Problems related to personnel management. Employee burnout: emotional and professional

We are not afraid to work: we sit and sit.

"Folk Wisdom"

The company's personnel as the main asset and business growth potential.

Our consulting practice often gives rise to questions rather than answers. Questions accumulate, "settle in a pile" and wait for their finest hour to accumulate the necessary critical mass to analyze this mass and comprehend it.

Another issue that has waited in the wings concerns hiring staff in companies. More precisely, not even the hiring procedure as such, but deeper processes, one way or another related to this issue, which is extremely important for every business. Now to the point.

In developed (or even, more precisely, in thoughtful) businesses, there are standard procedures regarding the personnel of the organization. These are usually considered:

  • Planning,
  • hiring,
  • Development,
  • Education,
  • Control,
  • Motivation,
  • rotation,
  • Adaptation,
  • The study,
  • Certification.

In a word, activities related to the organization's personnel are capacious, necessary and extremely responsible. It would seem that everything is very simple: put an intelligent thinking person at the head of the personnel department - and this direction"closed". All in all, that's pretty much what happens. But, as they say, there are nuances. This will be discussed.

Nuance FIRST. Personnel planning.

Take our word for it: probably only one out of ten companies know (and apply!) that it is necessary to plan not only finances, purchases, sales, logistics, etc., but also personnel.

A very typical example: a company displays New Product. Accordingly, “everything is according to plan”: finances, logistics, equipment ... And when the time “H” comes, SUDDENLY (!) (how else?) it turns out that there is no necessary specialist who will set up the equipment (will serve, promote, advise, sell, etc.). That is, a situation arises like "let's go skiing if we find skis." Familiar? So, if the personnel were planned similarly to other areas of activity (say, finance), then there would be no such situation in principle.

Nuance SECOND. Staff development.

There is such an observation: the stronger the leader, the weaker the subordinates. The logic is this: a leader is a person who is not only burdened with power, but also implies a high level of competence. If the leader has the authority of suppression, then his opinion is always above all and the point of view is the most correct. Over time, this leads to a certain lack of will of subordinates, who turn into performers like "I was told to do - I do, they say to think - I will think." The problem, and a significant one, is that if such a leader leaves the company, then none of his subordinates is no longer able to fully replace him due to disbelief in his own strengths and quickly getting used to the role of a weak-willed performer. Any new leader who comes from the "inheritance" side receives a "managed herd" of employees who can only work "as you, boss, need." So, if there were regular events in the company for the development of personnel (courses, trainings, theoretical training, testing knowledge of anything, mentoring, etc.), its competencies and skills, then, firstly, such a situation would quickly would be revealed, and secondly, knowledge always gives confidence. Accordingly, it is more difficult to crush a competent employee with authority, and an experienced HR manager receives a personnel reserve in a timely manner.

The personnel reserve is a kind of "airbag", which is very useful when:

  • planned or sudden rotation of personnel (vacation, decree, dismissal, illness, long business trip, etc.);
  • increase in orders and, accordingly, the intensity and volume of work;
  • the emergence of projects, the implementation of which will require certain competencies of employees.

Nuance THIRD. I don't know who, but someone is needed.

A very common situation for many organizations. The logic of such decisions is that with the growth of the scale of the business, there is a feeling that someone is already unable to cope. Another explanation is: we can afford to hire additional staff. Like this. No more, no less. That is, instead of analyzing business processes and measuring the load on the working staff, the company's management decides to recruit employees “just in case”. Especially often in this way the number of deputies for various leaders increases. In our practice, we met with the fact that in an average company in terms of turnover and size, the number of deputies for various managers reached five!

We, as consultants, always recommend in this matter to proceed from an understanding of what exactly does not have time to do in the organization and, in fact, why? Finding answers to these questions dots the E and often closes the question of the need to hire "someone else."

Nuance FOUR. Hiring.

The main problem associated with personnel in companies is the lack of personnel planning and the most thoughtful recruitment procedure (system). We said about planning, I think that the essence is clear. But as for the hiring SYSTEM itself, the problem is still the same ...

The recruitment system is a well-thought-out chain of search, selection, testing and hiring of specialists. For specialists of different levels of responsibility (managers, that is), for obvious reasons, it should differ from the system of hiring ordinary employees: it is assumed not only not only a different procedure for interviewing and studying candidates, but also a different procedure for passing interviews: as a rule, an interview is conducted in several stages with an increase in the rank of the interviewer. More on this below.

The most significant, in our opinion, mistakes that, like a well-known rake, lie in wait for an organization in which the procedure for hiring employees is not prescribed, is as follows:

1) TOP management does not specify (does not prescribe) the profile of the hired specialist: his experience, industry affiliation, competencies, personality type, character, type of leadership (if we are talking about a manager);

2) The studied qualities of the candidate, his experience, as well as other significant issues are not prescribed. The levels of interviewing (ie when and by whom) at which they are studied are not defined;

3) The powers of each of the levels of interviewing are not defined;

4) A single form of a report on interviewing a candidate by the company's specialists is not created. There is no connection between the personnel service and the top management of the organization;

5) The information provided to the candidate is not coordinated (which leads to contradictory answers and the appearance of distrust on the part of the candidate).

What can lead to the above errors in the recruitment procedure:

1) If one person hires (more often - the head of the personnel department), then the person does this according to OWN vision. Accordingly, everything can be tritely reduced to "like - dislike." In other words, the selection of personnel (including key personnel) is at the mercy of ONE person, his understanding and vision, his competence, human qualities and the goals pursued;

2) If the recruitment procedure is not regulated and is not optimal for a given organization, then some positions may be “closed” for months. One can guess what the absence of a key specialist, for example, is fraught with for the organization. Although, we have seen examples in our practice when even large manufacturing companies were in a fever due to the lack of just one (!) necessary specialist;

3) The company may lose potentially valuable candidates due to the fact that the powers of each of the interviewing levels are not defined;

4) The company may acquire an unfavorable image due to the lack of consistency in the information provided to candidates: such information quickly spills over into the network on special resources dedicated to reviews of employers, thereby increasing the time it takes to find the necessary candidates.

In our practice, we have come across situations when it turned out that many (!) Problems in a company are caused precisely by the work of the company's personnel service. It is for this reason that you should not let the processes associated with the personnel take their course or at the mercy of the head of the personnel service. You just need to understand well that the leader should be accepted by the leader, evaluating at meetings not only “table” data, but also the candidate’s business sense, general market orientation, value system, knowledge of the profile market, etc.

A separate and very significant problem is the hiring of top staff. In the vast majority of companies, hiring tops is carried out according to the same procedure as hiring other employees. The problem is that in addition to the questionnaire-checks of the top candidate by the personnel service, they should be handled by higher-level managers to understand his life and business outlook, type of leadership, psychological stability, etc. In addition, it is extremely advisable to involve security specialists to check the history candidate. Exactly because of this reason personnel service, working according to a different scheme of work with TOP candidates, should not have the possibility of rejecting a candidate at its level.

Nuance FIFTH. Motivation as a source of dynamics.

It would seem that a common truth when conducting interviews and studying candidates: identifying their motivation. However, we often find that this work specialists of the personnel department are either not performed, or performed formally. I would like to note that this issue is very important both for the company as a whole and for specific candidates in particular. The reasons for this are simple:

1) The company (more precisely, its management) must accurately understand the motivational component of each employee. This is required both in order to optimally organize work for each employee (rotation, training, etc.), and in order to develop the most correct version of the motivation system;

2) The management of the company must produce the "movement" of personnel in the company, taking into account the motivation of each individual employee. It should be taken into account that, at a minimum, the positions that “earn” the company money should be filled by employees for whom material motivation is paramount.

Motivation is a certain guarantee that the goals of the company will become the goals of employees. It is for this reason that one should not underestimate the very fact of clarifying intrinsic motivation employees, as well as the actual creation of a full-fledged system of personnel motivation.

Nuance SIX. Personnel certification.

How many times have they told the world that the level of knowledge and skills of the staff ALWAYS tends to decrease. This is due to a certain “calmness” of the employees, associated with the confidence that since I work here, it means that I suit everyone. Well, of course, and self-confidence in one's own "professionalism", based on experience and work experience (in the industry, at the enterprise or in the specialty in general).

Personnel certification, as a system, is necessary in order to:

1) The level of knowledge and skills of employees not only did not decrease, but also gradually increased;

2) Identify the most knowledgeable, competent employees in order to develop the company's human resources potential;

3) Make changes to the personnel motivation system in the form of an increase in the category, category, etc. With the right and transparent approach, this will have a positive effect on other employees of the company.

In relation to this nuance, it is necessary to understand that if the staff is not maintained in a certain tone, then after a while the situation begins to resemble such a calm swamp with all the ensuing consequences. It must be understood that very often a company, as an organization, and employees, have mutually opposite goals. So the company should do its best to achieve its goals in order for the business to remain at least afloat, and as a maximum, actively develop. This, among other things, is ensured by the increasing efficiency of the work of the personnel, the increasing level of knowledge and skills of the personnel. It is for this reason that it is worth paying increased attention to the issue of certification of the organization's personnel. It is clear that the certification of personnel is a periodic and secondary procedure in relation to the training and advanced training of employees.

Nuance SEVENTH. Staff adaptation.

Experienced personnel officers know that the most “dangerous” period for newly hired employees is the first two months of work. During this period, not only the new employee is evaluated, but the employee also evaluates the organization and its team for compliance with their value system, and also searches for a certain “comfort zone” for themselves: determining potential psychological and business compatibility with managers, the team, and also makes assessment of own prof. suitability in the new location.

To new employee this period has PASSED and passed with maximum benefit for the organization and itself, it is required that the entire period probationary period(or induction period, if there is no probationary period as such) he was the follower (as far as possible) of the employee (or more than one) responsible for his adaptation.

From experience, we say that for the fastest and most effective adaptation of new employees, it is necessary to prepare (and approve) an adaptation program in advance with the obligatory indication of:

  • employee(s) who are responsible for induction;
  • parameters and results that a new employee should achieve at the end of the adaptation period;
  • calendar schedule commissioning (who, where, what, at what time what knowledge / skills gives / checks, etc.);
  • intermediate results that a new employee should achieve (say, every month for the first three to five months);
  • parameters of material and / or non-material incentives for employees involved in the adaptation process in case of successful certification of a new employee.

A new employee must, from the moment of employment, have a list theoretical issues and practical skills that will be tested at the end of the adaptation period (or trial period). This will concretize his period of adaptation and determine the benchmarks.

Nuance EIGHTH. Staff rotation.

Rotation is a process labor displacement organization employees. That is, it is the use of a person in various production areas and / or in various positions in the interests of the organization. It is worth agreeing on the terms: rotation without promotion - horizontal rotation, rotation with promotion - vertical rotation.

The basis of staff rotation is the ability to use labor resources enterprises in an optimal way for the organization. In order to have more opportunities for staff rotation, it is necessary to train staff in related (and not only) professions, giving skills, knowledge and checking their level. The process is more successful in the case of its material incentives, when the organization pays extra money or stimulates the employee for owning an additional profession (professions) or stimulates in another sensitive way (for example, by adding days to vacation). Our experience in consulting projects on manufacturing enterprises suggests that this measure can simultaneously both reduce personnel costs and protect the organization from situations where "the pilot fell ill, there will be no aviation." That is, thanks to the additional competencies of personnel, the organization has the opportunity to more flexible and rational personnel management.

Vertical rotation is the process of “cultivating” your own leaders in an organization. If a person stands out from the general mass of employees, if he shows results and strives to understand more and do better, then it is worth betting on such employees, promoting them in the organization. Such employees, as a rule, quickly integrate into new functionality and find a common language with colleagues than outside staff.

* * * * *

As a summary

1. Personnel is one of the most (if not the most) significant resource (more precisely, an ASSET!) of any organization. Neither buildings and structures, nor equipment and mechanisms, nor finances - it is the personnel that is the basis of any organization and its driving force. For this reason, work with personnel is an extremely important and responsible area of ​​work that TOP management must plan, coordinate and control. The most valuable thing an organization has is its employees, take our word for it. Remember this.

2. It is necessary to try to attract employees:

  • with a POSITIVE attitude in life, who are accepted for any business with an internal attitude " everything will work out", but not " it's impossible»;
  • able-bodied, who are able to quickly understand and correctly and quickly do;
  • who obviously go to a new place TO BE BENEFICIAL, and not to serve a number (to go to work);
  • who want to make money or earn BIG MONEY. Exactly EARN!;
  • who are able to live and work SYSTEMATICALLY;
  • who understand and love ORDER (in the head, at work, at the workplace);
  • who are able to work FOR THE RESULT;
  • who "won't give up their own and don't look at someone else's" - those who are able to respect the values ​​and property of the organization and treat them rationally.

For those who read to the end, a small bonus in the form of a well-thought-out recruitment application form. You can take.

Good luck in the difficult task of personnel management!

Personnel management of the institution is currently an important topic. This is a set of principles, methods and forms of influence on the activities of employees to improve results in the performance of work duties. The problems of personnel management are acute not only for management, but also for people who work at the enterprise.

The ideal scenario for the development of the situation is when people work at the company with high quality and do their work on time, and the employer does not treat them strictly with excessive demands. But such a development of events can be met extremely rarely for various reasons that prevent it. The manager who wants to achieve the maximum productivity result in the company should have in stock, in addition to his experience, various technologies aimed at system formation the effectiveness of relationships in the organization and a quick analysis of emerging issues, challenges and difficulties.

Enterprise personnel management is a multifaceted and complex task, the solution of which requires large financial, time and organizational costs. The problems of personnel management are related to the fact that the boss has to manage not just a team of ordinary people, which is already a difficult task, but a team of professionals who, for the most part, have practical skills and often even higher education.

What actual problems of personnel management may arise

With the wrong leadership, such actual problems in personnel management can arise:

  • not a very good company reputation)
  • unsatisfactory quality of goods)
  • increasing the chances of going bankrupt.

In most cases, problems in personnel management arise due to the fault of the management (according to statistics, about 71%). All this is due to the fact that managers are not always able to competently and well manage employees.

The efficiency of personnel in the company always depends on the leader to some extent. From here, a number of problems can arise: not noticing the crisis by the manager at an early stage, the assumption that all problems are temporary difficulties, tightening the discipline of employees, increased punishments for employees, making rash decisions by management due to stress, theft of personnel, mass exodus.

In our time, many rights of employees are violated, but this can be the fault of not only the manager, but also the employee, who can do his job poorly or not with high quality. It is because of this that conflict can arise. To achieve a good result in such a delicate matter as personnel management, it is necessary to constantly monitor the existing problems in the institution. It is necessary to constantly learn the skill of managing workforce in order to avoid various problems.

There are a number of problems that arise in the management of employees:

All these topical problems of personnel management that we have considered suggest that they need to be solved and not repeated again, and only a good leader can cope with this using theoretical and practical methods. the main objective personnel management is the ability to effectively use the skills of employees in accordance with the goals of the organization. But at the same time, you should always pay attention to working conditions, maintaining the health of each employee and establishing the right relationships in the team.

Human resource management problems are found in many enterprises, so the demand for the device modern systems HR management is very high. Organizations today see a discrepancy between the ever-increasing need for good human resources management and the state of the services that are responsible for this work. It is necessary not only to change the regulations of HR departments, but to make adjustments to the personnel management model.

Problems of personnel management

The functions of personnel management can be dispersed in the organization among several departments that are directly or indirectly involved in solving personnel issues.

In the work of such departments, coordination is very important; its absence does not allow effective personnel management. It is the HR department that should take on the job of managing employees in the enterprise. The tasks of the HR service include the selection of personnel at all levels and its placement. But in practice, only in some organizations personnel officers work effectively.

In organizations, there is often a clear contradiction between the goals that the HR department proclaims and the functions that it actually performs. The head of the personnel department of the enterprise lists in the list of cases that the department is busy with, personnel control, and measures to increase the motivation of employees. But in fact, the department rarely deals with the processes listed above. As practice shows, the solution of many personnel issues depends on the management of the enterprise, but a preliminary analysis of the situation is necessary.

There is another problem related to personnel management, which is often encountered in Russian companies. It's about the absence unified system work with personnel. Such a system involves studying the abilities of specialists working in the organization, offering options for their professional development and career growth.

The management team of the enterprise

Not all managers can properly organize the work of the personnel department. An entrepreneur must know the current problems of personnel management, this will help to avoid the most common mistakes. The problem is that work with employees is often initiated by management just to improve the situation, but it is getting worse, the company is losing its position in the industry.

Rethinking employee management practices can significantly improve the health of the team. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all workers will accept new methods. If a conflict arises between management and part of the staff, the situation within the company may worsen.

Many problems of personnel management in an organization can be avoided if measures are taken in time. The most frequently encountered problems include the following:

  • dismissal of qualified specialists;
  • absence labor discipline, low performance discipline of employees;
  • low qualification of workers and a number of managers;
  • conflicts and negative atmosphere in the team;
  • low level of motivation;
  • low level of initiative of the staff;
  • conflict between management and employees.

Each leader must make an analysis of the current situation and then make a decision.

Personnel development programs

The successful development of the company depends on the skill level of employees. The qualifications of specialists can be improved if attention is paid to training and strategic planning. Retraining of specialists and advanced training are crucial for the effective operation of the company, but not all company leaders understand this. But the question of personnel training is very important. It's about how large organizations as well as small firms. It is necessary to put the professional development of employees in the rank of priority tasks, then the company will be provided with qualified specialists.

It is imperative to improve the qualifications of the management staff of enterprises. We are talking about managers who head the departments of personnel, marketing, etc. The set of programs should correspond to modern realities. It is good if the line managers of the organization complete programs that teach the evaluation of management effectiveness. This training helps managers learn to make the most of their workforce. This is very beneficial for the organization, because the competitiveness of the company increases not due to additional capital injections, but due to the effective organization of the labor process.

Staff development needs to be planned. It is necessary to take into account the natural movement of personnel, which occurs due to the dismissal of employees, the retirement of specialists, and conscription into the army. The human resources department must prepare an equivalent replacement in advance, improve the level of training, unite the team and increase the potential of the team.

Much attention in recent times is given to increase the efficiency of labor. This problem concerns ordinary employees, managers and technical workers. Separately, it is worth considering the problems of the lower level - they have their own characteristics.

Today, there are many practical methods that help to effectively manage personnel. You can make progress in management if you constantly monitor existing problems.

The most common HR problems

The main problems of personnel management can be the following:

  1. "Best Student" The problem is that the head of the department becomes the most the best specialist. But he knows only his work, being excellently oriented in his field, and he knows about other areas general idea. This can cause errors in the management of people in the enterprise.
  2. "Your boyfriend." Managers often have to overcome the resistance of employees. And workers can get tired of conflict situations at work.
  3. positive projection. The problem is that managers mentally put themselves in the place of employees, and then think about how they would act in the place of a person. This cannot be done, because each person has his own view of the situation. In addition, each employee has individual features character.
  4. "Circus Star" Many company owners believe that an employee, receiving wages, must work hard.
  5. Big difference in size wages. We are talking about a significant gap between the income of the superiors and the staff of the company. The gap can be significant, then the income differs significantly.
  6. "Waiting for a Hero" A number of managers, interacting with personnel, seem to be waiting for a hero to appear in the department who will solve all problems in an instant. This ideal worker never gets sick, he is ready to work until the night and not demand better working conditions. But in practice, such employees cannot be found, and the manager expresses dissatisfaction with the current employees. All this only exacerbates conflicts in the enterprise.
  7. A number of managers in every possible way maintain a distance between themselves and the specialists working in the department. Personnel management is based on strict requirements, the manager often makes claims. This leadership style is not conducive to creating a comfortable atmosphere. The staff is moving away from the manager.
  8. Personnel turnover. The reasons may be different. Employees leave due to low wages. In addition, the inability of the manager to manage people, the inefficient organization of the work of specialists is pushing for dismissal. Organizations may avoid hiring young professionals, and when they are hired, the atmosphere in the team can be so negative that the newcomer quits. So the company loses promising specialists.

These problems of personnel management are relevant for many companies. A competent leader, using theoretical knowledge and applying modern practical skills, will cope with all the unpleasant situations that arise in the team.

One of the most important areas of work of a personnel management consultant is the prevention of problems with personnel, when people deviate from the principles and norms of morality and law. In management, any unacceptable behavior is usually called deviation. First of all, we mean negative forms of behavior, abuse (forgery of outfits, deception of clients), the sphere of moral vices, moral evil (theft and deceit at all levels), social pathologies (alcoholism, drug addiction), etc.

Abuse Prevention

Typically, employers think that not watching employees means leaving your wallet open. If someone steals, then everyone loses in the end. Heads of departments can potentially have additional income to the detriment of the firm:

  • Executive Director- on the possibilities of connections with the business elite of the city;
  • technical director - on the sale of the "brains" of the company, the use technical resources firms, sales of know-how, industrial espionage, engineering services, etc.;
  • capital construction manager - in trade building materials and services;
  • manager of economic issues - on ensuring the work of parallel production, playing with prices, resale valuable papers, "laundering" of shares, external and internal financial fraud;
  • production manager - on the organization of production on the basis of unaccounted for reserves, the sale of unrecorded additional products, the fulfillment of "foreign" orders;
  • manager commercial matters- on the sale and resale of resources and products, profitable orders;
  • product quality manager - on the marriage of products, the sale of unaccounted products manufactured in parallel;
  • HR manager - on trade in "profitable" places, organization of business trips abroad, trade in the benefits of the company, labor force, complicity in theft;
  • manager for social and domestic issues - for the sale of social infrastructure facilities, the distribution of benefits for the company's staff.

To avoid misunderstandings and abuses, HR consultants recommend that managers keep the seal in their safe, do not leave stamped documents, letterheads and blank sheets for employees. On all documents, the seal is placed on the lines where the signatures of the head and chief accountant are provided, immediately after the text, in order to avoid making various additions to the document after its approval. The implementation of these recommendations will allow you to be sure that there are no unapproved, unregistered documents, unrecorded transactions. Having established the facts of theft at the enterprise, it is necessary to find out what factors contributed to this, what are the motives of the people who committed it. Theft is facilitated by the negligence of individuals who are unwilling or unable to work fully. Employees sometimes deliberately commit actions that bring losses to the enterprise, for selfish reasons or to cause damage out of revenge or on behalf of an outsider. Theft of employees is difficult to prevent - those working at the enterprise see its “weak points”, they know how to disguise theft. Employees go to theft if they want and the opportunity to steal. The ability to steal is available to employees who dispose of material assets or have access to them without proper control. The desire to steal arises when there are personal reasons (debts, extraordinary circumstances, vicious inclinations, etc.) or official irritants (poor accounting for values, low salary, intention to "set up" the manager, etc.).

Having found out the motives, the consultant develops countermeasures. Their goal is to create conditions under which employees will not be able to steal, to minimize the losses of the enterprise from intentional or unintentional actions of personnel. Blocking the possibility of theft by personnel is based on monitoring and controlling the work of employees, accounting material assets and their movements and analysis of each case of theft. Based on the description of business processes and technological processes, it is necessary to develop a regime for employees to access values ​​and a regime for ensuring their protection. The presence of job descriptions and a regime of access to valuables makes it possible to prove the guilt of an employee if necessary. Control is carried out in several ways:

  • control of working time;
  • reporting control;
  • covert monitoring of the performance of duties using audio and video equipment;
  • monitoring the working contacts of the staff (with whom

negotiations or interaction and what are the results);

Monitoring the standard of living of employees (comparison of income and expenses, the adequacy of behavior to income), etc.

Common abuses are theft of goods. Human nature is such that among honest people there can always be “dishonest people”, and therefore it is necessary to keep in mind measures to prevent possible theft of goods or property. Theft is easier to prevent than to stop an already established practice. Here, the consultant needs to clearly represent the "weak points" of the enterprise in accounting and storage and possible ways theft. In warehouses, there are thefts of goods during unpacking and packaging, theft of packages during the delivery of goods from the carrier or to the carrier. These methods create the appearance of a shortage, with which suppliers and recipients deal with each other for a long time. Theft of goods directly from the storage cells is possible, in the expectation that with a large number of goods in the cell, the shortage will not be detected immediately. Often there are postscripts in collusion with suppliers of allegedly purchased goods, which were then used for internal needs (repair of premises, equipment, etc.). This is a very common way to extort funds from a company.

Many cases of theft are possible with an unhindered exit from the territory of the enterprise. If there is a risk of such theft, it is necessary to introduce personal searches of employees, checking their bags or cars. However these measures must be secured by an agreement with the trade union organization or in a collective agreement. The financial and accounting authorities of the enterprise provide for many measures to prevent theft. In order to avoid them, it is recommended to have an employee with whom it is necessary to conclude agreement about liability: he will exercise initial control over the movement of goods (materials, equipment, etc.).

Abuse can also be disclosure of commercial and official secrets. Leakage of classified information harms the interests of the firm. With its help, you can cause a conflict with tax, customs and other government bodies, disrupt the conclusion or execution of the contract, damage the reputation of the company, expose the company to blackmail by criminal structures. When dismissed, specialists carry away in their “head”, on diskettes or paper carriers, a lot of official information that they use on new job. It's hard to prevent. Article 29 (p. 4) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every citizen to freely search for and receive information. This right can only be limited to legal grounds, in order to protect information (for example, trade secrets). But if the company's charter among the types of activities does not indicate the protection of trade secrets, then its activities in this area will not be considered legal. To legalize the protection of a trade secret, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents regulating various aspects of the existence of a trade secret. It is necessary to define the rights and obligations of persons responsible for organizing information security in the company, which should be included in labor contracts concluded with these persons, and in their job descriptions.

  • See: Solop A.S. Business secrets. - Kyiv: UFIMB, 1997.

The creation of a personnel management system that is built not “as it happens” or as it was done before, but on the principles of manufacturability, can be considered an important, certainly attractive task for any company concerned not only with survival, but also with development and prosperity in market conditions. The business development strategy developed by top management always needs support from the employees of the organization. Management can count on this support and success in achieving its goals only if the personnel management system provides required quality human resources.

Personnel technologies, unlike production technologies, are not transferred ready-made; they are introduced and grown "on the spot". This is due to the significant differences between different organizations. Different companies have not only their own specifics related to the direction of their activity, but also their own managers with their own attitudes, knowledge, prejudices, motivation, their own personnel with certain qualifications, experience in the organization, the degree of trust in the management, motivation, etc. "Growing" personnel technologies in the conditions of a particular organization requires a careful analysis of how work is being done in the relevant direction at the moment. This is important to ensure that the technology being created, in as large blocks as possible, includes already well-established and familiar methods and procedures for a given organization, so that the existing provisions and instructions are used to the fullest extent possible (provided that they are of satisfactory quality).

The main stages of creating a personnel management system using modern personnel technologies can be presented in the form of a diagram: (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. The main stages of creating a personnel management system.

The analysis of the current situation was carried out in chapter 2. Based on the results of this analysis, it is possible to identify the presence of the following problems:

Problem 1. Lack of personnel policy.

Problem Solving: Determining when, where, how many, and what (what qualifications) employees the organization will need. Develop clear plans that will serve as the basis for the selection and dismissal of staff.

The procedure for selecting new employees includes a number of relatively independent blocks arranged in a strict sequence, each of which has its own goal, tasks, scheme of actions, methods and tools, a specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the personnel department, security service, doctor, head of departments of companies interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within the limits of his competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the prescribed procedures for the search, selection and hiring of a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the procedure for selecting an employee for vacant position are:

Staffing needs assessment;

Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

Announcement of a competition for a position, search for candidates;

Selection of candidates;


Adaptation of a new employee.

A necessary condition for the continuation of the selection process is the complete completion of the previous stage, subject to satisfactory results, while the company's management or the candidate himself may refuse to proceed further at any of the stages (until the issuance of an admission order).

Problem 2. Insufficiently efficient use of personnel.

1. No recruitment policy

Solution: Divisional staffing planning provides the HR department with the necessary information for the recruitment program. The main executors should be the heads of departments who will provide information to the personnel departments about vacancies that exist in their subordinate departments (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year or “burning”). Employees of the personnel service check the availability of these vacancies with staffing companies.

Problem 3. Personnel certification is underdeveloped.

Solution to the problem: performance appraisal is an event that encourages employees and managers to professional development. Although, according to modern personnel technologies, recently such a personnel assessment procedure as certification is not recommended. Conducting an assessment in the form of a certification exam was a stressful event for employees. Therefore, it is recommended to replace attestation with an assessment procedure.

The evaluation procedure includes the following steps:

employee self-assessment;

assessment of the immediate supervisor;

peer evaluation.

In general, the number of evaluators is usually no more than five people, and it is easy to trace the relationship between the data obtained. A strong discrepancy between an employee's self-assessment and assessment by others helps people understand the shortcomings of their work.

It is also recommended that the results of the evaluation procedure be directly related to the functional indicators of the bonus part of the salary. This will stimulate the interest of employees in the results of their work.

Problem 4. There is no policy for advanced training (staff training)

A coherent system of education as such did not exist at all. It was carried out pointwise, due to necessity: safety precautions, quality system, boiler house operators, etc. financing of the learning process, respectively, was carried out according to the residual principle.

The basic approach on which the training system is now based consists of the following organizational stages:

Created corporate program personnel development for 6 years, within which there are also separate annual training programs. According to the latter, the volume of training costs is annually estimated and the costs for next year. First, the program contains the maximum of training programs that the personnel of the enterprise need. It is estimated that, say, 5 million rubles are needed to fulfill such a volume.

The financial service evaluates the company's budget, other cost items and reports that the company has the ability to allocate not 5, but 3 million rubles.

Staff service comes from Money, designated by financiers, but the training program is not curtailed or reduced. Find other options within the available amount. For example, instead of sending one person to study in Moscow for $500, you can spend $1,000 to invite a teacher from Moscow and train 50 people in Chelyabinsk directly at the enterprise.

Solution to the problem: the organization implements programs for individual growth of the current interests of the organization and the need to prepare for the launch of promising programs.

Problem 5. Inefficient system of material incentives.

Solution to the problem: it is better to determine the results of the work of employees when a proprietary incentive system is introduced, tied to indicators that reflect these results.

Problem 6: No control over the work being done.

Solution to the problem: the work performed is prescribed in the documents "Description of the workplace" ( job descriptions), which provides control over the implementation.

Problem 7. There is no specialized department social development personnel.

Problem Solving: An Introduction to organizational structure department of social development.

Analysis of the organization's personnel management system is an extremely difficult task, for which external consultants are usually invited. The main results of the analysis can be considered at a meeting of the management of the organization. After discussing the results obtained, the stage of developing a personnel management system that meets the goals of KEMMA LLC begins

The personnel management system of an organization, as a rule, includes the following areas:

Personnel selection system

Adaptation of employees in the organization


Evaluation of personnel performance

Information support of employees of the organization

Periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, analysis of the causes of staff turnover

System social protection workers

The system of official and social growth

Labor incentive system