What specialties do you need to pass a medical examination? Do all employees undergo a pre-employment medical examination upon employment? On the basis of what document is the list of such employees established? How to determine the list of employees who

List of doctors for periodic medical examination depends on what position the surveyed employee occupies, as well as on his gender. In our article you will find information about the standard list of doctors who will need to appear in order to confirm that your health condition meets the stated requirements, and about the procedure for passing medical examinations.

Which categories of employees are required to undergo periodic medical examinations

Taking care of the health of employees is one of the most important responsibilities of an employer. In accordance with Art. 213 Labor Code Russian Federation, are required to undergo a medical examination (both before entering a job, and subsequently, with a certain frequency):

  • workers employed in the performance of work characterized by the presence of harmful and / or dangerous production factors;
  • specialists working in the field related to the implementation of traffic;
  • workers working in the field Catering, medical and children's institutions, as well as some other organizations closely related to the provision of services to the population;
  • employees under the age of 21;
  • other categories of workers, the list of which is established by federal and local legislation.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 5.27.1 of the administrative offenses RF, non-compliance by the employer this requirement entails the imposition of a fine, the amount of which can reach 130,000 rubles.

The procedure for preparing for the mandatory periodic medical examination

The sequence of actions of the employer aimed at organizing and conducting a periodic medical examination is as follows:

What documents are drawn up during a periodic medical examination, who pays for it

Unlike the initial medical examination that the employee undergoes before entering into an employment agreement with the employer, when passing a periodic medical examination, a certificate drawn up in the form No. 086 / y or No. 001-GS / y is not required. Based on the results of the periodic inspection of the employee in medical organization a conclusion is drawn up containing the following information:

  • date of issue of the document;
  • Full name of the person who passed the inspection;
  • name of the employing organization;
  • Name structural unit in which the employee works, and accurate name his position;
  • a list of harmful and hazardous production factors that have a direct impact on his health;
  • the result of the examination and the conclusion of the doctor issued based on its results indicating the presence or absence of contraindications for the employee to perform the declared type of work.

This document must be signed by the chairman medical commission and certified by the seal of the healthcare institution. Also, the results of the passed medical examination are indicated in the health passport, which is kept by the employer.

Don't know your rights?

All costs for employees to undergo medical examinations, as well as laboratory and functional studies, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 213 of the Labor Code, fall on the employer. Regardless of which medical institution (public or private) will conduct a medical examination, the employer must conclude an agreement with him for the provision of appropriate services, the cost of which depends on the number of employees examined and the rates established by the clinic management.

Passing a medical examination by order of 302n - which doctors you need to visit

The procedure for conducting periodic medical examinations of employees of the enterprise is determined by the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the lists ...” dated 12.04.2011 No. 302n. In accordance with Art. 5 of section I of the said normative act, a medical examination must be carried out by members of a permanent medical commission, which includes:

  • occupational pathologist;
  • medical specialists who have completed an advanced training course in the specialty "occupational pathology", or doctors who have a valid certificate in this specialty.

The composition of this commission is approved by the order of the chief physician of the health care institution that provides medical examination services for employees of the enterprise.

Wherein list of doctors for medical examination depending also on the sphere in which the employee works, and the conditions for the implementation of labor activity. Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 302n lists a list of harmful and dangerous production factors, in the presence of which an employee must undergo an examination of his health by medical specialists. The same annex contains a list of doctors who must examine workers working in certain conditions, as well as the frequency of such examinations. In addition, the document contains an exact list of laboratory and functional studies, the conduct of which allows you to make the most objective and accurate conclusion about the health status of the employee.

List of doctors for re-examination at work

The list of doctors who need to be visited by an employee of the enterprise when he undergoes a medical examination is provided to him directly at the enterprise by the person responsible for the implementation of the medical examination and coordination of the process of its conduct. Depending on the position of the worker, this list may include:

  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dermatovenereologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • allergist;
  • oncologist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • dentist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • mammologist (for women over 40), although in some cases a visit to this specialist is replaced by a mandatory mammography procedure, followed by its presentation to a gynecologist.

IMPORTANT! The link of the 3rd list, specified in Appendix 1 to Order No. 302n, establishes the obligation of the employee to undergo an examination by a therapist, psychiatrist and narcologist. The legality of this norm is confirmed by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On the refusal to recognize ...” dated December 18, 2012 No. AKPI12-1363.

The list of mandatory tests that every employee undergoing a medical examination must pass includes:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • fluorography.

Note: the specified list may be supplemented by other types of surveys and analyzes (depending on the position held by the employee).

Who conducts a medical examination before the start of the working day or shift

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of Art. 46 of the Law "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection ..." dated November 21, 2011 No. 323 in order to identify the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors, as well as the presence of diseases that prevent the normal implementation of labor activity, some categories of workers (for example, drivers Vehicle carrying passengers) are required to undergo a daily inspection before going to work. Unlike a periodic medical examination, this event does not take much time. Conducts it, in accordance with part 8 of the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure ...” dated December 15, 2014 No. 835n, a health worker with a higher or secondary medical education or a healthcare facility licensed to provide medical services(including medical examinations).

So, some categories of workers are required to undergo both primary and periodic medical examinations during which their health condition is checked as by doctors general practice, as well as narrow-profile specialists. List of doctors whose examination is prerequisite for the employee to carry out further work activities, laboratory tests and other studies, as well as a description of working conditions, the impact of which entails the need for regular examinations, are established by the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n. On the basis of this document, a list of doctors is formed for each position, which should be visited by the employees occupying it.

The law in Russia provides for the need for a medical examination for a certain group of workers at the time of employment.

Target– assess the general health of a potential candidate, confirming his professional suitability or identifying possible features and diseases that do not allow him to take vacant position.

Mandatory medical examinations can prevent the spread of epidemics and prevent accidents.

Mandatory medical examinations

Medical examinations are divided into types:

  • Preliminary.
  • Annual (periodic).
  • Views out of order.

A preliminary examination is carried out during the period of a new employee's placement at work. Annual inspections are carried out by employees belonging to certain categories and working in harmful conditions. When examining out of turn, the employee himself can ask the supervisor in view of the recommendations of various medical specialists.

Mandatory medical examinations are payable by the employer and are specific to certain employees. The obligation to carry out such examinations of citizens may be established by municipal authorities for specific enterprises.

Preliminary medical examinations

When applying for a job, you need to determine whether a person is suitable for health reasons to perform duties at a particular workplace. To do this, employers require a preliminary examination. Labor legislation establishes norms that guarantee employees the safety of earnings.

The process of preliminary medical examination depends on the gender of the employee and on the nature of the position for which he is employed. The list of doctors to be visited may vary.

Here general list specialists:

  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Doctor neuropathologist.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Therapist.

In addition, the employee will have to pass traditional general tests, undergo an ECG and a fluorography session. After a visit by a citizen to all doctors, the therapist gives a general conclusion about the health of the employee.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations

Mandatory examination by specialists when hiring a new employee takes place at the expense of the employer or is paid by him after employment.

The employer issues a special examination sheet (referral) to the future employee, on the basis of which an examination will be carried out by the doctors indicated in it. Often the examination takes place in a medical organization with which the company has an agreement. You should come to the medical examination with a passport or other document that allows you to verify your identity.

In the patient's personal card, the results of examinations and the conclusion of the therapist are recorded. It indicates information about the general level of health and the presence or absence of health features that interfere with the performance of work.

The document is certified by the seal of the medical institution. The conclusion is subject to issue to the employee, and the second copy is placed to personal map patient kept in the clinic.

A citizen who has not passed a medical examination cannot start working.

Responsibilities of an employee during a medical examination

All employees are obliged to comply with labor protection requirements, and the employer provides them with safe working conditions.

If the employee belongs to the group of citizens subject to mandatory medical examination at work, then he must undergo the necessary examination. This applies to all types of medical examinations.

The employee is considered to have violated labor discipline if he did not fulfill his duty without reason. As a sanction, a reprimand, a remark, and even dismissal can serve.

An employee who has not passed the mandatory examination is suspended from work in accordance with the Labor Code.

A responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of enterprises for signing with applicants labor agreement without a mandatory medical examination.

Such behavior entails penalties:

  • For officials- from 1 to 5 thousand rubles
  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. or suspension of business activities for up to 3 months.
  • For organizations - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. or suspension of activities for a similar IP period.

If a person who has violated the law has already been subjected to administrative sanctions, in case of subsequent violations of a similar kind, he will be subject to a disqualification punishment for a period of one to three years.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation established that a labor agreement can be terminated if a violation of the rules for its conclusion is revealed. If it is not the employee who is to blame, then before dismissal, he must be offered to take one of the vacancies. Having retired, the citizen receives an amount equal to the monthly wages on this spot.

If the applicant for the position refuses to undergo a mandatory examination, the refusal to work for him will be lawful.

Cost accounting

The expenses that enterprises incur when organizing periodic examinations of their wards are provided for by law and are subject to special accounting.

These cash costs are:

  • Are subject to accounting in the tax base for income tax.
  • They cannot be taxed on personal income.
  • They do not entail payment of insurance amounts in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • They are not taken into account when paying contributions for compulsory insurance against accidents and accidents at the workplace.
  • When forming the tax base, the amounts spent by the employer on the maintenance of treatment rooms and points used for mandatory medical examinations are also taken into account.

If we are talking about medical examinations that are not provided for by Russian law, then they are not taken into account when determining income tax.

Citizens who undertake to undergo a medical examination upon employment

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes groups of working citizens who are required to undergo an examination when applying for a job:

  • Persons engaged in hazardous and dangerous work (including underground).
  • Persons working on vehicles.
  • Food industry workers.
  • Citizens working in the field of food and trade.
  • Persons employed in work related to plumbing systems.
  • Persons working in medical organizations.
  • Citizens employed at work in children's organizations.
  • Other persons working in certain areas.

Underage future employees, when applying for a free position, must be subject to a medical examination. Persons wishing to work in the regions of the Far North, when applying for a job, must have a doctor's report that confirms their suitability for work and life in a given climate and locality. Otherwise, the employer does not conclude an agreement with them. Athletes must undergo mandatory examination upon employment.

In addition to the Labor Code, the obligation to undergo an inspection is regulated by other laws. Judges, train drivers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and customs are subject to medical examination.

In the regions of the country, local authorities may determine an additional group of citizens subject to mandatory medical examinations. childcare worker, food enterprises and household organizations are required to have medical books, where the results of all examinations by doctors are recorded.

Who pays for the medical examination

Mandatory inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer. Even a survey of an applicant who was not eventually hired for any reason is subject to payment by the enterprise.

If the examination is not necessary, but the employee himself wished to undergo it or did it at the insistence of the employer, then the employee pays for such an examination himself.

To reimburse the amount of money spent by a citizen on mandatory medical examination, you need an application with attached checks and documents.

Candidate's refusal to undergo a medical examination

If an applicant for a position refuses to undergo a medical examination, which is mandatory by law, an employment agreement cannot be concluded with him. If an employee refuses to undergo an annual mandatory examination, he is suspended from work.

Registration of a document on the direction and as a result of a medical examination

To pass the examination during employment, the candidate receives a special referral from the employer. Its form is established by the enterprise, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

After visiting all the doctors indicated in the list and passing the tests, the candidate for the position goes to the therapist, who makes the final conclusions and issues a medical report. For successful employment it should contain information about professional suitability.

Obligatory examinations by doctors are a useful thing. If you want to work in a healthy team and not put yourself and others at risk, the need to be examined will not be scary.

Medical examination for employment and periodic medical examinations are the backbone of employee healthcare. Who is obliged to undergo doctors at the conclusion employment contract- we'll tell you more. Moreover, there are enough interesting moments.

A medical examination for work, its necessity and cyclicality is determined based on unsafe or harmful factors associated with the activities of the enterprise. Employees under the age of 21 are required to undergo annual medical examinations. A medical examination is considered to be completed in full if it is performed by specialized doctors with all the established analyzes.

Since 2011, the Ministry of Health and social development RF approved order (No. 302Н) - mandatory passage employee of the medical examination during employment and its subsequent periodization.

The medical examination of the personnel of the enterprise is due to the risk of a disease provoked by the type of activity of the employee. Employee health protection includes a wide range of mandatory medical and preventive measures. A preliminary medical examination and its subsequent updating will eliminate the possibility of the occurrence and development of serious occupational diseases.

When concluding an employment agreement for the maintenance work activities in the area designated by law, a mandatory medical examination of applicants is carried out. During the entire period of work, regular medical examinations are also required.

A medical examination can only be carried out by a specialized institution, which has all the necessary medical staff on its staff.

Sanitary and hygienic control of the workplace also allows you to maintain the health of the employee.

After the applicant has passed the medical examination, the employer must provide him with effective personal protective equipment. Specialized labor protection commissions take part in preventive actions carried out at enterprises.

Documentary support of medical examination

To pass a commission in a healthcare institution when applying for a job and further scheduled examinations, the following documents are required:

  1. Referral from employer.
  2. Identification.
  3. Sanitary book (if available).
  4. Conclusion of a special commission on a psychiatric examination (if such is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

In turn, the medical institution draws up documentation for each specialist:

  1. Outpatient medical card of the examined citizen.
  2. Health passport (if necessary) with marks and results.
  3. A conclusion endorsed by the head of the medical commission based on the results of the examination and certified by the seal of a specialized institution.

Established list of doctors and examinations during a medical examination

The rules of the professional examination oblige the following specialists to visit:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist (female);
  • surgeon;
  • mammologist (female);
  • expert in narcology;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

Payment for the medical examination in the direction of the employer is at the expense of the enterprise (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the employer (if it is a non-state commercial structure) can find many reasons for refusing an applicant who has not passed the inspection at his own expense. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure will become your concern.

The examination includes the necessary studies:

  1. fluorography;
  2. blood test;
  3. cholesterol concentration;
  4. determination of sugar level;
  5. Analysis of urine.

For employees over 39:

  • checking the level of blood pressure;
  • mammography (women).

Additional studies are possible depending on the results.

The list of doctors can be adjusted according to regulatory documentation employer's institution.

Medical examination for work in the Far North and other special conditions

Mandatory commission in medical institution is connected not only with the size of the staff and specific professions, but also with the location of the enterprise. So, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n, applicants applying for a job in the Far North undergo a special examination. Moreover, doctors not only ascertain the condition of the applicant, but also issue a verdict - to allow work in special conditions or not.

Sometimes this document is called "help 302n", according to the order number, but this is not true. The correct designation of the medical certificate form is 086. It includes 12 lines.

  • The first 7 - information about the applicant, past illnesses and injuries.
  • Lines 8–10 - data of inspection, analyzes and research.
  • 11–12 - the commission's verdict on suitability for work in the Far North.

A special examination is also required for those wishing to work in Central Asia and the Middle East, but with the collapse of the USSR, this issue has largely lost its relevance.

Where to pass a medical examination for help 302n form 086

The place of passage of the commission depends on the free time and financial capabilities of the employee.

You can contact specialized institutions that offer services costing from 15,000 rubles. Price fluctuation depends on the region. Passing a medical examination at the district clinic at the place of registration will be free of charge, such an examination is provided for by medical insurance.

An exception may be the lack of specialists in the field of psychiatry and narcology in the district polyclinic. You will need to contact a specialized institution where an examination will be carried out according to the established tariff.

The price for medical examination of employees is not fixed. The level of costs depends on the immediate place of its passage and the region of employment.

Based on the data provided in the conclusion of medical specialists, in accordance with the standards, it is determined which of the dispensary groups the applicant belongs to.

Medical examination at the time of employment

Includes complex laboratory research(blood, urine, etc.). The results of the analyzes can reveal pathologies and diseases at an early stage:

  • anemia;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis.

An integrated approach to regular medical examination of personnel will minimize the risks of developing diseases. For example, a surgeon can identify lesions in the abdominal cavity or varicose veins, and a neurologist can identify hidden functional disorders.

A mandatory medical examination allows you to determine the level of health of a candidate for a vacant position, to exclude diseases that prevent successful implementation labor tasks.

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" does not give rise to discrepancies: Article 34 "Compulsory medical examinations" states that employees ... are required to undergo preliminary and periodic preventive medical examinations upon admission to work. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are obliged to provide the conditions necessary for the timely passage of medical examinations by employees.

Which specialists should a medical worker visit before starting work (since without undergoing medical examinations on the basis of the same Federal Law-52, he cannot be allowed to perform official duties) is stated in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out ..."

The order came into force on January 1, 2012. However, until now it has not yet been read by the heads of cosmetology clinics to the end. According to the old tradition, they looked into the list, found an item that concerns health workers (in order No. 302n this is item 17 of Appendix 2) and decided that this was enough.

Those who had the patience to scroll through Appendix 2 to the end found that no, not enough. Indeed, other types of inspections are indicated in the note to the appendix.

Medical examinations of medical workers

Medical workers undergo:

When applying for a job:

  • chest x-ray;
  • blood test for syphilis;
  • swabs for gonorrhea;
  • a study on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections and a serological examination for typhoid fever (hereinafter - according to epidemiological indications);
  • research on helminthiases (in the future - at least once a year or according to epidemiological indications);
  • a swab from the throat and nose for the presence of pathogenic staphylococcus (hereinafter - once every 6 months);
  • 1 time per year examination by a dermatovenerologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist and infectious disease specialist (on recommendation).

During both preliminary (before starting work) and periodic (that is, annual) medical examinations, the health worker takes a clinical blood test (hemoglobin, color index, erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, leukocyte formula, ESR), a clinical urinalysis (specific gravity, protein , sugar, sediment microscopy), undergoes electrocardiography, digital fluorography or radiography in 2 projections (direct and right lateral) of the lungs, biochemical screening: determination of glucose and cholesterol in blood serum.

All women are examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist with bacteriological (for flora) and cytological (for atypical cells) studies at least once a year; women over the age of 40 undergo mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands once every 2 years.

Everything medical workers must be vaccinated according to the National Immunization Schedule, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 21, 2014.

Can an employee undergo a medical examination on their own and is it enough just to have a medical book at the workplace?

No. The system of medical examinations itself must be organized by the head and confirmed by certain documents.

This is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n, but in more detail - in territorial administration Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being in the city of Moscow "On the application of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2011"

Conducting a medical examination program in a clinic or beauty salon with a medical license begins with the head compiling a list of the contingent of employees available in his institution and sending it to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor.

This list is approved by Rospotrebnadzor, and on its basis it is possible to conclude an agreement with an organization that has a license for the type of activity.

In fact, it contains in a structured form everything that is in the medical book itself, only in the act it can be read, while in the medical book the seals are usually sloppy and the signatures of doctors are illegible. That is why there are so many fake, counterfeit books - the temptation is great, anyway, no one understands anything in them ...

The former chief sanitary doctor, widely known in medical (and not only!) circles, G. Onishchenko assured that the medical book is the most forged document in Russia.

So, the final act is all the information about each of the workers who passed the inspection.

It states:

  • date of issue of the conclusion;
  • surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, gender of the person entering the work (employee);
  • the name of the employer;
  • the name of the structural unit of the employer (if any), position (profession) or type of work;
  • name of the harmful production factor(s) and (or) type of work;
  • the result of a medical examination (medical contraindications identified, not identified);
  • the conclusion is signed by the chairman of the medical commission indicating the surname and initials and certified by the seal of the medical organization that conducted the medical examination.

Such an act is drawn up for each employee who was sent for a medical examination. In general, a general act is drawn up for the organization, and now it contains all the information in full:

  • the name of the medical organization that conducted the preliminary examination, the address of its location and the OGRN code;
  • date of drawing up the act;
  • the name of the employer;
  • the total number of employees, including women, employees under the age of 18, employees who have a persistent degree of disability;
  • the number of employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • the number of employees employed in jobs that require periodic medical examinations (examinations) to protect public health, prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, including women, workers under the age of 18, workers who have been diagnosed with a persistent degree of disability ;
  • the number of employees subject to periodic medical examination, including women, employees under the age of 18, employees who have a persistent degree of disability;
  • the number of employees who have undergone a periodic medical examination, including women, employees under the age of 18, employees who have been diagnosed with a persistent degree of disability;
  • the percentage of coverage of employees with periodic medical examinations;
  • a list of persons who have undergone a periodic medical examination, indicating gender, date of birth, structural unit (if any), conclusion of the medical commission;
  • the number of employees who have not completed a periodic medical examination, including women, employees under the age of 18, employees who have a persistent degree of disability;
  • a list of employees who have not completed a periodic medical examination;
  • the number of employees who have not undergone a periodic medical examination, including women, employees under the age of 18, employees who have been diagnosed with a persistent degree of disability;
  • a list of employees who have not undergone a periodic medical examination;
  • the number of employees who do not have medical contraindications to work;
  • the number of employees with temporary medical contraindications to work;
  • the number of employees with permanent medical contraindications to work;
  • the number of employees in need of an additional examination (conclusion not given);
  • the number of employees who need to be examined in the center of occupational pathology;
  • the number of employees requiring outpatient examination and treatment;
  • the number of employees in need of inpatient examination and treatment;
  • the number of employees in need of sanatorium treatment;
  • the number of employees in need of dispensary observation;
  • a list of persons with a preliminary diagnosis of an occupational disease, indicating gender, date of birth, structural unit (if any), profession (position), harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work;
  • a list of newly diagnosed chronic somatic diseases with an indication of the class of diseases according to International classification diseases - 10 (hereinafter - ICD-10);
  • list of newly established occupational diseases indicating the class of diseases according to ICD-10;
  • the results of the implementation of the recommendations of the previous final act;
  • recommendations to the employer on the implementation of a complex of health-improving measures, including preventive and other measures.

Pay attention to the last - this very complex can be checked by the labor inspectorate!

When checking compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in a clinic or beauty salon, representatives of Rospotrebnadzor also have the right to verify the list of employees according to the final act with the list of the contingent.

Yes, you and I have not yet specified what should be indicated in the contingent list, which is compiled by the employer in order to be approved by Rospotrebnadzor:

  • the name of the employer;
  • form of ownership and type economic activity employer according to OKVED;
  • the name of the medical organization, the actual address of its location and the OGRN code;
  • type of medical examination (preliminary or periodic);
  • surname, name, patronymic of the person entering the work (employee);
  • date of birth of the person entering the work (employee);
  • the name of the structural unit of the employer (if any), in which the person entering the work will be employed (the employee is employed);
  • the name of the position (profession) or type of work;
  • harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, as well as the type of work in accordance with the contingent of employees approved by the employer, subject to preliminary (periodic) inspections.

Health passport

Important! When conducting a medical examination in an organization that has assumed this responsibility, an outpatient card is issued for an employee undergoing a medical examination. Since May 2015, this is form N 025 / y " Medical card patient receiving medical care on an outpatient basis", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 15, 2014.

The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n, which entered into force in 2012, already mentions the Health Passport, but the regulatory authorities (in particular, Rospotrebnadzor) began to check it recently. There are no exceptions for medical workers of private clinics, including cosmetologists: A health passport is not issued only to those who are attached to the FMBA of Russia for medical care.

The Health Passport must have a number, the date of its completion. And this document is constantly kept by the employee, to the organization that conducts medical examinations, it is handed over only for the duration of their passage.

Penalties for non-compliance with the rules of medical examinations

And another question - who pays for everything? The answer is unequivocal - a legal entity that concludes an agreement with the organization for preventive and periodic medical examinations. This is where it comes into play Civil Code A: The Contractor undertakes to do, the Customer undertakes to pay. Who is the customer of the medical examination? Clinic or beauty salon with a medical license.

And now about whether they can impose a fine for non-compliance with the rules for conducting medical examinations.

We will be told about fines for medical examinations in 2015 by the Administrative Code, article 5.27.1 "Violation of state regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation":

The admission of an employee to the performance of his labor duties without ... mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations ... entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of fifteen thousand to twenty-five thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without formation of a legal entity - from fifteen thousand to twenty-five thousand rubles; on the legal entities- from one hundred ten thousand to one hundred thirty thousand rubles.

Employment health screening is mandatory requirement for some professions. Passing a medical examination when applying for a job belongs to the category of paid services, therefore, for obtaining the treasured certificate, you will have to pay from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the region of residence. From the point of view of the employer, the medical examination allows to determine the suitability of the employee to perform official duties. However, for a job seeker who is just getting a job, the amount for a medical examination may be unaffordable.

The current legislation provides for this nuance, obliging the employer to reimburse the future employee for these expenses.

Who pays

To answer this question, you need to refer to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which set out the obligations of the employer to protect labor and create safe working conditions for their employees.

The legal act clearly indicates that the employer is obliged to organize the passage of preliminary, scheduled and extraordinary medical examinations for staff, paying for the services of doctors. In addition, at the time of inspections, the employee retains the position and average daily earnings.

Violation of these conditions threatens with a fine (part 3 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • organizations - up to 130,000 rubles;
  • individual entrepreneurs - up to 25,000 rubles;
  • official - up to 25,000 rubles.

For a repeated similar violation, the fine will be higher (part 5 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • organizations - up to 200,000 rubles;
  • individual entrepreneurs - up to 40,000 rubles;
  • official - up to 40,000 rubles.
Important! The employer retains the right not to allow the employee to perform official duties if the medical examination is not passed or contraindications are identified by doctors. Download for viewing and printing:

Who needs to undergo a medical examination for employment

There are certain categories of employees for whom a medical examination is predetermined. current legislation, for example, for such as:

  • drivers - obligatory passage of a narcologist and a psychologist;
  • personnel involved (part 1 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - the hazard factor is determined special assessment. At the same time, the lists of harmful and dangerous work are indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n;
  • office workers who are forced to spend more than half of their working time at the computer - annually;
  • employees of public catering enterprises - registration of a medical book (part 2 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees of food enterprises - registration of a medical book (part 2 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • personnel working in direct contact with children - the teaching staff of preschool and school institutions, including temporary stay groups (part 2 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees of consumer services - bath and laundry complexes, hairdressers, beauty salons, etc. (part 2 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • medical staff - polyclinics, laboratories, hospitals (part 2 of article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, underage employees and personnel seconded to the Far North and areas with similar conditions undergo medical examinations.

Important! Territorial self-government bodies may establish additional terms passing a medical examination for certain categories of employees.

If the applicant refuses to undergo a medical examination, the employer has the right to refuse employment, because. a medical examination is preliminary and is carried out at the conclusion of an employment contract (Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To send the applicant for a preliminary medical examination, the organization issues an individual referral in the form approved by the organization itself. The direction contains the following data: full name of the person, place of work, place in the list of places and professions for which a medical examination is required, if necessary, harmful and dangerous production factors are indicated.

Compensation for a medical examination

According to the provisions of the articles and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the costs of conducting a medical examination in full. This practice is used in cases where the applicant passed the medical examination on his own or received a referral for a medical examination through the personnel department.

Reimbursement is made on the basis of an employee's application, which is certified by the head of the enterprise or another authorized person.

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What to do if the payment of the medical commission is not provided

The list of professions for which the passage of a medical examination is mandatory is determined by labor legislation. However, this legal act provides that self-government bodies may introduce additional conditions for passing a medical examination.

If the position for which the applicant is applying provides for the passage of a medical commission, this will have to be done in any case. At the same time, it does not matter that this requirement is not spelled out in labor legislation, but is provided for by the internal charter of the enterprise.

In any case, if the employer insists on passing a medical examination, he is obliged to reimburse the costs incurred. Note that if the profession is not included in the list, is not registered in the internal documents of the company for passing a medical examination and the employer does not insist on an examination, he is released from the obligation to compensate for expenses. This happens if the future employee passes the medical commission on his own.

Payment Methods

The law does not regulate the ways in which expenses are reimbursed, so compensation for medical examinations at the time of employment is usually made as follows:

  1. In fact. The employee passes the commission on his own, after which he submits to the accounting department of the enterprise an application certified by the employer for reimbursement of the specified amount;
  2. preliminary agreement. The employer sends the applicant to undergo a medical examination, drawing up an act on the subsequent reimbursement of expenses;
  3. Agreement. Here, an agreement is concluded between the company and the medical institution, on the basis of which the assigned employees undergo doctors free of charge (Clause 2.3 of the Methodological Basis for Conducting Preliminary and Periodic Medical Examinations of Persons Working in Harmful and (or) Dangerous Working Conditions, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia on December 14, 2005) .. This option is preferred by job seekers and employers. The former do not incur financial costs in employment, the latter receive a discount.

Important! The law also does not provide for the timing of reimbursement, so it is a mistake to assume that the employer compensates for the costs immediately after the employment of a new employee. Usually, the accounting department includes this amount in the first payment due to the employee: an advance or salary.

How to receive compensation

It is noteworthy that employers do not reimburse the costs incurred by the employee for the passage of the medical commission by default. To do this, you need a statement from the employee and a package of documents confirming the fact of passing a medical examination and the amount spent.

We collect documents

For reimbursement of expenses incurred, you will need:

  • application - drawn up in the name of the head of the company, contains a request for reimbursement of the specified amount;
  • referral to a medical examination - issued by the personnel department, contains a list of specialists who need to go through to be hired;
  • receipt - the original fiscal document confirming payment for services;
  • conclusion - the conclusions of the medical board on the suitability of the employee for the position.
Important! The employer pays for the services of only those doctors who are marked in the direction for passing the medical commission.

Who accepts documents

All financial matters are managed by the accounting department of the enterprise. However, in order to receive compensation, the signature of the head of the company or the person replacing him in this position will be required.

Therefore, first a statement is written, which must be endorsed by the head. Then, the application with the package of documents listed above is transferred to the accounting department.

What to do if a job is denied

There are situations when a person paid for a medical examination out of his own pocket, but doctors recognized him as unsuitable for employment in this specialty. At first glance, the employer does not have to reimburse expenses: the applicant is not an employee of the company. This is a common misconception.

The law does not state that in case of refusal to hire, the employer is exempted from paying monetary compensation for passing a medical examination. Therefore, if the doctors found the applicant unsuitable, an application for reimbursement of expenses is also written and the package of documents discussed above is provided.

If the manager refuses to compensate financial expenses, the applicant can apply to labor inspection or courts. Legal practice shows that in such situations the law is on the side of the plaintiff. In such cases, after a positive decision is made, the funds are collected from the employer by force.

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