Design manager job description. Designer job description

A graphic designer is a specialist in creating visual elements using graphic editors and computer programs. Websites, printing, printed publications are areas where the work of a graphic designer is important.


RUB 40,000–50,000 (

Place of work

The most popular place to work is design studios and advertising agencies, as well as other private and state enterprises who need the services of an in-house graphic designer. Many professionals work as freelancers.


In the modern world there is no such sphere, wherever needed Graphic Designer. Aesthetically attractive objects in commerce affect the increase in profits, in entertainment they contribute to obtaining positive emotions, in medicine they are conducive to removal nervous tension etc.

The main task in the profession of a graphic designer is to capture the idea of ​​the customer and offer his ideal vision. The most popular design areas are: space design, corporate identity, advertising, print media, web design.

Space design involves the design of signs, plates, diagrams. Branding - the formation of identity in perception corporate identity companies. In advertising, it is important to draw attention to the product, improve the company's image. In the press it is important to arouse interest in reading. Web design is the desire to arrange elements on the page as logically and conveniently as possible.

Important qualities

The most important qualities of a designer that determine the size of the salary are creativity, a sense of style and spatial thinking. It is necessary to be inventive and proactive, capable of analytical thinking.

Reviews about the profession

What does a designer need to be happy? A clear task - “what to draw”, a lot of time to create an image - in your thoughts, to work out several of its options - already in sketches, to savor various fonts and typefaces, to play with color, to draw and minor edits ... and hush-shi- on the!"

Tatyana Zaitseva, graphic designer.

stereotypes, humor

Graphic designer is one of the most popular creative professions, which is applied from a practical point of view. The designer needs to complete the task in the shortest possible time, and even be able to guess the wishes of the customer. This situation contributes to the emergence of new jokes and anecdotes.

At the competition computer graphics Lefty won: he fit his name, photo and web page address into one pixel.

The customer brought the file for printing. Name: Backup_of_Backup_of_Backup_of_Backup_of_Graphic1.cdr. The presence of creative torment is evident.


Designers do not suddenly become. This is a talent that needs to be developed from childhood. In adolescence, it is recommended to attend art school, then you should continue your studies at a college or university with a degree in design.

Higher education can be obtained in such universities as: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after A. L. Stieglitz, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Art universities in Moscow: Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI), Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (MGAHI named after V. I. Surikov), Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry them. S. G. Stroganov (Moscow State Art Academy named after S. G. Stroganov).

Require immediate supervisor and senior management to assist in the performance of tasks, functions and job responsibilities.4.7. Require timely purchase from the technical service technical means, accessories and software necessary for the functioning of computer technology in the department.4.8. Within the allocated budget, acquire independently the necessary literature and specialized software. 5. Responsibility The designer is responsible for: 5.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties.5.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.5.3. Violation current legislation RF on advertising, regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other guidelines related to advertising activities.5.4.

Job descriptions in small and medium-sized businesses


And now we will look at 8 essential skills that every graphic designer who wants to succeed should have: A good graphic designer can do much more than just manipulate existing images and objects, playing with their shapes and colors. A real designer is able to create unique things.

Listening to the wishes of his clients, he makes original sketches, which later become the foundation of what will eventually appear on the web or in print. The ability to express your thoughts on paper in the form of sketches of drawings is a significant plus for a designer, even if the results of his work can only be seen on the monitor screen.

Remember that typography has not lost its importance and relevance for designers even in the digital age. Website visitors unconsciously react to the size of fonts, their style and other elements.

Job Descriptions

The designer must know: the basics of advertising organization; the order of registration of premises and showcases; resolutions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations concerning the work of the organization; rules and methods of organizing customer service; foundations of aesthetics and social psychology; labor legislation; the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work; Internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense. 2. Functions The designer has the following functions: 2.1. Implementation of the acceptance of orders for the development of the graphic part of the original layouts advertisements and elements of original layouts, as well as the wishes and requirements necessary for their creation; together with the customer and the responsible manager, agreeing on the timing of their manufacture.2.2.

Ad designer

Creation of the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and other materials and documents.2.3. Creation of the graphic part commercial advertising, designed to present advertising opportunities to potential advertisers.2.4.



Informational, commercial, trade announcements.3.1.2.

Key Responsibilities of an Advertising Manager

Comparative analysis of similar domestic and foreign products, evaluation of their aesthetic level.3.3.6. Analysis of the experience of other organizations in the decoration of premises, advertising placement. 3.3.7.
Interaction with the technical service in order to maintain the computer equipment used by the advertising department in working condition and ensure the modernization of hardware and software.3.4. The designer complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety, civil defense requirements.3.5.

The designer executes the instructions and orders of the administration of the organization.3.6. The designer informs the management about the existing shortcomings in the work of the organization and possible measures to eliminate them. 3.7.

The designer is prohibited from disclosing information and information that is a trade secret of the organization. 4.


Since HTML and CSS are markup languages, a graphic designer must be familiar with them in order to be able to independently amend and change objects on web pages, link them or move them in the process. Even if you do not have to deal with administration, understanding site management will help you create graphic elements and greatly expand your capabilities.

All elements on the page should be structured and arranged in such a way as to easily lead the visitor to the site's key goal. Marketers call this approach conversion optimization.

If this is an online store, the visitor should easily find a way to order the goods. At the same time, the offer to buy should not be too intrusive.
If this is an infographic, then it should be presented in such a way that it would be really interesting for visitors to consider it.

Designer job description

Reach out to managers and employees of all structural divisions organization for the information necessary to perform tasks, functions and job responsibilities. 4.4. Require immediate supervisor and senior management to assist in the performance of tasks, functions and job responsibilities.

4.5. Require the technical service to timely purchase hardware, components and software necessary for the functioning of computer equipment in the department. 5. Responsibility The designer is responsible for: 5.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their duties. 5.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.


not found

Advertising booklets, posters, stands, panels, banners.3.1.3. A web page in a given style, arranges the elements of the page, and also draws them up accordingly.3.2. The designer develops: 3.2.1. Original layouts of polygraphic advertising materials and covers of publications.3.2.2. Recommendations on the design of commercial, administrative, office space, placement of advertisements.3.2.3. General style of the site.3.3. The designer shall: 3.3.1. Prepress preparation of original layouts in accordance with technological requirements printing production.3.3.2. Carrying out design work in the premises of the organization. 3.3.3.

The study of the requirements imposed by customers on the designed products, the technical capabilities of the organization for their manufacture.3.3.4. Selection and analysis of scientific and technical information required at various stages (stages) of artistic design.3.3.5.

Carry out: - prepress preparation of original layouts in accordance with the technological requirements of printing production; - Carrying out design work in the premises of the organization; - study of the requirements imposed by customers on the designed products, the technical capabilities of the organization for their manufacture; - selection and analysis of scientific and technical information required at various stages (stages) of artistic design. 3.4. Control the conformity of the produced original layouts of advertisements and graphic elements of the original layouts. the following requirements: - advertising law; - requirements of the customer (responsible employee of the marketing department); - internal requirements existing in the organization; - the requirements of manufacturers of printed layouts. 3.5.

Designer job description (Russian)

Carries out: - prepress preparation of original layouts in accordance with the technological requirements of printing production; - design work; - selection and analysis of scientific and technical information necessary at various stages (stages) of artistic design; - comparative analysis similar domestic and foreign products, assessment of their aesthetic level; - analysis of the experience of other organizations in the decoration of premises, advertising placement; - interaction with the technical service in order to maintain the computer equipment used by the advertising department in working order and ensure the modernization of equipment and software; - creating and transferring plans, progress reports and other documents to the immediate supervisor and receiving from him required documents. 2.4.

8 Skills Every Graphic Designer Should Possess

Home / Job description Download designer job description (.doc, 83KB) I. General provisions

  1. The designer belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. The designer must know:
    1. 2.1. Methods and means of performing artistic and design work.
    2. 2.2. current standards and specifications, methods of design of various publications.
    3. 2.3. Fundamentals of print design.
    4. 2.4. Fundamentals of advertising.
    5. 2.5. technical aesthetics.
    6. 2.6. The materials used in the work and their properties.
    7. 2.7.

      Drawing technique.

    8. 2.8. Graphic programs (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, CorelDraw, etc.).
    9. 2.9. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and organization of production.
    10. 2.10.

      Fundamentals of labor legislation.

    11. 2.11. Rules and norms of labor protection.
  • Coordinates sketches (projects) with the immediate supervisor (client) and prepares the final layouts of information publications (press releases, announcements, bulletins, statements, price lists, reference books, etc.), identifying materials ( business cards, labels, packaging, letterheads, etc.), reference publications (address books, educational and other manuals, etc.), artistic and publicistic publications (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.).
  • Creates illustrations for texts (drawings, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, etc.), develops new fonts, design styles, etc.
  • Makes corrections to projects of artistic and technical design at the direction of the art editor.
  • Carries out architectural supervision over the implementation of artistic and design decisions by the personnel of the enterprise (typesetters, art editors, etc.).
  • III.

An interior designer is responsible for furnishing an interior with the aim of providing an aesthetically pleasing environment in a room in accordance with its intended use. In addition to performing an aesthetic function, the work of an interior designer is aimed at optimizing indoor work and improving navigation on its territory. At the same time, the arrangement of furniture is only the final stage, which is preceded by the layout of the room, the alignment of lighting, acoustics and ventilation systems, as well as wall decoration.

The profession of an interior designer is most suitable for creative individuals with artistic abilities and good aesthetic taste.

Places of work

The position of an interior designer is in demand in architectural companies, design bureaus and studios. Also, this specialist can work for himself, independently creating a “name” for himself and looking for clients.

Responsibilities of an interior designer

To better understand who an interior designer is, the main job responsibilities of this specialist will help:

  • Development of architectural space-planning solutions.
  • Formulation of technical specifications based on the wishes of the client.
  • Development of project documentation.
  • Independent maintenance of the object at all stages of work.
  • Selection of finishing materials and equipment.
  • Author's supervision over the implementation of all works on interior design.

Requirements for an interior designer

The main requirements for an interior designer:

  • Higher specialized education.
  • Knowledge of planning laws.
  • Experience working with clients and contractors.
  • Experience in programs such as ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, MS Office (it is also desirable to know CorelDraw, 3Ds max, Vray, Adobe Illustrator).

In most cases, an applicant for the position of an interior designer is required to have a portfolio of finished work.

Sample resume for interior designer

To become an interior designer, you need to get a higher architectural education. With innate talent and good aesthetic taste for successful work Interior design courses may suffice for this position.

interior designer salary

The salary of an interior designer varies from 30 to 85 thousand rubles per month. In large cities, the salary may be higher, as there are higher requirements for the originality of the design. In many ways, how much an interior designer earns depends on his skill and ability to feel and understand the wishes of the customer. The average salary of an interior designer is 60 thousand rubles a month.

Among interior designers, the question often arises of what exactly is included in architectural supervision, should the designer monitor the supply of furniture, look for a replacement for the finishing material (parquet, tiles, sockets), monitor the fulfillment of deadlines by suppliers, hang curtains ... About where the the line between author's supervision and the complete set of the object, says designer Elya Stankevich.

Elvira Stankevich - interior designer, author of InMyRoom. Elvira graduated from the Higher School of Design and Design at the Moscow Institute of Architecture and has been working as a private designer since 2008. The ideal interior, according to the pros, is laconic and elegant, spacious, logical and “thoroughbred”.

Let's start with the main thing: maximum specificity in the project is important

In the project, I recommend doing without abstract objects or materials. Everything shown in the visualization must be available for purchase or order in Moscow within the budget of the customer. Choose the main items together with the customer before they get to the visualization. The client must sit, pull, feel and approve the pieces of furniture and decor. The minimum program is upholstered furniture, a kitchen, a dining group, beds, all the main chandeliers, tiles in the bathrooms and in the kitchen and parquet.

Everything is under control: statements - to be!

An integral part of a complete project is a list of interior items and finishing materials. It must contain the quantity and reference to the item or material. Within the framework of the project, the search service the best price does not appear. Personally, I send my customers a spreadsheet in Excel, they can substitute the found and negotiated price themselves - the budget will be calculated automatically.

About positions that will not be in the statement and comments - why

Articles of fabric for curtains and other textiles. They need to be chosen according to the place on the object, focusing on furniture, walls and lighting. Numbers of tinting paints for walls and grout for tiles. They are also selected at the facility by color from several options. List of article numbers for all parts of complex technical kits. For example, the statement will indicate: “Shower kit for internal installation of such and such a company, such and such a collection.” And already the list of all positions is made up by managers of specialized salons. Draft materials and objects. No rotbands, plywood, adhesives, transformers. Little things, like toilet brushes and kitchen towels, if the composition in the interior is not fundamentally tied to them. The ideal complete project is self-implementable by the customer, but the customer must be prepared to perform quite a lot of design tasks himself during the construction process. Or he can pay the designer for architectural supervision. What it is? I tell below.

What does the customer get rid of by ordering this service? Weekly reconciliation of the process with the project. That is, whether everything is controlled according to size and ideas. In the case when, for some reason, we have to retreat from the project, making a decision - in which direction we retreat. So that this decision does not affect the further picture. For example, if we move an outlet because it hits a rebar in the wall, then in which direction? After all, it is important that it does not end up behind the console leg or run into the molding ...

Mentioned above - the choice of paint color by color and grout for tiles. Solving any complex design-related situations that could not be foreseen in the project. Approval of sketches and colors and samples of non-standard products and works. Here we are talking about furniture, painting, decorative plaster... The choice of textiles and decor. Well, from daily dialogues on the phone with the foreman. Type: Foreman: “I didn’t find the height of the output for the sconce in your project.” Designer: "Look at the scans." Foreman: “Yes, I see it is on the reamers. A meter-forty - not too high? Designer: "No, it's ok, the bras are quite long and hang down, look at the renderings."

Designers are different: from landscape to fashionable. We offer you a sample job description for a designer working in publishing house. Accordingly, the main job responsibilities of a designer in this area are layout and creation of advertising modules. Do not forget to clearly write them down in the designer's job description, it just seems to you that creative people do not pay attention to such details.

Job description designer

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. The designer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The designer is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order CEO companies on the proposal of the art director / editor-in-chief.
1.3. The designer reports directly to the art director/chief editor.
1.4. During the absence of the designer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of designer: education - secondary specialized, higher education, experience in similar work from a year, knowledge of editorial and publishing packages on the PC and Mac platforms.
1.6. The designer must know:
- current standards and specifications, methods of registration of various publications;
- the basics of print design;
- graphic programs (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, CorelDraw, etc.).
1.7. The designer is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job Responsibilities designer

The designer has the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Performs page layout of current issues (articles and advertising layouts).
2.2. Performs works on the artistic design of publications of various nature.
2.3. Develops projects decoration publications.
2.4. Advises his immediate supervisor (advertising service manager) on the principles and options for solving the set design tasks.
2.5. Coordinates sketches (projects) with the immediate supervisor (advertising service manager).
2.6. Carries out architectural supervision over the implementation of artistic and design decisions by the personnel of the enterprise (typesetters, art editors, etc.).
2.7. Orders illustrations for artists and editors.

3. Designer's rights

The designer has the right:
3.1. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Require management to create normal conditions for the implementation official duties and safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.4. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Designer's responsibility

The designer is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.