Important principles in life. My life principles, rules and values

The life principles of a person are the unspoken rules that he follows. They form the individual's behavior in a given situation, his attitudes and opinions, actions and desires.

general characteristics

To understand what it is, you need to turn your attention to religion. For example, in Orthodoxy, the commandments are clearly spelled out: do not commit adultery, and so on. These are the same life principles or frameworks in which a believer is placed. He lives by listening to them, acting in accordance with them, and also preaching them to others. It turns out that in a worldly society, principles are an analogue of commandments.

They can be different, but they are usually created in order to form character, balance achievements and contributions, identify values ​​and outline the principle - the core, the core around which the very essence of a person revolves. He endows the individual with firmness and confidence, helps him overcome difficulties and resist adversity. Principles will always be the basis for making important and mundane decisions. But it happens that they limit them by observing, it becomes less flexible, misses the chances and opportunities presented by fate.

Basic principles

Each person has his own subjective vision of life. Despite their individuality, some creeds become "public" - they are common to the masses of people. The basic principles of life that most representatives of the modern world profess are constancy and proportionality.

The first implies fidelity and unwavering devotion to something. It is also loyalty, reliability, balance and firmness. A person tries to cultivate all these character traits in himself in order to be one of the best: an unconditional leader, a successful leader, valuable employee, competent parent, ideal spouse. When an individual is consistent in his decisions, despises betrayal and does not change himself, he is worthy of admiration and inheritance.

Proportionality is proportionality. That is, a person tries to act within certain limits of decency, where the principle of justice prevails: "you give me - I give you." Proportionality does not allow him to relax, it spurs the personality on the way to the goal.

Philosophical principles

Centuries of experience and deep meaning are invested in them. Each life principle has its own name, which aptly, concisely and truthfully reflects its essence:

There are many such principles. All of them teach true worldly wisdom, the ability to behave correctly in any, even the most difficult situations.


These are life principles and values ​​aimed at developing oneself. They are professed by many great people who, with the help of these creeds, have achieved success in the profession, have become respected and popular in society. The most important one is: "Live in the present." Of course, we must remember the past, plan the future, but we must emotionally experience only what is happening at the moment. This principle helps to become more collected, teaches you to concentrate on the current moment.

Be persistent is another popular life principle. No, this does not mean that you need to brazenly go over the heads in the direction of the goal. You just need to not give up and stay true to the decision. I would also like to highlight inner harmony personality and its desire for self-development: these two credos will certainly benefit and bring positive results. And the sincerity and goodwill, self-control added to them will multiply the result several times.


They form interaction with society. This includes the following life principle: change yourself, and then you will change the world. If you want life to become much better, to acquire new colors and meaning, start transforming your inner “I”. As a result, the world will also become different, at least you will look at it in a new way.

We are just people - this is one of the main creeds. Learning to understand others, to perceive them as they are, not to judge for mistakes and to be able to objectively analyze actions is a real science that is not given to everyone. But, having mastered it, a person understands that everyone can stumble in this life, so you need to be able to give others a second chance.

Look for the good in people - this life principle helps to maintain positive thinking and even good mood. Pay attention to the good deeds of people, praise them for it, encourage. Such behavior will characterize you as a wise person.

According to the signs of the zodiac

Mostly the characteristics of the signs are filled with humor. Nevertheless, they accurately reflect the behavior of people and their position in life:

  1. Aries. It's better not to argue with me. Stubbornness is not a vice.
  2. Taurus. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. I don't need someone else's, I won't give my own.
  3. Twins. I am different every day. Who did not have time, he was late.
  4. Crayfish. Who seeks, he will find. My home is a fortress.
  5. A lion. Pleasant manners are half the battle. Doing it is so big.
  6. Virgo. Everyone lives for himself, but serves others. Patience and a little effort.
  7. Scales. Only fools are principled. Win by agreeing.
  8. Scorpion. Not everyone can stand my gaze. The world is lost without knights.
  9. Sagittarius. The main issue is scale. Good man there should be a lot.
  10. Capricorn. Do not break the law: it will do for another, you will be caught. No man is an island.
  11. Aquarius. It's hard to be an angel, but it's necessary. A good intention is more important than the deed itself.
  12. Fishes. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. A promise is fun, but a bad one is joy.

Summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: what life principles to profess, each person decides independently. The main thing is that they make the best not only for you personally, but also the world around, bring good to people and serve for the benefit of society.

We often dream of doing something crazy. Conquer Everest, run a marathon, skydive, open a business, go on a trip, write a book, record an album, make a movie… The list is endless.

Think about the items on your wish list. Now answer: why haven't you done all this yet? The answer is almost always the same: it's hard. Well, I hate to upset you, but life is supposed to be hard. You must learn this valuable lesson.

Don't avoid complexity. Learn to overcome them.

There is a wonderful proverb: you can’t even catch a fish from a pond without effort. You won't run a marathon if you don't work hard. You will not open a business if you do not put all of yourself into this business. Willpower requires tempering character.

2. Avoid negativity

We absorb negative emotions at work, at home, in public transport. People are instinctively prone to negativity. Therefore, it seems to us that there are so many lies and injustice in the world.

Do not let the bad mood and character of other people ruin your life. We always try to justify other people's behavior. "He will change, and everything will be fine," - have you visited such thoughts? But you know that it is not in your power to change a person? He will only change when he wants to. Remember this and don't give in to negativity.

3. Give more than you receive

As children, someone else took care of us. We received food, shelter, education and, if we were lucky, a lot of love. Unfortunately, as adults, some of us take this for granted. We just take, take, take.

We think we should get whatever we want. But who said you have to get the job you're applying for? Or gain worldwide fame? Nobody owes you anything.

Do not dwell on your desires, but focus on what you can offer this world in return. Don't be surprised if you follow this advice and get even more. By helping others, you help yourself.

4. Appreciate time

Of all the resources in the world, time is the most valuable. So why do we spend it like we have an unlimited supply of time?

Remember that life does not stand still. And we can't control everything around. There is no point in thinking about everything that happens in life. Just move forward.

It is known that common values, principles and rules of interaction are the "cement" that holds people together the strongest. The network structure is made up of many very different people. Everyone has their own life experience, their own views on life, and if they are opposite, then conflicts cannot be avoided. And it often happens that the difference in principles and values ​​can play a destructive role and ruin the organization.

It is no coincidence that in large companies(non-network), in which there is a selection for work, test not only the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of applicants, but also their value attitudes. The goal is to check whether the values ​​of the candidate for the position coincide with the values ​​of the company and the values ​​of the team.

In network marketing, as you know, there is no personnel department, and the consultant himself conducts the “selection” for his organization. And it is very important that when talking with a newcomer, he is convinced that in addition to the general desire to make money, they have something else in common.

When inviting partners to your business, you need to make them aware of your life values ​​and principles, in accordance with which you go through life and build your relationships with other people.

Suppose you sincerely believe that there are more good people than bad people in life, and that you should treat people the way you want them to treat you. And your new consultant, on the contrary, is convinced that everyone around is deceivers and thieves who strive to fool him. It is unlikely that with such different life positions your cooperation will be successful.

Therefore, it is important for a leader to realize their life values ​​and principles, and then broadcast them to the outside world. Thus, he gets the opportunity to “attract” people with values ​​and beliefs close to him into his organization, and, conversely, push away “dissimilarly charged” people. If a person comes to the presentation, going through life with the motto - “there are only suckers around”, then, having heard about such values ​​of a leader as honesty and decency, he, perhaps, will not go to your structure. And at the same time save you from possible troubles in the future.

Some of my principles that I adhere to in business:

- each person has 100% FREE WILL, and no one has the right to violate it;

- everyone has the right to their own mistakes and experience (to their own "rake");

- give information to everyone, but spend time on those who act and look for opportunities;

- a person must be rich both materially and spiritually!

Konstantin Kharchenko

As a result of many years of painstaking work on myself and with people, I have formed several life principles that I always adhere to. I don't like lies in any form. I am against any kind of manipulation of people (a person builds his own life, makes decisions on his own and performs his tasks on his own). Sincerity in dealing with people. Help people realize their dreams if they want to. Speak your opinion on any issue, even if others do not agree with it. Finish what you started. Inspire people to believe in themselves. Giving more than you get (we get it all back anyway). I try to live according to the truth, according to the biblical rules.

Coming to me, people feel all this and are happy to communicate, work and be friends with me.

Nadezhda Andreeva

I prefer responsible, open relationships with partners and clients. As a responsible person myself, I try not to make empty promises. Sometimes it is very difficult to “pull” a promise out of me, but if I promised, I will definitely fulfill it! In people I appreciate honesty, openness, accuracy. If you don't make it - be warned! Know how to value time - both yours and someone else's. I don't like betrayal. I absolutely cannot stand those who say one thing in your face with a smile, but behind your back they immediately say and do something completely different. Any inability, ignorance, lack of education can be corrected. Rot and meanness - never!

Irina Byzalova

What are my values? Freedom, purposefulness, creativity, honesty, the desire to work in a team. I do not like people optional, I do not tolerate betrayal. in business are important to me not only business relationship but also personal. I like the fact that our partners become close people for us, that we are connected much more than a common business.

Elena Dadanova

The main thing for me in dealing with people is to be sincere. When you offer cooperation, you open up, give a part of yourself, invest your soul - with such an approach, the existence of lies and falsehood is impossible. After all, by signing an agreement, a person becomes “yours”, you take him by the hand and take him to the museum - first for a superficial overview, then for training, analysis of actions, deeds. You constantly work with this person, he can turn to you with any question. Responsibility is very important element which links many things together. Taking responsibility for your actions, thoughts, actions, it becomes easier to live. No need to look for the guilty, because you know that you build your own destiny!

I know that friendship between people is built on trust in each other.

I believe that everyone can find their own way to happiness.

I believe that clear, bright thoughts help us achieve the highest goals!

Anna Zhizhina

Nothing can be taught to anyone, only the person himself can learn something if he wants to. Therefore, I prefer to first find out what my interlocutor is interested in, and then give him the information that he requests.

No one can be drawn anywhere, only the person himself can be drawn into something of his own free will. I am against manipulation and programming and always give the choice to the interlocutor.

A person cannot be changed, he can be shown a choice that he can accept for himself and begin to use.

In dealing with business partners, I value honesty and decency, openness, and respect for personal dignity.

Andrey Polukhin

Reputation is more important than money. My motto (there are several of them) is “Better to do and regret than not to do and regret”, “Relax and enjoy life”.

Tatyana Adamova

Values ​​that are important to me: health, wealth, freedom, family, friends, the ability to travel. I value openness, honesty, humor, optimism, wisdom in business partners. My life credo: helping others to become more successful, to come to success myself.

Alma Aubakirova

I act like a beacon: I do not persuade the ships to change course, but just a candle, I give the choice to heed my signal.

Julia Dudnikova

According to the reviews of people who know me well, I am distinguished by a positive attitude, sincere attitude and love for people. I really get great pleasure from interacting with people, but only on the basis of trust in each other, without which no cooperation and long-term relationship is possible.

Natalya Yamschikova

In relationships, I first of all appreciate decency and loyalty to the given word. I believe that losing money is not scary - you can always earn more. But it is very difficult to “dry up” a tarnished reputation.

Viktor Slavin

My future (my goals and prospects)

It is known that in order to successfully move forward, you need to clearly understand where you are going. And after you have presented it, you need to communicate your goals in various ways to the people you invite to go along with you. Why is it important? These people must compare their goals with yours and understand whether they are on the path with you, whether they should go along with you and to what destination. It's like in the subway: if a passenger needs to get to the final station, and the passing train goes only to the penultimate one, then the passenger will skip this train and take the next one.

My immediate goal is to become the network director of a large domestic direct sales company, in which the growth of financial prosperity is harmoniously combined with personal growth and concern for the health and well-being of the family. The path to success, like any other path, "begins with one step." I invite you to take this step together! Let every day bring new knowledge, new discoveries and new money!

Oksana Belyaeva

I was once asked: “What do you think is the purpose of your life?”. And I answered without hesitation: "Help people!". Then I still did not understand how, with what, in what way. It's an amazing feeling to see people's eyes "light up with a bright flame" when I show them the opportunities that open up in network marketing. And I am happy to help these people. happy to be on the team successful people. I want there to be more and more such successful, happy, rich people, so that everyone feels needed in this world, so that everyone lives in abundance, goes where they want, has what they want, and does their favorite thing! !!

Alfiya Vagapova

I decided to become a diamond director in 5 years - so I will!

And the beauty of it is that all you have to do is help the leaders of my group achieve their goals! What I am happy to do now. I want the leaders of my group to vacation abroad in the best hotels several times a year, so that they receive at least $ 5,000 per month, so that their life is easy and pleasant, and success follows us around! Do you want the same? You are welcome to our hut!

Nadezhda Romanova

I dream that in 10-15 years in our country they will live with dignity happy people and be proud that this country is Russia! Where is my place here? By that time I will already be a grandmother. We will visit each other with leaders from different cities and countries and share our richest experience. And when I'm 80, I'll communicate on the Internet, lying in a hammock in Jamaica, and write memoirs about how we, networkers, raised Russia from ruin in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Join…

Elena Dadanova

I have now embarked on a path of self-improvement in all areas of my life, and in this business my business plays a major role. My main goal at the moment is to create my own dynamic, interesting, multinational, energetic team. And as a result - creating your own source of income and helping other people to create one. I plan to become completely financially free by the age of 30 and help the largest number of people to follow me. This is especially true for young people ... One of my priorities is to channel their energy into the right and promising direction, instead of wasting time aimlessly. Naturally not last place on the list of goals is helping my parents. In numbers, my goal is something like this: 10,000 euros per month ... So if you are young at heart, energetic, ambitious and our goals coincide with you, then I will be infinitely happy to help you achieve your goals! Self-development is my main interest. Every year I try to learn how to do something that I could not do before, to become more successful, intellectually more developed, healthier, in a word - BETTER!

Alan Jeliev

My goal is to show people that there is a successful life, a decent income, a happy vacation and that our life is limited only by our consciousness!

The goal in business is to find interested people who are ready for changes in life, to create a strong leadership structure!

Anna Zhizhina

And now I know that in 5, 10, 15 years I will be a successful business woman, a happy wife and a wonderful mother. My goal is to build my own business and help people: to reveal the potential in a person, to help them realize their strengths and capabilities. Our business gave me confidence: confidence in myself, confidence in the future!

Julia Koshina

My goal in business is to create a huge, friendly, independent, youth structure of positive-minded people looking for new opportunities! More and more of these people find me themselves, I share my experience and knowledge with them with great enthusiasm and at the same time constantly learn from each of them. In my team, I take only people who are close in spirit, because with them we become not just partners, but real friends!

Irina Martynova

Every morning I understand that I can bring goodness and light to our world. I can help people! Via network marketing I can give them the opportunity to change and arrange their lives the way they deserve it! I can change their opinion about others, help them to be in harmony with themselves and others. After all, what could be better than helping your neighbor!

My goal in business is to create a huge structure of talented and just good people. Communication with smart people always brings its beneficial results.

My life goal is to help all people dear to me become happy!

Dmitry Mikhailov

I consider it my mission to unite people, and I fulfill it by helping others find ways to realize their talents, fulfill their destiny, live their lives, opening their hearts to Love and Joy. I know for sure that every person is talented, and I have a great desire to help people, discover their talents, so that Love and Joy can heal our planet. So that children grow up in loving families, so that laughter can be heard everywhere, and eyes radiate light. And I know for sure that dreams come true!

And in 10 years I see myself young, happy and rich. I am the leader of a huge international team, I conduct training in different countries peace. Our team consists of happy, self-confident people who have achieved a lot in life, they are leaders who carry the knowledge of how to become talented masters of their lives around the world.

Olga Pavlikovskaya

My dreams, which I will realize in the next five years in business, I see in two pictures.

First. I am standing on the stage of a large hall designed for thousands of people. This is a personal seminar. I became a Diamond Director! There are tears in my eyes as I realize that I have made my immediate goal a reality. These years flash before my eyes, as if in an instant, my chest aches. My parents, mentors, my numerous directors congratulate me. We celebrate our common victory! This is not just a holiday, this is a seminar where my friends and I share the secrets of success. Directors from other cities arrived, brought their teams to learn from each other's experience. I'm in the highest degree inspiration!

Second. I wrote a book that will be published in huge circulation in publishing house Alexandra Sinamachi. By this time we will cooperate, I will be the author of many articles in his newspaper. The book will cover the most relevant topics in the development of MLM business in the provinces, pitfalls and real stories from life. My son is holding it in his hands, reading the title and smiling at my photo, and goosebumps run down my back.

And in ten years, I will congratulate the next diamond directors of my structure on victories as their mentor somewhere in a restaurant in Cannes and be immensely happy that we are together!

Marina Petrova

2018 year. I have an anniversary - 55 years. It's according to the passport. Although, what kind of passports, they were canceled last year. The body feels no more than thirty.

Progress has reached such a level that with the help of modern means of communication and the holographic method of presenting information, it is possible to communicate with virtual interlocutors as if they were alive. It has long been fashionable to come to visit via the Globalnet and even gather huge global conferences without leaving home.

This is an unusual anniversary, to which only the world millionaires of my team are invited. This year there were just 55 of them. Good gift For birthday.

Five years ago, all millionaires were different, depending on the currency of the country where they lived. Today, everything is simple, the whole world is like one country with a single world currency.

The anniversary is also unusual in that the guests did not gather virtually, but in the old fashioned way, “live”. Using modern facilities movement, they gathered from different parts of the world in almost 15 minutes.

I love these parties when we can remember how it all started 10-12 years ago. And some joined our company much later and in just a few years became millionaires. I love all these people. The chairman of our Millionaires Fund spoke about how the Fund's money was spent last year. We have done a lot of good and useful things for other people. The world just got a little better.

So, I invite you on a journey to yourself and financial independence.

Andrey Polukhin

Our mission. We want to light a fire in the hearts of as many people as possible, a fire of love for ourselves and for the people around us, a fire of faith in ourselves, in our own strengths, in the ability to change everything in our lives for the better! We want to prepare people for this best, because any event happens only when we are ready for it. Even if someone is not lucky to do it the first time, do not be discouraged - you know who is lucky. We want everyone to have their own sea of ​​health and success in life!

I am happy to read the answers and contribute, because I myself once asked this question. The starting point is almost always a dichotomy of two positions - adapt to situations or follow your autonomy.

And here, as in many other things, you need to look for a middle way, although the advantage of following the principles is obvious to me. Simply because the principles are the inner core on which the building of your personality rests, and this is wildly important. In this sense, I can almost confidently say, principles are always artificial and invented by ourselves or perceived in response to life experience. But (!) At the same time, they are the law for us in the sense that if we violate them, sanctions in the form of self-reproach are almost inevitable. And internal control and its sanctions are worse than any physical punishment. Some, however, manage to make a deal with their conscience and abstract themselves from self-flagellation, but another important consequence is inevitable. yourself. You can see such examples in all collaborators and just those who adapt. I don’t have examples of good people of this type in stock.

And clearly it’s like this: if you have a principle not to drink, then you’d better not take a glass in your hand. But here is an important point: not because it’s bad to drink, but because you have antipathy or any other feeling that is contrary to use. It turns out that objectively nothing bad, but internal motives will make it so that you won’t get any buzz. Just like there’s no buzz from breaking down and eating a pie when you really want to lose weight and vow to diet. After all, a lot still depends on strength beliefs.

Principles give an important thing - the integrity of nature. If a person has a principle to do what he likes, and he does not do well at work that bothers, or, for example, he respects himself, and at work he is insulted, then no exorbitant money should leave him on This work. The yardstick is simple - each time check whether you are acting the way you think is right or drowning out your inner voice with arguments that this is temporary or for the sake of a long-term goal. Remember that you will not reach that goal in this situation or you will reach a wreck, which was constantly beaten by the realization that he was doing in spite of himself. And do not listen to phrases like "now you will feed the children with your principles." Yes, it can be temporarily difficult, but I was convinced that a person with a core, but without a position, will always defeat the one who with position, but without a rod.

But in conclusion, an important point is to be open to new ideas. The principles must combine firmness, but also flexibility in the sense that when you realize that your principles interfere with you or they do not lead to anything, try to deform them. After all, in the same the principle of resistance to alcohol can be established simply by moderate use. In complete refusal there is a risk of breaking loose or getting confused. If this can be avoided, then why not? After all, our ultimate goal is to make ourselves better. he doesn’t understand why, but he will do it. It’s not necessary. Think more about yourself and listen. Good luck to us!

Today is May 4th and it's my birthday. I'm still young.) I decided that day to publish an entry about my principles in life. The photo, by the way, is from my last birthday.

Before, it seemed to me that I didn’t have any special principles. Until you write them down or think about them, it seems that they are not there. You just don't understand a lot. It can be called not principles, but a declaration or something else.

My personal principles:

  1. Do all I can, based on available resources. On the principle of now or never.
  2. A little, but every day. I write articles little by little, type them and edit them. And for the year of application of the principle, about 100 good articles were accumulated, and the rest of the articles were not very good.
  3. Pay for the freedom not to work. Slavery is free, but freedom must be earned. For the freedom not to work, I pay my price. This price drop social status and fulfilling my duties as a housewife. I learned to be more flexible, and I no longer react so violently when I get questions.
  4. Following a dream. The road will be mastered by the walking one. Take at least one step a day on the way to your dream. My dream is to become a famous blogger and publish a book. There is a price for a dream - you have to give up old habits, the desire to do nothing.
  5. It is better to go slowly than to stop completely. Let nothing be done today, or a little done, but it was done yesterday. If it is difficult to move towards the goal every day, then it is possible every other day).
  6. Make good use of every day. The more I work on myself and engage in creativity, the more unpleasant the feeling when you do nothing - the effect of a wasted day appears. I heard a phrase that we hate ourselves for doing nothing. Maybe we don’t hate, but I want the day to be lived not in vain.
  7. Enjoy life every day. This needs to be learned and trained. For now, this principle is more like a goal and a reminder not yet fulfilled. People who are happy today secure tomorrow's happiness. If you didn’t laugh today, then you didn’t live today.
  8. Learn to be here and now. I am learning to be more aware. To go to your goals, to enjoy life, you need to be aware. Otherwise you forget.
  9. Engage in self-development. I like it and it is beneficial, it is a kind of creativity on oneself and the creation of a canvas of one's life.
  10. Compete and compare yourself only with yesterday's self. Remember that comparison with others is the greatest theft in the world. When you compare yourself or someone else, you steal joy, success, and motivation from yourself and others.
  11. Better to do badly and wrongly than to do nothing. My relatives often stop me and tell me what to do right, prepare and the like. So often nothing is done. It's really just procrastination and perfectionism. When they try to slow you down, then tell yourself that it is better to do it wrong and do it badly than nothing at all.
  12. Tell yourself: I always make the right decisions. Some bring results, while others experience. There is no negative result, it's just a result, and the rest is labeled.
  13. Never listen to advisers if I intend to do something. Some say it's harmful or pointless, or simply disapproved. It's better to do it no matter what, even if others don't understand, even if I make a mistake. You don't need anyone's approval to be yourself.
  14. Strive to be the best at what you do. In your chosen field. Constantly work on yourself and improve. Even if it doesn’t bring results for a long time, even if it never brings results, just be creative and develop for yourself.