluminum alloys, thin plates of hard alloys, copper, zinc, chromium and tinned surface coatings, etc. by the Rockwell method.
Certificate of type approval of measuring instruments RU.C.28.002.A No. 63563.

Measurement sequence

1 2
  • X-MET 8000

Determination of the chemical composition of the sample

Today, chemical analysis of metals - steeloscopy - does not require breaking the integrity of the tested structure or preparing samples. To make a spectral analysis and determine the physicochemical characteristics of metals and alloys, it is also not necessary to contact the laboratory: the modern photoelectric method of spectral analysis allows you to control the quality finished products even in the field.

Why do you need spectral analysis of metals and alloys?

Spectral analysis of metals using stationary or portable devices using the method of X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis of steel in accordance with GOST 28033–89 is intended to help specialized enterprises in metal sorting.

A similar solution demonstrates whole line benefits. It won't take long to carry out an examination of the metal. The result will be known in a few minutes. Such a mini-laboratory for the chemical analysis of metal will significantly reduce costs. manufacturing enterprise, a large retailer and utility services... The price set for the spectral analysis of metal in specialized organizations and the schedule of their work no longer matter: once having bought a metal analyzer and having completed a training course for specialists who will work with it in the future, your company will be able to organize spectral analysis of metal at a convenient time and in a convenient place ...

Chemical analysis of the metal is used in the following cases:

    Confirmation of the brand, confirmation of certificates.

    Sorting of scrap metals and alloys. In this area, falsifications are quite common, however, if the inspectors use chemical analysis, the determination of the metal, which gives the most accurate result, is guaranteed to save the company from losses.

    Calibration programs of the device.

What substances does the analysis of the chemical composition of metals work with?

X-ray fluorescence analysis chemical composition metals and alloys are produced in the laboratory using an X-MET 7500 X-ray fluorescence analyzer with the ability to determine light elements Mg, Al, Si, P, S in accordance with GOST 28033-89. Measuring elements range: from Mg to Bi. The method is suitable for determining the chemical composition and grade of steel and other metals. In particular, it is allowed:

  • chemical analysis of aluminum alloys;
  • chemical analysis of titanium alloys;
  • analysis of iron alloys, etc.

The versatile program for chemical analysis of alloys uses several fundamental parameters for the analysis of metals and alloys, a standard set of 33 elements: Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As , Se, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ag, In, Sn, Sb, Hf, Ta, W, Pt, Ir, Au, Pb, Bi in concentrations from 0 to 100%. Suitable for the analysis of metals on any basis: Pb, W, Au, etc., ferroalloys

How does chemical analysis of metals and alloys work?

In order to make a chemical express analysis of a metal, it is enough to attach one of the devices we are selling to its surface. The X-ray fluorescence method is based on the dependence of the intensity of the characteristic fluorescence lines of an element on its mass fraction in the sample.

Spectral Analysis Instruments

What is an X-ray fluorescence analyzer?

An X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is analytical instrument, which identifies each chemical element present in the test sample.

This device also detects total chemical elements in the sample.

X-MET 7500

X-ray fluorescence analysis of the chemical composition of metals and alloys is carried out using an X-MET 7500 X-ray fluorescence analyzer with the ability to determine the light elements Mg, Al, Si, P, S in accordance with GOST 28033-89. The range of measured elements: from Mg to Bi. The X-ray fluorescence method is based on the dependence of the intensity of the characteristic fluorescence lines of an element on its mass fraction in the sample.

This type of control is used in the following cases:

  • Determination of the chemical composition of steels and alloys.
  • Restoration of product documentation.
  • Confirmation of the brand, confirmation of certificates.
  • Incoming inspection of metals and alloys.
  • Sorting of scrap metals and alloys.
  • Selection of analogs of steels and alloys (using a special program - the brand of steels Win Steel 7.0 Prof).

What parameters can be determined by chemical analysis of a metal?

A set of 8 specialized empirical programs is available to the user: "low-alloy steels and cast irons", "stainless steels", "tool steels", "aluminum alloys", " copper alloys"," Cobalt alloys "," titanium alloys "," nickel alloys ". The choice of the program with which it is planned to determine the chemical composition of the metal is carried out automatically.

  • Spectrum identification software (yes / no).
  • Program for the analysis of carbon, low alloy steels and cast irons.
  • Analysis software stainless steels.
  • Tool for the analysis of tool steels.
  • A program for the analysis of copper alloys.
  • Program for the analysis of nickel alloys.
  • Program for the analysis of titanium alloys.
  • Program for the analysis of cobalt alloys.
  • Program for the analysis of aluminum alloys.
  • Identification programs (yes / no).
  • The function of automatically determining the type of material and selecting the required program for analysis.
  • Automatic concentration correction for small and complex samples.
  • One point recalibration function.
  • Built-in grades of metals and alloys, the ability to correct and add grades.
  • The ability to average results over at least 50 measurements to obtain reliable results when analyzing heterogeneous samples.
  • The ability to create reports in a protected from correction PDF format according to a user template with the ability to place a company logo, measurement results, measurement error, time and duration of measurements, operator name and other information at the user's choice.

Chemical analysis of metals and alloys is an important procedure by which you can control the presence in a particular metal of any, impurities and inclusions of other metals.

Physicochemical methods for the analysis of metals and alloys will make it possible to determine the purity of the material for the content of undesirable impurities in it. This, in turn, will make it possible to predict specifications future parts that will be produced using one or another metal or alloys of several metals.

When and why chemical analysis of metals and alloys is needed

Metals, as well as their alloys, are widely used in various industries and the national economy. In their pure form, metals practically do not exist - they necessarily contain natural or technological impurities.

The operational parameters of future products, which are made from metal, directly depend on their type and concentration. The use of chemical analysis will make it possible to establish its qualitative and quantitative properties.

In the process of carrying out this analysis, it will be possible to:

  • determine the quantitative composition of elements;
  • identify the presence of foreign compounds and their concentration;
  • identify alloys;
  • determine the ratio of mixtures in metal alloys when marking them.

It is worth noting: modern chemical analysis of metals and alloys is an important stage of expertise, which is used to determine the quality of products and check their compliance with current standards.

Basically, the analysis is carried out for:

  • examination of the quality of produced metals and alloys for their compliance with current standards;
  • control of technological processes at the production stage;
  • performance of input examination of raw materials;
  • development and creation of new alloys;
  • certification of metal products;
  • survey of pure metals.

Methods for chemical analysis of metals

Today, there are many different methods that allow for a qualitative analysis of metals and their alloys.

The methods used should ensure:

  • expressiveness of the analysis procedure;
  • high accuracy of results;
  • unbrakable control;
  • simplicity of the experiment;
  • the possibility of using analysis techniques in the production cycle.

Spectral analysis and emission chemical analysis are the most commonly used control methods. Let's consider their features and benefits.

Emission chemical analysis

This method of studying metals allows for a short period of time with a high probability to determine the true composition of the investigated metal sample.

Today, there are several varieties of this method, but the most popular is atomic emission spectral analysis. It is he who is used in the scientific and industrial industries for the rapid acquisition of data on the composition of the samples under study.

These methods of analysis of metals and alloys are based on the principle that short-term high-temperature heating of a metal leads to the fact that the atoms of the substance are transferred to an excited state and emit light in a certain frequency range. Each chemical element has its own frequency, by which it can be identified.

Polychromatic radiation, which is obtained as a result of such heating of a metal sample, is focused using a special optical system, followed by expansion into a spectrum and fixation by a recorder.

After that, the obtained data are processed using computer technology, on which specialized software is installed, which allows, using analytical tools, to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Method accuracy

The emission analysis method is distinguished by high sensitivity rates, which makes it possible to determine even the smallest concentrations of impurities in metals and alloys.

The sensitivity index of this method is in the range of 10 -5 ... 10 -7%.

With regard to accuracy, the method allows you to obtain an indicator within 5% at low concentrations of impurities and up to 3% at a higher content of impurities.


The main advantages of modern emission analysis include:

  • the possibility of parallel determination of 70 elements at once in the composition of a metal or its alloy;
  • high speed of the analysis;
  • low threshold for detection of impurities;
  • high accuracy and sensitivity;
  • information content of the results obtained;
  • the relative simplicity of the experiment;
  • the ability to examine large items without damaging their surfaces.

Spectral analysis

Spectral analysis refers to the methods of qualitative and quantitative control of the composition of metal objects. It is based on the study of the spectra of the interaction of the metal with the radiation used.

The subject of research are the spectra of electromagnetic radiation, the spectra of the distribution of elementary particles by energy and mass, as well as the spectra of acoustic waves. Comprehensive analysis the listed spectra will provide a detailed picture of the composition of the sample under study.

Spectral analysis is modern method analysis of metals and alloys, which is based on the emission and absorption of electromagnetic waves by atoms during the transition from one energy level to another. Different light sources are used in spectral analysis to bring the atoms of a substance into an excited state in which they can emit characteristic radiation.

Common to all the sources used is the use of plasma (high or low temperature), the kinetic energy of the particles of which is sufficient to transfer the atoms of the substance into an excited state. With the help of a special recorder, the obtained spectra are recorded, which are processed by software on computer technology.

Method accuracy

Chemical spectral analysis refers to high-precision methods, which are also distinguished by their high sensitivity to the presence of impurities in the samples under study.

The accuracy index for this method is in the range from 10 -7 to 10 -6%, and the value of the relative standard deviation is about 0.15 ... 0.3.


  • simplicity of control of the test samples;
  • the need for a minimum amount of the investigated substance;
  • the ability to determine various impurities;
  • high accuracy and reliability of measurements;
  • the possibility of using the method in the conditions of the technological process.


Chemical analysis of metals and alloys has become a necessary attribute in various industries industry. Without this procedure, technological processes in the steelmaking industry are not carried out; it is necessary for the creation and release of new materials, as well as for the control of products by modern enterprises.

The quality and reliability of future products, which are produced using metals and their alloys, will depend on the correctness and accuracy of the analysis.

Analysis of metals and alloys

Analysis of metals and alloys solves by analytical methods the problem of determining the elemental composition of metals and their alloys. the main objective- checking alloy grade or type and compositional analysis of different alloys (quantitative analysis).

  • wave dispersive analysis,
  • emission analysis,
  • X-ray fluorescence analysis,
  • assay analysis.

X-ray fluorescence analysis

Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for the analysis of metals and alloys

Spectrum displaying alloy Al, Fe, Ti

X-ray fluorescence analysis is carried out by exposing the metal to X-rays and analyzing the fluorescence using modern electronics to achieve good measurement accuracy.

The advantages of the method:

  • Non-destructive analysis.
  • It is possible to measure many elements with high accuracy.

Alloy identification is achieved by identifying a unique combination of several elements within specified compositional ranges. Accurate quantitative analysis is achieved by using appropriate corrections to the inter-element influence matrix.

The analyzed material is exposed to X-ray fluorescence for several seconds. The atoms of elements in a material are excited and emit photons with energies specific to each element. The sensor separates and accumulates the photoelectrons received from the sample in the energy regions and, according to the overall intensity in each region, determines the concentration of the element. The energy region corresponding to the elements,,, MC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, can be effectively analyzed.

The RF analyzer consists of a central processor, an X-ray tube, a detector, and an electronic memory storing calibration data. In addition, memory is also used for storing and processing alloy grade data and other coefficients related to various special operating conditions.

How correctly, the control over the study is carried out by means of a computer program based on a hand-held laptop (PDA), which gives the user an image of the spectrum and the obtained values ​​of the contents of the elements.

After the analysis, the values ​​are compared with the steel grades database and a search is made for the closest grade.

Emission method

Emission method: One of the main sources of random error in measurements of relative impurity concentrations in emission spectral analysis is the instability of the parameters of the spectrum excitation source. Therefore, to ensure the emission of impurity atoms from the sample and their subsequent optical excitation, a low-voltage spark, the so-called C, R, L - discharge is used. In this case, two parameters are stabilized, on which the emission and optical excitation processes depend - voltage and energy in the discharge circuit. This provides a low standard deviation (RMS) of the measurement results. A feature of the emission method is the quantitative determination of light elements in iron-based alloys (analysis of sulfur, phosphorus and carbon in steel). There are several types of instruments for emission analysis based on the spark and air arc method, or a combination of both.

Assay method

Assay method: Assay melting is based on the physicochemical laws of metal recovery, slag formation and wetting with molten substances. The main stages of assay analysis for an example of an alloy of silver and lead:

  • Sample preparation
  • Mixing
  • Crucible smelting for lead alloy
  • Pouring lead alloy into iron molds for cooling
  • Separation of lead alloy (werkbley) from slag
  • Werkbley Cupelling (Lead Removal)
  • Extracting the beetle precious metals weighing it
  • Quarting (adding silver as needed)
  • Treatment of the bead with dilute nitric acid (dissolving silver)
  • Gravimetric (weight) determination of silver

see also

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See what "Analysis of metals and alloys" is in other dictionaries:

    - (radioactivation analysis), a method of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis in VA, based on the activation of atomic nuclei and the study of the resulting radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). They are irradiated with nuclear particles (thermal or ... Chemical encyclopedia

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    I Spectral analysis is a physical method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the atomic and molecular composition of a substance, based on the study of its spectra. S.'s physical basis and. Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, its ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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When working with metals, quite reasonable doubts: whether the metal of the parts corresponds to that specified in the design documentation. In any production, as a rule, a limited range of steels and alloys is used, but an acute problem remains confusion of brands even with well-established incoming control. This is also the supplier's dishonesty, when bars of various brands come across in the same batch, which cannot be determined during the incoming inspection, confusion when issuing blanks for production and the absence of production workers discipline who, in order to hide their marriage, take any piece that comes up. In some cases, doubts arise even when the assembly is assembled and the brand is confirmed by known methods ( spectral, chemical, X-ray fluorescent) is simply impossible.

In addition, more and more defective products arises from the confusion of metals when buying it (supplier's dishonesty) and when lack of incoming control metals. As a result, the quality of the workpieces and the quality of the parts suffer. In a number of cases, doubts arise when the assembly has already been assembled, and it is not possible to confirm (identify) the metal grade of any critical part in it using known methods (spectral or chemical). Also, the device allows you to analyze even very small details. To do this, you need to place them on a conductive substrate. Determination of samples of gold items is possible.

Many examples can be cited when parts specified by hardness which could not be obtained due to the fact that instead of steel, for example, 40X13, some of them were made of 12X8H10T. And how to sort out several thousand nuts, some of which were accidentally made from 40X, and not from 30XGSA, as required by the design documentation? Or how to find out on a completely finished printed circuit board the brand of used solder, or what kind of solder are tinned the microcircuit leads? How to confirm the brand of the welding electrode wire?

The TAMIS thermoelectric analyzer easily copes with these tasks.

Methods of analysis and determination (detection) of metals and alloys

To control grades of metals and alloys, standard methods are used:

  • chemical analysis of metals

    This method allows you to analyze the chemical compound metal with high precision. At the moment, this is the only analysis method that allows you to reliably determine the percentage of carbon in steels.

    To conduct a chemical analysis of steel for carbon, the shavings of the metal under study are burned in a hydrogen atmosphere and the composition of the resulting gas is analyzed by a photocollometric method. For measurement accuracy, three parallel samples are taken. The weighting method is used to determine the other elements.

    The composition of metals is determined by the gravimetric method by transferring it into a solution (chemical dissolution in acid solutions, water). Then the compound of the required metal is precipitated by the addition of salt or alkali. Then the precipitate is calcined to constant weight, and the metal content is determined by weighing on an analytical balance and recalculating. The method gives the most accurate values ​​of the metal composition, but it is time-consuming.

    In the electrochemical method, after transferring the sample to an aqueous solution, the metal content is determined by various electrochemical methods - polarographic, coulometric and others, as well as by combination with titration.

    These methods make it possible to carry out the chemical analysis of metals in a wide range of concentrations with satisfactory accuracy, but they are highly labor-intensive and require a laboratory and qualified personnel.

  • spectral analysis of metals

    The group of spectral methods for determining the content of metals is quite diverse. It includes, in particular, different methods determination of the content of metals by analyzing the characteristic spectra of electromagnetic radiation of atoms - atomic emission analysis, atomic absorption analysis, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, X-ray spectral analysis.

    The most widely used method in the industry. On modern equipment, the process of studying the composition of the metal takes a few minutes. When analyzing metal by this method, the determination of the quantitative content carbon in steels inaccurate.

    Spectral analysis requires qualified specialists and expensive equipment - a spectrometer (about 4 million rubles). When analyzing a metal, traces of temperature effects remain on the surface, which leads to a violation of the geometry of the investigated metal part.

  • X-ray fluorescence analysis of metals

    Refers to non-destructive methods. Allows you to determine almost the entire elemental composition of metals, with the exception of the exact carbon content in steels. The identification process takes no more than 1 minute.

    X-ray fluorescence analysis requires a fairly large surface area. Measuring small parts is not possible. Expensive equipment (over 1.5 million rubles) and well-trained specialists are required.

Thermoelectric analyzer of metals and alloys TAMIS

Rich experience in analysis of the reasons for marriage in various industries, the analysis of the failure of products of varying complexity and purpose led to the need creating inexpensive, easy to use exactly in working conditions analyzer of metals and alloys (including non-ferrous).

Seebeck effect

The operation of the device is based on the Seebeck effect, when when a compound of two dissimilar metals is heated, a thermopower arises, the value of which depends on the chemical composition of the metals under study. The thermoelectric power is easily measurable reliably and is widely used in the industry in thermocouples for measuring temperatures at various technological processes read about the effect.

Advantages of a thermoelectric analyzer for metals and alloys

During the development of the metal analyzer, the main focus was on:

  • reliability
  • the reliability of the results
  • ease of use

The fact that the device can be used by schoolchildren, storekeepers, workers, foremen was taken into account.

  • A wide range of applications of the device:
    • at the production sites of metalworking industries (quality control department, material storerooms, at incoming control, etc.)
    • at assembly sites to control metals in assembled assemblies, determine the types of coating of radioelement leads, grades of solders
    • in thermal areas
    • in jewelry workshops
    • in workshops of higher educational institutions and school workshops
    • in research laboratories
    • in the Central Factory Laboratories
    • in laboratories for incoming inspection of metals
    • in investigation departments for operational control seized items of precious metals
    • when conducting laboratory work on metal science in educational institutions
  • Ease of use
  • Compactness
  • Does not require qualified personnel
  • Measurement efficiency

Methods for the determination of metals using the TAMIS analyzer

The analyzer is able to distinguish over 40 different grades of steel and non-ferrous metals. To obtain reliable analysis results, it is necessary to strictly follow the analysis methodology described.