Check the originality of the work for plagiarism online. Antiplagiat free without registration and Water

Etxt Antiplagiat is a free program for checking the uniqueness of texts. She analyzes the texts for the presence of their copies on the Internet. The search for copies is carried out using services Yandex, Google, Bing, etc. At the same time, Etxt Antiplagiat shows the sites on which fragments of the analyzed text were found, the percentage of content coincidence on them, as well as the general uniqueness of the text. The modes of express check, deep check and batch check are supported. The search engines used, the selection parameters, the number of steps in the shingle and the text uniqueness threshold are configurable. The program can work through a proxy (HTTP, SOCKS 4/5), keep a log of reports, and also use mechanisms that exclude a ban from search engines for their too active use. The built-in SEO module allows you to analyze the TCI, PR and other indicators of websites. Text uniqueness analysis reports can be saved in HTML format.

Key features and functions

  • two modes of checking the uniqueness of the text: express and deep;
  • checking text for rewriting;
  • batch check of a large number of texts in files;
  • checking the uniqueness of the site and its individual pages;
  • comparison of two texts for uniqueness;
  • checking the uniqueness of images;
  • integration with captcha recognition services and automatic captcha input if necessary;
  • the ability to save reports on the performed inspections and much more.

Hello everyone! If you are interested in checking your texts for uniqueness, then it is no secret for you that for higher positions in search engines and easy finding of your work by interested people you need to: write what you know well, write it is interesting, write it is accessible and simple ... But the most important thing is that your texts must be UNIQUE!

I didn't plan to write this article (I haven't figured it out yet), but some subscribers are already writing articles on their sites. Therefore, I want to tell you how to check the text for uniqueness and review the best anti-plagiarism online service ov (
anti-plagiarism sites).

The rule of uniqueness of the text does not apply to sites of all spheres and directions, but if you are engaged in the content of such sites as: information sites, business card sites, landing sites, sites for selling services, news sites, sites of a certain subject - then this article is for you. Various resources are selected and described here, you can check the text for uniqueness in the most comfortable way for you.

Usually, when writing an article on your own, the uniqueness of the text is close to 100% without special efforts, because each of us has his own manner of presentation and writing. But if you yourself are lazy to write articles, or you just have no time, you can order them from copywriters / rewriters. It is in such cases that you need to check the text for uniqueness, because it is very difficult to find a conscientious "writer" and it is very likely that you will simply be slipped a slightly modified, but already non-unique article that will not help in promoting your work on the Internet. Money down the drain, as they say ...

Now there are a lot of services on the Internet that will help you. They are called online anti-plagiarism services. They are all free and online, and some you can download to your pc or laptop. With each of them individually or all at once - as your heart desires, you can easily check the text for uniqueness online. But the vast majority require registration. For me, this is a disadvantage, a minus, call it what you want. I have chosen several services for myself and use them all the time. This is enough to determine the uniqueness of the text and the writing style. I won't write about others. Too many of them.

Antiplagiat online service, available in the form of installation on a pc. To use the online version, you need to register. Using the installed program is easy and not annoying at all. I use it most often. If the customer has a site topic that I do not understand, I order texts here (you can buy ready-made articles). The service is proven, I recommend it.

2. Text ru

free anti-plagiarism online service, with a simple and intuitive interface that will not only check the uniqueness of the text, but also mark grammatical errors, the load of the text with "water" and its spamming (carried away by the use of a word, it will be allocated to you). Disadvantage - when checking a large number of articles, you will be asked to register, but it's free. Here you can also order unique articles for the site.

free version of the paid anti-plagiarism service. Like this? Just enter an article (up to 10 thousand characters) into the open window and no more than 7 checks per day - then you don't have to buy a subscription. The disadvantage is, of course, the limited number of free checks. Why do I like this service? Due to its simplicity and speed of verification, this cannot be the basis, but as an additional degree of protection, it is quite worthy.

4. GlavRed

useful service for improving the quality of the article. Checks the text for syntax, the presence of parasitic words, clogging and key abuse. Here you will receive practical advice on how to improve the semantic presentation of your work, ease the text from senseless burdens and generally learn a lot)

Uniqueness of the text- one of the main parameters that search engines pay attention to when ranking sites in the SERP. However, not everyone treats other people's texts in good faith, and it is not uncommon to find a situation when interesting material is replicated on the Internet on dozens of sites. Checking the uniqueness of the text published on the site can be useful not only in terms of ranking. Having found duplicates and having written about this to the resource owners, you can demand that a link be placed on your site, as the site is the source of the material. This does not guarantee that you will be answered and provided with a link, but this method can be used as a free method of obtaining backlinks to the site.

And here the question arises as to where and how to check text for uniqueness... For this, it is most convenient to use online services, since the installed programs still require an Internet connection when starting the scan. It is most convenient when the service does not require registration and is provided free of charge, so a minimum of effort is spent on checking the required text or texts.

You can find a lot of such online services, but each of them has its own specifics and its own set of functions. For instance:

  • some check a limited number of texts without registration,
  • some have the ability to validate text only, while others can do validation by reference to the source,
  • individual services provide the ability to check not a single text or link, but a mass check of sections of the site and even the entire site.
  • some only check for technical uniqueness, while others are able to find synonymize as well.

Here we present short review 10 most popular online services for checking text for uniqueness. To evaluate their work, we checked the given text in each of them, which was written exclusively as copyright. Let's see what the services have to say about it.

10 most popular services for checking the uniqueness of text

1. - a convenient service that provides the ability to check texts, sites, as well as the ability to protect already published texts by automatically checking them by the service on a schedule. Registration is required to use the full functionality. Our text was rated 100%.

2. is also a free service for checking text for uniqueness. It is slower, since there are many other services on the project: spell checker, copywriting exchange, etc. Without registration, it is possible to check only the text, after passing it, the url check is available. The uniqueness of our text was 100%. Water - 19%. Spam content 57%.

3. - a well-known Western service for checking already published texts. Convenient in that it highlights non-unique text on a third-party site. You can protect your site using a special service banner:

Copyscape did not find any matches for this text.

4. - once the most popular program for checking texts for uniqueness, which is already fading into the background. Its disadvantage is that it requires installation of the program, many search engines are blocked when checking, and sometimes even captcha appears. Advego rated the text (deep check) 94% / 46% - possibly rewritten; quick check - 97% / 55%. - free service online checks texts for uniqueness, checking the page url, semantic analysis of the text (the number of words, characters, the parameter of nausea of ​​the text and the density of keywords and phrases). Conveniently, you can see how loaded the service is at the moment. is a revised project of of the Miralinks exchange. Our text is 100% unique.

6. online service for checking uniqueness for free. Of the minuses - in addition, for each check, you need to enter a captcha. On the project itself, you can find many other tools for checking the parameters of sites, links and content. Here, the uniqueness showed 97%.

7. - text verification is available, as well as its download via a file, but all only after preliminary registration on the site. Free service options are very limited, but there are many tariff plans to expand them. Our text is 100% unique.

8. - the advantage of the service is that verification is possible for more than 190 languages, however, the functionality without registration is slightly limited (verification is possible up to 2000 characters). It is possible to check the text by url, as well as the text from the uploaded file. The indicator of the uniqueness of this text is 99% - the advantage of the service is the presence of an extended form for checking texts, where it is possible to highlight keywords, check spelling, water content, see the map of the text. In our text, he estimated the water content - 46%, but the indicator of uniqueness was not found.

10. is another service for checking the uniqueness of texts. I did not like the fact that the last checks in the service are kept publicly available, and this section is not closed from indexing. That is, by checking the text here, you can automatically make it non-unique. Therefore, we did not check our text here.

In our work we use 2 services -, for checking already published and for English-language texts, and also for mass checking or checking unpublished texts. After all, it is most customary to work where the functionality and quality of the service are satisfied.

    • Check uniqueness
    • Select a bypass method
    • We save the finished version
    • Deep processing of the text
    • Using synonymizers
    • Using the shingle rule
    • Using Word macros

The question "how to cheat anti-plagiarism" is one of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet. As it is not difficult to guess, information on ways to bypass the uniqueness check is of primary concern to authors (copywriters, rewriters), as well as students, diploma and term papers which have been checked for several years using various plagiarism detection services.

In those half-forgotten times, when the Internet worked only by cards, the problem of plagiarism was not so acute, however, over the past 10-15 years, the question, as they say, has risen sharply. With students, everything is more or less clear: it is much easier to adapt someone else's thesis found on the network than to write it "from scratch", developing diagrams, drawings and explanatory note.

But why are content authors also interested in ways that allow them to pass the anti-plagiarism check? Yes, because often you have to write about such things, which have already been written many times before. And how, in this case, to increase the uniqueness of the text, if we are talking, say, about scientific developments in a specific area or specific individuals?

In this article, we will try to consider ways to increase the uniqueness of the text that have appeared or have not lost their relevance in 2019.

Steps to uniqueize text

Select a service to check the uniqueness of the text

It should be understood that choosing a deliberately low-functional service for checking text for plagiarism is at least stupid - after all, after the delivery of the work, in 99% of cases we will be checked with a paid program with wide functionality, which means that we should initially use the most powerful resource possible.

Check uniqueness

Having copied the checked text into the working area of ​​the program or resource, we launch a check for uniqueness and wait for the information to be processed. Strange, but different services show uniqueness in different ways - for example, the uniqueness of the same text can be rated at 95% in Advego Plagiatus, and on it can get a “pitiful” 60%.

What is the reason for such a spread in the results?

Different algorithms of work. For example, Advego Plagiatus can work according to the shingle rule (“a sequence of words extracted from the text”; we will discuss them in more detail in one of the following paragraphs), and can evaluate the text as a whole using the most advanced methods.

Keep the original version

So, we checked the text for uniqueness, and the result of the check did not suit us (too low percentage).

In this case, we must first of all make a backup copy of our text in order to return to it in case the revision of the original turns out to be excessive and irreversible.

Select a bypass method

After the backup has been created, we return to the original and determine which anti-plagiarism bypass method is best used for our particular case (we will talk in more detail about anti-plagiarism bypass methods in the corresponding paragraph).

We make it 5-10% higher than the required uniqueness, since the paid version underestimates the value

Having decided on the bypass method, we process the text using the selected method, taking uniqueness as a guideline, 5-10% higher than required. The fact is that paid plagiarism checker services, as a rule, underestimate the value of uniqueness by about this amount due to "advanced" search tools.

We save the finished version

When the goal is achieved, we save the finished version, send it to the customer and wait for approval.

Now that the sequence of actions has been determined, let's take a closer look at 14 working methods on how to bypass anti-plagiarism.

14 working methods for uniqueizing text

Deep processing of the text

The fairest way to make your text unique. Does the uniqueness service consider uniqueness low? We rework the text in order to minimize overlaps with other similar articles posted on the web.

Retelling the text in your own words

Another completely honest way to make your text unique. We read someone else's article and try to retell it in our own words, omitting details that are unnecessary in our opinion and highlighting the main theses. The effectiveness of the method in this case is limited by the author's vocabulary and his ability to process information.

Using synonyms using epithets

Synonyms allow you to avoid repeating words, but the order of words in a sentence does not change from such a replacement. Therefore, it is recommended to use not only synonyms, but also various epithets - they allow you to diversify the source text, make it brighter. But do not overdo it - after all, we do not write fiction, but articles.

As for tables and formulas, in the original, textual format, they will be regarded by the uniqueness check services as duplicates from other resources, while antiplayer programs cannot recognize the text in the picture.

Using synonymizers

This method is identical to the previous one, but is suitable only if we need to increase the uniqueness by an insignificant amount - for example, the same notorious 5-10% margin for successfully passing the check on the customer's paid utility.

Adding automatic hyphenation

Adding automatic hyphenation in the text also allows you to add uniqueness to the text, albeit very slightly.

Using the shingle rule

A shingle is a sequence of words separated from the text (as a rule, three or four, although variants are possible). Many uniqueness checking programs are based on the shingle rule. It should be borne in mind that each subsequent shingle "captures" a word from the previous one, forming a kind of "chain" of phrase-"links".

To use this method against plagiarism checkers, we must replace the first and last words in each conjunction with synonyms. Such actions can still significantly increase the level of uniqueness of our text, despite the fact that in the latest versions of programs for checking for plagiarism, developers have significantly complicated the way of evaluating the text.

Translation of text from sources in another language

Anti-plagiarism services, as a rule, look for matches in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, respectively, to increase the uniqueness of the text, we can use translated fragments from foreign resources.

Use of materials not indexed in search engines

When working, anti-plagiarists use search engines to find sentences and phrases copied from other resources. It is logical to assume that those sites that are not indexed in search engines can be reproduced in their texts without the risk of being caught in plagiarism. Another thing is that you can only find valuable information that was not indexed by search engines on closed forums ... where you either will not be allowed initially, or they will not be allowed in after you publish classified information in your article.

Using Word macros

If you want to learn how to cheat anti-plagiarism using macros Microsoft Word, we recommend watching the following video:

Replacing Russian letters with Greek

Modern plagiarism search systems have learned to find the letters of the Latin alphabet, but the developers have not yet reached the Greek. The logic is simple: if you replace some letters in words that are interpreted by the program as plagiarism, the percentage of uniqueness will increase. Although it should be borne in mind that the developers also do not stand still, and it is quite possible that the next time you try to increase the uniqueness in this way, the anti-plugin services will already adapt to such a "trick" and recognize the deception.

Replacing frequently repeated words

The more often specific words or phrases are repeated, the lower the percentage of text uniqueness will be. Avoid repetition, do not forget about synonyms and pronouns.

Method for Visual Basic Programmers

Using the Visual Basic programming environment, you can create macros yourself (similar to the method described in the video, you can replace the letters of the document with Greek throughout the document)

Reworking a sentence from the end

This, of course, is not about any proposals, but about complex ones, in which the second part obeys the first. If you can correctly swap them, then the uniqueness of your text will increase slightly. Of course, you should not do this if the meaning of the paragraph is completely or partially lost: what is the use of uniqueness if the text becomes unreadable?

Use of the word "directly" and others

There is an opinion that the use of additional adverbs (in particular, the word "directly", which can directly use in almost any sentence) allows you to significantly diversify the text and, accordingly, increase its uniqueness. However, you should insert adverbs no more often than 2-3 times per 1000 characters, otherwise customers will probably accuse you of an overabundance of "water".

This concludes the story about the methods that increase the uniqueness of the text, we will finish and talk about the methods that are only considered effective, but in fact they will not help you in the difficult matter of deceiving anti-plagiarism.

Ways that will NOT help to uniqueize text

Rearranging words and phrases

If you try to trick anti-plagiarism by simply moving the phrase from the beginning of the sentence to the end, you will not achieve an increase in the uniqueness of the text. The Russian language, of course, is flexible and not as strict in constructing sentences as the same English, but the developers of resources for checking uniqueness have long adapted to this.

Rearranging sentences and paragraphs

It is still more transparent here: the program does not care which sentence comes first and which one comes second, the main thing is that within the sentence all "bundles" remain in the same places.

It's not worth trying with paragraphs - just waste your time.

Latin letters instead of Russian

As mentioned above, the developers of anti-plagiarism services learned how to detect Latin letters in Russian texts a long time ago - through a banal spell check followed by autocorrect and repeated "run".

By splitting or gluing together sentences

It does not matter at all whether you operate with simple sentences or complex ones consisting of these simple ones. A comma instead of a period, or a period that appears where there was a comma in the original, unfortunately, will not increase the uniqueness of the text in any way.

Replacing periods with commas and vice versa, periods instead of spaces, and so on

An attempt to confuse the uniqueness checking program with punctuation marks, again, will lead nowhere.

And the customer, presumably, will not be delighted when he finds dots instead of spaces in the text: if you're lucky, you will be asked to simply eliminate this defect, if not, they will permanently refuse your services.

Painting the background of the text with white

Repainting the text white is another undertaking that is immediately doomed to failure, because when inserted into the workspace of the anti-plagiarist program, all the text will lose its original formatting - and the same will happen with your employer, especially if he also prefers to check the text by " copy-paste ".

Hidden text out of sight

Similar to the previous point - all hidden text will necessarily pop up outside at the very first detailed check.

Using programs to enhance uniqueness

If there is demand, there will be supply. Apparently, this simple market law was guided by the creators of various programs that supposedly "increase the uniqueness of the text." In fact, it is in best case useless trinket, at worst - a Trojan, for which you will also pay your hard-earned money.

Sometimes there are situations when it is inconvenient to use the usual services for checking the uniqueness of the text. It is not always possible to insert large volumes into them at a time, and copying and pasting text from a file may simply not be enough time. In the case of a Pdf file, this is generally a laborious procedure that requires the use of additional programs... Many users will have to deal with the work in them for a long time. In this case, online anti-plagiarism will allow you to check the document for free.

Checking a file for uniqueness is a rather rare service. Free is provided only on a couple of sites, since the creation of an algorithm for unpacking a file and OCR costs a lot of money. 99% of uniqueness analysis services work directly with texts that need to be copied and pasted into the online editor window.

Services where you can check a file for uniqueness

The most reliable site where you can analyze the uniqueness of a document for free is.

In addition to it, there are several other services, but they are mainly created for students or require payment. The former are no different high quality reconciliation and generally not created for the analysis of commercial texts. The latter require prepayment without the ability to check the quality of the anti-plagiarism work.

On the site, you can fully download files from the following programs and the following formats for analysis:

  • Word of any version;
  • conventional TXT;
  • Open Office;
  • Pdf from Adobe Acrobat;
  • Also, the service can find content in html files and others.

Step-by-step instruction

How to check a document for uniqueness:

  1. First, you need to register on Text.Ru, since the function is not available for unauthorized users.
  2. After registration, go to the document check section at https: // / doc-check.

  3. Loading in a convenient way file for analysis.

  4. Click “Refresh Data”, the file appears in the table and is ready for analysis.

  5. We mark the required file with a tick and select “Check for uniqueness”.

  6. The system will warn you how many characters from the free package will now be used.

  7. The total percentage of uniqueness will be displayed in the table.

  8. If you click on the result, a separate page will open with a detailed report on the document: uniqueness, spelling, SEO analysis. If necessary, the text can be corrected directly in the report and sent for a new review.

All previously checked files will now be stored in a table, and their statistics can be accessed at any time. You can also open the analysis results for everyone and send a link to them to the contractor, customer or colleague. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in analyzing documents through the site.

Pros and cons of such a check

  • The main advantage of this analysis is its convenience and free of charge.
  • Documents, if desired, can be added and checked at once in groups, which will greatly speed up work with large volumes (if you are an editor or proofreader, for example).
  • You can modify articles and correct errors on the fly - right in the window with the text, where errors and non-unique fragments are highlighted.
  • A large number of formats are accepted for verification, including graphic - Pdf.
  • Small package size of free symbols for analysis. Everything that needs to be checked in addition to the free test set will have to be paid according to the tariff.
  • Another disadvantage may be the delay in checking - on Text.Ru there are often queues of 10-20 documents awaiting analysis.


There are only a few services for analyzing the uniqueness of documents. Among them, one professional service stands out, in which you can do this for free. It accepts almost all known text file formats as well as Pdf. The process of uploading documents and submitting them for review is simple and does not require any additional skills. If necessary, you can upload several documents at once for review.

The only significant drawback seems to be a small quota of free checks - if you regularly work with large files, you still have to pay a fee.