Graduation presentation in elementary school. Graduation in elementary school

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The presentation "Graduation in elementary school" was prepared for holding a graduation party at the end of elementary school children. The slides contain the main information on the achievements of elementary school students, the main scenario of the holiday is contained in the abstract for the presentation.

  • 4th grade;
  • Achievements of students during the years of study in elementary school;
  • Game "Wheel of history";
  • Rules for the care of graduates;
  • Oath of the fifth grader.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Chernikova I.V.






    • For the teacher to teach

slide 1

slide 2

Introducing our 4"A" class!

  • Nimble, athletic.
  • Bold, active.
  • Smart, inquisitive, in general, attractive!
  • Everyone is smart and beautiful.
  • Foolish, happy.
  • slide 3

    4 "A" class is

    • Small but friendly team.
    • Lovers to talk with a neighbor.
    • Let's get down to business - the case is not good.
    • Happy bunch of kids
    • Headache of Irina Vasilievna.
    • The average age is 10 years old, and the general age is over 150.
    • Favorite day of the week is Sunday.
    • Favorite subject…
    • Favorite writer…
    • Favorite show...
  • slide 4

    We went through four classes - everything was calculated, everything was taken into account!

    • For 4 years we had 3789 lessons.
    • We leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks on them.
    • They traveled 100,002 km to school and back.
    • We scribbled and gnawed 170 and a half pens.
    • Lost six dozen erasers.
    • Ate two tons of baked goods.
    • We drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote.
    • Poured into waste 21 buckets of cocoa and coffee drink.
    • They grew up by 1357 cm.
    • We have grown fat by 187 kilograms and now weigh about half a ton.
    • If we put all the textbooks that we have studied in 4 years into one line, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth!
    • Well, we had a few fights and a couple of fights.
  • slide 5

    Lesson "The Wheel of History"

    1. What year did you enter 1st grade?
      • your own version
    2. What is the name of your first teacher?
      • Vasilisa the Beautiful
      • Barbara-beauty
      • Baba Yaga
      • your own version
    3. How to turn a preschooler into a schoolboy?
      • with a portfolio
      • cross out the letters D and O
      • with a magic wand
      • your own version
    4. What is the name of the lesson in which you learned to write?
      • calligraphy
      • letter
      • Russian language
      • your own version
    5. How many students did you have in first grade?
      • your own version
    6. Who was the best student in the class?
      • Alyosha
      • Kirill
      • your own version
  • slide 6

    Alumni Care Rules

    • It is not recommended to arrange a "puzzle" for this product.
    • Ironing is allowed, and as often as possible, regardless of his behavior.
    • It is recommended to use the product "Graduate" only for its intended purpose: to feed, water, walk, entertain and sleep after four years of lack of sleep and other inconveniences of school life.
    • If you do not handle the Graduate product with care, it may deteriorate. From anger and resentment, his face will turn red, his lips will tremble, and the product will lose its original attractiveness.
  • Slide 7

    "The Oath of the Fifth Grader"

    • Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I solemnly swear:
    • To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not to let a single question, even the most difficult and tricky, go past your ears.
    • Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 degrees.
    • Be fast and agile, but do not exceed 60 km/h when moving through school corridors.
    • To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and strong knowledge and skills.
    • Be worthy of your teachers.
  • Slide 8

    The cheerful bell rings
    Let's go to fifth grade
    Thank you, initial
    We won't forget you.

    View all slides


    "Magic tale of childhood".

    STEP 1.
    At the crossroads.

    1st rider: Goes to the right - home.
    2nd rider: Goes to the left - in the first class.
    3rd rider: Goes straight.
    ACTION 2.
    In first grade.
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.

    First Grader 1:
    First Grader 2: (Terrible.)(Pityfully).
    2nd rider:

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    They sat down at the desk for the first time.
    Student 3:

    And the noisy family is big
    New girlfriends and friends.
    Student 4:

    First Grader 1: The first class will not be repeated,
    My heart was suddenly empty.
    It's time for you to say goodbye
    And there is a reason for sadness
    First Grader 2: This is what we will replace
    The best first class!
    We are a worthy replacement
    Together: And we won't let you down!
    Student 5:

    Student 6:
    Student 7:
    Student 8:
    Student 9:
    Student 10: There are two Katyushas in our class,
    Yana, Anechka, Andryusha,
    Nastya, Yura and Maxim,
    Gayane and Konstantin
    There is Alesya and Christina,
    Alexandra and Amina
    Daniel is and Angela,
    Both Artyom and Anahit,
    Gagik, Sasha and Nanulya,
    Alexey and Vika are
    Look, we are all here!
    2nd rider:


    From a portfolio? From the first call?
    From a piece of white chalk?

    Since the first school break?

    From an album, paints, diary?
    From the board and desk?
    From the primer!

    The guests say no.
    Student 11: First grade primer reads
    Fifth grade runs to the gym

    Someone writes, someone jumps,
    Someone bit off a globe.

    Teacher: diligent and diligent,
    Lazy and dreamy
    Skinny and plump
    Broken and educated.
    As soon as the bell rings -
    They run to class. Who is it?
    Children: Students
    Teacher: (continues riddle)
    At change, they are on their ears.

    Children: Students
    Teacher: What are the students doing?
    Children: Learn.

    We are funny guys
    We will sing ditties to you,
    Like in your favorite school
    We live wonderfully.
    Sasha was late for school
    But he did not say that he overslept,
    Just now, as luck would have it,
    It bloomed too late.
    Trained monkeys
    Nastya saw
    And today all the boys
    She trained.
    Once Katya's teacher
    Explained that knowledge is light,
    Katya went to bed in the light,
    And woke up - no knowledge.
    Vika finished things
    Today ahead of schedule:
    Braided two pigtails
    Just two lessons.
    I learned to distinguish
    Dollars and lira.
    Apparently I need to go.
    to the big bankers.

    And the change is so big
    That there are any transformations ...
    Where Danil and Sasha were,
    Jumping ninja turtles.
    Someone crawled out from behind the closet
    It turned out to be Bruce Willis.

    Then on the assignment Leshka - Walker.

    Where are the directors? What are they waiting for?

    Doctors and lawyers
    Agronomists and comedians,
    Bankers and diplomats
    Artists and MPs
    Actors and businessmen
    Geologists and supermen,
    Bakers and confectioners
    Military and builders
    Presidents and programmers
    Housewives and tourists...
    WHO IS IT..? Teacher


    The class that has a teacher is rich,


    Hello Hello! Hi guys
    I missed you here
    Tell me how are you
    And what will make us happy?
    Children: Well, things are going well
    Perhaps even good.

    A pot has fallen off the wall.
    Hello, I don't understand
    And here is a cone and a pot.
    Say it so it's clear
    What happened to you there?
    The flower fell off the wall.
    He hit Alyoshka on the back of the head.
    Ah, don't worry, you better.
    I don't understand at all
    What is our conversation about.

    After all, the change is still!
    Children: We will explain everything to you now.
    And let's explain:
    The fourth "A" taught, crammed,
    But it was beyond strength.
    And we decided to take a break
    Listen to some music.
    Maxim turned on his receiver,
    And there hard rock screamed.
    The girls all started dancing
    It didn't work out here without us.
    The fourth "B" came running to us,
    Yelling and jumping helped.
    Although our school is new,
    But the wall collapsed that hour.
    A flower fell down from the wall
    That pot hit Alyoshka.

    All is well, all is well!
    Student 5: Teacher! He is always on the road
    In worries, searches, anxiety -
    And there is never peace.
    Everyone needs the right answer.
    Student 6:

    Intertwined with his fate.

    Teacher's happiness builds up
    from our student victories.

    And rejoice every time for those

    Don't you dare forget the teachers.

    Russia is famous for its teachers.
    The disciples bring glory to her.
    Don't you dare forget the teachers.
    Student 7: You were very strict
    when you taught us.
    And a lot in these years
    You have done for us:
    You taught us how to think.
    The world of creativity has been opened.
    How great that with joy
    We learned from you.
    Student 7: If I were a minister
    All primary and secondary schools
    I be in schools real fast
    Removed the rating "kol".
    To your command
    I would add the words
    What else is destruction
    A score of "two" is subject.
    And then, thinking the night
    From dawn to dawn
    I would have ordered without delay
    Abolish the "three" mark.
    So that learning is not in torment.
    In order not to upset moms,
    To study with pleasure
    On "four" and on "five"!
    "Song of the Unit".

    In the young month of April
    Woke up in the river cancer.
    We didn't want to study.
    Did some work.
    Forgotten everything in the world
    We go for a walk in the morning.
    The wind is blowing in my head
    And we want a rating of "5",
    But the strongest in the world
    We love the rating "5".
    Soaring like birds
    Knowing no barriers
    Units in a notebook
    Fly, fly, fly.
    To us again units
    Fly, fly, fly.
    Presentation of certificates and diplomas.
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.

    Teacher: Stop! Wait, where did you go!
    Rider 1: Where where. Home!
    Teacher: And who is waiting for you there?
    Rider 1: Who, who. Parents!
    Rider 1:

    Two students read poetry.
    O faith of our mothers,
    Forever not knowing the measure,
    Holy, trembling faith,
    We are growing children.
    Her, like a light in a birch forest,
    Will not corrode anything in the world:
    Not a "one" in the diary,
    No angry complaints from neighbors.
    Mothers are such a people -

    And again they believe, they believe, they believe.
    So only mothers believe -
    Exactly and patiently.
    And they are not loud
    They don't consider it a miracle.
    And just nothing of the year
    Their faith is trembling and tender.
    But we are not always
    We justify their hopes.
    Student: Yesterday we were kids

    And we promise we won't let you down.
    Student: Dear mothers, dear fathers!

    We thank you with all our hearts.
    Student: Mothers, dear kind mothers,

    Everyone is ready to help.

    Gain knowledge and grow.

    You helped us get through everything.
    All children (in chorus): Thanks!

    What is at the stove - a young granny


    Golden wedding.

    Grandma next to Grandpa

    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Sing this song together.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Sing this song together.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Bride and groom again.
    Have been in love with this couple since childhood.
    Moms, dads and of course us.
    Very strong grandfather dancer,

    The chorus is the same.

    We wish them a young life
    Raise the mugs high

    The chorus is the same.
    Parent: What good grown children!
    They have surprisingly clear faces.

    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.
    Rider 3 enters the stage.
    Rider 3:

    Rider 3:
    Rider 3:(referring to children)

    Student: I don't know everything about life yet
    Not everyone got primers,
    But I have one thing for sure:
    Remember your teachers.
    You will be loud and high
    But after many years

    Student: What do we know about you teachers?
    Strict, sometimes tired,
    How did we pay you for such
    Selfless thoughts about us.

    Cats were brought from the yard,
    Even shamelessly we yelled
    If you get sick, cheers!
    Have we really thought about
    Why, forgetting about the diaries,
    You suddenly fell silent near the windows


    Evening graduation...
    Yes, and more than once
    Guests found similarities
    With one of our parents.
    And then over time, later,

    The dashes are the best
    We are all on our teachers.


    Children take an oath

    We swear!
    We swear!
    We swear!
    We swear!
    Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. We swear!
    We swear! We swear! We swear!
    We part, alas, forever.

    There will be high school then.

    Years go by in an instant.
    But we won't forget the "primary"

    Student: There will be many different items
    There will be different teachers
    But will be remembered forever
    The one who first taught me.

    Helped us in life always

    This was the second mother.




    Student: Thanks to everyone who taught us.

    To praise, or scold,

    Who fed and protected us,
    Bruises smeared, bandaged.
    To whom did we run skipping
    Take a book for class.
    Student: Who washed after us, swept,

    It goes away forever.

    Student: Thank you for your kind attention

    For everything you have taught us.

    Student: Goodbye, goodbye
    Our native fourth grade,
    Separation comes -
    We are releasing now.
    We are unhappy and sad
    But sometimes joyfully -
    Grown up, wiser -
    Fifth grade is on the doorstep.
    We don't understand yet
    What are we losing today?
    Your childhood years
    We lose forever.
    And today - goodbye
    Our own fourth grade.

    "Friends break up."
    The hallways are getting quieter
    You can even hear the beating of hearts
    Goodbye elementary school

    Remembering happy days
    How did we get here as kids?
    And how we left you.
    Friends break up
    Tenderness remains in the heart.
    Let's keep friendship
    Goodbye, see you again.

    And they led the way of knowledge.

    We made discoveries here.

    We will come running to you more than once.

    We are the only one with you.

    Graduation party at elementary school"Magic tale of childhood".
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.
    On the stage there is a pillar on a pillar with an inscription:
    “If you go to the right, you will get home!”
    “If you go to the left, you will get into the first class!”
    “If you go straight, you will find happiness!”
    STEP 1.
    At the crossroads.
    Three riders on horseback ride out onto the stage. They drive up to the stone and think aloud.
    1st rider: Where to go? I do not even know. But one thing I know for sure - wherever you go, home is always better! Goes to the right - home.
    2nd rider: I don't know, I don't know, I don't like to sit at home. Either teach lessons, then help mom and dad, no shouting, no running - Boredom! But at school, everything is possible for me, and in the first grade, lessons are not given. Goes to the left - in the first class.
    3rd rider: Thank God! Have parted. They got me with their questions. Fed up with horror. I know exactly where to go. Where there are none, there is happiness. Goes straight.
    ACTION 2.
    In first grade.
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.
    The rider enters. He is met by future first-graders with a bell.
    First Grader 1: What came here? Look how big you are. You don't belong here.
    First Grader 2: True true. Come on, get out of here. (Terrible.) Or maybe they left you for the second year? (Pityfully).
    2nd rider: Well no! I was also in first grade. I decided to remember how it all began.
    The girls ring the bell and run away.
    Student 1 enters the stage with his mother, and his mother passes his hand to the teacher.
    Student 1: Do you remember, there was a sea of ​​​​flowers and sounds around,
    From the warm mother's hands, the Teacher took your hand.
    Teacher: The pen was small, timid, inept, not like it is now.
    Student 2: We were all funny kids
    When they entered the classroom for the first time.
    And, having received a notebook with pencils,
    They sat down at the desk for the first time.
    Student 3: As the teacher met at the door,
    Our faithful friend for many days,
    And the noisy family is big
    New girlfriends and friends.
    Student 4: We remember that cheerful call,
    What rang to us for the first time,
    When they entered the school with flowers,
    In your best first class.
    Future first-graders come on stage and ring the bell.
    First Grader 1: The first class will not be repeated,
    My heart was suddenly empty.
    It's time for you to say goodbye
    And there is a reason for sadness
    First Grader 2: This is what we will replace
    The best first class!
    We are a worthy replacement
    Together: And we won't let you down!
    Teacher: You wrote more than one notebook in 4 years of study. And we started with prescriptions. Oh, how difficult it was, the hand did not obey, the copy did not lie correctly on the desk. They sniffed, puffed, cried, but tried and, nothing, learned.
    Student 5: Help out wands, lifesaver!
    Get in order, in my first notebook!
    Do not leave the line, keep your back straight for everyone!
    Why don't you listen? What's wrong with learning?
    What are you standing for, anyhow? I got you again!
    But my teacher does not know, and even my mother does not know,
    How hard it is to teach you to stand up straight.
    Student 6: Yes, it was difficult to start, but now everything is behind us and we can handle any task.
    Student 7: All this is good, but what interesting things can we tell about our class?
    Student 8: Our class is the best, the most friendly, the most beloved ... for me. And for you, I hope, too.
    Student 9: Yes, but there are two such classes in our school. And how are we different?
    Student 10: There are two Katyushas in our class,
    Yana, Anechka, Andryusha,
    Nastya, Yura and Maxim,
    Gayane and Konstantin
    There is Alesya and Christina,
    Alexandra and Amina
    Daniel is and Angela,
    Both Artyom and Anahit,
    Gagik, Sasha and Nanulya,
    Alexey and Vika are
    Look, we are all here!
    2nd rider: Great! I remember it all. And what holidays we arranged! What songs they sang! And how our girls dance cool! Once in the fall, such a dance was danced, the show-ballet "Todes" is resting. You do not believe me? Girls, show them what you can do!
    Dance "After the ball" Spanish. D. Malikov.
    Teacher: Do you know what a school is?
    School. This word has become dear and dear to us. Where does it begin?
    From a portfolio? From the first call?
    From a piece of white chalk?
    From the first letter? From the first evaluation?
    Since the first school break?
    Or maybe from the first notebook sheet?
    From an album, paints, diary?
    From the board and desk?
    From the primer!
    Why - I don’t know for sure, but I only know when: always in early September!
    Teacher: Do you, dear guests, know what is happening at our school?
    The guests say no.
    Student 11: First grade primer reads
    Fifth grade runs to the gym
    And the tenth splits the magazine into molecules.
    Someone writes, someone jumps,
    Someone bit off a globe.
    And the teacher almost cries, the poor man is exhausted.
    Teacher: diligent and diligent,
    Lazy and dreamy
    Skinny and plump
    Broken and educated.
    As soon as the bell rings -
    They run to class. Who is it?
    Children: Students
    Teacher: Or maybe it's the teachers? Let's clarify (continues riddle)
    At change, they are on their ears.
    They climb on the desks. They fight at the door.
    Howling and moaning, squealing and mooing,
    Like a whole herd of merry calves.
    Children: Students
    Teacher: What are the students doing?
    Children: Learn.
    Teacher: How they are doing in this process, they will tell themselves.
    Children perform ditties about the school.
    We are funny guys
    We will sing ditties to you,
    Like in your favorite school
    We live wonderfully.
    Sasha was late for school
    But he did not say that he overslept,
    Just now, as luck would have it,
    It bloomed too late.
    Trained monkeys
    Nastya saw
    And today all the boys
    She trained.
    Once Katya's teacher
    Explained that knowledge is light,
    Katya went to bed in the light,
    And woke up - no knowledge.
    Vika finished things
    Today ahead of schedule:
    Braided two pigtails
    Just two lessons.
    I learned to distinguish
    Dollars and lira.
    Apparently I need to go.
    to the big bankers.
    The girls take turns reading the couplets.
    And the change is so big
    That there are any transformations ...
    Where Danil and Sasha were,
    Jumping ninja turtles.
    Someone crawled out from behind the closet
    It turned out to be Bruce Willis.
    Step - stop, still - stop,
    The Terminator walked deftly into the classroom.
    Who rushed in the hallway like a rocker?
    Then on the assignment Leshka - Walker.
    The attendants came out, they look bravo,
    Why not interns in the Vice Police!
    Where are the directors? What are they waiting for?
    After all, Hollywood is lost without us!
    Scene "Conversation" (performed by parents)
    Teacher: Solve another riddle. Without it, not a single person on the planet could become literate. It was and is in every person. Thanks to him, little kids grow up:
    Doctors and lawyers
    Agronomists and comedians,
    Bankers and diplomats
    Artists and MPs
    Actors and businessmen
    Geologists and supermen,
    Bakers and confectioners
    Military and builders
    Presidents and programmers
    Housewives and tourists...
    WHO IS IT..? Teacher
    Horseman 2 appears on the scene.
    Student: The class that has a teacher is rich,
    Who teaches, helps, understands,
    He caresses and hugs like a parent
    And as a parent - strictly scold.
    The class that has a teacher is rich,
    Who loves, appreciates, trusts,
    Who knows that it is impossible otherwise ...
    And we, twice as rich as all the others!
    Student: And once Anna Gennadievna left for an important meeting. And we were alone in the class. Hear what came out of it.
    Children and teachers sing the song "Hello! Hello! Our wonderful teacher." (Beautiful marquise).
    Hello Hello! Hi guys
    I missed you here
    Tell me how are you
    And what will make us happy?
    Children: Well, things are going well
    Perhaps even good.
    That's just Lech walking with a bump,
    A pot has fallen off the wall.
    Hello, I don't understand
    And here is a cone and a pot.
    Say it so it's clear
    What happened to you there?
    Children: Hello, no need to worry.
    The flower fell off the wall.
    He hit Alyoshka on the back of the head.
    Ah, don't worry, you better.
    I don't understand at all
    What is our conversation about.
    Perhaps our hearing is poor,
    After all, the change is still!
    Children: We will explain everything to you now.
    And let's explain:
    The fourth "A" taught, crammed,
    But it was beyond strength.
    And we decided to take a break
    Listen to some music.
    Maxim turned on his receiver,
    And there hard rock screamed.
    The girls all started dancing
    It didn't work out here without us.
    The fourth "B" came running to us,
    Yelling and jumping helped.
    Although our school is new,
    But the wall collapsed that hour.
    A flower fell down from the wall
    That pot hit Alyoshka.
    As for the rest, you are our teacher,
    All is well, all is well!
    Teacher: Such incidents sometimes occur in school life. But children really love teachers and try very hard not to upset them.
    Student 5: Teacher! He is always on the road
    In worries, searches, anxiety -
    And there is never peace.
    Everyone needs the right answer.
    Student 6: He judges himself more severely.
    It is all earthly, but it is torn upwards.
    Do not count, perhaps, how many fates
    Intertwined with his fate.
    Student 7: Don't you dare forget the teachers.
    They care about us and remember.
    And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
    waiting for our return and news.
    They miss these infrequent meetings.
    And no matter how many years have passed,
    Teacher's happiness builds up
    from our student victories.
    And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
    on New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.
    And in the bustle or just out of laziness
    We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
    They are waiting for us. They are watching us.
    And rejoice every time for those
    Who will pass the exam somewhere again
    for courage, for honesty, for success.
    Don't you dare forget the teachers.
    May life be worthy of their efforts.
    Russia is famous for its teachers.
    The disciples bring glory to her.
    Don't you dare forget the teachers.
    Student 7: You were very strict
    when you taught us.
    And a lot in these years
    You have done for us:
    You taught us how to think.
    The world of creativity has been opened.
    How great that with joy
    We learned from you.
    Student 7: If I were a minister
    All primary and secondary schools
    I be in schools real fast
    Removed the rating "kol".
    To your command
    I would add the words
    What else is destruction
    A score of "two" is subject.
    And then, thinking the night
    From dawn to dawn
    I would have ordered without delay
    Abolish the "three" mark.
    So that learning is not in torment.
    In order not to upset moms,
    To study with pleasure
    On "four" and on "five"!
    "Song of the Unit".
    To the motive of the song "Winged Swing".
    In the young month of April
    Woke up in the river cancer.
    We didn't want to study.
    Did some work.
    Forgotten everything in the world
    We go for a walk in the morning.
    The wind is blowing in my head
    And we want a rating of "5",
    But the strongest in the world
    We love the rating "5".
    Soaring like birds
    Knowing no barriers
    Units in a notebook
    Fly, fly, fly.
    To us again units
    Fly, fly, fly.
    Teacher: In fact, our children are learning well. The best proof of my words is the certificates and diplomas that I want to present to our students.
    Presentation of certificates and diplomas.
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.
    Everyone leaves the stage. Rider 1 appears on the stage. The teacher follows him.
    Teacher: Stop! Wait, where did you go!
    Rider 1: Where where. Home!
    Teacher: And who is waiting for you there?
    Rider 1: Who, who. Parents!
    Teacher: Parent is what? Profession? Vocation? Position or rank?
    Rider 1: Parents are my reliable rear. And they feed me, clothe me and, of course, educate me.
    The rider leaves the stage. Children take the stage.
    Teacher: In our ascent, we were accompanied by true friends and helpers - our parents. With good advice, with wise instructions, they guided us. How sad their eyes were when sometimes you brought a bad mark in your diary! What sparks lit up in them when everything worked out for you! How lucky you are to have such wonderful parents!
    Two students read poetry.
    O faith of our mothers,
    Forever not knowing the measure,
    Holy, trembling faith,
    We are growing children.
    Her, like a light in a birch forest,
    Will not corrode anything in the world:
    Not a "one" in the diary,
    No angry complaints from neighbors.
    Mothers are such a people -
    They will sigh, they will measure us with a long look:
    “Let him get carried away. It will pass!” -
    And again they believe, they believe, they believe.
    So only mothers believe -
    Exactly and patiently.
    And they are not loud
    They don't consider it a miracle.
    And just nothing of the year
    Their faith is trembling and tender.
    But we are not always
    We justify their hopes.
    Student: Yesterday we were kids
    And you once led us to the first class.
    And all four years were with us,
    Well, now we are adults.
    But how much work ahead of us!
    Victory, joy, success ahead!
    We expect your support and care
    And we promise we won't let you down.
    Student: Dear mothers, dear fathers!
    It's good to have you around now
    In this solemn, joyful hour.
    We will share our joy with you,
    In life for us you are the compass of the earth.
    After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!
    We thank you with all our hearts.
    Teacher: And I, in turn, would like to thank your parents for raising you such good children, for putting all their love and tenderness into you, for always treating your little failures with understanding, for that they supported me and understood me for always taking part in the life of our class.
    ATTENTION! Presentation of letters of thanks to parents.
    Student: Mothers, dear kind mothers,
    We want to say "thank you" to you
    For caring, for the fact that you are with us.
    Everyone is ready to help.
    You went from class to class,
    Gain knowledge and grow.
    Everything we were taught in school
    You helped us get through everything.
    All children (in chorus): Thanks!
    Teacher: And the care of grandmothers for their grandchildren is especially touching. It's not for nothing that they say: "The first child is the last doll, the grandson is the first child." Therefore, many grandmothers were like mothers. We know that they most often pour out their worries for their grandchildren in tears. Probably, their fate will continue - to worry, care, worry.
    Student: Until the evening I disappear at school.
    I'm flying home - and I have no doubts
    What is at the stove - a young granny
    Boil borscht, fry cutlets for us ...
    She circles around the house like a bee
    That is why there is warm honey in the vessels.
    And in the garden - and a hillock, and weeding,
    And summer is fast, it won't wait.
    Not only for the labors I love my grandmother,
    And just like that - well, I just love it.
    Thank you grandmother, how good July,
    She is in the world - and I sleep peacefully.
    Teacher: I know that grandparents are worried about their grandchildren. Our children have crossed the stage of primary education and you, dear grandparents, will have to worry about them for a very long time. We would like to wish you health, strength and patience. And most importantly, that you always feel young. Children give this song to you.
    The song "Grandma next to Grandpa" sounds
    Golden wedding.
    Holiday, holiday, family celebration.
    Holiday, golden wedding holiday.
    "Bitterly! Bitterly!" - shout merrily
    Forty great-grandchildren and twenty-five grandchildren.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    So many years, so many years together.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Sing this song together.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Sing this song together.
    Grandma next to Grandpa
    Bride and groom again.
    Have been in love with this couple since childhood.
    Moms, dads and of course us.
    Very strong grandfather dancer,
    Well, my grandmother sings like a combined choir.
    The chorus is the same.
    On a holiday, on a golden wedding holiday
    We wish them a young life
    Raise the mugs high
    And for them we drink fresh milk.
    The chorus is the same.
    Attention! Presentation of letters of thanks to grandmothers.
    Teacher: The response is given to the parents.
    Parent: What good grown children!
    They have surprisingly clear faces.
    Let them live easier in the world!
    And may they succeed.
    Perhaps today it is more difficult for them:
    Deeper programs, more and more items.
    It must have been harder for them to learn.
    And yet: good children grew up!
    And how much enthusiasm in these guys!
    And yet, judging by the multitude of signs,
    We used to be the same
    And it was not humility that brought us to the people!
    Parents say reciprocal words, congratulate the children on the transition to the fifth grade.
    A fragment of the melody "The clock strikes on the old tower" sounds.
    Rider 3 enters the stage.
    Rider 3: I wonder where I got to. What happiness awaits me here?
    Maybe I shouldn't have left alone. How can a person be happy being alone? It seems that I am already an adult and I know that happiness is only there - where they love us, where they believe us.
    All the children and teachers take the stage.
    Teacher: Well, thank God, we found it! We lost our feet, they were looking for you. They called all the hospitals, the police. What are you doing here?
    Rider 3: I am looking for happiness. I just don’t understand why, when I went after him, I didn’t take anyone with me.
    Teacher: Who goes after happiness alone? After all, the road to it is difficult, unpredictable, and sometimes even dangerous.
    Rider 3:(referring to children) Guys, why are you so sad? Control again, right?
    Student: Well no. We're graduating today. Graduation is a sad day.
    Children sing the song "How can we not worry"
    Student: We have to say goodbye to our teachers. Who will teach us, educate us, take us to the dining room, and even scold us now?
    Student: I don't know everything about life yet
    Not everyone got primers,
    But I have one thing for sure:
    Remember your teachers.
    You will be loud and high
    But after many years
    In a hurry, do not pass by the windows
    Rooms with desks in three rows.
    Student: What do we know about you teachers?
    Strict, sometimes tired,
    How did we pay you for such
    Selfless thoughts about us.
    "Deuces" we erased with rubber bands,
    Cats were brought from the yard,
    Even shamelessly we yelled
    If you get sick, cheers!
    Have we really thought about
    Why, forgetting about the diaries,
    You suddenly fell silent near the windows
    With chalk broken in hand...
    Student: How many leaves flew from the branches,
    How many winters melted drops.
    Evening graduation...
    Yes, and more than once
    Guests found similarities
    With one of our parents.
    And then over time, later,
    Everything becomes clearer and clearer:
    The dashes are the best
    We are all on our teachers.
    The response of teachers to children.
    Teacher: ATTENTION! There comes a solemn moment. Students in grade 4 "A" are awarded a certificate of completion of elementary school. (Students receive certificates and photo folders).
    You must now take the Fifth Grader Oath. All 5th graders please stand up.
    Children take an oath
    “Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:
    To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. We swear!
    Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100˚С We swear!
    Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors! We swear!
    To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze sweat, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. We swear!
    Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. We swear!
    Be worthy of your teachers! We swear! We swear! We swear!
    Student: We say goodbye to the elementary school,
    We part, alas, forever.
    In September we meet again
    There will be high school then.
    School years go by fast
    Years go by in an instant.
    But we won't forget the "primary"
    We will always remember her.
    Student: There will be many different items
    There will be different teachers
    But will be remembered forever
    The one who first taught me.
    After all, she opened the way to knowledge for us,
    Helped us in life always
    And, of course, she loved us all.
    This was the second mother.
    Student: Guys came to the first class, we are at the beginning of September.
    And we began to grow up on the pages of the Primer.
    Letters, sticks, hooks - it was so long ago.
    We part with our school, but our mood is in!
    Student: Physics, history, botany and labor are waiting for us,
    And diligence and patience will always help us here.
    On the steps higher, higher - and in the eleventh grade,
    We promise: everyone will hear about us soon.
    Student: Goodbye teacher, goodbye sweet class!
    We just part with you, we don’t say goodbye now.
    True, we guys will come here to visit!
    What once was here, we will never forget.
    Student: Moms, dads dear, we love you very much,
    We ask you to move with us to the fifth grade,
    We will need your parental fuse for life.
    Without parents, guys, I'm gone and you're gone.
    Student: Thanks to everyone who taught us.
    Who just came to our class,
    To praise, or scold,
    Or invite us to a concert.
    Who fed and protected us,
    Bruises smeared, bandaged.
    To whom did we run skipping
    Take a book for class.
    Student: Who washed after us, swept,
    So that the classroom is clean and beautiful.
    To all who have been with us these years,
    We say: "Thank you so much!"
    Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised,
    It goes away forever.
    And I want to cry and laugh
    Never part with anyone!
    Student: Thank you for your kind attention
    And for your care every day and hour,
    For warmth, love and understanding,
    For everything you have taught us.
    Student: We began to see deeper, think wider,
    We are older, better and wiser.
    And they understood why they are so valued in the world
    Excellent and great teachers.
    Student: Goodbye, goodbye
    Our native fourth grade,
    Separation comes -
    We are releasing now.
    We are unhappy and sad
    But sometimes joyfully -
    Grown up, wiser -
    Fifth grade is on the doorstep.
    We don't understand yet
    What are we losing today?
    Your childhood years
    We lose forever.
    And today - goodbye
    Our own fourth grade.
    Children with a teacher sing a song to the tune of "Moscow Windows".
    "Friends break up."
    The hallways are getting quieter
    You can even hear the beating of hearts
    Goodbye elementary school
    We send you our farewell greetings!
    We are sad, we sing parting,
    Remembering happy days
    How did we get here as kids?
    And how we left you.
    Friends break up
    Tenderness remains in the heart.
    Let's keep friendship
    Goodbye, see you again.
    In this class you dreamed with us
    And they led the way of knowledge.
    Here we met our friends,
    We made discoveries here.
    Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,
    We will come running to you more than once.
    Let others come to replace us
    We are the only one with you.
    At the end of the holiday, the teacher gives his gift to the children and their parents. This is a movie created from children's, school and family photos, created in Movie Maker.

    Goodbye, elementary school. Graduation script for grade 4

    This activity will be useful for 4th grade teachers. Diverse and rich in form, where students pass various tests, showing their knowledge and talents.
    Target: search for new, non-traditional forms in the conduct of traditional holidays.
    1. Create conditions for creative self-realization of students.
    2. Contribute to the rallying of the class team.
    3. Strengthening school traditions.

    Teachers of music, English, physical education, deputy director for VR and SD, school director, and other elementary school teachers were invited to the holiday.
    Event progress
    - Dear mothers, dear fathers, our dear teachers! We have great joy today. We all graduated from elementary school. We invite all of you to celebrate with us this big date in our lives. (Presentation, further slides - 1)

    Song "CHILDHOOD"

    This day is both happy and sad at the same time. Joyful, because you have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot, and sad because we have to part, but this parting is due to the need to expand, deepen our knowledge of the world ...
    So let's start our holiday!
    - But first, let me introduce you to the main culprits of this celebration. But today we will present them in an unusual form - according to the signs of the zodiac. Meet: (2 slide)

    "AQUARIUS" are sociable, charming children who test others for strength. Aquarius is stubborn in his desires, but internally very reasonable and logical. You should be on an equal footing with him, showing that you see an adult in him. Calm logic is the best way to convince him.
    And "AQUARIUS" - Briginets Daria. (3 slide)

    The next sign is "FISH" (Slide 4) - they are disinterested, receptive and impressionable. Often lives in the fantasy world of his imagination. He is always ready to help, but does not like to be a leader. At the same time, he loves to be in the role of a storyteller and he needs an audience. For "fish" it is very important in what environment they live.
    Meet (5 slide) Sobolev Artem, Bartukov Alexander, (6 slide) Karbainov Nikita.

    "ARIES" (7 slide) - energetic, cheerful, courageous, reach out for everything new. They do not believe in a word, they learn only from their own experience. They are somewhat stubborn, self-willed, do not like to be limited. ARIES have a rich imagination, they are overwhelmed with impressions. Active and restless, impulsive, he first acts and then thinks.
    Our "ARIES" - (8 slide) Radnaeva Elena, Usanin Valery.

    "TAURUS" (9 slide) - A sweet, affectionate, often beautiful child is far from simple! He will require a lot of love, because in his easily wounded soul the impression is ripening that no one loves him and is not taken seriously. From an early age, she likes to dress beautifully, the sense of beauty is highly developed. Do not miss the opportunity to praise him, and go through difficult moments with him.
    Our "TAURUS" - (10 slide) Lineitseva Ekaterina, Mindybaeva Anastasia, (11 slide) Moiseeva Anastasia, Chastikov Sergey, (12 slide) Fedorov Artem, Kazakova Ksenia.

    The next sign is "TWINS" (13 slide) - mobile inquisitive children with diverse interests. Sociable, easy to make friends. The mobile mind of the "twins" requires a lot of impressions. He likes order, but does not like to direct it himself. They grasp everything on the fly, and thanks to this ability, they can learn well.
    I present to you - (14 slide) Razuvaev Kirill.

    "CANCER" (15 slide) - impressionable, feel the slightest nuances of attitude towards themselves. He must be loved with all his heart. He will respond to the sensitivity and care of his parents with love and affection, he will be trusting and homely.
    Our "RAKI" - (16 slide) Alexey Borisov.

    "LEO" (17 slide) - the creative nature of the "lion" should not be suppressed. Otherwise, he may remain gloomy and withdrawn. By nature, he is trusting, but he remembers deceit for a long time and does not forgive ignobleness. He will work hard and purposefully, with a perspective ahead of him. He will be spurred on by successes and their recognition by others ...
    This is (18 slide) Maxim Gnatyuk, Vladislav Yastrebov.

    "VIRGO" (19 slide) - your child has virtues that many lack: patient, clean, obligatory. He likes everything logical, precise, concrete. "Virgo" is accurate in trifles. She studies diligently, the teacher is a great authority for her ...
    VIRGO - (20 slide) Platonov Vladimir.

    "SCALES" (21 slide) - almost the most important thing for him is harmony in his close environment, especially in the family. A good-natured and cheerful, not capricious child reacts very strongly to conflict, and may even get sick. “Scales” is a sociable sign, it is easy to get along with people, while maintaining internal independence.
    Our SCALES (22 slide) - Balaganskaya Natalia and Mironov Igor.

    "CAPRICORN" (23 slide) is a cat that walks "by itself". It has an inner seriousness and maturity. He is a little capricious, very proud and touchy. Do not demand that he admit his guilt and ask for forgiveness: you will achieve stubborn and silent resistance.
    CAPRICORN (24 slide) - Anosova Tatyana, Garzhilova Irina.

    We met with the main heroes of the occasion. And now let's remember: (25 slide)
    - How did it all begin.

    1 student:
    Ah, first class! Ah, first class!
    What a bad dream you have now
    We remember. After all, sometimes
    Everything fell on us
    2 student:
    There are different hooks in notebooks,
    Poems poured from books
    And discipline, and cleaning ...
    It was bitter in the evenings.
    3 student:
    Holding on to my mother's hand,
    Then we first went to class
    For your very first lesson.
    Who met us first?
    School bell!
    - Remember how this bell called you to the first lesson for the first time (the bell rings). With what timid clumsiness you followed your teacher through the school door.
    4 student:
    We remember that cheerful call,
    What rang to us for the first time,
    When they entered the school with flowers,
    In your first, best class
    5 student:
    Dad, mom, grandmother
    I told everything
    As we walked to the music
    From the great hall.
    6 student:
    How the sticks were written
    painted a vase
    And poems about a bird
    Learned right away.


    - Today you have to pass tests through fire, water and copper pipes. So, the first test by fire (26 slide). From time immemorial, fire has been considered a symbol of the mind. Now you will need to show your knowledge.

    7 student:
    Russian is difficult, but without it
    Life would be bad.
    Don't write a telegram
    And you won't send a postcard
    Even my own mother
    You can't say happy birthday.

    - Questions from the field of the Russian language.

    (27 slide) 1) What is the name of the bird with 40 letters?
    (28 slide) 2) Which word is always spelled wrong?
    (29 slide) 3) Muscovites live in Moscow, Vladimir residents live in Vladimir. And what do the inhabitants of Kursk and Arkhangelsk call themselves?
    (30 slide) 4) Read the words written in puzzles.
    3 Buna
    100 kochka
    (31 slide) 5) Name as many polite words as possible.

    8 student:
    Yes, math is important.
    And in life we ​​will need
    But I dream, frankly,
    Conduct an advertising lesson.
    9 student:
    To become a doctor, sailor or pilot,
    First of all, you need to know mathematics.
    And there is no profession in the world - you will notice, friends, -
    Wherever mathematics comes in handy!

    - A question from the field of mathematics(32 slide)

    1) Which is lighter: 1 kg of cotton wool or half a kilogram of iron?
    (33 slide) 2) When the crane stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will a crane weigh if it stands on two legs?
    (34 slide) 3) One egg is boiled for 10 minutes. How long does it take to boil five eggs?
    (35 slide) 4) One pump pumps out 1 ton of water in 1 minute. In how many minutes will 5 such pumps pump out 5 tons of water.

    - And besides these two things
    Do you have any more items?
    10 student:
    Of course there is, we have not forgotten
    They taught us a lot.
    Reading Lessons - Feel
    And sympathize with your neighbor.
    11 student:
    Reading is a great lesson
    A lot of useful information in each of the lines,
    Whether it's a poem or a story
    You teach them, they teach you.

    -Questions from the field of literature(36 slide)

    1) Who spent 28 years on a desert island?
    (37 slide) 2) Who was shipwrecked and captured by the Lilliputians?
    (38 slide) 3) Who rushed after the White Rabbit, fell into a very deep well and ended up in an amazing country?
    (39 slide) 4) Who taught the director of the puppet theater a lesson?
    (40 slide) 5) Who re-educated the postman Pechkin?
    (41 slides)

    12 student:
    In music lessons
    We were taught to sing together
    Dance, play and listen
    Don't look at your neighbor
    Composers of various
    You have revealed a secret to us
    And without great music
    We have no joy in life
    13 student:
    Practice and play
    Run for half an hour in the morning.
    Take care of this business
    Be smart, strong, brave.
    Plus - a good figure
    What does physical education mean?
    14 student:
    What is physical education?
    Training and play.
    What is physical education?
    Fiz, i-kul, i-tu, i-ra.
    Hands up, hands down
    This is a physical
    We turn the neck like a steering wheel,
    This is a cul.
    Deftly jump high -
    This is the one.
    Run for half an hour in the morning -
    This is RA!
    By doing this, you will become dexterous, strong, courageous.
    Plus - a good figure.
    That's what it means
    Physical training!

    - Well, what about drawing? Do you know such a thing?

    15 student
    I drew like a chicken paw
    How I suffered, even dad did not know!
    But, you came and taught
    They paved the way for me to art!
    16 student:
    There is another interesting lesson.
    Can you guess it.
    Taught us to love our land
    And observe nature.
    How to protect all animals
    Save both forest and water.
    We talked about everything:
    About mushrooms and flowers
    About birch and aspen,
    About fields and meadows.

    - It seems to me that this subject is called the world around. Did you guess?
    And now, guys, let's solve riddles.
    I'm the antonym for the word "heat"
    I'm in the river, in the thick shade,
    I'm in a bottle of lemonade
    And my name is ... (coolness)

    She welcomes spring
    Puts on earrings
    Thrown over the back
    Green scarf.
    And a striped dress
    You will recognize ... (birch)

    The fly gasped first:
    "Oh, what lace!"
    And the head is gone
    Poor thing, as if in mud,
    Stuck in ... (web)

    - And I also heard that you visited the library?

    17 student:
    What is a book house?
    There is a hostess with him.
    Books best pages,
    She has tame birds.
    Racks - like a line of soldiers,
    The shelves are sparkling clean.
    Eye cheerful light
    It will give you a lesson for the soul.
    My dear, dear ones.
    Your hands are golden!
    The old book will be corrected,
    All the leaves in it will be straightened,
    With a kind word they will regret
    And sow the wise.
    "Doom of high aspiration"
    learned to graft
    You are our only salvation.
    Keep creating!

    - What about a foreign language?

    18 student:
    We speak english sprechen deutsch
    Unable to forget.
    Even the blood soaked them up
    The one that is in our veins.
    And now we're easy
    Let's read Snickers.
    Where is it made and when
    Only then do we eat
    foreign languages
    Pretty strange -
    Cram, cram transcription,

    And ... nothing in the brain!
    And we don't need the maximum
    We only need the bare minimum
    To read all the blotches
    On imported pants ...

    - I think that you are an order of magnitude tired of everything you have learned. What would you like to offer to make life easier for an elementary school student?

    19 student:
    If I were a minister
    All elementary and secondary schools
    I'd be in school real fast
    Canceled the "count" rating.
    To your command
    I would write the words
    What else is destruction
    A score of "two" is subject.
    And then, thinking the night
    From dawn to dawn
    I would say without delay
    Abolish the "three" mark.
    So that learning is not in torment,
    In order not to upset moms,
    To study with pleasure
    On "four" and on "five".

    - But while our ministers and presidents have not grown up and by the end of their studies they are tired. Tired? So that you want ... to sing! Chamber choir 4 "B" class performs "School suffering". Folk words.
    Students perform school ditties.

    1) We will sing ditties to you
    For the "five" on the little thing,
    I liked the motive.
    Let's create a cooperative.

    2) The school year has begun,
    The clock ticked
    And the question bugs me:
    "Holidays coming soon."

    3) Today I am with our Max
    A verse was read at the blackboard.
    Received with him "five" -
    Too bad it's only for two.

    4) Every day we have lessons -
    We sculpt, we paint, we make,
    Learning numbers and letters
    We speak English.

    5) There are two flowers on the window,
    Blue, yes scarlet.
    I'm a fighting boy
    Although small in stature.

    6) Our Artem is an excellent goalkeeper
    Don't kick the ball into the goal.
    And in dictation, he makes mistakes, well, at least cry!

    7) And our teacher
    The whole day torments us
    Doesn't let you walk
    Everything teaches something.

    8) One day my friend and I are the best
    So tired - no strength:
    In a change in a small heap
    I messed with a friend.

    9) We fell asleep at the lesson.
    The desk is softer than the bed.
    We yawned so that the cheekbones
    There was no one to lead.

    10) What did the teacher do?
    He didn't utter a word
    And without getting to the heart of the matter,
    I called my dad right away.

    11) Oh, what a thrashing came out,
    Oh, what a scolding!
    This is hardly the best way.
    Understand the soul of a child!

    12) We sang ditties to you
    Is it good, is it bad?!
    And now we ask you
    For us to be applauded.

    - Well done! The first test has been successfully passed. The second test is water. (Slide 42) (They take out a jug of water).
    Water has an amazing ability to remember information. All the good things that water “hears”, it remembers. See what she remembers.

    Scene "Homework"

    A son.
    That's a damn task!
    Fought-fought - failure.
    There were circles in my eyes.
    Sit down, dad, help!
    Keep your head up, son!
    You are not alone with dad. (Sits down for lessons)
    A son.
    We were told to underline the parts of speech in the exercise.
    Do, Mom, a favor - be more careful!
    Underline parts of speech?
    Let's figure it out somehow. (Sits down for lessons)
    A son.
    And you, grandma, paint,
    Come on, grandma, don't sleep.
    Draw a picture for a fairy tale:
    The cat walks along the chain.
    No, old - the eye is not the same (Pavlik is crying)
    Okay, okay, there will be a cat. (Sits down for lessons)
    A son
    I'll be out for a minute.
    Where is my jacket.
    In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully
    With a blue bag on my back.
    But no fun since school
    He returned home.
    What did you bring?
    A son.
    See for yourself.
    No, report first!
    A son.
    Dad - five, four - mom, and you granny, two. (Sorrowfully)

    And now we will only say good things about this jug of living water.
    - What is the meaning of parental happiness? Of course, in the well-being of their children. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky believed that educational work should be joyful, should be a source of happiness for children.:
    - All these years and days, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your parents studied again with you. They, too, or maybe more than you, were worried, experienced failures, rejoiced at victories ... Together with you they are now here at the holiday, and we say huge things to all of them ...

    Everyone (in chorus) Thank you.

    20 student:
    Completely grown up
    I went to fifth grade.
    I'm under the sofa on the terrace
    Yesterday I found my notebook.
    My notebook, Nikita Karbainov,
    I lost in first grade.
    You can't make out a word inside...
    Oh, how I wrote then!
    What terrible hooks
    And dead circles!
    Hunched over like old people
    And hung from the line.
    I showed my notebook
    And grandfather, and brother,
    Carry with you to show
    On the street for the guys.
    I had a lot of fun:
    Babies write terribly!
    21 students:
    Today we say thank you
    Of course, and to their parents.
    Your care, and attention, and patience.
    They always help us!
    1 student:
    But I confess with regret:
    We are deaf sometimes
    We are at your request and concern,
    Doubts, bitter reproaches.
    wall of misunderstanding
    Suddenly grows between us
    And sometimes it seems that she
    Cannot collapse with a tsunami.
    2 student:
    And we love you. Love you!
    But feelings are often kept secret,
    And only restraint sometimes
    Prevents us from admitting it.


    Well, I think for such words, you can take an oath. Do you agree, parents?
    Oath of parents.
    We will always help children in learning. YES!
    To make the school proud of the children. YES!
    We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks. YES!
    Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!
    We swear never to beat children. YES!
    Just a little scold sometimes. YES!
    We will be calm, like water in a river. YES!
    We will be wise, like a star in the sky. YES!
    We will get up in the morning in the cold. YES!
    To be in time here and there. YES!
    When it's time to finish your studies,
    Let's go for a walk with the kids! YES!
    And now, dear parents, your wishes for water.
    Wishes of parents to children.

    3 student:
    Teacher! Faithful companion of childhood
    He is like a mother to us, like an older brother!
    And the kindness of a big heart
    He warms all the guys!
    4 student:
    You are with us on a holiday, on a hike,
    Tell everything about nature, about the weather,
    You know so many wonderful songs!
    How good it is when we are together!
    Host: What would you like to wish your teachers?
    5 student:
    Wonderful on this May day
    We confess our love to teachers.
    The world is more beautiful and interesting with you,
    You give your heart to us.
    6 student:
    Thank you for being inquisitive at work,
    That we, fidgets, are always patient,
    For the fact that without us you could not live,
    Everyone (in chorus) Thank you very much!
    7 student:
    Alena Alexandrovna, dear head teacher!
    We want to confess to you the feelings of fireproof.
    You take us to the fifth grade with a parting word.
    You are not in a hurry to say goodbye to us early,
    In the fifth grade, you help us survive!
    8 student:
    Ah, Tatyana Viktorovna! You are our hope!
    You are so kind, who will support us?
    We know it's hard with us, but we promise
    Make every effort, we will not let you down!
    We know we are not angels, but we promise
    We will not disgrace you, we will not let you down!
    9 student:
    Elena Mikhailovna!
    We admit that we are a little
    You've been given trouble
    But teaching cannot be
    Completely without worries.
    Promise, ready together,
    Even though the whole class will come to you,
    Dear you our director,
    We won't let you down again!

    Song "BLUE WAGON"

    (Flowers to the teacher)
    - Almost all tests passed.
    And now Awards (delivery of diplomas)

    In nomination (43 slide) THE FUTURE OF RUSSIA Children who achieve good results in their studies are awarded.

    1) Tatyana - Russian soul,
    At home, endowed with beauty,
    And the king, whose name he bears from childhood,
    He gave her kingship as an inheritance.
    Whatever it takes, she
    Firm in decisions and often
    The rights. Strong in character
    Yes, and he knows how to sharply aptly.
    We invite Tatyana Anosova to be awarded.

    2) Ah, Natalya the fidget!
    Fun conversation with you
    You dance and sing
    Giving everyone smiles
    Mischievous eyes shine,
    They want to conquer the whole world.
    Let him submit to you
    So that the heart, like a bird,
    Recklessly, freely, boldly
    Fortunately, it flew happily!
    - We invite Natalia Balaganskaya for the award.

    3) Who was visiting our dear Ksyusha,
    He knows how pleasant this visit is:
    Here you can also have a delicious meal.
    And the conversation, like a river murmurs!
    Before Xenia, anyone will open his soul,
    In response, she will give valuable advice ...
    Live without grief, dear Ksyusha,
    And we all greet you.
    Kazakova Xenia

    4) And our Katyusha too
    Looks like a movie star.
    Katya loves to dress up
    To appear better than everyone else.
    And, of course, let's face it:
    Katya can be stubborn.
    We all wish Katya:
    Don't be stubborn in fifth grade
    Be careful, have fun
    All will be well at school!
    Lineitseva Ekaterina we invite you.

    5) Commanding voice, strict manners,
    Try to listen at least once!
    Steel character and steel nerves -
    This is how Igor was born!
    But those who have known him for a very long time
    With a completely different friend:
    There is no more responsive in the world
    The one they called Igor!
    Mironov Igor is waiting for you

    6) Dasha's mind is alive -
    Will quickly lead to the goal,
    And the nature of the fire -
    Will bring happiness in life.
    Briginets Daria

    7) Nikita is persistent,
    But we are very vulnerable.
    Its best properties
    Save forever.
    tournament winner,
    All rivals are the enemy
    Stay loved
    Our friend and brother.
    We invite Karbainov Nikita

    In nomination OLYMPIAD 2020(44 slide) we would like to acknowledge the guys who showed themselves and achieved good results in sports.

    1) Purposeful Maxim
    And always irresistible!
    Achieved a lot, After all, he used to work!
    May he be successful
    In undertakings in all!
    We invite Gnatyuk Maxim

    2) Artem - healthy, unharmed,
    Unchained, tireless.
    He is a pastor and artist in life,
    Disinhibited idealist.
    His iron grip, will
    Any one of us is jealous
    He deserves the best share,
    The world accepts without beauty.
    We invite Artem Sobolev to be awarded.

    3) Cyril knows how to keep his word.
    Able to persuade others passionately
    He knows a lot, he loves to learn, Nothing bad can happen to Cyril!
    Live without problems, our dear Kirill,
    And listen carefully to your inner voice!
    Razuvaev Kirill

    4) Always surrounded by friends.
    He is a funny, smart guy.
    Joker, wit, big joker.
    Good luck, Vlad, good luck to you!
    Yastrebov Vladislav - meet

    And the next nomination CREATIVE PERSONS(45 slide)

    1) Artemy is riding a horse,
    Artemy rides in the moonlight,
    In the quiver - a bow and arrows,
    The brave rider rushes -
    Theme had such a dream...
    But in a way he was right!
    We invite Fedorov Artem

    2) Nastya, Nastenka, Nastena,
    You are beautiful and smart.
    Your successful path in life
    Because you see the essence
    Both in actions and in decisions.
    There are no secrets in other people's aspirations.
    intuition more than once
    Rescued in a bitter hour.
    We invite Moiseeva Anastasia
    3) Nastya twists the hoop deftly -
    That's what training means.
    Who can compare with her
    And spin even faster.
    Mindybaeva Anastasia

    4) Irina is smart, energetic,
    At the same time, she is very cute!
    Get used to achieving goals
    Always succeed in everything.
    Let those who are nearby help
    They surround you with attention!
    I invite Garzhilova Irina

    5) Alexander, you are a wonderful guy,
    Frank, honest, wise,
    Kind and sociable
    Bold and determined.
    You will go into the fire without looking
    For a fair purpose.
    But a little shy
    That's why you look so hard.
    Health, joy to you!
    Good change in fate!
    Bartukov Alexander

    And the last nomination KINDNESS](46 slide)

    1) Our joy, light Elena,
    Pride and beauty of the Universe.
    May you be a bit cold
    Yes, the figure is fine.
    Not a girl, but a queen
    which marvels at
    All honest people.
    Well, what about our Lena
    Fun is coming!
    We invite Elena Radnaeva

    2) Well, who doesn't know our Valera?
    He is a joker, a little heartthrob;
    No, girls, gallant gentleman
    And there is no nicer interlocutor!
    To enjoy life to the fullest
    He wants to see everything, to know everything,
    It remains for us to wish Valera
    Don't take too many risks in this life!
    Usanin Valery

    3) Fast-fast legs
    At our Serezhenka.
    He runs along the path
    Already a little tired
    And yet he runs, tries,
    And, in general, it turns out!
    Our boy is wonderful
    very remarkable -
    He is healthy and strong
    And he is very athletic!
    We invite Sergey Chastikov

    4) Volodya is charming
    And always dressed in fashion
    Well, the ladies are nobody
    They don't like him like that!
    We want to flourish
    Know no problems!
    Platonov Vladimir

    5) If in your house
    Too many weak
    Defenseless women -
    Aunts, sisters and mothers,
    Name your son
    named "Alyosha"
    You will have a protector
    Strength will be yours!
    He will not give offense
    dear little sister -
    Bully at once
    Call to the side.
    He will always help
    He will always save
    Home of peace and joy
    The boy will bring!
    Borisov Alexey

    Nomination "GOLDEN PARENTS"(47 slide) (letters of thanks).

    - And now the main event

    Transfer-acceptance act.

    I, the undersigned, Sapunova Oksana Yuryevna, entrust the senior classes with a whole constellation of smart, creative, original, friendly, sometimes restless, but the coolest children.

    Technical characteristics of classes.

    Only 21 people. Boys - 13, girls - 8, average height - 130 cm, average weight - 35 kg. For 4 years, 10 tons of bakery products were eaten (including chips and crackers), 3000 liters of water were drunk.
    Hands - 42, legs - 42, smart heads - 21. During the indicated period, so many books have been read, so many textbooks have been studied that if you put them in a line, you get a distance equal to the distance to the moon.
    Eye - 42, including 42 - kind, 42 - inquisitive, 42 - mischievous, 0 - indifferent.

    Special signs

    They love to run, joke and laugh. They are friends, respect elders, do not offend anyone. They always pay attention, and celebrate birthdays.
    For 4 years, the classrooms have been operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the CBR and the school administration. Children withstood inspections, commissions, showed open lessons, participated in all events, completed the course of elementary school and are ready to study subjects of the next stage of education.

    All advice on pedagogy (the book “I give my heart to children” by V.A. Sukhomlinsky), education (pacifier), psychology (rattle), punishment (belt), encouragement (sweets) were tested by teachers in working with children.
    Take them into your white hands and enter our friendly family.

    Leading: And now meet the graduates in dance. (WALTZ)

    - And now, attention! The last test - copper pipes. (Slide 48) A solemn moment is coming!

    Oath of the fifth grader.
    All: By joining the ranks of high school students, I solemnly swear:
    11 student: Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, without missing a single question.
    12 student: Do not bring teachers to boiling point.
    13 student: Be fast and agile, but do not exceed 60 km/h when moving through school corridors.
    14 student: To pull out of teachers not veins, not to squeeze out sweat, but solid and accurate knowledge.
    15 student: Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.
    16 student: Be worthy of your teachers.
    Everything: we swear - 3 times.
    I taught them all 4 years:
    Read, write, taught them to be friends.
    And now everyone will have more worries
    It's time for them to go to 5th grade.

    Love them all so
    How I loved.
    And I know this idea is not new.
    After all, it has always been like this in the world:
    Love answered for love.

    Let them all be different
    And it's hard for them to sit still:
    Funny, crazy, mischievous…
    And I believe that it will continue to be so.

    After all, everything happens in our life -
    Do not rush to pass judgment.
    They, maybe just your friendship is not enough?
    They just need to be loved!

    I know it's hard work for everyone.
    But try to understand everyone
    Surround everyone with your care,
    Then your kids will trust you!

    I really want to be proud of you and that your loved ones are proud of you!
    Farewell song "MOSCOW WINDOWS". (49 slide)

    slide 1

    Class teacher: Chernikova I.V. Graduation in elementary school 4 "a" class MOU Zabolotovskaya secondary school

    slide 2

    Introducing our 4"A" class! Nimble, athletic. Bold, active. Smart, inquisitive, in general, attractive! Everyone is smart and beautiful. Foolish, happy...

    slide 3

    4 "A" class is: Small but friendly team. Lovers to talk with a neighbor. Let's get down to business - the case is not good. A cheerful bunch of guys Irina Vasilievna's headache. The average age is 10 years old, and the general one is over 150. Favorite day of the week is Sunday. Favorite subject… Favorite writer… Favorite show…

    slide 4

    We went through four classes - everything was calculated, everything was taken into account! For 4 years we had 3789 lessons. We leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks on them. They traveled 100,002 km to school and back. We scribbled and gnawed 170 and a half pens. Lost six dozen erasers. Ate two tons of baked goods. We drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote. Poured into waste 21 buckets of cocoa and coffee drink. We grew up by 1357 cm. We got fatter by 187 kilograms and now we weigh about half a ton. If we put all the textbooks that we have studied in 4 years into one line, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth! Well, we had a few fights and a couple of fights.

    slide 5

    Lesson "Wheel of History" 1. In what year did you enter 1st grade? 1000 2000 3000 your choice 2. What is the name of your first teacher? Vasilisa the Beautiful Barbara-beauty Baba Yaga your own version 3. How to turn a preschooler into a schoolboy? use your briefcase to cross out the letters D and O with your magic wand 4. What is the name of the lesson in which you learned to write? calligraphy letter Russian own version 5. How many students did you have in the first grade? 30 20 10 own version 6. Who in the class was an excellent student? Alyosha Dima Kirill his version

    slide 6

    Alumni Care Rules. It is not recommended to arrange a "puzzle" for this product. Ironing is allowed, and as often as possible, regardless of his behavior. It is recommended to use the product "Graduate" only for its intended purpose: to feed, water, walk, entertain and sleep after four years of lack of sleep and other inconveniences of school life. If you do not handle the Graduate product with care, it may deteriorate. From anger and resentment, his face will turn red, his lips will tremble, and the product will lose its original attractiveness.

    Slide 7

    "The Oath of the Fifth Grader". Joining the ranks of middle school students, in front of my comrades, in front of parents - martyrs, in front of teachers - workers, I solemnly swear: To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not to let a single question, even the most difficult and tricky, go past your ears. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 degrees. Be fast and agile, but do not exceed 60 km/h when moving through school corridors. To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and strong knowledge and skills. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. Be worthy of your teachers.

    slide 1

    slide 2

    The presentation on the topic "Graduation in the 4th grade "Farewell to the elementary school"" (Grade 4) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: The world around. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 2 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    slide 2

    Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

    1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
    2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
    3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
    4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
    5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
    6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
    7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
    8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.