Test who I am in a past life. Your past life and purpose in your current life

With birth, we begin our life. But is she the first? Your soul can live dozens of lives. From ancient times to the present day, how many lives have you lived, where have you been and, most importantly, who you were. Some people remember such information under hypnosis, others have amazing dreams.

About your past life many factors may indicate. Now everyone can find out what happened to his soul before.

For this, numerological calculations are used. The science of numerology will help you remember, understand and explain the many events that are happening today. All our lives are invisibly connected. You may be surprised that your soul has made such an incredible journey through the world.

Past lives: myth or reality

For some - fairy tales, and for others - reality. Many people remember their past lives. Why is this happening to us? This phenomenon has many names:

  • reincarnation;
  • reincarnation;
  • rotation of the Wheel of Samsara;
  • past life of the soul.

All of them came to us from different religions and beliefs. Egypt, Africa, India, Tibet, North America, Mexico - since ancient times, they believed that the soul is sacred. The body can grow old, get sick, lose strength, but the soul does not. It exists all the time, just passes from one body to another. Hindus believe that the soul goes through the Wheel of Samsara: it is born very young, falls into a stone. When the soul develops so much that it is ready to change - into a plant. After that, the soul will be ready to move on - the animal. After him, the soul is already an adult. She has collected the experience of a past life in all forms and falls into a person. If he lives righteously and honors the laws of religion, lives in harmony with nature, then the Wheel of Samsara will close, the soul will enter Nirvana, where it will forever remain in bliss. If not, then everything starts all over again. Today there is a way to find out amazing information about the past by your date of birth.

Memories of myself

Perhaps all thoughts about past lives would have remained fairy tales if not for the research of psychologists. Many people in therapeutic hypnosis sessions suddenly begin:

  • speak in foreign language who is not known;
  • call yourself by another name;
  • tell incredible details from the life of a person 200-300, 500 years ago.

Very often, these languages ​​do not exist today, are dead. How do people know them? Psychologists, psychiatrists and brain researchers have failed to find out. There is only one answer - in the soul. Most often, children remember the past life. A group of researchers looked for similar facts. They were amazed as they traveled through India, how many stories like this happen. A child from a poor family claims to be the head of a noble family. He accurately retells his life, life, names people, even misses his children, whom he has not seen for 10 years since his death. He was so insistent that he was taken to this house. Of course, the family wanted to drive the poor out and make fun of their story, until the boy began to tell things that only he, his wife and those closest to him knew. He was asked about his date of birth - this is the same day that the head of a wealthy family died tragically.

Calculate your past life

The science of numerology deals with numbers. With its help, you can learn about the future, present and past. To do this, you will need not only to count well, but also to know the rules for working with numbers.

Howard Carter (right)

Map by Howard Carter

Howard Carter - a famous person. First of all, he is known as the discoverer of the Tomb of Tutankhamen. He was the first to set foot where no one had gone for so many years. After the discovery, Carter continued to explore the tomb and found many interesting records of priests on its walls. From them you can determine who you were in a past life. There are many tables, they were compiled by the priests of ancient Egypt to show the soul the way to new life. Carter compiled a simplified version of the table.

You can find out what year you were last born, whether you were a man or a woman. To determine this information, write your date of birth. For example: May 12, 1956.

Table 1. Search for the symbol of the past birth

year of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
189 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
190 Z Y X W O T Z Y Q V
191 U T S X W V N Z Y X
192 P U T Z R W V U M Y
193 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
194 S X W V N Z Y X P U
195 T Z R W V U M Y X W
196 O T Z Y Q V U T S X
197 W V N Z Y X P U T Z
198 R W V U M Y X W O T

According to this table, you will find the first character: you divide 1956 into 195 and 6. Find 195 in the vertical column, and 6 in the horizontal column. At the intersection is the M symbol. Remember it or write it out, it will come in handy for further calculations by date of birth. Now, look for it in the women's and men's table. Where the symbol is found, we will continue to work. In this case, the person is female. It often happens that today you are a man, but in a past life you were a woman.

Table 2. Men's

Month Prof code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. C V T W Z X Y U
Feb. D R P S O M N Q
March B Y W Z V T U X
Apr. A O M P S Q R N
May D W U X T Y Z V
June C M R N Q O P S
July A U Z V Y W X T
Aug. B R P S O M N O
sept. B T Y U X V W Z
oct. A P N Q M R S O
Nov. C Y W Z V T U X
dec. D N S O R P Q M

If he is not in the first, then he appears in the second.

Table 3. Women's

Month Prof code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. A O M P S Q R N
Feb. C Y W Z V T U X
March D S Q M P N O R
Apr. B U Z V Y M X T
May C Q O R N S M P
June A Z X T W U V Y
July B O M P S Q R N
Aug. D X V Y U Z T W
sept. D N S O R P Q M
oct. B V T W Z X Y U
Nov. C S Q M P N O R
dec. A T Y U X V W Z
What did you do in your past life

This person was born in May, and the symbol M for May is found only in the female table. Now, use Table 2 again. Let's find the code of his occupation. The symbol M lies at the intersection of 6 horizontally and C vertically. His occupation code is C6. The following table shows what he did.

Table 3. Occupation

A1 Digging earth for different purposes.
A2 Philosophy, reflections, professions that develop the mind
A3 Invention and design, engineering, discoverer
A4 Chemist, perfumer, pharmacist. A person knows how to work with matter, perhaps an alchemist
A5 Chef, food related occupations, cooking
A6 Jeweler, watchmaker, fine craftsman
A7 Physician, surgeon, anatomist. Knows how to heal, but is also engaged in research of herbs, poisons
C1 Shepherd, forester. Man close to nature, animals, forest
C2 Ataman, ruler of the state, weapons master
C3 Librarian, templar, librarian or major archive worker, leopicist
C4 Entertainer musician, poet, temple dancer, performer of temple chants, mystical plays
C5 Sailor, merchant. A person is associated with navigation and travel by water.
C6 Writer, playwright, humorist, showman, head of sound and other effects on stage
C6 Monk, hermit, winemaker. Sociopathic tendencies do not allow to be in a circle of people
IN 1 Road Builder, Pathfinder
IN 2 Cartographer, astrologer, astronomer
IN 3 Craftsman, mechanic in primitive conditions, straightener of fishhooks, harpoons
AT 4 A warrior, a participant in battles, may have a high rank
AT 5 Artist, creator, card player
AT 6 Ship builder, nautical charter, explorer of new lands
AT 7 Temple Builder, Building Designer, Construction Innovator
D1 Teacher, lecturer, preacher
D2 Pechatkin, publisher, a person who makes a lot of notes
D3 Farmer, livestock breeder, horse breeder
D4 Playwright, musician, songwriter, traveling artist
D5 Banker, judge, legal expert
D6 Mathematician, astrologer, knows how to teach and learn
D7 Singer, folk dancer, orator

It turns out that this person in a past life was a playwright, worked with the theater or in the theater. Perhaps today he loves to visit the theater very much, he has bright artistic abilities. According to his birth chart, we can draw such a conclusion.

When was the last time you were born

Another information that can be found on the birth chart is the year of the last birth. To do this, you will need your symbol from Table 2 and the month of birth:

Jan. Feb. March Apr May June July August sen Oct Nov Dec.
M 1850 700 1300 1100 1400 1800 1125 1475 1025 1175 1800 700
N 925 1750 1825 875 1875 825 425 675 1850 1525 800 1350
O 1725 1325 1650 1625 1675 1075 875 800 700 900 1775 1825
P 1450 800 725 1550 500 1325 1800 1700 1000 1100 1650 550
Q 1000 1700 1225 1025 1450 1625 950 1100 425 1725 1350 1525
R 975 450 925 725 1375 700 1200 1350 1275 925 1375 825
S 1225 925 1525 1125 625 1300 1250 750 1425 600 1475 1150
T 1175 1750 1875 1850 1400 1600 1825 1150 1275 1525 1850 975
U 900 1375 725 1500 900 825 775 1500 1050 1025 1075 1675
V 1225 1150 1600 1200 750 1475 1825 1275 1400 950 1675 1325
W 575 1700 1025 400 1675 1775 775 1725 475 1775 850 1450
X 1800 1550 375 1250 1575 1300 1425 1200 1575 775 1600 1200
Y 1075 950 1750 875 1250 800 1000 1425 1650 1075 1550 1825
Z 975 1575 650 1050 525 700 1175 1350 850 1350 1775 1125

So we found the year of birth - 1400.

Why know about your past lives

Learning about a past life can be extremely helpful. Many are tormented by the fear of death. Not because of the pain, or death itself, but because of the unknown. A person dies, from that moment everything ends. Or not? Who can know better than your soul. So thoughts about death will not haunt a person, because he already knows that he was, which means that he will die even after he dies. At another time, in another body, but will live on. Sage Seneca said:

“It doesn't matter when you die - sooner or later. Who lives - in the power of fate; whoever is not afraid of death has escaped its power.”

It is terrible to live, thinking about imminent death. For you, your loved ones and loved ones, there will be life outside of this body. Which? No one knows. They say that close people who sincerely love each other always stay together.

Knowing about your past life can bring you amazing experiences. Who were you? Where are you from, where your soul was first born. Numerology will help answer all these questions. You need to know your date of birth, and then a real miracle will begin. You will know everything. Perhaps this will give an answer to many questions of your current life. Understand yourself and be in harmony with yourself.

The idea of ​​eternal life is inherent in almost all religions, the human brain is not able to realize the category of non-existence, so it is not so difficult to believe that you will live forever.

Only some religious ideas are connected with the transition of the soul to another world, different from ours. Others say that a person again makes the transition to this world in order to learn how to live righteously. According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, the soul can go from stone to incarnation in a person.

And being in a person, she goes through the castes (conditionally, from a servant to a clergyman). Only being in the highest caste (brahman) the soul has the opportunity to stop the cycle of rebirth and comprehend the state of eternal bliss.

The desire to find out who you were in a past life is not always generated by simple curiosity. A person may ask such a question because he often experiences the effect of deja vu.

  • Antiquities or events seem familiar to him.
  • Or strange dreams with scenes from the past that did not happen to a person in this life.

Knowing who you were in a past life can help you find answers to questions that haunt you in your current incarnation. The events of this life are closely connected with the actions of a person in a past incarnation, which is why this knowledge is so important and useful.

How to find out the secret of your past incarnation

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. These are meditative practices, holotropic breathing, astrology. One of the most simple ways find out your incarnation - numerology.

The calculation requires a minimum - to know the date of birth of a person. The keepers of the secret knowledge of the East left ancient tables by which you can find out all the information about a past life by the date of the current birth.

To calculate and determine your past with the help of numerology, get ready. Take a piece of paper and a pencil.

Let's take for example the date of birth September 29, 1992. We look at table No. 1. On the left we find the first three digits - 199. On the top the last digit - 2. At the intersection we see the letter X, fix it.

Man or woman?

In the next plate, we are looking for the month of birth. In our example, this is September. Here all months are listed twice. You need to find the letter that was recorded in table No. 1, in our example it is X.

  • If you found a letter in the first part of the mention of the month, then in a previous life you got the role of a man.
  • If in the second case - a woman.

When you find your letter, look at the table header. There is indicated type symbol. We have the letter X, type IV symbol, profession number 4. Next to the month is indicated letter of the profession. September - B. We fix all the data received on a piece of paper.

Place of residence

In table No. 3 on the right, we are looking for a type symbol (IV). Then in this block, look for the number of birth (29) and see which planet the number belongs to. Ours is the moon. On the left we look at the same line, where the number (29) in the column "men" is the number 26 (seat number). Let's write it down.

In table number 4, we look for the number 26 and find out the country where we lived. It turns out Austria.


In table number 5 you can find out the past profession. To do this, remember the number of the profession (we have 4) and the letter (B) and see what numerology says. Our example in a past life was a warrior, a butcher, a fisherman, a hunter, a person who performed sacrifices (one of these options).


In table number 6, numerology will let you know what this incarnation will give you. To do this, you need to remember the planet under which the date of birth (Moon) was located and look at the value of your planet, given the date of birth.

With this information on numerology, you can change your life, making it more perfect. Analyze the picture of your past life, find common ground with the current incarnation - this is the key to many issues related to your life.

Be attentive to the destination, this applies not only to your profession and self-realization, but also to your attitude towards others. After you shed light on the picture of your life, analyze the incarnations of loved ones and relatives by the date of their birth. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

There are secrets that have haunted the minds of people for many centuries, and today we will talk about one of them. Surely everyone at least once asked the question: “Who was I in a past life?” and in search of an answer, he went through numerous dubious tests on the Internet, receiving conflicting results. Most of these tests are just a way to get your attention and, of course, they cannot give a reliable answer to your question. In this article, we will look at how to find out who you were in a past life in terms of Vedic astrology.

Soul reincarnation

Vedic astrology has its own point of view and its own approach to the topic of transmigration of souls. Reincarnation (translated as “re-incarnation”) is one of the foundations of Hinduism. For the first time, reincarnation was mentioned in the oldest of the Vedas - the Rigveda (1700-1100 BC).

According to the Vedas, the immortal soul (atman) is forced to move again and again from one body shell to another, participating in the cycle of death and birth (samsara, or samsara). In each reincarnation, the atman pays for the actions committed in past lives - this is how the karmic law works. The goal of the soul is to break the chain of rebirth and receive salvation (moksha).

To achieve a state of true bliss and peace, a person must realize the eternal nature of the soul and the frailty of the body, give up material desires and “dissolve” in the impersonality of a comprehensive being.

Until the soul comes to enlightenment, it will continue to reincarnate. Moreover, it can move not only into the human body, but into the shell of animals and plants.

According to the ancient Indian text of the Markandeya Purana, there are a number of signs by which one can understand that the past life of the soul was non-human. Such a person behaves in a certain way:

  1. Often rude and cruel.
  2. prone to infidelity.
  3. Constantly criticizes.
  4. Not too clean.
  5. Has difficulty expressing gratitude.
  6. Often stingy.
  7. Likes to learn other people's secrets and secrets.

In order to improve life and make it easier for the soul to exist in subsequent reincarnations, such people need to work hard on themselves. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to take care of the subsequent incarnations of the soul. Desires are the cause of suffering, and the path to nirvana, as you know, lies through the rejection of desires (mainly for material enjoyment).

Do you want to learn useful practices, draw up your natal chart and find out the future? Then watch our free webinar and get answers to the most important questions. Register and we will send you a link to the webinar.

How to find out who you were in a past life?

Let's say right away that astrology will not give you a detailed answer to this question in the style: "You lived in France in the 18th century and worked peacefully in the fields of Provence until you died during the legendary storming of the Bastille in 1789." But with the help of parsing the natal chart, one can lift the veil of the mystery of the previous reincarnations of the soul.

Who you were in your past life determines how you live your present life. To find out the details of how your reincarnation went, first of all, you should pay attention to the following Houses. They will tell you about the karma that you "inherited" from past lives:

4th house indicates the influence of tribal karma.

8th house indicates the karma of personal debt.

9th house indicates a karmic destiny in this life.

12th house indicates the karma of all reincarnations of the soul.

To better understand your karma, consider the planets that are in these houses, as well as what sign of the zodiac this or that house is in.

If your natal chart has these retrograde planets, then your karmic problems are related to the following areas of life:

Mercury: communication with relatives, friends; education, health, speech.

Venus: close relationships, marriage, love, material wealth.

Mars: life energy, enemies (perhaps from past lives).

Jupiter: spiritual development, social life.

Saturn: interaction with superiors, the older generation.

Retrograde planets suggest what problems from past lives remained unresolved, what abilities could not be realized. When studying your natal chart, consider which house this or that planet is in - this will help you better understand yourself and understand in which direction you need to work in order to improve the quality of life in the present. By the way, this is taught at the Lakshmi school of astrology, palmistry and numerology.

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Many people believe that a person lives several lives, and in each new incarnation he can be anyone. At the same time, memories from the past about reincarnation are stored in deep memory, and everyone can find out who he was in a past life. There are different methods, for example, prophetic dreams, hypnosis, various calculations and tests. We propose to dwell on the simplest and most affordable option.

How to find out past life by date of birth?

It is believed that the past life has a direct connection with reality and vice versa. Thanks to the proposed tables and taking into account your own date of birth, you can find out about your previous incarnation.

How to find out who you were in a past life:

1. First you need to determine the letters of birth. To do this, use the table in which the first three digits of the year of birth are indicated horizontally, and the last one must be viewed vertically. Draw invisible lines, and the desired letter will appear at their intersection. For example, if the year of birth is 1989, then the letter is “T”.

2. To figure out how to find out about a past life, you need to continue the calculations and now you can determine whether you were a woman or a man. To do this, use the following table and find the birth letter and month defined in the first paragraph. For example, a person was born in November, this is the 11th month and in the column the letter "T" is in the blue sector, which means that he was a man. At the top of the column where the letter of birth is located, the number of the profession is indicated, in this case - 5. Next to the column of the month of birth, you can determine the sign and letter of the profession: in the example, these are 8 and C.

3. Now you need to use the day of your birth and in the column designed separately for men and women, see the number of the place of birth. Just keep in mind that you need to use the floor that was in a past life, and you determined it earlier. In the example: a person was born on Wednesday the 8th and he was a man, then the number of the place of his birth is 21. You also need to look at the destination symbol - the number located at the very top of the birthday column, in the example - 4. On the right is the type symbol, in the example - 5.

It remains to find out information about a person's past life, since all the calculations have been made. From the proposed tables, you will find out, some, the field of activity, the place of birth and the year of your past life. Please complete this table for your convenience. We have entered the values ​​obtained in the example.

Description of the personality of the person you were in a previous life (in the example - 5)

Find out what you did in a previous life (in the example - C5)

Reincarnation by date of birth, based on the tables of Pythagoras.

Enter date of birth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 March April May June July September October November December

What gives us the knowledge of reincarnations?

Suppose we find out where and when we were born in our previous incarnations. Why do we need this? What does this give us? It would seem that this knowledge is completely useless for our present life. But actually it is not.

The first thing that the doctrine of reincarnation gives us is deliverance from the fear of death. Death turns for us from a scarecrow, devouring and absorbing, from eternal non-existence, into a door open for our transition to other worlds. Non-existence is canceled, and the knowledge about the continuation of life in another form, at other levels, in other worlds, comes.

We stop wondering why they beat us so much in this life, why they make us suffer so much. We have no doubts about the injustice of the Lord and the law of the Universe. We get a powerful incentive to live with dignity.

Seneca believed that "life is not good or evil in itself, but only an arena for good and evil." He also owns the saying: “It makes no difference when to die - sooner or later. Who lives - in the power of fate; whoever is not afraid of death has escaped its power.”

The death of a person (if we understand it as an irreversible process of the end of any kind of existence) turns a person's life with his searches, efforts and aspirations into a meaningless path to nowhere. Life is seen in a completely different way by a person who has received information about the existence of higher worlds, in which the soul continues its life after the death of the body and where everything that we have achieved in our spiritual development is preserved and used. Belief in the immortality of the soul and the existence of higher worlds instantly removes many questions, freeing a person from the heavy oppression of the meaninglessness of his existence.

373. Guest, 2019-02-26 21:44:34