Division director. Director of a separate division job description

Territorial branches differ from the main office of the company only in location. Employees of both have the same rights and obligations, but the director of the branch is on the career ladder one or even several steps below the general director.

The work of the head of the territorial division is characterized by high responsibility and tension, because he is responsible for the activities of the entire company in the territory entrusted to him.

The main task

The main task of the branch director is to bear responsibility for doing business in the entrusted territory. But for most of the costs, it is not able to have a significant impact. In this regard, the director of the unit must find solutions to the situation and justify to the management the need to change the pricing policy in the region entrusted to him, based on the demand and purchasing power of the population.

Professional quality

The branch manager must:

  • know the laws and by-laws, orders, resolutions and orders related to the activities of the organization.
  • to have information about the features of the specialization and profile of the company and its division;
  • represent the development prospects of the branch;
  • be able to plan financial activities divisions;
  • have the ability to keep records of economic and financial transactions branch;
  • know how logistics is organized and how financial activities are carried out;
  • be able to provide transport accessibility and service, as well as sales of products;
  • have information about loading and unloading products;
  • have information about the development of norms for spending and stocks of material assets;
  • be able to conclude and fulfill the terms of business contracts.
  • know the basics of economics, production management, work organization in production, as well as safety and fire protection requirements.

A responsibility

Only a very hardworking and honest person can hold the position of a branch director, because on his shoulders lies the responsibility:

  • for the general activities of the structural unit and for the work of each of its employees;
  • for the well-coordinated work of all services and departments of the branch;
  • for the fulfillment of all tasks set by higher management;
  • for the expenditure of financial and other resources of the unit;
  • for property stored in warehouses and office premises;
  • for the timely provision of reports and the reliability of the data contained in it;
  • for compliance with fire and technical safety rules;
  • for maintaining the confidentiality of information.


The duties of the head of the territorial division are very extensive. They include:

  • break-even organization of the branch activity;
  • building the trade policy of enterprises in the region where the division entrusted to it is located;
  • rational distribution official duties among employees of the organization in the entrusted territory;
  • creation of a working environment in which labor and performance discipline is observed;
  • management of the activities of the unit in warehouses and offices, in accordance with the rules adopted by the enterprise;
  • control over the tangible and intangible assets of the company, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • management of conservation regular customers companies and attracting new ones;
  • inspection of the implementation of the plan outlined by the general director of the organization;
  • study of the need for the company's products at the location of the branch;
  • participation in the inventory of material assets of the unit;
  • ensuring the safety of products and other property of the organization in warehouses;
  • inspection of works on carrying out operations in the warehouse, according to the established reporting;
  • taking all possible measures to prevent the loss of products;
  • monitoring the correctness of the provision of services to customers, checking the correctness of execution and reliability of documents provided by customers;
  • control over the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, its timely maintenance;
  • carrying out work in the interests of the organization and defending its interests in all institutions and organizations.

Responsibilities of a bank branch manager

The duties of a unit director may differ depending on the industry of the enterprise. For example, the director of a bank branch, in addition to the standard set of duties, must:

  • Analyze the specifics of the banking services market in different regions and, based on the data obtained, make proposals for improving the activities of the branch.
  • Resolve current issues, prepare certificates and draft responses to incoming applications and letters from clients.
  • Take measures to introduce effective methods and technologies of the bank into the activities of the branch.


Like any other employee, the branch director has not only duties, but also rights, including:

  1. The study of the developments of the administration of the main office of the company, sent to the work of the branches of the enterprise.
  2. Providing for study by the management of the enterprise developments to improve the efficiency of the unit.
  3. A personal request (or at the request of management) from structural divisions and employees of the branch of documents and information required for the performance of official duties.
  4. The right to sight and sign documents within the framework of official duties.
  5. Interaction with structural departments companies.
  6. Encouragement of distinguished employees, application of material liability to those who violated labor and production discipline, as well as to persons guilty of losses and theft.


The salary of the director of the branch depends on the region in which the division of the organization is located. For example, the director of the Moscow branch earns twice as much as his colleague from Volgograd.

Salary of the director of the branch in various regions



Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod





untold truths

The features of the work of the director of the branch are prescribed in the relevant job description, however, in order to take the position of the head of the branch, it is not enough to meet the requirements that are prescribed in it. To cope with the job responsibilities of the head of the department, you must also have:

  • Presentable appearance (after all, the director of the branch is the “face of the company” in the region).
  • Experience in a non-managerial position in the field of activity of the organization (in order to better understand the features of the functioning of the company).
  • A car (it will provide high mobility in solving many tasks "in the field").
  • High communication skills (after all, it will be necessary to establish relations with numerous subordinates).
  • Striving for self-development and self-improvement.
  • A broad outlook in management, sales, planning and analysis.

Important nuances

In addition to the above data on the activities of the head of the branch, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the following information:

  • The general director of a company can also head its branch at the same time, this is not prohibited by law.
  • Also, the head of the branch may hold leadership positions and in other organizations. For example, Alexander Afanasyev, vice president and director of the Rostelecom branch. In 2010, he was appointed Deputy of PJSC "UTK" concurrently.
  • The branch manager is considered a middle manager. He is appointed and dismissed by the General Director. The exception is the director of the LLC branch. He is appointed by the society and works by proxy on its behalf.
  • A person with at least two years of managerial experience may be appointed to the position of General Director of a branch. Higher education required.
  • During the absence of the head of the unit (during his vacation, illness, etc.), another employee is appointed to the position of deputy director of the branch. He has the necessary competencies.
  • During the meetings of the management of the organization with the directors of branches, reports on the work done are collected and familiarized with new goals and objectives.

What conclusions can be drawn? The work of a branch manager is associated with great responsibility and high workloads. He must be able to lead and obey, carry out tasks and give instructions, perform current work, analyze the past and make plans for the future.

While creating separate subdivision(OP) the head of the parent organization has the right to appoint responsible person managing this unit. Relations between the management of the main office and the management of the EP are formalized in the form of, as well as a power of attorney for the management of the unit, which enables the head of the EP to represent the interests of the company.

At the same time, the head of the OP exercises his powers on behalf of the head office, since he himself is the sole body of the legal entity. person is not. An employment contract concluded with the head of the EP is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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The head of a separate division is obliged to:

  • to manage the EP in accordance with the tasks assigned to it;
  • plan the activities of the EP and monitor the progress of their implementation;
  • form the staff of the OP, distribute duties among them;
  • monitor compliance with labor protection conditions.

General structure of the organization

Separate divisions themselves do not have a legal status, therefore they:

  • are not subjects of legal relations;
  • do not have civil legal capacity;
  • are part of the whole company.

Often, ignorance of the above provisions creates confusion, for example, you can often find the wording “OP on the rights legal entity”, while the OP itself is part of a legal entity, and the law prohibits the entry of one legal entity. faces to another.

The emergence of a separate subdivision may take place after the fact, without being reflected in the constituent documents of the company. To do this, it is necessary that the workplace outside the location of the company be stationary and last more than a month.

What is important to consider

Conditions under the law

The separate subdivision itself is recognized as such if the structure is territorially isolated from the parent organization and includes equipped workplaces. Workplace is considered stationary if it exists for more than one month. This provision is indicated in paragraph 2 of paragraph 11 of Art. NK RF.

The recognition of the organization as a separate division occurs regardless of whether this provision is reflected in the internal constituent documents of the company. For separate divisions, registration is required.

In accordance with federal law, the heads of separate subdivisions are appointed by the main company and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued to them. The heads of the EP act on behalf of the parent company, the same company bears full responsibility for all the consequences of the activities of the management of the unit.

A structural subdivision is not an independent legal entity, their heads are themselves appointed by a legal entity and act under a power of attorney having an established pattern. It should be noted that the presence of a power of attorney is mandatory, since the powers of managers cannot be based on other founding documents companies.

In the event of disputes involving the OP, actions under the contract signed by the head of the unit are considered to be committed by the legal entity itself (the parent company). But this condition is valid only if at the time of signing the contract the head of the OP had a power of attorney from the company.

In accordance with the law, subdivisions may be assigned the main classifier -, as well as OKOGU, and others.

The location of the company is also recognized as the territory where it operates through a separate division. Therefore, the organization is obliged to notify the tax authorities at the place of registration of the EP about its presence.

Notification of the tax authorities must be carried out within a certain period of time: in case of creating a separate subdivision - 1 month, in case of changing the conditions of the existing structure - 3 days. In case of termination of the operation of the EP, the management of the organization is obliged to notify the Federal Tax Service within 3 days from the moment.

If it is necessary to conduct cash transactions, the OP is obliged to conduct. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia, the head of the parent company must stitch the sheets of cash books for each existing unit where cash transactions are carried out.

Sample employment contract with the head of a separate division:

Job Requirements

The standard vacancy for the head of a structural unit contains a number of requirements for the candidate, the observance of which will allow him to effectively perform the assigned tasks.

These requirements include:

Knowledge of Russian legislation The manager must be aware of the various regulations, which determine the functioning of a separate subdivision, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the scope of the subdivision.
Industry knowledge The head of the OP is required to have extensive knowledge in the field economic activity subdivisions, to know the documents regulating the profile, specialization of the branch. He must also have a clear understanding of the economic and social development departments and companies.
Basic knowledge of HR Ability to organize activities to improve the efficiency of this work.
Knowledge of the basics of labor protection, labor legislation The manager must be well versed in the requirements of environmental safety, know the basic provisions of sanitary and epidemiological legislation.

In addition to the above, the appointment to the position of the head of the EP requires the appropriate qualifications: higher specialized education and at least 5 years of experience in similar work.

Control principle

A separate subdivision can be managed in three main ways:

Centralized Management
  • With this method of office work, all personnel decisions remain with the parent company. Copies of documents with orders are sent to branches by local network or email.
  • The main disadvantage of the centralized management method is its high cost, since it is often necessary to resort to the services of couriers. The advantage of this method of management is full control over the formation of the staff of the unit.
decentralized governance
  • With this form of office work, part of the decisions on personnel policy remains with the management of the EP. The amount of authority transferred to the head of the unit may vary widely, for example, he may be allowed to conduct work books, acquaint employees with the provisions of the company's charter or independently review resumes, hire employees, etc.
  • Distributed management enables management to hire employees in a timely manner and more effectively conduct personnel policy generally.
Mixed management This method of office work can combine elements of the above systems, in various proportions.

Drawing up an employment contract

The conclusion of an employment contract with the head of a separate subdivision is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duration of the contract can be either fixed or indefinite. In the first case, a temporary contract is concluded.

Usually the head of the company independently decides on the appointment of the head of the EP. The appointed head of the OP acts on behalf of the company on the basis of a power of attorney. The employment contract and the power of attorney must indicate the duties and rights of the head of the EP, as well as the limits of his competence.

The main documents regulating the rights and obligations of the head of the EP are:

  • labor contract;
  • company charter;
  • power of attorney.

When drawing up an employment contract, it must indicate the place of work of the future manager, and if the EP is located in a different area from the location of the parent company, then the address of the OP is additionally indicated. Also in the contract it is necessary to clearly delineate the actual labor functions of the head of the OP and his powers.

When hiring a department head, his probation cannot be more than 6 months. This provision is reflected in 70 Art. TK RF.

The conditions for terminating an employment contract with the head of a separate subdivision, provided that it is located in a different area, comply with the rules. The location of the EP is recognized as different if it is located outside the territorial-administrative unit (city, township, etc.) in which the parent company is located.

Upon dismissal of the head of the subdivision, the heads of the head office are obliged to offer him a similar position at the place of his actual work. If there is none, then the further dismissal of the employee also takes place according to the rules for the liquidation of the company. This circumstance is explained by the fact that with the dismissal of the head, the current unit is actually closed.

According to labor legislation, measures can be applied to the head of the EP disciplinary responsibility. For example, for gross violation labor duties or if the head made a decision that caused large material losses or led to damage to the property of the company, a penalty in the form of dismissal may be imposed on the head of the unit. These measures apply only to the heads of branches, and cannot be applied to their deputies and assistants.

What does the head of a separate division do?

The main task of the head of the EP is to fulfill the tasks assigned to him by the head of the company. Their list is indicated in various documents: job description, charter of the organization, contract, etc.

Additionally, the work of the head of the unit requires the following duties:

  • Regularly conduct safety training among the employees of the EP, as well as monitor the timely completion of the required certification by employees. This also includes the duties of the head of the organization of regular medical examinations employees, the issuance of special clothing necessary for the performance of work.
  • Monitor employee compliance work discipline, safety and security rules environment. If the functioning of the company is associated with the need to observe state or commercial secrets, then control over the observance of secrecy also falls on the head of the OP.
  • Ensure the replenishment of the staff of the OP. The head forms a personnel policy, the task of which is to create a close-knit team of qualified employees. Also, within the framework of this policy, measures should be taken to increase the motivation of employees and increase the efficiency of their work.

Paying taxes

The head of the EP, as a responsible person, is responsible for the financial and economic operations of the unit entrusted to him. Provided that these operations were carried out on the basis of documents signed by the head and have an appropriate order, and the actions themselves did not go beyond the competence of the head.

The head of the OP is responsible for hiding, understating the income of the unit or hiding any objects of taxation. Also, the head of the department will be responsible if tax service accounting reports, calculations and other documents necessary for paying taxes will not be provided in a timely manner. In the event of the listed violations, a fine of 2-5 minimum wages is imposed on the head, in case of repeated violation - 5-10 minimum wages.

Also, the head of the OP in special cases can be involved in criminal liability, for example, in case of deliberate concealment of income or distortion of data in tax documents submitted. In this case, the leader faces up to 4 years in prison, with a subsequent restriction on holding certain positions.


Branches, that is territorial divisions of companies, work under the direction of directors who are subordinate to the general director.

The position of such a leader is very popular, as it is associated with a large number of requirements for professional knowledge and skills.

Read more about the rights, duties and responsibilities of branch managers.

The concept of a branch and the tasks of its head

Large organizations often consist of several territorially distant divisions, which are called branches.

According to Art. 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, branches represent the interests the whole company, perform the main tasks of the enterprise, therefore, the same working conditions are organized at the place of representation as in the parent organization.

The head of such a representative office is called branch director. His immediate supervisor is an general manager.

The branch director has a certain set of rights and obligations and carries out his activities in accordance with common goals and tasks of the organization, as well as the powers entrusted to him.

According to the law, a branch is separate subdivision, therefore, is subordinate to the legal entity that created it, for a number of reasons:

  1. The property of the branch belongs to the legal entity, which has the right to dispose of it.
  2. The activity of this subdivision is organized and regulated by the orders of the management of the parent organization.
  3. The head of the branch becomes a person approved in accordance with the order of a higher head.
  4. The branch director works under a power of attorney received from the main manager.

The head of the department performs a number of functions, which include the following:

  • branch management;
  • solving personnel issues;
  • ensuring the efficiency of the department.

All decisions made by the head of the branch, should be harmonized with the CEO, because it is the latter who is legally responsible for the activities of the company as a whole.

Professional and personal qualities

The director of the branch must have a serious baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities. He also needs personal qualities, due to which he will be able to provide the necessary level business communication with staff.

Kit requirements presented to such a leader is quite wide:

  1. Knowledge of the law. Since the organization carries out its activities in accordance with the law, the head is obliged to be aware of regulatory and legal changes, to have information regarding the release of the organization's local regulations.
  2. High qualification. The management team needs to understand the profile and specialization of their company, including the production part.
  3. financial literacy. The head is obliged to plan the financial and economic activities of his branch.
  4. Organization financial, material and technical support subordinate branch. The manager is responsible for the timely supply of the unit with all the necessary resources.
  5. Work control branch. The head of this level controls the expenditure of funds, resources and material values.
  6. legal literacy. Since the manager is responsible for fulfilling the terms of the contracts, he must know the rules and consequences of their conclusion.
  7. Knowledge in management. The manager is obliged to organize the effective activities of employees in production and create favorable working conditions for them.
  8. Health and Safety Literacy. The director is responsible for the safety of each of the employees, as well as for the safety of the material base of the enterprise.
  9. Knowledge of psychology and business communication skills. Team management involves building effective business relationships, which is necessary to solve various production and personnel issues.

The position of the head of the branch carries with it many different functions and responsibilities, which cannot but affect wage level. Approximate size wages for the position in question ranges from 80 to 120 thousand rubles.

For implementation professional duties must be near personal characteristics:

  • stress resistance, that is, the ability to be in a calm state and provide psychological comfort for staff when solving a large number of tasks;
  • the ability to operate with a large amount of data from different fields of activity;
  • ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
  • planning skills;
  • ability to make non-standard decisions;
  • sociability and activity;
  • performance and diligence;
  • leadership skills.

All of the above qualities allow the manager to carry out his activities in such a way as to be responsible for all areas of the unit’s work, to have business relationship with subordinates and provide healthy mental climate in a collective.

List of available rights

The head of the division has a fairly broad set of rights, which determine his activities in a leadership position:

  • give orders to subordinate and subordinate departments (within the limits of authority and professional direction branch);
  • control the activities of subordinate and subordinate departments, as well as require reports on the timely and effective execution of orders;
  • request documentation related to the work of the unit and its individual parts;
  • establish business contacts with departments of other organizations to carry out the activities of the branch within its main goals and objectives;
  • represent the interests of its branch in other institutions on all issues related to its activities.

The implementation of the rights listed above is carried out within the framework of the official duties of the head of the unit.

Job Responsibilities

The head has a number of job responsibilities according to which it operates:

  • management of the activities of the unit to ensure its financial stability, profit, maintain the image;
  • planning work in accordance with the goals of the organization;
  • monitoring the effectiveness and timeliness of the tasks;
  • assessment of the degree of risk in the implementation of the goals;
  • analysis and solution of diverse tasks for the effective work of the workforce;
  • selection of personnel, stimulation of professional growth of employees;
  • building relationships with potential business partners;
  • analysis and forecasting of demand for manufactured products or services;
  • implementation innovative development divisions;
  • ensuring the efficiency of work and the quality of products;
  • analysis of the current activities of the enterprise and forecasting the effectiveness of its work in the future;
  • solution of issues related to the rational use of material values ​​and resources;
  • organization of interaction between specialists from different departments, including with representatives of other companies in order to resolve current issues of the company.

The duties of the Branch Manager are different areas activities of the department assigned to him.

Types of responsibility

The branch manager carries several types of responsibility for your work:

  1. Personal(in terms of labor efficiency of the reporting unit). It includes the organization and timeliness of work, ensuring working conditions, timely reporting to the General Director.
  2. Material. The head of the branch does not bear full financial responsibility, but it still exists and is limited to the amount of his average earnings per month.
  3. Disciplinary(deprivation of bonus or dismissal). The degree of disciplinary responsibility is prescribed in the employment contract.

Other types of responsibility (administrative or criminal) the head bears in accordance with current legislation.

Also, the employment contract with him may provide for liability for non-compliance with his official duties, in local regulations - the possibility of imposing sanctions for damage caused to the enterprise. Possible sanctions include deprivation of bonuses, dismissal due to loss of confidence, etc. Where can I find a sample employment contract with the head of a branch (representative office) All essential conditions that should be contained in an employment contract with an employee are specified in Art. 57 TK. However, when drawing up an employment contract (especially an urgent one) with the head of a branch, some personnel officers may encounter difficulties related to the specifics of the activities of such a unit and its working conditions. In order to make it easy to develop your own employment contract with this employee, we suggest downloading a ready-made sample on our website.

Job description of the director of a separate division of a legal entity

I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve [legal form, job description] name of the organization, [day, month, year] of the enterprise] M. P. Job description of the director of a separate subdivision of a legal entity (branch, representative office) [name of organization, enterprise, etc. ] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General provisions 1.1. The director of a separate subdivision of a legal entity belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

Responsibilities of the division head

Provides timely and quality performance assigned to a separate or structural subdivision organization of functions in accordance with approved local regulations (regulations on a separate or structural subdivision of the organization, job description of the head (chief) of a separate or structural subdivision of the organization), the implementation by a separate or structural subdivision of the organization of approved plans, schedules, programs, employment contracts, as well as other obligations taken in the prescribed manner, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made, the safety and efficient use of property under the jurisdiction of a separate or structural subdivision of the organization.

Sample job description for branch manager

He must also clearly understand the prospects for the economic and social development of the unit and the company. Knowledge of the basics of working with personnel Ability to organize activities to improve the efficiency of this work. Knowledge of the basics of labor protection, labor legislation The manager must be well versed in the requirements of environmental safety, know the basic provisions of sanitary and epidemiological legislation.
In addition to the above, the appointment to the position of the head of the EP requires the appropriate qualifications: higher specialized education and at least 5 years of experience in similar work. Principle of management The management of a separate unit can be carried out in three main ways: Centralized management

  • With this method of office work, all personnel decisions remain with the parent company.

Job description of the head of a separate subdivision page from

  • Controls the use by employees of technical, informational, advertising and marketing and other resources available in the sales office;
  • Establishes contacts with operational services for resource provision of office premises - registration required documents for the supply of consumables, stationery and other inventory items necessary for the operation of the office, Maintenance and repair of office equipment.
  • Ensures the preparation of the office for the working day - the work of office equipment, telephone connection, Internet, accounting program, etc.;
  • Maintains a high level of discipline among sales office employees;
  • Ensures cleanliness and order in the office;
  • Ensures compliance with the work schedule of the office and office staff. Keeps track of working hours.

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The emergence of a separate subdivision may take place after the fact, without being reflected in the constituent documents of the company. To do this, it is necessary that the workplace outside the location of the company be stationary and last more than a month. What is important to consider Conditions under the law A self-contained subdivision is recognized as such if the structure is territorially isolated from the parent organization and includes equipped workplaces.


The workplace is recognized as stationary if it exists for more than one month. This provision is indicated in paragraph 2 of paragraph 11 of Art. NK RF. The recognition of the organization as a separate division occurs regardless of whether this provision is reflected in the internal constituent documents of the company. Separate subdivisions are required to register with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Article 11

Director of a separate division job description

When hiring, an Agreement on full individual liability is concluded with him.

  • During a long absence of the Head of the OP (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by the Senior Sales Manager or a person duly appointed. This person acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him on the basis of the relevant order.
  • 2. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. A person who has a higher professional education or having additional training in the field of tourism and work experience in the tourism industry for at least 3 years.

Head of a separate division job description

To interact with the heads of structural divisions of the organization, to receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties. 3.7. Supervise the activities of subordinate employees. 3.8. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.9. Raise your professional qualification. 3.10. Other rights provided for by labor legislation. 4. Responsibility The director of a separate subdivision is responsible for: 4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3.

Job description of the director of a separate division

Organizes the development of job descriptions, labor protection instructions for employees of a separate or structural unit of the organization, technological documentation. Ensures that, in accordance with the established procedure, training and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of a separate or structural subdivision of the organization, as well as (if necessary) their training and certification in the areas of industrial, fire, environmental safety, mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees of a separate or structural subdivision of the organization, issuance of certified special clothing, special footwear and other means personal protection, as well as flushing and neutralizing agents in accordance with established standards.
Controls: - the logistics of the SSP, - the correct working capital and targeted use of the financial loan, — fulfillment of the plan for the sale of the Company's products. 2.6. Leads the development of measures: — for resource conservation and the integrated use of material resources and values, — for improving economic indicators work of the OSB, - on the maximum equipping of the loading and unloading service with the necessary mechanisms and devices, - on the prevention of overspending of financial and material resources, - on resolving issues information security, - to improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. 2.7. Supervises the work of subordinate departments and services.
3. Must know: 3.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials of higher and other bodies related to the activities of the PCB, 3.2.

Director of a separate division job responsibilities

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (technical) and work experience in the area of ​​activity of a separate (structural) subdivision of the organization for at least 5 years. Above qualification characteristics positions "Head (head) of a separate (structural) division of the organization" are intended to address issues related to the regulation labor relations and ensuring an effective personnel management system in various organizations. Based on these characteristics, a job description is developed for the head of a separate division of the organization, containing the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as a specific list of his job responsibilities, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and management of the enterprise (institution).




General manager

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on the status of the head of the structural unit

This Regulation governs the activities, determines the status, rights, duties and powers of the head of the structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision").

This Regulation has been developed in order to streamline and optimize activities, implement its business projects and strengthen stability in the automotive products market.

Article 1. General provisions

1.1. The Head of the Division carries out operational management of all aspects of the Division's activities: commercial, financial, economic, as well as personnel management issues.

1.2. The Head of the Division manages the property of the Division within the limits established by the Charter and the terms of the employment contract.

1.3. The competence of the Head of the Unit includes the development, coordination with the General Director and implementation of the development strategy of the Unit within the framework of development, as well as all issues of managing current activities within the limits established by the Charter, internal regulations, these Regulations, management decisions.

1.4. The purpose of the activity of the Head of the Unit is to ensure efficient operation Subdivisions through the implementation of the approved business plan, achieving its profitability and competitiveness, financial and economic stability, maintaining stability and searching for new business technologies, improving the system of work with personnel.

1.5. The Head of the Division performs his managerial activity taking into account the interests and in full accordance with the general line of development, in close economic and financial cooperation with other structural units, guided by the principles of corporate commitment, taking care of the image, observing traditions and development features.

1.6. All employees of the Division entrusted to him are directly subordinate to the Head of the Division in accordance with the terms of employment and job descriptions.

Article 2. Appointment of the Head of the Division

2.1. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has the necessary professional, psychological and moral qualities that meet the requirements of the head, who recognizes the standards of the Corporate Code who conscientiously and proactively relates to the fulfillment of the assigned tasks and is not deprived of the right to occupy the relevant positions in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.

2.2. Candidates for the position of Head of Division may be nominated by employees, the General Director; self-nomination is allowed.

2.3. V individual cases upon appointment of the Head of the Division, the General Director may appoint a competition in which both employees and persons who are not in labor relations with.

2.3.1. All candidates are considered to have equal rights and opportunities to participate in the replacement competition vacant position Head of the Division. The conditions of the competition and the procedure for its holding are determined by the General Director.

2.3. The Head of the Division is appointed to the position by the General Director with the obligatory coordination of his candidacy with the head of the personnel service.

2.4. The General Director concludes an employment contract with the Head of the Unit for a fixed period, which fixes the limits of the disposal of the property of the Unit, the rights, duties, working conditions and responsibility of the Head of the Unit before.

Article 3. Term of office of the Head of the Division

3.1. The Head of the Division shall exercise his powers during the period for which he was appointed, except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2. of this Regulation.

3.2. The powers of the Head of the Division may be prematurely terminated on the grounds directly provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The General Director may unilaterally decide on the early termination of the powers of the Head of the Division with the obligatory notification of his intention to the latter at least 30 calendar days before the date of the upcoming dismissal (unless other terms are provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation) in the following cases:

3.3.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the development plan of the Division, developed and approved by the General Director for the Division;

3.3.2. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Head of the Division or obligations and conditions stipulated by the employment contract;

3.3.3. Non-execution or improper execution of decisions and orders of the General Director;

3.3.4. Causing direct economic and financial damage by the Head of the Division by his actions or when he creates conditions that lead to the emergence of a threat of damage.

3.4. In the event of termination of powers own will The Head of the Division submits a written application indicating the reasons for the resignation of powers addressed to the General Director at least 2 weeks before the date of the proposed dismissal.

3.5. In case of termination of the employment contract for any of the reasons specified in clause 3.2. and 3.3. of this Regulation, the Head of the Unit has all the rights and powers and performs his duties up to the issuance of an order for dismissal and the proper execution of the transfer of cases to the newly appointed Head of the Unit or the Acting Head of the Unit.

Article 4 Procedure for referral of cases

4.1. At least 3 working days are allotted for the acceptance and transfer of cases of the Division. The calculation and dismissal of the former Head of the Division is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the employment contract, subject to full compensation for all losses, if any, as a result of the activity (inactivity) of the Head of the Division.

4.2. To carry out the process of acceptance and transfer of cases of the Division, a commission is created by order of the General Director, which operates under the direct control of the General Director.

4.3. Based on and based on the results of the audit, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, which is signed by the former and new Head of the Division, the chairman and members of the commission, after which it is approved by the General Director.

Article 5. Powers of the Head of the Division

5.1. Head of the Division, carrying out strategic planning and operational management of the activities of the Division, is vested in this regard with the necessary powers.

5.2. The Head of the Division develops and approves with the General Director strategic goals development of the Division and ways to achieve them;

5.3. The Head of the Division, on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the General Director, has the right to carry out all actions within his competence on behalf of the Division entrusted to him.

5.4. The Head of the Unit has the right to dispose of the financial resources of the Unit within the limits regulated by the terms of the employment contract.

5.5. The Head of the Division independently conducts settlements under business contracts with business partners.

5.6. The Head of the Unit, within the limits of his competence, gives instructions and makes decisions regarding various aspects of the Unit's activities.

5.7. The Head of the Division represents and defends the interests of the Division within the framework of the current legislation in all organizations, bodies and institutions, both in Russian Federation, as well as beyond.

5.8. The Head of the Division deals with personnel management issues, applies incentives and penalties to employees in accordance with the current labor legislation;

5.9. The Head of the Division organizes the distribution functional duties between employees of the Unit, approves job descriptions.

5.10. The Head of the Division specifies the list of information containing commercial secrets or is confidential information of the Division, the levels of accessibility of the Division's employees to it; determines and, in agreement with the management of the security service, takes in the Division the necessary measures for the financial, economic security of the Division and the personal security of employees;

5.11. In case of a long (more than 3 days) absence, the Head of the Unit, in agreement with the General Director, appoints the Acting Head of the Unit.

Article 6. Responsibility of the Head of the Division

6.1. The head of the department reports directly to CEO and is responsible for his actions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation during the entire period of his work in this position.

6.2. The Head of the Division is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him on the terms stipulated by the employment contract concluded with him, in accordance with the current legislation, the Charter, local regulations, including:

For the effective implementation of the approved business plan for the Division;

For the accuracy and timeliness of the implementation of operational decisions and orders of the General Director;

For the safety of tangible and intangible assets of the Division;

Per rational use Finance Division;

For the preservation of trade secrets by him and the employees of the Division he manages;

For compliance with the law in the course of commercial transactions and financial transactions;

For the organization of effective feedback from the divisions of the Division entrusted to him with other divisions.

For ensuring the submission of complete and reliable reporting information on the activities of the Division to the General Director strictly within certain time limits and in the prescribed form;

For the creation of optimal working conditions for the employees of the Division, control over compliance with the rules of safety and labor protection.

6.3. The Head of the Division bears full financial responsibility for losses caused by his actions (inaction), as well as for the consequences of decisions that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation, the Charter and the employment contract.

6.4. The Head of the Division is obliged to strictly comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Corporate Code, take care of maintaining the image and trust of partners;

6.5. The Head of the Division is not released from liability if the actions entailing responsibility were taken by persons to whom he delegated his powers and rights.

Article 7

7.1. undertakes to provide all the conditions necessary for the work of the Head of the Division to fulfill the obligations assigned to him.

7.2. guarantees the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the Head of the Unit in fulfilling the conditions and obligations arising from these Regulations and the employment contract.

7.3. The Head of the Division ensures the implementation of the decisions of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Director.

7.4. The head of the division executes orders and regulations and on their basis publishes local regulations of the Division.

7.5. The General Director regularly exercises strict control over the rational and economical use of material, labor and financial resources Subdivisions; for their compliance with the norms of the law, the implementation of orders and decisions of the General Director.

7.6. The Head of the Unit ensures the creation of favorable and safe conditions for the efficient work of the employees of the Division, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.7. The Head of the Division is responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of reporting to the General Director.

7.8. within its powers, guarantees observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the Head of the Unit, pledging not to interfere in the current activities of the Head of the Unit, except as provided by applicable law, the terms of the employment contract and these Regulations.

7.9. reserves the right to regularly conduct inspections of the activities of the Head of the Division to ensure their compliance with the norms of the law, as well as the terms and obligations of the employment contract and these Regulations.

7.10. The Head of the Department is obliged to actively participate in the development strategic development focusing on the formation and satisfaction of demand for products; develop proposals for optimizing activities, organize feedback with guidance.

7.11. The Head of the Unit is obliged to regularly conduct research consumer properties the products sold and the requirements for them; identify factors that determine the structure and dynamics of consumer demand and market conditions, predict the need for various product groups.

7.12. The Head of the Division is obliged to make proposals on the organization economic security activities of the Division, to ensure the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure the security and preservation of the trade secrets of the Division and;

7.13. The Head of the Division has the right to receive complete and reliable information regarding all commercial, financial and other transactions related in one way or another to the activities of the Division;

7.14. undertakes to provide all the conditions necessary for the work of the Head of the Division to fulfill the duties assigned to him.

7.15. undertakes to regularly provide the Head of the Division with legal, methodological, information and technical and financial support in all areas of activity of the Division.

Article 8 Final Provisions

8.1. The Head of the Division heads the Division, organizationally included in the composition and acting in accordance with the decisions made and being made.

8.2. The strategic and tactical goals that the Head of the Unit defines and implements in his activities to manage the Unit should not contradict the general line of development.

8.3. The relationship between the Head of the Division and the employees of the Division is built on the basis of corporate commitment, recognition of common values.