Zavgorodniy Oleg Alekseevich customs service. Federal Customs Service

1) implementation of the unified economic policy of the FCS of Russia in terms of logistics customs authorities Russian Federation(hereinafter - the customs authorities) and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

2) development and strengthening of logistical and social base customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

3) development and improvement of the activities of aviation and sea (river) subdivisions of customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

4) regulation of property and land relations of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

5) design and construction of customs infrastructure facilities;

6) involvement in the economic turnover of real estate objects by attracting investments;

7) release and sale of movable property located in operational management customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

8) coordination of the activities of customs authorities in terms of resolving issues of operation, maintenance and overhaul of customs infrastructure facilities;

9) housing for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by law Russian Federation;

10) material and technical support of customs authorities, including the provision of clothing, food, printed matter, identity cards, departmental awards and certificates for them, means of processing the results of customs operations and carrying out customs control(personal numbered seals, stamps, stamp pads with protected mastic), vehicles and special equipment, sea vessels, inland navigation vessels and mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as water vessels), aircraft, weapons, ammunition and cartridges for him, pyro technical means, means of individual armor protection, equipment and equipment, special means, special equipment, training means, consumables for Maintenance weapons, devices and consumables for sealing, safe packages;

11) participation in work contract service FCS of Russia in accordance with the established procedure;

12) circulation of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it in the customs authorities;

13) medical and social support for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

14) medical examination of officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities (flight personnel);

15) organization of measures for labor protection, civil defense, protection from emergencies and to ensure fire safety in customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

16) organization of compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities, compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners Vehicle.


1. Planning the activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the main areas of logistic support and control over the use of allocated budgetary allocations in accordance with the approved plans for the areas of logistic support.

2. Participation in the work of the contract service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in accordance with the established procedure:

1) when planning purchases:

a) preparation of a procurement rationale when forming a procurement plan;

b) development of a procurement plan and preparation of changes to be introduced into the procurement plan based on proposals structural divisions FCS of Russia;

c) formation of a procurement plan based on proposals from structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

d) accommodation in a single information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) of the procurement plan and the changes made to it;

e) submission of proposals for inclusion in the procurement schedule;

f) formation of a procurement schedule based on proposals from the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

g) sending the procurement plan and the procurement schedule to the head of the FCS of Russia for approval;

h) formation of changes to the procurement schedule and their approval by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

i) placement in the EIS of the procurement schedule and changes agreed upon by the head of the FCS of Russia; bringing to the structural subdivisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia the approved procurement schedule and the changes made to it;

j) determination and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), when forming a procurement plan and a procurement schedule;

2) when determining suppliers (contractors, performers):

a) choice of method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

b) substantiation in a documented report of the impossibility or inexpediency of using other methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the contract price and other essential terms of the contract in case of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) for the conclusion of the contract;

c) preparation and approval of documentation on the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities, draft government contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

d) formation of documentation on the purchase of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities;

e) description of the procurement object ( technical requirements) in the procurement documentation;

f) clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, including that concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), and its justification in notices of procurement, invitations to participate in the determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods, procurement documentation;

g) placement in the UIS of a notice of procurement, procurement documentation and draft contracts provided for by the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure public municipal needs"(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law);

h) preparation of minutes of meetings of the unified commission of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) on the basis of decisions made by members of the Commission, their placement in the UIS, sending them to the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and to the Main Financial economic management;

i) ensuring, in accordance with the Federal Law, procurement from small businesses that are socially oriented non-profit organizations, establishing a requirement to involve subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations in the execution of the contract;

j) placement of explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation and changes in the procurement documentation in the EIS;

k) ensuring the representation of the interests of the FCS of Russia in the FAS Russia on appeals and complaints;

l) preparation required documents for submission to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia on requests and complaints from procurement participants;

m) ensuring the safety of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement, security, inviolability and confidentiality of those submitted in the form electronic documents applications for participation in procurements and ensuring that the content of applications for participation in procurements is considered only after opening the envelopes with applications for participation in procurements or opening access to applications for participation in procurements submitted in the form of electronic documents;

n) ensuring the opportunity for all procurement participants who submitted applications for participation in the procurement, or their representatives to be present at the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the procurement and (or) opening access to applications for participation in the procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

o) providing the opportunity to receive information in real time about the opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the procurement;

p) storage, within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of protocols drawn up in the course of procurement, applications for participation in procurement, procurement documentation, changes made to the procurement documentation, clarifications of the provisions of procurement documentation and an audio recording of opening envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) opening access to applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

c) sending the necessary documents for concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, executor) based on the results of failed procedures for determining a supplier in the cases established by the Federal Law to the relevant authorities specified in clauses 24 and 25 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law;

r) conclusion of state contracts;

s) inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers) of information about procurement participants who evaded the conclusion of contracts;

t) sending to the Main Financial and Economic Department of visa projects of state contracts concluded based on the results of electronic auctions, and state contracts concluded as a result of other methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) (within one day following the day the state contract was concluded), original bank guarantees received as security for the performance of contracts, to be reflected in budget accounting and included in register of contracts, as well as minutes of meetings of the unified commission of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the procurement of goods, works, services, extracts from electronic platform with information about the actual dates of conclusions of state contracts;

x) ensuring the sending of information and documents on state contracts concluded by the Federal Customs Service of Russia and amendments to them for inclusion in the register of contracts through the official website of the UIS in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";

3) when executing, changing, terminating the contract:

a) acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services;

b) preparation of documents on the acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, results of a separate stage of contract execution;

c) interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, applying a measure of responsibility, including sending the supplier (contractor, performer) a demand for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) in case of delay in the performance by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations (including warranty obligation), stipulated by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations stipulated by the contract, performance of other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract;

d) organization by the customer of an examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered; involvement of experts, expert organizations in cases established by the Federal Law;

e) creation of an acceptance committee (if necessary) of at least five people to accept the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered, the results of a separate stage of contract execution;

f) placement in the EIS of a report containing information on the execution of the contract, on compliance with the intermediate and final deadlines for the execution of the contract, on the improper performance of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on the non-performance of the contract and on the sanctions that were applied in connection with the violation of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, change or termination of the contract in the course of its execution, information about the change in the contract or termination of the contract, with the exception of information constituting a state secret;

g) compilation and placement in the EIS of a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations;

4) exercise of other powers provided for by the Federal Law, including:

a) organizing, if necessary, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participation in such consultations in order to determine the status competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determining the best technologies and other solutions to meet state and municipal needs;

b) organizing, if necessary, a mandatory public discussion of the purchase of goods, work or services, based on the results of which, if necessary, the preparation of changes to introduce into the plans for the purchase of goods, works, services for the needs of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the procurement plan), procurement schedules goods, works, services for the needs of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the procurement schedule), procurement documentation or provision for canceling the procurement;

c) development and approval of requirements for purchased by the Federal Customs Service of Russia certain types goods, works, services (including the marginal prices of goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs for ensuring the functions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and placing them in the UIS;

d) participation in the consideration of cases on appealing against actions (inaction) of the FCS of Russia, including appealing against the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), and preparing materials for the implementation of claim work;

e) verification of bank guarantees received as security for the performance of contracts for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law;

f) informing, in the event that the FCS of Russia refuses to accept a bank guarantee, the person who provided the bank guarantee about this, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for the refusal;

g) organizing the payment of monetary amounts under a bank guarantee in the cases provided for by the Federal Law.

3. Formation of requirements for certain types of goods, works, services purchased by customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (including marginal prices for goods, works, services) in the areas of logistic support.

4. Development of price standards, quantity standards and requirements for purchased goods, works and services in the areas of logistic support.

5. Organization and coordination of work:

1) in the subsystem "Procurement Management" of the state integrated information system " Electronic budget» in terms of the formation, coordination and approval of the procurement plan and the procurement schedule in terms of procurement carried out by the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

2) in the state information system "Energy Efficiency" in terms of agreeing and approving a declaration on the consumption of energy resources by customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

6. Equipping customs authorities with material and technical means in the areas of activity established by this Regulation within the limits of budget obligations, taking into account the rules for determining standard costs for ensuring the functions of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia:

1) drawing up together with the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia forecasts for the development of customs infrastructure, participation in determining priority areas for the development of customs infrastructure and preparing proposals for planning the costs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, focused on achieving specific results, based on the elimination of inefficient spending of budgetary allocations, cost reduction in order to optimize costs, increase the efficiency of the use of available material and financial resources, as well as on the formation of federal and departmental targeted programs in the part relating to the competence of the Main Directorate;

2) preparation of proposals to the management of the FCS of Russia on the expediency of purchasing goods, performing work and providing services for the needs of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

3) making proposals to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the priority provision of customs authorities with centrally and decentralized purchased products in the areas of activity established by this Regulation; on expenses associated with the operation of automotive and special equipment, with the maintenance, operation, repair and modernization of water and aircraft customs authorities;

4) organization of compliance by the customs authorities with the rules for determining the standard costs for ensuring the functions of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, when planning decentralized acquired material and technical means in the areas of activity established by this Regulation;

5) development of a procurement plan and a schedule of procurements carried out by the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

6) maintaining operational records of the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations, concluded state contracts (agreements) for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and ensuring control over the implementation of the procurement plan in terms of equipping customs authorities with material and technical means; formation of the annual forecast budget spending with monthly (quarterly) distribution and monitoring the implementation of the procurement plan, in terms of equipping customs authorities with material and technical means; ensuring compliance between the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations and obligations assumed under state contracts (agreements);

7) formation of a reserve of material and technical means of the FCS of Russia in accordance with the range of products approved by the leadership of the FCS of Russia, the norms and terms of reservation, as well as accounting and control of the use of the reserve of the FCS of Russia;

8) exercising control over the execution of government contracts (contracts) together with the relevant structural divisions of the FCS of Russia; support of the concluded state contracts (agreements), control of compliance with the terms and conditions of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services and payment for goods, works, services, quality of goods, works, services supplied and their compliance state standards or agreed with the customer specifications, other conditions of state contracts (contracts) and obligations;

9) organizing the supply of centrally purchased products to the customs authorities in accordance with the distribution agreed with the relevant structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and approved by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as monitoring the receipt of products and taking into account the state of the actual equipment of the customs authorities and its compliance with regulatory indicators;

10) control over the organization of receipt, storage and distribution of clothing allowances and food rations to officials in the customs authorities;

11) organization of the activities of customs authorities on the following issues:

a) provision of clothing allowances for officials of customs authorities (including the creation of an appropriate carryover stock of the Federal Customs Service of Russia), as well as special clothing, inventory and other property of employees of customs authorities;

b) development of a procedure for wearing uniforms by officials of customs authorities together with interested structural divisions of the FCS of Russia;

c) development of the procedure and norms for providing clothing items (uniforms), including uniforms, to students in federal state educational organizations that implement educational programs in specialties and areas of training in the field of customs;

d) development of uniforms for students of federal state educational organizations implementing educational programs in specialties and areas of training in the field of customs, the rules for wearing it and insignia;

e) provision of food (food rations, food for certain categories of customs officials);

f) providing feed (products) for regular animals;

g) providing printed products and means of registration of the results of customs operations and customs control;

h) provision of motor transport and special equipment, as well as their functioning and operation;

i) providing weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it, pyrotechnics, personal armor protection equipment, equipment and equipment, special equipment, special equipment, training equipment, consumables for maintaining weapons, devices and consumables for sealing, safe packages ;

j) social development, including issues of medical and housing provision, as well as compulsory personal and property insurance;

k) provision of watercraft and aircraft, technical means, units and spare parts for them;

l) ensuring measures for labor protection, civil defense, protection from emergencies and fire safety;

12) organization of the activities of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of logistic support;

13) planning and organization of research and development work on:

a) modeling and development of items of uniform and special clothing, shoes, equipment, other components, protective equipment, insignia of customs officials;

b) the development of diets;

14) coordination of the volumes of budgetary appropriations, the return distribution of the volumes of budgetary appropriations for the maintenance of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, for the next fiscal year And planning period in the areas of logistic support and keeping operational records of the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations for operation, capital and Maintenance objects of customs infrastructure;

15) development (participation in the development) of programs for the development and improvement of the activities of aviation and sea (river) divisions of customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

7. Implementation social guarantees officials and employees of customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia:

1) organization and participation in the implementation of measures to provide housing for officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in part:

a) preparation of draft regulations and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on housing issues;

b) granting federal state civil servants of the customs authorities a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises;

c) provision to customs officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises;

d) providing residential premises for specialized housing stock of officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

e) providing living quarters under a social tenancy agreement to those on the waiting list of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, registered before March 1, 2005 as needing living quarters, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

f) transfer of residential premises between customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, to the treasury of the Russian Federation, municipal property or private property;

g) carrying out work on the assignment of residential premises to the specialized housing stock and their exclusion from the specialized housing stock;

h) payment of monetary compensation for rent (sublease) of residential premises to customs officials;

i) accounting for officials (employees) of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who have the right to be accepted as members of housing construction cooperatives;

j) consideration of citizens' appeals on housing issues;

2) planning and control over the targeted use of allocated budgetary funds for housing of officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) preparation of materials on the activities of the Main Directorate for the personal reception of citizens by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

4) provision of compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities and compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners of vehicles;

5) determination and submission to the Main Financial and Economic Department of the need for budgetary funds necessary to ensure compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities and compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners of vehicles, in accordance with the established procedure;

6) verification of documents related to the payment of benefits and compensations in the event of the death of officials of the customs authorities or their injury in connection with the execution by them official duties, as well as the amounts of compensation for property damage, for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and control over the timely payment by the insurance company of the amounts of insurance coverage to customs officials;

7) exercising control over the planning of medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of the customs authorities of expenses for maintenance, for the implementation of programs for medical and sanatorium-resort support for officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8) consideration of issues of medical support, including:

a) determining the conditions and procedure for conducting a military medical examination of customs officials and an examination of their temporary unfitness for service in the customs authorities;

b) organization of a medical examination (military medical examination) of citizens entering the service in the customs authorities; determination of the causal relationship of injuries, diseases among citizens who served in the customs authorities, with the performance of their official duties;

c) exercising control over the activities of medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and medical health posts of customs authorities on the issues of accessibility, volume and quality of medical care;

d) organization of social welfare, including medical and sanatorium-and-spa provision for officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) making proposals on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of sanatorium-resort and medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of the customs authorities in accordance with the established procedure;

f) exercising control over the timely receipt by medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, as well as by customs authorities, of licenses for the right to exercise certain types activities and provision of services in the field of healthcare and sanatorium treatment;

g) study of best practices in the field of healthcare and the provision of scientific and methodological assistance for the implementation modern techniques and methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, and medical health centers of the customs authorities;

h) organization of scientific and practical work in the field of medical and sanatorium-resort provision;

i) holding gatherings, meetings, seminars, scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of medical and sanatorium-resort provision;

j) participation in the selection, placement and certification of medical personnel in medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of customs authorities.

8. Determining the needs of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia in budget allocations for capital construction, maintenance, operation, current and overhaul objects of customs infrastructure, accounting for the use of allocated budget allocations in accordance with approved plans.

9. Assistance in the planned development of customs infrastructure and the effective functioning of multi-purpose buildings and structures, organization of operation and maintenance of customs infrastructure facilities.

10. Organization of operation road transport and special equipment of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia.

11. Organization and control of testing, acceptance, operation, repair and decommissioning of watercraft and aircraft of customs authorities.

12. Organization and control of renewal technical resource and service life of marine and aviation equipment.

13. Organization of procurement for the provision of services for translation official documents from foreign languages ​​into Russian and from Russian into foreign languages to ensure the activities of structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

14. Implementation of the main directions public policy and methodological management of the activities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the field of labor protection, civil defense, emergency protection and fire safety, the implementation of departmental control in this area, including:

1) control over the state of working conditions, causes occupational injury, occupational morbidity, organization of work on special evaluation working conditions, development of preventive measures;

2) organization of work on the implementation of compensatory measures in relation to officials and employees of customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor, and to provide these categories of persons with the means personal protection, flushing and (or) neutralizing agents;

3) organization of work on the development of rules and instructions for labor protection and fire safety, control over their implementation;

4) organization of the process of education (training) and instruction in labor protection, civil defense, fire safety, electrical safety and other types of labor safety training, control over compliance with the training (training) procedure;

5) organization of work on the investigation and recording of accidents related to production;

6) organization and control over the preliminary (periodic) medical examinations(examinations, surveys) of officials and employees employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

7) organization of work of civil defense management bodies;

8) organization of training, command and staff and tactical-special exercises in civil defense and fire safety;

9) organization of work on the creation of reserves of civil defense property.

15. Development, organization and control over the implementation of measures to social development, housing, medical and sanatorium-resort support for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and certain categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. Implementation of measures to optimize costs and ensure the effective use of budgetary funds allocated for the maintenance and development of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, for the acquisition of material and technical means in the areas of activity established by the Regulations, the design and construction of customs infrastructure, payment other works and services.

17. Methodological guidance, provision and control of aviation and maritime activities regional customs departments and customs.

18. Participation in the organization and provision of passage vocational training and receive additional vocational education officials of the customs authorities for logistics support of the customs authorities, including:

1) organization of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel on logistics support of customs authorities in agreement with the Department public service and personnel, officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities, as well as control over the process of training the command staff of water vessels and their crews;

2) organization of work on advanced training and professional retraining officials of customs authorities on the organization of procurement;

3) organization of work on the classification of officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities;

4) organization of regional seminars for officials of the rear divisions of the customs authorities within the funds allocated for these purposes;

5) organizational and methodological management of combat and special training of aviation and sea (river) subdivisions of customs authorities;

6) organization and conduct of educational and methodological gatherings, complex trainings and exercises according to the plan of combat and special training with officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities;

7) participation and control of conducting educational and methodological meetings with officials of the maritime (river) divisions of the customs authorities.

19. Organization in the customs authorities of work on the timely execution of documents for the payment of benefits and compensation in the event of the death of an official or his injury, as well as the amount of compensation for property damage caused in connection with the performance of official duties, and control over its implementation.

20. Implementation of control and coordination of the work of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, for the effective use of the assigned to them real estate, as well as land plots provided by them in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

21. Regulatory, methodological and organizational support for customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

22. Maintaining a departmental register of real estate assigned to customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, on the basis of the right of operational management, and a departmental register of land plots provided to them for permanent (unlimited) use.

23. Keeping records of real estate transferred to the customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia under gratuitous use and lease agreements.

24. Implementation of control over clearance by customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, state registration rights to real estate.

25. Negotiation with the authorized federal body executive power in the field of federal property management through the official website of the Internet information and telecommunication network, leasing and gratuitous use of federal property assigned to the customs authorities on the right of operational management, and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in accordance with the established procedure .

26. Participation, together with the structural subdivisions of the FCS of Russia and regional customs departments, in resolving issues related to the placement of customs authorities.

27. Implementation of the function of the state customer for the design and construction of customs infrastructure facilities:

1) organization of capital construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of customs infrastructure facilities, current and major repairs, operation of customs infrastructure facilities;

2) determination together with the structural subdivisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of the total need for state capital investments;

3) preparation of proposals on the allocation of the necessary limits of budgetary obligations for the capital construction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as sources of their financing and participation in the consideration of these proposals in the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia;

4) organization of work on the efficient use of budget allocations in construction, the implementation of a unified technical policy and ensuring the implementation of capital construction plans;

5) formation of a draft summary plan for capital investments, a plan for capital repairs and expenses for current repairs and operation of buildings, structures;

6) organization and coordination of work on the collection, accounting, compilation and analysis of proposals for the costs of operating customs infrastructure facilities, in terms of existing and assumed obligations;

7) organizing the preparation and approval of assignments for the design of customs infrastructure facilities;

8) organizing the development, approval, review and approval of design and estimate documentation in accordance with the established procedure for capital construction, maintenance and overhaul of customs infrastructure facilities;

9) preparation of documents for financing state centralized capital investments at the expense of federal budget, as well as preparation for the approval of the title lists of capital construction;

10) ensuring the priority direction of capital investments for commissioning facilities in order to reduce the volume of construction in progress;

11) control over the construction of customs infrastructure facilities (in accordance with the duly approved design and estimate documentation), and the commissioning of fixed assets, accounting and reporting;

12) control over the effective use of the increased limits of budgetary obligations for major and current repairs, as well as for the operation of customs infrastructure facilities; preparation of proposals for optimizing the costs of operating customs infrastructure facilities;

13) coordination of the work of customs authorities on issues of technical operation and maintenance of customs infrastructure facilities;

14) participation in the formation and work of acceptance commissions for completed construction of customs infrastructure facilities; participation in the work of the commission to determine the book value of customs infrastructure facilities;

15) participation in the development of federal targeted programs, programs for the construction and development of customs authorities, as well as the state defense order for capital construction.

28. Making proposals on the creation of advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups) on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

29. Implementation of the functions of managing federal property assigned to the customs authorities on the basis of the right of operational management and permanent (unlimited) use:

1) organizing the work of customs authorities to involve objects in the economic turnover by attracting investments;

2) determination of lists and forms of documents necessary for making decisions on the release and sale of movable property, in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the procedure for preparing such decisions and reporting;

3) formation of consolidated lists of movable property, located in the operational management of the customs authorities, subject to release;

4) coordination of the work of customs authorities on the sale of released movable property and on the execution of documents related to the transfer of land plots provided to customs authorities from one category to another;

5) coordination of issues related to the disposal of federal property under the operational management of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as under the economic jurisdiction of FSUE "ROSTEK" in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, using the official website of the information and telecommunication network "Internet »;

6) approval of the write-off of federal property under the operational management of the customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as under the economic jurisdiction of FSUE "ROSTEK" in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

30. Making proposals for the construction and planning of a special economic zone to ensure the effectiveness of customs control, taking into account the requirements for their arrangement.

31. Development model provisions on the structural subdivisions of the customs authorities in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

32. Participation in the development of general and individual regulations on regional customs administrations, customs and customs posts in terms of the competence of the Main Directorate.

33. Development (participation in the development) of projects federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

34. Development, in accordance with the established procedure, of normative and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of logistics support for customs authorities, including on issues of medical, sanatorium and resort support, the provision of social guarantees to officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, making proposals for the publication, cancellation, amendment of normative and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

35. Development of proposals for programs for the development of customs in the Russian Federation within the competence of the Main Directorate.

36. Organization of the circulation of weapons in the customs authorities in accordance with the established procedure:

1) participation in the development and approval of draft regulatory legal acts, interdepartmental and intradepartmental documents on the organization of arms trafficking;

2) organization and control of the activities of customs authorities on the circulation of weapons (acquisition, accounting, storage, issuance, transportation, repair, transfer, write-off, disposal, technical operation, etc.);

3) maintaining a centralized numbered record of weapons adopted by the customs authorities;

4) organizing and carrying out activities aimed at ensuring the safety of weapons adopted by the customs authorities;

5) organization of accounting and analysis of the facts of the use of weapons by customs officers, as well as the reasons for the loss and theft of weapons in the customs authorities;

6) preparation of proposals for the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia aimed at preventing the loss and theft of weapons;

7) organization and control of the transfer between the customs authorities of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it;

8) preparation of proposals to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the acceptance into service (removal from service (supply) of customs authorities of certain types (types) of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it.

37. Implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of work to prepare for the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the activities of the Main Directorate.

38. Consideration of complaints against decisions, actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

39. Consideration of appeals of customs authorities, organizations and citizens, making decisions on them and sending answers to applicants on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

40. Participation of officials of the Main Directorate as representatives of the FCS of Russia in the consideration of disputes, applications, complaints in arbitration and other courts, bodies and organizations.

41. Submission of information for posting on the official website of the FCS of Russia WEB server of the FCS of Russia within the competence of the Main Directorate.

42. Maintenance of the section of the Portal of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

43. Participation in the development of the United automated system customs authorities in terms of an automated information and analytical system for ensuring the financial and economic activities of customs authorities for logistics in accordance with the principles and directions of reforming the budget process.

44. Control of the work of customs authorities in matters of rational and efficient use of material and technical means; generalization and analysis of the practice of logistics support for customs authorities, development of necessary measures and a report to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on proposals for improving the system of logistics support for customs authorities.

45. Organization and conduct of inspections of customs authorities in terms of organizing accounting, storage, use of material and technical resources, including the reserve of the Federal Customs Service of Russia; implementation of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of logistics support of customs authorities within their competence.

46. ​​Organization, planning and control over the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of navigation of watercraft, the safety of flights of aircraft of customs authorities, the development of measures to prevent accidents with them, control over the implementation by customs officials of the requirements of orders and instructions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the operation of watercraft and aircraft of customs bodies in order to prevent their unauthorized access to the sea (river, lake) and departures.

47. Carrying out measures to monitor compliance by officials of the aviation departments of the customs authorities with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of flight and technical operation of aircraft.

48. Investigation of accidents with water and aircraft, their weapons and technical means, as well as aviation incidents with aircraft.

49. Ensuring the activities of water and aircraft of the customs authorities.

50. Monitoring the maintenance of the technical readiness of water and aircraft of the customs authorities, the level of professional training of their crews to perform the tasks of the customs service.

51. Organization of supervision of water vessels of customs authorities and their admission to navigation.

52. Checking the activities of aviation and sea (river) divisions of customs authorities.

53. Participation in international legal work in the areas of activity of the Main Department.

54. Organization of execution in the customs authorities of the legislation of the Russian Federation on issues related to the areas of activity of the Main Directorate, as well as ensuring the development in the prescribed manner of regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

55. Methodological guidance, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, in the areas of logistics established by this Regulation, including budget execution in terms of income from economic activities.

56. Development in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate for regional customs departments and customs offices directly subordinate to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, performance indicators, performance indicators, indicative indicators, methods for their calculation, as well as the development of performance benchmarks for medical and health resort organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, methods for calculating their indicators and rules for evaluating the results of their work on the implementation of indicators.

57. Organization of work on the purchase and provision of travel documents for all types of public transport urban, suburban and local traffic (except for taxis) of officials of structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and control over its implementation.

58. Participation in the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation within the competence of the Main Directorate.

59. Collecting and summarizing forms statistical reporting before the FCS of Russia of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, in the areas of activity of the rear service.

The capital's parliament has doubled the number of employees working remotely from March 30. including on remote work assistants to deputies of the Moscow City Duma were transferred. This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov (United Russia faction).

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Health and Protection public health Larisa Kartavtseva finds it useful to solve the series retail chains allocate priority time for older buyers. She added that there are many examples of responsible stores that are working on various preventive measures aimed at reducing the spread of the virus throughout the country.

Moskomarkhitektura agreed on the design of the flyover from the ways of the Oktyabrskaya railway to the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway. The total length of the overpass will be more than two kilometers. This will improve the situation on the roads both in the district and in the city.

New Moscow has more non-residential facilities, of which over 70 were built for social purposes alone in 7.5 years. Thanks to the emergence of new facilities in the annexed territories, more than 100 thousand jobs have been created.

Audio messages about measures to prevent coronavirus infection are also broadcast on escalators and on 177 road signs.

Cashiers and controllers of JSC "Central PPK", who work at stations and trains of the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD), undergo a medical examination before the shift. “More than 2,000 bottles of hand sanitizer, more than 11,000 latex gloves and over 50,000 medical masks have been purchased for cashiers and controllers of the IDC. Another 150,000 masks will be purchased,” the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport said.

The age of 40% of patients connected to artificial lung ventilation devices in the capital does not exceed 40 years, and among people under the age of 60 this figure reaches 64%. Statistics show that the disease is severe not only in the older generation. Thus, 45% of patients with severe lung injury are people under 60 years of age. Those who are under 40 years old - 15%.

“Moscow buses, electric buses, trolleybuses and trams are now disinfected while working on the line - additional processing salons began to be held at the terminal stations. Thus, vehicles are disinfected not only in parks and depots, but also on routes,” the press service of Mosgortrans reports.

Ticket vending machines are washed once an hour, and door handles and cash registers are washed every one and a half to two hours. Tunnels are treated with special washing machines. In total, it is planned to wash 600 km of tunnels, 364 stages, 108 dead ends and 33 connecting branches.

While the main exhibition of the country is temporarily closed for guests, you can walk around the pavilions and watch educational videos online.

In the courts of general jurisdiction of the capital, judges on duty and employees of the apparatus will work in the number that will be sufficient for the functioning of the court, taking into account specific circumstances.

Pupils of Moscow schools from 2nd to 11th grade can undergo online diagnostics for free. This opportunity was provided by the Center for Independent Diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE). The results will be known the next day after passing the test.

Another 14 new-generation Moskva trains have been launched on the Nekrasovskaya and Bolshaya Koltsevaya lines of the Moscow Metro. Innovative trains began to run after the opening of the Yugo-Vostochnaya, Okskaya, Stakhanovskaya, Nizhegorodskaya, Aviamotornaya and Lefortovo stations. They have earned for passengers on March 27.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a Decree on the introduction of new measures to counter the coronavirus. Residents of the capital, regardless of age, must observe the regime of self-isolation. Muscovites are allowed to leave the apartment only in cases of applying for urgent medical care, commuting, going to the store and pharmacy to take out the trash, walk pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the place of residence.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin decided on a regional compensation payment. The total amount of unemployment benefits (stipends) will be 19,500 rubles per month. This will be one of the measures against the backdrop of the fight against coronavirus, which Sergei Sobyanin announced on his official website on the evening of March 29.

Earlier, special measures were introduced on the territory of the complex for sanitary treatment and disinfection of all rooms and surfaces.

Four sessions are prepared for the audience from 11:00 to 17:00. Representatives of the largest Internet companies will speak at them. To take part in the forum, you need to register on in the "Education" block.

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Tasks of the Main Directorate

1) implementation of the unified economic policy of the FCS of Russia in terms of logistics support for the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the customs authorities) and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

2) development and strengthening of the material, technical and social base of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

3) development and improvement of the activities of aviation and sea (river) subdivisions of customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

4) regulation of property and land relations of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

5) design and construction of customs infrastructure facilities;

6) involvement in the economic turnover of real estate objects by attracting investments;

7) release and sale of movable property under the operational management of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

8) coordination of the activities of customs authorities in terms of resolving issues of operation, maintenance and overhaul of customs infrastructure facilities;

9) housing for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

10) material and technical support of the customs authorities, including the provision of clothing, food, printed products, identity cards, departmental awards and certificates for them, means of registration of the results of customs operations and customs control (personal numbered seals, stamps, stamp pads with secure mastic), vehicles and special equipment, sea vessels, inland navigation vessels and vessels of mixed (river-sea) navigation of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as water vessels), aircraft, weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it, pyrotechnic means, means of individual armor protection, gear and equipment, special means, special equipment, training aids, consumables for the maintenance of weapons, devices and consumables for sealing, safe packages;

11) participation in the work of the contract service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in accordance with the established procedure;

12) circulation of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it in the customs authorities;

13) medical and social support for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

14) medical examination of officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities (flight personnel);

15) organization of measures for labor protection, civil defense, protection from emergencies and fire safety in customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

16) organization of compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities, compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners of vehicles.

Functions of the Main Directorate

1. Planning the activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the main areas of logistic support and control over the use of allocated budgetary allocations in accordance with the approved plans for the areas of logistic support.

2. Participation in the work of the contract service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in accordance with the established procedure:

1) when planning purchases:

a) preparation of a procurement rationale when forming a procurement plan;

b) development of a procurement plan and preparation of changes to be introduced into the procurement plan based on proposals from structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

c) formation of a procurement plan based on proposals from structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

d) placement in the unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) of the procurement plan and the changes made to it;

e) submission of proposals for inclusion in the procurement schedule;

f) formation of a procurement schedule based on proposals from the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

g) sending the procurement plan and the procurement schedule to the head of the FCS of Russia for approval;

h) formation of changes to the procurement schedule and their approval by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

i) placement in the EIS of the procurement schedule and changes agreed upon by the head of the FCS of Russia; bringing to the structural subdivisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia the approved procurement schedule and the changes made to it;

j) determination and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), when forming a procurement plan and a procurement schedule;

2) when determining suppliers (contractors, performers):

a) choice of method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

b) substantiation in a documented report of the impossibility or inexpediency of using other methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the contract price and other essential terms of the contract in case of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) for the conclusion of the contract;

c) preparation and approval of documentation on the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities, draft government contracts concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

d) formation of documentation on the purchase of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities;

e) description of the procurement object (technical requirements) in the procurement documentation;

f) clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, including that concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), and its justification in notices of procurement, invitations to participate in the determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods, procurement documentation;

g) placement in the UIS of a notice of procurement, procurement documentation and draft contracts provided for by the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" ( hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law);

h) preparation of minutes of meetings of the unified commission of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) on the basis of decisions made by members of the Commission, their placement in the UIS, sending them to the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and to the Main Financial economic management;

i) ensuring, in accordance with the Federal Law, procurement from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations, establishing a requirement to involve subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations in the execution of the contract;

j) placement of explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation and changes in the procurement documentation in the EIS;

k) ensuring the representation of the interests of the FCS of Russia in the FAS Russia on appeals and complaints;

l) preparation of the necessary documents for submission to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia on requests and complaints from procurement participants;

m) ensuring the safety of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement, security, integrity and confidentiality of applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents and ensuring that the content of applications for participation in procurement is considered only after opening the envelopes with applications for participation in procurement or opening access to applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

n) ensuring the opportunity for all procurement participants who submitted applications for participation in the procurement, or their representatives to be present at the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the procurement and (or) opening access to applications for participation in the procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

o) providing the opportunity to receive information in real time about the opening of access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the procurement;

p) storage, within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of protocols drawn up in the course of procurement, applications for participation in procurement, procurement documentation, changes made to the procurement documentation, clarifications of the provisions of procurement documentation and an audio recording of opening envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) opening access to applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;

c) sending the necessary documents for concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, executor) based on the results of failed procedures for determining a supplier in the cases established by the Federal Law to the relevant authorities specified in clauses 24 and 25 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law;

r) conclusion of state contracts;

s) inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers) of information about procurement participants who evaded the conclusion of contracts;

t) sending to the Main Financial and Economic Department of visa drafts of state contracts concluded as a result of electronic auctions, and state contracts concluded as a result of other methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) (within one day following the day the state contract is concluded), originals of bank guarantees received as security for the performance of contracts, to be reflected in budget accounting and included in the register of contracts, as well as minutes of meetings of the unified commission of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the procurement of goods, works, services, extracts from the electronic platform with information on the actual dates of conclusions of state contracts;

x) ensuring the sending of information and documents on state contracts concluded by the Federal Customs Service of Russia and amendments to them for inclusion in the register of contracts through the official website of the UIS in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";

3) when executing, changing, terminating the contract:

a) acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services;

b) preparation of documents on the acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, results of a separate stage of contract execution;

c) interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, applying a measure of responsibility, including sending the supplier (contractor, performer) a demand for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) in case of delay in the performance by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations (including a warranty obligation) stipulated by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations stipulated by the contract, performance of other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract;

d) organization by the customer of an examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered; involvement of experts, expert organizations in cases established by the Federal Law;

e) creation of an acceptance committee (if necessary) of at least five people to accept the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered, the results of a separate stage of contract execution;

f) placement in the EIS of a report containing information on the execution of the contract, on compliance with the intermediate and final deadlines for the execution of the contract, on the improper performance of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on the non-performance of the contract and on the sanctions that were applied in connection with the violation of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, change or termination of the contract in the course of its execution, information about the change in the contract or termination of the contract, with the exception of information constituting a state secret;

g) compilation and placement in the EIS of a report on the volume of purchases from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations;

4) exercise of other powers provided for by the Federal Law, including:

a) organization, if necessary, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participation in such consultations in order to determine the state of the competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determine the best technologies and other solutions to meet state and municipal needs;

b) organizing, if necessary, a mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works or services, based on the results of which, if necessary, the preparation of changes to introduce into the plans for the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the procurement plan), procurement schedules goods, works, services for the needs of the customs authorities (hereinafter referred to as the procurement schedule), procurement documentation or provision for canceling the procurement;

c) development and approval of requirements for certain types of goods, works, services purchased by the FCS of Russia (including marginal prices for goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs for ensuring the functions of the FCS of Russia and placing them in the UIS;

d) participation in the consideration of cases on appealing against actions (inaction) of the FCS of Russia, including appealing against the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), and preparing materials for the implementation of claim work;

e) verification of bank guarantees received as security for the performance of contracts for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law;

f) informing, in the event that the FCS of Russia refuses to accept a bank guarantee, the person who provided the bank guarantee about this, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for the refusal;

g) organizing the payment of monetary amounts under a bank guarantee in the cases provided for by the Federal Law.

3. Formation of requirements for certain types of goods, works, services purchased by customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (including marginal prices for goods, works, services) in the areas of logistic support.

4. Development of price standards, quantity standards and requirements for purchased goods, works and services in the areas of logistic support.

5. Organization and coordination of work:

1) in the subsystem "Procurement Management" of the state integrated information system "Electronic budget" in terms of the formation, approval and approval of the procurement plan and the procurement schedule in terms of procurement carried out by the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

2) in the state information system "Energy Efficiency" in terms of agreeing and approving a declaration on the consumption of energy resources by customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

6. Equipping customs authorities with material and technical means in the areas of activity established by this Regulation within the limits of budget obligations, taking into account the rules for determining standard costs for ensuring the functions of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia:

1) drawing up together with the structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia forecasts for the development of customs infrastructure, participation in determining priority areas for the development of customs infrastructure and preparing proposals for planning the costs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, focused on achieving specific results, based on the elimination of inefficient spending of budgetary allocations, cost reduction in order to optimize expenditures, increasing the efficiency of the use of available material and financial resources, as well as the formation of federal and departmental target programs in the part related to the competence of the Main Directorate;

2) preparation of proposals to the management of the FCS of Russia on the expediency of purchasing goods, performing work and providing services for the needs of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia;

3) making proposals to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the priority provision of customs authorities with centrally and decentralized purchased products in the areas of activity established by this Regulation; on expenses related to the operation of automobile and special equipment, maintenance, operation, repair and modernization of water and aircraft of the customs authorities;

4) organization of compliance by the customs authorities with the rules for determining the standard costs for ensuring the functions of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, when planning decentralized acquired material and technical means in the areas of activity established by this Regulation;

5) development of a procurement plan and a schedule of procurements carried out by the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

6) maintaining operational records of the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations, concluded state contracts (agreements) for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and ensuring control over the implementation of the procurement plan in terms of equipping customs authorities with material and technical means; formation of an annual forecast of budget expenditures with monthly (quarterly) distribution and monitoring of the implementation of the procurement plan, in terms of equipping customs authorities with material and technical means; ensuring compliance between the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations and obligations assumed under state contracts (agreements);

7) formation of a reserve of material and technical means of the FCS of Russia in accordance with the range of products approved by the leadership of the FCS of Russia, the norms and terms of reservation, as well as accounting and control of the use of the reserve of the FCS of Russia;

8) exercising control over the execution of government contracts (contracts) together with the relevant structural divisions of the FCS of Russia; support of the concluded state contracts (agreements), control of compliance with the terms and conditions for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and payment for goods, works, services, quality of the supplied goods, works, services and their compliance with state standards or technical conditions agreed with the customer, other conditions government contracts (contracts) and obligations;

9) organizing the supply of centrally purchased products to the customs authorities in accordance with the distribution agreed with the relevant structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and approved by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as monitoring the receipt of products and taking into account the state of the actual equipment of the customs authorities and its compliance with regulatory indicators;

10) control over the organization of receipt, storage and distribution of clothing allowances and food rations to officials in the customs authorities;

11) organization of the activities of customs authorities on the following issues:

a) provision of clothing allowances for officials of customs authorities (including the creation of an appropriate carryover stock of the Federal Customs Service of Russia), as well as special clothing, inventory and other property of employees of customs authorities;

b) development of a procedure for wearing uniforms by officials of customs authorities together with interested structural divisions of the FCS of Russia;

c) development order a and norms provision of clothing items (uniforms), including uniforms, for students studying in federal state educational organizations that implement educational programs in specialties and areas of training in the field of customs;

d) development of uniforms for students of federal state educational organizations implementing educational programs in specialties and areas of training in the field of customs, rules for wearing them and insignia;

e) provision of food (food rations, food for certain categories of customs officials);

f) providing feed (products) for regular animals;

g) providing printed products and means of registration of the results of customs operations and customs control;

h) provision of motor transport and special equipment, as well as their functioning and operation;

i) providing weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it, pyrotechnics, personal armor protection equipment, equipment and equipment, special equipment, special equipment, training equipment, consumables for maintaining weapons, devices and consumables for sealing, safe packages ;

j) social development, including issues of medical and housing provision, as well as compulsory personal and property insurance;

k) provision of watercraft and aircraft, technical means, units and spare parts for them;

l) ensuring measures for labor protection, civil defense, protection from emergencies and fire safety;

12) organization of the activities of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of logistic support;

13) planning and organization of research and development work on:

a) modeling and development of items of uniform and special clothing, shoes, equipment, other components, protective equipment, insignia of customs officials;

b) the development of diets;

14) coordination of the volumes of budgetary appropriations, the return distribution of the volumes of budgetary appropriations for the maintenance of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the next financial year and planning period in the areas of logistics support and keeping operational records of the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations for operation, capital and current repair of customs infrastructure facilities;

15) development (participation in the development) of programs for the development and improvement of the activities of aviation and sea (river) divisions of customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

7. Implementation of social guarantees for officials and employees of customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia:

1) organization and participation in the implementation of measures to provide housing for officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in part:

a) preparation of draft regulations and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on housing issues;

b) granting federal state civil servants of the customs authorities a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises;

c) provision to customs officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises;

d) providing residential premises for specialized housing stock of officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

e) providing living quarters under a social tenancy agreement to those on the waiting list of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, registered before March 1, 2005 as needing living quarters, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

f) transfer of residential premises between customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, to the treasury of the Russian Federation, municipal property or private property;

g) carrying out work on the assignment of residential premises to the specialized housing stock and their exclusion from the specialized housing stock;

h) payment of monetary compensation for rent (sublease) of residential premises to customs officials;

i) accounting for officials (employees) of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who have the right to be accepted as members of housing construction cooperatives;

j) consideration of citizens' appeals on housing issues;

2) planning and control over the targeted use of allocated budgetary funds for housing of officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) preparation of materials on the activities of the Main Directorate for the personal reception of citizens by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

4) provision of compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities and compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners of vehicles;

5) determination and submission to the Main Financial and Economic Department of the need for budgetary funds necessary to ensure compulsory state personal insurance of officials of customs authorities and compulsory insurance of civil liability of customs authorities - owners of vehicles, in accordance with the established procedure;

6) verification of documents related to the payment of benefits and compensations in the event of the death of officials of the customs authorities or their injury in connection with the performance of their official duties, as well as the amount of compensation for property damage, for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and control over the timely payment by the insurance company the amounts of insurance coverage for officials of the customs authorities;

7) exercising control over the planning of medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of the customs authorities of expenses for maintenance, for the implementation of programs for medical and sanatorium-resort support for officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8) consideration of issues of medical support, including:

a) determining the conditions and procedure for conducting a military medical examination of customs officials and an examination of their temporary unfitness for service in the customs authorities;

b) organization of a medical examination (military medical examination) of citizens entering the service in the customs authorities; determination of the causal relationship of injuries, diseases among citizens who served in the customs authorities, with the performance of their official duties;

c) exercising control over the activities of medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and medical health posts of customs authorities on the issues of accessibility, volume and quality of medical care;

d) organization of social welfare, including medical and sanatorium-and-spa provision for officials and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) making proposals on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of sanatorium-resort and medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of the customs authorities in accordance with the established procedure;

f) exercising control over the timely receipt by medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as by customs authorities, of licenses for the right to carry out certain types of activities and provide services in the field of healthcare and sanatorium treatment;

g) study of best practices in the field of healthcare and provision of scientific and methodological assistance for the introduction of modern methods and methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and medical health centers of customs authorities;

h) organization of scientific and practical work in the field of medical and sanatorium-resort provision;

i) holding gatherings, meetings, seminars, scientific and practical conferences on topical issues of medical and sanatorium-resort provision;

j) participation in the selection, placement and certification of medical personnel in medical organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, medical health centers of customs authorities.

8. Determining the needs of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in budget allocations for capital construction, maintenance, operation, maintenance and overhaul of customs infrastructure facilities, accounting for the use of allocated budget allocations in accordance with approved plans.

9. Assistance in the planned development of customs infrastructure and the effective functioning of multi-purpose buildings and structures, organization of operation and maintenance of customs infrastructure facilities.

10. Organization of the operation of road transport and special equipment of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

11. Organization and control of testing, acceptance, operation, repair and decommissioning of watercraft and aircraft of customs authorities.

12. Organization and control of the extension of the technical resource and service life of marine and aviation equipment.

13. Organization of procurement for the provision of services for the translation of official documents from foreign languages ​​into Russian and from Russian into foreign languages ​​to ensure the activities of structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

14. Implementation of the main directions of state policy and methodological guidance of the activities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the field of labor protection, civil defense, emergency protection and fire safety, the implementation of departmental control in this area, including:

1) control over the state of working conditions, causes of industrial injuries, occupational morbidity, organization of work on a special assessment of working conditions, development of preventive measures;

2) organization of work to implement compensatory measures in relation to officials and employees of customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, and to provide these categories of persons with personal protective equipment that washes off and (or) neutralizing means;

3) organization of work on the development of rules and instructions for labor protection and fire safety, control over their implementation;

4) organization of the process of education (training) and instruction in labor protection, civil defense, fire safety, electrical safety and other types of labor safety training, control over compliance with the training (training) procedure;

5) organization of work on the investigation and recording of accidents related to production;

6) organization and control over the conduct of preliminary (periodic) medical examinations (examinations, examinations) of officials and workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

7) organization of work of civil defense management bodies;

8) organization of training, command and staff and tactical-special exercises in civil defense and fire safety;

9) organization of work on the creation of reserves of civil defense property.

15. Development, organization and control over the implementation of measures for social development, housing, medical and sanatorium support for officials and employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and certain categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. Implementation of measures to optimize costs and ensure the effective use of budgetary funds allocated for the maintenance and development of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, for the acquisition of material and technical means in the areas of activity established by the Regulations, the design and construction of customs infrastructure, payment other works and services.

17. Methodological guidance, provision and control of aviation and maritime activities of regional customs departments and customs.

18. Participation in the organization and provision of vocational training and additional professional education by officials of the customs authorities for the logistics of customs authorities, including:

1) organization of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel on logistics support of the customs authorities in agreement with the Department of Civil Service and Personnel, officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities, as well as control over the process of training the command staff of water vessels and their crews;

2) organization of work on advanced training and professional retraining of officials of customs authorities on the organization of procurement;

3) organization of work on the classification of officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities;

4) organization of regional seminars for officials of the rear divisions of the customs authorities within the funds allocated for these purposes;

5) organizational and methodological management of combat and special training of aviation and sea (river) subdivisions of customs authorities;

6) organization and conduct of educational and methodological gatherings, complex trainings and exercises according to the plan of combat and special training with officials of the aviation divisions of the customs authorities;

7) participation and control of conducting educational and methodological meetings with officials of the maritime (river) divisions of the customs authorities.

19. Organization in the customs authorities of work on the timely execution of documents for the payment of benefits and compensation in the event of the death of an official or his injury, as well as the amount of compensation for property damage caused in connection with the performance of official duties, and control over its implementation.

20. Control and coordination of the work of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, for the effective use of real estate assigned to them, as well as land plots provided to them in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

21. Regulatory, methodological and organizational support for customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

22. Maintaining a departmental register of real estate assigned to customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, on the basis of the right of operational management, and a departmental register of land plots provided to them for permanent (unlimited) use.

23. Keeping records of real estate transferred to the customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia under gratuitous use and lease agreements.

24. Exercising control over the registration by the customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, state registration of rights to real estate.

25. Carrying out coordination with the authorized federal executive body in the field of federal property management through the official website of the information and telecommunication network "Internet", leasing and gratuitous use of federal property assigned to the right of operational management of the customs authorities, and organizations under the jurisdiction FCS of Russia, in accordance with the established procedure.

26. Participation, together with the structural subdivisions of the FCS of Russia and regional customs departments, in resolving issues related to the placement of customs authorities.

27. Implementation of the function of the state customer for the design and construction of customs infrastructure facilities:

1) organization of capital construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of customs infrastructure facilities, current and major repairs, operation of customs infrastructure facilities;

2) determination together with the structural subdivisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of the total need for state capital investments;

3) preparation of proposals on the allocation of the necessary limits of budgetary obligations for the capital construction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as sources of their financing and participation in the consideration of these proposals in the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia;

4) organization of work on the efficient use of budget allocations in construction, the implementation of a unified technical policy and ensuring the implementation of capital construction plans;

5) formation of a draft summary plan for capital investments, a plan for capital repairs and expenses for current repairs and operation of buildings, structures;

6) organization and coordination of work on the collection, accounting, compilation and analysis of proposals for the costs of operating customs infrastructure facilities, in terms of existing and assumed obligations;

7) organizing the preparation and approval of assignments for the design of customs infrastructure facilities;

8) organizing the development, approval, review and approval of design and estimate documentation in accordance with the established procedure for capital construction, maintenance and overhaul of customs infrastructure facilities;

9) preparation of documents for financing state centralized capital investments at the expense of the federal budget, as well as preparation for the approval of capital construction title lists;

10) ensuring the priority direction of capital investments for commissioning facilities in order to reduce the volume of construction in progress;

11) exercising control over the construction of customs infrastructure facilities (in accordance with the design and estimate documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure), and the commissioning of fixed assets, accounting and reporting;

12) control over the effective use of the increased limits of budgetary obligations for major and current repairs, as well as for the operation of customs infrastructure facilities; preparation of proposals for optimizing the costs of operating customs infrastructure facilities;

13) coordination of the work of customs authorities on issues of technical operation and maintenance of customs infrastructure facilities;

14) participation in the formation and work of acceptance commissions for completed construction of customs infrastructure facilities; participation in the work of the commission to determine the book value of customs infrastructure facilities;

15) participation in the development of federal targeted programs, programs for the construction and development of customs authorities, as well as the state defense order for capital construction.

28. Making proposals on the creation of advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups) on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

29. Implementation of the functions of managing federal property assigned to the customs authorities on the basis of the right of operational management and permanent (unlimited) use:

1) organizing the work of customs authorities to involve objects in the economic turnover by attracting investments;

2) determination of lists and forms of documents necessary for making decisions on the release and sale of movable property, in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the procedure for preparing such decisions and reporting;

3) formation of consolidated lists of movable property, located in the operational management of the customs authorities, subject to release;

4) coordination of the work of customs authorities on the sale of released movable property and on the execution of documents related to the transfer of land plots provided to customs authorities from one category to another;

5) coordination of issues related to the disposal of federal property under the operational management of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as under the economic jurisdiction of FSUE "ROSTEK" in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, using the official website of the information and telecommunication network "Internet »;

6) approval of the write-off of federal property under the operational management of the customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as under the economic jurisdiction of FSUE "ROSTEK" in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

30. Making proposals for the construction and planning of a special economic zone to ensure the effectiveness of customs control, taking into account the requirements for their arrangement.

31. Development of standard provisions on structural subdivisions of customs authorities in the areas of activity of the Main Department.

32. Participation in the development of general and individual regulations on regional customs administrations, customs offices and customs posts in terms of the competence of the Main Directorate.

33. Development (participation in the development) of draft federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

34. Development, in accordance with the established procedure, of normative and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of logistics support for customs authorities, including on issues of medical, sanatorium and resort support, the provision of social guarantees to officials, employees of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and other categories of citizens in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, making proposals for the publication, cancellation, amendment of normative and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

35. Development of proposals for programs for the development of customs in the Russian Federation within the competence of the Main Directorate.

36. Organization of the circulation of weapons in the customs authorities in accordance with the established procedure:

1) participation in the development and approval of draft regulatory legal acts, interdepartmental and intradepartmental documents on the organization of arms trafficking;

2) organization and control of the activities of customs authorities on the circulation of weapons (acquisition, accounting, storage, issuance, transportation, repair, transfer, write-off, disposal, technical operation, etc.);

3) maintaining a centralized numbered record of weapons adopted by the customs authorities;

4) organizing and carrying out activities aimed at ensuring the safety of weapons adopted by the customs authorities;

5) organization of accounting and analysis of the facts of the use of weapons by customs officers, as well as the reasons for the loss and theft of weapons in the customs authorities;

6) preparation of proposals for the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia aimed at preventing the loss and theft of weapons;

7) organization and control of the transfer between the customs authorities of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it;

8) preparation of proposals to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the acceptance into service (removal from service (supply) of customs authorities of certain types (types) of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it.

37. Implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of work to prepare for the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the activities of the Main Directorate.

38. Consideration of complaints against decisions, actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

39. Consideration of appeals of customs authorities, organizations and citizens, making decisions on them and sending answers to applicants on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

40. Participation of officials of the Main Directorate as representatives of the FCS of Russia in the consideration of disputes, applications, complaints in arbitration and other courts, bodies and organizations.

41. Submission of information for posting on the official website of the FCS of Russia WEB server of the FCS of Russia within the competence of the Main Directorate.

42. Maintenance of the section of the Portal of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate.

43. Participation in the development of the Unified Automated System of Customs Authorities in terms of an automated information and analytical system for ensuring the financial and economic activities of customs authorities for logistics in accordance with the principles and directions of reforming the budget process.

44. Control of the work of customs authorities in matters of rational and efficient use of material and technical means; generalization and analysis of the practice of logistics support for customs authorities, development of necessary measures and a report to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on proposals for improving the system of logistics support for customs authorities.

45. Organization and conduct of inspections of customs authorities in terms of organizing accounting, storage, use of material and technical resources, including the reserve of the Federal Customs Service of Russia; implementation of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of logistics support of customs authorities within their competence.

46. ​​Organization, planning and control over the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of navigation of watercraft, the safety of flights of aircraft of customs authorities, the development of measures to prevent accidents with them, control over the implementation by customs officials of the requirements of orders and instructions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the operation of watercraft and aircraft of customs bodies in order to prevent their unauthorized access to the sea (river, lake) and departures.

47. Carrying out measures to monitor compliance by officials of the aviation departments of the customs authorities with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of flight and technical operation of aircraft.

48. Investigation of accidents with water and aircraft, their weapons and technical means, as well as aviation incidents with aircraft.

49. Ensuring the activities of water and aircraft of the customs authorities.

50. Monitoring the maintenance of the technical readiness of water and aircraft of the customs authorities, the level of professional training of their crews to perform the tasks of the customs service.

51. Organization of supervision of water vessels of customs authorities and their admission to navigation.

52. Checking the activities of aviation and sea (river) divisions of customs authorities.

53. Participation in international legal work in the areas of activity of the Main Department.

54. Organization of execution in the customs authorities of the legislation of the Russian Federation on issues related to the areas of activity of the Main Directorate, as well as ensuring the development in the prescribed manner of regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

55. Methodological guidance, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, in the areas of logistics established by this Regulation, including budget execution in terms of income from economic activities.

56. Development in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate for regional customs departments and customs offices directly subordinate to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, performance indicators, performance indicators, indicative indicators, methods for their calculation, as well as the development of performance benchmarks for medical and health resort organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, methods for calculating their indicators and rules for evaluating the results of their work on the implementation of indicators.

57. Organization of work on the purchase and provision of travel documents for all types of public transport of urban, suburban and local communications (except taxis) for officials of structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and control over its implementation.

58. Participation in the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation within the competence of the Main Directorate.

59. Collection and generalization of forms of statistical reporting to the FCS of Russia of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia, in the areas of activity of the rear service.