Write a letter on a sample letterhead. Sending documents or material valuables

Special requirements are imposed on the design of outgoing correspondence. This is due to the fact that it is for informational and reference purposes. When preparing a service letter, it is worth considering the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "and apply the letterhead of the organization. For details, you need to be guided by GOST R 6.30-2003 (from 01.07.2018 you will need to be guided by GOST R 7.0.97-2016). This will allow you to maintain a clear structure of the document and maintain the required style. business communication, as well as to correctly arrange the details of the business letter.

It is important to note that GOST R 6.30-2003 (as well as GOST R 7.0.97-2016) is recommendatory and organizations can develop their own letterheads for business correspondence. Compulsory compliance of the specified GOST is only for federal bodies executive power.

The header of the document can be located both longitudinally and have an angular arrangement (the details of the letterhead, phone numbers and addresses of organizations are usually located here). A sample letter with a corner arrangement of requisites is the most common option in modern office work.

Sample letterhead with corner details

At the top of the document are indicated:

  • date;
  • room;
  • reference to the registration number and date of the document (if the correspondence is a response);
  • title to the text, set out in one phrase.

The service letter header is located under the registration number. It contains an appeal to the addressee. FULL NAME. and the post of the addressee should be located in the upper right corner of the document. The address to the recipient is written in the center.

From whom and to whom

The sender's company details are most often indicated on the company's letterhead. It is also necessary to correctly indicate the recipient of the correspondence, in other words, the addressee's details:

  • Company name;
  • Name structural unit where outgoing correspondence is directed;
  • the recipient's position;
  • surname and initials of the recipient;
  • the postal address of the organization.

Sample letter on company letterhead

It is important to note that if a letter with the same content needs to be sent to several recipients, then first of all it is necessary to indicate the address of the main recipient and only then the rest.

For instance:

LLC "Elki-Palki"

Legal department

Moscow, Zelenaya street, 5


to CEO

LLC "Green branches"

Simakov V.A.

Saint Petersburg,

Frunze Street, 3

Date and number

After the outgoing document has been signed, it is dated. The date can be in the format 05/17/2018 or May 17, 2019. In the case when the date is indicated in the document several times, it is recommended to maintain a uniform writing style.

The assignment of a registration number takes place in accordance with the system for registering outgoing documentation, which is accepted in the organization, and only after signing the document. The registration number consists of the serial number of the document, which can be supplemented by the case index or letters.

It is important to note that registering an outbound document makes it easier for both you and your recipient to process mail.

When replying to the received official correspondence, it is necessary to issue the requisite "link to the registration number and the date of the request." In this case, the date and number of the received item are indicated in the reply letter. This will ensure faster processing of correspondence in the receiving company.

Who signs

Official correspondence is mainly signed by managers, and in the absence of him at the workplace - by his deputies or other officials who act as the manager during his absence.

It is important to note that modern business correspondence is sent not only by mail, but also by telegraph, fax and e-mail.

Do I need to indicate the artist

Despite the fact that each business message is signed by the head of the company or officials authorized by him, the correspondence itself is carried out by an ordinary ordinary employee, that is, the performer. It is his name and contact details that we indicate in this part.

Information about the artist is always located at the very bottom, in the last lines. The full name, patronymic and surname of the employee is written, on a new line his contact phone number, and even below - the e-mail address. Leave the font the same.

Is the stamp

Seals are usually not put on letters, but if outgoing correspondence is of an official nature, is issued on the letterhead of the organization and has as its purpose to enter into legal (legal) relations with someone or another organization and be responsible for all the positions set out in the letter, the management may wish add additional props in the form of a seal.

When writing a letter, the main difficulties are often caused by its beginning and ending. In the latter case, the article will help you. Well, we'll talk about how to start a letter in this article.

How to start writing a letter

Official and business letters

If you follow the accepted terminology, then business letters are classified as official. In addition to business correspondence, official correspondence also includes diplomatic and administrative ones. True, most often people, referring to administrative letters, call them official, although "official letter" is, of course, a more general term.

Beginning of an official letter

Here we will talk about several types of administrative letters.

  1. Letter of petition (also letter of complaint). Here such expressions as: "I ask you to pay attention to ...", "I bring to your attention ...", etc. are appropriate. Moreover, you need to write this immediately after the appeal.
  2. Letter of appeal. At the beginning of such letters, such phrases are usually used as: "I want to inform you that ...", "I must draw your attention to the following ...".
  3. Reply letter. Written in response to a request or offer. It is customary to begin it with phrases such as, for example: "Thank you for your letter ...", "In response to your letter from ...", "According to your request (our agreement, etc.) ...".

It should be borne in mind that certain expressions must be selected in accordance with the chosen tone and content of the letter. So, if this is a request, then the phrase "I bring to your attention ..." will look inappropriate, but "I ask you to pay attention to ..." will come in handy. Referring to any official, it is customary to write the pronoun "you" with a capital letter. And one more little tip: use only one phrase to start the letter (in the same style as above), and then immediately go to the essence of the letter.

Start a business letter

The style of business communication can be called semi-official, that is, some "liberties" are allowed here. So, in a business letter, before moving on to the main topic, you can politely ask how your partner is doing. If this is the first letter, then, of course, it should be written more strictly. Business letters can also be divided into several types.

  1. An inquiry. In such a letter, the addressee is informed about the desire to conclude an agreement or transaction, and the details of cooperation are also specified. You can start such a letter with the following phrases: "We offer you cooperation in the field ..." "I would like to clarify some details of our latest deal," etc.
  2. Reply letter. This is a letter in which you provide the information that your partner requested. Here the following phrases are appropriate: "In response to your letter from ... (the date is indicated) we inform you that ..." or a little less officially: "I am sending the data about which you asked me ...".
  3. Information mail. These letters are written when you need to provide any information that may interest your partners. This can be, for example, a message about an exhibition that will take place in the near future, or a message that goods of interest to the customer have arrived. For the beginning of such a letter, phrases are quite suitable: "I hasten to inform you that ...", "We want to invite you ...", etc.

Start writing in English

When communicating with English-speaking interlocutors, if written response letter, at first it is customary to thank the addressee for his letter with the phrase: "Thank you for your letter / e-mail ..." ("Thank you for your letter ..."). If the tone of communication is dry enough, you can use the phrase: "In answer (reply) to your letter ..." ("In response to your letter ...").

When starting a conversation, write after the appeal: "I have the pleasure to inform you ..." ("I am pleased to inform you ...") or "I wish to advise you that ..." ("I want to inform you that ...") ...

Beginning a letter to your beloved or loved one

If you are writing a response letter, then after contacting you should first answer the questions that your loved one asked in his letter: we always wait for an answer from loved ones to those questions that worry us. If you know about the problems that bother your soul mate, then you should start the letter with questions about them, and then write about yourself.

Via business correspondence there is not only the coordination of business activities, but also the collection of the necessary information for this organization, which will be in demand during various reporting audits. Therefore, first of all, the tasks of administrative employees include the correct maintenance of business documents, for which various internal instructions and forms are developed. The advantage of the standard form is the fact that a person fills it out automatically, thereby saving his time and company time.

Business correspondence must contain:

Reliable and complete information;
- summary due to lack of narration;
- neutral tone of address, but in a benevolent manner;
- a logical chain, and not an emotional assessment of the stated facts.

How to write a business letter?

The most important thing is to decide what type of business letter is suitable for a given situation. There are several types of it:

- the confirmation;
- refusal;
- transmittal letter;
- invitation;
- warranty;
- informational;
- a letter with a notification and an order.

As a rule, such business letters require a response, which in their content contain a request, offer, appeal, request or demand.

Rules for writing a business letter.

A very important emotional load is borne by the tone of a business letter, since veiled disrespect will still show through with impeccable message receptions. You should especially carefully write a business letter containing a refusal. In this case, you should not state the refusal at the very beginning of the letter. In the first part of the message, you should give convincing arguments in favor of your point of view, for this you can use formulas such as

- “Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy your request”;
- "We are deeply sorry, but it is not possible to satisfy your wish," etc.

In case of refusal, it is important to remember that our task is to refuse, but not to lose the customer, companion, etc.

So, the basic rules for writing a business letter:

For the correct assimilation of the essence of the letter, it is necessary to repeat the request addressed to the addressee several times in the text;
- in the letter of refusal, it is important to indicate the reasons why this request cannot be satisfied;
- rejecting an offer is a rejection formula.

The language of business correspondence.

It is important that the reader of business correspondence grasps only its essence, and not what language it is written in. It is in this condition that mastery of the rules of writing a business letter lies, which is developed over many years of experience.

It should be remembered that in a business letter:

Must be consumed simple words at the same time, not impoverishing the content;
- use verbs more often than adjectives - this will make the text of the letter dynamic;
- stay closer to the meaning of the address, without going into details and reasoning;
- do not use long sentences, as they distract the reader's attention;
- the transition between phrases should be logical and imperceptible;
- use as few pronouns as possible.

A business letter is notable for its literacy and style.

Registration of business correspondence.

When writing a business letter, remember that the top (1/4 A4 sheet) should remain free for the letterhead. Also, in the upper corner of the letter, the outgoing number and date are indicated, which are recorded in a special journal of outgoing mail.

In the lower left corner, the position, surname and signature of the manager are indicated, and at the very end of the sheet the surname of the business letter executor is indicated with his phone number for additional information.

Thus, a business letter consists of three parts: the essence of the request, its justification and supporting information.

When replying to a letter, you should refer to the last letter of this addressee in the first part of the content. If there is foreign correspondence, then for better clarity it is necessary to attach a booklet to the letter, a link to which will be indicated in this letter. It is very important to end this letter with gratitude for cooperation and the phrase "Sincerely yours (name) ..."

Today, almost everyone actively uses the Internet. But business correspondence has not ceased to be relevant and important. It was simply transferred to other media. The publication will tell you how to correctly compose and arrange a business letter.

What can a business message contain?

First of all, business correspondence provides an opportunity to exchange any opinions or suggestions with employees and business partners. The letter can contain requests, claims and other thoughts to eliminate misunderstandings between companies. In general, business correspondence is a form of official correspondence.

Differences from other emails

The main differences can be summarized as follows.

  • Stylistics of presentation.
  • Service chain of command.
  • Vocabulary without strong expression of emotions.
  • As a rule, the letter takes no more than one page.
  • The font is the same throughout the text (neither small nor large).
  • Usually drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization.

Types of business letters

Letters to be answered:

  • Inquiry.
  • Petition.
  • Requirement.
  • Sentence.
  • Appeal.

Letters to which you do not need to answer:

  • Informational.
  • Notice.
  • Accompanying.
  • Warranty.
  • Warning.
  • Reminder.

Commercial letters. They are usually needed during the period of the contract or to conclude an agreement:

  • Request.
  • The answer to the request.
  • Reminder.
  • Claim.
  • Offer. This is an offer to conclude a contract or make a deal.
  • Warning about the need to fulfill obligations, about the termination of agreements, and so on.

Non-commercial letters:

  • Invitation.
  • Informing about something.
  • Expression of gratitude.
  • Recommendations.
  • Request.
  • Instructions.
  • Transmittal letter.
  • Expression of condolences.
  • Congratulations on any occasion.
  • Letter of guarantee.
  • Confirmation of receipt of goods, provision of services, and so on.

Classification of business letters by structure:

  • Compiled according to a strict model.
  • Free form.

Types depending on the addressee:

  • The usual. Sent to one addressee.
  • Collective. Sent to one person, but from several persons.
  • Circular. Sent to multiple destinations.

According to the form of the letter, there are the following:

  • Sent in regular mail envelopes.
  • Presented in person.
  • Sent as a fax.
  • Directed by e-mail.

As you can see, a business message can be formatted in different ways and with different intentions. But it is worth noting that in some cases, for ethical reasons, it must be handwritten rather than typed on a computer. This applies to congratulations and condolences.

Parts of the letter

A good business letter is always divided into several parts. This is introductory, main and final. Moreover, they are connected with each other logically.

As a rule, the introductory part contains information about the circumstances that led to the writing of the letter. The main text is directly the content itself, the essence of the message. In the final part, they summarize the results that can express refusal, consent, request, and so on.

Writing principles

Any business communication should be written as follows.

  1. Impartially.
  2. Targeted (that is, intended for a specific person).
  3. Argumented.
  4. Really.
  5. As much as possible.
  6. All information in the text must be current at the time of writing.

Features of stylistics

The business letter design rules state that you must adhere to a strict style. It is necessary to use only those means of speech that are characteristic of office documents. That is, it will be appropriate formal business style... The language should differ in the following features.

  • Formality.
  • Accurate presentation of information.
  • Objectivity.
  • Structuredness.
  • Substantial, but concise.

The essence of the matter should be presented in simple short sentences, with an emphasis on verbs. There is no need to overload the text with adjectives, use little-known and highly specialized terms that the addressee may not understand. This will only cause negativity and rejection. It is better to try to explain in simple, understandable words, more facts and specifics. The business style does not allow the presence of uninformative and "watery" texts.

The final part should not be summed up with unnecessary and long speech turns. Also, illogical and inconsistent proposals will not work. Therefore, it is better to exclude adverbial and participial phrases. Only one specific thought should be reflected in each paragraph. After completing the text, it is better to check it several times for errors by reading the letter aloud.

Requirements for the form

According to the rules of a business letter, it is better to issue it on the company's letterhead. The following basic requirements are put forward to it.

  • In the middle of the form, you need to insert the Emblem of the Russian Federation if the enterprise is state-owned.
  • Place the letter on an A4 sheet.
  • On the left, leave the field blank (at least 3 centimeters). This is necessary because after some time the materials will be attached to the rest of the documents.
  • The most optimal font is considered to be the standard Times New Roman, size 12 and with line spacing of 1.5-2. It is best perceived when reading.
  • In the header of the letter, you must indicate the name of the organization, its actual and legal address, phone and email.

Design features

If it took several pages to complete a business letter, then you need to number it starting with the second. For this it is recommended to use Arabic numerals... You do not need to put dots next to the numbers.

The letter must be divided into paragraphs and, if necessary, into subheadings. The text should not appear as a continuous stream, as it will be difficult to read. The paragraphs will show you where other thoughts end and begin.

It is important to note that typos, erasures and any corrections are unacceptable for business correspondence. They will testify to the illiteracy and frivolity of the opponent.

Used requisites

The letter usually contains the following information.

  1. The full name of the company, not just an abbreviation.
  2. Phone, fax, bank account and email number.
  3. Addressee. Moreover, the name of the company should be used in the dative case. If you need to indicate the last name and position, then it is recommended to use the dative case. If the recipient has a title or academic degree, then this must be indicated before the name of the person.

It is important to note that each property should be written with a capital letter and on a new line.

Business letter appeals

Official communications should always be in a neutral tone. Appeals to the addressee should have the same form. Phrases like "Good afternoon" will be inappropriate. If you want to say hello, it is better to use the formal "Hello". But the most competent option is considered to be addressed by name and patronymic. And it doesn't matter how long it takes to get to know the addressee. You cannot use the short form of the name in the letter (for example, Petya, Anya, and so on).

Maintaining interpersonal distance, showing respect for a person older in age or higher in position will help turning to "you". However, it should be noted that in some companies, on the contrary, it is customary to use "you" when communicating even in a letter.

It is worth noting that the address "Dear Sir" cannot be used without the subsequent indication of the name of this person. You also need to avoid the abbreviations "Mr.", "Mrs." If you need to refer to a group of persons, then it is allowed not to indicate names. Then you can write briefly: "Dear Sirs!" According to the rules, you should always put an exclamation mark after addressing by name. For example, a similar phrase in a business letter will look like this. "Dear Alexander Sergeevich!"

In the final part, you can use different options... "WITH Best wishes"," Sincerely, "" With hope for cooperation "and so on. Messages here should be formal but friendly.

Final part design

Completing the letter correctly is also very important. In the final part, you need to summarize what was said earlier. However, you shouldn't stretch your conclusions into 10 sentences. It should be remembered that conciseness and brevity are valued in a business style. Better to limit yourself to simple phrases. As an example, there will be several constructions that are appropriate in the final part of business correspondence. Business letters should be completed as correctly and politely as possible.

  • Thanks for your help or attention. “Let me express my gratitude for…”. "Thank you!"
  • Assurance of the addressee of something. "We would be glad to cooperate with you."
  • Expressing hopes for the future. "We hope to receive an answer from you as soon as possible."
  • A request for something. "We would be grateful if you could report the results."
  • Apologies for any inconvenience caused. "We apologize for the late payment."

How to say goodbye to the addressee

Despite the fact that the correspondence is business, you can say goodbye in a business letter in different ways. To do this, use the so-called closing phrases.

Examples include the following options:

  1. Yours sincerely.
  2. Sincerely.
  3. Best wishes.
  4. I wish you success in your work.
  5. We hope to continue our cooperation.
  6. We were glad to provide a service.

There may be other options as well. Here, the choice of the final phrase is purely a matter of taste.

Affixing a signature

At the very bottom of the sheet, the sender must sign. But it is extremely important to do it correctly so that the document has an official look.

It is necessary to indicate the position, initials, surname, and put a signature opposite. Additionally, you can specify contact information (personal email address or phone number). This will demonstrate to the recipient a willingness to communicate and collaborate.

Features of refusal

It is also important to know how to write a business letter if you need to refuse something. After all, even a veiled negative or refusal will not go unnoticed and will entail unpleasant consequences. After this, it will not be possible to count on a positive or at least neutral attitude towards oneself. When composing a letter, you don't need to give in to emotions. It is better to keep yourself within limits, even if the recipient is very annoying. Refusal letters should always be re-read several times, paying particular attention to the tone of the message.

The message should not begin with a categorical "no", in whatever form it is expressed. Otherwise, the addressee will get the impression that he is not interesting and does not matter. It’s better to present unsolicited persuasive explanations first. When the reasons for the refusal are briefly listed, you can smoothly move on to the statement of the fact. At the same time, according to the etiquette of a business letter, it is recommended to use the following type of wording.

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to fulfill your request.
  • We are sincerely sorry, but we are forced to decline your offer.
  • We are deeply sorry, but we cannot accommodate your request for the following reasons.

Ideally, at the beginning of the letter, you should briefly state the request of the addressee. So he will understand that his proposal has really been read, and he will certainly appreciate it.

Features of composing an email

Today, people are increasingly interested in how to write a business letter if it needs to be sent by email. For such correspondence, all the same rules apply as mentioned earlier. However, electronic business communications have their own characteristics.

  • The login must be solid and adequate. For example, zaichonok-masha@mail.ru is a bad option, and director-petrov@gmail.com is a good one.
  • It is always important to fill in the subject field. It will make it clear what the message will be about. If the letter is intended for a stranger, then the headline should be interesting. But it's important not to overdo it. Topics like "Unique offer just now", "Urgent" will only cause rejection. The heading should be made up of 3-5 words, enclosing the essence of the message in them.
  • If the correspondence is with a stranger, then first you need to tell him how they found out about him and what the company does. Without such an introduction, the message may be considered spam and immediately deleted.
  • It is better to highlight important points in the text in bold. In this case, it is unacceptable to use different colors.
  • Caps cannot be used in business e-mails. Even subheadings and topic titles shouldn't be all-capsized. The same goes for duplicated punctuation marks.
  • It is better to divide the text into paragraphs, leaving an empty line between them.
  • The shorter the message, the faster it will be responded to.
  • It is necessary to put a signature. In emails, it usually consists of several lines, includes the name and position of the sender, company name, phone number and website address.
  • You can attach text files and images to the letter. This is very convenient, because additional materials, comments, explanations and detailed descriptions distract from the point. Therefore, it is better to place them not in the body of the letter, but in attached files.
  • If business correspondence has been going on for a long time and a warm, trusting relationship has been established, then the use of emoticons is allowed in an e-mail. They will help to "liven up" and defuse communication a little. But they should not be abused, and in paper letters they are generally unacceptable.

Instructions for writing a letter

Composing a business letter can be divided into several stages.

1. First you need to specify the addressee. To do this, in the upper right corner of the form, you need to write the recipient's initials, surname and position. If the addressee is an organization, then its legal address should be indicated.

2. Contacting the recipient. It should be placed lower in the middle of the form. We've already discussed which phrases you can use. Usually the address looks like: "Dear Igor Petrovich!"

3. Statement of purpose. Below, on a new line, you need to write the main thoughts, the whole essence, mentioning the reasons for the appeal. If we are talking about some problems, then it is worth offering options for solving it. If this is an offer of cooperation, then you need to explain how it will take place. If the letter contains a complaint, then it is worth asking for specific measures. In a word, the recipient from the text must understand what exactly is wanted from him.

4. The final part. And finally, on a new line, you need to insert the final phrase and signature.

Thank you letter

This sample demonstrates what a thank you letter can look like. However, this example has one drawback. Instead of the line "To the" Flagman "company, one could insert a greeting phrase and the names of those to whom the letter was intended.

An inquiry

This is a sample business request letter. There are no flaws in it. All the rules of drawing up were followed official letter... It becomes clear from the text what problem has arisen and what needs to be done to solve it. The message also contains all contact information, a welcome message, a final phrase and a signature.

So, the publication has demonstrated how to write letters intended for business partners. This should be done correctly and competently, so as not to hit the face in the dirt. After all, the future of the company depends on this. It is also important to respond to a business message on time. This can be done within three to seven days from the date of receipt of the letter.


Start your letter by pointing out who you are writing to. Decorate the message as is customary in business correspondence... On the upper right side of the document, write in three lines the title, company name and last name of the manager, for example:

LLC "IntersvyazKom"
Ivanov I.I.

Indicate who is the addressee of the letter. Do this after indenting from the previous section of the message also on the right side. You need to mark your position and surname with initials, for example:

From the head of the sales department
Yesenina E.E.

Depart a few lines from the previous section, align the cursor in the middle of the page, indicate the nature of the message. You can write " Memo"," Information letter "or" Explanatory note ", it all depends on what reason you are contacting the head of the organization. There is no need to put a period after the title. If the letter is related to any request, you can simply contact the director by name and patronymic in a respectful manner.

Begin the letter with words that explain the reason for writing it, for example, "in the course of our negotiations", "in accordance with your request" or "based on your suggestions."

If your letter is related to a request to purchase equipment, improve an employee or provide an opportunity to make a business trip, it is better to start the letter with the phrase "Please consider the opportunity ...".

State the situation, make explanations, draw up tables or graphs, if the nature of the letter requires it. The alignment of the main body of the document should be set to the width of the page. Each line must start with an indentation.

Sign the letter, be sure to use the standard "with respect" before indicating the surname, after it you must put a comma.

Do not forget to include the date of writing the letter and sign the printed document.

If your organization has internal e-mail communication, start your letter with a message and provide all the information in free form.


  • letter request to the director

Service letters make up 80% of the total documents that are being prepared in an organization or an enterprise. With their help, communication takes place between institutions and individuals. Service letters are worn informational character, they can also be written in the form of a request or a requirement.


Decide on the purpose of the letter. It is needed only if the issue to which it is dedicated cannot be resolved by or at a personal meeting, and also if it must serve as an official document confirming the very fact of its departure. Think it over in advance and make sure that you have chosen the addressee and that it will be within his competence to answer if your letter- inquiry.

One should ask only one question. Several questions are allowed to be stated only if they are interrelated. The addressee should immediately understand the essence of your letter, so it must be stated in the very first phrases. In them, tell not only the essence of the question, but also the actions that you expect to receive in response. In the introductory part, you can refer to regulations which you are guided by when composing the letter and which serve as the basis for requesting or providing information.

The main body of the letter should prompt action, persuade or clarify. Its text should be clear, concise, concise and logical. The facts stated in it must be verified and objective, digital data - as accurate as possible. Write the letter itself in a businesslike, neutral tone. The text can be written in the first person in the singular or plural, or in the third person in the singular.

Avoid categorical expressions in the text of the letter. Use introductory words and constructions for this: if possible, apparently, as follows from, as is known.

Business requires to start the letter with "Dear" and write the name and patronymic of the addressee. If they are not there, then at the end of the letter, before your signature, there must be a phrase "Sincerely,". You can emphasize this respect in the text of the letter, using such adverbs as: "carefully studying your comments ...", "carefully considering your proposals ...".

A service letter must be written on the letterhead of the organization, where its full name and contact numbers are indicated.

When implementing economic activity some heads of organizations are forced to use business travel. From article 166 Labor Code RF follows that the employee is sent to the order of the head of the organization. But what if the director himself travels on an official assignment, because it turns out that he directs himself on an official assignment.


First of all, look in the charter of the society who has the right to issue administrative documents. If it is written there that only the head (who is also the director) owns the right to publish, then he must draw up the documents for the business trip. If you have delegated the authority to sign to a deputy, this person signs travel documents.

Issue a business assignment for sending on a business trip, it has unified form No. Т-10а. Here, indicate the destination of the business trip, the time of its beginning and end (according to the tickets), the purpose of the business trip. Sign the document. After completing your business trip, fill out the report at the bottom of the form.

Issue an order to send the employee on a business trip (form No. T-9). If the charter stipulates the delegation of the right to sign to another person, he must draw up an administrative document. Fill in the information about the business trip here: destination and period of business trip, purpose and reason (job assignment). Sign the document or give it to a deputy for signature.

Issue an order for your temporary replacement. If there is a deputy, appoint him to act as a leader; if there is no such position on the staff, appoint another person. In the administrative document, write down the period of replacement and the reason (business trip), specify a number of powers.

Issue a power of attorney for the deputy for the right to conduct business. For example, to represent the interests of the company in the tax authority. Take care of the signing of financial documents. To do this, you can contact the bank serving you and remake the signature card.

Draw up a travel certificate (form number T-10). Specify full name director of the organization, his personnel number. Write down the purpose of the trip and the period of time away from the workplace below. Rewrite the document.


  • how to arrange business trip