Men in the network business: potential, prospects, opportunities. Men in network business (mlm)? - Yes! Why do men inactively go to MLM? Your opinion

(MLM) - women. Why are men less active in the network business and what are the real prospects for men to become successful in the network business and get rich?

People involved in network business are divided into 3 categories:

  • consumers;
  • distributors (distributors);
  • leaders.

Consumers - people who come to Oriflame to buy products cheaper than the price in the catalog, that is, at a distributor price. Such people make up 70-80% of the total number of distributors in the company. Historically, it has been the women who make the purchases in the family.

Distributors - people who, in addition to saving from buying at a distributor price, use the opportunity to earn little money on direct sales, that is, by showing catalogs and collecting, fulfilling orders.

The direct selling process is time-consuming and therefore not worth making big money on it.

Naturally, these first two possibilities cannot interest men in principle.

Leaders - people who are followed by others, whose success is equal. Men, as a rule, are not interested in the product of the company, but how much money he can earn. When a man considers business prospects, he is looking for answers to questions:

  1. Is the business reliable?
  2. How much can you earn in this business?
  3. Is it possible to establish yourself in this business?
  4. and most importantly: Will his reputation suffer if he goes into the "female" business - network marketing?

Oriflame has been on the world market for 45 years. Annual sales of 1.3 billion dollars, annual sales growth of 25-30%. Oriflame is one of the top three network marketing companies.

Marketing plan Oriflame (adviser remuneration system) is recognized by world-class networkers as the best. Starting (that is, without investments), you can earn up to 750 thousand rubles per month.

Network business allows you to receive from a certain point, that is, you are financially protected during your vacation (you yourself determine when, how much and where you have a rest), during illness and in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Numerous examples success of men in the network business testify that by competently developing your business, achieving financial success, you get public confession from the management of the company, from your colleagues and members of your team.

Success in Oriflame encouraged how monetary (bonuses when moving from one level of the Ladder of Success to a higher one from $ 1,000 to $ 1,000,000), so and expensive gifts : a luxury Volvo car, free participation in international conferences held by the company in different countries, with accommodation in the best hotels in the world.

Having answered the previous questions, the answer to question 4 is obvious: Your reputation among friends and relatives will not only not suffer, but, on the contrary, Your social status will become very high.

Your success in business will work to increase your business, as people will come to your team precisely for your success.

Another factor that speaks in favor of the choice of network business by men is the active Internet implementation not only in everyday life, but also into business , this is especially true for network business, where people receive the main income from communication and inviting other people to the business. And this is the best way to do it with the help of IT-technologies!

In confirmation of my words that the network business, business with Oriflame is a male business, I bring to your attention a short video about honoring the team of Eduard Vasiliev at BMW in Moscow in 2010, on the stage of more than 100 successful men:

So, if you want to be successful and rich, you will make the right choice, namely business with Oriflame.

If this is what you passionately want, I will help you: I know how to create a business from scratch and what it means to be a successful, positive person!


This means - both Oriflame products and the possibility of earning money - in Oriflame. This is the wrong idea!!!

In the first 30% of Oriflame products, it was created exclusively for men or can be used by both men and women (everyone wash their hair).

Secondly - BUSINESS is a Category - even more MALE than feminine! No matter what product and for what audience! The main thing is who leads and manages this business! This is where it turns out that men are better able to conduct and control business! And the only reason is "why don't they do it in Oriflame yet?" is that they do not yet know about this unique and profitable opportunity!

Join our team and you will find out: How men can andEarn good money in Oriflame!

According to statistics, today 90% of distributorsnetwork business(MLM) - women. Why are men less active in the network business and what are the real prospects for men to become successful in the network business and get rich?

People involved in network business are divided into 3 categories:

  • consumers;
  • distributors (distributors);
  • leaders.

Consumers- people who come to Oriflame to buy products cheaper than the price in the catalog, that is, at a distributor price. Such people make up 70-80% of the total number of distributors in the company. Historically, it has been the women who make the purchases in the family.

Distributors- people who, in addition to saving from buying at a distributor price, use the opportunity to earn little money on direct sales, that is, by showing catalogs and collecting, fulfilling orders.

The direct selling process is time-consuming and therefore not worth making big money on it.

Naturally, these first two possibilities cannot interest men in principle.

Leaders- people who are followed by others, whose success is equal. Men, as a rule, are not interested in the product of the company, but how much money he can earn. When a man considers business prospects, he is looking for answers to questions:
  1. Is the business reliable?
  2. How much can you earn in this business?
  3. Is it possible to establish yourself in this business?
  4. and most importantly: Will his reputation suffer if he goes into the "female" business - network marketing?

Let us consider in more detail the listed questions regarding business with Oriflame.

Oriflame has been on the world market for 46 years. Annual sales of 1.3 billion dollars, annual sales growth of 25-30%. Oriflame is one of the top three network marketing companies.

Marketing plan Oriflame (adviser remuneration system) is recognized by world-class networkers as the best. Having started business from scratch(that is, without investments), you can earn from 800 $per month.

Network business allows from a certain moment to receive passive income, that is, you are financially protected during your vacation (you yourself determine when, how much and where you have a rest), during illness and in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Numerous examples of the success of men in the network business indicate that by competently developing your business, achieving financial success, you get public confession from the management of the company, from your colleagues and members of your team.

Success in Oriflame encouraged how monetary(bonuses when moving from one level of the Ladder of Success to a higher one from $ 1,000 to $ 1,000,000), so and expensive gifts: a luxury Volvo car, free participation in international conferences held by the company in different countries, with accommodation in the best hotels in the world.

Having answered the previous questions, the answer to question 4 is obvious: Your reputation among friends and relatives will not only not suffer, but, on the contrary, Your social status will become very high.

A month and a half ago, a branch of the American company Mary Kay officially opened in Minsk, and in early September, a holiday was held at the Palace of the Republic, where everyone could get acquainted with the products of this brand. As they say, less than 50 years have passed since a major cosmetic brand came to our country. But we were not interested in the fact that the company will develop in our country. spoke with Stepan Govorov, director of the company's international office in Belarus, who came to Minsk from Moscow, about his career in direct sales, people's attitudes towards network marketing and the specifics of the Belarusian sales market.

- Before that, I worked in the Russian branch for 18 years. I started as an ordinary warehouse worker in 1996. I saw an advertisement in the newspaper that workers were needed for a foreign company. At that time I did not understand what direct sales were. I went through two interviews and got accepted. During these years, the economy in the country was unstable, so I perceived this job as temporary. I was sure that I would stay for two or three months and leave, because I wanted more serious work. The warehouse was on the other side of the city from my house, and it took me an hour and a half to get to work. By Minsk standards, this is a lot, but not by Moscow standards. Then I was 23 years old. My job was to receive and calculate the products that came to the warehouse, their placement and packaging,- says Stepan. - But everything has changed, largely due to the relationship in the team. Colleagues helped me to start learning something new. Then computer technologies were just appearing, and I didn’t have any computer skills, I began to study. Seeing interest, colleagues began to help me learn new technologies. I was then transferred to the delivery department, where I coordinated the delivery of orders to independent beauty consultants. I have gone through many career steps in different fields. So he gradually rose to the director of warehouse logistics, and then to the director of regional development.

Every three to five years something changed in Stepan's career, he was transferred and promoted. And every time the work was something new for him. Higher economic education, which he received at the Perm State Technical University, was very useful to him.

- We had a long preparatory process for opening a branch in Minsk. I was offered to do this, because I already had experience in opening branches in Russia and Armenia.

- Really long. The Mary Kay brand was known in Belarus 15-17 years ago…

- Like any large company, when it enters a new market, we first of all assessed the local potential. Today, the company operates in more than 35 countries, and there are more than 3 million independent beauty consultants. To open a branch, it was necessary to do a lot of preparatory work: find resources, find a place, collect and sign all the documents - and this is not a quick process. I will not say that at the preparation stage we encountered some difficulties. The only thing I would like to note is that we did not expect such support from the potential partners with whom I met in Minsk. I met very nice and sympathetic people, Stepan explains. - In general, there are services in the Belarusian sales market that are under development. For example, there are few companies that would provide a full package of services for the storage and processing of products, the market for courier delivery is narrow. Since we deliver products to our beauty consultants at home, so to speak, "from hand to hand", we are faced with situations that have already been resolved on the Russian market several years ago. Now transport and courier services have to change their structure, adapting to us. And the best part is that the management of these companies is interested in improving the quality of their services.

- And what is Mary Kay's plan in Belarus?

- Of course, as in any business, we have targets. And the first result surprised us: we got numbers an order of magnitude higher than expected. Therefore, we are now faced with the task of restructuring our internal processes in order to satisfy the volume that is on the Belarusian market.

- But you understand that in our country there are companies of the same kind. And not one, but already a dozen, probably, there will be. Yes, and we have our own cosmetic companies: Vitex, Belita, Modum…

- The more choices, the better. Abundance is better than no choice. I am for healthy competition.

- And why did the population of Belarus have a biased attitude towards network marketing? Have you thought about it?

- Perhaps because people confuse pyramid schemes and network marketing, in which it is not enough just to attract people, you need to create your own business. Because there are companies that pay remuneration for new customers, not paying attention to the volume of product sales.

Before proceeding with the opening of a branch, we conducted an analysis of the demand for a direct sales channel. And based on these results and the first month of work in Belarus, I can confidently say that there is no negative attitude towards network marketing and direct sales. We have a golden rule in the company: "Treat people the way you want to be treated." I believe that if you approach everything in life with such a rule, then you are doomed to success.

- How do you work in a women's company? After all, many believe that network marketing is not a business for men.

- The company employs both men and women. And they are professionals in their fields. Therefore, I would not say so clearly that this is a women's business. My task is to set up a management to support and help develop the business of independent beauty consultants. And no matter how pathetic it may sound, the company's mission is to improve the lives of women around the world. And making the decision to move to Minsk, I realized that I could improve the life of Belarusian women at least a little.

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Many people are still surprised by the fact that there are very few men in network marketing. According to unofficial data, about 5-7%. And even from those who come to MLM, few succeed. (For a long time I have been preparing a seminar for men - What should a man do in order to fly to the top of the career ladder in a year! - but they won’t do it).

So why are there so few men in MLM? The answer is obvious. Let's go in order:

- The vast majority of men can not do everyday scrupulous things!

Women are the opposite. They have it genetically. A woman cooks, does laundry, irons, cleans, washes, etc. every day. It's either in the blood, or from hopelessness - someone needs to do it. And She does.

A man either does something global, grandiose, or, having calmed down that he is not capable of big things, does nothing - “I can’t do something global, but I won’t deal with small things either.”

In network marketing, especially at the initial stage, it is necessary to do every day - calls, meetings, negotiations or a website, blog, posts, mailings, etc. Even by showing a man the globality of network marketing, he can catch fire, but when faced with the initial routine and not a momentary result, he goes out. He needs to immediately sell the wagon and see decent money. Ha, the times are not the same, the 90s are gone forever.

- Men in the majority are not attentive not only to women, but also to men, and to themselves.

Women are more talkative, more accommodating, quicker to adapt to the situation, more attentive and perhaps more hardworking. A woman pays more attention to herself than a man. By the way, most of the clients are also women.

A woman not only loves with her ears, but also lives with them, and therefore communication for women is food for life. A man loves with his eyes and lives with his eyes - why talk? Looked and pobaldel.

Why make extra sentences out of words ...

And in network marketing, you need to communicate, you need to be attentive to people, partners, customers. When I realized all this, I stopped "soaring" about the small number of our brother in network marketing.

And on the other hand, I began to admire women in MLM. She is a woman, and a mother, and a housewife, and works at the “main” job for the time being, and also builds a business in network marketing in order to get rid of the everyday routine, to improve herself, in order to get on her feet, since “he” is lying on the couch. To achieve something worthwhile in this life!

Our women can do everything! Of course, I would like a woman not to be everything that one has to be, but to be a woman. But MLM women can do anything and still manage to remain women!

I admire you, women of network marketing! I respect, appreciate and love!

I liked the song in which Sergei Trofimov sings of a Russian woman. But whether this song is about you in principle or not, I don’t know. What do you think?

A man in MLM - what is he like in this type of business?

I recently read the magazine "MLM Perspective" and found an interesting article.

We are used to the fact that women usually dominate in mlm - 90% according to statistics. How, why and what prevents men from entering this business, Konstantin Kutuzov, a graduate of the International Leadership Academy, shares his opinion.

There are 3 categories of people involved in network marketing:


Dropout Candidates

The question arises: to what category does the strong half of humanity gravitate?

Leaders are, first of all, leaders who are equal to, followed by other networkers. Do they follow the men?

In any mlm company, a man is looking for a motive. He seeks to understand whether he needs it, what he will get from such work and what needs to be done. At the first meeting, he immediately thinks: where he came, who invited him, what kind of business it is. He pays attention to everything. For example, the room in which the presentation takes place.

Let's say it's one thing in an office where there are wallpapers from the 80s, old furniture, worn chairs on the walls. Quite another is a cafe where you can have a cup of coffee, or a large cozy room. For men, all this is important. They are not immediately imbued with confidence in network marketing. First, a man seeks answers to the following questions:

– Will he be able to assert himself here?

– Is this business reliable?

- Does the company intend to gain a foothold in earnest and for a long time?

– Can he do it?

How many men work here?

How much and when can he earn?

- And most importantly - how will he look in the eyes of his environment, doing this business?

There are many stories about how men entered the business of the 21st century. Here are a couple of stories from my practice.

Four years ago, when I already had little experience (2 years) in network marketing, I was invited to visit by a family where my wife worked in one of the network companies, and my husband was engaged in the most promising, as he then considered, business - metal. We had a nice chat until the conversation turned to numbers, earnings in network marketing and traditional business.

I know that arguing with men is useless, they do not need to be given information and time to analyze it. Which is what I did. After 2 days, he agreed to help his wife little by little in working with clients, with organizing events, and after 3 years these people became leaders in their city.

Another story began with the fact that one lady started working in mlm, although before that she worked very successfully in a traditional business. Her husband continued to work in the "regular", rather profitable business related to the production and sale of food products. After a year of work in mlm, the wife achieved good results, expressed both in high incomes and in a high career level.

She bought herself a car, and sometimes asked her husband to act as her driver. Slowly, the husband began to delve into the essence of her work. After one of the seminars held by the company, he came to a banquet for leaders. After talking with professionals, seeing many married couples, happy and rich, he quits his business and decides to devote all his time to mlm.

To date, the monthly legal income of this family from work in network marketing is calculated in the five-figure figure (in dollars, of course). It was not by chance that I singled out the word “legal” - after all, in the traditional business, the hero of my story had to get out in order to minimize taxes, but in network marketing this is not necessary.

There are many such examples. But the essence of all these stories is the same: sooner or later, men join their loved ones and work side by side with them. Likewise, our dear and beloved women follow their husbands. Nature cannot be changed. After all, the family and mlm are getting stronger. Common goals, mutual understanding, harmony appear in the family. Isn't that what each of us dreams of?

Women often ask me, as a man, to meet with their husbands and explain that this is a profitable business, and not only for women, but also for men. Do you want advice? It is better to meet with men in an informal setting, for example, at "home mugs" or over a "glass of tea" in a cafe. men themselves find a common language with each other, and then the meetings are more effective.

Network marketing is a business not only for women, but also for us men. You have to believe in something in life. Men, believe in yourself! If not us, then who?