What positions are there in the tourism sector. Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector

A tourism manager is a specialist who organizes tourist trips. The profession of a tourism manager is one of the interesting fields of activity. It gives you a chance to visit different parts of the world and earn good money at the same time.

The main task of a tourism manager is to help a tourist choose a country and a tour, as well as organize a good rest. The specialist advises clients, prepares required documents, makes insurance, a visa, buys plane or train tickets, book hotels and solves other problems for the client.

Places of work

The position of a tourism manager is always in travel agencies and from tour operators.

History of the profession

At the beginning of the 19th century in France in the explanatory dictionary the concept of "tourist" was formed - a person who travels to various countries of the world in order to kill time, or out of curiosity. In the same period, construction began railways, shipbuilding was actively developing, the first aviation began to appear, and hotels and sanatoriums began to be made from estates and other houses. As a result, at the beginning of the 20th century, tourism became mass phenomenon, and the profession of a tourism manager is a prestigious and necessary activity.

Duties of a tourism manager

Job responsibilities tourism manager are as follows:

  • Attracting new customers and selling travel vouchers (processing online applications, incoming calls);
  • Client consultation, selection of optimal tours;
  • Registration of insurance, visas, passports and other documents;
  • Hotel room reservation;
  • Purchase or booking of tickets (air, railway, buses, etc.);
  • Booking services for clients (excursions, meeting at the airport, car rental, meals, etc.).

The responsibilities of a tourism manager also include resolving conflict situations with clients and contractors. For example, if the plane is canceled, the customs will not let tourists in, the airline will place the child and the parents on different planes, and much more.

Requirements for a tourism manager

The main requirements for tourism managers are:

  • Experience in tourism;
  • PC ownership;

Sometimes such people are nominated. Additional requirements how:

  • Knowledge of major tourist destinations and resorts;
  • Knowledge of the market of tour operators;
  • Sales experience;
  • Knowledge foreign language(most often, English).

Resume sample

How to become a tourism manager

If you want to become a manager in the field of tourism and if you love travel, then even without work experience you can easily get a job in a travel agency as an assistant manager. However, in order to run a separate tourist destination or organize serious tours, a tourism manager must know a foreign language, be able to sell, resolve conflicts and have more than 1.5 years of experience in tourism.

Tourism manager salary

The salary of a tourism manager usually consists of a set rate and a percentage of package sales, and therefore depends on the number of tours sold and the season. The income of a qualified tourism manager can be 80 thousand rubles, with a salary of 15 thousand. The average salary of a tourism manager is 35 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education there are a number of short-term training courses on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Modern Scientific and Technical Academy (SNTA) and a number of its courses in the direction "

Tourism manager- a specialist who organizes a "turnkey" trip: he will help you choose a country, arrange Required documents and provide the necessary information. In our tourism manager job description the duties of this specialist are spelled out, including: collection, study and analysis of customer requirements for tourist services, advising clients, forming tourist lists and scheduling hotel check-in.

Job description tourism manager

General manager
Surname I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The tourism manager is a professional.
1.2. Appointment to the position of tourism manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the general director of the organization on the recommendation of the personnel manager.
1.3. The tourism manager reports directly to the general director of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of a tourism manager, his duties are performed by another tourism manager, appointed by order of the general director of the organization, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with higher education is appointed to the position of tourism manager. professional education, preferably in the specialty "tourism manager", as well as work experience in a similar position for at least one year.
1.6. A tourism manager should know:
- natural, historical, cultural sights of the countries of the world;
- traditions, geography and climate of Russian regions and foreign countries;
- types of means of transport and options for possible transport links with Russian and foreign territories;
- a list of organizations providing excursion services and services of guide-interpreters;
- hotel classification system (in accordance with the order of the Federal Tourism Agency dated July 21, 2005 No. 86); and schemes of work with hotels and hotels;
- list of objects Catering and entertainment, as well as health and sports organizations in their direction;
- the procedure for the work of consular and visa services;
- the procedure for currency and customs control;
- tourist catalogs and reference information;
- the conjuncture of the tourist market;
- the basics of marketing and advertising;
- tourist insurance rules;
- rules for registration of vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies;
- the procedure for working with discount cards;
- rules for establishing business contacts and tactics of conducting business negotiations;
- methods of collecting and processing information using modern technical means communications and computer technology;
- local regulations of the organization.
1.7. A tourism manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations organizations;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of the tourism manager

The tourism manager has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Collects, studies and analyzes the requirements of clients for travel services.
2.2. Searches for the most profitable in terms of cost, timing and quality of the services provided by tour operators that provide accommodation and excursion services for tourists.
2.3. Establishes contacts with hotels and organizations providing excursion and transport services for the carriage of passengers; agrees with them the basic terms of contracts for the provision of services and ensure their conclusion.
2.4. Participates in determining the cost of the travel package, depending on the cost of services included in the tour and their own expenses.
2.5. Provides the client with the necessary verbal and written information and advises clients:
- about the rules of entry into the country and stay in it;
- about the procedure and terms of issuing visas;
- about currency and customs control;
- about monuments of history and culture;
- about transport, visa, excursion services;
- about accommodation and meals for tourists;
- about the route of travel and the program of stay;
- about the date and time of the beginning and end of the trip;
- on the procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists;
- on measures to ensure safety during travel.
2.6. Forms lists of tourists and draws up schedules of arrival at hotels.
2.7. Receives information about the place and time of arrival of tourists, organizes the timely departure and arrival of the tourist group.
2.8. Conducts instructions for tourists on the observance of safety measures when sightseeing, as well as on the rules of conduct on Vehicle ah and about the rules for rendering the first medical care.
2.9. Keeps statistics of organized tours and prepares reports.
2.10. Immediately informs the head of the organization and interested persons about emergencies with tourists during the incident, as well as about tourists who have not returned from the trip.

3. Rights of a tourism manager

A tourism manager has the right to:

3.1. To undergo retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by labor legislation and local regulations of the organization.
3.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the organization concerning his professional activities.
3.3. Request and receive from the head of the organization and other specialists (marketing and advertising managers, lawyers, programmers) documents, information, including software necessary for the performance of his official duties.
3.4. Submit for management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description.
3.5. Inform the manager about all the shortcomings identified in the process of work and make proposals for their elimination.
3.6. Interact with all services of the organization on the issues of their professional activities.

4. Responsibility of the tourism manager

The tourism manager is responsible for:

4.1. Poor quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
4.2. Infliction of material damage within the limits determined current legislation Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

A tourism manager is a qualified specialist in organizing tourist trips. This field of activity is interesting and creative, since at work you need to constantly show imagination and ingenuity. Usually, to get a job in a popular company, you need to have a higher specialized education, as well as have the talent of an organizer.

What should a tourism manager know?

  1. Sights of all kinds of countries of the world, including both cultural and historical and natural sites.
  2. Climate, traditions and important economic, social or natural characteristics of various natural areas or aspects both at home and abroad.
  3. Varieties and all kinds of transport links between various objects both in the home country and in foreign countries. A tourism manager must not only draw up the correct route, but also make it the fastest, safest and most interesting for clients.
  4. The list, features, prices and functionality of organizations that allow for excursions and provide guides who know languages ​​that are convenient for the client's perception.
  5. A system that defines the classification of hotels and various schemes, ways to save money or take a better place when working with hotels, hotels and other similar establishments. It is worth remembering when it comes to labor contract with a tourism manager.

Information owned by the tourism manager

  1. A list of various cafes, restaurants, canteens and other points where you can buy food or relax with various financial resources. Knowledge of health and sports facilities of many types, in order to advise the client on the places that best suit his wishes. Familiarization with the sphere of entertainment and a variety of complexes that provide a variety of opportunities for recreation, useful time. The opportunity to advise something new is highly appreciated by clients, which is provided by the instructions of the tourism manager.
  2. The procedure and rules for working with services that are consular organizations, as well as facilities where you can get a visa.
  3. The procedure for painless and quick passage of currency and customs control.
  4. Directories of travel organizations and various information regarding the provision of information on issues of interest for each client. A domestic tourism manager should be able to do this.
  5. Marketing and Advertising Basics own services, as well as the positioning of the firm in the public view, the behavior of advertising companies.

Consulting on important issues

  1. Insurance rules specially designed for working with tourists.
  2. Basic prescriptions for registration of all types of vouchers and attachments to them, such as vouchers, insurance policies.
  3. The procedure for working with a variety of discount cards.
  4. Rules for interaction with business partners, establishment of business contacts, as well as proper negotiation for signing contracts at the most profitable and simple terms encouraging clients to cooperate.
  5. Methods for collecting and processing all information necessary for work using modern means and a variety of computer technologies.

Functional responsibilities

  1. Collect, analyze and study the requirements and reviews of tourists about an excellent holiday organized by a special company. This includes the responsibilities of a tourism manager.
  2. Searching for the most profitable and reliable partners who carry out transportation, conduct excursions, and also accommodate tourists, providing services at the proper level, which requires the work of a tourism manager.

What does a tourism manager do?

Establishes contacts with various organizations that are responsible for transport and excursion support for newly arrived tourists. The tourism manager must not only conclude a standard contract, but also check all the conditions; agree on possible privileges and other bonuses for their clients, as well as control the correct execution of the specified services, if necessary, challenge the actions of employees of organizations and seek benefits for own clients that regulate the duties of the tourism manager.

Takes part in determining the cost of a travel package depending on the price of all functionality and Additional services, their list included in a specific voucher. In this case, the determination of the optimal cost is required, however, for each item, care should be taken, which provides for the work of a tourism manager.

Providing clients with information

Each tourism manager is obliged to provide clients with optimal information regarding the following points:

  1. The rules for entering a specific country, staying in it, observing the basic rules to save material resources, your own time and moral efforts. This can be done by an assistant tourism manager.
  2. Rules, procedure, peculiarities of obtaining visas, as well as the terms that these procedures will take.

Guarantees provided by this employee

  1. Passage and successful completion of customs and currency control at entry and exit from various countries, which is indicated in the resume. A tourism manager needs to have a lot of knowledge that an assistant tourism manager can handle.
  2. Location and features, the importance of historical and cultural monuments of a particular state, which may be important for a client interested in important details on a specific profile, which require the duties of a tourism manager.

Important features

  1. Transport, visa excursion service, which is important when choosing the cost and features of the voucher, drawing up a route map and making decisions in favor of specific companies to receive the necessary services.
  2. Accommodation and provision of all amenities, proper food for tourists, specialties of the cuisine of specific establishments.
  3. The exact and detailed travel route, program and peculiarities of stay in each specific country.
  4. Date and exact time of the beginning and end of the trip.
  5. The main features of the meeting of tourists, their escort, as well as unloading and further stay at the planned place. Usually, recommendations are given immediately on the choice of escort, or information is provided about an already chosen guide. The ability to do this should be indicated in the resume. A tourism manager must have determination and ability to achieve the assigned tasks.
  6. Measures necessary to ensure the complete safety of both the person and the things taken with them and material values that regulate the duties of the tourism manager.

Additional responsibilities

  1. Formation of lists of tourists, preparation of reports on their number and analysis, which concerns the proper, timely and problem-free accommodation of people in the rooms of a hotel or other similar institution.
  2. Receive and dispose of information related to the place and exact time of arrival of tourists at specific facilities, control over the timely arrival and departure of each person from the group, taking the necessary actions if a difficult situation has occurred, timely warning their superiors about emergency or difficult situations. Organization of the timely departure and arrival of the entire group of tourists.
  3. Provide full oral and, if necessary, written instructions regarding safety measures when sightseeing or visiting extremely valuable or dangerous sites, which is necessary to save the life and health of each member of the group. Reporting to the participants of the trip the rules on the characteristics of behavior while being inside the vehicles, as well as instructions for the provision of first aid and psychological control over the condition of people or objects that need behavior correction.
  4. Conducts statistical studies, which are based on organized in specific company tours, and also prepares various reporting information.

The tourism manager quickly responds to difficult situations that have occurred with tourists, and informs superiors about the progress of the case. It also monitors the timely arrival of tourists. To lead labor activity as correctly as possible, each tourism manager must follow the job description, show attentiveness and calmness when solving any issues and performing even difficult tasks.

name of institution, organization



Tourism manager


(surname, initials)


1. This job description defines the competencies functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the tourism manager.

2. The tourism manager is a professional.

3. A tourism manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation by the Order of the General Director on the proposal of the Head of the sales office.

4. The tourism manager reports directly to CEO, Deputy General Director, Head of Sales Office.

5. Tourism manager carries out work on market analysis tourist services, preparation, conclusion and support of contracts with clients for services -Project ".

6. The tourism manager in his activities is guided by the acting in LLC "Tour-Project" regulatory documents, by orders of the General Director, Deputy General Director and orders of the Head of the sales office.


1. A person who has at least six months of experience in similar positions and a higher (secondary) professional education is appointed to the position of a tourism manager.

2. The tourism manager must know and constantly monitor:

3.1. Fundamentals of tourist law, laws of the Russian Federation "On the fundamentals of tourist activities in the Russian Federation", "On protection of consumer rights in the Russian Federation", "Rules for the provision of services for the sale of tourist products" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2007 No. 000 and other regulatory legal documents regulating the implementation of tourist activities.

3.2. Market conditions.

3.3. Geography and infrastructure of the countries of the world.

3.4. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of services and products of the company.

3.5. Market and demand development patterns.

3.6. The procedure for the execution of agreements and the conclusion of contracts for the implementation of tours.

3.7. Rules for booking tickets and services, issuing tourist documentation (travel vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.).

3.8. Schemes of work with hotels, hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), other organizations.

3.9. Psychology and principles of sales.

3.10. The technique of motivating customers to buy, the technique of working with objections.

3.11. Business ethics.

3.12. Rules for establishing business contacts.

3. Growth of the customer base.

4. Increase in the "average order" amount.

5. Customers satisfied with the work of a tourism manager.


The tourism manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the company due to errors in communication with the client or unreasonable provision of discounts and benefits - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. For non-compliance with corporate standards of customer service, established during two consecutive audits by the Company's Management - transfer to underpaid position not related to sales.


In order to complete and quality execution the duties assigned to the tourism manager, he is granted the following rights:
Use all the resources available to the Company for sales and development of the client network;

1. Receive any information available in the Company necessary for the implementation of sales and development of the client network;

2. Argued to defend before the Head of the sales office the discrepancy between the selling price of any product and the market situation, changes in the assortment or working conditions with the client;

3. To claim in accordance with the established procedure and in deadlines necessary information and data from officials firms defined by this instruction;

4. Seek help from the Head of the sales office, and, if necessary, to the General Director or his deputy with suggestions on any issues related to the performance and development of the Company.


This Job Description has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other - by the tourism manager.

This job description can be updated in accordance with the change in the structure of the Company and its mission, goals, objectives.

Changes and additions to this Job Description are introduced by order of the General Director.

(compiler of the job description)


(full name)

(person who signs the job description)


(full name)

I have read the instructions:


(full name)

By the beginning of the 20th century, the passion for travel had become a mass phenomenon among almost all segments of the population, and accordingly, people were needed who could organize it with maximum convenience.

Travels became well thought out, the routes began to pass according to a pre-planned plan, and there were people who have taken on the responsibility of organizing such tours so that tourists do not have any difficulties in the process of movement, and the cruise itself turns into a pleasant vacation, filled with various unforgettable impressions for a reasonable price. These people began to be called travel agents.

In connection with the development of infrastructure, it became more and more difficult to work alone, agents began to unite into communities - agencies, where each of them contributed to the prosperity tourism business and making a profit for each round.

Thus, a whole network of agencies large and small was formed, linked by certain skills and obligations.

From the tour operator to the client

Today, the tourism industry assumes the following scheme of interaction with its consumers:

Tour operator

This is a team of (most often) talented people - tourism product managers who design (create) route trips. The resulting product (this is the name of the finished, decorated tour) will include items such as accommodation, insurance, meals, transfer (flight and travel) and various excursions and other entertainment.

Travel agency = Travel agency (Travel agent)

These are exactly those who sell (sell) prepared by the tour operator product tour.

A travel agency buys a package of documents from a tour operator - a tour developed in advance and often acquires the brand of the same tour operator in order to work calmly under it and receive updated tour products of its operator on time.


To sell the finished product through a travel agency, a travel agency hires people who are inherently sales managers, only they do not sell public goods, but your leisure or business travel.

Since each tour operator is interested in selling more of its products, and the number of people wishing to visit a particular place is growing exponentially, the profession of a tourism manager is gaining every year. popularity.

Operators, agencies and tour work. managers are regulated by Federal Law No. 132 "On the Basics of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation", since managers for tourism products and sales managers for these products interact with each other on the basis of a partnership agreement concluded between them.

Thus, the tourism manager sells to the client a package of services pre-formed by the tour operator through the travel agent. It follows from this that make any additions, changes, etc. to this tour package. the manager does not have the right to make. Only the tour operator himself has the right to enter!

However, if the client wishes, the travel agent from the travel agency can send a written request to the operator, which will allow the seller to make such changes or refuse.

  1. Know the geography of the countries of the world... Know their climatic features, national traditions, interesting places to visit, currency, prices and, of course, the peculiarities of national cuisines.
  2. Visa formalities... The set of documents should be as complete as possible so that the tour operator can easily issue your visas through their channels.
  3. Understand booking systems and services... Each operator has its own requirements for the recruitment and execution of documents (depending on the country where the tour was created).

It is the responsibility of the tourism manager to know subtleties, how:

  • in which column to enter the full name of the candidate for the voyage;
  • what to write in to get insurance and visa;
  • verification of the authenticity of the passport (if any) and the general civil passport;
  • balance bank card client (statement);
  • correct indication of the photo format, because there are also small differences here.

FMS specialists will not allow documents to be processed due to an error of an inattentive manager!

It is available to inform the visitor of the company about the composition of the tour. For this, the representative of the company must know thoroughly not only the product itself (which hotel, the presence of a pool, entertainment and the availability of a buffet and additional food), but also such "trifles" as the quality of the beach and temperature features in a particular year.

It is imperative to warn the client that 28 Schengen countries may not issue a visa to enter and stay on their territory, if the visitor does not have insurance through the tour operator.

Knowledge of foreign language should be higher than the school general education curriculum. Tourist products are created, bought and sold not only by Russian operators! Ability to negotiate nuances with a foreign tourism administrator - direct responsibility of the tourism manager.

Be able to understand and arrange different types tourist documentation for all types of tours, no matter which operator they belong to. This includes travel vouchers, insurance policies, vouchers (proof of payment).

Remember which operators allow partial advance payment (at least 10% of the total amount), and which ones are categorically against it.

must be able to work with a computer.

To know, be able and understand what "sales technique" means:

  • search for the most profitable tour operators in terms of timing, payment and quality of service;
  • be able to ask " the right questions»To determine the purpose of the trip and offer the best option;
  • describing the advantages of a hotel, offer the buyer several advertising catalogs so that he can independently decide on the choice of a tour, focusing on the prices indicated in the advertisement.

Professionally draw up and conduct a sales contract for the tour. After drawing up an agreement between the travel agency represented by tour. the manager and the client (in fact, he buys the tour from the manager), it remains to correctly and competently book the tour and, after waiting for confirmation on the operator's website, order the paperwork (vouchers, hotel, bus, etc.)

After receiving ready documents they should be printed out and handed over to the buyer no later than 5 days before departure.

No later than 6 hours before departure (departure), a reconciliation is made (whether something has changed), and a callback is made to the client with a reminder about the trip, the name of the airport, the time of departure, etc.

Protecting the interests of the tourist is also the responsibility of the manager! After the tourist returns, he is obliged to call back and ask if the client is satisfied with the proposed tour and if he has any complaints.

In this case, the entrepreneur competently draws up a complaint to the tour operator about the provision of low-quality services on his part and demanding compensation for the tourist (refund, official apology, discounts, etc.).

Search and organization of charter flights at the request of the client. It is impossible to charter a charter and purchase tickets for it at the ticket office, all orders and calculations are made exclusively through a travel agency or tour operator.

A ticket can only be purchased by a tourism manager through a special booking service to which he has access. The advantage of working with a tour. the manager - savings. The price for charter flights is 30-50% lower.

However, the manager's duties also include a warning that the ticket will be "non-refundable" - whether through your fault or in case of force majeure, the money for the charter ticket will not be refunded.

Where and how you can get a profession

Get so complicated and at the same time promising work can be done in several ways.

Upon completion of the bachelor's and specialist's degrees at social institutions. In this case, the concept of tourism manager is greatly expanded. Such branches appear as:

  • tourism design specialist;
  • recreational geography and tourism specialist;
  • specialist in cultural tourism and excursion activities;
  • recreation and tourism management;
  • specialist in tourism, housing and communal, social and hotel business.

And further about 50 tourism managers, each of which has its own range of responsibilities and actions.

To work in a travel agency selling tourist products, it will be enough to complete a bachelor's degree in a specialty and, after receiving a diploma, send your resume to the websites of travel agencies and tour operators.

Specialists are always in demand! A good specialists doubly demanded!

After graduating from high school, you can ask for training in a travel agency to an experienced worker, motivating your desire to study the profession from the inside.

At first, the applicant will get all the ancillary work, starting with coffee and answering calls, followed by an invitation to the office, but this is how they gain experience.

From the junior tour. a manager in this way can really rise to a senior, but you cannot jump to a general manager without diplomas and certificates!

The interview for a tourism manager is presented below.

What the employer expects from the manager

A tourism manager is, first of all, a specialist in his field, and then “office decoration”. Although neat appearance, good manners, correct speech and intelligible diction - unconditional components of the employee's external image.

In addition to this data, tour. the manager must have such personal qualities , how:

  • a high degree of stress resistance, including self-control, endurance and external equanimity;
  • the ability to quickly organize and navigate the situation;
  • responsibility and organizational skills;
  • sociability and ability to work with a large flow of clients;
  • flexibility of thinking and excellent memory;
  • charm and diplomacy;
  • eloquence and the ability to persuade;
  • desire to earn money and work for business development.

How much can you earn

A young specialist will not earn much at first. This is primarily due to lack of our own client and information base.

The client base is accumulated over several months of independent intensive work.

Information base - as we accumulate our own experience gained in advertising tours from a tour operator.

What is a promotional tour and why is it needed

Each operator offers its employees several times a year advertising tours, in which managers can get acquainted with those places and hotels where the tourist product will be prepared. During such a tour, each manager prepares “travel notes” for himself, which he then uses to work with clients.

Since the salary consists of the number of commissions for the sale of tours, then in entry level she is not high - RUB 10,000-15,000 for regions far from the capital, and about 30,000 rubles in Moscow and the region.

After about 5-6 years wage doubles.

Do the cons outweigh the pros?

The answer to this question is - No... The profession is in demand even in seasons of “calm. With the increase in the flow of tourists, wages also rise.

Tourism develops from year to year, and contrary to forecasts, it is not going to roll back, which means that there will be demand for competent specialists in this area only grow... And along with the demand and professionalism, rewards will also grow.

A smart operator who cares about his employee will certainly provide him with 2-3 "last minute" vouchers per year, the priority right to purchase which at the lowest price (15-30%) is, of course, the employees of the company.

It is good and pleasant to properly organize a holiday-holiday for others, but organizing it for yourself is doubly pleasant!

What do you need to know to become a tourism manager? The answer to the question is in the video.