The best example of an autobiography. How to write an autobiography sample

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An autobiography is a personal document written in legible handwriting. detailed description main stages of your life. This document will subsequently become part of the employee's personal file. It is written in free form, by hand, or text typed on a computer and printed out is provided.

The autobiography is compiled in a certain sequence and generally complements psychological characteristics worker. It presents the life path by date, as well as personal qualities person applying for a position.

It is according to the information reflected here regarding education, origin, previous employment that the employer can judge whether this applicant is suitable for him or not. In addition, it is desirable to reflect the facts in this document social activities person and hobby.
The size of the text of the autobiography should not be voluminous, no more than two pages of printed text. If you have already written this document correctly, make several copies in advance for future reference.

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How to write an autobiography for a job

The correct writing of an autobiography begins with the specific data of a person:

1. Surname, name, patronymic;
2. Nationality;
3. Exact date and place of birth;
4. The present place of residence is written, and besides this, it is desirable to indicate the previous ones.
5. Education, with a list of educational institutions, indicating where and when it was completed. The periods and results of study are indicated. The levels of education passed should be listed: secondary, higher, as well as postgraduate studies, residency. If there is unfinished higher education, then you should indicate the reason why the learning process was not completed. Academic degrees must also be indicated in this paragraph.
6. State awards are indicated without fail, if any.
7. Current place of work and position held, and in addition to all previous places of work. This paragraph contains specific information about the enterprise or institution where labor activity began. The department, position or profession is indicated. Next, you need to reflect the dates of work in other organizations and enterprises, indicate the reasons for transitions, dismissals or job changes. If the length of service was interrupted, it is necessary to reflect information on registration at the labor exchange, about professional retraining. In this paragraph of the autobiography, you can list all the available promotions and awards.
8. Current marital status. Information about the wife or husband (if the person is married) is written here, namely information about the date of marriage, information about divorce, the birth of children. Information about parents (optional) - indicate the surname, name, patronymic, as well as the year of birth.
9. Men must indicate the period of military service and rank.
10. Women indicate by dates the period of leave for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for childcare.
11. In this paragraph, you can focus on your performance of public works and participation in trade union organizations.
12. At the very end, write your passport details, detailed address and phone number. This is followed by the signature and date of writing, the date on the left, and the signature below the text on the right.
An autobiography is a personal document that is not certified by anyone, it is not stamped. Its main function for the employer is to make an impression about you, and your task is to be able to make this impression.

Autobiography is a document that describes a person's life path. It is written on a sheet of A4 paper in free form in the first person, all information is indicated in chronological order.

How to write an autobiography for a student

First, in the middle of the sheet, the name of the document is written - AUTOBIOGRAPHY, then the text follows below.

The autobiography begins from the presentation - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: "I, Mikhailov Sergey Pavlovich, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow Region."

After that, write the address of residence (actual and registered).

Then indicate the composition of the family - full name, place of work and address of residence of the parents, as well as names, dates of birth and place of study or work of sisters / brothers.

In the student's autobiography, you can write about the end of kindergarten (name and year of graduation).

It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, olympiads, existing diplomas, awards.

In addition, in the student’s autobiography, you can talk about the main hobbies, hobbies, PC skills, knowledge foreign languages.

At the end of the document, you must put the date of its compilation and signature.

In order to facilitate the task, an example of a student's autobiography has been created.

Student CV Sample


I, Sergey Maksimovich Kulagin, was born on April 12, 2001 in Chekhov, Moscow Region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

Family Composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, teacher of mathematics at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother - Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant of Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, a student of the 10th grade of school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

From 2003 to 2007 attended Kindergarten"Star" number 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school number 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, in connection with the family's move to the city of Moscow, I moved to school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, where I am currently studying in the 8th grade.

In 2011, 2012 he was awarded a diploma for academic excellence. At the district Olympiad in mathematics in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I take a great interest in sports - I visit school section on basketball, I take part in school and regional competitions.

When employed in serious commercial companies, for, as well as in government agencies, you will need to draw up your autobiography. The literacy and accuracy of this document can have a significant impact on the decision to hire, especially in commercial structures. On the state enterprises this document is required rather for completing a personal file.

Sample CV

The autobiography is compiled by hand and contains a description of the main events of life in chronological order. The employer has the opportunity to learn more about the personality of a person, gets an idea of ​​​​his environment, draws conclusions about the merits, preferences, and shortcomings. Of particular value in an autobiography are not the facts from life themselves, but how a person manages to present them, describe them. Confusing, unsystematic presentation of thoughts, the presence of gross grammatical errors and similar shortcomings in the preparation of this document will make a negative impression, even if yours is brilliant.

It is quite possible that you will have to write an autobiography directly in the personnel department, in the presence of employees, in this case it will help not to get confused preliminary work for drafting the document.

How to write correctly

There is no single standard for writing an autobiography. Various personnel services they are interested in a different set of necessary information, respectively, the spelling sample is adjusted in each specific case. However, you should always keep in mind some rules for writing an autobiography:

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A CV for employment is a document that is often required when hiring along with a resume. This mainly concerns public institutions, educational institutions, large commercial organizations etc. In the first case, this document is more formal. An autobiography for employment is filed in a personal file with the rest of the package of papers. In the second case, it has significant significance. Therefore, how well this document is written plays an important role in your career.

An autobiography (an example will be given below) is a self-written document that describes the main events in a person's life. And your main task in compiling is to present yourself in a favorable light.

From this document, future employers receive information about your environment, new and interesting information. In other words, they learn about your strengths, preferences, and weaknesses. It is very important that the CV for employment is not a bare statement of facts. The way the document is written also plays a significant role. It goes without saying that the presence and confusing presentation of thoughts is unacceptable.

You should prepare in advance for the fact that you will be asked to write everything in the presence of the interviewer. A CV for employment does not provide for a standard drafting sample. Depending on the desired position, you should correct and fill out this document. However, there are established writing traditions. For example, the text is presented in narrative form. Try to put everything on one sheet. State the facts in chronological order.

when applying for a job


I, Ivanova (Shalashnaya) Galina Fedorovna, was born on April 17, 1984 in Omsk. She graduated from secondary school No. 79 in Omsk in 2000. In the same year she was enrolled in the university and in 2005 she graduated from this educational institution with the qualification "Engineer of industrial and civil structures" in the specialty "civil and industrial construction".

From 2005 to 2007 I did not work due to the birth of a child.

In 2006-2007 she received additional specialized education at the BIP "Lingua". The qualification "Translator with German language for the sphere of professional communication”.

In October 2007, she was hired by Stroyinvest LLC as a junior engineer, in March 2008 she was promoted to the position of an assistant. Currently, I also work at Stroyinvest LLC in this position.

Married. In June 2005, she changed her maiden name Shalashnaya to Ivanova in connection with her marriage.

My husband, Sergei Petrovich Ivanov, born in 1977, holds the position of project manager at Prostor LLC.

Son - Ivanov Petr Sergeevich, born in 2005, attends the 1st grade of the MOU Gymnasium No. 2 in Omsk.

We live at the address: Omsk, st. Spacious, d 76, apt. 65.

Writing an autobiography is considered an essential part of the employment procedure. This document provides an opportunity to get a complete picture of the candidate for the vacancy.

Sample CV

An autobiography is a description by the author of life stages in a free form. In most cases, this document is drawn up in the process of hiring, as well as entering the service or study. It is necessary to inform the organization about the main milestones in the life of a potential employee or student. Most often, this document describes the entire period of life. But there are exceptions that provide for the description of a certain life stage that lasted several years.

Many people confuse an autobiographical note with a questionnaire. However, this documentation has significant differences. First of all, they relate to information content. In autobiographies, it is customary to indicate more complete information about a person's life. For example, this document may contain information about the reasons for leaving the previous job, the rationale for the desire to work in this particular company, etc.

Compilation of a curriculum vitae is an integral part of the employment procedure

Note! Before writing an autobiography, you need to know that this document does not have any regulated forms. It is filled out on a blank A4 sheet and does not contain any graphs, questions or other clues. However, when filling out this document, you must adhere to a number of rules.

Rules for writing an autobiography

Having wondered how to write an autobiography correctly, you need to know that it should be as concise and capacious as possible. The optimal size should be 1-2 sheets. It should be understood that too long narratives do not cause much interest and often simply do not read.

Before compiling such a portfolio, you should remember that there are several mandatory blocks (full name, date and place of birth, education, marital status, contact details, date of compilation, signature). In the autobiography, it is additionally necessary to fill in information about parents, wife (husband) and children. Men must indicate the period of military service, women - information about decrees.

On a note. Another important rule of writing is business style. This document should not contain errors, as it often forms the impression of a person.

Despite the fact that the autobiography does not have regulated requirements, when compiling it, you still need to adhere to certain writing rules. First, the title is always written in the middle of the line. Secondly, each new block must begin with a paragraph. Thirdly, the date of compilation is always indicated on the left under the text, the signature is on the right.

Don't forget the importance of chronological order. The author should not jump, for example, from a story about a school to a description labor activity, having missed the period of study at the university. In general, when compiling this document, it is necessary to adhere to the following order:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • period of study at school;
  • period of higher education;
  • other information about education;
  • labor activity (from the first place of work);
  • achievements;
  • hobby;
  • information about personal life.

It is also worth recalling that all the information provided must be true. If false data is found, the author will receive certain problems (for example, loss of reputation). Mistakes can also be an insurmountable barrier to getting the job you need.

How to write a short autobiography about yourself

To prevent errors when writing this document, it is recommended that you first study the example of an autobiography. Studying the template will allow you to get general idea about the layout of this document.

Below is a sample CV. By sticking to this example, the CV will follow all the basic formatting rules.

Example of a short CV

Curriculum Vitae when applying for a job

In the process of employment, one of the main requirements of the employer is the writing of a curriculum vitae. This requirement is due to the fact that the choice of employees is not least made on the basis of their human qualities, dedication, temperament, motivation and initiative. Experienced hiring managers are able to evaluate all of the above parameters immediately after reading a detailed described biography of a potential employee. Based on this document, conclusions can be drawn about the emotionality of a potential employee, his attitude towards other people and the ability to present his strengths.

Additional Information! The structure of writing an autobiography for work is practically no different from the standard version. The only thing to remember is that a job CV does not require a description of the childhood years before entering school.

Before you write your own autobiography for a job, a sample of which is given below, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for compiling this document. An autobiographical note for the employer should cover in detail the previous work activity of the author. He must list all jobs in chronological order. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the circumstances that contributed to getting to a particular place of work and subsequent dismissal. It is also necessary to indicate bonuses and awards received as a result of previous work activities. Additionally, you can focus on your attitude to work and career growth.

How to write an autobiography for a job sample

Below is a sample CV for a job application. This example focuses on professional activity and achievements in the workplace. When writing an autobiographical note, relationships with previous employers are a delicate point. The author should understand that if a conflict arose at a previous place of work that led to dismissal and termination of the contract, the autobiography does not need to report how unfairly they were treated. All information must be presented in a discreet manner. The author of the document should not present himself as a scandalous person.

Sample CV for an employer

What should be indicated to a person with seniority

An employee with a solid work experience, first of all, must reflect the existing professional skills in specific area activities. The form of the CV of such a person must also contain:

  • detailed display of periods of work experience;
  • successes and achievements of a specialist;
  • information about the completion of advanced training courses;
  • information about education;
  • information on maternity leave indicating the period when it took place (relevant for women).

When applying for a job in the police and others strong structure Russian Federation, a potential civil servant must indicate a detailed description of the army service. The author, who wants to get a job in the civil service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, guardianship authorities, should also focus on the absence of a criminal record and prosecution by law enforcement agencies.

An example of an autobiography for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Generally competent compilation A curriculum vitae can help its author to receive priority in employment.

What is social background in autobiography

Before writing an autobiography, it is also worth knowing the importance of indicating social origin. This concept was relevant during the period of Soviet power. Then, after the date and place of birth, the professional status of the family was indicated - “born ... in a family of workers (employees, doctors, military, etc.)”. Today, this concept means social status the author (unemployed, student, individual entrepreneur, pensioner, etc.).

What else you need to know about autobiography

Studying the sample of writing an autobiography, it is worth noting that today this document is often supported by a photograph. And there are no special requirements for the photo. However, it must comply business style. The author should be photographed against a neutral background, with a neat haircut and in business attire.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that compiling an autobiography is a responsible process that requires preliminary preparation. The author must think in advance of the sequence of presentation of the main events of his life. This is necessary in order not to get confused in the facts and their sequence. When writing, you should also eliminate any grammatical and punctuation errors.