Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. The new head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, is called a dark horse

Regulations for Information Interaction of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the City of Moscow with the State Inspectorate of the City of Moscow for the Quality of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food

1. General provisions
1.1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for interaction between the State Inspectorate of the City of Moscow for the Quality of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food (MosGIK) with the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the City of Moscow (Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the City of Moscow), collectively referred to as the Parties, issues of ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the quality of catering services purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state off-budget fund of the city of Moscow (Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) in public institutions education, health and social sphere the city of Moscow, as well as the quality and safety of food purchased in the city reserve food fund.
1.2. Interaction is carried out within the competence of the Parties in the following forms:
- informing the Parties on the results of quality and safety monitoring food products and the quality of the provision of catering services purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (funds of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and pension fund) in public health, education and social institutions of the city of Moscow;
- exchange of information on the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the quality of catering services purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (Moscow city fund of compulsory medical insurance and pension fund);
- development of joint proposals on issues of ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the quality of catering services purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state non-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (funds of the Moscow city fund of compulsory medical insurance and pension fund ).
1.4. When interacting, the Parties, within their competence, are guided by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
1.5. The parties are independent in exercising their powers.

2. Scope and purpose of the Regulation
2.1. The subject of these Regulations is the organization of effective interaction and information exchange of the Parties in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the quality of catering services purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (Moscow City Fund compulsory medical insurance and pension fund) in public institutions of education, healthcare and social sphere of the city of Moscow, as well as the quality and safety of food purchased in the city reserve food fund.

3. Procedure for interaction between the Parties
3.1. In order to implement this Regulation, the Parties:
3.1.1. They exchange information of mutual interest on the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and other issues within the competence of each of the Parties.
3.1.2. In the event of violations of the terms of state contracts, civil law contracts and contracts for the supply of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the provision of catering services purchased at the expense of the Moscow city budget and the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (Moscow City Fund of Compulsory Medical insurance and pension fund) in public institutions of education, healthcare and social sphere of the city of Moscow in terms of the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and food and the quality of catering services MosGIK informs the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow.
3.1.3. When you get unsatisfactory results laboratory research(testing, measurement) of food products MosGIK informs the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow with the application of the test report and the expert opinion of the accredited testing laboratory that conducted the study (test, measurement).
3.1.4. MosGIK has the right to send samples of products purchased at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and the budget of the territorial state non-budgetary fund of the city of Moscow (Moscow City Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance and the Pension Fund) and intended for catering in public institutions of education, health care and the social sphere of the city of Moscow, in FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of Moscow" within the framework of civil law relations for laboratory research (tests, measurements).
3.2. Within the framework of this Regulation, the Parties also organize and hold joint meetings, conferences, seminars, round tables, etc. on the issues of ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, raw materials and
food in public institutions of education, healthcare and social sphere of the city of Moscow.
3.3. Information interaction between the Parties is carried out on the basis of written requests, subject to consideration and provision of the requested information in set time.
3.3.1. The purpose of the information exchange between the Parties is to promptly obtain information for decision-making based on the results of control measures.
3.3.2. The Parties use the information received in the course of the exchange only within the limits of the powers granted.
3.4. This Regulation does not prevent the Parties from determining and implementing other forms of cooperation not provided for by this Regulation.

4. Signatures of the Parties

Acting Head of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
by city trip Moscow

V.M. Glinenko

Acting Chief State Inspectorate city ​​of Moscow
the quality of agricultural products, raw materials and food

I.B. Kalinovskaya

To the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.From the history of the sanitary and epidemiological service of Moscow.

1941 enemy near Moscow. There were fierce battles, the wounded arrived by freight and passenger trains.

The sanitary service was given the status of efficiency and increased control in wartime conditions. Exceptional importance was attached to the struggle to prevent epidemics both in the army and among the population. Of great importance were the Sanitary Control Posts deployed along the routes of reinforcements to the active army.

A mobile special laboratory carried out an urgent assessment of the quality of water and food products; water safety was ensured with the use of coagulants and disinfectants.

In the conditions of an acute shortage of sanitary inspectors (out of 242 specialists at the end of 1941, 106 people remained), it was necessary to change the methods of work of state sanitary inspectors in the city of Moscow - to switch from the system of work in the specialty (housing and communal, industrial, food and school) to the district method. Since 1942, the service began to be replenished with young personnel without a specialized education. In 1943, at the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors, 3-month courses were organized for 19 doctors in various specialties. The training of doctors is also carried out at the Institutes of Hygiene. Erisman and them. Butt.

In winter, it was necessary to organize the disposal of sewage vykol from latrines. Moscow City State Sanitary Inspectorate together with the Institute of Hygiene. Erisman, developed rules for its storage and further disposal. The vykol was carried out by a team equipped with special clothing. To store the vykol, areas were organized, lined with snow, from where it was either taken out, or, with the onset of the warm season, it was shoveled, and this area was later used for a garden.

Under such conditions, it was necessary to organize enhanced control over open sources of water supply and newly created shallow artesian wells. In 1941-42, 98 of them were drilled in Moscow in deep groundwater, as sources of reserve water supply.

It was necessary to provide the population and the garrison with sanitary and hygienic services - the work of baths, sanitary checkpoints, laundries in conditions of limited supply of fuel and electricity. Organized control over the maintenance and operation of bomb and gas shelters, sanitary condition morgues and burial conditions, as well as traditionally, but especially for food enterprises, trading network and objects Catering.

The sanitary service of Moscow, like the entire sanitary service of the country in the rear and in the army, made its feasible and unbearable contribution to preserving the health and life of Soviet people who ended up in the capital during the war years.

Our veterans belong to a generation whose youth is inextricably linked with the severe manifestations of the Great Patriotic War. They were not specialists in the sanitary service in those years, but each of them had a special military share. Since the beginning of the restoration of the national economy in the postwar years, 34 participants in the Great Patriotic War, blockade and home front workers have worked in the city sanitary and epidemiological service (Department), two continue to work, five were directly involved in hostilities. Currently, the collection of information in the districts (with subsequent posting on the site) about those who defended the freedom, honor and independence of our Motherland under the conditions of the greatest physical and spiritual stress continues.

Vlaskina Ksenia Iosifovna Member of the Great Patriotic War, Labor Veteran.

She was born on August 23, 1924. During the war, from September 1943, she served in unit 3583 and PPG 2236 FEP 93 of the 1st Ukrainian Front with the rank of junior lieutenant, nurse. Transferred to the reserve on December 31, 1946 from Vienna (Austria).

She was awarded the Order of the "Great Patriotic War" II degree, medals: "For the victory over Germany", "25, 30, 40, 50, 60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR". He has a “Sign of a Front-line Soldier”, a letter of thanks signed by Marshal Konev.

After the war, she worked at the Moscow Regional Institute. Mechnikov, in the Department of Especially Dangerous Infections of the Regional SES and from 1962 to 1981 - a laboratory assistant at the Department of the OOI of the Microbiological Laboratory of the Moscow City SES.

Nusinov Abram Emmanuilovich Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Labor Veteran.

Throughout the war he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, working as a doctor, rescuing wounded soldiers. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star, the Order of the Great Patriotic War, and many medals. He finished the war with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Since 1957 Nusinov A.E. worked in sanitary organizations Moscow, holding the positions of epidemiologist and head of the bacteriological laboratory of the Kalininsky district, bacteriologist and head of the control and research laboratory of the Moscow disinfection station. When smallpox was imported in 1960, Abram Emmanuilovich took an active part in anti-epidemic measures.

To the Moscow City Sanitary and Epidemiological Station Nusinov A.E. joined in 1963 as head of the bacteriological laboratory. He paid great attention development and organization of laboratories throughout Moscow, supervised scientific and practical work. Under the leadership of Nusinov, methods have been developed that improve the bacteriological diagnosis of intestinal infections. Nusinov is one of the authors of the instructions on the epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis and prevention of salmonellosis in humans and animals, published in 1966.

After working for 20 years as the head of a bacteriological laboratory, he took a well-deserved rest in 1987. He passed away in 1988.

Fidarov Afako Patsievich Member of the Second World War.

Born November 3, 1934. In 1944, as the son of a regiment, he took part in the fighting to liberate Ukraine and Lithuania. After the war, he graduated from the Tashkent Military School.

In 1970 he graduated from the military academy. Frunze in command and staff specialty. He served as a commander of a platoon, company, battalion, regiment. He took part in the fighting in Czechoslovakia, Angola.

Awarded 3 orders and 24 medals.

After his dismissal from the ranks of the military in 1990, he held the position of vice-rector of the Academy of Economics, and since July 2002 he worked at the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow as a leading engineer for fire safety. He took an active part in the public life of the team, conducted military-patriotic work with youth.

Khort Mikhail Grigorievich Member of the Great Patriotic War.

Born on August 19, 1922. In 1941 he was drafted into the army and sent to a flight school, after which he fought as a pilot, was wounded and retired.

Then he was transferred to the mechanized tank boiler corps, with which he reached Germany in 1945. Participated in it in

Battle of Stalingrad, was shell-shocked. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and many medals.

In 1953 he graduated from the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute. Since 1957, he worked in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow: Deputy Head of the Medical and Sanitary Service of the Moscow District railway; chief physician of the sanitary and epidemiological station of the Kalininsky district; from 1964 to 1976 - deputy chief physician of the Moscow city sanitary epidemiological station; and before leaving for a well-deserved rest in 1987 - head of the security department environment Moscow City Council. Production activities combined with teaching: he lectured to cadets at the Central Research Institute. Conducted city courses for dosimetrists at health facilities.

In 1971 he was elected a deputy of the Dzerzhinsky District Council of Workers' Deputies.

Awarded with the badge "Excellence in Health", Honorary diploma USSR Ministry of Health.

Hort M.G. has passed away. in May 1992.

Tsessarsky Albert Veniaminovich Member of the Second World War.

Born January 1, 1920. In 1941, after graduating ahead of schedule from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, he was enrolled in a brigade special purpose to work behind enemy lines. In 1942-1944. - he is a doctor of the partisan detachment under the command of the Hero Soviet Union D.N. Medvedev, who operated near the city of Rovno. He was awarded two orders of the "Patriotic War" 1st class, medals "Partisan of the Patriotic War", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For the Victory over Germany", etc.

Albert Veniaminovich from 1945 worked in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow for 40 years.

Honored Doctor of Russia, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, author of 14 books, including Notes of a Partisan Doctor, Chekist, Life of Dmitry Medvedev, Romantic Stories, etc.

Volkova Inessa Fedoseevna Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, resident of besieged Leningrad.

In 1961 she graduated from the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Institute. Start labor activity passed in the sanitary epidemiological service of the regions (Belarusian and Ukrainian). From 1966 to the present, Inessa Fedoseevna has been working in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow: first as an epidemiologist in district sanitary and epidemiological stations, then as head of the departments of sanitary and epidemiological analysis and socio-hygienic monitoring of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Moscow.

Volkova I.F. is an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, has a Letter of Acknowledgment from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, was awarded: the badge "Excellent Worker of Health", "Honored Worker of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service"; medals "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War", "Veteran of Labour".

Fedorova Lidia Ilyinichna Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, home front worker.

WITH In 1943, as part of a medical squad in Nikolaev, she evacuated the wounded, worked in a hospital. After graduating from the medical school in 1947, she continued to work in the hospital and in the children's trachomatous home in Nikolaev. In 1956, after graduating from the sanitary-hygienic faculty of the Kiev Medical Institute, she worked in Riga and Leningrad. Since 1964, she has been working in Moscow for 50 years, of which Lidia Ilyinichna devoted 25 years to occupational health. Currently, she is a physician in the Consumer Counseling Department.

Fedorova L.I. 17 scientific and practical works have been completed, it has a copyright certificate for changing manufacturing technology faux fur. Based on the results of studying the work on magnetic resonance tomographs, guidelines for their operation. Lidia Ilyinichna is one of the authors of the application for the design of healthcare facilities. During her work in the department of supervision of health facilities, she participated in the development of 12 methodological recommendations. Is one of the authors of 7 teaching aids for hygienic preparation of decreed contingents.

Fedorova L.I. - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, awarded with the badge "Excellent Health Worker", the medal "Veteran of Labour".

The feat of VICTORY, accomplished by the generation - the Participants of the Great Patriotic War and the Home Front Workers - is priceless as life itself, freedom, peace and happiness are priceless. We must remember, appreciate, carefully preserve and pass this memory on to future generations!

The place of the charismatic Gennady Onishchenko was taken by the modest professional Anna Popova.

The new head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) is little known to the business environment. Perhaps such a personnel reshuffle was carried out in order to reform the federal body without conflict.

Two days ago, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets shocked many by announcing the resignation of the unsinkable Gennady Onishchenko from the post of head of Rospotrebnadzor. His place was taken by Anna Popova, one of the three deputies of the country's chief sanitary doctor. Like her boss, Anna Popova is an epidemiologist by profession.

Anna Popova began her path to the position of a federal official as a simple doctor, and then as the head of the epidemiological department of the Budennovskaya sanitary and epidemiological station. By the way, this institution is located on the other side of the road from the infamous Budennovskaya Central District Hospital, which became the epicenter of the drama with the hostage-taking by terrorist Shamil Basayev in 1995.

True, by that time Anna Popova had already worked as a doctor at the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Serpukhov near Moscow, where she later rose to the post of head physician. Further, her career was connected with the apparatus of Rospotrebnadzor - in the position of deputy head, and then head of the personnel department of the department for the Moscow region. And in December 2011, Gennady Onishchenko invited her as his deputy.

Representatives of the structures where Anna Popova previously worked recommended that they contact the federal Rospotrebnadzor for comments.

Her career was made quite adequately to the merits that she has, the representative of Rospotrebnadzor emphasized, and immediately asked the correspondent of RBC daily: “Do you doubt the organizational qualities of the leader federal service who always knew how to select shots?

One of the market participants said that Anna Popova was able to build a fairly effective supervision of the market and the turnover of food products in a short period of time. She is a good doctor, an administrator, but at the same time "not a political figure at all," the interlocutor of RBC daily added.

However, the new head of the federal service is little known to most market participants, a survey conducted among representatives of companies and industry unions showed. Many of them simply did not encounter it at meetings or meetings. “We communicate quite often with all the deputies of Gennady Onishchenko, but we can say that Anna Popova is completely inactive,” said the manager of a large transnational company.

“She participated in some events and approached them quite formally: she delivered a prepared speech and that’s all,” added a representative of another company. “Since Mr. Onishchenko could not personally attend all the events, he sent his deputy Irina Bragina, who was called the right hand of the head of the service and was predicted to be her successor. If Bragina could not go, they sent Mrs. Popova. I got the impression that she was in the wings,” another interlocutor of RBC daily shares his impressions.

Market participants regard Ms. Popova as a temporary figure and express the popular opinion today that, most likely, Rospotrebnadzor will be disbanded. “If a new charismatic figure is put in place of Onishchenko, then the continuation of the struggle, which the former head literally lived, is guaranteed. Naturally, in order to avoid this, an inconspicuous figure was placed. I don't believe that new head Rospotrebnadzor will be able to keep the service just as strong as its predecessor, who, in addition to charisma, had an amazing capacity for work, ”said one of the industry experts.

"Time will tell. But I don’t think that the government will select a candidate who is not capable of protecting the interests of Rospotrebnadzor,” said State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina. It is clear that some directions will change. For example, I really hope that the new head of Rospotrebnadzor will pay more attention to the domestic market, the quality of the products supplied, maybe we will finally develop quality standards. It seems to me that if there is less politics, more work in the domestic market, it will be a plus for all of us.”

The Russian government is considering the possibility of transferring certain functions of Rospotrebnadzor to regional level, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. “There have never been any ideas about the complete elimination of Rospotrebnadzor. He performs important federal functions and absolutely essential. However, the possibility of delegating part of the functions of Rospotrebnadzor to the regional level, to executive authorities is being considered,” said Mr. Kozak.