Distribution of resumes to recruitment agencies. Sending resumes to recruitment agencies

With a professionally crafted CV in hand, you're wondering how to submit your CV to get the most bang for your buck. To do this, you need to learn more about the structure of the personnel market.

Today, this market is represented by companies-employers that are engaged in the direct search for workers without outside help, as well as personnel services, which, in turn, are divided into employment agencies and recruitment agencies.

If you are interested in getting a position in a particular company, and you think that your professional level can correspond to its level, then for this you need to send your resume by fax of the company (directories with phone numbers and fax numbers can serve as a source of this information). you are interested in legal entity). In the event that today there is a need for a specialist like you, then, most likely, your candidacy will be considered. If there is no such need, then you should not expect a quick answer.

But, in our opinion, it would be more effective to find out what kind of specialists are required at the moment (this information should be present in Internet advertising on specialized sites that place job advertisements; in mass media, again specializing in this area; maybe on TV). If in this list you saw something suitable for yourself, then you should first call the indicated numbers to clarify the details.

If you decide to use the services personnel services, then it must be firmly understood that there are two categories mentioned above, namely: recruitment agencies and employment agencies.

Their main difference is WHO pays for their services.

Employment agencies are engaged in the employment of the population (the form of work is reflected in the name itself), and, therefore, applicants bear all the costs.

These agencies are LOOKING FOR JOBS for you based on your experience, professional level and personal wishes (pay, desired position and company profile, work location, etc.). The principle that works here is that it is you who dictate your conditions, and therefore pay for the work that is being done for your employment.

You are a customer, you pay money and, therefore, you have the right to count on the final result.

Recruitment agencies, or simply recruitment agencies, are engaged in the selection of personnel for companies, which implies that this service is paid for by firms.

The work of these agencies is aimed at SEARCHING FOR PERSONNEL, i.e. in this case, the customer is the employer, who puts forward certain requirements for the employees of interest to him, and therefore bears all the financial costs.

That is why the result, in this case, is not aimed at providing a job to the candidate as soon as possible, but at closing a vacancy.

After the crisis, a kind of "mixture of genres" took place. Many companies, turning to recruitment agencies for recruitment, refuse to pay for these services. Why, for their part, recruitment agencies are forced to take money from candidates. Therefore, in light of these changes, you should do the following: by dialing the number of the agency, first of all, you need to find out if they provide paid or free services. If paid, you need to immediately find out the prices: what is the cost of registering a resume, entering it into an electronic database, if any; what percentage of the first salary will have to be paid in case of employment, etc.?

Perhaps there are some other services, so you should not hang up immediately after an affirmative answer, you need to find out what these services are, what their cost is, whether there is a subscription service. Perhaps the proposals will interest you in some way, in which case your further actions should be dictated by the recommendations of the agency representative. This can be either sending a resume by fax, or a personal meeting with the agency manager. And don't forget to find out about the current vacancies, because. this information can help both you and the agency worker to concentrate their efforts on achieving a specific result.

Now let's move on to the question of how your first acquaintance with a recruitment agency should take place, whose services are free for job seekers.

Many send their resumes by fax or E-mail, and, moreover, to the entire list of recruitment agencies. This option, of course, is not excluded, but we again recommend starting your first conversation over the phone. If the agency meets your requirements, then the second step is to find out the vacancies for today. But it would be better not to inquire about the whole list, but to ask what interests you. If there is a vacancy for which you can apply, then you need to get acquainted with the personnel manager who leads this direction, and after talking with him personally, follow his instructions (the scheme is the same: either sending a resume, or your visit to the agency).

If, alas, today specialists are required, among which you are not included, then you can simply send your resume by fax or e-mail. Your data will be entered into the agency's database, which means that they will be periodically reviewed as vacancies become available for which you can potentially apply. If you do not have the opportunity to use a fax or e-mail, then you need to clarify whether you can personally drive up to leave data about yourself. Even given the large influx of applicants in today's difficult time to find a job, you are unlikely to be denied this service.

You can also learn about recruitment agency vacancies from advertising in the media or the Internet (on sites that address employment problems or from the personal pages of agencies). This information is updated every week, and sometimes even more often, therefore, leafing through the latest magazines and newspapers, as well as browsing the news on the Internet, you can find out about the position you are interested in and contact the phones, faxes or e-mail of the recruitment agency. But in this case, it will be most effective to talk on the phone in advance to get recommendations from the recruiting manager.

So, it is necessary to draw the following conclusion: in order for the costs to pay off with maximum success, work with recruitment agencies must be built as follows:

  1. Finding out information about fresh vacancies agencies, which can be gleaned from advertising in the media or the Internet.
  2. A follow-up call for a preliminary conversation with the recruiting manager (if you simply call the recruitment agency phone number taken from a directory, magazine or newspaper, then this conversation should be the source of finding out the vacancies that the agency has open today).
  3. Strictly follow the recommendations of the agency representative (if there is a vacancy, then it may be necessary to come or send a resume, they will definitely tell you what to do; if not, then you just send a resume to the agency base).

Recruitment agency "QUARTA"

Automatic distribution of resumes to recruitment agencies is one of the ways to speed up employment or increase the chances of finding Good work. It happens that for sending a resume to you they do it for free, and it happens that they take money for it. This article was born thanks to a spam email that fell into my hands.

Recently, I received a letter in the mail with a proposal to automatically send a resume to all recruitment agencies in any city in Russia. I do not need it, but the interest aroused genuine. I decided to look at the work of this service - www.resumester.ru.

To send my resume to recruitment agencies, I chose my hometown - St. Petersburg (there were 307 agencies in their database). Sent resume. A message appeared stating that the resume is ready to be sent, but you need to confirm the ownership of the mailbox. OK. I confirm and see:

Yep, that's what it's about. Okay, I follow the link tariffs. It’s quite interesting there - they played very beautifully and competently on the psychology of information perception.

I turn to the page, look straightaway prices and see 3.5 rubles. Wow! I use this service. I take my cell phone, start a new message and stop. We need to check everything again.

Here's the thing - by default, the wrong number is shown that I need (this is a tricky psychological move - you don’t look at the number at first, and when you see the price of 3.5 rubles, you take away the joy and already forget about the number ).

Okay, I'm looking at the number I need (4481).

Here it is, the truth. The cost of SMS "grew" to 270 rubles.

The point, of course, is not about money, but about guarantees that the resume will reach the recipient with the explanations you need. To put it mildly, it is scary to use such third-party services, because. they do not open any information at all, do not show a list of recruitment agencies and do not take any steps towards payment before payment. And if you read their user agreement, then you immediately want to get away from such a service forever.

Choose a reliable way to send your resume

Friends, choose reliable services and sites where you can send resumes to recruitment agencies. For example, hh.ru has such a service. There you can manually send your resume yourself, or you can use automatic sending, which costs around 175 rubles. Inexpensive and reliable.

Until the employer has met with you personally, you are represented by your resume. professional resume takes into account many factors that allow you to concisely present your experience, skills, knowledge, personal information in a favorable light. A well-written resume saves a lot of time when it comes to finding and recruiting staff.

Employers are the clients of the Profi Group recruitment agency. It is they who act as a guarantor of payment, thanks to which our services to applicants are free.
If you are looking for a job, you can send us your resume by email. mail specified in section . If we have a suitable vacancy, we will offer you to consider it. Services for candidates are free.

How to write a resume? How to write a good resume?

The resume should be concise (1-2 pages), designed in the same style, readable.
Resume must be “targeted” (job profile = candidate profile)
Resumes must be sent in two copies (in Russian and English / other language), if the position requires knowledge in English(other language).

The summary consists of the following blocks:

Personal data: full name, year of birth, address of residence (registration), phone number (including area code), email. mail;
Purpose: the position you are applying for;
Education, course information;
Work experience in reverse chronological order (preferably starting with last place work), indicating the periods of work, company names (mandatory profile of the company), positions held, main functionality. It is desirable to indicate the main achievements, if any.
Additional Information: Ownership of software packages, foreign languages, possession of a driver's license, personal vehicle, marital status, presence of children, etc.

Pay attention to feedback If after submitting your resume you have not received a response, call and clarify the fact of receipt and the deadline for the response. Perhaps it just did not reach the addressee? This applies both to the option of sending a resume directly to the employer, and the option when your resume is taken into account by a recruiting company (Moscow and the regions) that provides recruitment services or employment services. In most cases, the services of a recruitment agency are free for job seekers. The more targeted resumes you send to a particular position, the more options you will have.

For those who are interested in the query "I'm looking for a job", personnel center Profi Group has developed a number of samples that you can use, we hope they will help you find a job in Moscow and the regions:

Resume structure can be downloaded

Sample resume of the Chief Accountant can be downloaded

GDE Error: Cannot load profile settings

Sample Resume for an Accountant can be downloaded

GDE Error: Cannot load profile settings

Sample Resume for Purchasing Manager can be downloaded

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Sales Manager Resume Sample Download

Are you looking for free resume placement sites in Moscow? Congratulations! You have come to the right site. Jobs in Moscow are waiting for you on this site, be sure to post a resume to find a job. Posting a new resume in Moscow. Create a resume in the city of Moscow.

Submit your resume for a job in Moscow

If you choose on which website about working in Moscow to place your resume, then do it right now on our website. Our site helps job seekers to quickly find a good job, you can post a free resume on our job search site. Posting a resume on the site is very easy. If you already have a resume in in electronic format, you can place finished resume on the site by filling out the form for posting a resume. Remember, by posting a resume on our website, you agree to the rules of working with our service.

Submit your resume for free job search

Submit your resume for job search in Moscow and get the following benefits:

  • Get a permanent link to your resume, which you can post on your blog or page in social network(Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My circle, My world, etc.)
  • You can print or save your resume to a Mircrosoft Word file, text format, or pdf file.
  • You can send your resume directly from our website to any address by e-mail e-mail
  • Your resume will be sent to employers registered on the site who have subscribed to the mailing list of new resumes.
  • In addition to the resume, you can place your photo and customize it for better display in the resume. To post photos, you must follow the posting rules and

A resume for a recruitment agency does not have a standard structure, because depending on the experience and desires of the applicant, the sequence of sections may change. The main purpose of a resume is to attract the attention of a recruiter, and this is possible only if the CV meets the requirements for a particular vacancy to the maximum.

1. Write a resume in Word format

It is undesirable to send a copy of the CV from one of the job sites to the recruitment agency. The structure and content of a classic resume and a questionnaire for a recruitment agency can be very different. In addition, the profiles on the sites, as a rule, have a rather rigid structure and will not allow you to change it or “play” with the design of your CV.

For example, for university graduates who do not yet have work experience, the “Education” section should go first (besides a diploma, they simply have nothing else to “sell” to potential employers). But for a specialist with many years of experience, it makes sense to first demonstrate the results of his work - that is, to place the “Professional Experience” section first.

2. Don't overload your resume

The speed of viewing resumes by recruitment agency consultants is quite high - they “scan” more than a dozen CVs per day, so you should not overload the first blocks of your resume with unnecessary information that is not directly related to the desired position.

For example, it seems obvious that the word "resume", indicated in large letters in the first line, is superfluous. However, about 90% of applicants begin their text presentation right from him. Here's what a resume header should contain:

  • first and last name - Ivan Ivanov;
  • contact information - phone numbers where you can be contacted promptly and address Email(specially create a more serious nickname, because inappropriate humor is unlikely to add bonuses to you over other job applicants).

3. Be sure to indicate the purpose of the search in your resume

This should be a specific position / position in a specific functional area, market segment or professional industry.

When recruiting consultants see a resume without a “goal”, most often they just shrug their shoulders: “If the candidate himself does not know what he is striving for, then how can I guess what he needs?” Therefore, applicants often receive offers from recruitment agencies to consider a position from which they have already “grown”, and at the same time they are completely sincerely indignant that they were underestimated. Do not forget that recruitment agencies primarily work on the orders of their clients, their goal is to close open vacancies, that is, they are not directly involved in the employment of applicants who have sent their resumes to the agency's database.

4. "Key skills and competencies"

It is advisable to place this section immediately after indicating the position for which you are applying, before detailed description previous experience, broken down by periods of work in specific organizations. Here you should correctly summarize and present information about professional skills and competencies, and in the next section you should already demonstrate when and in which companies these skills were obtained and how they were applied.

It is professional skills that should be indicated here (not personal characteristics, for example, “the ability to organize”, but “experience in creating a department from scratch: planning the organizational structure, organizing the work of the department, recruiting, training, setting goals and monitoring the implementation of results, motivation, development " etc.

When selecting information to fill in this section, you should focus primarily on the list professional competencies specified in the requirements for candidates for such positions. Searching for similar vacancies on the Internet can help here.

The information in this section is often better than any very detailed listing. functional duties answers the questions of the employer: “Does your level correspond to necessary requirements? Should I send you an invitation to a private meeting?

5. "Professional experience"

Work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent job. The first should indicate information that is significant for employers. If you are better "sold" by the name of the company in which you worked - indicate it at the very beginning, if the position - focus on the level of the position in the company, highlighting it in bold or larger font.

6. "Education"

For applicants who have a solid relevant work experience in their track record, or whose accumulated knowledge and skills are more significant for potential employers than a diploma obtained many years ago, the Education section should be placed after the description of previous work experience.

If higher education- the only thing that a candidate can flaunt at the moment, this section is the main trump card that allows a young specialist to stand out from the background of most applicants and should be placed immediately after the "Key skills and competencies" column.

In the "Additional education" section, you should indicate attended seminars on the profile, participation / speech / reports at professional conferences, business trainings.

7. Bigger is not better

The total volume of the resume should not exceed two pages of printed text, but you should not try to make the font size less than 9 - if you can simply zoom in on the computer monitor to view the CV, then your resume will not be readable when printed.

Remove all unnecessary information from the resume, leaving only the essence, reflecting your previous experience with a list of the achievements that you managed to achieve in past jobs. To cope with this task, ask your friends to read your resume. It is very good if these are specialists related to the selection of personnel - they have looked through hundreds of resumes and, if anything, will unmistakably point you to the "water".

8. "Functional responsibilities"

Functional responsibilities should be stated in order from strategic (if any in the track record) to executive. The sequence in which the applicant puts the job duties performed in previous companies will tell the recruiter a lot about the candidate's level of competence. If, for example, a sales manager has “business planning and goal setting” at the very end, and “negotiations with clients” is in the first place, then the conclusions suggest themselves: with a high degree of probability, we can say that this specialist has not yet ready to move into leadership positions.

When listing your functional responsibilities at each place of work, try to limit yourself to five (maximum seven) items, assigning no more than 1.5–2 lines to each company. If this does not work out, you can combine all the responsibilities into functional blocks, first indicating the most important periods from your work experience that characterize you as a high-level professional (strategy, business planning). This method of presentation greatly facilitates the perception of a large amount of information.

To check the completeness and clarity/transparency of the description of your job duties, consult with your acquaintances. If after the first reading your work experience does not seem clear, it is worth redoing this block.

9. "Achievements and results"

In addition to the standard listing of your functional duties at each job, be sure to include a description of the main results, since it is the achievements that represent you as a professional and can make your CV more vivid and memorable. It is this way of presenting information that is most convenient for recruiters.

However, be careful about giving absolute values ​​of sales volumes and figures from business plans - in most cases this information is confidential. It is better to use percentages and times - they are more visual than absolute indicators, because someone has a budget of hundreds of thousands of rubles, and someone has millions.

10. Without "jumps" and "holes"

Recruitment consultants react negatively to frequent job changes - they call such candidates "jumpers" or "flyers". Resumes with large gaps between jobs are classified as “leaky”. Therefore, it does not always make sense to turn a CV into a thorough copy of a work book.

A resume is a document that reflects the previous work experience, theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the candidate in the most favorable light for him. However, many job seekers list in their CV even those companies where the period of work was less than three months, leading recruiters to think about an unsuccessful passage. probationary period and getting immediately cons. After all, at the interview you can always try to explain the situation, taking the initiative in your own hands. For example, the employer did not fulfill the promises given when hiring, and you, not him, decided to part with him.

If your work was project or temporary in nature, be sure to indicate this in your resume in order to avoid misinterpretation of your work experience.

11. Leave the question of salary “for later”

It is better to leave the discussion of salary expectations before a telephone conversation with a consultant, and also indicate the desired amount in the questionnaires of job sites, where income level is one of the search criteria for key parameters. Too high numbers with an inappropriate presentation of responsibilities and achievements can be inadequately perceived, as well as too low are interpreted as insecurity and low self-esteem.

12. Photos are not necessary

It makes no sense to put your photo on your resume. If it is required (and this happens quite rarely), in an agency or at potential employer will make your instant photo or at a preliminary stage will ask you to send your photo by e-mail.

13. Be careful with the standard set of personal qualities.

In the “Personal qualities” section, you should indicate some of your most striking and capacious personality characteristics that affect the performance of work duties.

However, be careful about listing the standard set of personal qualities: stress resistance, quick learner, and so on. Most recruitment consultants tend to ignore them, and at the interview they may be asked to provide evidence why you indicated this “standard set” in the “Additional Skills” section of your resume, as well as examples confirming the presence of these qualities.

The section “Professional / key skills and competencies” will look much better.

14. "Additional Information"

This section contains information about yourself: year of birth or age; place of residence and general skills - knowledge of a PC and specialized computer programs, the level of knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license, readiness for business trips and relocation, and so on. At the end of the resume, you can write the standard "recommendations are available upon request."

15. Reread your resume

Before sending your CV to a recruitment agency, you should run a spell checker to make sure there are no errors/typos and “remove” unnecessary underlines, as they make it very difficult to read text on a computer screen.

Print your resume to make sure it's formatted correctly.

Always take a couple of paper copies of your CV with you to the interview, and you can also take a flash drive with an electronic version of the resume and samples of your work, designed in a portfolio.


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