Model regulation on the exhibition activities of the museum. Forms of participation in the exhibition

Along the way, the search engine analyzes the degree of availability of information about certain events. This allows us to conclude how informed about a particular upcoming event, potential visitors to the exhibition. If the source of information has a high degree of availability, then there is every reason to assume a high degree of public awareness regarding the upcoming marketing event. Conversely, if the source does not convey to a significant part of the public ( target audience) the necessary information, then the event will gather a small number of visitors. Taking into account the degree of accessibility of information about the future exhibition, the enterprise organizes and conducts advertising campaign(independently or through advertising agency).

At the same time, the search engine closely studies previous, parallel and subsequent events in business and cultural life. The effect of overlapping events manifests itself in two ways: one event either strengthens or weakens another. A typical example from the sphere of cultural life is the catastrophic decline in the interest of foreign commercial and public organizations in the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow in connection with the tragic death of the British Princess Diana (“Lady Dee”). It is advisable to choose the time for participation in the exhibition in such a way that if any events accompany it, they would invariably stimulate additional interest in it. This is especially true for multi-day events.

After the work done by the search engine, the care of the exhibition falls on the shoulders of couriers and public relations managers. These persons are responsible for maintaining the documentation for the promotion of the event - the event file. The dossier includes a slider (running list, a list of organizations that need to be notified about the event by personal contact or personal delivery of an invitation letter), a mailing list (for e-mail and regular mail), a list of ready-made cases (including a list of promotional contacts on a separate page), accounting communication costs.

Planning ends with the development of the exposition and the selection of exhibits, which will be discussed in other paragraphs of the manual.

7.2. Forms of participation in the exhibition

You can participate in the exhibition as:

a) an exhibitor;

b) visitor - a potential client of one or more exhibitors;

c) business consultant or legal consultant;

d) media columnist;

e) sponsor.

Other variations are possible, but they are less common in practice. The exhibitor is obliged to keep in mind all the variety of forms of participation in the exhibition in order to determine the information impact. At first glance, it may seem that the exhibitor is interested in only one class of visitors - the potential clientele, that is, real buyers of goods (works, services) offered by the participating company. But such an opinion is deeply erroneous.

In order to strengthen the image, create positive PR and conduct a powerful word-of-mouth advertising campaign, the company must also take care of attracting all other participants: consultants and reviewers. Inviting sponsors is beneficial in terms of getting financial support for more active attraction of potential clientele to the exhibition.

All these groups of participants need to be notified about the upcoming event. The preparation of means of informing the target audience is carried out by employees of the marketing department on the basis of the work done by the search engine. It is impossible to completely entrust this task to a marketing communications agency, since the company is responsible for direct mail - direct mail, as well as for the texts for it. When coordinating the enterprise, the advertising agency selects the recipients of the mailing list, recommending, in turn, how to notify these organizations about the upcoming exhibition:

Letter (specially ordered envelope, paper with graphic design like frames, coat of arms, logo, signature in the form of an author's signature);

E-mail (without graphic support, but with the mandatory attributes of business correspondence and with a link to the site);

Fax message (similarly designed text with an attractive graphic decoration and an eye-stopper).

It is advisable to send a letter to a large, reputable organization that has a public relations department. An e-mail notification (e-newsletter) is intended more for organizations that actively use the resources of the Web in their activities and conduct correspondence mainly through e-mail. A fax message is sent to firms of this type, which do not actively correspond and respond inadequately to incoming mail (or do not respond at all). A fax attracts attention and makes you familiarize yourself with the content of the message when it is equipped with an eye-stopper (eye-stopper), that is, a graphic sign, which, together with the logo, the author's signature and traditional text embellishments, serves as a design tool that increases interest (primarily ) and partly the credibility of the document.

The type of text and design methods, including the type of eye-stopper, depend on the type of target audience. The type of target audience dictates its own rules regarding the time of notification and the way to remind about it. In certain cases, a reminder is not required, but most often it is acceptable to send a short letter with traditional assurances shortly before the start of the exhibition to additionally remind about the upcoming event. In English, such a reminder is called “night before” (“the night before ...”), although, of course, it is not sent the night before the event, but within a reasonable time - 2-3 days. This is almost always an e-mail addressed to those who are obviously interested in the exhibition and have clearly expressed their desire to attend the event.

The recipients of notifications and direct mail invitations fall into several categories. Representatives of each of them need a special approach, which guarantees the attraction of a fairly large audience. Let's name the most important addressees:

a) regular customers and partners of the company, including VIPs - they should be given attention as a last resort, since this category is the easiest to influence; friends of the company do not need massive advertising, special invitations, reminders, these people will only need a letter from the manager, where they will inform in warm intonations about the desire to meet for business and other conversations at the upcoming event;

b) other clients and partners of the company - this category needs to be reminded of those profitable deals that we managed to conclude with the exhibiting company, and an invitation to the exhibition in order to conclude new contracts, as well as to get acquainted with new reasons for continuing fruitful cooperation;

c) failed clients and partners, that is, persons who showed a keen interest and were included in the company's card index, but did not conclude contracts; this category needs a moderate advertising impact, an abundance of preliminary information about the exhibition and additional forms of encouragement in case of willingness to take part in this event;

d) associations of entrepreneurs and interested public organizations - these addressees need a sufficient amount of effective, solid advertising; it is important to note that these recipients can not only send their representatives to the exhibition, but also help spread the word about the event among their members and partners.

The text of the letter must necessarily contain essential details about the event: the conditions of the event, the names of the organizers and sponsors of the project, the list of the main participants (at least briefly), the theme of the exhibition, the time and place (in the latter case, even a city map with an indication of the building in which pavilions open).

The letter must contain a greeting, assurances of respect and congratulations on a calendar / national holiday that has recently occurred or is approaching, especially if the holiday is related to the business of the notified person (any relevant professional holiday).

It is worth noting that, in accordance with the laws of marketing, out of every ten invitees, only two maximum will respond. Based on this rule, the participant should plan the degree of attendance at the expositions.

Particular attention should be paid to this form of participation in exhibition activities like sponsorship. The presence of sponsors is very beneficial for the organizers and exhibitors, since it allows them to minimize the cost of building pavilions with relatively easy implementation of the terms of the contract: the sponsor organization needs to effectively place extensive and advanced advertising, which in itself is not difficult for the Organizing Committee and exhibitors of the exhibition, since this event is in Generally purely promotional.

The only difficulty arises in the regulation business relations with the sponsor, as these must be properly documented. First of all, the fact of sponsorship must be approved in the concept of the exhibition (see paragraph 3.2 of this manual). Based on the concept that defines the forms and methods of obtaining benefits from the event (and therefore, business ethics And general rules economic activity of participants), a regulation on sponsorship is written, which defines the goals of the organizer / participant of the exhibition when attracting sponsors.

Also, the provision is intended to regulate the financial and advertising activities of the organizer / exhibitor in relation to the sponsoring organization and income from it. In accordance with the text of the concept and regulations, an offer is drawn up - an offer to take part in the exhibition as a sponsor and a sponsorship agreement (more correctly: a sponsorship agreement). The texts of both documents, the offer and the contract, are given below.

Regulations on sponsorship of [name of the exhibition and fair event]

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed on the basis of [ regulations Russian Federation on which the authors of the Regulations were based].

1.2. These Regulations determine the procedure for providing sponsorship support for the preparation and holding of [name of the exhibition and fair event] (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition).

1.3. The provision of sponsorship is understood as a contribution by a legal entity or individual on a voluntary basis in the form of providing financial (cash) funds necessary for organizing and holding the Exhibition, on the terms of distribution of advertising information about the sponsor in the amount specified in the sponsorship agreement.

1.4. Individuals and legal entities- residents of the Russian Federation.

2. Purposeful use of sponsorship

2.1. Funds constituting support from the sponsor should be directed to the implementation of the following activities:

2.1.1. Development of a design project for the exposition of the Exhibition, construction and equipment of exposition areas in the exhibition pavilion, design of the exhibition pavilion itself.

2.1.2. Development and creation of exhibits of the Exhibition, demonstration layouts as part of the exposition, pavilion design elements.

2.1.3. Production of video, photo, audio materials, multimedia presentations, printing products for thematic sections of the exposition at the Exhibition.

2.1.4. Equipping the main sections of the exposition with the latest presentation equipment and technical means, organizing interactive access for visitors to the information arrays of the exposition;

2.1.5. Preparation and holding of the business, competitive, cultural program of the Exhibition, as well as other events related to ensuring the functioning of the Exhibition.

3. The procedure for providing sponsorship

3.1. The amount and forms of sponsorship are determined by the sponsor in agreement with the Organizing Committee and are fixed in the sponsorship agreement (sponsorship agreement) concluded between the sponsor and the Organizing Committee in accordance with [legal acts on the basis of which the said agreement is drawn up].

3.2. Target use of sponsorship support, terms of its provision, Bank details the recipient of the financial resources allocated as sponsorship are determined by the sponsorship agreement.

3.3. Persons who have provided sponsorship have the right to exercise control over the targeted spending of funds.

3.4. The general sponsor is recognized exclusively as a legal or natural person who has made the largest sponsorship contribution.

3.5. The number of legal entities and/or individuals applying for the status of sponsors of other categories is not limited.

3.6. Conditions for providing the sponsor with a package of advertising and information services as a reward for financial assistance specified in the sponsorship agreement.

These Regulations provide for the following categories of sponsors:

General Sponsor - an organization or citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in excess of […] rubles.

Official Sponsor - an organization or citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

The Sponsor of the Exhibition is an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

Sponsor of official events of the Exhibition - an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

Sponsor of the competition program of the Exhibition is an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

Sponsor of the business program - an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

Sponsor of the cultural program of the Exhibition - an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of […] to […] rubles.

Sponsor of PR-events of the Exhibition - an organization or a citizen who has made a sponsorship contribution in the amount of less than […] rubles.

5. Services provided to sponsors of the Exhibition

5.1. In accordance with the legislation on sponsorship of the Russian Federation, clause 3.6 of these Regulations and the terms of the sponsorship agreement, the sponsor is provided with a package of advertising and information services, complete list which are contained in Annex 1 to these Regulations and the sponsorship agreement.

By agreement with the sponsor, it is allowed to make appropriate changes and additions to this list.

5.2. The rights of all categories of sponsors are given in Appendix 2 to these Regulations and the sponsorship agreement. These rights can be exercised only after the receipt of the sponsorship fee at the disposal of the Organizing Committee in accordance with the sponsorship agreement and clause 3.2 of these Regulations.

5.3. Directions, volumes and terms of spending financial resources provided as sponsorship are determined by the working group for the preparation of the Exhibition as part of the Organizing Committee. Control over the targeted spending of sponsorship funds is carried out by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee [name of organization] represented by the director Imyarek.

Offer to place advertising in exchange for sponsorship of the exhibition

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Organizing Committee [name of the exhibition event] (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition), represented by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the director of [name of the company that formed the Organizing Committee] Imyarek invites legal entities and individuals [city, region] to take part in the said exhibition project as sponsors. The procedure for providing sponsorship for the organization and holding of the Exhibition is determined by the Regulations on Sponsorship of the Exhibition and the sponsorship agreement.

1.2. For the purposes of this offer, sponsorship is understood as a contribution by a legal entity or individual (sponsor) in the form of providing financial resources or providing works, services for a certain amount for the organizational needs of the Exhibition on the terms of distribution by the Organizing Committee of information about the sponsor of an advertising nature.

2. Purposeful use of sponsorship

2.1. Attracted from sponsors financial resources intended

2.1.1. To purchase additional exhibition equipment.

2.1.2. To cover the cost of arranging pavilions and building stands.

2.1.3. To disseminate information about the Exhibition and its participants.

2.1.4. For other expenses related to the Exhibition.

2.2. Sponsorship is due by [date].

2.3. Recipient - [company name].

3. Amount of sponsorship fees

3.1. The amount of sponsorship fees is determined by the sponsor and is fixed in the sponsorship agreement.

4.1. Poster (circulation […] pieces) - logo (1 color).

4.2. Invitations (circulation […] pieces) - logo (1 color).

4.4. Booklet (circulation […] pcs.) – logo (full color) on the cover; in the "Sponsors" section - information about the company, including the name and contact information.

4.6. Stretching ([…] piece) - logo and indication of sponsorship.

5. The procedure for providing sponsorship

5.1. Legal or individuals Those wishing to participate in the Exhibition as sponsors send a letter to the Organizing Committee about their intention to make a sponsorship contribution for this event.

5.2. The contract for the provision of sponsorship is concluded by the parties within 1 week (seven days) from the date of the application.

6. Main provisions of the contract for the provision of sponsorship

6.1. Rights and obligations of the parties

6.1.1. The Organizing Committee undertakes to use the financial resources received as sponsorship for the purposes specified in paragraph 2 of this offer.

6.1.2. The organizing committee undertakes to provide the sponsor with a package of advertising and information services in the part corresponding to the size of the sponsorship fee and specified in the contract.

6.1.3. The Sponsor has the right to indicate the fact of supporting the Exhibition in the media within 6 months from the date of the event.

6.1.4. The Sponsor has no right to influence the activities of the Organizing Committee.

6.1.5. The Sponsor undertakes to transfer the sponsorship contribution to the account of the Recipient [company name] within the period agreed by the parties and fixed in the agreement.

6.1.6. Within […] working days from the moment of transfer of funds, but no later than [date], the sponsor has the right to withdraw the allocated funds. In this case, the sponsor undertakes to notify writing Organizing Committee. If this condition is not met, the received funds are not returned and are used for their intended purpose in accordance with previously agreed conditions.

6.1.7. The Sponsor undertakes, at the request of the Organizing Committee, to provide advertising and other materials about its activities (goods, works, services) by [date].

6.1.8. Sponsor undertakes to provide reliable information about its activities. The organizing committee is not responsible for the accuracy of information about the activities of the sponsor.

6.1.9. The Sponsor undertakes to comply with the regulations of the Exhibition.

b) Additional services:

Granting the right to make a welcome address on behalf of your company during the official opening ceremony of the exhibition;

Dissemination of information about goods and services provided by the sponsor among visitors to the exhibition;

Providing opportunities for the presentation of their products during the exhibition.

c) granting the sponsor the right, within 6 months from the date of transfer of funds, to use the exhibition equipment of the city exhibition hall at a discount for holding any of their own events.

6.2.2. The package of services for sponsors of other categories includes:

a) the services specified in clauses 3.2 and 4 of this offer;

b) Additional services depending on the amount of the contribution:

Dissemination of information about goods and services provided by the sponsor among visitors to the exhibition;

Providing opportunities for the presentation of their products during the exhibition;

Granting the right to the sponsor within six months from the date of transfer of funds for a single use of the exhibition equipment of the pavilion.

6.3. Responsibility of the parties

6.3.1. The parties are responsible for the improper performance of their obligations in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

6.3.2. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the completeness of fulfillment of its obligations in case of voluntary refusal of the sponsor from any services provided by the Organizing Committee of the exhibition in accordance with this offer and the contract.

6.3.3. In the event of disputes, the Parties will resolve them through negotiations, and in case of failure to reach an agreement, disputed issues are subject to resolution in court.

6.4. Force Majeure

6.4.1. In the event of circumstances force majeure that affected the fulfillment of obligations under this offer and the sponsorship agreement, the deadlines for fulfilling these obligations are proportionally postponed for the duration of these circumstances.

6.4.2. If, due to force majeure circumstances, the delay in fulfilling obligations under this offer and the sponsorship agreement is more than […], either party has the right to refuse the unfulfilled part of the agreement. In this case, none of the parties has the right to demand compensation for possible losses.

6.4.3. The parties are obliged to immediately notify each other in writing of the beginning and end of force majeure circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of obligations under this offer and the sponsorship agreement.

6.4.4. The party referring to force majeure circumstances is obliged to provide a document of the competent state body for their confirmation.

7. Legal/actual address and bank details of the recipient of sponsorship funds (the company that forms the Organizing Committee and is its Chairman)

Sponsorship agreement (as an option: sponsorship agreement, sponsorship agreement)

[Name of the sponsoring organization], represented by the director of Imyarek, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor", on the one hand, and [name of the exhibition organizer and recipient of funds], represented by the director of Imyarek-2, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "Sponsored", on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Sponsor undertakes to provide the Sponsored person with a one-time sponsorship fee in the form of a sum of money in the amount of […] rubles to organize the holding of [name of the exhibition event] (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition), and the Sponsored person undertakes to accept the sponsorship fee and disseminate information about the Sponsor in the manner and under the conditions provided for by this agreement.

1.2. Broadcast Money The Sponsor is made to achieve the goals set by the organizer and participants of the Exhibition.

1.3. The cost of this agreement (the amount of the sponsorship fee) is […] rubles in accordance with clause 1.1 of this agreement.

2. Rights and Obligations of the Sponsor

2.1. The Sponsor undertakes to disseminate the following information about the Sponsor according to its status: […].

2.2. The Sponsor undertakes to disseminate information about the Sponsor, listed in clause 2.1 of this agreement, during the organization, opening and holding of the Exhibition: from […] to […]

3. Rights and Obligations of the Sponsor

3.1. The Sponsor may not oblige the Sponsor to distribute the following information:

3.1.1. On the political activities of the head of the Sponsor organization.

3.1.2. On the superiority of the quality of goods produced and sold by the Sponsor (works performed, services rendered) over the quality of similar goods (works performed, services rendered) produced or sold by other organizations, including Exhibition participants.

3.1.3. Other information that is recognized by the current legislation of the Russian Federation as violating competition in entrepreneurial activity and are recognized as monopolistic activities.

3.2. The Sponsor is not entitled to oblige the Sponsored to disseminate information about himself, listed in clause 2.1 of this agreement, outside the general period of time specified in clause 2.2 of this agreement.

3.3. The Sponsor may not interfere with the statutory activities of the Sponsored.

4. Ways to fulfill obligations to the Sponsor 4.1. Distribution of information about the Sponsor is carried out in the following periodical printed (electronic) media mass media: […].

5. Settlement of relations between the parties

5.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of conclusion and ends after the full and proper fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the parties in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

5.2. If any of the parties to this agreement violates the obligations assigned to it, the other party has the right to unilaterally refuse to perform it, in which case this agreement is considered terminated.

5.3. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid, provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties. All notices and communications must be in writing.

5.4. In everything that is not provided for by this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Agreement is drawn up in Russian in two copies, identical in meaning and content, having the same legal force, one of which is with the Sponsor, the second with the Sponsored.

6. Legal/actual addresses, bank details and signatures of the parties

7.3. Selection of the exhibition program and marketing technologies

In modern marketing of our generation, the concept of redundant information is being formed, which, unfortunately, has not yet taken a strictly scientific form. The essence of this concept is that the client is more friendly to the company that supplies him with redundant information, if only this information has the following qualities:

a) usefulness;

b) interesting (exciting, entertaining);

c) usefulness and interest at the same time.

This imposes certain restrictions on the planning of the exhibition program and the use of certain marketing technologies within the framework of this program. The program should be built in such a way that visitors to the exhibition can get from the hands of the exhibitor, who uses marketing tools appropriate to the situation, a sufficient amount of redundant information. This is the only way to persuade potential customers to fruitful cooperation.

The dissemination of redundant information matters already at preparatory stage when the exhibition program as a whole is drawn up. You should know that visitors as potential customers are more interested in such ways of advertising information about the upcoming exhibition, which not only contain an invitation, but are also accompanied by any additional features. These possibilities include additional program on the theme of the exhibition.

The indicated pattern was revealed in the course of a special marketing research, which showed that the following are in the greatest demand among visitors:

a) special invitation cards for prospective clients - 11% (against 17% among exhibitors);

b) invitations to participate in the conference - 14% (against 7% among exhibitors);

c) invitation cards to the best clients - 71% (against 31% among exhibitors);

d) notification of the exhibition program - 11% (against 12% among exhibitors). Meanwhile, a simple invitation to visit the booth, which is so popular among exhibitors (21%), is not successful with the target audience (5%).

During the exhibition phase, one of the most effective marketing tools to support participation is public relations, through which the company's image is improved and business connections. As part of the implementation of publicity, the following actions are carried out (arranged in descending order of importance, conditionally assessed on an 8-point scale).

1. Genuinely successful stocks of varying degrees of effectiveness:

a) giving the booth individuality through special promotional materials, along the way carrying useful and / or interesting information for the visitor - 8 points;

b) demonstration of videos, slides, computer presentations– 7–8 points;

c) holding conferences, symposiums and press conferences - 5-7 points;

d) distribution of samples of goods - 5-6 points;

e) organization of various special promotional events, especially with the formation of a jury of participants and guests of the exhibition (shows, competitions, tastings) - 5 points.

2. Unattractive promotions that are mistakenly considered successful among exhibitors:

f) organization of receptions and cocktails - 3 points;

g) transmission of music programs - 2–3 points;

h) free distribution of small souvenirs - 1-2 points. Depending on the type and direction of the event, the effectiveness of some of these “unattractive” promotions may increase, which is especially noticeable in the example of B2C fairs. (The distribution of souvenirs and the significance of this action within the framework of B2B industrial exhibitions will be discussed below.).

The efficiency of the enterprise's stand is enhanced by periodic, daily checks of actions, followed by re-evaluation of the collected information based on the dynamics of events. In fact, such a revaluation is implemented according to the mechanism " feedback” (feedback), the maintenance of which is an integral part of the daily control of the event. In addition, day-to-day monitoring includes checking the progress of meeting the participation goals (involves quality assessment results), studying the relationship between the results of efforts to attract visitors and the price they were achieved, a qualitative analysis of the content of information from visitors and competitors, as well as an assessment of comments, reactions and general criticism from visitors.

Handouts as marketing tool are very popular among exhibitors, but not always so interesting for visitors and clientele. For example, gifts and souvenirs, which are advocated by 19% of exhibitors, may be of some interest to only 4% of visitors. At the same time, of those who received a gift (souvenir) at the exhibition, 31% refuse it on the spot, and another 55% take it with them, but then throw it away as unnecessary. However, if the gift were notable for originality with functional significance, usefulness and did not carry a traditional carbon copy logo, but itself symbolized the aspirations of the exhibitor.

Increased attention is paid by exhibitors to handouts such as brochures and business cards (40% and 76% respectively). This is partly correct, since visitors also evaluate these materials as significant, necessary, but the enthusiasm of customers for prospectuses and business cards is somewhat less - 36% and 67%. This means that the exhibitors focus too much on these materials to the detriment of the rest of the materials. Price lists are not paid due attention (71% of clients against 67% of exhibitors), booklets (30% of clients against 25% of exhibitors), brochures with detailed product information (53% of clients against 43% of exhibitors), catalogs (64% customers versus 62% of exhibitors), additional information by mail (3% of customers versus 2% of exhibitors).

7.4. Selection of exhibits

The planning of the exhibition is completed by the development of the exposition and the selection of exhibits. This stage of work is started at the moment when the goal is clearly outlined and the expected costs are known in general terms. The development of the exposition and the selection of exhibits begin with the definition of the scope and theme of the event, including the definition of its scale and specifics. Marketers are required to unmistakably identify factors that lead away from the topic (the so-called pitfalls).

The displayed product or any other exhibit must be presentable, free of flaws, but at the same time not stand out fundamentally from the total mass of products manufactured by the company. That is, such an object should give the impression of an “average” product - this is the face of the company, a symbol of its work and investment. "Exemplars" will only spoil the display, as they give the impression of inept, intrusive show and do not give a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style and spirit of production cultivated by the company.

Excessive embellishment of the product, reverently touching handling of it is also in most cases unnecessary. It touches only at first, and then it causes bewilderment. Naturally, the above does not apply to goods that really should be served not only spectacularly and spectacularly, but at the same time with a certain reverence. Piety deserve things that have long been the highest class of objects of material culture, things that are associated with the glorious traditions of the consumption of material goods.

It is convenient to use examples from the automotive industry as an example. There is a clear division into iconic cars, popular cars and popular brands. Cult cars need a high-quality selection of video and photo presentations, an elegant podium design, and soft lighting. Popular cars are less demanding, and negligence is acceptable in relation to them. SUVs, for example, it is even advantageous to show them covered in mud in a video compilation. Ordinary brands need decorations so as not to get lost among celebrities, but at the same time, the visual highlighting of such cars is optimally distinguished by modesty. The principles developed by exhibitors of car dealerships can be transferred to the display of other goods.

The issuance of sample goods from the warehouse is issued with the usual invoices for the internal movement of goods in the form TORG-13 or M-15, but marked “for demonstration”, if it is assumed that the products will not be damaged and will be returned to the warehouse at the end of the exhibition. Some of the samples that can be sold directly at the fair are issued according to traditional unmarked invoices.

Invoice for internal movement, transfer of goods, containers (form No. TORG-13) is used to record the movement of inventory items (in our case, commercial products) between materially responsible persons. The storekeeper issues this document with the issuance of goods and materials to the manager responsible for the exhibits. The document is drawn up in two copies by the financially responsible person of the warehouse or other structural unit that delivers the values. The first copy of the invoice remains with the storekeeper, and the first copy is handed over to the receiving person.

The waybill for the release of materials to the side (form No. M-15) actually replaces the previous document, but it is still better to draw up it not for the release of goods, but for the release of materials. For example, when demonstrating a woodworking power tool, an exhibitor is forced to bring to the exhibition not only the tools themselves (goods), but also wood in order to demonstrate the capabilities of their equipment. This is how the wonderful exhibitions of the Bosch company were held in our country, during the campaign in support of saws, drills and other hand tool for woodwork.

Thus, the Invoice for the release of materials to the party (form No. M-15) is used to account for the release of material assets to the farms of its organization located outside its territory, on the basis of orders and other documents. The invoice is issued by the employee of the structural unit in two copies on the basis of orders and other relevant documents and the presentation by the recipient of a power of attorney to receive valuables (Power of Attorney (standard intersectoral forms No. M-2 and No. M-2a)) filled out in the prescribed manner. The first copy of the invoice is transferred to the warehouse as the basis for the release of materials, the second - to the recipient of the materials.

Regarding the movement of goods or materials, the storekeeper makes a note in a special document - the Material Accounting Card (form No. M-17). Card M-17 is used to record the movement of materials in the warehouse for each grade, type and size; is filled in for each item number of the material and maintained by the financially responsible person (storekeeper, warehouse manager). Entries in the card are kept on the day of the operation on the basis of primary receipts and expenditures, in our case, invoices TORG-13 and M-15.

In the event that the demonstration samples have become unusable and cannot be returned to the warehouse or can, but only as recyclable materials or equipment for dismantling, an Act on damage, destruction, scrap of inventory items is drawn up in the accounting department (Unified Form No. TORG- 15) and accompanying documents.

7.5. Member Registration

Registration of the participant is carried out in accordance with the positions in relation to exhibitors, visitors and guests of the exhibition, enshrined in the concept of the exhibition project. Additional organizational and administrative documents for these purposes are probably not required, except for an arbitrary job description for personnel from the Registration Bureau.

In this job description stipulates the procedure to be followed by the Bureau staff during the registration of participants - exhibitors, visitors, guests. Otherwise, when using redundant documentation, red tape and red tape are inevitable, which can repel many who wish to attend the event.

In accordance with the terms of stay at the exhibition, along with the registration coupon (ticket), some accompanying elements may be issued to visitors and participants: badges, coupons for lunch/parking/excursion, VIP-client/VIP-guest/general sponsor tickets (such tickets give the right to the highest level of service).

7.6. Staff training

Studies have shown high efficiency the following funds attracting clients to the stand:

a) broadcasting a video about products (“for” 40% of visitors voted against 42% of exhibitors);

b) tablets and signboards with information about the product (“for” 62% of visitors voted against 85% of exhibitors);

c) interesting handouts in prominent places (“for” 52% of visitors voted against 76% of exhibitors). Other means are less effective. Approximately 16% of visitors approve and find eye-stoppers necessary, 13% paid attention to the stand due to loud music and bright graphics (for some reason, 52% of exhibitors prefer this primitive method of influence), and another 12% were attracted by the staff.

The staff, therefore, has little effect on the willingness of a potential client to visit a stand, unless, of course, the actions of promoters are taken into account (promoters as informers are essential for at least 13% of visitors to find the right exposition and generally orient themselves in the pavilion). However, the following paradox is observed: if the stand attendant cannot attract the clientele to the exposition, then he can successfully scare away the visitors, inspire them with disgust for the exhibition. Staff training is reduced to choosing the optimal form of behavior for a stand attendant.

For example, the exhibitor does not pay attention to such a detail as a snack at the workplace. It is desirable that the stand attendant dine in special rooms of the exhibition complex - 1% of visitors will be for this. Of course, 1% picky is a negligible number, but it should be remembered that the hundredth part is represented only by those who dared to speak out loud. Do not unnecessarily exploit the indulgence of others, who probably also remained dissatisfied.

Idle conversations of stand attendants among themselves or on the phone annoy 3% of customers, although exhibitors pay attention to this only in 1% of cases. Meanwhile, 66% of exhibitors pay attention to the presence of a badge, although this detail is important only for 4% of visitors: as you can see, even relative numbers are known in comparison - 4% are very large in relation to a hundredth part (4 times more!), but even more impressive the difference is 66% and 4%. Overcrowding, busyness of stand attendants also do not make a favorable impression: the exhibition requires free employees who are ready to meet everyone who approaches the stand. 8% of visitors were dissatisfied with the increased employment of stand attendants. Approximately 11% of exhibitors are trying to somehow remedy this situation. Most of all, visitors do not like, however, when the stand attendant is not at the place at all, which is why it is simply impossible to ask questions about the exposition. Meanwhile, only 3% of exhibitors pay attention to this against 24% of dissatisfied visitors.

Already 18% of customers attach importance to neatness and good looks. This is a lot, but exhibitors clearly exaggerate the role of such factors: 84% of exhibitors require neatness from stand attendants! Instead, it would be worthwhile to pay attention to something else, namely, that the stand attendant should be pleasant not in clothes, but in communication. Meanwhile, stand attendants clearly lack communication skills, as pointed out by 27% of visitors. 53% of visitors complained about poor knowledge of products and conditions of their sale. Perhaps this is where the exhibitor should apply his organizational energy.

At the same time, the requirements for personnel cannot be the same, since the contingent of exhibition workers is not homogeneous. Experts distinguish three categories of workers whose presence at the exposition is mandatory:

a) technical workers who are charged with distributing promotional materials at the entrance and in the aisles, maintenance of the stand, minor assistance in the negotiation process. These are mainly promoters, they are required to be neat and imposing;

b) employees of the "public relations" service, who, working directly at the stand, must attract visitors, discuss various points with them. “PR people” are required to communicate (including the ability to easily get in touch), knowledge of the policy of their company, knowledge of the product and, in particular, knowledge of the conditions for the implementation of the latter;

c) engineers and other employees of the technical service, who are charged with the duty to demonstrate equipment in working condition, monitor the proper functioning of the equipment of the stand and exhibits, respond to technical questions clients.

7.7. Technical support

This section should begin with a description of the equipment used in the arrangement of the exhibition area. First of all, such equipment includes means for ensuring the work with documents and promotional materials (printing products): bookcases, advertising stands and stands for printed matter. Booklet holders are the most diverse, they differ in metal wire, perforated booklet holders, swivel (they are also rotating), hinged, folding. Stands are most often desktop (for booklets). No less popular at other exhibitions are shelves for books and printed materials. Shelving is especially needed at book fairs or exhibitions with a large amount of technical documentation.

Of the other trade and exhibition equipment, promo stands, reception tables, showcases, fences, stands for information and price tags, menu stands, table signs, light boxes and light boxes, display stands, furniture supports and stands, traditional office furniture are often used.

For those who organize their own small exhibition, functional advertising stands are beneficial, which can be conveniently adapted as a stand for laying out booklets and other printed materials. Such advertising mini-stands help to significantly save on the construction of a real stand.

In the exhibition area with a limited area, it is convenient to use wall-mounted bookcases equipped with special pockets. Wall-mounted booklet holders save exposition space and are inexpensive, although they are distinguished by high quality, reliability, ease of attachment and original design.

Pockets deserve a separate discussion. They can be used as hinged elements for bookcases made of perforated sheet. Thus, perforated bookcases give the exhibitor the opportunity to manage the space by creating individual compositions at the stand. It is only worth noting that price lists are shown to be placed in A4 pockets, large booklets and A5 brochures - respectively in A5 pockets, and booklets of 1/3A4 format - in 1/3A4 pockets. Also, if necessary, you can purchase pockets for business cards, which will facilitate the work of the assistant secretary.

Hinged shelves are used in a similar way, which form the exhibition space on perforated bookcases. Shelves are useful both for displaying printed matter and for placing CDs. It is not difficult to hang pockets and shelves on perforated bookcases, since they are equipped with special hooks.

For installation and installation of more complex equipment, especially those requiring commissioning, the firm will be assisted by a third-party organization specializing in the provision of installation work or maintenance services. In this regard, it is worthwhile, within the framework of this manual, to familiarize yourself with the approximate text of work contracts and on the provision of similar services. For small firms that build modest booths, it is more important to get maintenance services, since such organizations do not need to build a large booth. The text of this document is given below.

Contract for the provision of maintenance services

[Company name], hereinafter referred to as the Customer, represented by the director of Imyarek, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and [company name], hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by the director of Imyarek-2, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes the provision of the following maintenance services:

1.1.1. Repairs exhibition equipment and visual aids of the Customer in accordance with Appendix 1.

1.1.2. Provides services for the assembly of cabinet furniture in accordance with Appendix 2.

1.2. The customer undertakes to pay for the services specified in clause 1.1 in the manner prescribed by section 4 of this agreement.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The contractor is obliged:

2.1.1. Provide the services provided for in clause 1.1 of this agreement at the location of the Customer: […].

2.1.2. Provide services for the repair of exhibition equipment and visual aids of the Customer in accordance with Appendix 1 based on the Customer's requests.

2.1.3. Start work on assembling cabinet furniture within […] from the moment the furniture arrives at the Customer and assemble the furniture within […] from the moment it arrives.

2.2. The performer has the right:

2.2.1. Independently determine the number of specialists required to provide services, as well as the schedule of their work.

2.2.2. Independently determine the deadlines for the implementation of applications, depending on the complexity of the application. The deadline for completing the application cannot be more than […]. In case of execution of the application in a longer period, the Contractor pays the Customer a fine in the amount of […].

2.2.3. Involve, if necessary, third parties for the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, settlement with which is carried out by the Contractor at the expense of funds received in accordance with this agreement.

2.3. The customer is obliged:

2.3.1. Pay for the Contractor's services in the amount and terms provided for in section 4 of this agreement.

2.3.2. Promptly inform the Contractor about the required scope of work for the assembly of cabinet furniture.

2.3.3. Submit to the Contractor applications for the provision of services for the repair of exhibition equipment and visual aids of the Customer in accordance with Appendix 1.

3. Procedure for the delivery and acceptance of services rendered

3.1. The Contractor submits to the Customer an act of acceptance of the services rendered no later than […] from the moment of completion of the work.

3.2. The act states:

Name of rendered services;

Cost of services rendered per month;

The quality of the services provided.

3.3. Any other information that the parties deem necessary to indicate may be included in the act.

4. The amount and procedure for payment for the services of the Contractor

4.1. The cost of services provided under this agreement is determined in the amount of […] rubles, including value added tax […] % - […] rubles.

4.2. Payment by the Customer for the services rendered by the Contractor shall be made by bank transfer no later than [...] from the date of signing the acceptance certificate.

4.3. The cost of the Contractor's services specified in clause 4.1 is set for the entire duration of this agreement and is not subject to change.

4.4. The amount specified in clause 4.1 includes all the costs of the Contractor incurred in the performance of obligations under this agreement.

5. Duration of the contract

5.1. The Contractor begins to fulfill its obligations within […] from the moment of signing this agreement.

5.2. This agreement is concluded for a period from […] to […] and comes into force from the moment of its signing.

5.3. Agreement for Maintenance may be terminated by each of the parties ahead of time with a warning to the other party […].

6. Other terms

6.1. The contract may be amended and supplemented by agreement of the parties.

6.2. The liability of the parties is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. All disputes between the parties arising under this agreement will be resolved through negotiations. If the parties do not reach an agreement during the negotiations, the dispute is subject to judicial review.

7. Legal/actual addresses, bank details and signatures of the parties.

Note that the above sample can vary greatly depending on the need for certain services. For example, an exhibition organizer or exhibitor may not need to repair equipment and/or assemble cabinet furniture, but may need to diagnose and otherwise control computer equipment that controls lighting and presentations at booths.

Further, the focus of our attention is the contract for the performance of contract work, as stated above. A contract agreement cannot be concluded for the provision of services, regardless of the type of the latter, but only involves the performance of work. Works differ from services in that the result of work invariably becomes some material object, a product, while the results of services are consumed by the customer directly in the process of providing them. The work includes the activities of electricians in assembling, installing and equipping a movable platform for a professional movie camera (relevant for car dealerships where high-quality video filming is carried out).

Work agreement

[Name of the enterprise performing the work], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the director Imyarek, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and [name of the customer enterprise], hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by the director Imyarek-2 acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. Under this contract, the Contractor undertakes to perform [definition of work] on the instructions of the Customer, hereinafter referred to as the Work, and hand over the result of the work to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay for it in the amount and on the terms specified in this contract.

1.2. The work is carried out at the expense of the Contractor - from his materials, his forces and means. The contractor is responsible for the inadequate quality of the materials and equipment provided by him, as well as for the provision of materials and equipment encumbered with the rights of third parties.

1.3. Validity of this agreement: from […] to […] d. Separate stages of work and deadlines for their completion are defined in Appendix 1, which is an integral part of this agreement.

Responsibility for violation of the deadlines for the performance of work shall be borne by the Contractor, unless otherwise provided by this contract.

2. The cost of the contract and the procedure for settlements under the contract

2.1. Contract price

2.1.1. The value of the contract is the price of the work to be performed. The price of work under this contract includes the compensation of the Contractor's expenses and the remuneration due to him.

2.1.2. The price of the work to be performed under this contract is determined according to the estimate provided by the Contractor (Appendix 2 to this contract) and amounts to […] rubles, including value added tax […] % - […] rubles.

2.1.3. The estimate becomes valid and becomes an integral part of this contract from the moment it is approved by the Customer.

2.2. The Customer shall pay the Contractor an advance payment in the amount of […] rubles within […] days after the signing of this Agreement. The final settlement is made after the final delivery of the work by the Contractor to the Customer, provided that the work is performed properly and within the agreed time frame established by this contract or ahead of schedule with the consent of the Customer.

2.3. If the actual expenses of the Contractor turned out to be less than those indicated in the estimate, the Contractor has the right to pay for the work at the price specified in clause 1.2 of this contract. Unless the Employer proves that the savings received by the Contractor affected the quality of the work performed, the surplus is appropriated by the Contractor as part of the remuneration.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. The contractor undertakes:

3.1.1. Bear the full risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to materials and equipment.

3.1.2. Bear the full risk of the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the result of the work performed before it is accepted by the Customer.

3.1.3. In case of delay in the transfer or acceptance of the result of work, the risks provided for in clause 3.1 of this agreement shall be borne by the party that made the delay.

3.1.4. Immediately warn the Customer about circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor that threaten the suitability or durability of the results of the work performed or make it impossible to complete it on time.

3.1.5. Notify the Customer in a timely manner if the need arises additional work, and in connection with this, in a significant increase in the price of work at a certain stage of the performance of work under this contract. If the Customer does not agree to the excess of the price of the work initially agreed on the estimate, he has the right to withdraw from the contract. In this case, the Customer pays the Contractor the price for the part of the work performed.

The Contractor, who has not warned the Customer in a timely manner about the need to exceed the price of work specified in clause 1.2 of this contract, is obliged to fulfill the contract at the price specified in this contract.

3.1.6. In the event of a significant increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the Contractor, which could not be foreseen when concluding this contract, the Contractor has the right to demand an increase in the price of work established under the contract, and if the Customer refuses to fulfill this requirement, terminate the contract in accordance with Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The contractor has the right:

3.2.1. Independently determine the ways of fulfilling the Customer's task.

3.2.2. Engage a third party (subcontractor) in the performance of work, whose remuneration is made by the Contractor (from this moment - the General Contractor) at the expense of funds received from the Customer as a remuneration.

3.3. The customer has the right:

3.3.1. At any time, check the progress and quality of the work performed by the Contractor, without interfering with its activities.

3.3.2. Refuse to execute this contract and claim damages if the Contractor does not start the execution of this contract in a timely manner or performs the work so slowly that it becomes clearly impossible to complete it by the time specified in the contract.

3.3.3. Set a reasonable time for the Contractor to eliminate the deficiencies, if during the performance of the work it becomes obvious that it will not be performed properly, and if the Contractor fails to fulfill this requirement within the appointed time, renounce this contract or entrust the correction of work to another person at the expense of the Contractor, and also demand damages.

3.3.4. The customer has the right at any time before the delivery of the result of the work to refuse to perform the contract by paying the Contractor a part of the established price in proportion to the part of the work performed before receiving notice of the Customer's refusal to perform the contract.

The Customer is also obliged to compensate the Contractor for damages caused by the termination of this contract, to the extent of the difference between the price determined for the entire work and the part of the price paid for the work performed.

4. Acceptance by the Owner of the work performed by the Contractor

4.1. The Customer is obliged, within the time limits and in the manner prescribed by this contract, with the participation of the Contractor, to inspect and accept the work performed (its result) according to the acceptance certificate (Appendix 3 to this contract), and if deviations from the contract are found that worsen the result of the work, or other shortcomings in the work, immediately report it to the Contractor.

4.2. The customer, who discovered shortcomings in the work during its acceptance, has the right to refer to them only in cases where these shortcomings were specified in the acceptance certificate or the possibility of subsequent presentation of a demand for their elimination.

4.3. The customer, who accepted the work without checking, is deprived of the right to refer to the shortcomings of the work, which could be established in the usual way of its acceptance (obvious shortcomings).

4.4. The customer, who discovered after the acceptance of the work, deviations from this contract or other defects that could not be established by the usual method of acceptance (hidden defects), including those that were deliberately hidden by the Contractor, is obliged to notify the Contractor within a reasonable time upon their discovery .

4.5. If the Customer evades acceptance of the work performed (the result of the work), the Contractor shall have the right, after a month from the date when, according to this contract, the result of the work was to be transferred to the Customer, and subject to a subsequent twofold warning of the Customer, to sell the result of the work, and the proceeds, minus all due Payments to the Contractor, to make a deposit in the name of the Customer in the manner prescribed by Article 327 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

5. Procedure for resolving disputes

5.1. If a dispute arises between the parties regarding the shortcomings of the work performed or their causes, an examination must be appointed at the request of either party. The costs of the examination shall be borne by the Contractor, unless the examination establishes the absence of violations by the Contractor of this agreement or a causal relationship between the actions of the Contractor and the identified shortcomings. In these cases, the expenses for the examination shall be borne by the party that requested the appointment of the examination, and if it was appointed by agreement between the parties, both parties equally.

5.2. In everything else not regulated in this agreement, in particular, relating to the responsibility of the parties, the timing of detection inadequate quality work, limitation periods, the norms of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation apply.

5.3. All disputes between the parties arising under this agreement will be resolved through negotiations. If the parties do not reach an agreement during the negotiations, the dispute is subject to judicial review.

6. Final provisions

6.1. The contract is drawn up in [...] copies in Russian. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing.

6.2. The contract may be amended and supplemented by agreement of the parties.

6.3. The liability of the parties is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Legal/actual address, bank details and signatures of the parties.

It should be noted that in all the texts of the agreements cited above, the heading structure is approximately the same:

[Name of the enterprise], represented by the director of Imyarek, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and [name of the enterprise], represented by the director of Imyarek-2, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows.

This is not really some kind of strict legal requirement, but a slight simplification. Such a "header" provides for text restructuring in accordance with real conditions. So, instead of a director, a deputy director or another responsible person authorized to conclude an agreement by the top management of the company may appear. This person can act not only on the basis of the charter, but also the memorandum of association, marketing policy, regulations, passport, etc.

Museums and exhibitions are unique resources for the development of cultural and educational tourism.

There are museums of the following types: natural science (geological, botanical, zoological, medical); historical (general historical, historical-revolutionary, military-historical, archaeological, ethnographic, military and labor glory); art criticism (fine, theatrical, musical art, artistic crafts); literary; technical (polytechnic, technical branch communications, automotive, railway transport, astronautics); memorial (their excursions are dedicated to outstanding historical events, state, public, military figures, figures of science, culture and art); complex (mainly of local history profile); museum-reserves (they include not only indoor expositions, but also architectural, historical, natural monuments located on the territory of the reserve).

The main function of museums is to collect and store valuable historical and cultural materials and monuments.

An exhibition is understood as a collection of certain objects, works of art, located somewhere for viewing, as well as a place for such viewing. For the tourism sector, two types of exhibitions are relevant: an exhibition as an artistic phenomenon, where works of art are exhibited for public display, and an exhibition as a commercial event associated with the demonstration of a new tourist product by tour operators. In this study guide we will be interested in the first kind of exhibitions - the exhibition as an artistic phenomenon.

Exhibitions, like museums, have their own classification. They are classified according to several criteria:

At the venue: stationary, mobile, traveling;
. by frequency: periodic, annual;
. according to the composition of participants: city, regional, interregional, national, international;
. by the nature of the exhibits presented: thematic (contemporary art, decorative and applied art, paintings, sculpture, historical, literary, mixed), collection-representative (on the basis of rarities and masterpieces), thematic-didactic (with a demonstration of the results of working with any material, for example, "Living Clay", "Obediant Glass"), conceptual (differ from thematic in that they contain a conceptual idea - A New Look to the well-known, the introduction of new phenomena of art into the scientific and artistic circulation, the author's development of the exhibition and the ways of its implementation).

Museum and exhibition exposition (hereinafter simply exposition) is a special Information system, reflecting the phenomenon of cultural-historical, artistic, creative process. The peculiarity of the exposition lies in the fact that this process or phenomenon is shown and studied through the subject and with its help.

The work on the exposition includes the definition of its theme and idea, the target setting of the future exposition, the selection of objects for the exposition, their interpretation and grouping, in addition, the author of the exposition must know the approximate size and nature of the exposition area.

The first and obligatory condition for starting work on the exposition is the definition of the theme and idea of ​​the exposition. The theme is what the exposition is devoted to, what it conveys information about; idea - what the authors wanted to "say" with this exposition, this is their conceptual idea. When starting to work on an expositional theme, it should be taken into account that it cannot be developed in isolation from other expositional themes, one way or another related to it, if any. Therefore, the author of any expositional theme included in a larger thematic section must know its main content and the place of this expositional theme in it. The latter is especially relevant when developing a museum exhibition. The topic should be formulated in such a way that it can be revealed through museum or exhibition items, thus, it is the material side of the process, event or phenomenon that should be presented most fully.

Having determined the theme, idea, target setting of the future exposition, its relationship with other exposition themes (if any), the area that it will occupy, you can begin to develop the thematic structure of the exposition. The latter is understood as its division into sections by highlighting individual sub-themes, reflecting the relationship of events and phenomena. A clear structure gives the visitor the opportunity to see the stages of a process, to highlight significant points at each stage. Therefore, with all the variety of material in museums different types or at exhibitions general principles exposure structures may be similar.

The theme or sub-theme consists, as a rule, of several expositional complexes, the formation of which occurs a little later, at the stage of material selection. The main principles for the formation of the thematic structure of the exposition are chronological and problematic (ideological) principles.

The next stage in the preparation of the exposition is the selection of the necessary exposition materials. When selecting exhibits, they are guided by the theme and purpose of the exposition. Only those exhibits are selected that are distinguished by their utmost expressiveness and significance: unique monuments and objects that do not have external expressiveness, but are necessary to characterize the most important aspects of a process, event or phenomenon; monuments reflecting the restoration, collecting and research activities of the museum. In order to most accurately identify and select items for exposition, its author must be able to critically approach them, reveal their content, and draw generalizations and conclusions based on their study.

In museology, exhibits are divided into material, written, pictorial. Let's take a closer look at each type of exhibit.

Material exhibits are objects that characterize a process, event, phenomenon, personality, in a word, what the exposition is dedicated to. Items for personal use (clothes, shoes, accessories), furniture, household utensils, items characterizing state power and state policy (regalia, numismatic material, orders, models of weapons and equipment of the army), items related to religious rituals, etc.

All these items placed in the exposition provide an opportunity for direct acquaintance with the history of someone's life or with any area of ​​human life.

Written exhibits are archive documents, statistical materials, legislative acts, leaflets, private letters, scientific and journalistic works, literary and artistic works. Written sources may include historiographic materials, original diagrams and drawings. Sometimes written sources, handwritten or printed, are exhibited as objects of material culture. In this case, the attention of visitors is directed to the paper on which the text is written, to the nature of the handwritten or printed font, to the printing technique, to external design book or document.

Visual exhibits - these can be portraits, sketches from nature, paintings, drawings of building facades, uniforms, pictures of fashion magazines, historical and artistic works, posters. Dioramas also belong to visual materials: the combination of a visual background with a subject foreground with the help of special lighting creates the illusion of real space and opens up great opportunities for figurative reproduction of a historical event or natural object.

Pictorial materials also include photographs from nature, telling about an event or person. They have individual documentary value. It is important that the photo has high quality performance, since in most cases photographs that are technically poorly executed are poorly perceived. The exception is instances that have material value. Such exhibits should be exhibited regardless of their quality and appearance(pale, yellowed, burnt, etc.)

In addition to authentic items, scientific and auxiliary materials are needed to design the exposition. These include reproductions of genuine items that for some reason cannot be put on display: diagrams, diagrams, plans, models, layouts, drawings. These materials help to understand the content of the exposition in a visual and quickly perceived form. However, the use of scientific and auxiliary material should be thoughtful and moderate, as it should not distract the visitors of the exposition from genuine museum items.

Important in the exposition and textual material. Often, the objects themselves are not able to convey to the visitors the information embedded in them, since it may be hidden, lying outside the visual perception. In order to identify such information, texts are needed that are divided into leading, tables of contents, explanatory and labeling (labels with annotations).

Leading texts reveal the ideological orientation of the exposition. These can be statements of prominent public figures, writers, scientists. In the recent past, statements by the classics of Marxism-Leninism or excerpts from party documents were used as leading texts; at present, leading texts are used unreasonably rarely in expositions.

The title texts reflect the thematic structure of the exposition: this is the name of the halls, sections, topics. They help visitors navigate in determining the route of viewing the exposition.

Information of interest to visitors may be contained in explanatory texts. They refer to the exposition hall as a whole, less often to a separate topic. Explanatory texts usually reveal the main points of the content of the hall or topic, perhaps an indication of the most interesting exhibits and materials, as well as the procedure for viewing the exposition.

All of the listed types of texts accompanying the exposition are optional: they may or may not be used in the exposition; it all depends on the author's intent.

Labels, i.e. labels with annotations, are obligatory text material for the exposition.

The label contains brief information about each exhibited item, which are arranged in a certain order. The label indicates the name of the exhibit, the material from which it is made, the place of manufacture, the author. Further, additional information about the subject can be indicated: its individual details, method of use, connection with an event or person. The label is being filled literary language, in a clear font without hyphenation, is located under the subject or to the right of it. With a large number of small items (archeology, numismatics, jewelry), they should be numbered, and the label should be given in accordance with the numbering on a separate sheet located in the immediate vicinity of the exhibits. Since the exposition must be placed in space, after the selection of exhibits, so-called layouts are carried out. During the layout process, the selected exhibits are placed in a given space in accordance with the theme of the exposition and with the exposition design projects proposed by the artist. At the same time, it turns out how the exhibits relate to each other, what is the role of each of them, and the relative position of the exposition rows and complexes is specified.

When designing an exposition, the following methodological techniques are used:

1) the main method of compiling an exposition is to single out the leading exhibits and those that are involved for greater concretization and visibility of the presenters;
2) acceptance of mutual documentation of different types of materials, for example, a genuine object and a reproduction (a photograph of a breeder at work and an example of a new variety; a portrait and genuine clothing, a reproduction of an interior and appropriate furniture, etc.);
3) the technique of reification is usually used to get acquainted with hard-to-perceive written sources and consists in the selection of visual materials and material monuments mentioned in the document, corresponding to it in chronology or in content;
4) the juxtaposition method is based on a contrast display, for example, photographs of the palace before and after reconstruction;
5) the technique of a massive display is used to enhance the impression of what is seen, for example, rows of weapons, rolls of fabrics, piles of war trophies, etc.

The last stage of exposition preparation is the development of a thematic exposition plan. The thematic exposition plan (TEP) is a list of exposition sections and complexes with a brief disclosure of their content and a list of exhibits included in their composition. In addition, given exact names exhibits, data on their type, nature, origin, references to sources, indication of the places of exhibits in the exposition (showcase, stand, podium) and their sizes. Information about exposition materials must be comprehensive and extremely accurate. For convenience, TEP is drawn up in the form of a table consisting of 6 columns:

1) the name of the section, topic, subtopic, complex;
2) serial number of the exhibit;
3) the name of the exhibit;
4) type of exhibit (original, scientific and auxiliary material, dummy, model, photograph, graph, etc.);
5) the size of the exhibit;
6) the location of the exhibit in the exposition.

The text material, pre-edited and approved, is attached to the TEP.

In the future, TEP with all textual material and methodological developments to create models, models, etc., it is transferred to the graphic designer, who, on the basis of everything received, draws up a project for the artistic design of the exposition. The latter means the architectural design of the premises, the painting of the walls, the lighting of the hall, the equipment of the exposition furniture, as well as the placement of the exposition sections and complexes and the exhibits themselves.

The artist creates an exposition within certain spatial boundaries. The dimensions of the exposition belt are set based on the average height of a person and the level of his eyes relative to the floor. Its height does not exceed 2 - 2.5 m, the horizontal angle of view is 25 - 30 degrees, vertically up to 40 degrees. The best display area for viewing is at the level of a person's eyes (approximately 1.5 - 1.55 m from the floor level). If top level the exposure is increased, then, in order to maintain the proportionality of the placement of objects in a high room, additional space is occupied by large exhibits (photo enlargement, picturesque panels, etc.). Small objects are not placed below 70 cm from the floor level, as their inspection and perception is complicated. The inclined, at an angle of 45 degrees, the bottom of horizontal showcases is most convenient for viewing exhibits and reading text. In the exposition sections and complexes, the leading exhibits are placed in the center, their role is emphasized by the introduction of an active color background, directional lighting, and the creation of free space around, which necessarily attracts the attention of visitors.

After that, the artist develops mounting sheets, in which the place of each exhibit and texts is fixed in the exact scale. The design of the text material in the exposition requires special attention. Modern expositions widely use typographic type and computer typesetting. It is acceptable to stimulate the font for a certain era, if this does not make it difficult for visitors to read the texts.

After finishing work on artistic elements, scientific and auxiliary and text materials, equipment, the installation of the exposition is carried out. During the installation process, some changes may be made to the content of the exposition or their placement. However, they do not represent fundamental decisions and are, as a rule, of a private nature.

When the exposition is mounted and fully prepared, its preview is organized with the involvement of specialists in all sections of the exposition. Only after that the exposition can be opened for visitors.

Exposition halls can be guided tours. Materials for the excursion begin to be prepared by the author, usually at the stage of TEP development. Then they are transferred to the guide. The author of materials for the excursion conducts several classes with the guide, explaining information about the most interesting exhibits. Based on the materials received and consultations, the guides independently prepare excursions.

General provisions

This Regulation forms a unified organizational and methodological basis for the implementation of exhibition activities by divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This document defines the goals, format, status, main organizational points, as well as types of exhibition activities carried out by the divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

General church institutions and enterprises, dioceses, spiritual educational institutions, parishes, monasteries, metochions, brotherhoods, sisterhoods of the Russian Orthodox Church (hereinafter referred to as divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church) in matters of organizing and holding exhibition activities are guided by the decisions of the Local and Bishops' Councils, the definitions of the Holy Synod, the Decrees of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the Canonical Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church Churches.

The actions of the divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church in matters of organizing and holding exhibition activities do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Goals and objectives of exhibition activities

The objectives of the exhibition activities of the Russian Orthodox Church are:

  • the spread of the Orthodox faith;
  • strengthening intra-church unity and cooperation;
  • familiarization with the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church of the general public;
  • ensuring access of the population to products of church art, folk crafts and crafts, printed, audio and video products of religious, spiritual and moral content.

Based on the goals, the exhibition activity should solve the following tasks:

  • informing about the life and activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, including the decisions of the Councils, the Holy Synod, the activities of the Inter-Council Presence and synodal institutions;
  • support for synodal institutions and dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in the development of missionary, spiritual and educational activities and social service;
  • creation of platforms for the interaction of the Russian Orthodox Church with state authorities, public and other organizations;
  • promoting the development of church art, folk crafts and crafts, the creation of printed, audio and video products of religious, spiritual and moral content;
  • strengthening inter-Orthodox and international relations Russian Orthodox Church, the spread of spiritual and cultural values.

1. Types of exhibition activities

Exhibition activities of the Russian Orthodox Church include the following categories of events:

1) Orthodox exhibition - an event aimed at popularizing Orthodox values, introducing the history of the Church and its leaders, contributing to familiarization with Christian culture and contributing to spiritual and moral enlightenment. The exhibition implies the creation of an exhibition exposition, with the possible holding of business and cultural and educational programs, the organization of related trade on an area of ​​​​no more than 10% of the total exhibition space.

2) Orthodox exhibition-forum - a complex event dedicated to significant events in the life of the Church and society, which implies the creation of a large-scale exhibition, the obligatory holding of an extensive business (conferences, hearings, round tables, etc.) and cultural and educational programs, with possible organization of trade on the area of ​​not more than 30% of the total volume of exhibition space.

3) Orthodox exhibition-fair - an event aimed at spiritual and moral education and popularization of Orthodox culture and traditions, by presenting an exhibition, and also involving the organization of trade in products of church art, folk crafts and crafts, printed, audio and video products of religious and spiritual moral content on the area of ​​no more than 70% of the total exhibition space. The exhibition-fair may be accompanied by business, cultural and educational programs.

4) Orthodox fair - an event aimed at the sale of products of church art, folk crafts and crafts, printed, audio and video products of religious, spiritual and moral content with the possible organization of a cultural and educational program.

An exhibition event may be called Orthodox if the share of church organizations or exhibits of Orthodox themes is presented in the total volume of at least 70%.

Based on the functional focus and frequency of holding, Orthodox exhibition events are divided into the following categories:

1) Anniversary. Exhibitions dedicated to some significant event in church life or the anniversary date of a church figure.

2) Holiday. Exhibitions, exhibitions-fairs and fairs dedicated to some kind of church or church-public holiday.

3) Design. Exhibitions, exhibitions-fairs and fairs implemented within the framework of a given project. For example, "Orthodox Russia", "Joy of the Word", etc.

4) Thematic. Exhibitions, exhibitions-fairs and fairs aimed at Christian education, dedicated to a specific topic, type of activity or category of products.

Exhibition events of these groups may have the following status:

A) general church

Having a general church significance.

B) synodal

Conducted within the framework of the activities of synodal institutions.

B) interdiocesan

The organizers are several dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, or most of the participants represent more than one diocese.

D) diocesan

The organizer is the diocesan administration or diocesan structure.

The written blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is sure to receive exhibition events of groups A and B (the latter coordinate with the ruling bishop of the diocese on whose territory they will be held).

Groups C and D must have the blessing of the ruling bishops of the dioceses in whose territory they are held.

Exhibition events held with the blessing of the heads of the Self-Governing and Autonomous Churches within the Moscow Patriarchate have a special status.

Exhibition events of groups A, B and C outside the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church are held with the written blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia after agreement with the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Exhibition events on the territory of foreign dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church or stauropegial parishes abroad, not belonging to groups A, B and C, are held with the blessing of the ruling bishops of these dioceses or the head of the Office for Foreign Institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate.

3. Organizers and participants of exhibition events

The organizer or co-organizer of Orthodox exhibition events is a division of the Russian Orthodox Church, responsible for compliance with the canons and traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church of the exhibition event.

Public authorities, citizens and organizations can be co-organizers and partners in holding exhibition events.

Responsibility for holding the exhibition event at the proper level lies with the Organizing Committee of the exhibition event.

Related materials

Word of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the meeting of the Supreme Church Council on April 17, 2019 [Patriarch: Greetings and Appeals]

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill chaired a regular meeting of the Supreme Church Council

dated March 9, 2007 N 377r

(As amended by the Orders of Russian Railways dated 10.10.2008 N 2160r, dated 02.17.2011 N 355r,
dated 11/23/2012 N 2388r)

In order to streamline the organization of the participation of Russian Railways in Russian and international exhibitions and conferences, as well as ensuring the proper organization of their own similar events:
1. Approve the attached:
Regulations on the exhibition activities of Russian Railways;
Regulations on the exhibition committee of Russian Railways.
2. Recognize as invalid paragraph 2 of the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated February 27, 2004 N 1237r "On the exhibition committee of the open joint-stock company"Russian Railways" and the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated January 23, 2006 N 113r "On changing the composition of the exhibition committee of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways".

The president
JSC "Russian Railways"


(As amended by the Orders of Russian Railways JSC dated 10.10.2008 N 2160r, dated 02.17.2011 N 355r)

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing the exhibition activities of Russian Railways.
2. Exhibition activities are understood as activities to organize the participation of Russian Railways in international and Russian exhibitions and conferences (hereinafter referred to as exhibitions and conferences), as well as to prepare and hold Russian Railways' own similar events.
3. Exhibition activities are carried out in order to:
a) assistance in expanding the scope of rendering of transport services by Russian Railways and improving their quality;
b) organizing the exchange of experience between organizations working in the field of railway transport, both in Russia and abroad, in solving technical, economic, environmental and social problems;
c) facilitating the rapid introduction into production of new technologies, technical means and solutions, as well as resource-saving technologies;
d) enhancing the prestige of Russian railways in Russia and abroad, the formation of a positive image of Russian Railways.
e) carrying out effective purposeful brand-oriented communication activities, which allows to increase the capital and value of the brand.
(Subparagraph e was introduced by the Order of Russian Railways OJSC dated February 17, 2011 N 355r)
4. The exhibition activity of Russian Railways is carried out subject to the following conditions:
along with narrow-profile information on the topic of a particular event, brand-oriented topics should be covered within the framework of exhibition activities;
Exhibition activities are carried out in accordance with the principles for selecting events for exhibition activities and the conditions for participation in them by Russian Railways.
(Clause 4 is given as amended by Order of Russian Railways OJSC dated February 17, 2011 N 355r)
5. Coordination of the organization of participation of Russian Railways in exhibitions and conferences, as well as the holding of Russian Railways' own similar events, is carried out by the exhibition committee of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the committee).
(The clause was introduced by Order of Russian Railways JSC dated February 17, 2011 N 355r)
6. The organization and implementation of exhibition activities, including the issues of its methodological and logistical support, is carried out by the Department of Technical Policy, which, in cooperation with the departments involved in the management apparatus of JSC "Russian Railways", branches and structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways":
a) prepares, on the basis of instructions from the president of Russian Railways and the chairman of the committee, proposals from divisions of the management apparatus of Russian Railways, branches, other structural divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates of Russian Railways, a draft plan for the exhibition activities of Russian Railways for the corresponding year and also plans expenses for its implementation;
b) provides preparation of materials for exhibitions and conferences;
c) generalizes and studies international and Russian experience holding exhibitions and conferences in order to use it in the future in the implementation of exhibition activities;
d) organizes the holding of a competition in accordance with the established procedure for the selection of the contractor's company for organizing support for exhibition activities (providing after-sales service, conducting marketing research, production of exhibition souvenirs and printed materials, provision of translation services, rental of exhibition space and their development, organization of the departure of delegations of Russian Railways to exhibitions and conferences, organization of the production of mock-ups of full-scale samples of railway equipment and equipment for demonstration at exhibitions and conferences, etc.);
e) ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, the conclusion of contracts with contractors for the provision of services to support exhibition activities, organizes their execution;
f) prepares drafts of internal documents of Russian Railways JSC on issues related to the participation of Russian Railways JSC in exhibitions and conferences, as well as on the organization and holding of Russian Railways' own similar events;
g) prepares proposals on the composition of the delegations of Russian Railways sent to exhibitions and conferences;
7. Subdivisions of the administrative apparatus of Russian Railways JSC, branches and structural subdivisions of Russian Railways JSC submit to the Technical Policy Department proposals and materials on the formation of projects for exhibition expositions and conferences of Russian Railways JSC, as well as proposals on the composition of delegations sent to exhibitions and conferences.
Proposals and materials on the formation of projects for exhibitions and conferences of Russian Railways, proposals on the composition of delegations are sent to the Department of Technical Policy one month before they are held.
8. The Department of Technical Policy submits to the company selected on a competitive basis to accompany the exhibition activities, the requirements for the performance of work and the preparation of materials for each event. Projects of the said works and materials are considered by the working group of the committee and approved by the chairman of the committee.
9. To ensure the participation of Russian Railways in exhibitions, the Department of Technical Policy organizes work on the preparation of projects for exhibition expositions of Russian Railways.
10. Projects of exhibition expositions are approved by the chairman of the committee, and in his absence by the deputy chairman of the committee.
The design of exhibition stands, texts, design, quantity and nomenclature of printing and souvenir products, scripts, voice-over texts, storyboarding of video materials, nomenclature and content of photographic materials intended for production and distribution at exhibitions and conferences are submitted to the Corporate Communications Department.

Not later than 5 business days from the date of receipt of the materials, the Corporate Communications Department submits written comments or approves the submitted materials.
(The paragraph was added by Order of Russian Railways JSC dated 10.10.2008 N 2160r)
11. In order to participate in an unscheduled exhibition or conference, as well as organize and hold Russian Railways' own similar events, divisions of the management apparatus of Russian Railways, branches and structural divisions of Russian Railways submit proposals to the Technical Policy Department with justification for participation (holding) , which, after preliminary consideration, are sent to the working group of the committee to prepare a report within a week to the president of Russian Railways on the advisability of participating (holding) in the proposed events.
12. Suggestions for official support JSC "Russian Railways" exhibitions and conferences are submitted during the year to the working group of the committee to prepare the appropriate decision of the President of JSC "Russian Railways".


(As amended by Order of Russian Railways OJSC dated November 23, 2012 N 2388r)

1. The exhibition committee of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the committee) coordinates the organization of participation of Russian Railways in international and Russian exhibitions and conferences, as well as the holding of Russian Railways' own similar events.
The main objectives of the committee are to promote innovative and scientific and technological development, popularize new technical means, energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies introduced in railway transport, present the capabilities of Russian Railways in the field of transport services, organize the exchange of experience between countries in solving technical, economic, environmental and social problems in the field of railway transport, increasing the prestige of Russian Railways in the country and abroad.
(As amended by the Order of Russian Railways OJSC dated November 23, 2012 N 2388r)
2. The main tasks of the committee are:
a) coordination of the organization and implementation of the exhibition activities of Russian Railways;
b) facilitating the study of transport services markets and the promotion of services, works and products of Russian Railways;
c) assistance to employees of divisions of the management apparatus of Russian Railways, its branches, other structural divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates in the study, use and dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of organizing exhibition activities.
3. The Committee, in order to solve the main tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:
a) ensures the interaction of Russian Railways with the authorities public authorities and organizations;
b) considers the draft annual plan for the exhibition activities of JSC "Russian Railways" for the corresponding year;
c) determines the directions for the development of the exhibition activities of Russian Railways;
d) consider proposals for improving the exhibition activities of Russian Railways and recommend them for use;
e) contributes to the development of the material and technical base of the exhibition activities of Russian Railways;
f) considers proposals for holding unscheduled exhibitions and conferences of Russian Railways.
4. Committee meetings are held as needed, but at least once a quarter.
5. The composition of the committee is formed from employees of Russian Railways. The committee is chaired by the first vice-president of Russian Railways.
6. The chairman of the committee manages the activities of the committee, holds committee meetings, approves the composition of the committee and its working group, signs the minutes of committee meetings, gives instructions to committee members, and approves the thematic plan for the exhibition expositions of Russian Railways.
7. Responsible secretary of the committee:
a) chair the working group of the committee;
b) organizes the activities of the working group of the committee;
c) submits to the chairman of the committee or his deputy reports on the effectiveness of the measures taken by Russian Railways;
d) submit to the chairman of the committee the candidacies of members of the working group;
e) requests from departments, branches, other structural subdivisions of Russian Railways JSC the materials and documents necessary for organizing exhibition displays and conferences of Russian Railways JSC.
8. Committee Secretary:
a) prepare materials and documents for consideration at a committee meeting;
b) draw up the minutes of the committee meetings.