Iliad presentation for a history lesson (grade 5) on the topic. Achilles Download presentation Homer Iliad and Odyssey

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"Iliad" and "Odyssey" - two poems by Homer Fedorov I.A. MAOU “Lyceum No. 36”

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Biography Born in the 8th century BC. AD The poet is a storyteller. Author of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" Seven cities argued for the right to be called his homeland in ancient tradition: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamina, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. Traditionally, Homer is portrayed as blind. In science, the opinion prevailed that the Iliad and the Odyssey were unhistorical. However, the excavations of Heinrich Schliemann on the Hissarlik hill and in Mycenae showed that this is not true. .

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The system of education in ancient Greece was built on the study of Homer's poems. Fragments of Homer were translated by M.V. Lomonosov.

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Heinrich Schliemann

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Excavations of Ancient Troy.

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“Iliad” At the heart of the work is 10 g of the Trojan War.

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When did the Trojan War start? How many years have passed since the beginning of the Trojan War until today? What was the cause of the war according to the myths? 1200 BC 3216 years The abduction of Helen by Paris. Mycenae And the Heians. Troy Trojans

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Why was the war called the Trojan War? The second name of Troy is Ilion.

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“ Anger, goddess, sing Ahmlles, Peleev's son ... this is how the “Iliad” begins.

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Contents of the Iliad King Mycenae _ Agamemnon took away the captive slave from Achilles “You will bitterly regret the insult inflicted on me. I swear: I will no longer participate in the battles with the Trojans!

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Hector - the military leader of the Trojans, the son of the Trojan king Priam, led the soldiers to the enemy camp.

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Patroclus, friend of Achilles, killed by Hector.

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Hector's farewell to Andromache

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duel between Achilles and Hector. Death of Hector.

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Achilles' heel is a post-Homeric myth (reported by the Roman writer Gigin), which tells how the mother of Achilles (Achilles), Thetis, wanted to make her son's body invulnerable. To do this, she dipped him into the sacred river Styx. But, dipping the baby into the water, the mother held him by the heel, and the heel remained the only weak point of Achilles. Subsequently, it was there that Paris hit him with his arrow, mortally wounding the hero.

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Priam. Charybdis Patroclus Andromache Polyphemus Scylla Penelope Menelaus Chiron Ithaca Styx Thetis Sirens There are mythological creatures and some others in the cave. Save people.

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short biography

Nothing is known for certain about the life and personality of Homer. It is clear, however, that the Iliad and the Odyssey were created much later than the events described in them, but before the 6th century BC. e., when their existence was reliably recorded. The chronological period in which Homer's life is localized by modern science is approximately the VIII century BC. e. According to Herodotus, Homer lived 400 years before him, other ancient sources say that he lived during the time of Troy.

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Birthplace of Homer

Homer's birthplace is unknown. Seven cities fought for the right to be called his homeland: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamis, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. According to Herodotus and Pausanias, Homer died on the island of Ios in the Cyclades archipelago. Probably, the Iliad and the Odyssey were composed on the Asia Minor coast of Greece, inhabited by Ionian tribes, or on one of the adjacent islands. However, the Homeric dialect does not provide accurate information about the tribal affiliation of Homer, as it is a combination of the Ionian and Aeolian dialects of the ancient Greek language. There is an assumption that the Homeric dialect is a form of poetic koine, which was formed long before the supposed time of Homer's life.

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  • Smyrna
  • Colophon
  • Salamis
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    • Rhodes
    • Argos
    • Athens
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    The historical basis of Homer's poems

    In the middle of the 19th century, the opinion prevailed in science that the Iliad and the Odyssey were unhistorical. However, the excavations of Heinrich Schliemann on the Hissarlik hill and in Mycenae showed that this is not true. Later, Hittite and Egyptian documents were discovered, in which certain parallels are found with the events of the legendary Trojan War. The decipherment of the Mycenaean syllabary script (Linear B) has provided much information about life in the era when the Iliad and Odyssey took place, although no literary fragments of this script have been found. Nevertheless, the data of Homer's poems correlate in a complex way with the available archaeological and documentary sources and cannot be used uncritically: the data of the "oral theory" testify to very large distortions that must arise with historical data in traditions of this kind.

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    Good morning, guys! All good mood for fruitful work and rating "5" !!!

    What country do we meet? ? What helps us learn about the culture and activities of the Ancient Greeks?

    What myths are we talking about?

    Trojan War 1200 BC

    Myths about the beginning of the Trojan War Paris son of Priam Agamemne Hera Athena Aphrodite Eris

    Lesson topic. Poems by Homer "Iliad"

    Lesson plan: Who is Homer? What and who is spoken about in Homer's poems?

    Epos - orally transmitted folk heroic songs, legends and poems that reflect historical events. Homer

    ACHILES ACHILLES (Achilles), in the Iliad, one of the bravest Greek heroes who besieged Troy. Achilles' mother, the goddess Thetis, wishing to make her son immortal, immersed him in the sacred waters of Styx; only the heel, by which Thetis held him, did not touch the water and remained vulnerable. Achilles died from the arrow of Paris, which struck him in the heel. Hence the expression "Achilles' heel" (vulnerable spot).

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    "Apple of Discord" "Trojan Horse" "Winged Words"

    Long (10 years) return to Ithaca "Odyssey"

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    Meeting with the Sirens. Odysseus and the Sirens

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    Homer "Odyssey" Literature lesson in grade 6 Teacher MKOU secondary school No. 2, Kozelsk, Kaluga region Potapushkina N.V.

    I greet you, travelers, strong and brave! Today, by the wide, noisy sea, we will go to Ancient Greece. Oh Gods of Olympus! Send us fair winds. We want to see great Troy, brave heroes, We want to know about the great Odysseus. And the spark of divine thought will not dry up in us. Oh Gods of Olympus! Send us a thirst for discovery.

    Life of Homer The time of Homer's life is debatable. Ancient versions cover a period of several centuries. Ancient biographers believed that Homer was born on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor. 7 cities argued for the right to be considered the birthplace of Homer: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Pylos, Argos, Ithaca and Athens. The name Homer is not Greek. There are 2 translations of this name - “blind” and “hostage”. The second option emphasized the non-Greek origin of the poet. Biographies indicate that Homer went blind, after which the Muses inspired him to write poems.

    Homer is represented as a blind wandering singer-aed. However, coins from Fr. Chios depict Homer with wide open eyes. In the Museum of Naples there is a marble bust of Homer of the 4th century BC. BC e. and also without any trace of blindness. Other ancient images of the sighted poet are also known. Why is it that in our time there is such a widespread opinion about the blind Homer? It turns out that the concept of the “great blind man” originated in Alexandria. Plutarch (the ancient Greek writer and historian) says that Alexander in all his campaigns did not part with the text of the Iliad and called the poem his greatest treasure. After conquering Egypt, Alexander decided to establish a large city there and name it after himself. They found a suitable place for the city, but Homer himself appeared in a dream to Alexander and read him verses from the Odyssey: On the noisy-wide sea There is an island lying opposite Egypt; It is called there by the inhabitants - Pharos ... The pier is right there, From which large ships go out to sea, Stocked with dark water. Alexander immediately went to Pharos and saw an area surprisingly suitable for building a large city - with a river and a harbor. In the winter of 332-331. BC e. Alexandria was founded. Naturally, the temple of Homer was erected in the center of the city, and the poet himself was deified. To numerous philosophers of Alexandria, the old images of Homer seemed to be ... not interesting enough. God-poet, in their opinion, should not look like an ordinary mortal. The image of the blind founder of world literature turned out to be very attractive. And Homer began to be portrayed as blind.

    Poems of Homer Homer wandered around Greece, participated in poetry competitions. According to most scholars, the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were created by Homer in Ionia (Asia Minor) in the VIII century BC. e. The plot of the Iliad and the Odyssey is taken from the Trojan cycle of legends about the campaign against Troy, about the ten-year siege of the city, the victory over the Trojans and the return of the Greeks to their homeland. The Iliad was written in the 9th-8th centuries. BC e. in Ionia and is dedicated to the events of the last year of the Trojan War. It glorifies the military events and exploits of the Achaean heroes - Achilles, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Hector, Diomedes, etc. The main character of the Iliad - Achilles - the son of the sea goddess Thetis and Peleus, king of the city of Phthia in Thessaly - performed many feats near Troy, but in the tenth year of the war he was killed by the arrow of Paris. "Odyssey" tells about the last adventures of one of the heroes of the Trojan War, the king of the island of Ithaca, Odysseus, returning from the walls of the destroyed Ilion to his native Ithaca. Unlike the Iliad, the Odyssey depicts predominantly everyday scenes: household chores, household chores, family customs, hospitality rituals, and so on. It was created somewhat later than the Iliad and contains about 12,100 verses. The Iliad was translated into Russian in 1829 by N. I. Gnedich, and the Odyssey - in 1849 by V. A. Zhukovsky.

    Heroes of the Trojan War Menelaus Hector Odysseus Achilles Helena

    Truth or fiction? The Trojan War, according to the ancient Greeks, was one of the most significant events in their history. They did not doubt the historical reality of the Trojan War, that the ten-year siege of Troy was a historical fact, only embellished by the poet. Indeed, there is very little fiction in the poem. If you remove the scenes with the participation of the gods, then the story will look authentic. The historical science of modern times saw in Greek myths only legends and fairy tales. Historians of the 18th-19th centuries were convinced that there was no Greek campaign against Troy. The only European who believed the epic was Heinrich Schliemann. In 1871, he began excavations of the Hissarlik hill in the northwestern part of Asia Minor, identifying it as the location of ancient Troy. Luck awaited him: the hill hid the ruins of as many as 9 urban settlements that replaced each other over the course of 20 centuries. Schliemann recognized the troy described in the poem in one of the settlements. In one of the discovered royal graves, the remains of Agamemnon and his companions rested; Agamemnon's face was covered with a golden mask. The discovery of Heinrich Schliemann shocked the world community. There is no doubt that Homer's poem contains information about real heroes and events.

    Revived Troy Hill Hissarlik (Turkey).

    Catchwords One of the means of figurative and expressive literary speech are catchphrases. It is in Homer's poems that this name occurs many times (“He uttered a winged word”; “They exchanged winged words among themselves quietly”) Homer called words “winged” because from the mouth of the speaker they seem to fly to the ear of the listener. After a while, this expression began to denote brief quotations, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, names of mythological and some literary heroes that entered our speech from literary sources. In the poems of Homer, there are also expressions that have become winged. Let's listen to the messages prepared by the guys and determine what meaning we now put into these expressions. Trojan horse Apple of discord Achilles' heel

    Achilles (Achilles) - the hero of Homer's epics, a great warrior who does not know defeat. He was a demigod. His mother is the sea nymph Thetis, forcibly married to Peleus, king of the Myrmidons. According to the legend on which Homer relies in his epic, Achilles was the seventh child in the family. His brothers died at the hands of a mother who dipped her babies in boiling water to see if they were immortal. Achilles was rescued by his father. Having inherited a powerful force from the mother goddess, the son of a mere mortal remained vulnerable to all dangers. In order to save him from future hardships, Thetis dips the baby in the streams of Styx. The mother held her child by the heel, and the waters of the sacred river did not touch her. Achilles took part in the campaign against Troy. No one could defeat the warrior, because everyone was aiming at his body, head. Under his blows, the queen of the Amazons, Penthesilea, and the Ethiopian prince Memnon, who came to the aid of the Trojans, fell. But a poisoned arrow fired by Paris, whose hand was guided by an angry Apollo, hit the hero in the heel - the only unprotected place, and he died. Since then, any flaw, flaw, unprotected place has been called "Achilles' heel". The myth haunted the minds of people. Anatomists have preserved the memory of the hero by naming one of the connective tissues located above the heel bone "Achilles tendon". Every person has their own "Achilles heel". Someone admits this weakness openly, someone hides it, but be that as it may, its presence once again confirms the expression "there are no perfect people." Achilles' heel

    The myth of the bone of contention tells of the events that caused the Trojan War. The great Zeus wanted to marry the beautiful Thetis, the daughter of a titan. However, Prometheus predicted to him that the son born to her would overthrow his own father from the throne. Therefore, he gave it to the Thessalian prince Peleus. All the gods of Olympus were invited to the wedding. And only one Eris, the goddess of discord, was not called, remembering her bad temper. She figured out how to avenge the insult. She took a golden apple and wrote on it a single word: "To the most beautiful." And then she threw it on the banquet table. Three goddesses saw a golden apple and an inscription on it: Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Each of them claimed that the apple was intended for her. The Goddess of the Thunderer was asked to judge them. However, Zeus decided to cheat. After all, Hera is his wife, Athena is his daughter, and Aphrodite was truly beautiful. Then he instructed Hermes to give the apple to Paris, the son of the king of Troy. The young man did not know that he was a prince, because he was raised by shepherds. It was on Paris that Zeus assigned the duty to name one of the goddesses the most beautiful. Each tried to win the young man over to their side. Hera promised him power and power, control over Asia, Athena offered him military victories and wisdom. And only Aphrodite guessed the secret desire of Paris. She said that she would help him get the love of the beautiful Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of Atreus Menelaus, queen of Sparta. It was Aphrodite who gave Paris the apple. Hera and Athena hated him and vowed to kill him. Aphrodite kept her promise and helped him steal Elena. This was the reason for the start of the war. Menelaus decided to punish the Trojans and get his wife back. As a result, Troy was destroyed. This is a myth, and the phrase "apple of discord" became winged thanks to the Roman historian Justin, who lived in the 2nd century. Apple of discord

    About the garden of Troy dragged on for a long 10 years. Even though the spear of Athena was stolen from Troy, it was impossible to take the city by attack. Then the cunning Odysseus came up with one of the most brilliant ideas. If it is impossible to enter the city by force, it is necessary to make sure that the Trojans themselves open the gates. Odysseus began to spend a lot of time in the company of the best carpenter, and in the end they came up with a plan. Having dismantled part of the boats, the Achaeans built a huge hollow horse inside. It was decided that the best warriors would be placed in the belly of the horse, and the horse itself with a "surprise" would be presented as a gift to the Trojans. The rest of the army will pretend that they are returning to their homeland. No sooner said than done. The Trojans believed and brought the horse into the fortress. And at night, Odysseus and the rest of the heroes came out of it and burned the city. Therefore, it was with the light hand of Homer that the expression "Trojan horse" acquired the meaning "a gift with a trick, something that, although it seems harmless, can destroy everyone and everything" Trojan horse

    Features of Homer's speech All the works of the folk epic are large-scale poems that tell about the great events of bygone times and in which extraordinary heroes act. Wishing to express as expressively as possible the grandeur and significance of the glorified events and heroes, Homer resorts to exaggerations, poeticizes everything that surrounds the heroes, endows them with a beautiful appearance. The heroes of Homer are endowed with extraordinary strength, they are heroes, their deeds are beyond the power of ordinary people: for example, none of the mighty suitors of Penelope can pull the bow of Odysseus. Designed for listeners, epic works contain many detailed descriptions that delay the development of the action; these descriptions can be repeated many times. The ancient Greek poems of Homer, like the works of Russian folklore, are full of constant epithets. So, Odysseus is called "cunning", "long-suffering"; women - "beautifully curly", "blonde", "long-dressed"; ships - “Black” (resin), “red-sided”; the sea - “noisy”, “fishy”, “gray”, “crimson”, “foggy” ...

    “Homer made gods out of people, and turned gods into people” Homer highly honors man, human reason, human activity. He seems to assert: the gods are immortal, but man has an immortal mind; the power of thought and skillful hands of man is able to resist the omnipotence of the Olympic gods).

    Homer's birthplace is unknown. Seven cities fought for the right to be called his homeland: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamis, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. According to Herodotus and Pausanias, Homer died on the island of Ios in the Cyclades archipelago. Homer's birthplace is unknown. Seven cities fought for the right to be called his homeland: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamis, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. According to Herodotus and Pausanias, Homer died on the island of Ios in the Cyclades archipelago.

    The meaning of the name "Homer" is first encountered in the 7th century BC. e., when Kallin of Ephesus called him the author of Thebaid, they tried to explain it back in antiquity, the options “hostage” (Hesychius), “following” (Aristotle) ​​or “blind” (Efor Kimsky) were proposed, “but all these options are so as unconvincing as modern proposals to ascribe to it the meaning of a composer or an accompanist. It is first encountered in the 7th century BC. e., when Kallin of Ephesus called him the author of Thebaid, they tried to explain it back in antiquity, the options “hostage” (Hesychius), “following” (Aristotle) ​​or “blind” (Efor Kimsky) were proposed, “but all these options are so as unconvincing as modern proposals to ascribe to it the meaning of a composer or an accompanist.

    Iliad Iliad (ancient Greek λιάς) is an epic poem in hexameters, the oldest surviving monument of Greek literature. The basis for it was the numerous legends of ancient Greece about the exploits of ancient heroes. The Iliad (ancient Greek λιάς) is an epic poem in hexameters, the oldest surviving monument of Greek literature. The basis for it was the numerous legends of ancient Greece about the exploits of ancient heroes.

    The action is attributed to the tenth year of the siege of Troy (Ilion) by the united militia of the Greek leaders. Tales of previous events, the abduction of Helen by Paris, the performance of the Greeks (Achaeans) under the supreme command of Agamemnon, the figures of the main leaders (Agamemnon, Menelaus, Achilles, Odysseus, Nestor, Diomedes, Ajax the Small, Ajax the Great, Idomeneo and others, the Trojan king Priam, his the sons of Hector, Paris, etc.), as well as the outcome of the war (the death of Troy), are assumed to be known in the Iliad. The Iliad covers a small period of time, an episode from the history of the siege of Troy. The action is attributed to the tenth year of the siege of Troy (Ilion) by the united militia of the Greek leaders. Tales of previous events, the abduction of Helen by Paris, the performance of the Greeks (Achaeans) under the supreme command of Agamemnon, the figures of the main leaders (Agamemnon, Menelaus, Achilles, Odysseus, Nestor, Diomedes, Ajax the Small, Ajax the Great, Idomeneo and others, the Trojan king Priam, his the sons of Hector, Paris, etc.), as well as the outcome of the war (the death of Troy), are assumed to be known in the Iliad. The Iliad covers a small period of time, an episode from the history of the siege of Troy.

    Odysseus "The Odyssey" (other Greek δυσσεία) is the second (after the Iliad) classic poem by Homer. It was probably created in the 8th century BC. e. or somewhat later. The Odyssey (other Greek δυσσεία) is the second (after the Iliad) classic poem by Homer. It was probably created in the 8th century BC. e. or somewhat later.

    Tells about the adventures of the mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland at the end of the Trojan War, as well as the adventures of his wife Penelope, who was waiting for Odysseus in Ithaca. Tells about the adventures of the mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland at the end of the Trojan War, and also about the adventures of his wife Penelope, who was waiting for Odysseus in Ithaca

    The Odyssey is replete with fairy-tale elements, of which there are even more here (meetings with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the sorceress Kirka, the god Eol, etc.). Most of the adventures in the poem are described by Odysseus himself during a feast with King Alcinous. The Odyssey is replete with fairy-tale elements, of which there are even more here (meetings with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the sorceress Kirka, the god Eol, etc.). Most of the adventures in the poem are described by Odysseus himself during a feast with King Alcinous.