Greenery in a winter greenhouse as a business. The Complete Guide to Growing Greenhouse Greens - From Planting to Harvesting

Popularization healthy way life has led to an increased demand for plant-based foods. Vegetables and greens are no longer a seasonal product and now appear on the tables of Russians at any time of the year. In these conditions, one of the promising business areas is the greenhouse industry. We offer you a business plan for growing greenery in a greenhouse all year round.

Brief summary

The project includes the initial costs of building greenhouses, equipping them, as well as the fixed (monthly) costs of carrying out food production. For example, we took fresh herbs. The products are in demand, but require quick implementation. The proximity of the farm to the consumer - residents of St. Petersburg - allows you to create a profitable business.

Brief characteristics of the project, designed for the Leningrad region:

  • initial investment amount - 351,000 rubles;
  • payback period - 36 months;
  • monthly profit forecast - 31,500 rubles. per month.

The finished products are supposed to be sold through the chain grocery outlets of the stores Pyaterochka, SPAR, Dixy, Lenta, OK.

Description of the project

The proposed version of the business plan for a winter greenhouse allows you to organize work for the entire calendar year, regardless of the weather and season. This approach shortens the payback period, allows you to create a company with flexible scalability (increase productivity in the summer season, maintain a minimum level of production in winter).

Enterprise characteristics

The farm should be placed as close to the city as possible. For example, in the village. Roshchino. The village has water and electricity supply. The distance to St. Petersburg is no more than 50 minutes by car. This will allow in the future to spend a minimum of time on delivering products to stores ( hired transport) or to ship the goods directly from the greenhouse, if you conclude a contract for self-pickup.

Niche in the market

The greenhouse industry will have to work in a highly competitive environment. The same products (dill, lettuce, onions, etc.) are offered by at least 30 companies. It will be possible to attract customers who already have a supply agreement only at a low price in combination with more convenient terms of service.

Key in assessing competitive advantages are:

  • cost of production - payback is calculated based on the average market price at the time of this writing;
  • availability of add. services - delivery to the client's main warehouse, delivery to shops, etc.

The business development perspective is simple. You can start with a limited assortment, for example, lettuce leaves - it grows quickly and requires almost no. Gradually, when large wholesale customers additional greenhouses can be launched where green onions, dill, parsley, and other greens will be grown.

Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy includes:

  • direct search for wholesale consumers by cold calling;
  • Spread advertising brochures, business cards with quotations, terms;
  • creation and development of a website.

It is best to find customers for the first batch at the time of sowing. This will help to avoid losses associated with damage to the goods.

Production plan

In the presence of artificial lighting and additional heating, the greenhouse facility will be able to operate all year round.

With a greenhouse size of 10 by 5 m and a height of lamps of 2.5 m total lamps will be 60 pcs. The combined luminous flux will provide a favorable atmosphere for the growth of lettuce leaves. One unit with LED lamps with design characteristics costs 1,500 rubles, the initial cost of light will quickly pay off due to the low power consumption and long service life of the LEDs.

Greenhouse equipment

For 1 sq. m you can grow up to 2 kg of lettuce leaves per month. 50 sq. m production will give up to 100-150 kg of products per cycle. You can grow up to 300 kg per month in one greenhouse (up to 900 kg in three). H2 Organizational plan

At the first stage, the need for personnel will be minimal. As the business expands, several more greenhouses will need to be installed. So, the business of growing parsley / dill in a greenhouse for sale requires separate premises, where the optimal regime for each crop is established.

The staffing table of the greenhouse economy looks like this:

  • worker - 2 people working in shifts on a 2/2 schedule ( wage 25 thousand rubles);
  • manager - an employee engaged in the implementation, paperwork and search for new clients (the salary will be 40 thousand rubles).

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Financial plan

Monthly expenses include costs for water supply, electricity, wages. One-time expenses are divided by the number of months according to the payback plan. This approach allows you to create a debt repayment schedule if funds are borrowed, or return on investment when spending your own money.

List of one-time costs

List of fixed (monthly) costs

Calculation of the payback of the enterprise:

  1. One-time expenses per 1 month - 20,000 rubles;
  2. Monthly costs - 48,000 rubles;
  3. The cost of one kilogram of products (based on 900 kg of production per month) - 75 rubles.

With an average market cost of a salad of 110 rubles. we get 35 rubles. profit from every kilogram of production. In total, you can get up to 31,500 rubles a month. net profit. And this is only for the cultivation of one type of greenery. Expanding the assortment will increase profits in proportion to the volumes produced.

Risk management

The main risk of growing greenery in a greenhouse for sale in winter is the breakdown of electrical appliances (lighting, heating). If you provide a way to quickly replace broken modules, the risk will be reduced.

The rest depends on the owner - searching for customers for products, agreements on self-pickup without the need for preliminary storage. With a systematic increase in the range and volumes of cultivation, the greenhouse industry can very quickly become a highly profitable business.

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Look for lucrative idea for business? You found her! This is the cultivation of parsley, dill, onions or celery in a greenhouse.

With you Alexandra Kadyntseva - an expert and a regular author of the Startupoff website! I will tell you which crops are more profitable to grow, what you need to start, how to determine which type of business in this area is better.

Growing greenery in a greenhouse for sale - why it is profitable

Growing onions, parsley, sorrel, lettuce and other crops is a profitable and promising business line.

This is supported by several facts:

  1. Greens are grown in the greenhouse all year round.
  2. This category of food products is always in high demand (especially in the winter-spring period).
  3. Capital financial investments are not required to start. You can try your hand at this business, even starting with indoor growing.
  4. Self retail does not require registration with government agencies, which will give you the opportunity to “feel the market”.
  5. There is no need to hire staff to maintain one or two greenhouses. You will need to increase the number of workers only with the further expansion of the business.
  6. Great sales opportunities: retail, wholesalers, restaurants and supermarkets.
  7. Low cost of planting materials.
  8. Rapid ripening of crops. The growing season for most varieties is 30-45 days.
  9. From 1 sq. m of soil turns out to be 4-5 kg finished products.
  10. It is not necessary for a business to have a land plot. It is not difficult to equip the beds in the city, using your own garage.

When starting your own business, make up. Calculate your expenses for the purchase of equipment and planting material. Set a clear financial goal for yourself and think about ways to achieve it.

What greens are best to grow

Which is better: parsley, onion, cilantro, sorrel, radish or pea beds? Should you choose one crop or grow several? You need to solve these questions at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

Let's take a look at the features of the most popular crops.

Green onions

It is unpretentious, growing rapidly. Some varieties bear fruit all year round. There are spicy and sweet onions. The sweet ones take longer to grow, but they are in high demand. It is not difficult to grow this plant even on a windowsill in an apartment or on a balcony, therefore, choosing an onion, be prepared to face serious competition.

Forcing onions on a feather requires a large cultivated area, since the distance between the bulbs planted for greenery must be at least 10 centimeters.

Parsley and dill

These crops are sown with seeds. Parsley is two years old, that is, it bears fruit within two years and gives seeds, which are harvested and sown again. Dill gives a bountiful harvest. Gardeners get up to 6 kilograms of greenery from one square meter.

The planting density of these crops (distance between seeds) is 5 centimeters. Parsley and dill are thermophilic and love sunny weather. On cloudy days, they will need additional lighting.


It is the most profitable and fastest growing crop. 25 days after sowing, a real "green fire" in the beds is guaranteed. There are several types of salad: watercress, arugula, lettuce, frisse, curly or curly salad.

They need regular watering, do not tolerate heat well. The most popular type of salad is leaf. It is cut off when the leaves are still small. Bushes after pruning need feeding.

Sorrel, celery, basil

Celery loves well-fertilized, loose soil. Bravely endures the coolness. Loves abundant watering. Its main drawback is the long ripening of seeds, cut leaves quickly deteriorate. Daylight hours affect the growth of celery. If you want to get your harvest as soon as possible, do not skimp on lighting your greenhouse.

Sorrel grows in one place for 2-3 years. The first leaves appear 12-14 days after sowing the seeds. Grown in open ground, in a greenhouse. It is in maximum demand from buyers from February to May. In the summertime, demand falls.

This is how sorrel grows

Basil is sensitive to temperature. Loves warmth, does not tolerate heat well. It is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse with it regularly. The leaves of the plant are for sale, which must be carefully cut off so as not to pull out the stem by the root. Basil is not picky about care and bears fruit well.


It is planted in early spring. Fruiting within a month after sowing. The leaves sell well in the spring. In the summer, there is a decline in consumer interest. A new wave of buyers' activity is late autumn. The plant gives a harvest for a long time.

By planting a second batch of seeds in late May or early June, you will be supplying customers with fresh, vitamin-rich greens until December.

What equipment do you need?

To create optimal conditions for the growth of crops, you will need special equipment. When setting up a greenhouse, you must maintain an optimal temperature regime, lighting, humidity level.

Consider the layout of the beds so that the greenhouse area is used as much as possible and there is enough space for watering and harvesting.

Heaters or connected heating

The most popular types of heating are using electric convectors or infrared heaters... This method of heating does not require complex installation, it allows you to regulate the temperature regime.

The second most popular type of heating is the installation of a water or electric boiler. It has a high efficiency - up to 98%. The boiler can heat not only air, but also soil. Firewood and biofuel are suitable as fuel for the boiler.


The best option- installation of phytolamps or fluorescent lamps. You need one such lamp for each container of herbs. With good lighting, you can even grow onions or parsley at home in the basement.

Use reflective materials. With them, the room will become brighter, and the energy consumption will remain the same. Reflective walls are installed on each greenery container.

Hydroponics system

Hydroponics is a system for growing crops without soil, only in an aquatic environment with the addition of top dressing. With its help, you use the maximum greenhouse area. Hydroponic systems are convenient for growing onions, spinach, lettuce, basil.

It is not difficult to assemble and properly install a hydroponic plant with your own hands. There are many useful tips and schemes for their installation.

Hydroponics is a convenient and economical system for growing many types of greenery


Greenhouse racks are a way to optimize your interior space as much as possible. With multi-tiered structures, it is convenient to water, harvest, and mount lighting. They do not have to be purchased ready-made. Structures are made of wood, aluminum profile, metal fittings, durable metal mesh.

Irrigation system

The cheapest ways are hand watering cans (if you have a small area) or watering cans for a water supply hose. A more expensive and more complicated way is installation automatic system irrigation; and fogging systems.

Economical and convenient technology - installation of drip irrigation. Its advantages: reduction in water consumption, constant supply of plants with the volume of liquid they need, reduction of manual labor in watering, do-it-yourself installation from improvised elements.

What else?

Additionally you will need:

  • thermometer for temperature control;
  • tanks for settling plants, boxes and containers for planting, harvesting;
  • containers for storing seeds;
  • feeding;
  • a set of tools for loosening, fertilizing the soil;
  • packaging for collected products.

Where to start - step by step instructions

If you intend to turn growing greenery into a serious business, register with tax office... For work, it will be enough for you to open an individual entrepreneur, providing a copy of your passport, pension insurance card and a receipt for payment of state duty.

When registering, indicate OKVED 12.1 (growing vegetables) or 12.2 (entrepreneurship in agriculture). For taxation, the preferred system of unified agricultural tax is 6%. Having all the documents on hand, you do not have to pay a fine and be afraid of a tax audit.

In the OKPD classifier, your products are listed under code 01.13.19 (1) - salad vegetable green crops or (2) - leafy and other stem vegetables.

Now we will analyze each stage of establishing own production.

Step 1. Rent or purchase of land

It is better to buy land. So you will dispose of it at your discretion. You don't have to pay monthly fees rent or fear that the landlord will express dissatisfaction with your activities, terminate the contract and give the land to another farmer.

On your territory, you can not only grow greens or other vegetables, but also do green tourism or open a small store of eco-friendly goods.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

To build a greenhouse, they use polycarbonate, plastic wrap, and a metal frame. A more expensive option is wooden glazed structures.

When assembling the greenhouse, do not forget about the foundation. It will protect against rodents and pests, as well as from soil freezing in winter.

Step 3. Hardware installation

Installation of equipment for irrigation and heating of the greenhouse is carried out before the installation of racks and sowing seeds. Also, a lighting system is installed before sowing.

A large greenhouse requires a forced ventilation system. For a small greenhouse, normal ventilation is sufficient. The design should include vents and two doors for air circulation.

Step 4. Purchase of seedlings

To start, you need seed. These are onion bulbs, seedlings (basil, spinach). Over time, you will be able to grow the seedlings yourself.

For the first batch of greens and working off technological process Purchase seedlings from commercial greenery growers. You will get advice from them or "peep" some of the production features that will be useful to you.

Step 5. Soil preparation and planting

The soil in the beds must be thoroughly loosened, fed and moistened. Planting seeds and seedlings strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

Do not try to win in the number of plants by planting them as close to each other as possible. This will leave them no room for growth. Lettuce leaves, spinach, and onion feathers will be small and weak.

Is it worth investing in such a business - reviews of businessmen

Comparison table different ways earnings will help you decide which type of business is better to invest in:

Type of business Dignity Flaws
Growing greenery indoors
  • Minimum costs;
  • Growing takes place all year round;
  • The ability to analyze and study the market;
  • Minimal risks;
  • Profitable business at home.
  • The volume of products depends on the space;
  • Poor product quality;
  • The room can be damaged due to dampness.
Open ground
  • Minimum costs;
  • Good quality product;
  • It is possible to easily change the sowing area from medium to high volume.
  • Seasonality of pricing (much cheaper in summer than in winter);
  • Part-time employment per year;
  • Shipping costs.
Growing in a greenhouse
  • The cultivation process takes a whole year;
  • Medium quality greens;
  • Large volume of products.
  • Significant investment;
  • Costs for light, heating, etc .;
  • Fare;
  • Dependence on the location of the greenhouse, climate;
  • Not all plant species grow well indoors.
Growing in a garage
  • Year-round cultivation;
  • Average cost of starting a business;
  • Convenient location;
  • Minimal risks.
  • Lighting and the creation of beds will require large investments;
  • Low product quality;
  • Small volume of goods.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that the income from greenery depends on the volume of products grown. The method of trading also depends on this. If there are a lot of products, you have an open IP, offer your product shopping centers, supermarkets, restaurants, establish sales at local vegetable markets.

In order for the cultivation of greenery in a greenhouse as a business to be profitable and bring stable profits all year round, you need to study the entire algorithm of this process. Find out how to competently implement the idea of ​​this type of earnings, where to start, what investments will be required for initial stage... Get to know the types of greenhouses and crops suitable for them, learn how to sell products and some of the legal subtleties in setting up your business.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Year-Round Greenery Growing

The agricultural business is mainly seasonal. But there are crops that can be grown and sold all year round. These include greens - they are in demand at any time of the year. Dill, parsley, green onions can be grown in greenhouses even in winter and sent for sale.

Sales of products on the market

Year-round cultivation of edible herbs has whole line advantages:

  • the technology of growing greens is very simple and does not require special agronomic knowledge;
  • greens are unpretentious and easy to clean;
  • it can be combined together when growing different types;
  • several crops can be harvested throughout the year.

Growing green onions on a feather

For all its attractiveness, year-round cultivation has its drawbacks:

  • the need for significant financial investments for the creation of a greenhouse and its heating in the winter;
  • short terms of implementation - the harvested crop quickly deteriorates;
  • for a high yield, regular application of expensive, high-quality fertilizers and the purchase of good seeds are necessary.

The process of growing greenery itself is not difficult, but the construction of a greenhouse and its complete equipment requires considerable effort and expense. Therefore, it is worth starting to implement the idea of ​​a green business only after a thorough study of all its nuances.

Large-scale business

Greens in a greenhouse as a business idea

Growing greenery all year round is a fairly popular business, and its main feature is quick profits. You can start selling products as early as 1.5 months after launch. Another plus is high profitability, since the demand for these products is always high and does not depend on the season.

Actual product

Overview of greenhouse crops

A properly equipped greenhouse for growing greenery for sale in winter is the key to a good harvest and quick profit. It is also important to know which herbs are suitable for greenhouse conditions.

Almost all types of greens grow well in greenhouses:

  • Dill;
  • parsley;
  • green onions on a feather;
  • various types of lettuce;
  • cilantro.

Dill can be grown freely with parsley

Dill is quite unpretentious, tolerates cold well, grows quickly and is resistant to disease. The first crop can be harvested in 1.5 months.

Parsley can be grown curly or regular. It is resistant to cold weather, already a month after germination, it is suitable for sale as a bunch of greens.


Green onions should be selected for hybrid varieties that give lush greenery and do not form bulbs: batun, slug, chives. Green onions need regular feeding with various mineral complexes.

For greenhouse lettuce, it is better to choose fast-growing varieties: watercress, frieze, oakleaf, romano. This culture is very light-requiring, loves nutritious soil and abundant watering.

Growing lettuce

Cilantro sprouts quickly, it is undemanding and cold-resistant. The soil for cilantro should be well fertilized and constantly moist.

Algorithm for starting a business and implementation options

An herb business should start with a rough business plan. At the initial stage of its development, you should carefully study this niche in your region:

  • the level of competition;
  • points of sale;
  • conditions of sale;
  • average prices for greens in the region.

Small business growing green crops

Another article of the business plan is the formalization of your activities. The conditions for registration will depend on how much you will grow greens in the greenhouse all year round.

The small business category (one or two greenhouses on its own plot) does not require official registration. However, for the sale of products, a certificate from local authorities will be required confirming the existence of the site.

The medium-sized business category (a large number of greenhouses) is registered as a peasant farm, it must be registered with tax office... In this case, you will need the necessary package of documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for registering a farm.

The scale of the industrial greenhouse

The next stage is the purchase of materials and equipment:

  • materials for building a greenhouse;
  • equipment for irrigation and lighting;
  • fertilizers;
  • priming;
  • seeds;
  • heating equipment in winter;
  • containers for growing.

You can sell self-grown greens on your own and through dealers. If you have not registered your activity, then you can sell greens on your own only in the markets. You can also supply products for sale in Network shops and points Catering... But this method of implementation requires accompanying documentation.

Greenhouse products on store shelves

In order not to look for points of sale, greens can be handed over to dealers. True, the purchase price will be significantly lower than in case of self-realization.

So, the algorithm for starting a greenery growing business is quite simple:

  • market research;
  • registration of activities (if necessary);
  • purchase of materials and equipment;
  • building a greenhouse and planting greenery;
  • search for points of sale and implementation.

Upcoming expenses and income

The cost and income of a green business depends on its scale and volume of production.

For a small business on its own site, the initial investment is the smallest. The costs will be as follows:

  • purchase of material for the equipment of one or two greenhouses;
  • purchase of soil, fertilizers and seeds;
  • installation of additional lighting and heating systems.

Such a business can be launched quite quickly, and the first profit will not be long in coming either. However, one should not expect large incomes, since the volume of products for sale will also be insignificant.

Farms and industrial greenhouses already require more serious investments both at the initial stage and in the future. For a large-scale business, additional cost items are added in addition to the above:

  • land lease (relevant for industrial greenhouses);
  • building;
  • paperwork;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes;
  • the cost of electricity and water at the tariff for enterprises;
  • packaging and transportation of products.

Growing greens in winter is beneficial

If for farms some items of this list may not be relevant, for example, land lease or wages, then for the organization of an industrial-scale greenhouse economy, all these costs will have to be taken into account without fail.

Income from this type of business depends on the crops grown and the way they are sold. It is most profitable to sell products through shops or food service networks. In winter, profits increase as supply decreases and demand remains the same as in summer period.

According to various estimates, the profitability of growing herbs for sale varies from 15 to 25%. A farm greenhouse pays off on average in 1.5-2 years, an industrial greenhouse in 2-3 years.

The profitability of a greenhouse business in winter also depends on the climatic conditions of the region: in the southern regions it is higher than in the average. In the northern region, the cost of production is much higher, which significantly reduces profits. Costs can be reduced by increasing the sales market and making the heating system more economical.

Features of growing greens

One of the most difficult stages in organizing year-round growing of greenery for income is the construction of a greenhouse. For a stable income, it is necessary to properly equip it, and it is better to get acquainted with this process visually - from a photo or video.

Polyethylene won't last long

Greenhouse and equipment selection

A greenhouse for year-round use should be as strong as possible: the frame is best made of galvanized metal. It practically does not corrode and has a long service life. The most popular materials for walls and ceilings are polyethylene film, polycarbonate and glass.

A greenhouse made of plastic wrap is easy to equip, but its service life will be short-lived. The film cracks from frost, breaks, becomes brittle over time. Such a structure requires repair every year, and its maximum service life is 4 years. The only advantage of plastic wrap is its low cost. You need to cover it in two layers so that it forms between them air bag to retain heat.

Economical and durable polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is the most popular greenhouse material. It is durable, efficiently retains heat, transmits light well, makes it diffuse. Another advantage is that the shape of the frame can be any, both straight and in the form of an arch.

Glass is the most durable and most expensive material. Its main advantage is its almost unlimited service life. Glass transmits sunlight well, but retains heat worse. For greenhouses, glass with a thickness of 5 mm or more is suitable: display case, tempered or multilayer.

Also, for year-round growing of greenery for sale, you will need to equip a greenhouse necessary equipment:

  • lighting and heating systems;
  • irrigation equipment;
  • racks;
  • thermometers.

Glass is not a cheap material

Lighting and heating in winter

Greenery in winter needs additional lighting and heating. For greenhouses, LED or fluorescent lighting is best. Conventional incandescent bulbs are, in principle, suitable for growing greenery, but their use is not economical, and the spectrum of their light does not have the desired effect on the process of photosynthesis.

Additional bow lighting

The easiest way to heat up in winter is with a wide metal pipe and barrel. The barrel is placed on the ground near the entrance, a pipe is inserted into the bottom of the barrel. It extends through the entire greenhouse, rises up and out. You need to heat such a stove with wood. This option is suitable for one or two greenhouses due to the high consumption of firewood.

Soil bio-heating can be used as additional heating. Manure 40-50 cm thick is placed on the bottom of the beds and poured with hot water. After a few days, the manure begins to decompose and generate heat. You need to pour soil on top and you can plant greens.

You can also use the following types of heating for heating:

  • electric or infrared heating;
  • wood burning stove;
  • gas heating;
  • water heating.

Simple and inexpensive heating method

These types of heating are more suitable for industrial greenhouses: they are quite expensive to install and operate.

How to prepare a greenhouse for growing greenery

In addition to additional lighting and heating, it is necessary to equip a place for growing the greenery itself.

You can use the main area of ​​the greenhouse for planting, but this method has many disadvantages:

  • the landing area is limited by the size of the building and is used uneconomically;
  • inconvenience in maintenance: for watering, weeding, harvesting, you will need to constantly bend over;
  • plants will need more water and heat.

The usable area can be increased with shelving. This growing method has many advantages:

  1. Increased yield: Multiple tiers of shelving will allow you to grow more greenery.
  2. The soil in the rack warms up faster, which shortens the growth period of the plants.
  3. Saving water: the bottom of the rack can be lined with foil to retain moisture.

A large harvest can be harvested from such an area.

You can make your own shelving from wood. But the service life of such racks is short-lived - over time, the tree will become soaked from moisture, deform. It is better to purchase ready-made plastic or metal racks that will last more than one year.

Plant care rules

To learn how to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of care. Although herbs are not whimsical, growing them in greenhouse conditions, especially in winter, requires special care.

Green onions will grow well if a number of conditions are met:

  • regular abundant watering;
  • no draft;
  • moisture stagnation should not be allowed;
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature: 19 ° C during the day and 12 ° C at night;
  • feeding with ammonium nitrate once a season.

It is easier to grow parsley in greenhouse conditions than any other herb. It is absolutely unpretentious and always gives good germination of seeds. To speed up the harvest time, you can use the advice of experienced gardeners. Parsley seeds should be germinated in a gauze bag. Sprouted seeds should be refrigerated for 10 days and then planted in a greenhouse.

Dill is also unpretentious, but when growing it, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • dill needs to be sprayed several times a day;
  • maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at least 15 degrees;
  • loosen the soil after watering;
  • in the dark, be sure to highlight.

Parsley is a perishable product

Lettuce needs at least 16 hours of light. The most comfortable temperature for a salad is 18 degrees, at night - 10 degrees. Also, when growing lettuce, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture: with stagnant water, the root system begins to rot.

Harvesting and transportation

Greens quickly lose marketable condition, so you need to implement it immediately after collection. You need to collect it correctly in order to increase the shelf life.

The beds should be watered abundantly 5-6 hours before harvesting. Then carefully dig out each plant with a special spatula. Onions must be pulled out of the ground together with the head, lettuce - along with the root. After harvest, the crop is washed, packaged and transported.

Crops should be transported in waterproof containers. The bundles should stand upright and be tightly pressed against each other. Water and special substances are added to the bottom of the container to help keep it fresh longer. Most often, regular aspirin is used for these purposes.

Supermarket packaging

Video: how to make money selling greenery

Growing greenery all year round, with a reasonable approach, brings considerable profit. This business has many advantages:

  1. Anyone can start it - no special knowledge is required here. It will be enough to study the information well on the Internet and you can start implementing the idea.
  2. The income is stable and does not depend on the season.
  3. No risks: with the correct arrangement of the greenhouse, the harvest will always be.
  4. Consistently high demand for products all year round.
  5. Minimum initial investment when organizing a small business (one - two greenhouses).
  6. Prospects for development due to an increase in product volumes and profits.

Video: How to make money selling greenery

With a small amount of greenery grown, incomes will be low. But if you invest these funds in business development and gradually expand it, then over time the profit will increase several times.

Double glazed with stainless steel frame. They create the effect of a thermos, keeping the optimum temperature between 15 and 28ºC.

Glass is too fragile and expensive, and plastic wrap does not provide stable indoor temperatures. Industrial greenhouses are impressive in size (from 0.5 hectares and more). For beginner farmers it is worth building a structure of 100-120 sq. m, the greenhouse economy can be expanded in the future.

The shape of greenhouses for greenery can be different. In colder regions, pitched structures are most popular, providing good insolation and preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. The use of traditional ones is also possible. For growing in soil low structures are suitable, shelving greenhouses are more impressive in size.

Green business: advantages and disadvantages

Having decided to grow greenery on an industrial scale, it is important to know in advance about the pros and cons a similar enterprise.

Among the advantages of this business:

  • the ability to take several crops per year;
  • greenhouses are suitable for any green crops, from familiar to exotic;
  • high demand for fresh herbs;
  • in winter and early spring, the margin increases significantly and profitability increases;
  • cultivation by hydroponic, aeroponic or soil method is possible;
  • business suits even people inexperienced in agriculture;
  • greenhouses minimize the risk of low yields.

Despite the obvious advantages, the business also has some disadvantages:

  • high construction costs and;
  • in the summertime, there is high competition from the owners of household plots;
  • perishable product, which increases the percentage of rejects;
  • a large amount of fertilizers is required to increase the nutritional value of the soil;
  • to increase income, it is necessary to operate with large volumes of products and constantly increase them.

What is worth growing in greenhouses?

Experienced farmers believe that growing greenery is the most promising option greenhouse business... Green crops grow rapidly, and their palatability remains unchanged regardless of how they are grown.

Among cultures, the following are in special demand:

  1. ... For growing on greens, hybrid varieties that do not form bulbs are suitable. A variety of varieties are planted in greenhouses: batun, slug, chives. Plants are not too demanding on lighting, but need a large amount of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Chives can be grown hydroponically or aeroponically.
  2. ... Very yielding, grows quickly and requires frequent cutting. Growing requires good moisture and light.
  3. Parsley... For cultivation in greenhouses, they use ordinary leafy and curly parsley, which is in great demand in stores. Very demanding on soil nutrition, watering and lighting. Growth stops at low temperatures.
  4. ... Any varieties are suitable for growing, but the fast-growing Iceberg, oak-leaved, Frize are especially popular. Lettuce grows well in hydroponics, needs a lot of fertilizer and water.

A very promising direction is the cultivation of greenery in miniature plastic pots... These containers are placed in cassettes and can significantly extend the life of greenery on store shelves.

Dill, lettuce and parsley in pots attract attention and are readily sold out.

Cost price this method of growing almost equal to traditional, and the mark-ups for a similar type of product are significantly higher. In pots, you can grow not only the usual greens, but also a variety of spicy herbs: mint, lemon balm, anise, rosemary, thyme.

Greenhouse equipment

Industrial greenhouses most often use hydroponic technologies... They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil.

Hydroponic technologies significantly accelerate the growth of greenery, the plants have a beautiful appearance... Unlike vegetables, hydroponically grown greens do not taste watery.

Another option is soil cultivation in longlines... Racks with a nutrient substrate are installed along the walls of the greenhouses, into which seeds are sown. Rack growing makes it possible to save on heating, increasing the purely plants by 1 sq. m greenhouses.

Greenhouse equipped with a ventilation system and heating. Industrial greenhouses are heated using pipes laid underground. To reduce the cost of electric heating, innovative methods are actively used: biofuels, solar panels using infrared cables. It is best to heat the structure in a combined way, using several methods at once.

An industrial greenhouse designed for soil cultivation should be equipped with a drip irrigation system... Lighting is also very important. There are not enough lamps under the ceiling, local lighting is needed for each tier of the rack.

For the organization continuous process sowing in batches is recommended. This allows harvesting without overstocking. After harvest soil is mixed with fertilizers, is thoroughly loosened, watered and sown with a new batch of seeds.

Expenses, income and profitability: calculation rules

When calculating profitability it is important to take into account all expenses, both one-time and monthly. These include:

  • land lease;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • construction and equipment of greenhouses;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers;
  • spending on electricity and water;
  • payment of taxes;
  • salary of hired personnel;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation costs for the delivery of finished products.

Some items of expenditure may be excluded from the estimate. For instance, land owners will not be spent on rent, and small greenhouses do not need hired helpers, which excludes salary costs. Branded packaging is needed by large farms that have registered trade mark and leading sales through retail networks.

According to the estimates of professionals, the cost of one polycarbonate greenhouse of 100,000 sq. m start at 100,000 rubles. 10,000 rubles will have to spend on seed, at least 15,000 rubles will be required for heating.

The profit depends on the chosen culture and the way of implementation. The most profitable option is to sell through Retail Stores or catering networks. In summer, a kilogram of greenery can cost from 80,000 rubles, in winter the price rises to 150,000 rubles. This growth is associated with a decrease in supply and a lack of competition from private subsidiary plots.

The profitability of the green business is not very high. According to various estimates, it ranges from 15 to 25%. An industrial greenhouse will pay off in 2-3 years, payback of a farm greenhouse medium size - 1.5-2 years... The profitability is much higher in regions with a warm climate.

In the northern regions, the cost of greenhouse greenery increases significantly, reducing profits. Well-established logistics, an increase in the sales network and a thoughtful approach to heating greenhouses will help reduce costs.

Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business - uncomplicated but financially intensive process. A large initial investment is required to be successful. Even before the start of greenhouse construction it is worth considering a clear sales scheme and calculate all the upcoming costs. For a start, it's worth building one small greenhouse as an educational option. If the process goes well, it will be possible to significantly expand your farm.

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