Reference manual. Manual "Executive documentation in construction

6.1. Documents on cable lines with a voltage of 1-35 kV include:

a) an act of acceptance of the trench, channels, tunnels and blocks for the installation of cables (form 14a);

b) a test report for a power cable with a voltage above 1000 V;

c) protocol of inspection and testing of cable insulation, on the drum before laying (form 15);

d) protocol for heating cables on a drum before laying at low temperatures (form 16);

e) an act of inspection of cable ducts in the trench and channels before closing (form 17);

f) cable laying log (form 18);

g) magazine for cutting cable boxes with voltage above 1000 V (form 19).

6.2. A test report for a power cable with a voltage above 1000 V is submitted only if there is no factory test report (or a copy thereof). The test is performed by the customer in accordance with the requirement of clause 1.8.37 of PUE-85.

6.3. To Form 17 Building company(general contractor) submits an application diagram for tying outdoor cable routes on the ground, indicating horizontal and vertical marks.

Form 14a









(installation management)

(an object)





acceptance of trenches, channels, tunnels and blocks for cable installation

(position, surname, and., about.)

(position, surname, and., about.)

(position, surname, and., about.)

inspected and checked the completed ____________________________________________

(name of general contractor



facilities for laying cables.

1. The following objects are presented for acceptance:


(trenches, channels, tunnels, cable duct blocks)

2. The structures were completed in accordance with the project developed by _____________________


(name of organization, No. of drawings of working documentation)

3. Deviations from the project __________________________________________________________


agreed ____________________________________________________________________________

(Name design organization)

4. Breakdown of the trench route (channels, tunnels) _______________________________________



not done)

according to the project.

5. The width and depth of the trench complies with the requirements of the project and PUE-85, the bed is made of __________________ with a layer thickness of ______ mm, the road crossing is made in

pipes ____________ at a depth of ____ mm, connection and painting of pipes _____________________

(material) (method of execution)

The trench is ready for cable laying.

6. The diameter of the holes of the blocks and the correctness of the joining of the blocks were checked, the covers on the hatches of the wells were installed.

7. Framing and overlapping of cable channels are made _____________________________



8. Drainage is made according to the project.

9. Special remarks _______________________________________________________________


Conclusion. The objects listed in clause 1 of this act are considered accepted for installation of cables.

Appendix. Scheme of binding of external cable routes in the area, indicating the horizontal and vertical marks of the routes.



testing of power cable with voltage above 1000 V

Form 15











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199



inspection and testing of insulation resistance of cables on the drum before laying


cable brand,








section, mm, voltage, kV

cable, m





bath and cladding





building embeds

isolation , MOhm


Form 16











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199



heating cables on the drum before laying at low temperatures

Bar number-

Cable brand, voltage, kV,

Length of cable,

Heating cables inside heated rooms

Heating of cables by electric current, A


section, mm


room temperature, °С


heating duration, hour

temperature of the outer turns of the cable at ambient temperature

-10 °C

below -10 °C

Form 17











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199



inspection of cable ducts in trenches and channels before closing

Commission consisting of: a representative of the electrical installation organization _______________________


(position, surname, and., about.)

customer representative _______________________________________________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)

representative of the general contractor _____________________________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)

inspected cable ducts in ____________________________________________

(trench, canal)

before closing.

As a result of the inspection, it was found:

1. Cable laying was carried out according to the project ____________________________________________



design organization, number of drawings and cable magazines)

2. Deviations from the project are agreed upon and marked on the drawings No. _________ and the binding scheme.

3. Mounted cables do not have external damage; cable bend radii meet the requirements of GOST 24183-80*, GOST 16441-78, GOST 24334-80, GOST 78*E; the cable laying depth meets the requirements of clause 2.3.84 PUE-85, and the horizontal distance (in the light) between the cables corresponds to clause 2.3.86 PUE-85.

4. The cables are equipped with _____________________________________ couplings,


binding of couplings (for cables in a trench) is made on the plan of cable lines.

5. The cable lines were backfilled with a layer of ______________________________________


(backing material)

____________________ and the cables are protected from mechanical damage

according to the project, as well as _______________________________________________________________

(specify additional


cable protection points, if any)


At intersections with other engineering communications and structures, the cables are protected _________________________________________________________________________

(indicate what is protected)

6. Couplings and cable marked.

7. Other features noted by the commission _____________________________________________


Conclusion. Trenches (channel) with cable lines mounted in them are accepted for closing.

Form 18











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199


Appendix to the Instructions for the preparation of acceptance documentation for electrical work

Association "Roselectromontazh" _________________________________ ________________________________________ (city) _________________________________ ____________________________________________ (Electrical installation organization) (customer) _________________________________ ____________________________________________ (Subdivision) (object) _________________________________ ________________________________ 20__ (site) ACT OF ACCEPTANCE OF TRENCHES, CHANNELS, TUNNELS AND BLOCKS FOR INSTALLATION OF CABLES Commission consisting of: representative of the electrical installation organization ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, acting name) representative of the customer / operating organization _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, acting name) of the representative of the general contractor ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________ (position, surname, and., o.) Inspected and checked the completed _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of the general contractor) facilities for laying cables. 1. The following objects were presented for acceptance: _______________________________________________________________________________ (trenches, canals, tunnels, cable duct blocks) 2. Structures were made in accordance with the project developed by ______ _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of organization, N drawings of working documentation) 3. Deviations from the project _____________________________________________ ( list) _________________________________________________________________ agreed upon by _______________________________________________________________ (name of the design organization) 4. Layout of the trench route (channels, tunnels) ________________________ (completed, not completed) according to the project. 5. The width and depth of the trench complies with the requirements of the project and the PUE, the bed is made of ____________ with a layer thickness of ___________ mm, the road crossing is made in pipes ______________________ at a depth of ____________ mm, (material) connection and painting of pipes _______________________. (execution method) The trench is prepared for laying the cable. 6. The diameter of the holes of the blocks and the correctness of the joining of the blocks were checked, the covers on the hatches of the wells were installed. 7. Framing and overlapping of cable channels are made ________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Drainage is made according to the project. 9. Special remarks ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion. The objects listed in clause 1 of this Act are considered accepted for installation of cables. Appendix. Scheme of binding of external cable routes in the area, indicating the horizontal and vertical marks of the routes. Representative of the electrical installation organization ________________ (signature) Representative of the customer/operating organization ________________ (signature) Representative of the general contractor ________________ (signature)

built by __________________________________________________________________________

(name of construction and installation organization)

and project number)

by the address: _______________________________________________________________________

(city, street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

The length (for input - underground and aboveground sections), diameter, working pressure of the gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), number of installed locking devices and

other structures _______________________________________________________________



2. List of attached certificates, technical passports (or their copies) and other documents certifying the quality of materials and equipment




Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, date of issue , test results).

3. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

Note. The diagram must be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, bindings to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (terminals, turning points, etc.) must be made; distances between joints, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including intersected communications, should be plotted. Strict adherence to the scale of the scheme is optional.

4. Checking the depth of the gas pipeline, slopes, beds, devices of cases, wells, carpets (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

It has been established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe throughout the entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the arrangement of cases, wells, carpets, correspond to the project.

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Checking the quality of the protective coating of the underground gas pipeline (gas inlet)

1.* Before laying in a trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints was checked for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external inspection, thickness - by measurement in accordance with GOST 9.602-89 mm: adhesion to steel in accordance with GOST 9.602-89; continuity - flaw detector

2.*Joints isolated in the trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

Item 3 to be deleted

4 * Check for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the soil was made after the trench “___” was completely backfilled on ______________ 200__

Note. * If the trench was backfilled when the ground freezing Shubin was more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil thaws, which should be recorded in the act of acceptance of the completed construction of the gas supply system object.

When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found

Head of laboratory ___________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry __________________________________________________

6. Purging the gas pipeline, testing it for strength and tightness

Item 1 should be deleted.

2 "___" ___________ 200__ before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

3 * "___" ___________ 200__ produced pneumatic (hydraulic) test

gas pipeline for strength by pressure MPa (kgf / cm 2) with exposure for _____ hours.

The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

4. "___" ___________ 200__, the gas pipeline filled up to the design marks with fittings and branches installed on it to the objects to the shut-off shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness for ____ h

Before the start of the test, the underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ____ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the temperature of the soil

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) according to GOST _______, class.

Data of pressure measurements during testing of an underground gas pipeline

Date of testing

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa (mm)











IN 2)

According to the data of the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the tightness test, no leaks and defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

"___" ___________ 200__the above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness with a pressure of _____ MPa (kgf / cm 2) with exposure for an hour, followed by an external inspection and verification of all welded, threaded and flange connections No leaks or defects found. The above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the tightness test.

Foreman of works _____________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

(position, signature, initials, surname)

7. Conclusion

The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by


(name of design organization


and project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. ___ - ___________

Construction started"___" ___________ 200__

Construction completed"___" ___________ 200__

Chief Engineer SSMU ________________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry __________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

6.1. Documents on cable lines with a voltage of 1 - 220 kV include:

A) act of acceptance of trenches, channels, tunnels and blocks for cable installation (form 14a);

B) the protocol of inspection and testing of cable insulation on the drum before laying ( form 15);

C) protocol for warming up cables on a drum before laying at low temperatures ( form 16);

D) act of inspection of cable ducts in the trench and channels before closing ( form 17);

E) cable laying log ( form 18);

E) magazine for cutting cable boxes with voltage above 1000 V ( form 19).

6.2. A test report for a power cable with a voltage above 1000 V is submitted only if there is no factory test report (or a copy thereof). The test is performed by the customer in accordance with the requirement of clause 1.8.40 of PUE-7.

6.3. TO form 17 the construction organization (general contractor) submits an application diagram for tying external cable routes on the ground, indicating horizontal and vertical marks.
Form 14a
Association "Roselectromontazh"


_______________________________________ ________________________________

(subdivision) (object)





Commission consisting of:

representative of the electrical installation organization _____________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)
representative of the customer/operating organization ____________________

(position, surname, and., about.)
representative of the general contractor _________________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)
inspected and checked the completed ________________________________

(name of general contractor)
facilities for laying cables.

1. The following objects are presented for acceptance:

(trenches, channels, tunnels, cable duct blocks)
2. Structures are made in accordance with the project developed by ___

(name of organization, N drawings

working documentation)
3. Deviations from the project _______________________________________________


agreed ______________________________________________________________

(name of design organization)
4. Breakdown of the trench route (channels, tunnels) ____________________

(done, not done)

according to the project.

5. The width and depth of the trench meet the requirements of the project and the EMP,

the bed is made of __________________ layer thickness __________________

mm, road crossing is made in pipes _______________________________

at a depth of __________ mm, connection and painting of pipes ____________________

(way of doing)

The trench is ready for cable laying.

6. The diameter of the holes of the blocks and the correctness of the joining of the blocks

checked, covers on manholes of wells are installed.

7. Framing and overlapping of cable channels are made ____________

8. Drainage is made according to the project.

9. Special remarks _______________________________________________
Conclusion. The objects listed in paragraph 1 of this Act, to be considered

accepted for cable installation.
Appendix. Scheme of binding of external cable routes in the area with

indicating the horizontal and vertical marks of the tracks.
Representative of the electrical installation organization ________________________

Representative of the customer/operating organization _______________

Representative of the general contractor ____________________________

Form 15
Association "Roselectromontazh"

_______________________________________ ___________________________

_______________________________________ ___________________________

(electrical installation organization) (customer)

_______________________________________ ___________________________

(subdivision) (object)



acceptance of trenches, channels, tunnels and blocks for cable installation

Commission consisting of: a representative of the electrical installation organization _______________________


(position, surname, and., about.)

customer representative _______________________________________________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)

representative of the general contractor _____________________________________________

(position, surname, and., about.)

inspected and checked the completed ____________________________________________

(name of general contractor


facilities for laying cables.

1. The following objects are presented for acceptance:


(trenches, channels, tunnels, cable duct blocks)

2. The structures were completed in accordance with the project developed by _____________________


(name of organization, No. of drawings of working documentation)

3. Deviations from the project __________________________________________________________


agreed ____________________________________________________________________________

(name of design organization)

4. Breakdown of the trench route (channels, tunnels) _______________________________________



not done)

according to the project.

5. The width and depth of the trench complies with the requirements of the project and PUE-85, the bed is made of __________________ with a layer thickness of ______ mm, the road crossing is made in

pipes ____________ at a depth of ____ mm, connection and painting of pipes _____________________

(material) (method of execution)

The trench is ready for cable laying.

6. The diameter of the holes of the blocks and the correctness of the joining of the blocks were checked, the covers on the hatches of the wells were installed.

7. Framing and overlapping of cable channels are made _____________________________



8. Drainage is made according to the project.

9. Special remarks _______________________________________________________________


Conclusion. The objects listed in clause 1 of this act are considered accepted for installation of cables.

Appendix. Scheme of binding of external cable routes in the area, indicating the horizontal and vertical marks of the routes.


testing of power cable with voltage above 1000 V

Form 15











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199



inspection and testing of insulation resistance of cables on the drum before laying


cable brand,









section, mm, voltage, kV

cable, m





bath and cladding




building embeds

isolation, MOhm


Form 16











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199



heating cables on the drum before laying at low temperatures

Bar number-

Cable brand, voltage, kV,

Length of cable,

Heating cables inside heated rooms

Heating of cables by electric current, A


section, mm


room temperature, °С


heating duration, hour

temperature of the outer turns of the cable at ambient temperature

-10 °C

below -10 °C











(installation management)

(an object)


______________________ 199
