Sample curriculum vitae for admission. CVs for work - practical tips for writing

When applying for a job, it would seem that the most difficult thing has been done - the coveted place has been received, but not everything is so simple, often one more obstacle stands in your way. You need to write an autobiography. This case confuses many. Everything is like everyone else: born, studied, what to write so that it looks businesslike, likes the employer and helps in a future career? Now we will look at what an autobiography is, give basic tips correct compilation and help you avoid common mistakes.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is your vision of your life with a bias in the professional sphere.

Here are five basic rules that are suitable for compiling it anywhere and must be observed:

  • Written in landscape sheet usually by hand and necessarily in the first person. You can type printed text, but it is more customary and preferable for the employer to fill it out with your own hand;
  • The standard size is 1 sheet of A4 format, in rare cases, when there really is something to write, you can swing it to two pages. Keep in mind that more often than not, no one reads this form in its entirety, it is viewed diagonally, so the first impression it makes, the overall look, is important;

clear time sequence. Dates can be specified in several ways:

  • in brackets at the end of each event;
  • at the beginning of a sentence, using the prepositions "from", "by";
  • through dash.

You need to choose them depending on the style of narration, but if you prefer some option, then stick to it until the end of the autobiography, without changing it along the way;

Contains official data:

  • place and date of birth according to the passport;
  • educational institutions - for the school, the name and address are enough, but the university or technical school needs to be described in more detail. Do not get carried away too much, because the very fact of your education is important to the employer, and not the detailed name of all the essays that you wrote, and the grades for them;
  • labor activity - indicate the places of work, starting from the very first, the name of the organization, position. Emphasis must be placed on professional duties, skills, by last place It would be useful to write the reason for the dismissal. If it was not possible to leave without a conflict with the previous leadership, then describe the motive for leaving without emotions, as diplomatically as possible, without exposing yourself in a negative light;
  • if any, indicate awards, additional knowledge;
  • residential address, phone number;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • data of the next of kin: full name, date of birth, place of residence, type of employment;
  • for women, you can indicate whether there was a maternity leave, for men - military service, military duty;
  • relations with the law, participation in elected bodies;
  • if you wish, you can add something else, but be careful - do not write too personal, compromising information that is not related to the essence of future work.

Business style of narration, without grammatical and factual errors, everything should be logical and consistent.

Some companies offer their CV form. It can spell out the main points that need to be covered in it. Then the matter is greatly simplified, you need to follow the plan and logically connect all the points together so that it is easy and interesting to read.

Why does an employer need your CV?

Typically, when applying for a job, CVs are required to be filled out by large public or private companies, which indicates a serious attitude to the matter on their part.

At the same time, keep in mind that this document contains your personal data, their safety and the rules for handling them are enshrined in law, therefore, they can be processed or used only with your written consent.

An employer needs an autobiography not only to put it in a personal file and keep it dead weight. It creates your general psychological portrait, allows you to determine whether you are suitable for this position or not, form a general opinion about you as an employee and person, determine the level of literacy and business correspondence skills.

It is important to remember that, by and large, the main thing for an employer is not what is written, but how it is written. Here, handwriting, emphasis on any facts, and the language of presentation are taken into account. There is a high probability that your autobiography will go further for consideration not only to the personnel department, but also to other departments, for example, to the security service, psychologists, etc.

To really write a good autobiography it's not enough just to comply standard rules, you need to approach this matter creatively, but remember that this is still an official document - fantasies and lyrical digressions are unacceptable here.

Here are some useful tips:

  • For every new place new form. It is necessary to focus on precisely those points that are consonant with the future position;
  • Selectively approach the description of events, no one requires you to describe everything, something can be left out, something can be described very briefly. It is better to omit unfavorable nuances if they are insignificant, or to describe them concisely, streamlined. You should be careful here, because intentional concealment important facts will not go unnoticed - large companies personal data is always verified;
  • Describe all events briefly, but accurately, clearly expressing your thoughts;
  • Use verbs in an active form, avoid passive voices, fuzzy formulations, as this creates an image of an insecure and non-initiative worker;
  • When writing an autobiography, imagine that you are talking to a specific person and telling him the story of your working life. You must show yourself on the favorable side, conduct an unobtrusive advertising presentation;
  • Attach your photo. You need to be careful with his choice: no swimsuits, bright landscapes, of course, should not be, only business style The photo is meant to create a good impression.

Common Mistakes When Writing an Autobiography

So, the biography is written and everything seems to be fine, but do not rush to immediately carry it to the future employer. Re-read again and check for mistakes that are usually made:

  • unsystematic presentation, omissions of significant facts, long periods of time;
  • the use of complex structures, a lot of introductory words, long incomprehensible sentences, large paragraphs;
  • sloppy spelling, mistakes, blots;
  • shabby appearance, creases on the sheet;
  • a large amount of text;
  • jargon, abbreviations, too personal, emotional facts.

All this can create an unfavorable impression, and even the most outstanding events in your biography will not affect the negative perception.


To better understand how to apply all these useful instructions in practice, here is an example of compilation:


From 1997 to 2008 she studied at secondary school No. 33, graduated from 11 classes with honors.

From 2008 to 2013 she studied at the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics and Management. Upon graduation, she received the specialty "Economist".

From 2013 to 2015 she worked as an economist at Orchid LLC. Since 2016, she has been transferred to the position of Lead Economist. Carried out planning of the organization's activities, analysis of financial statements.

Awarded diploma for success at work. Resigned due to relocation.

Currently I live at the address St. Petersburg, st. Sovetskaya, d.1, kv.1. Phone 8 495 123 45 67.

Not married, no children.

Mother - Roza Ivanovna Tsvetochkina, born in 1960, teacher elementary school. Lives in Moscow.

Father - Salekhard Ivanovich Tsvetochkin, born in 1954, process engineer. Lives in Moscow.

She has no criminal record and has not taken part in elected bodies.

Tsvetochkina L. S.

So, we have analyzed what an autobiography is, how to compose it correctly, and what mistakes to avoid.

If you did everything right, an autobiography will be an excellent assistant in moving up the career ladder, a kind of advertisement for your candidacy, create a favorable impression and draw attention to your merits. By following our advice and avoiding common mistakes, it will be easy for you to write a really good autobiography.

In contact with

Autobiography is a consistent description of the life and activities of a person. This document is required when applying for a job, study, service and in many other industries. Often, an autobiography tells the whole life of a person, but as an exception, it can take a period of several years. This may be the time when he lived in another country or served in the armed forces.

The autobiography gives the employer the opportunity to get to know the newcomer. It helps to understand who the future employee is, his education, experience, hobbies, ability to express thoughts. The employer, based on it, draws up a psychological portrait of a person. Therefore, writing should be taken seriously.

Important rules for writing

Business writing style. It should not contain any errors. Often it is on them that they pay attention, and not on the form of writing. Speech must be literate, the test is easy to read.

It is important to follow the chronological order when writing an autobiography. A beautiful resume will not work if the content in it jumps from one period of life to another.

All information that will be indicated in the CV must be true. If, over time, the employer is convicted of deception, problems may arise, up to a loss of trust. This will prevent you from reaching your desired workplace.

How to write correctly

There are no hard and fast rules for writing. Write it on a sheet of A4 format. When writing, they are guided by the requirements of the employer. Basically, all autobiographies consist of 8 points. They include:

  1. Title. So at the very top in the middle of the sheet the word is written with a capital letter Autobiography.
  2. Name. On a new line, the surname, first name, patronymic are written in full. After the date and place of birth is indicated. For instance: I, Ivanov Semyon Mikhailovich, was born...
  3. Education. school years great attention it is not worth paying, it will be enough just to indicate its number. But already at the university, the faculty should dwell in more detail.
  4. Labor activity. Here you should indicate where you worked before, the name of the enterprise and what position you held. It is necessary to tell what were the duties, achievements and the reason for dismissal. Do not be shy about talking about promotions, awards and promotions. Also, inventions, publications in publications will show on the positive side.
  5. Family status. It is necessary to briefly talk about the family, spouse or children, if any.
  6. Military service. In this paragraph, men should indicate where the service and rank took place.
  7. Relatives. In some cases, the employer asks for information about parents, brothers, sisters. About them you need to write the year of birth, profession, place of study.
  8. Signature and date. This information placed by the author at the bottom of the text. Date on the left, signature on the right.

If you were fired from your previous job, it is worth telling truthfully and delicately about the true state of things. You should not write that you were treated incorrectly or that you got a bad leader. No need to expose yourself as a brawler and an uneducated person. Reason for leaving family circumstances should be indicated only if it exists.

Sample Curriculum Vitae for Teaching Employment


I am Orekhov Anton Viktorovich, born on February 2, 1989. in the city of Kiev. In 2007 he graduated from the Novoselovskaya school I-III st. and entered the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. In 2012 Received a master's degree automated control technological processes in agriculture No. KV 439 25 726.

He began his career while still a student. In 2010, he worked as an operator of the production site of the Bakhchisaray branch of PJSC "Crimean Fruit Company".

Upon graduation from the university, he was accepted as an electrician-operator of the incubator of the Educational and Experimental Breeding Poultry Plant named after A.I. Frunze.

In 2014 he was accepted as a teacher of general technical and special disciplines Separate subdivision"Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College". At the end of 2014 transferred to the Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky

I live at 296570 ave. 60 years of the USSR 2/56 p. Yantarnoye, Saki district, Republic of Crimea.

Father Orekhov Viktor Yurievich - born in 1961. R.

Mother Orekhova Alina Nikolaevna - 1963. R.

Do not judge, non-partisan. I am active life position. I adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Download Sample CV when hiring a teacher in WORD text format

Sample autobiography for a woman's work


I, Zubkova Elena Vasilievna, was born on November 19, 1958 in the village of. Roschino, Amur region, Tambov district. Russian citizen.

Higher education: from 1987 to 1992 she studied at the Crimean Order of the Badge of Honor Agricultural Institute. M. I. Kalinina, specialty: “Economics and organization Agriculture". From 2003 to 2004 she studied at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the National Agrarian University with a degree in Vocational Education.

Work experience: from 1983 to 1996 she worked as a senior economist for labor and wages collective farm them. Lenin Dzhankoy district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; from 1996 to 1999 - senior accountant of the Pribrezhnensky state farm-technical school; since 2001 - teacher of economic disciplines of the EP NUBiP "Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College".


I have two adult children.

Place of residence: 296563, Republic of Crimea, Sovetsky district, s. Lokhovka, st. Dostluk, 4, apt. eighteen.

I'm not judged.

Member of the United Russia party.

"___" July 2014 Zubkova Elena Vasilievna _________________

Download Sample autobiography for a woman's job in WORD text format

Autobiography sample writing for a man's job


I, Narkisov Umid Jaferovich, was born in 1960 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

In 1967, he went to the first grade of secondary school No. 77. While studying at school, he simultaneously completed courses as a mechanic - minder.

In 1977 he received a certificate of secondary education. On the next year got a job as a car mechanic production management transport Glavtashkentstroy.

From November 1978 to December 1980 he served in the Leningrad Military District VCh 63261.

From 1981 to 1983, he took special courses for bus drivers, followed by an internship. After completing the courses in 1987, he worked as a driver.

From 1988 to 1989 he worked as a traveling photographer.

From 1989 to 1995 he worked as a shop manager in the Aziz cooperative.

From 1995 to 1997, he worked in the TED cooperative as a foreman.

The next stage in my life was in 1997 moving to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye settlement, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10, where I currently live with my family. This is where my social activity. For many years he took an active part in the arrangement of his village. I am currently trying to resolve one of the important issues of our village - an interchange of convenient access roads to the village. I also show great initiative in adjusting the Kharkiv-Simferopol-Sevastopol highway project on the territory of Shkolnoye village, which is favorable for the residents of the settlement.

Wife - Narkisova Susanna Lenovna, born in 1970, works as a sales assistant in the SFDP "Market Plaza".

Son - Ernest Narkisov, born in 1991, student.

Daughter - Elnara Narkisova, born in 1993, student.

non-partisan; there is no criminal record. I live at the address: Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoe settlement, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10.

Basic rules for writing an autobiography

It should be said right away that there are no special requirements for writing autobiographies. Therefore, it is necessary to compose an autobiography guided by general requirements to writing business letters.

  1. Your CV doesn't have to be very long. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long "essays" will not help you open up in the eyes of the reader - they will rather have the opposite effect.
  2. Written text must be free of errors. general form presentations - business style. When considering your autobiography, the reader will pay attention not so much to what is written, but to the form in which it is done. For this reason, competent speech will allow you to score “extra points”.
  3. All the events you describe should be presented in chronological order, logically and sequentially. That is, you can’t immediately after the story about the school go to labor activity, skipping other educational institutions, or first talk about the place of work, and then mention the education received.
  4. Information about you in your autobiography must be true. Inclusion of erroneous or false information can prevent you from getting the job you want (or achieving another goal) and creating a not very good business reputation.

CV Writing Sample

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To make it easier for you to compose your autobiography, here is an example of writing it:

“I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on January 01, 1990 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. In 1997 he entered the secondary school №1. In 2007 he graduated from school with a gold medal. In the same year, he began studying at the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Journalism. In 2012 he graduated with honors. From August 2012 to this day I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper Vestnik Vladivostok.

We don't judge.

Married to Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova, born on May 05, 1991. Born in Vladivostok, higher education, works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, apt. 5.

No kids.

Additional Information:

Mother: Ivanova Olga Semyonovna, was born on February 02, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an accountant. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. Not judged.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born March 03, 1970 in Vladivostok, higher education, works as an engineer. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Brother: Ivanov Petr Ivanovich, was born on April 04, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok, is currently studying at the Far Eastern Medical University as a therapist. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, d. 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Any other autobiography is written in the same way with adaptation to a specific case. For example, if a student needs to write an autobiography, then the text should focus on academic achievements, participation in additional educational events (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions). You can also reflect sports activities, talk about achievements in sports.

A document in which a person independently (in the first person) describes his life path is called an autobiography. Its preparation is usually required for employment, when preparing documents for obtaining citizenship or for traveling abroad.

A feature of writing an autobiography is that it is compiled in free form, on a blank sheet of paper (not lined), without leading questions (tips). Strict rules there is no writing, there are only recommendations. The only requirement of cadre workers may be related to a more complete presentation of certain life facts.

How to write an autobiography


The information presented must be in strict chronological order. There are several ways to write periods:

  1. period can be written at the beginning of the line as two dates separated by a hyphen. For instance: " 1975-1982. Studying at secondary school No. 1024 in Moscow" or " 1975-1982 - studied at secondary school No. 1024 in Moscow ".
  2. writing a time period using prepositions. For instance: " From 1975 to 1982 he studied. "
  3. specifying the time after the description of the event. For instance: " Entered the Moscow State University(1983). After graduating from the university, he worked in his specialty at the Ministry of Finance (1989) ".
The structure of writing an autobiography:
  1. Surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth. For instance: " I, Andrey Andreevich Andreev, was born on February 28, 1960 in Moscow"or by type of personal data" Andreev Andrey Andreevich. Date of birth: February 28, 1960. Place of birth: Moscow ".
  2. Information about parents or next of kin(name, degree of relationship, date of birth).
  3. Education received. starting from school and then ascending. It is indicated: the period of study, the name of the educational institution and with what results it was completed. Also in this section you can write your successes and achievements acquired in the learning process.
  4. Labor activity. Listed in chronological order (with indication of periods) are the organizations in which the compiler of the autobiography worked, and the positions held in them. Also, if within the same organization there were promotions or transfers to other positions, information on the movement up the career ladder with dates is indicated.
The listed sections are the main ones, but not the only ones. If necessary, you can also indicate your marital status, the presence of children, information about military service for men, and periods for women on maternity leave.

When applying for a job, it will be useful for the compiler to describe in more detail any promotions or awards that have ever been received. This is allowed, since the scope of compiling an autobiography is not limited in any way (unlike a resume or questionnaire).

Lesson 152 How to write a CV sample

When applying for a job, entering educational institution or to serve in the army or the police, you are required to write an autobiography - a short and informative story about yourself. Why is she needed? So potential employer, school administrators or other people will know the exact information about you first hand.

2. Tips for writing an autobiography

Basic moments

There are no strict rules on how to write an autobiography; thoughts are presented in a free form. but it is necessary to adhere to a certain structure.

  1. The first sentence must contain the full last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and place.
  2. The following is information about the parents, their full surname, name and patronymic, profession.
  3. This is followed by information about studying at the school, indicating its number, years of entry and graduation.
  4. When describing studies in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions, indicate their name, faculty and years of study. If you received additional education, please indicate this.
  5. For men, it is mandatory to indicate the fact of military service, the period when it lasted, the type of troops, and the place of service. If military ranks were awarded, indicate them and the date of assignment, you do not need to write the number of the supporting document, but be prepared to provide it. If an additional specialty was received in the army, mention it.
  6. What follows is a description of your work experience. List all the places where you have worked in chronological order, starting with the very first, indicate positions or departments. If there are special merits, for example, assignment of a category, participation in a significant project, mention them.
  7. Tell us about your additional skills, for example, owning foreign languages, taking advanced training courses, professional trainings.
  8. It is advisable for women with children to indicate the period of maternity leave.
  9. In the final sentences of the narrative about yourself, indicate your current marital status, the presence of children, and the place of residence.

When writing an autobiography, there are a number of things to keep in mind.

  • An autobiography is not a work of fiction. Her language should be restrained and formal. Avoid ornate turns and overly colorful epithets.
  • Before writing, take some time to prepare, sit down and think about what information and moments of your life you want to be sure to cover in your autobiography. Make a rough plan.
  • Be sure to indicate the period of residence abroad, if any, and the reasons why you ended up there. This mandatory requirement when applying for a job or service in a number of organizations.
  • If there were periods of imprisonment in your life, this will have to be mentioned, since this information will still become known to the employer or management.
  • If you have special skills. confirmed by a certificate or certificate, for example, you operate construction equipment, this should be mentioned in the text, in the section on work or hobby, depending on what they are more closely related to.
  • Some organizations or structures have a number of strict requirements for writing an autobiography. Check them out and be sure to follow them.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning that the autobiography must be written (sometimes there is a requirement to write the text by hand in order to have a sample of your handwriting) or printed on a white A4 sheet, and not contain blots and corrections. The sheet should look neat, do not bend it. It is desirable that the CV should take no more than 1 page.
  • The text should be checked for spelling errors. as well as punctuation and stylistic. They can ruin good performance about you.
  • Sample CV

    When writing an autobiography, you can focus on the following example.

    « I, Savelyev Artem Petrovich, was born on March 27, 1989 in Belgorod. My father is Petr Mikhailovich Savelyev, engineer, mother is Nina Alexandrovna Savelyeva, teacher primary school. In 1996 he entered secondary school No. 20, from which he graduated in 2007. While studying at school, he attended sports sections in freestyle wrestling and received the title of Candidate Master of Sports in this sport. After graduating from school, he entered the Belarusian State Technical University. V. G. Shukhov at the Faculty of Energy, which he graduated in 2011 and received the specialty of an energy engineer. While studying at the University, he received an additional specialty "Software Development".

    In August 2011, he moved to Moscow and got a job at Cable-Trust LLC as a junior engineer. In December 2011 he was promoted to engineer, in June 2012 he was appointed shift supervisor. In December 2014, I moved to work at Energosystem LLC as a manager of the design department, where I have been working to this day.

    He did not serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to his state of health (flat feet). I have the rights of category B and C. I am fond of cycling. Married to Maria Viktorovna Smirnova, no children. I live at the address: Moscow, st. Builders, d.117, apt. 56 »

    How do you write an autobiography?

    Do you want to be smarter than others? Earn more? Read more:

    Autobiography - sample writing

    An autobiography is a document that you may need when applying for a job, the need to enter an educational institution, etc. When applying for a job, it is usually asked to be compiled in government agencies or in large commercial companies. In the first case, it is required, as a rule, only to complete the package of documents of a personal file and, in fact, there is no special attention to it. In a commercial structure, how competently this document is drawn up can have an impact on whether they will offer you a job or, alas, not.

    An autobiography (a sample of writing will be given below) is a self-written document describing the main events in a person's life. Naturally, you should try to present yourself in a favorable light.

    From an autobiography at a new job, they get another opportunity to learn something new and interesting about your personality, about the environment from which you came out. A word about your strengths, weaknesses and preferences. It is important not just to state the facts of your life. It is of particular value - how you manage to do it. A bad impression, even with a brilliantly written resume, will be made by the presence of spelling errors in the autobiography, a confused presentation of thoughts, etc.

    Be prepared if you are asked to write your CV in the presence of a company HR officer. So if you are looking for new work, compose in advance your sample autobiography.

    The autobiography is compiled in any form, because there is no standard single sample of writing. Human resources departments have different requirements for the content they need, so you'll need to adjust your CV template to fit your specific situation. Therefore, it will be very useful for you to know about the established traditions in writing this document.

  • They usually compose an autobiography on A4 sheets. The organization may also provide you with special forms, which may include questions that you should answer.
  • They present the text in a narrative form, while all the facts are brought in chronological order as they appear in life. All names of places of work or study are written at the time of the event being described. Try to fit your creation on one sheet.
  • Please enter your name, date and place of birth.
  • Often it is required to provide information about parents in the autobiography - what is the name, year of birth and what they do, about the presence of a brother or sister - what is the name, age, study or work.
  • About education - usually in an autobiography for getting a job it is enough to indicate which school you graduated from, further “adult” education is already indicated in detail (periods of study, specialty, reasons for incomplete education).
  • About labor activity - periods of work at each place, position held, it is allowed to write about the work performed ( official duties), business achievements, you can specify the reasons for changing jobs.
  • About the family - your marital status, information about your spouse and children (name, their age and what they do).
  • Men are required to include information about military service - where, when, rank.
  • It would be appropriate for women to talk about the periods of being on maternity leave, parental leave.
  • Write about personal achievements, awards and promotions - maybe you did some kind of social work, were a member of a trade union organization, were successful in sports, etc. (about everything that sets you apart from others and is really significant). And also you can write about anything you think would be of interest.
  • Signing your CV (right) and date (left) is required.
  • Keep in mind that it may be appropriate to keep silent about something. Think about it, perhaps you need to shift the emphasis, state the events from a slightly different angle. After all, you need an autobiography (more precisely, this example of it) to fit the current situation, for example, getting a specific job. In any case, refrain from juggling and false facts- Today, many information can be verified.
  • Now you have enriched yourself with theoretical knowledge in writing a biography. To see finished example autobiography. follow the link and you can look at a real sample of a document drawn up for a job. If necessary, you can easily adapt it for other purposes.

    Evgenia Stripe

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    When employed in serious commercial companies for permission to travel abroad. as well as in government agencies you will need to write your CV. The literacy and accuracy of this document can have a significant impact on the decision to hire, especially in commercial structures. On the state enterprises this document is required rather for completing a personal file.

    Sample CV

    The autobiography is compiled by hand and contains a description of the main events of life in chronological order. The employer has the opportunity to learn more about the personality of a person, gets an idea of ​​​​his environment, draws conclusions about the merits, preferences, and shortcomings. Of particular value in an autobiography are not the facts from life themselves, but how a person manages to present them, describe them. Confusing, unsystematic presentation of thoughts, the presence of gross grammatical errors and similar shortcomings in the preparation of this document will make a negative impression, even if your resume is brilliant.

    It is quite possible that you will have to write an autobiography directly in the personnel department, in the presence of employees, in this case it will help not to get confused preliminary work for drafting the document.

    How to write an autobiography

    There is no single standard for writing an autobiography. Various personnel services they are interested in a different set of necessary information, respectively, the spelling sample is adjusted in each specific case. However, you should always keep in mind some rules for writing an autobiography:

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    Autobiography - sample writing

    An autobiography is a document that describes a person's life path, compiled by himself.

    It is necessary when applying for a job, obtaining citizenship or for a trip abroad.

    The autobiography is compiled in free form. When writing, unlined sheets are used. Life events are presented as fully as possible.

    How to write an autobiography.

    The biography must be written in chronological order.

    There are 3 ways to express periods:

    1. A period separated by a hyphen is written at the beginning of the line. For example, “1988-1998. Studying at gymnasium No. 7 in Tver "or" 1988-1998. I studied at gymnasium No. 7 in Tver.
    2. The period is indicated by a preposition. For example, "from 1988 to 1998 I studied ...".
    3. Write the time after the specified event. For example, “Entered in the Tver State Technical University(1999). After graduating from the university, she worked in her specialty at Solnyshko LLC (2005).

    The structure of the autobiography.

    1. Name, date of birth, place of birth. For example, “I, Ermolaeva Natalya Nikolaevna, was born on May 17, 1981 in the city of Tver” or “Yermolaeva Natalya Nikolaevna, Date of birth: May 17, 1981, Place of birth: city of Tver”.
    2. Information about parents or immediate family - full name, date of birth, degree of relationship.
    3. Education. Data, starting from the school, in chronological order, indicating the period of study, the name of the institution, the result of the study, the achievements achieved in the study process.
    4. Labor activity. The periods of work in organizations (full name of the organization) are listed in chronological order, indicating the positions held. If there was a career advancement, it is necessary to present this with dates.

    All of the above sections are basic, but others can be added, for example, marital status, number of children, military service, etc. All this is allowed, since there are no restrictions when compiling an autobiography, unlike a resume or questionnaire.

    The main ones are discussed in a separate publication. If you haven't seen it yet, feel free to read it. The material is presented concisely so as not to tire you in vain. Nevertheless, everything is presented in sufficient volume and almost anyone after reading will be able to compose this desired document. Here immediately goes an autobiography - an example of writing for employment.

    Sample CV for a job application

    I, Kuvshinkina (Knopkina) Violetta Arkadievna, was born on April 04, 1985 in Murmansk. In 2002 she graduated from secondary school No. 28 in Murmansk and entered the Murmansk Social and Pedagogical University. In 2007 she graduated from this educational institution with a degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

    In January 2007, she got married and changed the name of Knopkin to Kuvshinkin.

    In connection with the birth of a child, she did not work for two years after graduation. While on parental leave at the Center for Foreign Languages ​​of the MurGII, she received additional education in the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" (Spanish, French).

    In October 2010, she was hired by Pragmatik Publishing House OJSC. At first I worked as an assistant secretary, from April 2012 to the present I have been working as an editor.

    My husband, Kuvshinkin Anton Vladimirovich, born in 1982, works as an instrumentation engineer at Plastic House LLC.

    Daughter - Polina Antonovna Kuvshinkina, born in 2007, studies at the MOU Gymnasium No. 2 in Murmansk.

    We live at the address: Murmansk, Lunny Ave., 45, apt. 99.

    Mother - Olga Gennadievna Knopkina, born in 1952, father - Arkady Maksimovich Knopkin, born in 1950. My parents are currently retired. Lives in: Krasnoyarsk, per. Merezhki, 28B.

    What to change in the example of an autobiography for a student and a schoolchild

    Let's highlight one more nuance. Quite often they ask what to do if you need to write an autobiography for a student, a schoolboy (or a former one just recently). Those. we are talking about people who do not yet have significant work experience. What should they write about?

    Based on the available opportunities to present themselves better. For example, students do an internship while studying, perhaps they worked somewhere, took an additional course, etc. Specify it. After all, no one expects a recent student to have high skill in the profession. The main thing is to show the desire to learn new things, to demonstrate an active life position.

    A student can write about any victories in the Olympiads (which means he has good knowledge in a certain subject), achievements in the sports section (it’s already good that he is fond of sports, he will play for a new team), additional education at an art school (since he draws well, will participate in the creation of the site), etc. The same principle applies - to convey information that favorably distinguishes you from the masses and is able to arouse sympathy for you.

    I hope that with the help of this article you can now effortlessly write an autobiography correctly, an example document will allow you to adapt it to any life situation. The drafting process will go smoothly, and you will come to realize the strength of your personality.

    Evgenia Stripe

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    Another interesting topic.