International competition in natural science “man and nature. Distance school of the Novosibirsk center for productive learning Chip questions

Often teachers primary school looking for Olympiad entries such as "kangaroo", "Russian bear cub", "Golden Fleece", "Man and Nature". So here are the Olympiad works "Man and Nature". They can be used as an Olympiad around the world. Keys are included as well.



CHIP-2016 (Asia)

1-2 grades

1. Asia is...

A) country B) continent; B) part of the world D) an island D) a planet in the solar system.

2. In the photo - the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The cosmodrome, from which the first rocket with a man on board was launched into space, is located in ...

A) Kazakhstan; B) Kyrgyzstan; In Uzbekistan;

D) Russia; D) Turkmenistan.

3 . This animal is the largest in Asia.

4. From the north, Asia is washed by ... the ocean.

A) Indian B) South; B) the Arctic; D) Atlantic; D) Quiet.

5. The photo shows an ancient architectural monument of the world - the Great ... wall.

A) Japanese B) Indian; B) Mongolian;

D) Chinese; D) Uzbek.

6. In Tove Janson's fairy tale "Magic Winter", Too-tikki tells Moomintroll about snow:

- You think it's cold, but if you fashion a snow house out of it, it becomes warm there. It looks white, but sometimes it's pink, sometimes it's blue. It can be softer than anything in the world, or it can be harder than stone. Nothing can be known about him for sure.

What snow can not be?

A) soft B) solid; B) sticky D) fluffy; D) liquid.

7. Which of the animals depicted in the pictures was not a friend of Mowgli, the hero of Rudyard Kipling's book "The Jungle Book"?

8. Chip the fox, going on a trip to Asia, wrote about her Interesting Facts. One entry was incorrect. Which?

A) Part of Russia is in Asia.

b) Asia is surrounded on all sides by seas and oceans.

c) There are deserts in Asia.

D) The capital of Russia, Moscow, is not located in Asia.

D) Asia has the highest mountains.

9. In the drawing of the artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk - an illustration to the tale of P. Bazhov " copper mountain Mistress. What mountains separating Europe and Asia are discussed in Bazhov's tales?

A) Caucasian; B) Ural; B) Sayan;

D) Tien Shan; D) Alps.

10. This delicacy has Asian roots.

A) halvah; B) popcorn; B) marzipan D) ice cream; D) macadamia.

11. The figure shows a fragment of a painting by Nicholas Roerich about Mongolia. The dwelling depicted on it is called ...

A) a needle B) a hut; B) yurt D) plague; D) wigwam.

12. The "Ship of the Desert" is called ...

13. The famous Siberian cedar is actually ...

A) spruce; B) juniper; B) fir; D) pine; D) araucaria.

14. National costumes on paper dolls ...

A) China B) Vietnam; In Russia; D) Japan; D) India.

15. In the north of the Asian part of Russia, vast areas are occupied by taiga, which is dominated by coniferous trees. Which picture shows the taiga?

16. The main crop grown in Asia is ...

A) wheat B) rice; B) corn D) barley; D) millet.

17. In Asia, among the mountain ranges of Siberia, there is Baikal - the deepest lake in the world, which resembles a month in shape. Which photo shows Baikal?

18. Of the great rivers of the Asian part of Russia, only ...

A) Cupid; B) Yenisei; B) Irtysh; D) Lena; D) Ob.

19. From the egg could not appear ...

20. In order for the balance to be established on the swing and for the children to swing comfortably, they must sit on the swing as shown in the figure:


CHIP-2016 (Asia)

3 - 4 grades

Tasks worth 3 points

1. Which of the following states is located in two parts of the world at once, one of which is Asia?

A) India B) China; In Russia; D) Mongolia; D) Uzbekistan.

2. From the east, Asia is washed by ... the ocean.

A) Atlantic B) Indian; B) the Arctic; D) Quiet; D) South.

3. In the north of the Asian part of Russia, the tundra stretches in a wide strip. Which picture shows the tundra?

4. The mountain system located along the western border of Asia is called ...

A) Altai; B) the Himalayas; B) Ural; D) Tien Shan; D) Pamir.

5. Which of these animals lives only in Asia?

6. In Kipling's The Jungle Book we read: “A slender shadow slipped into the ring of wolves. It was Bagheera, black..., all black as ink, but with spots visible as watermarks under certain lighting. Bagheera is...

A) panther B) a tigress; B) a lioness D) puma; D) lynx.

7. Faithful companion of the legendary Khoja Nasreddin.

A) a horse B) donkey; B) camel D) rickshaw; D) vol.

8. In the book "From Siberia" A.P. Chekhov wrote: "... bears, wolves, elk, sables and wild goats live in the taiga." Which picture shows the beast, called by the writer "sukhaty"?

9. This human activity does not harm nature:

A) melioration; B) mining; C) the creation of reserves;

D) laying pipelines; D) construction of power plants.

10. The headdress in the figure is called:

A) skullcap; B) kamilavka; B) a fresco D) yarmulke; D) fez.

Tasks worth 4 points

11. Which statement is true?

A) The Equator divides Asia into two equal parts.

B) Asia is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere.

C) Most of Asia is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

D) Asia is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

D) Most of Asia is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

12. National costumes on paper dolls ...

A) China B) Vietnam; In Russia; D) India; D) Japan.

13. Asia is separated from America by ... a strait.

A) Gibraltar B) Magellan; B) Hudson D) Beringov; D) Sannikov.

14. This cereal crop, most of which is grown in Asia, is the basis of nutrition for many peoples of the world.

A) oats; B) rice; B) quinoa D) corn; D) rye.

15. The fruit you see in the photo is familiar to people in southern Asia. This …

A) mango B) avocado; B) papaya D) melon; D) passion fruit.

16. The largest rivers of the Asian part of Russia - the Ob, Yenisei, Lena - flow ...

A) from north to south B) from south to north B) from east to west D) from west to east D) to Lake Baikal.

17. Which flower is the national symbol of India?

18. The mistress of the copper mountain in the tales of P.P. Bazhova turned into a lizard. Which picture shows this reptile?

19. In the old days, Russia traded “soft junk” with many countries, most of which came from Siberia. This - …

A) boots; B) furs; B) gold D) black caviar; D) wool.

20. In the painting by Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, you see a caravan of pack animals. This …

A) yaks B) mules; B) donkeys D) oxen; D) lamas.

Tasks worth 5 points

21. The painting by Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin depicts the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum, which is called an architectural gem.

A) Uzbekistan; B) Turkmenistan; B) Bangladesh

D) China; D) India.

22. A valuable natural dye - purple learned how to extract the inhabitants ...

A) Japan B) Ancient China; B) Ancient Rome D) Phenicia; D) Assyria.

23. The village of Oymyakon in Yakutia is ...

A) the north pole of cold; B) the geographical center of Russia; C) the lowest point in Asia;

D) the capital of Yakutia; D) the geographical center of Siberia.

24. In many parts of China, mulberry trees have been cultivated for thousands of years, mainly for ...

A) firewood harvesting;

B) growing caterpillars;

C) production of jam from berries;

D) fattening livestock;

D) use in hedges.

25. These Russian hydroelectric power plants are located in Siberia and are among the ten most powerful hydroelectric power plants in the world, except ...

A) Krasnoyarsk; B) Fraternal; B) Sayano-Shushenskaya;

D) Saratov; D) Ust-Ilimskaya.

26. Dad loves to swim with his little son. Where is it easier for dad to hold his son in his arms?

A) on the beach B) in the river; B) in the pool

D) at sea D) the same everywhere.

27. White Crane- the Siberian Crane, nesting only in Russia, mainly in its Asian part, is under the threat of complete extinction. Russia has a special program for its conservation. Sterkh - in the picture ...

28. What kind of fish goes to spawn from rivers to the sea?

A) catfish; B) sturgeon; B) acne; d) muksun; e) perch.

29. Rising Sun is a symbol of the country in which the red sun is depicted in the center of the national flag. This is the flag...

Dear colleagues, dear parents!

Twice a year, the NCPE holds an international game competition "Man and Nature" for children aged 5-7.

The main objectives of the competition:

    broadening one's horizons

    development of curiosity

    promoting the creation of conditions for the disclosure of the individual abilities of children

You can take a look at some documents:

Participation forms:

1. Through an educational organization: Kindergarten developing child Center, school (first graders) on the topics of the current academic year.

2. Through an educational organization on topics from previous years.

3. Individual participation in the competition on topics from previous years.




    I live in Russia

    sun, air and water

You can order from us a package of materials for holding a competition in your institution (group) on any of the proposed topics and for any number of children.

After receiving the application and paying for the materials, you will be sent a package with the following materials:

    task forms for all participants (2 sheets A4, full color printing)

    gifts for all participants

    certificate forms for all participants

    gratitude forms for educators (according to the number of groups)

    instructions for educators (by number of groups)

    certificate of participation for the organization

    certificate to the organizer of the competition in the organization (when ordering materials for several groups)

After the competition, the educators transfer the answers of the participants to the spreadsheet. Table by e-mail sent to NCPO. After processing the responses, the NCVE sends a module with the results of the competition to the organization by e-mail, which allows you to print a sheet with the results of all participants in the competition, fill out and print certificate forms for participants and gratitude for educators.

You can apply and pay for the package of materials on the website (button on the right).

The cost of materials for one participant:

    75 rubles if there are more than 10 participants

    85 rubles if there are 5-10 participants

    95 rubles if there are less than 5 participants

    Applications from organizations for participation of less than 3 people are not accepted.

Individual participation in the competition

Individual participation is allowed for children 5-7 years old who do not attend educational organizations(OO) or visiting OOs that are not participating in the competition. The organizer is one of the adult family members. The number of participants is from 1 to 5 people. There are two options for participation: electronic and postal.

Actions of the organizer of the competition:

A) Electronic variant(registration fee - 50 rubles for 1 participant).

    Obtaining from NCPO in in electronic format materials: tasks for participants, instructions for the competition for the organizer, a gift, tables for filling in the answers of participants.

    Obtaining a completed certificate in electronic form from the NCPE and printing it out at will.

B) Postal option(registration fee - 95 rubles for 1 participant).

    Sending an application for participation and paying the registration fee according to the receipt.

    Receipt of a letter (package) from the NCPE by mail of printed materials: assignments for participants, instructions for the competition for the organizer, gifts, forms of certificates of participants.

    Receipt from the NCPE by e-mail of a table to fill in the participants' answers.

    Conducting a competition, filling in the table for answers and sending it by e-mail to the NCPE (

    Obtaining a file with the results from the NCPE and printing the results on the sent certificate forms.

The All-Russian competition in natural science Man and nature includes tasks from such school disciplines as the world, physics, geography, biologists, astronomy and other subjects of the natural science cycle.
Tasks are calculated depending on the complexity for schoolchildren, students in grades 1-2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8 and for grades 9-10. In addition, there are tasks for preschoolers.



1. Man made the first round-the-world space trip on a ship

A) "Argo"; B) "Victoria"; B) "East"; D) "Peace"; D) hope.

2. Dunno claimed that "the cloud is jelly." But in fact, the cloud consists of

A) particles of the Milky Way; B) milk jelly; C) the smallest particles of water;

D) dust from exploding meteorites; D) pollen.

3. In the picture V.M. Vasnetsov "Flying Carpet" Ivan Tsarevich is lucky in a cage fabulous bird. Her name

A) Alkonost;

B) Phoenix;

C) Finist - Clear Falcon;

D) Firebird;

D) The Swan Princess.

4. How many times does the Earth revolve around the Sun in one year?

A) 1; B) 7; AT 12; D) 24; D) 365.

5. In S. Marshak's fairy tale "Twelve Months", March says to the girl: "Hurry up, my brothers gave us just one hour."The girl ran into the thicket and picked up a full basket of these flowers.

6. When Zhenya found herself at the North Pole in V.P. Kataev’s fairy tale “Seven-flowered flower”, then “seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and went straight” to her. But in reality, she could not meet polar bears there, because:

A) bears are found only at the South Pole;

B) it is too cold at the North Pole;

C) they were all scared away by polar explorers;

D) it is difficult for them to find food there;

E) the ice at the North Pole is too slippery.

7. The proverb says: "Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter." The cart is shown in the picture

8. On a country road you need to go

a) in the middle of the road

B) on the side of the road or the edge of the road in the direction of traffic;

C) on the side of the road or the edge of the road towards traffic;

D) only in large groups of people;

D) as you wish.

9. One of the depicted phenomena is not a sign of autumn.

10. During the firstMagellan gave a name to this ocean around the world.

A) Atlantic B) Indian; B) the Arctic; D) Quiet; D) South.

11. A complete revolution in orbit around the Sun makes the fastest

A) Mercury B) Earth; B) Jupiter D) Venus; D) Neptune.

12. From such seeds can grow

A) wheat B) tomato B) cucumber

D) pumpkin; D) watermelon.

13. For the complete decomposition of a newspaper thrown out in the forest, on average, it will take

A) less than 1 week;

B) from 1 month to 1 year;

C) from 5 to 10 years;

D) from 50 to 100 years;

D) more than 200 years.

14. Every autumn, needles fall on this tree.

15. The day of the summer solstice is the day when

A) The sun stops its rotation around the Earth for a day;

B) the Earth stops its rotation around the Sun for a day;

D) in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is the highest above the horizon, and the length of the daylight hours is maximum;

E) The sun is lowest above the horizon at noon, and the length of daylight hours is minimal.

16. The figure shows a living being. Who will grow out of it?

17. “Pooh,” said Christopher Robin solemnly, “the expedition is over. This is the Earth's Axis. We have found the North Pole." The real earth's axis is

A) a stick that sticks out of the Earth at the North Pole;

B) a line connecting the centers of the Sun and the Earth;

C) a line passing through the magnetic poles;

D) a rod passing through the center of the Earth;

D) a line passing through the geographic poles.

18. Which of these birds arrives to spend the winter in central Russia, and in the spring returns back to the north?

19. Water in the seas and oceans moves

A) faster on the surface of the ocean;

B) faster in depth;

C) at the same speed in any place;

D) only near the coast;

D) She is immobile.

20. Charlotte LaChapelle's painting shows a modern carousel. Carousels were originally used for

A) entertainment of court ladies;

B) lifting water from a well;

C) training of knights;

D) grinding grain;

D) to raise the gates of the fortress.


Questions of the competition "Man and Nature" for grades 1-2

Tasks worth 3 points

1. Which continent is washed by these four oceans?

A) Australia

B) Africa;

B) Eurasia;

D) North America;

D) South America.

2. After visiting the planetarium Dunno told everyone what he had learned. He was wrong only once. In which case?

A) the moon is smaller than the sun B) Earth is larger than the Moon C) the moon revolves around the earth

D) the sun revolves around the earth D) The sun is farther from the earth than the moon.

3. In the tale of Korney Chukovsky we read:

“Here comes the Hippo.

It comes from Zanzibar

He's going to Kilimanjaro."

Kilimanjaro is

A) a river B) a lake B) bay D) desert; D) mountain.

4. This animal only lives on one continent:

5. What vehicle man invented before the rest?

A) a car B) bicycle; B) an airship D) sailboat; D) steam locomotive.

6. In the tales of P.P. Bazhova Mistress of the Copper Mountain helped people

a) growing flowers

B) run a household

C) conquer mountain peaks;

D) extract mountain honey;

D) find minerals.

7. The coldest place on Earth is in

A) the Arctic B) Greenland; B) Antarctica

D) the Arctic Ocean; D) the Southern Ocean.

Tasks worth 4 points

8. Which picture shows Africa?

9. Where on earth do all roads lead north?

A) at the North Pole B) at the South Pole; B) at the equator

D) on the southern polar circle; D) in the Arctic Circle.

10. What is the best headgear to wear in the desert?

11. For the manufacture of prize medals, tokens and coins, various metals and alloys are used. What is an alloy among the listed materials?

A) aluminum B) bronze; B) gold D) silver; D) nickel.

12. The painting by the Russian artist Arkhip Kuindzhi depicts the highest peak located on the territory of Russia. This

A) Kazbek;

B) Everest;

B) Mont Blanc

D) Elbrus;

D) Beluga.

13. Sailors in the old days in long voyages gums bled and teeth fell out because...

A) they didn't brush their teeth; B) the menu had a lot of sweet and starchy foods;

C) there were no dentists on the ships; D) was not on the menu fresh vegetables and fruits;

D) Instead of bread, they had to gnaw crackers.

14. Our planet Earth is being studied by various scientists. What do speleologists study?

A) earthquakes B) volcanoes; B) caves D) sedimentary rocks; D) rocks.

Assignments rated at 5 points

15. This plant is found in the tundra:

16. Which of the following birds is the blackest?

A) black stork; B) black woodpecker; B) black grouse; D) rook; D) jackdaw.

17. The engine of a jet aircraft uses the same principle that it uses in nature for its movement.

A) squid B) an eagle; B) dragonfly G) bat; D) slope.

18. The North Star in this photo has been assigned a number.

19. The Argonauts went to Colchis to get the Golden Fleece. This country was in the territory of modern

A) Georgia; B) Bulgaria; B) Ukraine; D) Armenia; D) Turkey.

20. The emblem of Nepal depicts the highest

top of the world, which is called

A) Denali

B) Kazbek;

B) Mont Blanc

D) Chogori;

D) Chomolungma.

Novosibirsk Center for Productive Learning


Questions of the competition "Man and Nature" for grades 1-2

Tasks worth 3 points

1. Europe is...

A) a continent B) part of the world; B) country D) city; D) mountain range.

2. The drawings show the flags of European countries. Which picture shows the flag of Russia?

3. This architectural ensemble located in …

A) Belarus

B) Bulgaria;

In Poland;

D) Russia;

D) Ukraine.

4. In the fairy tale of the English writer L. Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Alice says: "Let's take geography better. London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome ... No, in my opinion, something is not quite right again! London is actually the capital...

A) Belgium B) Italy; In Denmark; D) Luxembourg; D) Great Britain.

5. The country of tulips in Europe is called ...

A) France B) the Netherlands; B) Italy

D) Belgium; D) Germany.

6. Which country's ships made the first circumnavigation of the world?

A) Portugal B) England; B) France D) Spain; D) Russia.

7. Many countries of Eastern Europe love barley porridge. Groats for her are made from ...

A) wheat B) corn; B) barley D) buckwheat; D) millet.

Tasks worth 4 points

8. On this lake during the Great Patriotic War passed the "Road of Life".

A) Onega; B) Chudskoe; B) Ilmen;

D) Geneva; D) Ladoga.

9. The winners of the ancient Greek Olympic Games were awarded a wreath made from the leaves of ...

A) laurel B) oak; B) olives D) oleander; D) grapevine.

10. In the photo - a monument to the heroes of the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians", installed in their homeland in ...

A) Germany B) Denmark; In Latvia;

D) Sweden; D) Norway.

11. The largest animal in Europe is ...

A) a bear B) bison; B) an elephant D) wolf; D) moose.

12. A natural (natural) reservoir is ...

A) a pond B) channel; B) a lake D) reservoir; D) swimming pool.

13. What are the fruits of oak called?

A) boxes B) cones; B) pods D) beans; D) acorns.

14. Which fruit is not a character in D. Rodari's fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino"?

Tasks worth 5 points

15. The little fox CHIP, preparing for a trip to Europe, learned a lot about it, but also found an erroneous statement. Which?

A) Europe is located on the continent of Eurasia.

b) Europe is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

C) Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic Ocean.

D) Europe is the largest continent on Earth.

D) Europe and Africa are separated by the Mediterranean Sea.

16. The main comic character of the puppet theater in France is called ...

A) Gansvoort; B) Punch; B) open-ended;

D) parsley; D) Pulcinella.

A) Volga; B) Dnieper; B) the Danube D) Rhine; D) Don.

18. These products are made of wood, widespread in European forests.

This - …

A) birch B) linden;

B) oak D) pine;

D) beech.

19. The mountain system located along the eastern border of Europe is called ...

A) the Alps B) the Himalayas; B) the Carpathians; D) Ural; D) Khibiny.

20. Which picture correctly shows how an iceberg floats in the ocean?

21. The correct behavior during a boat trip is shown in the figure.

Novosibirsk Center for Productive Learning


CHIP-2016 (Asia)

1-2 grades

Tasks worth 3 points

1. Asia is...

A) country B) continent; B) part of the world D) an island D) a planet in the solar system.

2. In the photo - the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The cosmodrome, from which the first rocket with a man on board was launched into space, is located in ...

A) Kazakhstan; B) Kyrgyzstan; In Uzbekistan;

D) Russia; D) Turkmenistan.

3 . This animal is the largest in Asia.

4. From the north, Asia is washed by ... the ocean.

A) Indian B) South; B) the Arctic; D) Atlantic; D) Quiet.

5. The photo shows an ancient architectural monument of the world - the Great ... wall.

A) Japanese B) Indian; B) Mongolian;

D) Chinese; D) Uzbek.

6. In Tove Janson's fairy tale "Magic Winter", Too-tikki tells Moomintroll about snow:

- You think it's cold, but if you fashion a snow house out of it, it becomes warm there. It looks white, but sometimes it's pink, sometimes it's blue. It can be softer than anything in the world, or it can be harder than stone. Nothing can be known about him for sure.

What snow can not be?

A) soft B) solid; B) sticky D) fluffy; D) liquid.

7. Which of the animals depicted in the pictures was not a friend of Mowgli, the hero of Rudyard Kipling's book "The Jungle Book"?

Tasks worth 4 points

8. Chip the fox, going on a trip to Asia, wrote down interesting facts about her. One entry was incorrect. Which?

A) Part of Russia is in Asia.

b) Asia is surrounded on all sides by seas and oceans.

c) There are deserts in Asia.

D) The capital of Russia, Moscow, is not located in Asia.

D) Asia has the highest mountains.

9. In the drawing by the artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk - an illustration to the tale of P. Bazhov "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain". What mountains separating Europe and Asia are discussed in Bazhov's tales?

A) Caucasian; B) Ural; B) Sayan;

D) Tien Shan; D) Alps.

10. This delicacy has Asian roots.

A) halvah; B) popcorn; B) marzipan D) ice cream; D) macadamia.

11. The figure shows a fragment of a painting by Nicholas Roerich about Mongolia. The dwelling depicted on it is called ...

A) a needle B) a hut; B) yurt D) plague; D) wigwam.

12. The "Ship of the Desert" is called ...

13. The famous Siberian cedar is actually ...

A) spruce; B) juniper; B) fir; D) pine; D) araucaria.

14. National costumes on paper dolls ...

A) China B) Vietnam; In Russia; D) Japan; D) India.

Tasks worth 5 points

15. In the north of the Asian part of Russia, vast areas are occupied by taiga, which is dominated by coniferous trees. Which picture shows the taiga?

16. The main crop grown in Asia is ...

A) wheat B) rice; B) corn D) barley; D) millet.

17. In Asia, among the mountain ranges of Siberia, there is Baikal - the deepest lake in the world, which resembles a month in shape. Which photo shows Baikal?

18. Of the great rivers of the Asian part of Russia, only ...

A) Cupid; B) Yenisei; B) Irtysh; D) Lena; D) Ob.

19. From the egg could not appear ...

1. What number on the map indicates North America?

A) 1; B) 2; AT 3; D) 4; D) 5.

2. The waters of the Arctic Ocean wash the shores ...

A) Australia B) Antarctica; B) Africa

D) North America; D) South America.

3. The Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, having reached the coast of North America at the end of the 15th century, decided that he had sailed to the shores of ...

A) China B) India; In Japan; D) Russia; D) Mongolia.

4. After Christopher Columbus opened the way to America, Europeans began to actively populate this part of the world. To do this, they used...

5. The flag of Canada features a leaf...

A) birches B) beech; B) oak D) maple; D) poplars.

6. What hat is part of the Mexican national costume?

7. This animal is the prototype of the world-famous cartoon character, which has become one of the symbols of the Walt Disney Company.

Tasks worth 4 points

8. Alexander Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" begins like this: "In the midst of the vast Kansas steppe, there lived a girl, Ellie." What country are the Kansas steppes in?

A) Canada B) Russia; IN USA; D) Germany; D) China.

9. A native of North America is shown in the picture ...

10. What ball is used for the popular game of basketball in the USA?

11. Popcorn is a treat sold in movie theaters, made from a special variety of grains ...

A) peas; B) wheat; B) rice D) corn; D) soy.

12 . Which picture shows the Colorado potato beetle?

13. Which country carried out the first manned space flight with a manned landing on the moon?

A) Russia; B) USA; To China; D) France; D) Canada.

14. What natural disaster is shown in the picture?

A) village; B) tsunami; B) tornado D) an avalanche; D) volcanic eruption.

Tasks worth 5 points

15. What is the largest island in North America?

A) Cuba B) Newfoundland; B) Greenland D) Jamaica; D) Long Island.

16. The painting by the American artist George Catlin depicts the dwelling of North American Indians, which is called ...

A) a needle B) saklya; B) yaranga;

D) yurt; D) wigwam.

17. The heaviest land animal in North America is ...

A) Kodiak bear; B) a polar bear; B) bison; D) musk ox; D) moose.

18. What tree did American lumberjacks cut with such a saw?

A) hickory; B) beech; B) spruce; D) birch; D) sequoia.

19. The first explorers of North America made extensive use of canoes (the boat of the local Indians), because canoes ...

A) could easily be carried by one person;

B) can be used for a fire;

C) well shelters from bad weather;

D) is characterized by increased stability;

D) can be used with a sail.

20. This photo shows the most famous waterfall in North America - ...

A) Niagara B) Vermilion; B) Angela D) James Bruce D) Yellowstone.

Mar 09 2016


The questions of the competition are related to school subjects of the natural science cycle: the world around, ecology, biology, geography, physics, chemistry and contribute to the development of interest in the knowledge of the world around us, the activation of extracurricular work in natural science.

The symbol of the contest is Chip, an inquisitive red fox, who is actively exploring the world around him, striving to learn new things; he seeks answers to difficult questions and solves the mysteries of nature.

Last year, "Chip's journey around the globe" began. In 2015 Chip visited Europe, in this academic year he continues to travel across the largest continent of the Earth of Eurasia and will visit Asia. In this way, contest theme this year "Asia".

The competition is held directly in educational institution for five age categories of students: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 grades. Students in grades 3-10 are invited to answer 30 questions in 60 minutes, students in grades 1-2 - 20 questions in 40 minutes. Participation in the competition is paid, the fee for one participant is 60 rubles.

For students who wish to participate in the competition, please until March 16 inform class teachers of grades 1-4, physics, geography or biology teachers of grades 5-10 to submit and pay for an application for participation. School organizer teacher of physics Shelepova O. I. (room 20)