Drawing up a manager's self-development program. Personal plan for self-development

Many organizations are engaged in internal training and development of their personnel. V modern conditions and the trends set by business, the need for training and development of our own personnel is becoming an increasingly urgent and demanded issue, because this allows us not only to have highly qualified specialists, but also contributes to business development, which is an important factor. But not every employer is ready to invest in the development and education of their employees, since it is not cheap, takes a lot of time, effort and requires resources. So,

Quite often, in practice, employees are engaged in self-education and self-development in order to confidently occupy a certain professional niche, improve their qualifications and develop personally

Self-development- it Full time job above oneself, self-improvement and development of personal qualities. In this process, a person concentrates on his own desires and goals and constantly obtains more and more new knowledge to achieve them. This process is essential and essential for achieving success in life.

Any development is comprehended by observing and analyzing oneself. Self-development can be personal, and maybe professional. They are radically different from each other, since they have different goals... Personal self-development implies the development of personal qualities that are embedded somewhere deep inside each person at the genetic level, during the development of which a person discovers something new in himself that was previously unknown to him and which he never used. This can be expressed in a change in the type of thinking, attitude towards oneself and others, the development of new qualities, and much more. Everything depends, first of all, on what the person himself wants.

Professional self-development is the improvement of one's competencies in the professional sphere

It can be long or it can be fast. Desire, opportunities, as well as the most expensive time resources now, which the employee is ready to allocate for this, in this matter are the main and fundamental factors.

Motivation also plays an important role. Both the employer and the employee can act as motivators. For example, a good motivation on the part of the employer can serve as a transition to a higher position, in the occupation of which the employee has much more prospects than he has now, change professional activity(getting a new profession), as an opportunity to try yourself in something new, which has long been wanted, but there was no opportunity. Self-motivation is set by the employee himself and depends on the goals that he sets for himself.

So how can an employee develop himself in order to improve his qualifications and improve his knowledge? There are many ways. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • Method one. A person can read useful developmental and professional literature. This method makes it possible to obtain a sufficiently large baggage of theoretical knowledge and allow you to try to apply it in practice.
  • Method two. Distance learning... The possibility of obtaining education in a completely new profession or advanced training in the existing one. This method of education allows you to quickly get not only new knowledge, but also a document confirming their receipt.
  • Method three. An employee can attend trainings, seminars, listen to webinars on topics of interest to him. This method is one of the most popular, since it combines both theoretical and practical knowledge at the same time.
  • Method four. A person can be a mentor for other workers, or have their own mentor. This method develops the leadership skills very well, and in both cases, and when the employee himself is a mentor and when he has a mentor.

Of course, these are not all the ways that exist. There are many more, but you can try to start with one of them, or use all four at the same time. I repeat once again, it all depends on the desire, opportunity and time that the employee is ready to devote to himself in order to achieve professional heights and personal development. And what methods he will use for this is already secondary. The main thing is the result!

Blaise Pascal said: "To foresee is to manage." There is a lot to anticipate and know to be a good leader. A selection prepared by Rusbase in cooperation with the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" will help you understand all the intricacies of management.


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How does he do it? What lessons did Richard have to go through before he got to the business Olympus? Richard is sure: "Anyone can achieve anything if he has a head on his shoulders and he loves what he does." In this expanded version of his bestselling book, Branson offers the “rules of life” that led to his success. She will charge any leader with the spirit of optimism and motivate him to new achievements.

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But at the same time, Yitzchak has an answer to the question of how to become an ideal leader. Agree, this is always relevant. In this book, Yitzhak Adizes explains how to increase personal effectiveness and learn real leadership wisdom.

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Project management

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The creators of the system assure that in the future historians will divide all knowledge about business process management into "before scrum" and "after".

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In addition, this technique will allow you to find free time for those important things for which you just can't find a minute.

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And after that, Bertrand published the book "No pity for myself", which was bought in Norway by every 20th inhabitant of the country. In it, the author tells how to learn how to motivate yourself and others, achieve goals and push the boundaries of your capabilities.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

GOU VPO "Chuvash Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev"

Department of Management and PR-technology

Course project

by discipline: Organization Theory

"Self-organization as a process of self-development"

Completed by: student Mishkeeva I.N.

Scientific adviser: O.N. Miroshnechenko

Cheboksary - 2010


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis self-organization of managerial work

1.1 The concept of self-organization of managerial work

1.2 Types of self-organization

Chapter 2. Research of self-organization of personnel of the MOU "Shorshel secondary school named after A.G. Nikolaev"

2.1 Characteristics of the MOU "Shorshel secondary school named after A.G. Nikolaev"


List of used literature



Today, in an age of high competition, people must develop themselves in order to achieve a certain goal in their professional business. In order to become the best, you do not have to wait for instructions from leaders, you can do something yourself. Indeed, self-organization is effective not only for an enterprise, but also for a person, since self-organization is a process of self-development, and self-development is another component of a person's personal success.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that at all times, smart and loving people were valued, and the main component of these people was the potential for their self-organization. This is completely natural, especially when it comes to leaders, since, when going to organize others, the leader, first of all, must organize himself, he must show an example of a boss who is successful in everything, he must be a leader, an authority.

The science of self-organization and self-government of a person is called self-management. This also includes self-discipline: the ability to control oneself, to control one's behavior; the ability to subordinate their actions to certain requirements, principles.

The goal of the manager's self-organization is to make the best use of his own capabilities, time, and consciously manage life processes(be able to self-determine), it is easier to overcome negative circumstances (crisis situations) both at work and in personal life.

In the person himself, from the very beginning everything is laid down in order to live, develop, improve, help oneself cope with constantly arising problems. There is not and cannot be true help, except for self-help. Reasonable self-organization, achievement inner harmony following their life values and interests (not contradicting the surrounding society) gives the leader the following advantages: better organization personal labor, doing work with less costs, less workload, less haste and stress, fewer mistakes in performing their functions, better work results, higher qualifications, high labor motivation, achievement of professional and life goals in the shortest way.

The self-development subsystem in the management system reflects the emergence of such qualities as the desire for self-improvement, flexibility and adaptability to changes, an orientation towards innovations, the search and development of progressive ideas and their accelerated introduction into the practice of the functioning of the management system. Moreover, the self-development subsystem is the generator of these qualities, it also carries the mechanism of their reproduction, consolidation, distribution and practical implementation.

The most important direction of the functioning of the self-development subsystem is the development of personnel in the management system. This is due to the fact that the only possible real movement of the control system can only be the movement of its personnel, vertically - job promotion, horizontally - a change in the profile of work and the workplace, and in depth - improving behavior and communication abilities, increasing a positive attitude to work, increasing professional qualifications, production horizons and work skills, mastering related professions and modern means processing and transmission of information.

The object of the research is the self-organization of workers of the Municipal Educational Institution "Shorshelskaya Secondary School named after A.G. Nikolaev".

The purpose of the work is to consider the theoretical foundations on the topic of self-organization, to investigate the self-organization of workers of the Municipal Educational Institution "Shorshelskaya Secondary School named after A.G. Nikolaev" and to propose methods for increasing the self-organization of personnel.

In the process of work, the abstract-logical method, the graphic method, the method of comparisons were used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of self-organization of managerial work 1.1 The concept of self-organization of managerial work

Each organization has regulatory documents for the organization's management system (statutes, laws and regulations, etc.). However, along with the regular management process in the organization, there are processes associated with unauthorized management and organization, i.e. self-government and self-organization.

Self-management and self-organization are inherent in living and inanimate matter. In some cases, self-government and self-organization are more effective than artificial management and organization.

Self-organization can be viewed as a process and as a phenomenon. Its essence as a process consists in the formation of a set of actions leading to the creation of stable reactions in the system. The essence of self-organization as a phenomenon consists in combining elements for the implementation of a program or goal and acting on the basis of internal rules and procedures.

Self-organization as a phenomenon open systems studies such a science as synergetics.

Self-organization is manifested in the fact that in every person, in every employee, member of the work collective there are huge creative opportunities not only for the performance of labor tasks, but also for the establishment of the process of organizing work itself, the ability to manage your potential not according to instructions from above, but based on your own goals.

Self-government means the delegation of authority of the leaders of the organization down the hierarchical ladder to the level of the collective of workers, right down to each workplace, and the corresponding acceptance of these powers by the lower levels.

Self-organization and self-government is a single process, thanks to which the managerial influence receives new source originating from inside the control object.

Self-organization and self-government are based on centuries of human experience, which shows that it is difficult to force a person to do something well "out of hand", that only awakening intrinsic motivation is able to fully realize the creative potential of the employee.

Reducing the amount of managerial work by the head by delegating part of his powers to lower levels management; separation management tasks on a functional basis; legalization of management, regulation management process; streamlining the management process, endowing it with signs of automatism; creating an opportunity to link management and organization with motives labor activity employee; transferring to the lower levels of management not only part of the administrative functions, but also responsibility for their implementation; expansion of the employee's self-control capabilities, which in some cases becomes the only way assessing the efficiency and quality of labor.

The success of self-organization and self-management is largely due to the fact that the employee is increasingly becoming not only the manufacturer of the product, but also its consumer. At the same time, the quality of managing the process of his own labor ensures the quality of the goods he consumes, i.e. the quality of life of the employee himself.

The building of self-government became possible only with the beginning of democratic transformations in life Russian society, the emergence in our country of the concept of "human rights", the creation of a mechanism for the protection of these rights. The development of self-organization and self-government means the emancipation of the personality of a working man, his transformation from a faceless "screw" into a self-acting and responsible subject of production.

1.2 Types of self-organization

Allocate technical, biological and social self-organization.

Technical self-organization (as a process) is based on a program for automatically changing the algorithm of action when changing the properties of a controlled object, control goal or parameters environment(for example, a missile homing system). As a phenomenon, technical self-organization is a set of alternative intelligent adaptive systems that provide a given performance regardless of the operating conditions. Among them, there are self-adjusting, self-learning and self-organizing systems.

Biological self-organization is based on a genetic program for the conservation of a species (as a process), designed to ensure the somatic (bodily) construction of an object (as a phenomenon).

Social self-organization (as a process) is based on social social program harmonization public relations, including the time-changing priorities of attitudes, interests, value orientations, motives and goals of the relatively constant laws of the organization in time. Self-organization is realized through self-study, self-education and self-control. As a phenomenon, social self-organization is the specific actions of a person or organization, forms of communication, conclusions.

1.3 Self-organization in the activities of managers

The main tool for becoming professional leader is the potential of its self-organization. This is quite natural, since, when going to organize others, a professional must first of all organize himself. The concept of self-organization includes not only conscious, but also instinctive, and possibly other principles, which requires a more detailed definition of its essence, content and forms of implementation. At the same time, the most contrasting self-organization of the leader is manifested in the style of leadership, which is implemented by the leader in practice. And this largely determines both the result of his activities and the result of the functioning of the entire organization as a whole.

The mechanism of self-organization is genetically characteristic of any person. Such a mechanism is the basis for ensuring the existence, construction and implementation of actions, the formation of a worldview and the implementation of the interaction necessary for a person. Ensuring their own existence, setting and achieving certain goals, each first independently organizes and only then (due to this self-organization) purposefully mobilizes and uses his own possibilities of building interactions with others. Self-organization in this sense characterizes a person as a constructively formed, adequately thinking, self-sustaining and purposefully developing subject, ready for effective interaction with others.

Primary self-organization manifests itself already in unconscious instincts, which not only ensure the functioning of the most important systems, for example, the organization of breathing, but also become the prototype for the development and implementation of purposeful, conscious actions. A person comprehends the instinctively carried out effective actions and processes, purposefully laying their logic in the construction and implementation of the content of the developed procedures. It is consciousness, providing not only selection, analysis, repetition, improvement, but also the development of fundamentally new procedures for the behavior of a person, that determines the need, opportunity, openness and development of self-organization. It becomes a constructive basis for self-organization of existence, a resource for self-realization and an instrument for positioning an individual in society.

On this basis, a person consistently masters and improves procedures for self-sufficiency, planning, developing and implementing targeted actions, analyzing and evaluating results, making adjustments and mobilizing opportunities. Gradually, he develops a fairly clear idea of ​​the composition and content of his own needs, the possibilities and procedures for satisfying the first at the expense of the second. In this sense, self-organization can be qualified as a purposeful and conscious systematization of human perception, carried out on the basis of analytical activities to streamline ideas and master actions.

Self-organization is of particular importance for the development and implementation of the most diverse interactions between a leader in an organization. Realizing himself, his place in the organization and the role of the organization as a whole, he associatively represents the behavior of others in a particular situation and develops on this basis a program of forthcoming actions. In other words, the leader improves self-organization by analyzing the actions and predicting the behavior of those with whom he has to communicate.

Exercising leadership in the organization, he widely and variably uses this approach, putting himself in the place of one or another of his subordinates, thus projecting his own self-organization on their behavior. Ultimately, this leads to the construction of a certain model of the formation and interaction of the self-organization of the leader

conventionally represented as follows (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Formation of self-organization of the head.

Self-organization of the leader reflects the model, standard, "conductor" of analysis and assessment of specific actions of subordinates or contractors. This model allows him to adapt his understanding and reaction to the actions of others. This role of the manager's self-organization acquires universal significance and development in those fairly frequent situations when he implements a priority-subjective approach. In practice, this means that the manager invites his subordinates to collect information in the way he is used to doing it himself, to analyze and evaluate its value in the same way, to develop and implement solutions.

The shortcomings and miscalculations of this approach are by no means always adequately assessed both by the leader himself and by his subordinates, which leads to subjectivity, voluntarism and, ultimately, to disorganization. In connection with the reality of such a threat in the conditions of the existing mentality of the domestic leader, it is necessary to clearly imagine and specifically position the place and role of the self-organization of the leader in the management system of the organization. Its only prerogative and direct executor is the leader itself, but by no means the entire organization as a whole.

Clarification of the approach to self-organization along with the development of a complex of professional knowledge should be provided in the process of teaching the manager the basics management systems and procedures. At the same time, we emphasize the special importance attached to programs of applied professional training, the development and application of the associative foundations of the self-organization of the leader. At the same time, the above example convincingly shows that self-organization, realizing its subjective component, is characteristic not only of the initial, but also of any period of the manager's professional activity.

The development of constructive self-organization allows the leader to express himself faster and more realistically, to formalize and consolidate his status, to provide a transparent mechanism for his own interaction with other employees and the organization as a whole. At the stages of education, training, formation and adaptation of the employee, these tasks are set and solved by the leadership, administration, organization. Subsequently, the modernization of the composition and content of constructive components and emotional motives is largely transferred to the leader himself. Adequate understanding and effective implementation of these processes require a clear understanding of the composition and content of the self-organization of the leader.

The essence of the manager's self-organization, characterized by an individual approach and personal positioning and development, must be revealed and detailed by its content. Here are hidden and therefore complex, individual processes appear as a wide range of fairly clear and specific components. Their planning, development, construction and use largely determine the content of professional activities directly carried out by the leader. Its diversity testifies to an exceptionally wide range of actions of the manager's self-organization and a sufficient individual approach to their choice and application.

So, the self-organization of a leader today implies a range of components, from which the following most important positions stand out:

research and the formation of their own ideas;

understanding and ensuring the satisfaction of needs;

accumulation, systematization and development of the necessary knowledge;

assessment, development and improvement of business qualities;

training in specific organizational skills and procedures;

mastering the culture of relationships in the organization and society;

achievement of the level of personality development, adequate to the given


obtaining and consolidating formal and informal status.

In a specific organization process, each of these positions opens up a whole area within which the components of the manager's self-organization are formed and implemented. Representing its direct manifestations, such components fill the content of self-organization with applied resources used by the leader in interaction in the organization.

Chapter 2. Study of self-organization of personnel of the MOU "Shorshel secondary school named after A.G. Nikolaev" 2.1 Characteristics of the MOU "Shorshel secondary school named after A.G. Nikolaev"

The practical part of the course project "Self-organization as a process of self-development" was studied by the teachers and staff of the Municipal Educational Institution "Shorshelskaya Secondary School named after A.G. Nikolaev".

The location of this school largely contributes to the fact that the staff constantly has to be in a state of self-development and self-organization.

Namely, being the resource center of the Mariinsko-Posad region, where specialized training is conducted in three areas - natural science, physics and mathematics and social and humanitarian.

The school constantly hosts meetings, seminars, master classes of both republican and all-Russian levels; With. Shorshely is the birthplace of cosmonaut A.G. Nikolaev.

In addition, Shorshel secondary school - "School of the Year - 98" (RF), laureate of the republican competition "School of the Year" (3rd place in the nomination "School - Keeper of the Village"), diploma All-Russian competition"Organization of the educational process in educational institutions"(October 2006).

In 2007 she won the Grant of the President of Russia (in the amount of 1 million rubles).

Pedagogical workers 25 of them:

3 teachers received a grant from the President of Russia;

82% of teachers have the highest and first qualification categories.


1 computer is for 6 students;

Internet access;

multimedia equipment;

school website on the Internet;

mobile class.


within the framework of the PNPO, equipment and furniture for classrooms and a dining room, an interactive kit were received;

repairs were made for 2.5 million rubles.

2.2 Self-organization as a method of increasing the efficiency of the personnel of the MOU "Shorshelskaya Secondary School named after A.G. Nikolaev"

A teacher is, first of all, a person who is able not only to transfer a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also to manage the process of education and upbringing.

The effectiveness of pedagogical activity and the quality of teaching depend both on the professional training of the teacher and on his personal well-being, and on the ability to self-organize his work.

On the part of society, teachers, to a greater extent than representatives of other professions, have increased requirements for the quality of activity in conditions of an underestimated social and material assessment of work, which leads to a decline in the prestige of the profession, therefore, the leader must show by all his example how employees should be able to organize themselves ...

The purpose of the study is to reveal the level of self-organization among the staff of the Municipal Educational Institution "Shorshel Secondary School named after A.G. Nikolaev".

Are you a performer or a leader? What qualities are important for the success of a leader, the site told the portal Svetlana Nefedova, a consultant to an international personnel holding.

It's no secret that in companies, employees are divided into two categories: those who make decisions, manage all business processes, and those who implement these changes. The former are called leaders, and the latter are called performers. This article will discuss what personal and business qualities a leader must have in order to guide the company towards growth and prosperity.

The qualities of a leader are the same for corporate executives and heads of small departments. This is what helps to cope with assigned tasks, successfully build a career and relationships with others.

The main components of a successful leader are three categories of qualities:

Personal (psychological) qualities - with the help of them, they gain respect and authority among subordinates and higher colleagues;

Business qualities - the ability to organize work and assign responsibilities, leadership, communication skills, the ability to persuade, initiative and self-control;

Professional qualities are a good special education, erudition, competence in their profession, high learning ability, as well as the ability to plan their work.

Consider the main personal and business qualities the head. Let me emphasize that the points below are more applicable to leaders in international companies with a well-organized business management system, clear goals and standards.

1. Systems thinking is the basis of the personal qualities of the leader. In the process of practical activity, it is necessary to be able to think - to determine in advance possible difficulties and ways to overcome them. The skill of systems thinking helps to cover all aspects of the case and influencing factors.

2. Ability to make decisions. Leaders face a myriad of challenges on a daily basis, and this should be done based not only on understanding the situation, but also on personal values ​​and principles. If personal values ​​are not clear to the leader and others, they will be perceived in a distorted form.

As a result, the efficiency of adoption and implementation management decisions will decrease. A leader who is unable to define his goals cannot be successful in management activities, and is limited by this fuzziness.

3. Creative thinking. Ability to think outside the box, combining the benefits of accumulated experience with original, innovative management methods. The skill of developing non-standard management decisions is required in conditions when alternative options for action are unclear or questionable.

4. Result-orientedness. A successful leader quickly reacts to changes in the situation, independently makes effective decisions in the face of a shortage of time, consistently and purposefully achieves the set goal, separating the main from the secondary, without drowning in routine.

5. Ability for introspection, a sober assessment of their actions, the ability to make the most of the positive experience of others. A person must understand the role of a leader in the organization, be able to see what influence he has on the organization.

6. Sociability. An effective leader builds a communication system in the organization, receives reliable information and evaluates it effectively. Any manager spends a significant part of his working time on communication. Therefore, it is important professional quality for him is the ability to carry out business communications with people regardless of their own emotional assessments.

He must control his behavior - a negative attitude towards someone cannot affect character business relationship with him, and a positive attitude towards the employee works as an additional incentive to increase activity.

7. Leadership. The manager encourages the participation of employees in the discussion of problems, is able to abandon his point of view if they prove that it is not effective. Expresses only constructive criticism to subordinates, trying to help them to better prove themselves professionally.

Provides them with as much freedom as possible for official actions, while allowing compromises, but not showing unscrupulousness. A competent leader invites favor.

8. Stress resistance... A modern leader must be highly resistant to frustration and be somewhat cold-blooded. Those who do not know how to manage themselves, deal with conflicts and stresses, effectively use their time, energy and skills are limited by this inability and cannot manage other people.

9. Constant self-development. Professionalism is a self-growing value. The leader is called upon to be an example of increasing the level of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills, general cultural growth. It is extremely important to systematically demonstrate to them a good command of the technology of intellectual self-expression when making management decisions.

10. Responsibility for their actions and delegation. In other words, the leader sets an example for others. The standards used to assess the quality of work should be the same for everyone. The leader shares with his subordinates both the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat.

Self-improvement is especially necessary for leaders whose task is to manage people. The more skills you possess, the more effective your leadership will be. But before you manage others, take care of your own development.

Managers and supervisors constantly have to deal with technological change the production process, as well as with new business requirements. Successfully adapting to such changes requires competent leadership to help staff develop skills and take full advantage of the prevailing circumstances. But before you manage other people, take care of your own development.

Of course, there are "natural bosses", but most good leaders have to learn the appropriate skills. The purpose of this publication is to help you assess existing leadership skills, identify opportunities for self-improvement, and help you develop a personal vision.

Self-improvement is necessary for everyone, but especially for managers and leaders whose task is to manage other people. However, managers are not the only ones to develop leadership skills. In the modern business world, with a changing structure of organizations, high independence of employees and the need to respond promptly and flexibly to customer requests, each person needs to be able to lead a team.

What kind of leader can be considered competent? Many polls have been conducted on this topic, and the opinions of experts generally agree. The main distinctive features a competent leader of the XXI century - the ability to choose the goal of your organization / department / group, the ability to communicate, to establish interpersonal relationships, create motivation among employees, etc. are common human skills. Naturally, some of these skills are better developed, others are worse, but they can be mastered and the recommendations given here can be used in the workplace. Of course, the more skills and approaches you have as a leader, the more you use them in practice, the more effective your leadership will be.

Benefits of self-improvement

For the organization

When staff spends time on self-development, the organization benefits from the following.

    A supportive and dynamic work environment is created. If people study and work at the same time, they come to work in good mood and work with greater dedication.

    The interchangeability of personnel is growing, it is easier for employees to adapt to ongoing changes, which contributes to the success of the organization as a whole. Self-education of employees expands the capabilities of the organization.

    The professionalism of the personnel is growing. Self-improvement pushes employees towards greater independence, persistent movement towards their goals. These characteristics are inherent in successful organizations.

For you

When you spend time cultivating yourself, you will benefit from the following:

    it is easier for you to get a job, because in our time, stable employment is a thing of the past;

    you expand your skills and abilities to work with different people.

1. Decide what you would like to achieve.
2. Assess your abilities and capabilities.
3. Get information and determine the response of others.
4. Identify opportunities for self-improvement.
5. Establish cooperation with management.
6. Set several goals for yourself according to SMART criteria.
7. Develop a personal action plan.
8. Follow your personal plan of action.
9. Train to make new skills a habit.
10. Report your successes.

1. Decide what you would like to achieve

You don’t start to hit the road until you decide where to go. If you don't have a definite goal or don't know what you want to achieve, you will be haunted by feelings of dissatisfaction.

From time to time, think about what you really want to achieve. Write down your goals as specific as possible. It will take time, but the precise formulation of your "combat mission" is the main step towards its implementation. Here are some examples of such "tasks":

    I would like to undergo industrial training in next year;

    I would like to continue this work in the next few years;

    I would like to move to another organization next year;

    I would like to receive a promotion in the next three years;

    I would like to start my own business within the next five years.

Think over and write down your own task. Try to indicate realistic periods of time for its implementation.

Now you need to evaluate yourself. How ready are you for your mission? The ability to achieve your goals and successfully lead others is largely determined by self-knowledge. The fastest way to expand knowledge about yourself is to use a self-report questionnaire for this, take into account the reactions of others and evaluate the results of your activities, and also evaluate yourself critically. If you haven't done this before, it will take some courage from you. However, courage is one of the essential qualities of a competent leader.

Fortunately, there are now a number of self-reporting questionnaires. Some of them allow us to assess personal characteristics, in particular the Myers-Briggs typological questionnaire (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MVTI), others - the style of work in a team, for example, a questionnaire of the characteristics of team management (Team Management Inventory, TMI) or Belbin team assessment questionnaire (Belbin team assessment); other questionnaires help you judge your own learning style, leadership, reaction to change, and so on. Of course, you can be skeptical about the results of one test, but similar results from several questionnaires should be thought provoking.

3. Get information and determine the response of others.

Let employees know that you are interested in their opinion about their activities, listen carefully to everything that is said to you. Whichever method you use to get to know yourself better, do not try to make excuses and listen carefully to the opinions of others. Rejoice at the good news and, despite the desire to "bared your teeth," welcome criticism favorably, using them as an excuse for self-improvement.

4. Find Opportunities for Self-Improvement

Carefully analyze the responses received to identify opportunities for self-improvement. May show up as emotionally neutral weaknesses such as improving computer skills and hot topics such as listening to others. As a result, there are many directions for self-improvement, especially if you first learned the opinion of others. However, to be successful, it is best to focus on a few priority areas.

5. Establish cooperation with management

After figuring out what your "mission" is, and finding opportunities for self-improvement, try to establish cooperation with management. Make an appointment with your boss to discuss the following issues.

    Current work requirements, as well as the opportunity to increase your contribution to the common cause.

    Some personal development goals. Show that you are willing to put the time and energy into achieving them.

    Joining forces with superiors allows you to gain support and gain necessary resources, including free time and material incentives.

6. Set several goals for yourself according to SMART criteria

A list of well-wishes is unlikely to help you make significant progress in self-improvement. Compare the following two statements.

1. I plan to improve my communication skills by the end of the year.
2. I will improve my presentation skills, make a presentation on our new project, and, if possible, take a public speaking training course. I will complete all this by the end of the year.

The first statement is too general, it is not clear what kind of skill we are talking about. There is also no mention of methods for assessing achievements. Like the New Years resolution ("Starting January 1st"), your enthusiasm for overall improvement will soon dissipate.

The second statement corresponds to the so-called SMART criteria, that is, it focuses on one important communication skill, the skill of public speaking. SMART criteria for setting goals include:

    S (specific)- the specificity of the activity. This example focuses on public speaking skills, for which specific steps are listed;

    M (measurable)- measurement of results. Measurements can be quantitative, qualitative, or by conformity (your supervisor, external organization etc.) standards. In this case, the results are evaluated upon completion of an action;

    A (aligned)- consistency with the overall task, in this case with career plans. Public speaking skills are now required in many areas of activity;

    R (realistic)- realistic in terms of your abilities, time and other resources. If the aforementioned goal is set at the beginning of November, then the timing of its achievement (end of the year) cannot be considered realistic. On the other hand, choosing such a goal at the beginning of January with the expectation of achieving the desired results by the end of the year makes it possible to achieve it without much difficulty. Avoid choosing goals that are too easy: the goals themselves and the steps to achieve them must be difficult enough. In this example, learning about public speaking skills is not difficult, while speaking on a project requires significantly more effort;

    T(trackable)- the ability to monitor progress and time constraints. Keeping track of your progress is easier with a personal action plan. Concrete plan will allow you to set a realistic date for achieving the goal.

7. Develop a personal action plan

Brainstorming identifies and records the actions required to achieve a given goal. After that, the actions are arranged in a certain sequence, responsibilities are assigned and a time schedule is drawn up.

    List the specific activities / actions that are needed to achieve this goal. Take care of the variety: it will make your plan more interesting and there will be more opportunities for self-improvement.

    Analyze the necessary methods, resources, and possible obstacles to the goal.

    Set a starting point and end date for each activity.

Finally, discuss your action plan, especially the timeline, with other stakeholders. This will ensure that your plan is realistic and feasible.

8. Follow your personal plan of action.

Achieving a goal is the result of completing a number of small tasks over a long period of time. Try to do something every day to reach your ultimate goal, to keep you moving and motivated, and on time.

9. Practice making new skills a habit

Look for opportunities to use newly learned skills, gain experience and become more confident. As you learn public speaking skills, practice in “safe” situations first. When you have gained enough self-confidence, give a talk to your superiors or outside organizations.

10. Communicate Your Success

Let management and colleagues be aware of your progress. If management has provided you with support and additional resources, a short report can be prepared to demonstrate the skills you have acquired so that it encourages similar practices in the future.

Typical situations

When you start a new business or change something in an established process, difficulties can arise. Some situations are described below; with them, if you are engaged in self-improvement, you may have to face. After each description, a way out is suggested.

Situation. You have no business or purpose of your own. You do not want to be tied up and strive to remain flexible.

Way out. It is entirely possible to have specific goals while remaining flexible, similar to how, in a traffic jam, you slightly change your route, but eventually reach your destination. You may need to adjust your goals to reflect changing circumstances, but understanding your core focus will make your work more focused and increase the likelihood of achieving what you want.

Situation. People in your organization show no interest in self-improvement.

Way out. Set an example, show enthusiasm for learning and continuing education. You should not limit yourself, focusing on the organization and the approaches adopted in it. Leave your case, take a look at other departments and outside organizations, borrow their experience, share your observations with your boss and colleagues.

Situation. You have been doing something for many years and are tired of the same common problems, some of which seem insoluble. How do you take the first step towards change?

Way out. You will not be able to interest other people if you have low motivation. For now, you can give the following recommendations.

    Are you too “fixated” on problems and obstacles in your work, maybe you should switch to looking for new opportunities? Take a break from past memories and current difficulties, and look into the future.

    If you are going to "get out of the hole", first of all, stop "digging the ground." Discuss with your boss and several like-minded colleagues alternative approaches to the solution of old problems.

    Perhaps anyone else has dealt with the same problems before? A fresh look at the situation can be very helpful.

Listed below are 10 practical advice on self-improvement of the leader:

1. Consider yourself a leader and work to improve your interpersonal skills to increase personal influence and gain the support of others.
2. Track progress in your area of ​​activity, join professional organization to communicate with experts in your field. Read professional magazines and stay tuned for new achievements.
3. Use method feedback on the principle of "360 degrees" to find out the opinion of your management, employees and direct reports about your skills as a leader.
4. Set an example for self-improvement, learn, try different new approaches. This will prompt your employees to do the same.
5. Be enthusiastic about your work. In the absence of motivation and enthusiasm, you cannot expect others to be interested in work.
6. Behave what you say - if you promise something, keep it.
7. Develop a sense of humor, avoid dramatizing events in the workplace. Learn not to take events and work issues too seriously.
8. Try to work on at least one project that interests you and for which you are happy to come to work.
9. Set a clear long-term goal for yourself. Then figure out what will help you achieve this goal. Take at least one step every day, however small, towards your goal.
10. Get exercise to improve stamina and energy levels.