Forbes named the highest paid top managers in Russia. Forbes names the highest paid top managers in Russia Russian top managers

The TOP-1000 of Russian managers, prepared by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant Publishing House, was taken by the heads of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of MIA Rossiya Segodnya Dmitry Gruzdev became the best in the category "Commercial Director", and the head of the International Multimedia Press Center MIA "Rossiya Segodnya" Olga Koleva won in the category "Director of Public Relations".

The winners regarded their results not only as a high assessment of professional merit, but also as recognition working together the team of the agency, its activities in general. According to Gruzdev, his victory is the result of cooperation and the implementation of interesting and significant projects by the entire team of the agency. “I look forward to continuing what we have begun and is always open to any initiatives aimed at developing the industry,” he added.

Koleva recalled that this fall the International Multimedia Press Center of the Russia Segodnya MIA received the Live.Venues 17 award as the best platform for business events.

WITH complete list The best managers in their categories can be found on the Kommersant website. The top ten also includes other employees of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA - first deputy editor-in-chief Sergei Kochetkov, first deputy general director Galina Kozhina and director of the directorate of state Internet projects Elena Davydova.

The innovation of the rating this year is a special project of the Prime agency. The launch of the project in the format of blitz interviews with top managers who answered questions about professional qualities, laws, sanctions, technology and money, took place in June 2017, told Chief Editor"Kommersant FM" Alexey Vorobyov.

“We raised the main issues that businesses face today in different industries. Executive Director MIA "Russia Today" Oleg Ananiev.

According to the President of the Association of Managers Vladimir Senin, the implementation of this project in cooperation with Prime gave the rating a higher status.


According to analysts this year, the 18th ranking of the best managers in Russia shows both signs of stabilization in the country and an obvious request for renewal. As Dmitry Zelenin, the founding president of the Association of Managers, noted, “an elevator for a manager, an elevator to power has finally started working, and many managers government bodies both the authorities and business got a chance to raise their status. ”This, among other things, is facilitated by the rating.

Speaking about the further improvement of the rating and its expansion to the regions, the President of the Association of Managers Vladimir Senin indicated that something similar is beginning to be created in the countries Eurasian Union- Kazakhstan and Belarus. The creation of ratings for top 100 or top 200 managers in these countries is being discussed.

Many participants in the discussion talked about the impact of the digital revolution on managers. According to the executive vice president of legal affairs and corporate relations PJSC "VimpelCom" Viktor Biryukov, "one should not think that the revolution concerns things. In fact, it concerns people, because human capital is 50% of the value in any company. Only a manager with the right motivation can rise above the conveyor and become a generator of ideas and new algorithms ".

The TOP-1000 Russian Managers rating has been published annually for 18 years and serves to objectively assess the professional reputation of leading Russian top managers. It sums up the results of the year and shows the most professional managers in Russia, according to the industry representatives themselves.

The rating evaluates individuals, not companies. The target audience of the project - top officials of companies and heads of functional departments. In the course of expert voting, the best top managers evaluate the success of their colleagues.

The Association of Managers is one of the leading business associations in Russia, whose activities are aimed at Professional Development communities of managers, transition to socially responsible business standards, integration into the global economy. Over the years, the Association has established itself as an independent expert platform for developing a consolidated business position on the most acute social and professional challenges facing the leadership of large Russian enterprises, society and the government.

Forbes has published its latest ranking of the highest paid top managers in Russia. This rating has been published for five years already.
During this time, the total payments to the heads of Russian companies increased by 2.3 times.

Below is the rating
the most "expensive" top managers
according to Forbes.

1. Alexey Miller

Position: Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom

Age: 54

Remuneration assessment: $ 17.7 million

  • Alexey Miller was born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad.
  • Since 2001 - Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom.
  • Since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom.
  • In February 2016, it became known about the extension of the contract with Alexey Miller as Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom for another 5 years

2.Igor Sechin

Position: President, Chairman of the Management Board, Rosneft

Age: 56 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 13 million

  • Igor Sechin was born in Leningrad on September 7, 1960.
  • On May 23, 2012, shortly after Putin took office as president of the Russian Federation for a third term, Sechin was appointed president of Rosneft.
  • As noted by Forbes, in 2015 Sechin received 3.4 million rubles. for work on the board of directors of Inter RAO. I donated the money received to charity.
  • The stake in Rosneft brought him $ 2.5 million in dividends based on the results of 2015.

3. German Gref

Position: President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank

Age: 52

Remuneration assessment: $ 11 million

  • Gref was born in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR.
  • German Gref was the main lobbyist for Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization.
  • Also, at various times, he was a member of the board of directors of many state-owned companies (Gazprom, Svyazinvest, etc.)
  • From October 2007 to the present, Gref has been Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank of Russia.

4. Dmitry Razumov

Position: General Director of ONEXIM Group

Age: 41

Remuneration assessment: $ 10 million

  • Dmitry Razumov was born on February 7, 1975 in Moscow.
  • Graduated from the International Law Faculty of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  • Since 2007, he has been holding the position of CEO of the ONEXIM group, which includes the assets inherited by Mikhail Prokhorov during the division of the business with Vladimir Potanin.

5. Ivan Streshinsky

Position: CEO, USM Advisors

Age: 47 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 10 million

  • Streshinsky was born in 1969. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
  • He graduated in 1992. Studied in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Physics" at the Faculty of Flight Engineering and Aerodynamics.
  • 2006 to 2007 served as general director of Gazmetall, which owned a number of metallurgical assets of Alisher Usmanov and Andrey Skoch.
  • 2008 to 2012 - General Director of Telecominvest, which owns Usmanov's telecommunications assets.
  • Since 2012, he has been the CEO of Usmanov's USM Advisors.

6. Vladislav Soloviev

Position: CEO UC Rusal

Age: 43

Remuneration assessment: $ 7.4 million

  • Born May 14, 1973 Graduated High school Management of the State Academy of Management.
  • 2000 to 2008 headed the accounting department, was the deputy general director for finance at Rusal.
  • 2008 to 2010 - general manager En. 2010 to 2014 served as First Deputy Director of UC Rusal.
  • Since 2014 he has been the CEO of UC Rusal.

7. Mikhail Shamolin

Position: President of AFK Sistema

Age: 46 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 7.4 million

  • Shamolin was born in 1970. In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction Institute (MADI)
  • 1993 - Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1996-1997 completed a senior executive training program at the Wharton School of Business Business School in the field of finance and management.
  • Since 2011 he has been the President of AFK Sistema.

8. Mikhail Zadornov

Position: President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Age: 53

Remuneration assessment: $ 6.5 million

  • Zadornov was born on May 4, 1963 in Moscow.
  • 2000 to 2005 was a deputy of the State Duma.
  • Since July 2005 - President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB24.

9.Andrey Akimov

Position: Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank

Age: 63

Remuneration assessment: $ 6.3 million

  • Akimov graduated from the Faculty of International Economics of the Moscow Financial Academy (MFA) with a degree in International Economics, Finance and Banking.
  • From 1991 to 2002 At Investment Management & Advisory Group GmbH (Austria), he held the position of Managing Director, Staff Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Vneshtorgbank.
  • Since November 2002 he has been the Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank.

10. Ruben Aganbegyan

Position: Chairman of the Management Board, General Director of Otkritie Holding OJSC

Age: 44

Remuneration assessment: $ 6 million

  • Aganbegyan was born on February 14, 1972 in Novosibirsk.
  • 2003 to 2010 served as head of the Russian branch of the investment company Renaissance Capital.
  • 2010 to 2012 headed the Moscow Exchange.
  • Since 2012, he has been the Chairman of the Management Board, General Director of Otkritie Holding OJSC.
  • Owns 7.96% of Otkritie Holding shares. The package price is $ 267 million, as of October 20, 2016.

11. Jean-Yves Charlier

Position: CEO of Vimpelcom Ltd

Age: 52

Remuneration assessment: $ 5.7 million

12. Maxim Sokov

Position: CEO En +

Age: 37 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 5 million

13. Alexey Marey

Position: Chief Executive Officer of Alfa-Bank

Age: 39 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 4.5 million

14. Gulzhan Moldazhanova

Position: CEO of Basic Element

Age: 50 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 4 million

15. Alexander Dyukov

Position :

CEO of Gazprom Neft

Age: 48 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 3.8 million

16. Nail Maganov

Position: General Director of TATNEFT

Age: 58 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 3.6 million

17. Pavel Grachev

Position: General Director of PJSC Polyus

Age: 43

Remuneration assessment: $ 3.5 million

18. Boris Kovalchuk

Position: Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO

Age: 38 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 3.5 million

19.Andrey Varichev

Position: CEO of Metalloinvest Management Company

Age: 48 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 3.4 million

20. Alexey Moskov

Position: Chairman of the Board of Renova Group of Companies

Age: 45 years old

Remuneration assessment: $ 3 million

Position: President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank

Age: 60 years old

VTB President and Chairman of the Board Andrey Kostin was out of the rating: Forbes did not name the amount of his remuneration, explaining that VTB Group did not provide data on key managers to which the total remuneration for 2015 is distributed in the amount of RUB 6.1 billion. A year earlier, Forbes estimated the total compensation of Kostin at $ 21 million, the state banker ranked second.

How much do top managers earn in retail Angelica Tikhonova 2018-08-01 http: //site/upload/resize_cache/iblock/2ae/2560_1200_1/2ae74d25975ccf0758c98ee698bf94dc.jpg

Over the past couple of years, it has become more difficult for top managers to make money in retail. Moreover, their income is highly dependent on geography. For example, the earnings of the CEO of a network range from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles per month or more.

Top positions in retail include positions that directly affect key indicators retail, recalls Inna Egorova, head of the company "TOP-Recruiting". Alexey Dvornik, Managing Partner of HR Solutions, adds that top-level managers determine the company's development strategy and form an operating model, as well as a system of indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the model being implemented. Ilya Potapenko, partner of the recruiting company Odgers Berndtson, clarifies that we are talking about the CEO (or CEO) and the management line below him: commercial director, Director of Operations, Development (Real Estate), Marketing, Finance, Strategy, HR, IT, Logistics, Legal Support, Security. “In large companies, directors for own production, on working with big data and others, ”he lists. “The structures of companies in retail are not often repeated, so the titles of positions and their systemic arrangement may differ somewhat,” recalls Aleksey Dvornik.

Figuring out how much top executives earn on average by researching job openings is not easy. “The spread can be very large,” explains Natalya Danina, director of the analytical business solutions department at HeadHunter. - There are many factors to consider, including the size and turnover of the company, specialization, and more. In open vacancies, specific amounts are often not prescribed at all, and the issue of compensation is discussed individually with successful candidates. Since a significant share in the salary of the same sales director is variable, the level of earnings announced in job offers may not reflect the real income of the manager. "

Complicating the calculation and the specifics of doing business in Western and Russian companies. In Western companies, as a rule, they strictly adhere to the budget framework, that is, the amount of remuneration is the same for any worthy candidate, in domestic companies, a good candidate can be offered special conditions says Ekaterina Petrova, head of the recruiting consultants group at ANCOR Consumer Goods (ANCOR recruitment holding). Tops with successful experience in solving specific problems can be offered a salary that is even 2 times higher than the current one, she specifies. Westerners practically do not do that.
“There is practically no clear system of motivation and promotion in Russian companies. Don't forget to add bureaucracy and undercover games to that. At the same time, it is fair to say that retail is one of the most advanced and technologically advanced industries in Russia, perhaps after telecom, ”says Arina Egorova, co-founder of the Topexpert expert search marketplace.

Alexey Dvornik agrees: the salary of a top manager is influenced by his previous achievements, reputation, and the rest is determined by the range of tasks and capabilities of the company that invites the manager. In general, according to him, the role of the personal brand in retail is especially strongly felt. “Since everything in retail happens in plain sight, the top manager who, even subjectively, achieved the set objectives and brought the employing company to the agreed level of performance, may be more interesting to the market than the less well-known top. And the employer will more willingly fulfill his expectations regarding the compensation package, ”says Aleksey Dvornik. “A personal brand is certainly important, and it is formed mainly through specific professional achievements, - supports colleague Ilya Potapenko. - Look at the recent top swap in the two largest market players (talking about personnel changes in X5 Retail Group and Magnet in the spring and summer of 2018. - Ed.). Apparently hiring a CEO with a prominent last name (and powerful personal brand) is more expensive. But this director also sets great expectations. "

What does income consist of?
According to Ekaterina Petrova, the top income is usually formed from a fixed part and a variable. “A variable is tied to a KPI,” she explains. - Each leader can have their own indicators. For example, for the commercial department - this is the balance of goods, for the head of the sales department - reaching the sales plan ”. According to her, in some companies the number of indicators can reach 10, but these cases are rather isolated. Usually they do not exceed four. Tasks are set for a year, and, accordingly, a bonus is paid for the same time. “We are talking about at least 25% of the annual salary,” says Ekaterina Petrova. - The bonus can be paid at the end of six months. I am not familiar with the practice of payments based on the results of the quarter, it is very, very rare ”.

According to Ilya Potapenko, in the largest companies in the industry, annual bonuses can go up to 100% of the fixed part. “The main feature, in my opinion, is LTI (long term incentive program, long-term incentive program) - usually such programs are tied to the achievement of a super task, such as market leadership, and amount to millions, and sometimes tens of millions of dollars,” the expert explains.

In many companies, executives are additionally compensated for the costs of mobile communication, for medical care, for the use of a car, etc. In the general structure of income, salary can be 50%, salary increments - 30%, quarterly and annual bonuses - 10% each, says Inna Kuznetsova, head a separate subdivision Coleman Services in Yekaterinburg.

Different money
According to the data of the project of the ANT-Management company, it can be seen that the top incomes differ significantly depending on the region.

Top managers' income in retail
based on the results of the first half of 2018, rubles per month after taxes

Natalia Danina says that the difference can reach 40-50%. “So, the biggest salary in the first half of the year on was offered to the general director of the federal retail company- 2 million rubles, and the income consisted of a fixed salary and key KPI's (EBITDA, ROI), - the expert cites the figures. - In Yekaterinburg in the conditional rating salaries vacancy was in the lead CFO who could count on income from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles; in Kazan - General Director with a salary of 250 thousand rubles; in Rostov-on-Don, the position of sales director was closed with the indicated remuneration in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. "

The low incomes of the top companies in comparison with the capital, for example, in the Siberian Federal District, Elena Telichko, head of a separate subdivision of Coleman Services in Novosibirsk, explains the level of retail development in the region. “According to statistics, the highest concentration of supermarkets is in Moscow - 49.8% and St. Petersburg - 41.3%. Retail in Siberia, which is Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, with 24.7% and 18.3%, respectively, is at an average level of development, says Elena Telichko. - Up to 80% of companies in the Siberian Federal District are experiencing personnel shortages today. There is little competition and it affects income. " Nevertheless, according to her, there is a movement of federal networks to the east. Large retail chains open in the region distribution centers, buy up local retail chains creating a large number of jobs. “Specialists who develop the so-called smart shopping, or off-price, are popular among employers,” says Elena Telichko. - Recently, a representative of such a retail in the Russian Federation - the federal network Familia posted announcements about the recruitment of heads of divisions and regions, store directors and their deputies, buyers, purchasing specialists, financial managers, hall workers, cashiers ". Which gives hope for increased competition and higher incomes.

“Undoubtedly, the federal level implies more responsibility and specificity, accordingly, the income of top managers of federal companies is higher, - explains the difference in the income of the capital and regional top managers Alexey Dvornik. - Federal companies use a modern structured approach to the incentive system. Often, top bonuses are tied to turnover or EBITDA, instruments such as options and other approaches can be used. Regional specificity is often reflected in the personality of the owner: how much he / she / they are willing to pay for the work of the top and are advanced in matters of motivating their employees. The opportunity to get a share in a business, in my opinion, is higher in regional retail than in a federal company. "

Ilya Potapenko agrees that in general, incomes are higher in Moscow and St. Petersburg. “I think that the regionals do not receive huge bonuses,” he clarifies. - But it seems to me that it makes sense to look at the scale of the company, rather than at its belonging to a particular region. There is a well-known retail company in the south of the country that pays not less, but for most positions and more than Moscow ones. "

Over the past few years, the income of top managers in retail has not changed much, experts say. “In the last 3-4 years, I have not noticed a dramatic change in the structure of compensation,” says Ilya Potapenko. Ekaterina Petrova believes that due to the difficult economic situation that began in 2014, the level of income today is stagnating. True, this has its advantages. “On the one hand, the labor market in the retail sector is“ marking time, ”on the other hand, there is a move away from the overheating of top incomes, which was until 2014, and the achievement of a balance between supply and demand," Ekaterina is sure.

Aleksey Dvornik supports colleagues in the fact that there have been no significant changes. “After the introduction of sanctions, grocery retailers were faced with the fact that the number of SKUs on the sales floor decreased, as Russian manufacturers cannot provide full replacements for many items from overseas. This situation has prompted many retailers to implement organizational changes. sales areas in order not to scare away and attract the consumer. Many retailers, faced with the current economic situation, have cut their rental costs by entering into a direct and serious dialogue with landlords. Shareholders and owners of retail companies in this moment we are interested not in saving on compensation packages for top managers, but rather in their business continuing to develop or keeping up to date, ”says Aleksey Dvornik.

Another thing is that it has become more difficult for top managers to make money. According to Natalia Danina, in the pursuit of increasing business efficiency and labor productivity, many companies complicate incentive schemes.

There is a growing tendency to use an end-to-end motivation system, when a top manager and all his subordinates have the same indicator to which the bonus is tied, only the area of ​​responsibility changes, for example, sales in Russia - sales in the federal district - sales in the city - sales in bush of stores - sales of one store, specifies Inna Egorova.
“Tops began to focus primarily on annual bonuses,” she says. - V large networks they account for 80 to 100% of the annual income. And people are ready to wait, but get a large sum right away. "

“It has become more difficult to achieve the indicators required by the owners,” sums up Ekaterina Petrova. But, according to Arina Egorova, retail is an industry in which you can move anywhere: to the automotive industry (to dealers), to real estate (to create new products there), to pharmaceuticals, media, IT, etc. “And this is not only about traditionally cross-industrial functions such as finance, HR, legal. I also mean sales and marketing. The last two functions are, in my experience, the most specific, and moving marketers and salespeople from industry to industry is much more difficult, ”she says.

Reading time 12 minutes

Famous managers of the world, who are they? Thanks to what have you succeeded, achieved incredible success? In the article, we will study the experience of great managers, we will look for the secrets of success, adopt the strategies and tactics of the best managers in the world. Any organization, business develops thanks to the human factor - cadres decide everything, there may be a great idea, but it is important to be able to implement it, create a team, and lead.

This is why one of the main skills of any leader is communication. If you understand the deep motives of people and are able to read their emotions, then it is easy for you to build effective communication.

Top 7 great managers of our time

The simplest and most effective development method is to use the experience of people who are successful in business: what unites them, what are the principles of life, management work? Consider the most effective managers according to INSEAD experts:

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs- one of the founders and CEO Apple... Thanks to his management, the return on shares exceeded three thousand percent, and the capitalization exceeded one hundred and fifty billion US dollars. Steve worked at the company from 76th to 85th years, but due to internal disputes, he left the company for 15 years and returned to 96th, which helped him to revive the company, regain market leadership and create a series of popular products - iMac. iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad

Steve Jobs' core principles:

  • To put lofty goals- to understand what you want to spend your life on: "pouring soda or changing the world?"
  • Paying attention to design - in Jobs's understanding, design is not only appearance, but also the device, ease of use, harmony of the product. It is worth striving for perfection, balance of beauty and comfort in use.
  • Maintain greatness in every detail - Steve believed that there are no trifles, unimportant details, everything must be of a high level, meet high quality standards.
  • Presence of taste - for a product to be successful on the market, its creators must have taste, be able to create a beautiful and convenient thing, and not a parody from comics, it is worth developing an aesthetic perception of the world, striving for beauty.
  • Love for work - a person who loves his job, is ready to put his soul into it, create something new and make a breakthrough in his field, therefore it is important to find his own realization or to love his life's work. Any company can be mediocre and not please people or transform into a masterpiece, a temple, bring light and beauty to people. Always work to your maximum.
  • Innovation is the path to success - in today's fast-paced world, it is important to find opportunities for development, create new products, look into the future, whoever is faster oriented and finds ideas succeeds. And financial management must be reliable and calculate everything in advance, not playing roulette with fate.
  • Focusing on the best - Steve's feature is his ability to predict, create a market, he learned to exceed customer expectations, so he focused not on demand, but on forecast, building the future. It's really his talent to look ahead, create incredible products, surprise consumers.

Well-known world managers always act to stay ahead of the market and consumer demand, create fashion and the popularity of new products.

Yoon Chen Yong

Yoon Chen Yong- successful manager, CEO Samsung Electronics. What helped him increase the profitability of the company by one thousand four hundred percent? How did you achieve new successes and prosperity?

Yun Chen developed a four-point development plan for the company:

  • The introduction of new rules - strict economy, getting rid of unprofitable units, reducing unnecessary expenses by thirty percent in general.
  • Dismissing old devices, developing new products, bringing in new project managers and developers, expanding the geographic composition of the workforce. The company received new young and ambitious leaders, fresh blood brought new ideas. Development of a new laptop and smart phone started.
  • Development and inculcation of new corporate values. It was possible to achieve maximum cooperation between the divisions, keywords steel - "digit", "convergence". There were changes in the company's image, the desire for world fame made special demands - the sale of products only through elite stores, and not supermarkets, and participation as a sponsor in the Olympics also increased the prestige of Samsung.
  • The final, stabilizing stage - Yun Chen inhaled new life into the company, competitive products appeared and new sales markets opened. The company's production is represented in fourteen countries, and two-thirds of the income comes from other countries.

The Samsung director's management rules are to always strive for market leadership, rejection of compromises and stereotypes, company development, introduction of new technologies, innovative products.

Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller- the head of the company "Gazprom", which provided her with world fame and the growth of income from shares by two thousand percent or one hundred billion dollars. There are also successful companies on the territory of the post-Soviet space.

What are the differences between management and Alexey Miller:

  • excellent organization of all processes - continuous fuel supply, "Gazprom" is a reliable gas supplier respected all over the world;
  • development of the company - the enterprise does not stand still, new ones are constantly being built gas pipelines, exploration and search for gas deposits, as well as work on the development of liquefied gas are carried out;
  • focus on the western market - Alexey Miller is betting on popularizing the company on the world market, now gas supplies are being made to Europe, and work is underway with Asian countries, such as potential consumers, a gas pipeline to Turkey is also being built;
  • corporate culture of the company - the director of Gazprom pays great attention employees - a high level of remuneration, social benefits, health promotion, physical health improvement (their own sports teams).

The main credo is constant development and increasing turnover, striving for the best quality and high profitability of the enterprise.

Well-known managers of the world never stand still.

John Chambers

John Chambers- became a famous manager, heading a computer company Cisco Systems, which produces equipment for the Internet. For a period of 5 years (91-95), he managed to increase the profitability of the company six times, amounting to seven and a half billion US dollars. Occupied leadership position for twenty years, contributed to the success and development of the company.

Features of Governance Policy from John Chambers:

  • Staying ahead of competitors - the manager has always tried to introduce modern technologies in the work of the company, for example, holding virtual meetings, has reduced the cost of travel. The use of modern advances in production.
  • Emphasis on collaboration - in team management, John Chambers abandoned team methods, preferring joint activities, education and development of employees. Skillful personnel management has saved about six hundred and ninety thousand dollars, increasing productivity by five percent. The company has become an innovator and legislator in advancing teamwork, which other organizations have adopted as well.
  • Careful selection of personnel - forming a team of professionals - is one of the main tasks of a manager. John announced a talent search, recruiters were constantly looking for the best of the best, and to keep staff motivated, they created an employee recall program. The invitees were called real employees and talked about the benefits of working for Cisco Systems.
  • Employee development - the manager understood that in order to increase the potential of employees, it is important for them to expand the range of responsibilities, and for managers to learn to delegate, people should not be limited to some functions.
  • Leadership is possible at any time - the main task of the company is to look for ways to stay among the best, even during periods of market downturns, to find special approaches, to move forward. You should never give up, it is important to be able to adapt, to break away from others, to find a way out, advantages. This important principle for managers and their teams.

Famous world managers know that a true leader helps people feel confident in tomorrow and stimulates speed, development. Fast reactions to changes ensure the company's success.

Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani- is considered the most successful and richest businessman in India (fortune - $ 50 billion), heads the company Reliance Industries Ltd., which he inherited from his father. Mukesh is well versed in economic issues, has become an excellent leader and manager, contributes to the further prosperity of the empire. Interestingly, the network of companies (oil refining, textile, trading) was created by his father from scratch, he comes from a simple and poor family.

What are the features of Mukesh Ambani's strategy:

  • Focus on diversification - continued his father's beginnings, investing in promising areas related to innovation and scientific achievements. Mukesh has merged Indian oil refineries into the world's largest petrochemical holding, specializing in oil production, polymer and textile production.
  • Starting new businesses - having cheap work force allowed the businessman to build fifty-one new enterprises, using exclusively the latest developments and achievements of science and technology in production.
  • Growth in profitability - The profitability of Reliance Industries Ltd is twenty-three billion dollars, the largest enterprise in India and has a great impact on the country's economy. Further development planned for trade - a network of large retail stores is being built.
    The achievement of Mukesh Ambani - he managed to preserve and increase the fortune inherited from his father, not every person knows how to skillfully manage finances, often the inheritance goes downwind, and, after a while, ruin comes. Mukesh's father prepared his sons well for managing the company, now they have divided the property, both are the wealthiest in India and leaders according to Forbes statistics.

John Martin

John Martin- a renowned manager, director of Gilead Sciences, a biotechnology company. The growth in profitability of the company has provided a drug against hepatitis C, which was previously considered incurable, now a 12-week course is enough using the antiviral drug Sovaldi. Gilead Sciences has become a market leader under the leadership of John Martin. What actions led to success?

  • Successful investment - Acquisition of Pharmasset Inc., which developed Sovaldi. The investment cost was about $ 11 billion. It was a risk, because the company was not known and was valued on the stock exchange much lower - two hundred million dollars. USA.
  • Gaining Leadership - Gilead Sciences gains leadership, as it has special rights to distribute the drug, competitors have suspended research due to side effects, and new similar drugs have not been launched.
  • Successful advertising campaign - stories of incredible healing appeared, moreover, from the lips of celebrities (Pamela Andersen and other actors). Famous personalities and their firsthand stories always inspire confidence.
  • Market monopoly - the emergence of a new drug provided a huge increase in the company's profitability, together with Harvoni and Epclusa (drugs of a similar action), sales volumes exceeded ten billion dollars. in the 14th year and nineteen billion in the 15th. Number of buyers from different countries the world has exceeded one million people.
  • Low cost of the product - the cost of the drug is 1 thousand dollars. at a cost of one hundred dollars. That provides high profitability. The company was attacked for a high price, but in the absence of competition and the need for development, it maintained the level of value and received high sales. In the future, it may decrease, and similar drugs appear on the market, which are more affordable for customers. Idea - innovators always have the opportunity to receive super profits.
    Well-known world managers find new niches and markets for sales, look for areas where there is demand, but there is a lack of supply, develop technologies in all areas of activity - medicine, computer inventions, industry.

Creator and Director of Amazon. This man achieved incredible success, his capital was ninety and a half billion dollars and exceeded Bill Gates' indicators by five hundred million, now he is the richest in the world. What was the path to success that drove the growth of the business?

  • Curiosity - Jeff was always curious, delved into the essence and structure of things, he combines an excellent programmer, technologist and innovator, a creative person.
  • A good idea for a business - in 1995 he dawned on the idea of ​​creating an online bookstore, at that time they were not widespread, and online trading was in its early stages. He found a professional website builder and jointly developed an online store project.
  • Innovation - Jeff introduced new ideas: one-click purchase, customer testimonials, order confirmation via email... His task was to create a convenient and attractive service for clients.
  • Special values ​​of the company - the well-known manager has identified six key principles for his business: loyalty to the client, the right to property, activity in work, reasonable costs (cost savings), high criteria for employees, the search for new and constant development.
  • Expanding the list of goods and services - Jeff Bezons did not stop at selling books, he continued to develop the store in other market segments - selling discs, toys, electronic equipment. Today - is one of the largest online stores in the world, and the leader (Jeff Bezons) received the “Person of the Year” award in 1999 for rapid growth and implementation of new approaches in business.
  • Continued development - Jeff never stops there, looks for new opportunities, areas for business expansion, gets great pleasure from implementation own projects, with childish enthusiasm and spontaneity goes forward, counting, however, every move.
  • Striving to minimize cost - a successful manager has always focused on a large volume of consumers and the massive scale of purchases on the Internet. I tried to work to reduce the cost, not increase, like market monopolists.

Additional activities of Amazon:

  • acquisition and use of a huge database (films, actors, video games);
  • the search engine Alexa Internet, which is also a database of various sites;
  • created its own search engine, name - A9, the main objective- helping people find products among online stores;
  • sale of sporting goods, over three thousand brands are represented;
  • the company acquired a large Chinese online store, expanding its influence in the Asian market;
  • computer rental services for computing clouds, managers see the prospect of developing these services and increasing profitability;
  • to developments and popular products the company also includes an e-book Amazon Kindle, which allows you to download books on the Internet and read the literature of interest at any time.
    Jeff Bezons made popular e-books and reading in the modern world, saw new opportunities in the constantly growing audience of the Internet, was able to effectively implement own ideas and assigned tasks. He is called "the best manager of our time", and many expressions have become winged. It is worth learning from such leaders.

How to Become a Good Manager?

Well-known world managers help to look at the world differently, to find the secrets of the success of the company and individuals. What successful managers have in common:

  1. Thinking outside the box- the ability to see the prospects for the future ahead of others, to predict, to create a market.
  2. Creativity, creativity - create unusual and fascinating products that arouse particular interest and demand from consumers.
  3. Customer orientation- a successful top manager creates services and products focusing on the needs of the client, rather than pursuing competitors. Working for the client is always more efficient, and first-class service is a guarantee of success in any market segment.
  4. Continuous development- famous world managers are in constant development, strive for innovations, gaining knowledge, plan to expand the business, improve it. Development and transformation help large companies to be among the market leaders for a long time.
  5. Having intuition- Great managers often make quick decisions, relying on experience and intuition, which is highly developed, there is an inner confidence that helps to choose the right direction of development and movement.
  6. Organizational skills, leadership- top managers of companies know how to motivate people, create a special corporate culture helping employees to work and realize their potential, and leadership is the key to success in any business. A charismatic and confident leader is able to inspire the team to new achievements.
  7. Staff recruitment- well-known managers pay great attention to the formation of the team, the selection of employees that meet the requirements of the company, and service standards. At the same time, they create the best conditions for development, effective work. Cadres are everything.
  8. Set high ambitious goals- successful managers always plan their activities for several years ahead, ideally for 5-15 years, understand the short-term and long-term tasks of the business. They set incredible bar for the average person and reach them, stimulating employees to achieve results, instilling confidence.

Management tasks

The managerial activity of the head is associated with the effective organization of the labor process in the company, the main tasks management activities:

  • Planning and development strategy of the company.
  • Setting tactical and strategic goals.
  • Definition of tasks in relation to departments, individual employees.
  • Motivation of subordinates to perform the necessary tasks.
  • Distribution and delegation of functions.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of established goals and tasks.
  • Analysis of the results of activities.

The concept of managerial activity can be defined as an activity associated with the need to organize other people to achieve their goals. The content of management activities is associated with the actions of the manager in relation to the team or employee to motivate them to complete the assigned tasks, as well as information processing, management decisions.

Well-known world managers are mainly of foreign origin, although there are many successful companies and worthy managers on the territory of the post-Soviet space. To obtain domestic management experience, the book “General Director. 17 rules of positive management in Russian ”Vladimir Mozhenkov, who organized the largest dealership of Audi with billions of dollars in turnover in the Russian Federation.

How to Become a Good Manager? Use the experience of famous world managers, set high goals, boldly go forward, stimulate employees to complete tasks, constantly develop!

We wish you all success in your management activities and in any endeavors!

It will be interesting for you!

At a press conference dedicated to the release of the 19th rating "TOP-1000 Russian Managers", members of the Association of Managers and representatives of Russian business exchanged views on what the Top Manager of 2018 should be like. What qualities and competencies he should have. One of the most important trends is that a modern company leader is not necessarily a man.

On September 25, 2018, a press conference was held dedicated to the release of the XIX rating "TOP-1000 Russian Managers" by the Association of Managers and Publishing House "Kommersant".

The speakers, among whom are the winners of the rating, led by moderator Petr Lidov-Petrovsky, director of the Communications and Public Relations Directorate of the Russia Today MIA, discussed who is the top manager of the 2018 model, what challenges he faces, depending on the segment market of his company, what competencies should help him solve complex management tasks and other questions.

Welcoming speech was made by Dmitry Zelenin, Founding President of the Association of Managers, highlighting the specifics of the XIX rating - a change in the methodology for forming a list of business leaders, a stable presence foreign companies despite the sanctions.

Vyacheslav Evseev, Executive Director of the Association of Managers, drew the touches to the portrait of a top manager in 2018.

In particular, 51% of top managers have one higher education, 11% are candidates or doctors of science, 76% of managers are married. An important trend - from 2014 to 2018, the number of female top managers increased from one third to almost half. Another trend is that there is a profession that is more "male" and more "female", such as the director of corporate and public relations, director of personnel and director of marketing. At the same time, a third of women believe that they are subject to more stringent requirements in business than men.

The topic of women's leadership was continued Raisa Polyakova, CEO of KFC for Russia and the CIS: “It is gratifying to see the annual increase in the number of women among the winners of the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating: this year, almost half of the participants - 48% - are women. However, the issue of gender imbalance in senior positions is still relevant. In the Top 250 Top Executives, women make up only 14%, which confirms the importance of working to develop women's leadership. This year we created the Committee on Women's Leadership in the Association of Managers, the main task of which is to help women develop leadership competencies, combat gender stereotypes, and improve the working infrastructure. I am confident that our joint efforts will stimulate the massive development of women's leadership in Russian business and more and more female names will appear in the annual ranking of the Association of Managers. "

Valery Fedorov, General Director of VTsIOM, cited the results of a survey of whom Russians consider a top manager and how, in their opinion, one can achieve success in this position. The absolute majority of Russians - 94% - have heard the word "top manager", but among them only 41% know its meaning. Literacy, education, competence are the main qualities of a top manager, according to our fellow citizens. Every second respondent - 49% - believes that only a person who has a certain set of qualities from birth can become a top manager.

Oleg Ananyev, executive director of the Russia Segodnya MIA, presented the results of the joint project of the Association of Managers and AEI PRIME "Business gurus are responsible".

The opinions of the project participants - top managers from various market segments - were divided in half when asked about the need to increase or decrease the state's share in business.

“Almost all the participants in the project answered that in the current economic situation, first of all, stability is needed. tax system", - Ananyev summed up the opinion of the top on the issue and drew a parallel with the opinion of the leading economists of Russia who hold the same opinion.

“According to research by the World Economic Forum, by 2020, 7.1 million jobs associated with the performance of routine duties may disappear. However, I would not talk about complete disappearance. Freeing up human resources from routine operations makes it possible to direct them to more intelligent and complex tasks. And here it is appropriate to talk about the positive impact of robotization and improving the quality and efficiency of work processes. Thus, the management work at the highest level will remain, while the simple and routine functions of the lower level will be automated. First of all, top managers who want to be in trend will have to prepare for the upcoming transformation - to have a clear idea of ​​how people can work in tandem with robots. And secondly, it is necessary to think over a strategy for the implementation of such transformations. There is also good news: you need to understand that any company that simply replaces people with machines to manage its systems faces the risk of losing knowledge of how these systems work, ”commented Alexander Ivlev, EY CIS Managing Partner.

Alexey Shapovalov, Vice President for Strategic Marketing, Prosveshchenie Group of Companies, spoke about the features of the status and functionality of the media manager. In particular, he noted: "Enlightenment" from the largest publishing house in Russia is being transformed into a group of companies that combines the resources of society, the state and business to achieve outstanding educational outcomes... An effective top manager of a company of this level has not only outstanding professional competencies, but they also understand the importance of the social mission that the brand carries. "

Marina Mironova, HR Director, Veles Capital Group of Companies, To competitive advantages top managers in investment business attributed: analytics as the basis for decision-making, including multi-scenario, project approach, strategy, as well as a focus on the person - team building and personalization.

Alexander Chub, President of the Russian Towers group of companies, focused the audience's attention on the role of a top manager in the new realities: “In the digital economy, the role of“ digital competencies ”is increasing - tracking new digital solutions and introducing them into their traditional areas, increasing the rate of change, increasing adaptability and mobility. But, despite the rapidly changing world and the demands of the time, the knowledge, experience and responsibility of managers for the results of their work remain the most important components of success. And also concepts business ethics and social responsibility become the fundamental principles of the top manager's work. Adherence to ethical standards of doing business, personal decency, informational openness largely determine the successful future of a top manager and companies. "

Alla Kanunnikova, Member of the Management Board, Director for commercial activities and marketing of Medsi Group of Companies JSC:

“We are in the midst of transforming the national healthcare system in Russia and building a new model that is adequate to the modern challenges of society. For more than 20 years, industry leaders, large private clinics, have been promoting the implementation of the world's best medical practices and improving the quality of delivery medical services in the country.

To improve the issues of providing quality medical care, in order to continue the process of investing in advanced medical technologies and introducing new methods of treatment, medicine needs highly qualified doctors and competent managers who can build an effective system of interaction with the state, investors, funds, and can bring the culture of relations between doctors and patients into a new orbit. Over the past 3 years, the growth rate of the commercial medicine market in the Russian Federation has been at the level of 8%, the same indicator for Medsi - 19%. In the coming years, analysts predict continued growth in this market segment. This is a real challenge to the professional management community, confirming the need for recognition, including on the rating platform, as an independent category, of those best managers who are moving the medical industry forward today. "

General media partner: MIA "Russia Today"

Strategic media partner: AEI "PRIME"

Information Partners: Moscow Media,, AKIT, AKPP, Pro business, Silver Archer, BOSS, New Retail,

"National Confederation" Development of Human Capital ", Finversia,, Scientific and Industrial Association of Valve Manufacturers, Rosspetsmash,, RID

The Managers Association is one of the leading business associations in Russia. The activities of the Association of Managers are aimed at the professional development of the community of managers, the transition to socially responsible business standards, and integration into the global economy. The Managers Association was founded in 1999. Over the years, the Association has established itself as an independent expert platform for developing a consolidated position of business on the most acute social and professional challenges facing the leadership of large Russian enterprises, society and the government.