Amazon kindle 4 specifications. Amazon Kindle e-reader

What did not like

Gray screen - that's the designer's hands off! Well, how could such a thing come to mind - to darken the screen for design? There are two books with Perl screen and one with Vizplex at home. On both books, not an Amazon (I won’t name the manufacturers, so they wouldn’t be considered PR), the screen is much lighter and more readable than that of Amazon. Well, it’s really a shame, the designers botched such a book ...

What did you like

Lightweight - Convenient flip keys - Small - Good build quality

What did not like

I came across a defective sample of the Kindle (3G Touch): the device is not able to receive books through the standard method of uploading them - via e-mail.
Several specialists have registered and unregistered the device several times - all in vain - Kindle cannot receive the text.
There are many texts about Kindles on the Internet - hours have been spent studying the problem.

What did you like

What did not like

gray screen. does not support most formats. no hyphenation. wide margins. very small screen (7-8 would be desirable) no Russian language. everything is very critical. litas (without hyphens and with errors)

What did you like

there is nothing better

What did not like

1. The screen is gray (Perl.) - it's still not e-link
2. The Stone Age in terms of format support, even Sony is just super convenient compared to it.
3. No folder support (not displayed)

What did you like

Slim, Lightweight, standard USB connector.

What did not like

I noticed that it's buggy when turning pages back - it gets a few pages ahead and it's not clear where. You have to find where you left off. I did not find how to rename books in the menu, it turned out only with the help of a computer. WiFi constantly needs to be cut down, because it is always on. Screensavers are still annoying on the screen.

What did you like

Haven't found it yet.

What did not like

What did you like

Build quality, thoughtful controls.

What did not like

awkward format (for some)

What did you like

Price Quality Performance

What did not like

What did you like

Comfort, build quality

What did not like

VERY fragile screen. I wore it in an inner pocket, in a case - it lasted for six months, at one fine moment after turning on only half of the screen remained active, the second died (

What did you like

Ideal reader, everything is in place, BUT (see disadvantages)

What did not like

Not detected

What did you like

order number 14651. Lightweight, compact, excellent battery life, non-irritating screen.

What did not like

It's too easy :)
Expensive backlit branded cover
Small battery - with frequent use, 1 week is not enough.
The need to send to America when replacing the screen

What did you like

Price, screen, speed, lightness, Wi-Fi, Amazon warranty - sent a new one!

What did not like

No guarantee!!!

What did you like

Good screen; -price;

What did not like

It is inconvenient to hold with one hand, only with two. I like to read while eating, in transport both hands are not always free, so for me this is a fat minus.
- Few supported formats. Of the four copied books of different formats for testing, I opened only .txt. I have a big e-library in different formats, conversion is a hassle.
- No good old folder system. Multilevel sorting of books by authors, series is not possible. All in one pile.
- The presence of a slot for a card would expand the possibilities of memory and make it easier for me to load books. Messing with wires or e-mail forwarding is not always a hunt.

Traditional autumn update model range Amazon gave users not only the Fire Android tablet, but also two completely new e-ink readers - the Kindle Touch with an optional 3G module and the ultra-budget Kindle 4, which is available in the US for a ridiculous $79.

Amazon Kindle 4

Electronic book

Minimum cost, e-ink Pearl screen, thin and light body without a hardware keyboard, convenient dual keys for scrolling, Amazon services for buying and delivering content

Small battery capacity, no audio player, memory expansion cards and memory included


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the price of the Amazon Kindle 4 is its main advantage. From a hardware point of view, this is a fairly ordinary 6-inch reader, equipped with the same 6-inch e-ink Pearl screen as the previous generation of readers from Amazon. Moreover, compared to the Kindle 3, the novelty has lost the ability to play audio files and does not have a 3G version, and these are far from all the functional limitations to which it has been subjected.

But almost all claims against it fade into the background against the backdrop of frankly dumping costs. While major competitors continue to throw "hot" deals in the $200 region onto the market, Amazon breaks through the $100 psychological bar with three models at once: Kindle 4 ($79), Kindle Touch ($99) and Kindle Keyboard ($99). We emphasize that officially this cost is available only for US residents who receive a thirty-dollar discount for viewing ads. Subsidized versions of readers are not supplied to other countries, which means that the selling price (excluding shipping) of the Kindle 4 for everyone else will be $109, while the Touch and Keyboard will cost the same $139.

However, it is unlikely that something will prevent domestic sellers from setting up gray deliveries of advertising versions of the reader, which means that the real price for Amazon Kindle 4 in our online stores will be calculated using the formula $79 + margin = $100…$130. Buying a device for more than $130 does not make sense, since any resident of Ukraine with a credit card in his pocket will be able to officially order a full-fledged reader without an advertising module for the same money ($109 + $20 shipping). It is also unlikely that anyone will sell it much cheaper than $ 100, at least at the beginning of sales, but it is quite possible to reach this milestone in the face of fierce competition. So it looks like the two-year-old dream of a $100 e-ink reader will become a reality by the new year 2012.

At a price of $130 on the Ukrainian market, there is simply no one to compete with the new product, the nearest 6-inch e-ink reader costs $160 and this is ... Amazon Kindle 3 (by the way, some sellers successfully sell its subsidized version, which they offer "only" for $135). Only Barnes & Noble NOOK The Simple Touch Reader, which costs at least $190, can somehow influence the situation, which will compete more with the Amazon Kindle Touch (which, again, is officially delivered to us for only $160). Sony has lost its only chance to stand out from the crowd, depriving its new line of readers of stylish metal cases and setting an inadequate price tag by today's standards.

The gap from the rest of the "persecutors" is so great that it is time for some companies to think about changing the scope of their activities. In the scenario described above, it simply does not make sense to purchase a Chinese or domestic reader, support for the FB2 format and a calculator with chess is simply not worth it, not to mention the fact that only a few solutions on e-ink Pearl in the second echelon have so far been offered.

Scope of delivery, design

Amazon Kindle 4 comes in a thin box made of recycled cardboard, where, in addition to the device itself, you will only find an ultra-concise manual card and a 1.8 m micro-USB cable. The charger and cover, if you need them of course, will have to be paid separately - the first one costs $10 , but the cost of the cover starts from $30 for the simplest option. But you didn’t think that by offering a tasty price for the reader, Amazon would refuse to earn extra money by selling accessories, did you?

The front panel of the device is made of smooth silver-gray plastic that does not collect fingerprints. The controls are grouped in its lower part, it is a square four-way joystick with an inscribed confirmation key, as well as four buttons Back, Keyboard, Menu and Home. The sidewalls of the reader are composite, while both the upper and lower "P" are made of metal for greater rigidity. Separate both parts of the edging are four page turning keys: a long “forward” and a shorter “back”, duplicated on both sides of the case. On the bottom side there is a characteristic protrusion, which houses the power / lock screen button, micro-USB connector and activity LED. There are also two contact pads, apparently intended for a branded docking station. And finally, the non-removable back cover is made of a grippy, rough plastic that prevents accidental slipping.

Due to the rejection of the hardware QWERTY keyboard, the reader has become noticeably more compact than its predecessor, not only in length but also in width. The weight has also noticeably decreased, but the thickness has remained the same - 8.6 mm. All in all, the new Kindle looks and feels great, it's thin, light, and built with high-quality practical materials, so it's hardly worth asking for more from such a cheap device.


The interface and control logic of the device are almost completely identical to those of the Kindle 3, except that the keyboard in the novelty is called only when necessary, and is not always in front of your eyes. Navigate through the menu items and select them using a similar navigation joystick and the confirmation button. This element is located in the center of the bottom panel, thanks to the convex shape, it is easy to find by touch. In addition to the virtual keyboard call button, the user has access to three more keys, the purpose of which is well known to any user of an Android device: "Home", "Menu", "Back".

The regular power and lock screen button is a more secure and convenient alternative to the Kindle 3's slider. The indicator next to it winks green when waking from sleep mode and glows orange when charging. Annoying blinking every time you turn the page is gone. The most frequently used in the process of reading keys for turning pages are made perfectly - they are duplicated on both sides for a comfortable grip with any hand and are large enough for comfortable use. The force required for actuation is chosen well, there are no false positives when gripping the device, you can press any part of the key. By the way, the more advanced Amazon Kindle Touch does not have hardware buttons for turning, you only have to turn the pages with a stroke on the screen, which not all users will like.


The main screen contains 10 library items (9 for the subsidized version, the tenth book is replaced by a banner), for each of which the title (partially or completely, depending on its length) and the progress of the read in the form of a dotted line are displayed. By moving the joystick to the left you can delete the book from the device's memory, by moving it to the right you get access to its properties. The settings menu consists of three pages and contains standard items for Kindle readers. In the tab of experimental functions, a web-browser familiar to Kindle 3 is available, but its necessity in the absence of a 3G module is a big question.

In reading mode, a reading progress bar is available at the bottom of the screen with the percentage of text read and miniature marks at the start of new chapters. Move the joystick left/right to quickly skip to the previous/next chapter. Using the context menu, the usual navigation through the table of contents or a direct transition to a specific page of the book is also available. At the moment of switching to the reading mode, a service line pops up at the top of the screen with the title of the book, the Wi-Fi module activity indicator and the battery charge icon. At the first paging, the line disappears, however, if necessary, it can be forced by pressing the menu key, gaining additional access to the current time.

There are not too many settings for the type of text display, but they will be more than enough for an undemanding user: eight character sizes, as well as one of three types of font, line spacing and margin width. In the same settings item, you can change the text orientation by selecting one of four options that will be available not only in the book, but also in the main menu. You can also search for the contents of the book, bookmarks and notes. But there is no localized interface and hyphenation in the text for Cyrillic, if you want to get a denser layout of the text, then form books in PDF format with settings for a 6-inch reader screen. By the way, in the PDF viewing mode, there are fewer display settings, you can choose only one of five types of scaling, as well as five options for image contrast.

Functionality, operation

The functionality of the Amazon Kindle 4 is minimal, it does not support memory cards, play audio files and does not have a 3G version. At the same time, e-ink pearl quality screen, wifi module, thoughtful interface and support for Amazon services do not allow us to call it primitive.

The reader supports a set of formats typical of the Kindle line, including AZW, MOBI, PRC and the more common PDF, TXT, HTML, DOC, as well as image files. Bookshelves can be replenished using a USB connection, as well as by purchasing from an online store or sending files to a Kindle account's mailbox. At the same time, 1.35 GB of the two gigabytes of memory installed in the device are available to the user.

The capacity of the non-removable battery is only 890 mAh, which is almost half that of the Kindle 3. The CPU uses a more powerful solution with an operating frequency of 800 MHz versus 500 MHz for the previous generation, which in total should lead to a significant decrease in autonomy. By the way, do not forget to turn off the Wi-Fi module when you do not need it, so your reader can last longer on a single charge (the manufacturer promises a month of work when reading about half an hour a day).

Despite the low cost of the solution, Amazon used the best e-ink Pearl screen at the moment (the HD version has not yet become mass). Thus, the quality of displaying information (contrast and refresh rate) is completely similar to that of the Kindle 3, moreover, in the latest firmware version, the manufacturer has added a choice of page refresh mode - filling black artifacts that removes artifacts can be done after each page flip or only every sixth time.

We tested the subsidized version of the reader, so we were able to personally evaluate the intrusiveness of embedded advertising. It is shown only to registered users, so until you log in to the menu, you do not see any extra information. However, in this state, you not only do not have access to the Kindle Store (which is far from being true for all readers), but you will not be able to fully configure the reader, as well as conveniently send books to the device using a wireless network. During registration, the reader downloads a portion of advertising information, which is displayed as a screen saver (advertising images rotate in standby mode, it is impossible to disable it in the standard menu) and as a horizontal banner in the main menu. In reading mode, you see only the text of the book, there are no pop-up banners there, so it's up to you whether the ability to remove ads is worth the extra $30.

We especially note that, just like in the case of the Amazon Kindle 3, the new product is unlikely to have to wait long for special firmware from enthusiasts, which will allow you to get the missing functionality - from hyphenation in the text and assigning new operations to keys to getting rid of advertising bindings.


In summary, the Amazon Kindle 4 is a modern reader with a 6-inch e-ink Pearl screen and minimal features for those looking for a simple text reader rather than an organizer or multimedia tablet. Its main advantage is a dramatically low cost, available both for US residents and for domestic users advanced enough to buy on their own.

Amazon now has two mainstream offerings at once - the Kindle Keyboard (formerly Kindle 3) with a QWERTY keyboard and the more technologically advanced Kindle Touch with an infrared touch screen and a minimum of hardware keys. Both devices are offered for $99 subsidized and $139 full, with a $30 to $40 surcharge for the 3G module. At the same time, in the new Touch, access to the global network will be open only for content purchases in the Kindle Store, which seriously reduces the attractiveness of the 3G version.

Do you just want to read? Buy an ultra-cheap Kindle 4. Ready to pay more for media viewing and a quality IPS color screen? Order Amazon Fire. So far, no other manufacturer has such a complete line of tablet-like devices, which means that really hot days await the American company in the coming Christmas sales period.

Amazon Kindle 4 video review


Amazon Kindle
(4th generation)
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle Keyboard
(former Kindle 3)
Cost (in the USA / approximate in Ukraine) $109 (subsidized version $79) / $130 $139 (subsidized version $99) / $160
Screen 6" E-Ink Pearl (600×800 dots), 16 grayscale
Touch capabilities No infrared sensor with multi-touch support No
Memory (total/available to user) 2 GB / 1.35 GB 4 GB / 3 GB
card reader No
Connectors micro USB micro USB, 3.5 mm audio jack
Communications WiFi Wi-Fi (optional Wi-Fi + 3G for an additional $40)
Battery 890 mAh 1530 mAh
Declared autonomy 1 month of reading 30 minutes a day; 3 weeks of Wi-Fi enabled reading 2 months of reading 30 minutes a day; 6 weeks of Wi-Fi enabled reading 2 months of reading 30 minutes a day; 3 weeks of Wi-Fi enabled reading
Supported book formats AZW, TXT, PDF, MOBI, PRC (after conversion: HTML, DOC)
Supported media formats JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, AA, AAX, MP3
Dimensions and weight 166×114×8.7 mm, 170 gr 172×120×10.1 mm, 213 gr 190×123×8.5 mm, 241 gr
Additional functions browser, dictionary, social functions, screensaver, online store Kindle Store Stereo speakers, browser, dictionary, social functions, MP3 player, Read-to-Me function, screensaver
Equipment Micro-USB/USB cable Charger, micro-USB/USB cable

I recently bought a wonderful e-book from the world-famous American online store Amazon as a gift to my wife through AliExpress. The epic delivery of the reader is described here:

I must say right away that we are talking about the first Kindle 4 model of 2011 - a non-touch version with a 6-inch E-Ink Pearl display.

Sorry for the poor quality photo - because of the constantly lousy weather, the house is always dark and the pictures come out appropriate:

Review of the book and its specifications I'm not going to publish here, because. enough similar materials have accumulated on the network for several years of the existence of the described model. The purpose of this story is to write a user review and draw attention to some of the advantages and disadvantages of the reader, which are silent in the reviews.


Cool ergonomics is a definite plus of the Amazon Kindle 4 model. In terms of design, the book is almost perfect. Although it has an average screen size, it looks very compact and does not look bulky in comparison with my 5-inch PocketBook 515. Fits perfectly in a women's handbag. The frame around the screen does not visually increase the dimensions of the device (a problem with many models), but is a harmonious part of the design.

The book is thin and very light. Without a case in hand, its weight is almost not felt. The build is perfect, the buttons are comfortable and work well. For flipping, interestingly invented narrow buttons at the edges of the screen (also convenient) serve. The joystick is not designed for this, keep in mind.

In the photo - a book through a third-party application Cool Reader 3:

Reader dimensions: 166 x 114 x 8.7 mm, weight - 170 g.

Offline version

As you know, Amazon books were developed in part for reading purchased content in the store of the same name. English speaking, of course. At the same time, in your own Amazon account, you can create libraries and upload books to your reader via Wi-Fi, sending them to a specially created e-mail after registration in the domain.

Our Kindle 4 refused to register with Amazon. As it turned out, because the valiant Chinese who sold it erased (zeroed out) the serial number of the device. Why? Here opinions are divided: someone says because the book is "restored", someone even stolen. However, there is no point in being sad. In general, the Russian user does not particularly need this service. The reader performs his direct duty - reading the books thrown into the "removable media" with a bang. It’s a pity, you can only upload books via USB “wire”, via Wi-Fi the “removable disk” simply will not be displayed, although this is stupid. That's why better wifi turn it off immediately by putting the book in flight mode. Do not use the black and white Internet on it? Although, if you like the black and white world, then you are welcome - websites open in the built-in browser.

Preparation for use

Our reader did not have on board the menu of the Russian language. He opened books in Russian without problems, but searching for them without a Russian keyboard was impossible. It's not a problem. I Russified Amazon Kindle in a couple of minutes.

First you need to install Jailbreak. And then Russify the device. At the same time, it is recommended to immediately install an additional Cool Reader 3 application on it, which gives new functionality (setting fields, fonts, etc.) and the ability to open many additional formats. Initially, Kindle understands only AZW, TXT, PDF and unprotected MOBI, but after installing Cool Reader 3, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP graphic formats and the long-awaited F2B and RTF will appear (the promised DOC and DOCX also did not work for me - files in the documents folder is not visible, but saving them in RTF is not a problem).

Simple and working instructions for installing Jailbreak, Cool Reader 3, Russification, etc. with all files - .

At work: reading

In operation, the Amazon Kindle 4 e-reader is very pleasing and a real pleasure. The battery holds a charge for a very long time. In fact, we have had it in active work for 3 weeks already, but there is still about 1/3 of the charge left. The only thing is that until the book is well charged, its “removable disk” may not open at all, keep this in mind and do not be alarmed. After reading a few minutes later, colorful screensavers appear on the screen. You do not need to completely turn off the book and get rid of them - they have almost no effect on the charge.

The e-paper is very high quality. Reading is comfortable, the text does not glare. Eyes are minimally tired. The font is convenient, but if it does not suit someone, you can change it in the settings, increase or decrease it, or download new ones from the link above.

The built-in software disappointed me a little not only with low format support, but also with the lack of pagination (total/read). On I was told that the e-book does not need this numbering, because the number of pages depends on the font size, etc. I don’t care about someone else’s opinion, it’s more convenient for me for a subjective understanding of the volume of the book and the remaining time for reading it. Kindle, on the other hand, only shows the volume as a percentage (the exception is PDF). This shortcoming is eliminated by reading through Cool Reader, for example, in RTF - there is pagination there. However, the disadvantage of Cool Reader is the lack of the ability to search the book for the entered words. Stupidity, one word. At the same time, it is in the regular "reader" of the book, but ... no longer for RTF and without numbering. Go for a compromise.

Actually, the above disadvantages are all that I could cling to. How critical they are is up to you. But in the Amazon Kindle 4, everything works, perfectly done, not buggy and not stupid, as in 90% of books from other manufacturers. Using it is a pleasure.


We bought a cover for this model in Moscow. It cost us 690 rubles, artificial leather, but it doesn’t matter, everything looks great together.

The case itself is a 100% copy of the original (which costs an absurd amount), on a magnet, the book enters into the grooves in it, and part of its front panel does not close. Also, in accordance with the design, there is a hole for charging and a power button.

By the way, the case from the touch Kindle 4 to this non-touch will not work! Keep this in mind. They have different dimensions. Not all stores notify about this in their descriptions, which is a pity.

Alternatives and Conclusions

The only book I want to compare the five-year Kindle 4 veteran to is the PocketBook 515. It was given to me by my wife. After Sony (broken and sent to the trash), PocketBook is an almost problem-free and also made reader to the conscience. It doesn't need any "upgrading" at all. It supports all the formats I need out of the box, just connect it to a computer, throw books into a “removable disk” and read. Everything. Very, very rarely, a book can hang a little and the clock runs away from it (I didn’t find a clock at all in the Kindle).

Therefore, when choosing a reader from my own experience, I now recommend only these two manufacturers. And what do you prefer - the exotic from Amazon or the widespread reliable PocketBook - decide for yourself.

For such money - the reader is more than worthy. However, the model with a touch screen, which is somewhat more expensive, is also very interesting. And it is clear that in the line of cheap, but good readers, this Kindle will occupy a leading position - after all, the cheapest Sony PRS costs $150, the cheapest Nook costs $139, so this reader is still in the lead (but we remember that it, in different from above, without touch screen).

  • Amazon Kindle 4 review: an e-reader at a revolutionary price

    Even with all the markups, Amazon Kindle 4 can be bought right now for five thousand rubles. In the future it will be possible, no doubt, even cheaper. Moreover, this little money is asked for a well-executed, convenient device with an excellent screen from a well-established manufacturer. But with all the same drawbacks: the need to "chemize with formats", the lack of an official guarantee, minimal additional functionality (although who needs it).

  • Amazon Kindle e-reader review (2011)

    In any case, for a hundred bucks, but such a nice thing - I think Amazon turned out a great thing, and I can safely recommend it to you. If you are not confused by leapfrog with formats. And, let me remind you, it is better to order on your own, and not overpay for it is not clear why.

  • Overview of the new Kindle from Amazon

    I like it! For me, this is one of those devices that I want to pick up again and again, try by touch. You want to read from him, with each page enjoying the speed of his work. The new Kindle is beautiful, well thought out, neat and of high quality. I am completely satisfied with my choice. It will, of course, be interesting to twist the touch version in your hands, but I doubt that even then my opinion about the device will change much. A good choice for a low price.

  • Amazon Kindle 4 review: world's first e-ink Pearl 6-inch e-ink reader for just $79

    Amazon Kindle 4 is a modern reader with a 6-inch e-ink Pearl screen and a minimal set of features for those who are looking for a simple text reader, not an organizer or multimedia tablet. Its main advantage is a dramatically low cost, available both for US residents and for domestic users advanced enough to buy on their own.*

  • Amazon Kindle e-reader

    The conclusion is as simple as the reader himself. The Amazon Kindle is a great device. Modern, with excellent screen e-ink Pearl. One of the main advantages of the Quartet is the cost that is tragic for other manufacturers. And the minimum set of functions is suitable for those who just want to read. For those who need a little more, there is, for example, Kindle 3. In total - good, convenient, I liked it. Everything is simple. Almost like a regular paper book.

  • Kindle 4 Review: Starting Again!

    One can only envy American readers who have at their disposal an affordable Kindle, which is supported by huge amount Amazon digital content. In domestic conditions, the device will appeal to everyone who understands where the content comes from and how it gets into the device.

  • Amazon Kindle 4: we meet by clothes

    Good display, the reader itself is small, light, beautiful, fits comfortably in the hand. Also, for many fans of electronic readers, the absence of a keyboard is another advantage of this model. Unfortunately, the reader does not have a touchscreen and speakers, and there is also no adapter for recharging via a standard socket, although, given the price of the device, you can close your eyes to this.

  • Amazon Kindle 4: see off the mind

    The overall impression of getting to know the new Kindle 4 e-reader from Amazon is a great product, a wonderful book - ergonomic, fast, small, and if you think about its price (even including shipping), it is the cheapest compared to readers of this class from other companies . The quality of the device is really good. Also, this baby has a built-in Wi-Fi module with a leisurely and primitive, but quite working web browser.

  • Amazon Kindle 4 review

    The book is convenient. She understands Russian texts and file names. The formats in which she reads books are common and it is not a problem to find them. The book has a minimum of unnecessary functions, but everything you need to read is collected in one shell and conveniently implemented. Kindle 4 is exactly an e-reader that can read books and nothing more. For this, it has well-written software and the latest generation Pearl screen. It is for this that they love her, for simplicity, quality and reliability. If you're looking for a cheap, quality e-reader, look no further than the Kindle 4. I will even say more - Kindle 4 is the only book for which you can use the words "quality" and "cheap" together.

  • Amazon Kindle 4 was given to me by friends who live in the USA. Later, I will buy Kindle 5 and Kindle 6 myself. I can’t say that before this gift I looked closely at e-books, and, perhaps, if I had chosen a reader for myself, I would have settled on a different model. Mainly due to the fact that she is completely on English language. This fact immediately repulsed me a little, but the interface is so simple and clear (where it’s not clear, I didn’t need to climb), and I still got a little Do you speak English. So there were no problems.

    The main thing to say about this book is electronic ink, E-Ink Pearl, no flicker, the screen is not bright, so there is no such negative impact on vision as when reading from a computer or readers with regular screens.

    My device was with built-in advertising for the Amazon store (as a rule, books are advertised), because of this, when buying it, it was 30 percent cheaper than its “ad-free” version. The original cover was also given with the reader, which cost only a little less than the book itself (it's a pity that there is no promotional version of the cover).

    Ads are unobtrusive, appear after Wi-Fi is turned on for the first time: the advertising picture on the title of the book periodically changes (what the book shows when it is turned off) and a small banner on the page only in book/library collections. I am glad that advertising is limited to this, i.e. nothing interferes with reading.

    You can download books to the reader either via the Internet or via a USB cable (included) from a computer. Unfortunately, only a few formats are readable, the most used is MOBI, books with this format are quite rare (especially in comparison with FB2), but there is the possibility of converting in the Caliber service. By the way, the manufacturers boasted that they could also read TXT, HTML, DOC, but this, as I found out much later, is only available for files downloaded exclusively from the Amazon website. It is a pity that the manufacturer forgot to mention this detail right away.