New en 2 for max. Russian aviation

“Today, beyond the Urals, in Siberia, there are many villages from which you can only fly away. But the tickets are sold out three months in advance. What if you need to go to the hospital for an operation? - says the director of SibNIA them. Chaplygin Vladimir Barsuk, who had a hand in the creation of a new all-composite "corn" that can solve the problem of mobility of the Russian hinterland.

Last week, flight tests of the all-composite TVS-2DTS aircraft began in Novosibirsk, which should become a new modern "maize" aircraft instead of the An-2. The first flights confirmed the declared calculated data on flight and strength characteristics, note at the Siberian Research Institute. Chaplygin (SibNIA). And already on Sunday, the plane made an independent non-stop flight to Moscow to participate in the flight program of the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS-2017). The flight took 11 hours and 20 minutes. SibNIA is already negotiating with Ulan-Ude aircraft factory about the release of the first five machines to start mass production.

“Cessna is not a competitor: it takes half the load and covers the distance half as long”

What is the superiority of the new "corn" over the legendary An-2, what modern technologies were used and whether the first customers lined up, in an interview with the VZGLYAD newspaper, said the director of SibNIA named after. Chaplygina, test pilot Ph.D. Vladimir Barsuk.

VZGLYAD: There have already been first flights of the aircraft in a monoplane version (in December 2014) and in a full biplane configuration with a new wing (June 2015). Why was it necessary to create an all-composite aircraft?

Vladimir Barsuk: Previously, there were rather technology demonstrators. When we received the characteristics of the monoplane, we realized that they fit into the usual An-2. The biplane that flew in Gelendzhik was, in fact, the development of the profile and the distribution of wing loads in flight. Here we solved research problems. But it was impossible to talk about full-fledged aircraft. Now we have created a demonstrator, based on which we can create a production aircraft. The wing and tail unit will remain without redesign. We will still test the fuselage, find and refine the bottlenecks, but conceptually the aircraft will remain in the form in which it is now. Aerodynamic and takeoff and landing characteristics will correspond to those we get today.

VZGLYAD: So now it is also a technology demonstrator?

V. B.: We have made an An-2 dimensional demonstrator, but the production aircraft will have more features. It's just that the dimensions of a single-engine aircraft are such that all these results can be applied to a 19-seat aircraft. And the second reason is that no one has succeeded in replacing the An-2 in 70 years. 700 aircraft are still flying in Russia, more than 4.5 thousand around the world.

The aircraft that will be launched into the series is generally a by-product. The main task under the contract of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is the creation of the technologies themselves, design, testing, etc. to create modern aircraft. And here is one such aircraft created and flew to the MAKS-2017 air show. The plane flew from Novosibirsk to Moscow without landing, covering about 3,000 km. We have 800 liters of fuel left, which would be enough for another 6 hours of flight. Although we filled the tanks not completely. The aircraft can stay in the sky without refueling for 25 hours. The ability to stay in the air for a long time is an important advantage. It is difficult to fly to the Arctic, for example, because there are no gas stations there. This aircraft solves this problem. It has many features that no other aircraft can handle.

VZGLYAD: Why an all-composite and not a metal aircraft? Tribute to fashion?

V. B.: The creation of aircraft from new carbon materials is an obvious global trend today. Even large aircraft corporations are moving towards composites. They are used on the Boeing 787 and A-350. These are modern aircraft manufacturing technologies. In addition, small-scale production of composite liners is three to five times less labor intensive at various stages. In addition, metal does not fall in price, but technologies using composites, like electronics, become cheaper over time. Therefore, it is possible to predict a significant reduction in the cost of composites, as well as an improvement in strength characteristics, including fatigue ones.

VZGLYAD: Do you use the same composite materials and technologies that are used to create the MS-21?

V. B.: The MS-21 uses the vacuum infusion method, while we use the prepreg technology. This is a completely different ideology. We take imported prepregs (semi-finished composite materials) - this is the basis for creating a composite, but the laying order and heat treatment cycle are the result of our scientific research, this is already our know-how. Thus, we got a more durable and interesting material.

VZGLYAD: But what about import substitution? Why were domestic prepregs not used?

V. B.: Prepregs of domestic production, unfortunately, are worse in most characteristics than foreign ones. For a higher return, we took a material that will be better. You can also take domestic prepregs, but the aircraft will be heavier and fuel economy will be worse.

VZGLYAD: In what way is the new corn mill superior to the old one?

V. B.: The new aircraft carries twice as much cargo. If the An-2 can carry a maximum of 1500 kg of cargo, then our aircraft can carry 3 tons. The cruising speed of the old corncob is 180–190 km/h, the new one is 290–300 km/h. We have received this speed now, but after completion of the propeller, it will most likely be 330–340 km/h. An-2 can fly without refueling only for a distance of 1,200 km, while our aircraft has a flight range of more than 4,000 km.

Application modern technologies made it possible to increase the maximum takeoff weight aircraft. An-2 has only 5.5 tons, ours has 7.3 tons. All this together made it possible to increase the productivity of the aircraft in comparison with the An-2 by three to four times. For example, An-2 carries 1,500 kg at a speed of 180 km/h with a flight range of 300–400 km, while a new aircraft carries 3 tons of cargo at a speed of 300 km/h for a range of about 700–1,000 km.

The main achievement is, of course, the creation of not a metal, but an all-composite maize. Here is a new cockpit, a completely different system for displaying flight information for the flight crew.

V. B.: Landing power is the same as that of the An-2. He flies the same low speeds, sits on unprepared sites, and this important factor For Russia. The same ease of maintenance, accessibility for pilots of average qualification. An An-2 pilot without a control flight will sit on this plane and fly off calmly: there is no difference in takeoff and landing. This is very important, in my opinion.

This greatly simplifies the system. Maintenance, we made a more correct refueling. Composite aircraft last longer, do not need to do many things. And the avionics that is installed on it allows you to fly in more complex weather conditions than the An-2 flies. For example, in the Arctic.

VZGLYAD: When is it planned to make all the improvements, certify and put the new aircraft into series?

V. B.: It is possible to certify the aircraft and launch it into a series within one and a half to two years.

VZGLYAD: How much will a production aircraft cost?

V. B.: According to our estimates, 2.5-3 million dollars.

VZGLYAD: Can anyone compete with the new all-composite maize?

V. B.: Cessna is not a competitor: it takes half the load and covers the distance half as long. The main competitor that exists today is the American agricultural aircraft AT-802 (“air tractor”). But this is a single-seat aircraft, which is used for aviation chemical work and fire fighting. There are no other competitors.

VZGLYAD: And what about the customers? Is there any commercial interest in the new maize plant?

V. B.: The plane has just begun to fly, so it's premature to talk about customers. In addition, it cannot be said that our companies are ready for this aircraft. This is not an An-2, this is a completely different aircraft with different speeds and capabilities. No company operates such an aircraft. But I think that his appearance should lead to a change in logistics transportation. This is, first of all, a transport, not a passenger aircraft.

VZGLYAD: For example, what can it be used for, except for the Arctic?

V. B.: Today, beyond the Urals, in Siberia, there are many villages from which you can only fly away. But the tickets are sold out three months in advance. What if you need to go to the hospital for an operation? This should not be. To solve the problem of mobility, we need an aircraft of this kind that can take 14 people or cargo from Novosibirsk to the village. However, there are no companies willing to deal with such a problem. It is more profitable for carriers to fly conditionally 100 hours on a Mi-8 helicopter, carrying 20 people, and earn 200-250 thousand rubles per hour, than to fly the same 100 hours on a cornfield for 50 thousand rubles per hour.

VZGLYAD: Should the state help the development of small aviation?

V. B.: The Ministry of Transport must somehow solve this problem, but so far it has not solved it in any way. Therefore, I think, we must first provide a tool (an airplane), and then new routes and companies will appear that want to operate the new corn crop. Because transportation by our plane is more profitable than by An-2. In terms of fuel consumption, it is 30% more economical than a 1947 corncob.

By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we have created technologies that can now be used for small aircraft. You can make a transport, training, sports aircraft from a maize. Are you suggesting not to do this? Let's then become a Banana Republic and buy Cessna. But Cessna, by the way, is also no longer popular in Russia: there were 25, there are 5 left.

At the MAKS-2017 air show, among the high-profile premieres, the plane was somehow lost, which should give a second life to the legendary An-2. The Zvezda website tells why TVS-2DTS is of tremendous importance for our country and why Ukraine tried with all its might to prevent its creation. The An-2 made its first flight back in 1947. It would seem that the “corner” has long since departed its own, and today it looks like a stranger from the past: there are practically no biplanes among the new aircraft. But looks are deceiving. According to a number of characteristics, this machine still has no analogues, and in China its small-scale production is still ongoing. Airplane from the Guinness Book According to various estimates, more than 18 thousand of these aircraft were created during the production period, while Russia remains their main operator: about 2100 An-2s are still in operation here (700 of them fly). Aircraft are used for the most different tasks, both in the transportation of passengers, cargo, both in DOSAAF, and for agricultural work. There are several An-2s in service with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Modifications of the machine have been created over 70 years great amount- from passenger and firefighting aircraft to interceptor reconnaissance balloons, and in North Korea, unguided rockets were installed on the "corncob" and turned it into an attack aircraft. An-2 even entered the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft that has been in production for over 60 years. As for the airframe design, there are no problems with it. This is an extremely successful design that can withstand more than one decade, subject to competent maintenance and diagnostics. But the car also has problems that will have to be solved sooner or later. First of all, it concerns the engine. Firstly, the power plant has a much shorter resource than a glider, and today turboprop engines are much more economical than piston engines. Secondly, if it is quite possible to carry out remotorization on an old airframe, then it makes no sense to start mass production of the An-2 in this form. Per last years new materials were created, and in particular composite materials, which make it possible to improve both the weight and speed characteristics of the machine. At the Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S. A. Chaplygin, it was decided to work in several stages: to start with the remotorization of the old An-2 , and then gradually lead the creation of a machine with an updated airframe. The work was started back in 2011, and at first cooperation was established with the Antonov State Enterprise, but soon the Ukrainian company claimed its rights to the aircraft and refused to participate in the project. Ukrainian rules of the game At that moment, Antonov was actively working on its own remotorization of the An-2 under the name An-2-100 with a Ukrainian-made MS-14 engine and a Russian-made AV-17 propeller. There is nothing wrong with healthy competition, and there would be a place on the market for these two aircraft, especially since it was supposed to install an imported engine on the Russian aircraft in the absence of a domestic one, and in a number of countries the supply of these power plants prohibited. Cooperation could well be mutually beneficial for the reason that at the end of the 1980s Antonov was already creating a version of the An-2 with a theater of operations (An-3), which for various reasons did not go into mass production. However, Antonov State Enterprise chose a different path.
Although formally the representatives of the Ukrainian enterprise did not stop cooperation on this project, any agreement on it dragged on for months, there was no talk of any transfer of documentation. It was soon announced that Antonov State Enterprise has exclusive rights to any work on this machine. It is worth noting that this is not the first time that a Soviet development has suddenly become completely “Ukrainian”. So, the largest transport aircraft in the world "Mriya" in Kiev is stubbornly called the achievement of the Ukrainian industry, although the entire USSR worked for it. As for the An-2, the absurdity of the situation lies in the fact that this aircraft was developed by Oleg Antonov, being the head of SibNIA.

“There was a period in my life when I had to work at the Design Bureau and SibNIA at the same time. Just at that time we were creating our first-born aircraft An-2. And here the commonwealth of our organizations has played a very big positive role,” the legendary designer said in an interview.
It is hard to imagine what Antonov would have experienced if he had learned about the current situation around the aircraft, which he created primarily for regional lines, for his people.
In one of the interviews in 2013 at that time, the President - General Designer of the Antonov State Enterprise Dmitry Kiva spoke about the situation around Kukuruznik:
“Siberians came to us, I met with them, explained that according to the rules we need to carry out. After all, just take and replace the engine will not work. It will also be necessary to conduct a test cycle, as there are some issues, for example, centering, stability, controllability - all of them need to be addressed. They listened, left - and silent. Apparently, they do not understand how to do it all. But they want to be developers (laughs). Yes, in general, please do it, we have no special ambitions ... Although, on the other hand, the An-2 is the first aircraft of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. And I, as his student, should not allow his first-born, "An-2″, called some other name."
In order to ban work on this project, the Ukrainian side would have to go to court, which was not done. Probably because Antonov's lawyers are well aware of the futility of the lawsuit: according to the documentation, the aircraft was developed by the Ministry aviation industry The USSR, and not the Antonov Design Bureau, its successor is located in Russia, and it is he who has the right to decide who will be involved in the remotorization of the aircraft. In addition, despite all the difficulties, the Siberians were able to solve all the problems, and the new An-2MS was presented at MAKS-2013, along with the Ukrainian An-2-100. From petrol to kerosene The main goal of creating the An-2MS is the transition from B-91 aviation gasoline and its analogues to TS-1 aviation kerosene. According to the developers, thanks to this, the cost of a flight hour was reduced by about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, the flight range was almost doubled (1300 km), the minimum speed was reduced by 30%, and as a result, the runway was reduced three times, the service ceiling was increased, which makes it possible to fly outside the atmospheric turbulence zone. Alteration of one aircraft will cost the operator, depending on the condition of the aircraft, 300,000-900,000 USD, and this is incomparably lower costs compared to buying a new aircraft.
As for the Ukrainian modernization of the An-2, the aircraft also turned out to be quite successful, but the chaos that began on the Antonov after the change of the country's leadership inevitably affected this project as well. In 2013, it was stated that Cuba and Azerbaijan were interested in the aircraft, but no information has been received on these projects since then. In April of this year, it was reported that a specially prepared version of this aircraft made a record flight with a weight of 3202 kg, but something then it is unlikely that he will be able to change this record, and here's why. Despite all the innovations, both the An-2MS and the An-2-100 are, albeit with a new engine, but still the same An-2. And if the Antonov has not yet progressed beyond this modernization, then in Novosibirsk, on the basis of the "maize", an all-composite aircraft was created, which, in terms of its characteristics, has stepped far ahead.
Innovative maize The new Russian aircraft, as the ex-general director of Antonov feared, was named TVS-2DTS, because the abbreviation An is registered for the Ukrainian state enterprise Antonov. This machine retained all the best that was in the An-2, while its performance increased by an order of magnitude thanks to the new airframe made of composite materials.
“An-2 can carry a maximum of 1,500 kg of cargo, our plane - three tons. The cruising speed of the old "corn" is 180-190 km / h, the new one is 290-300 km / h. We have received this speed now, but after completion of the propeller, it will most likely be 330-340 km/h. An-2 can fly without refueling only for a distance of 1,200 km, while our aircraft has a flight range of more than 4,000 km,” said Vladimir Barsuk, director of SibNIA.
The cost of the aircraft is estimated at 2.5-3 million dollars. As for foreign competitors, they are practically absent: one of largest manufacturers light aircraft Cessna does not have machines of the same dimension, and the American agricultural aircraft AT-802 (“air tractor”) is a single-seat agricultural and fire-fighting aircraft, and not multifunctional, like TVS-2DTS.
Connection with civilization To promote any product to the market, a brand is extremely important, and the An-2 brand has proven itself very well for 70 years. In addition, it was on this machine that almost all civil aviation pilots began to fly in the USSR - first in the co-pilot's chair, then - the crew commander. And the fact that the pilots do not have to retrain for a new aircraft is extremely important. The new “corncob” not only has great prospects, it is able to change the logistics of transport and passenger transportation: not a single airline operates anything like this in Russia at the moment. It is worth noting that the aircraft is actually capable of operating from the sites intended for the Mi-8, and this makes it a direct competitor of this helicopter, since it can only carry 1,500 kg of cargo at a distance of 500 km. It may also be of interest to the military as an ultra-light transport vehicle that is capable of dropping cargo to places where there are no long enough runways for the Il-112 and it makes no sense to use a helicopter. It should also be remembered that more than 60% of the territory of Russia are areas Far East, Siberia and the Far North, where about 12 million people live in 28 thousand settlements. In these territories, most often there are no roads, and for most of the year people get the only connection with the world only through aviation. That is why great attention was paid to the development of this direction in the USSR. And that is why TVS-2DTS and remotorization of An-2 are of such importance for our country.

MOSCOW, July 15 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. The international air show MAKS-2017 will open in Zhukovsky near Moscow very soon - on July 18. This year, delegations from more than 25 countries will present their stands, presentations and full-scale models of flight equipment. Dozens more countries will send "buyers" to ask the price of the latest innovations in modern aircraft construction. The business part of the forum will last until Thursday inclusive, and from Friday to Sunday, MAKS will be open to everyone. Eight aerobatic teams, including foreign ones, will demonstrate their skills to the audience.

Of course, the most widely presented at the air show will be Russian manufacturers aircraft, equipment and weapons. And although world sensations should not be expected this year, our designers and gunsmiths will show a number of samples that have not previously been exhibited at MAKS.

Helicopter for special forces

This year, at the air show, the general public will be shown for the first time a new version of the Soviet and Russian helicopter Mi-8 - Mi-171Sh-VN. Over the half-century history of the legendary machine, more than 90 different modifications of it have been produced: search and rescue, transport, shock, medical, reconnaissance. Now it's time to rejoice at the special forces - the Mi-171Sh-VN was created specifically for him.

According to the leadership of the Russian Helicopters concern, the technical appearance of the new machine was formed in combat conditions. When it was created, the experience of operating army aviation in Syria was taken into account. It is emphasized that the Mi-171Sh-VN will be much more durable and more efficient than its predecessors. Firstly, the helicopter is equipped with engines with improved altitude and climate characteristics, which allows it to be used in any weather. Secondly, new composite blades and an X-shaped tail rotor were installed on the car. Thanks to this, the maximum speed was increased to 280 kilometers per hour.

Thirdly, the Mi-171Sh-VN received guided missile weapons and two 12.7-mm machine guns. And finally, fourthly, the latest President-S airborne defense system was installed on the helicopter, capable of knocking enemy anti-aircraft missiles off the trail, and the floor of the cockpit and cargo compartment was covered with Kevlar armor. Thus, the new modification of the Mi-8 will become the most protected and heavily armed of all existing ones.

Lightweight and agile

Despite the fact that the prototype of the MiG-35 front-line fighter has already been demonstrated at MAKS, its serial version of the MiG-35S will be presented at the air show in Zhukovsky for the first time. The new aircraft differs from earlier versions by a longer flight range, a maximum speed of almost 2,700 kilometers per hour, new engines with thrust vector control, which allow the pilot to perform the most complex aerobatic maneuvers, as well as modern avionics equipment. The MiG-35 radar can reportedly track up to 30 targets at a distance of up to 160 kilometers.

Ilya Tarasenko, general director of RAC MiG, told reporters on Friday that serial production of the fighter will begin in the next two years. At the moment, the MiG-35 is undergoing the final stage of testing. Foreign buyers also expressed interest in the new car.

Flying, swimming, driving

The consortium of enterprises "Aviation and Space Technologies" and "Elektroavtomatika" will present at the air show a unique amphibious vehicle "Triton". This two-seater SUV is capable of moving in any environment: on land it moves like an electric car, in the air like a soft-wing aircraft (something like a sports parachute), on water like an airboat. The horizontal speed in the last two elements is given to it by a low-noise ten-bladed propeller installed at the rear of the machine.

The length of the amphibian is 2.95 meters, height - 2.24 meters, width - 1.9 meters. "Triton" develops a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour and has an impressive power reserve: on the ground on electric traction - 100 kilometers, on water and air - 400 kilometers. The machine is capable of climbing to a height of 4200 meters.

© Photo: NPO "AKT" Double Begalet operational intelligence of the three elements BORT "TRITON"

The areas of application of the "Triton" are purely civilian. This car can be used by rescuers to patrol water areas, fly around forests and power lines, provide first aid to people in trouble in hard-to-reach places, and so on. The creators of "Triton" do not exclude that it can become popular among travelers and fans of extreme recreation.

"Smart" and deadly

A separate exposition will be awarded to aviation weapons, in particular the latest bombs. Concern "Tehmash" will present a volumetric detonating air bomb ODAB-500PMV, designed to destroy industrial facilities, equipment and manpower of the enemy. Such ammunition is equipped not with explosives, but with a liquid combustible mixture. When the bomb is detonated, the mixture is sprayed, forming an aerosol cloud, and a special initiating charge sets it on fire. All objects in the affected area are literally covered by a huge fireball, from which it is physically impossible to hide: an aerosol cloud flows into any shelter, be it a trench, a building or a fortified bunker.

The Return of the Cornflower

At the MAKS air show, the good old An-2 biplane, which first took to the air in 1947, will get a second life. A new modification of TVS-2DT was developed by the designers of the Siberian Research Institute of Aviation. This aircraft, mainly for economic purposes, will be made entirely of composite materials (its distant ancestors were wooden), will receive more powerful and modern engines, as well as improved controls.

The creators of the aircraft claim that the new An-2 will be able to withstand heavy loads, land on unprepared sites and fly in the Far North. It is planned to use it to extinguish forest fires, as well as to deliver important cargo and passengers to remote areas of Russia.

On July 18, 2017, the next International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017 opened in Zhukovsky near Moscow. The participants of the Salon were greeted by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The first three days of the salon were working - the latest airborne military and civilian equipment was demonstrated, contracts were concluded, on July 21-23 the salon turns into an exhibition for everyone. Warspot presents a brief photo review of the MAKS-2017 exhibits.

The MiG-35 is shown on the podium and, if desired, it can be viewed in all details

Aircraft that have already been demonstrated at MAKS are presented. They are lined up at the entrance.

Some of the cars bear the names of Heroes on their sides.

In addition to combat aviation, aircraft are in service military transport aviation

Among the military transport aircraft there is also a flying laboratory

Radar reconnaissance aircraft

Novelty - a universal cargo-passenger aircraft capable of taking off from unprepared airfields, including on snow

An-2MS local airlines aircraft - an attempt to breathe a second life into the old "corn" by installing a new turboprop engine and more advanced equipment and instruments

From time to time, one or another machine is pulled out directly from the line of aircraft for a demonstration flight. It happens right between the visitors

Legend of the Great Patriotic War- IL-2 attack aircraft. The plane was raised from the lake and restored. The machine also takes part in demonstration flights

Not only aircraft are presented at the airfield. There are many helicopters among the planes

Civilian models side by side with the military

Mi-24. Modifications of the Crocodile, despite the considerable time that has passed since the flight of the first copy, remain in demand to this day

Ka-52. Another, in general, a helicopter that does not need to be introduced. It is in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces

This helicopter is also not new to exhibitions and air shows, it has long been actively used to solve combat and transport tasks

A diverse range of weapons that can be equipped with the main military transport helicopter of the Russian army

Anti-aircraft missile system BUK

In the corner of the hangar lurked "Shell"

Means of covering columns on the march

Apart from open areas, exhibitions in hangars were deployed at MAKS

In addition to weapons, you can see simulators and equipment for equipping cabins and control systems.

The Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S. A. Chaplygin (SibNIA) will present at the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS-2017) in July the first prototype of an all-composite aircraft - an analogue of the An-2. The plane will depart for Zhukovsky from Novosibirsk under its own power. The working name of the aircraft is TVS-2-DTS.

SibNIA, which developed the aircraft made of composite materials, which should replace the An-2, plans to launch its production in two years. This was told to journalists by the head of an experienced design office SibNIA Vyacheslav Pisarev.

"We now have a prototype, it will be finalized, of course. I think this is approximately in two years (production will begin - approx. AR),” Pisarev said.

According to Pisarev, the all-composite aircraft is superior in performance to the Kukuruznik due to the presence of a rigid wing. In the traditional An-2, the wing is a metal frame covered with fabric, which begins to tear at speeds over 180-200 kilometers per hour. TVS-2-DTS is capable of speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour. In addition, additional fuel tanks can be placed in the rigid wing, which increases the flight range up to 2 thousand kilometers.

Aleksey Sereznov, scientific director of SibNIA, believes that in Russia the state order for this equipment can be up to 300 aircraft: “About 100 aircraft may be in demand in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, another 200 in ambulance and forest fire aviation.”

Alexei Sereznov says that the institute is currently negotiating with potential investor on the creation of the production of TVS-2-DTS aircraft with a capacity of about 20 aircraft per year in Berdsk near Novosibirsk. He estimated the cost of creating such a production at $ 25-35 million, noting that it could pay off after the production of 50 aircraft.

Read also: TVS-2MS - the second life of the legendary "corn"

At present, the An-2 is being upgraded to the TVS-2MS version by Rusaviaprom. At the moment, it is possible to create about 15 aircraft per year, but the company seriously intends to transfer production to another enterprise. This will almost triple the volume of output.

The model of the light-engine multi-purpose aircraft TVS-2MS has a huge range of advantages compared to the An-2, which is its prototype, and interest in it is shown foreign countries. Negotiations on the supply of TVS-2MS for export are underway with Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, and Vietnam. However, China, which has a rather large An-2 fleet, showed the greatest interest in the project. The PRC agreed with the Russian side on the production of upgraded versions independently.

The only drawback that appeared as a result of research is the high cost of the Honeywell TPE331-12 engine, which is installed on the updated aircraft. The company's specialists do not deny the possibility of creating a similar engine in Russia, which is able to solve all the existing problems. According to the statement of the Rusaviaprom company, work in this direction are already underway.

Prepared according to materials in the media.