The concept of the labor market. Topic: Man in the labor market

The modern labor market is characterized by a lack of unambiguous certainty and security of employment. The reorientation of production, a change in activities, a change in the content of activities, the emergence of new professions and specialties entails the need for advanced training, redefinition and change of profession.

A young person must learn how to behave correctly in the labor market, understand how to promote their virtues and opportunities, and not be afraid of this.

What is the labor market? In the most general way, one can say that The market is the meeting point of supply and demand. The most important condition for a balanced market is the coordination of the needs and interests of sellers and buyers.

Labor market- a system of methods, social mechanisms and organizations that allows sellers (job seekers) to find work, and buyers (employers) to find workers to conduct production and commercial activities.

Sellers any person looking for a job can be on the labor market: students, graduates of vocational schools, anyone who wants to change their place of work, i.e. it can be people who have or do not have a job.

Buyers(employers) in the presence of vacancies have a demand for a particular worker. They declare this to the employment service, other state and non-state organizations for the recruitment and selection of personnel. And they, in turn, act as intermediaries in the labor market between people looking for work (supply) and employers with their needs for workers (demand).

When making a decision about choosing a profession, a place of work, building a professional career, a person needs to take into account what is the demand for specialists, for certain services, goods and how it can change in the future, i.e. know the situation on the labor market and the market of professions at the moment and assume its alignment in the future.

Within the labor market there is job market

1.3.2. What is the market for professions?

Throughout the world, there are many markets for professions in the labor market, for example, accountants, drivers, etc.; In this situation, sellers - people with the same profession, offer their labor to the buyer with different conditions and employment opportunities. Thus, it can be said that job market- is the sale and purchase of a specific type of labor, when sellers (seekers of work) who have the same profession offer their labor.

Studies show that today they are no longer in demand "narrow" specialists. The modern labor market increasingly requires workers who have mastered several professions and specialties. In addition, employers note a good command of not only special, but also key competencies necessary for effective interaction with colleagues at work, manifested in the ability to adapt to technological and organizational changes in production, readiness for continuous self-education, etc.

If we characterize all professions and specialties in terms of job security, then we can distinguish the following types of professions, the probability of employment in which is quite high:

"eternal" professions and specialties that serve the basic needs of a person that never disappear (doctor, farmer, builder, hairdresser, etc.);

"through" (common), for which there are jobs, positions in almost every enterprise, in any institution, in any area (electrician, locksmith, secretary, etc.);

"deficient" (at the moment and in the near future), the demand for which in the labor market is not satisfied;

"promising" those. those professions and specialties, the demand for which will increase;

"free" those. those professions and specialties that can be realized in the self-employment mode, regardless of the economic situation. In addition, these professions do not require expensive equipment, large material costs (tailor, artist, carpenter, salesman, interior designer, etc.).

The competitiveness of a profession and specialty increases if it simultaneously belongs to several of the listed types.

The demand for specialists in various professions is changing in accordance with changes in the economy. Therefore, in a situation of planning a professional career, it is important for young people to know state of the Russian and regional labor markets. Thus, in the Samara region by 2008, according to experts, graduates of institutions of primary vocational education will remain the most in demand.

1.3.3. Who is successful in the labor market?

Among your acquaintances, there are probably people who can be called successful. What are these people?

Exercise 1.

Make a "portrait" of a successful person in the labor market.

Remember among your acquaintances, friends, relatives, several people who

who are successful in the labor market. Try to highlight the characteristics that allow them to be so. Include in this description the necessary, in your opinion, knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities.

A successful person in the labor market has the following characteristics:

The researchers studied the attitude of employers towards graduates of vocational schools, that is, those who are completing or have just completed their studies. It turned out that different employers divide graduates into different categories:

Those who found a job - those who did not find a job;

Working in their specialty - working not in their specialty - non-working;

Enthusiasts - just working;

Confident in their abilities - insecure;

Coping with their duties - not coping with their duties.

As a result, the "portrait" of a successful graduate, according to employers, includes the following characteristics:

The ability to understand




Creativity (as the ability to be creative),

Good social adjustment

Interest in modern engineering and technology.

We think you have noticed that such qualities as activity, confidence, independence, creativity are present in both lists (compiled by you and employers). This is not accidental - the modern market requires an active position, without it it is impossible to achieve success.

Exercise 2.

If you want to know how active your position in the labor market is, we offer to evaluate a number of statements.

If you agree with the corresponding statement, then put a "+" sign next to its number.

Test "How active is your position in the labor market?"

1. I know my goals and desires well.

2. I studied myself, I know what I am capable of.

3. I know how to navigate the flow of information and independently obtain the necessary information.

4. I believe in myself, in the possibility of achieving success in the planned affairs.

5. I believe that I have the right to choose in any competitive situation - not only do they choose me, but I also choose.

6. I know how to communicate with other people and use their help, make them allies in the implementation of my plans.

7. I know how to benefit from mistakes, learn from my own experience and from the experience of other people.

8. Faced with an obstacle, I look for new ways to get around it, I look for new ways to resolve the difficulty that has arisen.

9. I feel enough strength and energy to achieve my goals.

10. When arranging ways to achieve the main option, I always think over a spare one.

11. I strive to gain experience, I try myself in different areas.

12. I constantly reflect and correct my actions depending on the results obtained.

13. I know how to take into account the opinions of other people when developing and implementing my plans without losing my positions.

14. I have the skills to behave in business situations, I can arrange a meeting with the right people, introduce myself, talk about my capabilities.

Results processing

Count the number of pluses that turned out in the end. If there are 12-14 of them, then your position very active. If 8-11 then enough active. If you put less than 6 pluses, then it makes sense to think seriously and, perhaps, contact a psychologist for advice.

In any case, it should be remembered that an active position implies independent, creative, flexible behavior, and the activity of the position and success depend only on you!

? Checking the assimilation of the material

Exercise 1. Use arrows to indicate the correspondence between terms and definitions.

Task 2. What type of profession is your profession/specialty? Prove it.

■ Task 3. What external factors of the general sphere influenced your choice of profession? Please comment on your answer.

■ Task 4. What external factors in the service sphere are your priorities in building a career? Explain.

Everyone knows about such concept as "good job". It is like a myth, like a dream, it is somewhere, sometimes it is almost within reach. Some lucky ones have it, and a lot of people want it. She is desirable in any family, she fills life with happiness. She is a magical vessel in which the well-being of us and our children is hidden. She is an absolute creation, she is the "fifth element", she is ideal and she is individual, she is different and unique for everyone. We dream of it, we invent it ourselves again and again, because after a while even the most "good work" loses its irresistible features and becomes commonplace. Familiar, isn't it?
So what's the deal here, how to be in this wonderful country, what kind of bait you need to plant in order to catch a goldfish? Who is this lucky owner of a "good job" and how to become one? Let's try to figure it out, and get as close as possible to the desired magnificence, which is almost guaranteed to fall on you along with your "GOOD WORK".
So step number 1
If you already have a job and it suits you, well, not really, but still like a "nothing like" job. It is necessary to urgently want, to begin with, to want, to have a "magic vessel".
For example: I am a civil engineer, after about 5 years of working in various areas, I began to understand that something was wrong. That is, everything was fine and the salary was paid and the team was good and the bosses were supportive. Thanks to all of them, but:
W/n wanted more.
I wanted to climb the corporate ladder.
I wanted to build something special, and preferably "more orderly".
I said to myself: "I will be ready to do everything in my power to get my then dream, my "magic vessel"". I wanted so much that everything else faded into the background, I could not help but think about it, I saw myself as the owner of this “good job”. Now I understand that I wanted not so much, but then I really, really wanted to get a new job and certainly a good one.
Most people think about changing jobs only when "clouds have appeared on the horizon." Our task is to wish for the best place always. This desire should become your life habit.
I have a friend who walks this path with his head held high, he made the catchphrase “only the brave conquer the seas” his motto, working in different positions, he is constantly looking for a “better life”. Over the past 4 years of our acquaintance, he found 4 new places with a "good job" improving his salary indicators from time to time. Now he is “on horseback” again, his work allows him to work according to the schedule for a month of work after a month of rest and at the same time have a stable monthly income of 60,000 rubles. He started out as a master builder and now works in the oil and gas industry. A realized need, turned into a life habit, is a great power.
Step #2.
Imagine a person, the best specialist in your profession, an outstanding worker. Any labor resources are subject to him, for him there are no impossible tasks. He is all glowing from the energy that overwhelms him, he has thousands of brilliant ideas. Now imagine that this hero of labor is YOU. In order to have a "good job", your self-esteem must be inflated otherwise you will remain a dreamer. You should not treat this stage of the implementation of the plan to capture the "valuable trophy" as a formality, it is directly related to the most difficult and responsible next step.
Step #3.
The leopard develops a speed of about 120 km / h in pursuit of prey, in order to feast on a juicy insect, the chameleon throws out its tongue, increasing its length by 20 times, the snake lies in ambush for days waiting for its prey. The laws of nature are inexorable, in order to achieve something, you need to move in the intended direction, be patient and act, act.
Real life example: My wife is a cashier. 7 years of experience. Then the birth of a child, already 2 years of isolation from the changing labor market. Once we talked and I asked: "Who do you want to work in the near future? And what kind of job is it?". You know the answer: "The work must be good!" We talked a little more and now there is a list of what the minimum needs to be done and what to have in order to meet the requirements of employers for this position. How to achieve all this, how to meet this new level of requirements? Strive, learn, achieve. Refresher courses, training courses for 3 months, the cost is 10-12t.r., but if you search, you can do it for free. You come to the labor exchange, draw up all the documents and receive unemployment benefits, free legal advice on the rights of the unemployed, psychological assistance and the opportunity to get a course you need, with subsequent employment in a new specialty. The main thing is to tell everyone that you only need a new “good job”. There is no good job yet, but there is a certificate of completion of specialized courses, and there will be an entry in the work book, and an extra plus sign in your resume.
I got a driver's license even earlier, unlearned and passed the exams, having a baby.
It improves computer literacy, by the way, they also helped to get a job at the labor exchange, because if you don’t watch endless TV shows, there is enough time for many useful things.
Take a look around, there are plenty of opportunities to take care of yourself in terms of professional development and acquiring new skills, and not all of them are so expensive. Having before your eyes a list of "feats" that need to be accomplished to fulfill the dream of a good job, and acting, you can move along this path very significantly and almost "reach for the stars."
So, you have already turned into a hunter for a "valuable trophy", your equipment is being improved due to the effective actions taken by you. You are a pearl diver, and therefore you know that each new attempt to plunge into the world of learning will make you richer both professionally and personally. Call friends from previous jobs and tell them about your unshakable intention to get a “good job”, tell them about your achievements, report on the actions taken and in no case listen to “well-wishers” who preach their fatal attitude to life and justify their laziness proverb "You can't jump above your head." The purpose of these calls is to find out if there is a person in the immediate environment who already has the job that you desire. If you are lucky and find such a person, then in conversations with him you will be able to find out all the nuances of your future “acquisition” and perhaps even an ally and mentor in matters of finding a “good job”.
The next stage, step number 4.
The times when the issue of hiring a new specialist was decided in the personnel department of an enterprise have sunk into oblivion. The industrial age has been replaced by the information age, the Internet is working tirelessly for our benefit, regardless of the time of day and time zones. The online labor market is truly limitless, endless rows of virtual vacancies are replaced by slender ranks of resumes. By typing “required ...” in the search engine line, and following the links, you will find and see that it exists “good job”, that there are vacancies, read the requirements for the applicant. Compare the list of requirements with your list of achievements, analyze the difference, and if the differences are not critical, then you at least meet the standard requirements of this “good job” and have the full moral and professional right to use the “heavy artillery”.
Compose a resume, post it on employment sites and pages of recruitment agencies. Spend your time compiling a competent resume, if you cannot print it yourself and save it electronically, ask friends and relatives for help. Contact the recruitment agencies in your city, these are, without exaggeration, great helpers in finding a “good job”, here you will receive free help and advice on professional resume writing. Understand that a good resume is as important as a good car on the race track, it is an indispensable companion of a successful specialist, it is the key to success in the fight for the best job. Once drawn up and periodically adjusted, it will reveal your personal and professional qualities, tell employers about your aspirations and potential opportunities. It is you, it attracts the eyes of employers and recruitment agencies. It is a free advertising agent, tirelessly presenting your person and issuing objective information about you. Help him, send him to all corners of the vast job market, sow the seeds, send your resume to recruitment agencies and post it on the most popular job sites. Trumpet the whole world about yourself, reap "minutes of glory", all employers should have the opportunity to get to know you by means of a resume.
. Many thanks to this portal for tirelessly caring for me and my well-being. Just think, without making a single visit, I visited 516 people and told them about myself, if all these acquaintances happened in reality, I would probably be exhausted from endless visits, stories about myself and periodic refusals. All the hard work was done for me by my janitor, my resume, and the job offers I received were extremely consistent with my wishes and ideas of a “good job”.
Finding yourself a “good job” is no doubt also a job, and if this occupation is treated responsibly and professionally, then success is inevitable. I can tell you with all responsibility that there is such a profession as a “successful person in the labor market”. There are thousands, and probably hundreds of thousands of these free workers who independently master new areas of knowledge, analyze labor markets, work with databases of vacancies, and engage in PR promotion of their own person. In the past, present and future, they are the lucky winners of the valuable prize of "good work". And as their professional qualities grow, I mean, the qualities of a “successful person in the labor market”, they receive an increasingly perfect result of their work - a “good job”, and with it family well-being, personal and professional development, an increase in the level well-being, moving up the career ladder, respect for friends and colleagues.
This is a very good profession, and if each of us takes a closer look at it and tries to learn the professional skills corresponding to a “successful person in the labor market”, then finding a good job will be as easy and familiar as doing the daily task at the main place of work. Changes are for the better, in order for life to change, you need to change it, take care of yourself, take care of your work, find a “good job” and be happy.

The price of a man is his salary.

English proverb

After graduating from the institute, all of you will find yourself in the role of sellers. True, the product that you will offer for sale will be of a special kind - this is your ability to work. That is what you will sell all your life, trying to get the highest possible price.

In order not to lose in such a bargain, you should now get acquainted with one of the main markets for resources (factors) of production - the labor market.

The economic nature of the labor market

In ch. 1, we found out that in the labor market they sell and buy labor services related to the use of mental and physical abilities of people, as well as their skills and experience for the production of economic benefits. The role of the labor market in the economy of each country is extremely large due to the fact that the vast majority of people in any country receive income thanks to it, selling their labor.

Labor market- a set of economic and legal procedures that allow people to exchange their labor services for wages and other benefits that firms agree to provide them in exchange for these services.

Thus, the labor market connects people who want to sell their labor services and organizations that want to buy these services to carry out their activities. The latter are usually referred to as "employers" or "employers".

The circle of sellers in the labor market is extremely wide. It includes a miner who is hired to mine coal underground, and a rock singer who signs an agreement to hold concerts in the best halls of the country, and a scientist who receives money to carry out the research needed by the customer, and a minister who is paid by the state to lead a certain area. activities.

All of them offer their labor services on the labor market in the hope of getting a job where they will be paid for using these services. But the success of sales is different for everyone: someone finds a place without problems, and someone toils for months without a job, someone receives income for their work that allows them to live in luxury, and someone barely has enough earnings to feed their families. We will understand the reasons for such differences by analyzing the work of the labor market.

First of all, we note that the commodity sold here - labor services - is extremely diverse (the labor services of a waiter and the labor services of a banker are very different from each other), and does not exist separately from the people who provide these services.

This gives the functioning of the labor market several significant features:

  • the demand here is not for labor services in general, but for services of a certain type and complexity (for example, not for the services of drivers in general, but for the services of bus drivers with a certain level of qualification and experience);
  • along with the national one, there are local labor markets (for example, the labor market of the Ivanovo region or the labor market of the Krasnodar Territory), where the ratio of demand for labor services of the same type and their supply can vary significantly;
  • the supply of labor services may vary due to the fact that people are able to change profession, mastering a different qualification.

The development of events in the labor market is closely related to how the labor force behaves, acting as a seller on it. By labor force in this case we mean all people of working age who are able and willing to sell their labor services.

For example, the labor market is balanced the easier, and the economy of any country develops, as a rule, the better, the greater the mobility of the labor force available in this country. There are two types of labor mobility:

  • 1) professional;
  • 2) territorial.

Under professional mobility The labor force is understood as the ability of a person to master different professions and retrain throughout life. Naturally, a person takes such a step only if he is forced by circumstances or it is beneficial for him.

And in industrialized countries, it is not uncommon for people with higher education to change professions. They again sit down on student benches and acquire new professions that promise more favorable working conditions. A similar situation has developed in Russia. For example, in 1992-1993. we suddenly had a boom in accounting courses. Masses of employees of research institutes, design bureaus and various government offices went there to retrain. They hoped to find work in commercial organizations and receive higher earnings than in the previous place of work (and many succeeded).

Under territorial mobility workforce, we understand the ability and willingness of people to move from place to place in order to get a job.

For example, US workers and employees change jobs 10 or more times in their lives, which has reduced the average tenure in the US to 3.6 years.

And the point here is not some special, "restless" character of the Americans. In any country in the world, most employees are constantly “looking around” in search of a place where they pay better for the same job. And if they find a suitable place, they immediately make an attempt to go to work there.

Such rational behavior is inherent in people of all countries - even the Japanese, brought up on the tradition of lifetime employment, in which salary growth is directly dependent on length of service. But then one day in Japan there was a shortage of workers and it became possible to get a higher salary in other firms. And the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun behaved in exactly the same way as the Americans. In 1989, almost 3 million Japanese people left their old jobs, and polls showed that 41% of men aged 20 to 29 were ready for the transition.

Having become acquainted with what is sold on the labor market, and with the peculiarities of the behavior of sellers, let's move on to how the labor market works and how the market price of labor services is formed on it - wage rate.

Wage rate - the amount of money paid to an employee for labor services rendered by him during a certain time (hour, shift or month) or necessary to perform a certain amount of work (for example, the manufacture of one part).

Features of the labor market, therefore: the demand is not for labor services in general, but for services of a certain type and complexity (not for the services of a driver, but for the services of a bus driver with a certain level of qualification and experience). along with the national one, there are local labor markets (the labor market of Karelia), where the demand for the same services may differ. the supply of labor services may change as people can quickly change their profession, change their qualifications.

What determines supply in the labor market Supply in the labor market is, in essence, the number of people who are ready to take on the performance of a particular job. The most important factors in the formation of supply in the labor markets are: wages, time costs, the burden of labor, the complexity of work

What determines the demand in the labor market? The labor market is specific - it is a derivative demand market. The fact is that no one needs the ability to work as such. It cannot be consumed directly. Labor acquires value only when it is converted into various goods and services. Therefore, the number of workers who can get a job is directly determined by the state of affairs in the commodity markets. If the demand for a product increases, then the need for its manufacturers also increases.

Solve the problem There are 2 carpenters working in the workshop. Each of them produces 80 stools per month. In the market, each stool costs 400 rubles. Production costs (boards, electricity, glue, etc.) amount to 24.7 thousand rubles. The owner pays monthly rent for the premises. For his personal expenses, the owner takes the rub. What is the salary of each carpenter?

The reasons for the stable difference in wage levels are the complexity of work - the more difficult the work, the longer it takes to learn. In order for people to agree to this, they need to pay more. In most developed countries, people with higher education earn more. In addition, an educated person can perform valuable types of work. He has human capital - that is, the knowledge and skills accumulated by a person as a result of training. burden of work - some workers get more than engineers. This is because the salary must compensate for the increased burden of work (in the chemical industry), harm to health, work at night, etc. limited talents - the salaries of outstanding people (athletes, artists, musicians, writers, scientists, singers, etc.) are very high all over the world. Each of these people appears on the labor market as a "unique product" because has a rare talent. Many people want to acquire this talent, because its supply is very limited. Hence the high wages. degree of risk - the higher the risk, the more people (miners, test pilots, astronauts, stock brokers) will ask for a salary for work. Some risk their health, others huge sums of money.

After graduating from the institute, all of you will find yourself in the role of sellers. True, the product that you will offer for sale will be of a special kind - this is your ability to work. That is what you will sell all your life, trying to get the highest possible price.

Labor market- a set of economic and legal procedures that allow people to exchange their labor services for wages and other benefits that firms agree to provide them in exchange for these services.

Thus, the labor market connects people who want to sell their labor services and organizations that want to buy these services to carry out their activities. The latter are usually referred to as "employers" or "employers".

First of all, we note that the goods sold here are labor services:

1) extremely diverse (the labor services of a waiter and the labor services of a banker are very different from each other);

2) does not exist separately from the people who provide these services.

Features of the functioning of the labor market:

1) the demand here is not for labor services in general, but for services of a certain type and complexity (for example, not for the services of drivers in general, but for the services of bus drivers with a certain level of qualification and experience);

2) along with the national one, there are local labor markets (for example, the labor market of the Ivanovo region or the labor market of the Krasnodar Territory), where the ratio of demand for labor services of the same type and their supply can vary significantly;

3) the supply of labor services may vary due to the fact that people are able to change their profession by acquiring a different qualification.

Wage rate- the amount of money paid to an employee for labor services rendered by him during a certain period of time (hour, shift or month) or necessary to perform a certain amount of work (for example, the manufacture of one part).

The productivity of demand in the labor market determines the dependence of the situation on it on the state of affairs in the commodity markets, that is, it sets the framework within which market bargaining can develop here. Derived demand - the demand for factors of production, generated by the need to use them for the production of goods and services.

The wages of an employee cannot be higher than the amount that can be obtained in the market for the products produced by him.

Wages, as a rule, cannot grow faster than the productivity of the labor for which they are paid.

The main incentive for labor activity is the payment that can be received for it. It is the inevitability of spending one's energy and time in order to receive wages (without which one cannot satisfy one's needs) that prompts a person to abandon idleness and get hired. And the higher this payment, the more willingly a person takes up work. What price of choice do we pay when we go to work? This price is measured by the free time that we could use to do what pleases us, but which we are now forced to give to work. Another factor that weakens the interest of people in work is the burden of the duties themselves, which must be performed for pay. The more tedious this or that type of work, the more strength it takes from a person, the more people will demand for it. Finally, the supply of labor is affected by the complexity of the tasks that must be performed successfully in order for your labor efforts to be paid.

Wage differentials are determined by four main factors:

1) the complexity of labor. Human capital - knowledge and skills accumulated by a person as a result of training and previous work activities and affecting the possibility of his employment and the level of salary received.

2) the burden of labor.

3) limited talents.

4) the degree of risk associated with this or that work.

Living wage - the amount of money necessary for a person to purchase a volume of food not lower than physiological norms, as well as to meet at the minimum necessary level his needs for clothing, footwear, housing, transport services, sanitation and hygiene items.

An employment contract is an agreement on the content and conditions of work, as well as on the amount of its payment and other mutual obligations of the employer and employee, reached by them as a result of individual negotiations.

Wage. The most traditional forms of wages are time and piecework.

With time wages, an employee receives money for performing his duties for a certain period of time. And the amount of payment grows in direct proportion to this time. Such a system is used where it is difficult or impossible to measure the result of labor activity quantitatively (this is how government officials, doctors, scientists, etc. are paid)

With piecework wages, the worker receives a certain amount of money for each product that comes out of his hands or for each production operation performed by him. The more he did, the higher the amount that is paid to him. These systems are simple and therefore convenient, which led to their widespread use in many countries of the world.

Today, however, more and more use in developed countries are new methods for determining wages. They make a significant share of earnings dependent on the success and income of the company as a whole. These new forms of remuneration are closely related to the desire of company managers to interest the employee as much as possible in the success of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Participation in success. So you can formulate the main idea underlying the most modern methods of stimulating the work of employees. According to psychologists, for most people, only growing prosperity is not enough. A person wants to take an active part in the management of the enterprise, wants to feel like a co-owner, wants to be listened to and respected by others. This psychological coloring of labor relations turned out to be a very important reserve for increasing labor productivity and product quality. Naturally, entrepreneurs and business leaders in many developed countries of the world immediately took it into service. Japan has been particularly successful in this. But other countries are trying to keep up with the Land of the Rising Sun in the implementation of "participation in success" systems. Today, the most widespread methods are those that ensure the participation of employees in the distribution of company profits. But there are also more advanced forms of incentives. They are based on the fact that employees become co-owners of the enterprises in which they work. In many countries, laws even create incentives for companies to allow workers to become co-owners. For example, in the automobile company Chrysler, each worker owns a part of the capital of this company in the amount of almost 6 thousand dollars. Millions of dollars are also measured by the shares of ownership that its best programmers own in the famous computer company Microsoft. Is it any wonder that they work so hard for "their" company and this - along with a successful commercial policy - has brought it to the leaders of the world software market