Job descriptions of the administrator and his duties. Administrator - who is this? Professional duties of an administrator

The administrator must supervise the performance of other employees of the main functions, and, if necessary, resolve disputes. The tasks of the administrator include ensuring the coordinated work of the entire team and constant monitoring of the quality of the resulting products or services. To be appointed to the position of administrator, it is enough to have a complete secondary or higher education. Many companies require at least 2 years of work experience in the relevant specialty.

What an Administrator Should Know

  1. Guidelines, decrees, resolutions and other orders of higher authorities or legislative acts that relate to the charter of life of a certain social group, which the job description of a system administrator obliges to do.
  2. The structure and features of management activities, the ability to control the functions of other employees. The rights and assigned duties of each employee, as well as the mode of operation, together with possible overtime or short days, which the job description of the salon administrator obliges to do.
  3. Basic rules for serving visitors, as well as methods for improving the service.
  4. A complete list and exact types of services provided by the enterprise.
  5. The main issues of the economy, in most cases related to the peculiarities of the organization of work of workers and the management of each employee in fairness and in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, legislative norms, which are provided for by the job description of the store administrator.

Basic administrator skills

  1. The main positions of marketing, as well as the basics of organizing advertising, its planning and successful positioning of products or services, the ability to oversee operations performed, designed to popularize products or services in society.
  2. The layout of all production and demonstration premises, the location of strategically important objects, the design of each room, if necessary, an inspection or tour of certain compartments or rooms. This applies to those whose work is guided by the job description of the hotel administrator.
  3. Aesthetic concepts of beauty and social psychology, which can be guided by, making the most important decisions.
  4. A full range of legislative acts relating to the protection of workers and their protection from negative incidents during the implementation of labor activities.

What does an administrator do

  1. The public charter, especially its common provisions.
  2. Orders and orders issued by the authorities.
  3. Internal regulations, which are prescribed in the legislative acts and regulations of each organization.
  4. A job description that combines the rights and duties of an administrator.


Each administrator is required to perform the following functions:

  1. Control and independent participation in the economic activities of a certain working group.
  2. Monitoring the rational use financial resources except for unreasonable expenses.
  3. Continuous reporting activities within the framework of their competence and qualifications, giving them to higher authorities. This is provided by the job description of the hotel administrator.

Main responsibilities

  1. Maintaining a control function for the integrity and safety of all objects representing material value and are part of a particular organization.
  2. Taking action if urgent or conflict situations arise that require immediate resolution. You should react quickly, so the work of the administrator is associated with a great moral and sometimes physical burden, which is prescribed by the job description of the administrator of a beauty salon.
  3. Consider and partially decide on complaints received from customers who are dissatisfied with the service or the work of employees. In the second case, the administrator can often apply penalties or other measures to curb the unsatisfactory performance of employees. Also, he must understand the situation, and not just do the work, so many argue that such an activity is morally difficult, which is regulated by the job description of the cafe administrator.

Main Precepts

  1. Ensure that all rooms are properly furnished. Also to control the proper appearance, placement and timeliness of changing advertising objects both inside and outside the premises. This primarily applies to employees who must carry out the job description of the administrator of a beauty salon.
  2. To control the provision and constant maintenance of order inside and outside the premises, which is an integral part of the image of the building or a particular company, which shows a sample administrator job description.
  3. Monitor the compliance of employees with the basic norms of labor discipline, as well as fire safety and other protective measures that provide for the job descriptions of the administrator.
  4. Communicates received or seen information to immediate supervisor concerning all errors in the work of employees, and also gives possible measures that are aimed at eliminating all problems and erroneous actions, which the job description of the cafe administrator obliges to do.
  5. With the help of teams, he maintains cleanliness and order in the work area, supervising the work of workers or hiring special teams. It is also the responsibility of the administrator to check the serviceability and proper condition of the funds. technical purpose and the equipment necessary for the operation, the purchase of furniture for an office or other premises, equipment and goods for various purposes, which will be useful for both technical and economic purposes.

Functional responsibilities

  1. Produces the organization, forms the schedule and assigns the time of work of the cleaning lady, and also checks the result of the work.
  2. Organizes congratulatory events or the purchase of gifts, bonuses in honor of festive events for company employees, as well as past and present partners, regular customers or all those who used the services or products of a particular enterprise.
  3. Completely resolves all issues with the landlord regarding the public services of the premises rented by the company, which is provided for by the administrator's job descriptions.
  4. Carries out organizational measures for the proper operation of all equipment, if necessary, appoints repair work, determines their time, speed, agrees on the cost, selects craftsmen or companies that provide optimal services for the appointed fee.
  5. Constantly keeps records of stationery and other technical supplies, equipment, inventory and all elements of the economic part, timely provides the required number and range of these devices to employees.
  6. Compiles, checks and submits documentation, which contains reports from various areas for each past period, which determine the job descriptions of the administrator.
  7. Carries out the organization and controls the proper and metered nutrition of workers that occurs during lunch break, distributes portions, if provided for by the articles of association of the company.


The administrator has the following rights:

  1. Make inquiries about the condition and quality of the equipment supplied, the availability and quantity, intensity of consumption of materials for production.
  2. Make and submit proposals for improving the work of the company or modernizing the actions of managers.
  3. Set requirements for managers to ensure good conditions for the implementation of duties of an official nature.
  4. To carry out the adoption of quick and rational decisions that are within the competence of the administrator, which is specified in the company's charter. This is approved by the administrator's job description.

A responsibility

The administrator is responsible for the timely provision of the necessary materials and resources for work, maintaining cleanliness and safety at a particular facility, and finding documentation in good condition. Also, the correctness of the preparation and timeliness of the provision of reports depends on the administrator.

He does not have the right to disclose commercial secrets, as well as all the information that he learned about by chance, in the performance of his immediate duties. To this employee could work without problems, he must fulfill his duties in a timely manner. He is responsible for the safety of the entrusted property, as well as for the implementation of the requirements of the job description.

The administrator is a very responsible and important position, present in almost every serious and developing project. At the same time, not everyone clearly understands what the administrator is so busy with, what does he do, for which he receives a salary from the employer (often, the owner of the project)?

Features of the administrator's work

In fact, the profitability and profitability of the project directly depends on the quality and professionalism of the administrator's activities. This is a difficult job, implying that the specialist understands what is happening internal processes, is able to competently control the work of his subordinates, directing their actions and deeds in the right direction, beneficial to the interests of the company.

In order to get a job as an administrator (for example, a computer club), it is not at all necessary to have a higher education. Although more serious and large organizations for the role of an administrator, they are unlikely to agree to take a “man from the street” without a proper education and diploma.

In general, the project administrator is managerial position, which is specified in individually and depends on the type of activity of production or enterprise, project or virtual representation.

In any case, the administrator has to deal with personnel issues, participating in the appointments of project employees, communicating with each subordinate individually.

Desirable character traits of an “ideal” administrator include:

  • benevolence
  • ability to communicate with different people
  • literacy (speech and writing)
  • professionalism (regarding the specifics of the activity).

How to become an administrator

To apply for the vacancy of an administrator, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the topic of work to the maximum. Today, there are all means and opportunities for this. So, the administrator will not hurt:

  • take training courses;
  • take part in trainings on communication with clients and employees;
  • improve your skills with special literature and textbooks;
  • thoroughly understand the goods or services provided by the employer's project;
  • learn to understand marketing and sales.

The ideal administrator: what is he?

A good administrator is able to resolve any contentious issues on the part of clients or subordinates, offering compromise solutions that will suit both disputing parties. Dealing with objections is another frequent item in the activities of the administrator, which you have to deal with almost every day.

At the same time, the resource administrator never performs actions or actions that run counter to the external and internal benefits of the company.

The administrator must also be able to defend the interests of the project in which he participates, and this requirement applies to a wide variety of areas.

For example, the administrator changes people who do not correspond to their positions, people who are not able to solve the assigned tasks. The interests of the company are the most important indicator for the person representing it!

In general, the administrator has enough work! And that is why this activity is well paid. The salary is also influenced by the specifics of the work, the level of responsibility, the breadth of the administrator's powers.

As a result of the rapid development market economy and market processes in a society that fell on the middle of the twentieth century, a large number of new professions were formed, expanding and "clarifying" the duties of previously existing analogues. One of these specialties is the profession of administrator, with representatives of which each of us today meets almost daily in beauty salons, restaurants, fitness clubs, offices or hotels.

As a result of the rapid development of a market economy and market processes in society, which occurred in the middle of the twentieth century, a large number of new professions were formed, expanding and "clarifying" the responsibilities of previously existing counterparts. One of these specialties is administrator profession, with representatives of which each of us today meets almost daily in beauty salons, restaurants, fitness clubs, offices or hotels.

We meet them, but most of us have a very vague and vague idea of ​​​​the features of this profession, since few people understand who it is: service personnel, a member of the office fraternity, a secretariat employee or one of the management specializations. But despite such uncertainty in the minds of society, among the applicants, the specialty of the administrator is enviably popular. And all because the younger generation is in absolute confidence: whoever the representative of this profession is, his duties are so easy that work in his specialty will resemble a series of cloudless days. So or this is actually what we will try to figure out in the framework of this article.

Who is an administrator?

- a qualified specialist who exercises general management of the personnel of a company or organization, as well as controls the production process and manages the property of a company or enterprise. Administrators can perform their functions as in the state legal entity, and as an assistant to a private person (for example, the administrator of a popular artist).

The name of the profession comes from the Latin administrator (leader, manager), which allows us to attribute this position to the management team. Note that initially the concept of "administrator" was used exclusively as a definition of the position. Later, administration became one of the branches of management, and the specialty "administrator" was singled out as an independent profession.

To date, there are more than ten narrow specializations of the administrator: the administrator of a cafe or restaurant, the administrator of a massage parlor or fitness club, the administrator of a beauty salon or a hairdresser, a database or website administrator, etc. as you might guess, officials administrator duties largely depend on the industry in which the specialist works. For example, the duties of a restaurant administrator, among others, include meeting guests of the establishment, creating comfortable conditions for their rest, resolving conflict situations, and monitoring the work of staff. The administrator of the artist is responsible for public relations, plans the schedule of his meetings and performances, solves everyday issues and controls the progress advertising campaigns and promotions.

If we talk about the generally accepted duties of an administrator, then their list looks something like this:

  • ensuring the smooth operation of the company or organization;
  • control of labor discipline personnel;
  • prompt resolution of working production issues and conflicts;
  • implementation of external contacts and work with suppliers;
  • carrying out activities aimed at preserving material and technical values;
  • preparation of reporting documentation;
  • work with inspection and regulatory authorities.

What personal qualities should an administrator have?

Insofar as administrator job, regardless of the scope of its activity, is basically the coordination of the actions of all employees of an organization or enterprise, a representative of this profession, first of all, must have organizational skills. In addition, it is impossible to imagine an administrator who would not have such personal qualities, how:

Of the professional knowledge and skills required in the work of an administrator, it is necessary to note the legal and legal features implementation of the type of activity that the specialist is engaged in, knowledge of the specifics of production processes, workflow rules, the basics of psychology and conflict resolution, labor legislation, ethics business communication, financial aspects of interaction with partners.

Benefits of being an administrator

The active development of the market economy, which began in the middle of the 20th century, has not stopped to this day. And this means that companies and organizations will need good managers more than ever, and the demand for specialists in the field of administration will only increase every day. And this is the main advantage of the administrator profession.

The advantages of this profession also include the fact that most of the working time (about 70%) is used by a specialist for direct interaction with people. And this contributes to the development of communication skills that help specialists not only in professional activity but also in personal life. After all, it is not in vain that they say that people with a "well-spoken tongue" will never disappear, "because their" tongue will bring them to Kiev.

The versatility of the profession can also be considered an advantage. The professional responsibilities of all administrators are basically the same, and if necessary, a specialist can relatively easily change the field of activity. For example, a hotel administrator can quickly learn the wisdom restaurant business and get the position of administrator of a restaurant or cafe. True, for this he will have to undergo training in special courses in order to thoroughly study the features of serving guests of catering establishments.

Disadvantages of the Administrator Profession

chief disadvantage of the administrative profession are difficult working conditions. Judge for yourself, is it possible to name light work if the specialist has to:

  • spend almost all the time on your feet, which is why this work is only possible for hardy people who are in good physical shape;
  • constantly resolve conflict situations, which can cause chronic fatigue and depression;
  • keep a huge volume under control production process which also negatively affects the general emotional and psychological state of the specialist.

It is impossible not to say that most administrators receive a disproportionately small salary compared to the workload. According to statistics, the average monthly salary of administrators in Russia today is about 20-30 thousand rubles. Agree that you work 12 hours a day (and sometimes all day long), get tired both physically and emotionally, but only real enthusiasts can go out to guests with a smile for such "ridiculous" money.

Among other things, the administrator is responsible both for his actions and for everything that happens in the hall, office or salon. Moreover, this responsibility extends not only to the work of personnel, but also to material and technical values. And this means that if an "unclean" employee works in a team, then the administrator will be responsible to the company's management for his actions, first of all.

Where can you get a job as an administrator?

Get a job as an administrator you can in any Russian university, on the basis of which the training of specialists in general and administrative management or a field of activity that suits you is carried out. For example, to become a restaurant administrator, you need to go to higher educational institution where there is a faculty of restaurant business. Administrator trading floor must be trained in a trade and economic university. But the profession of a system administrator can only be obtained in information technology universities. In other words, before choosing a place of study, you need to decide in which area you want to work in the future.

If you still could not decide on the direction of work, but want to be a good administrator, then we recommend that you choose the best management and economic universities in Russia, which include:

  • (Moscow);


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Administrator.

1.2. The administrator is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise (institution, organization).

1.3. The administrator reports directly to _________________.

1.4. The position of Administrator is appointed by a person with an average professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

1.5. The administrator must know:

Decrees, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations higher authorities related to the work of the enterprise, institution, organization;

The management structure, the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work;

Rules and methods of organizing visitor service;

Types of services provided;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;

Planning and order of registration of rooms and shop windows;

Fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;

labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Administrator, his duties are assigned to _____________________.


2.1. Functional responsibilities Administrator defined on the basis and to the extent qualification characteristic by position of the Administrator and can be supplemented, clarified in the preparation of the job description based on specific circumstances.

2.2. Administrator:

2.2.1. Carries out work on effective and cultural service to visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

2.2.2. Provides control over the safety of material assets.

2.2.3. Advises visitors on issues related to the services provided.

2.2.4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.2.5. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service, takes the necessary organizational and technical measures.

2.2.6. Controls the appropriate design of the premises, monitors the placement, updating and condition of advertising inside the premises and on the building.

2.2.7. Ensures cleanliness and order in the room and in the territory adjacent to it or the building.

2.2.8. Controls the observance by subordinate employees of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2.2.9. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.2.10. Ensures that employees comply with the instructions of the company's management.


3.1. The administrator has the right:

3.1.1. Give orders and instructions and take appropriate actions to eliminate the causes that created the conflict situation.

3.1.2. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise (institution, organization) to improve the work related to its functional duties.


4.1. The administrator is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to follow orders, orders of the director of the enterprise.

4.1.4. Violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, rules fire safety and safety measures installed at the enterprise.


5.1. The mode of operation of the Administrator is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

Other instructions in the section:

Many people think that being an administrator is a great start to a career. In a sense, it is. But what should an administrator do? Keep an eye on everyone like a warden? Look nice?




entry barrier



Functionally, the profession of an administrator appeared a very long time ago. In those days, bars and restaurants were called taverns, taverns, in Ukraine - taverns, roadside hotels - inns and taverns. In such institutions, the duties of the administrator were entirely taken over by the owners, occasionally using the help of assistants (the most prosperous could hire clerks, like landowners). The hosts welcomed guests, managed the staff, set the rules and made sure they were followed. Later, the position of people with similar responsibilities was called "manager".

Directly, the word "administrator" first appeared in the Russian Federation in an official document in 1995. It was used in the text of the all-Russian classifier professions".


The administrator of the trading floor (the same applies to administrators in restaurants) organizes the work of service personnel: sellers, waiters, bartenders, and so on. Administrators of this type control the performance of job duties by the staff in accordance with all standards.

There is another branch - administrators - "business executives". Their powers are very broad, but the tasks before them are an order of magnitude more difficult. "Business executives" manage the work of merchandisers, on behalf of the enterprise conclude contracts with various companies for the provision of BTL services (presentations, tastings, promotions, etc.).

Often, administrators also control the delivery and acceptance of goods - this can be written in official duties, but in reality, this work is usually done by storekeepers for them.

What specialty do you need

It can be any specialty related to enterprise management: hotel business, restaurant business management, socio-cultural service, almost any specialty of any management faculty in any university (the higher the level of accreditation, the more reliable). You can get a specialty suitable for holding the position of administrator in hundreds of institutes and dozens of universities throughout the Russian Federation - from MGIMO and Moscow State University to the Russian New University and Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Who suits

It is noticed that women cope with this work much better than men. It would seem that men are stricter and better in the role of managers - who, if not a former military man, will be able to organize truly iron discipline and perfect order at your enterprise (up to picking empty boxes in a warehouse filigree evenly, “on a string”). An, no. Former officers usually know a lot about inventing useless activities for their subordinates. But administrators have to communicate with people who are not subordinate to them (this is, in fact, the main part of the work): suppliers, the same promotional enterprises and, of course, customers. And here the female charm is an indispensable tool. Women (when they really need it) - perfectly find a common language with anyone. Yes, and men are much more pleasant to communicate with women - young and attractive.


Of course, the size of the administrator's salary depends on how "solid" and large the trading network is, but not only on this. It should be noted that the administrators of enterprises created "for the image" (restaurants, luxury hotels, hotels from 4 stars) receive much more. That is, if we assume that the businessman has large network food super- and mega-markets, which are the main source of its income and at the same time, has several chic restaurants that serve as the "face of the business", then the administrators of its restaurants will earn at least 1.5-2 times more. Therefore, the "expansion" of the approximate average wages administrators in the Russian Federation is quite wide - 12,000-20,000 rubles. Although, as usual, the farther from the capital, the lower the income. Somewhere in the “deaf province”, the administrator can receive 7,000 rubles.

Career growth

In 2014, the resource conducted an online vote among users. Presumably, this vote affected mainly the segment of the audience, whose representatives have already worked as administrators for some time. The question was posed something like this: “How wide are the career opportunities for administrators?”

  1. Opportunities are enough - 55% of respondents.
  2. The minimum of opportunities is 34%.
  3. Good, almost optimal conditions - 11%.

You can not trust the statistics, but here is what Anton Konkov (the administrator of the trading floor in a hypermarket specializing in the sale of household appliances) says:

“Having received a manager’s diploma, I immediately “rushed” to St. Petersburg, at random. It would not be easy to get a job if the brother of my classmate was not the director in this store. Of course, who needs a "man from the street" without experience? But I got lucky. Now I have stable at least 19,000, plus, regularly - a bonus. And there are career prospects: when the director is promoted, he promised to put me in my place.

In general, the situation is understandable. Of course, the administrator is a good position. But there is a small problem - last years A lot of people want to be leaders. Due to the overabundance of graduates, the demand of employers for such specialties has decreased significantly. However, if you, having a diploma, work for at least a couple of years as a seller in one trading network, your chances of getting a promotion will be very high.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession "Administrator" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .