Opening a computer repair shop. Business plan for a computer repair service center: how to open your own business

The computer literacy of people is constantly increasing, so PC users are able to fix a number of computer-related problems on their own. Although not everyone is able to carry out serious repairs on their own. In the article, we will consider a business plan for repairing computers with calculations.

Therefore, there is a demand for computer repair services and the creation of a business that provides these services looks like a promising business. This requires some knowledge and organization. This process is complicated by a lot of complexities and specific moments, which are problematic to overcome.

There are two ways to build a business based on computer repair. Both options differ from each other in some nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a computer repair service

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a service center that deals with the repair of computer equipment. It can be distinguished that the main target audience is people who need to repair computers and laptops, as well as diagnose and treat viruses.

How to open a service center from scratch: documents for registration with the tax

There are two options for opening a computer repair center: with tax registration and without official registration.

Freelance Company opening
If you know how computer systems work and are able to repair them in practice, then provide these services without registering a company. So, advertising your services will provide you with regular customers. Also involve a few of your friends or acquaintances in this process to increase productivity.

The advantages of this method are obvious, but it does not apply to full-fledged business that brings a constant and tangible income. This is just one option for additional income. The desire to become a professional must be correlated with a different way of building a business.

Another option for starting a computer repair business involves opening your own small service center. In this case, you are assigned the role of a director who hires work force for the operation of the firm. Therefore, your tasks will move into the area of ​​strategic development.

For example, you will have to control the work of masters, develop new services, promote the company on the market, etc. That is, they will directly repair computers wage-earners. Often a person who decides to go into a business in the field of computer repair starts working for himself, and later, having accumulated initial capital, proceeds to create more big business. This transition is associated with some risks and problems.

To register with a tax company for computer repair, you can submit documents to create an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Below in the table we analyze the main advantages, as well as required list documents for each legal form. When registering for OKVED, choose the main activity: 95.11 — Repair of computers and peripheral computer equipment, you can additionally specify the OKVED code 95.12 — Repair of communication equipment.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of staff from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
LTD ( limited liability company) Used to open large network pet stores, borrowing Money, as well as scaling.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

V tax reporting service center for the repair of computer equipment, you can use the BSO (form strict accountability) instead of KKM (cash register) / article 2, paragraph 2 federal law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003. A strict reporting form can be used when we provide services to the public (as in our example). BSO is not used when selling goods.

Implementation in practice

To provide computer repair services, it is not necessary to have a large start-up capital. The success factors in this case are:

  • low prices;
  • high quality of services;
  • prompt execution of the order;
  • a wide range of services;
  • responsibility to clients.

Pay attention to the level of services provided. If, after repairing the computer, the client again encounters the same problem, then he is unlikely to contact you again.

The competition in the computer repair market segment is high. Many young people are trying to restore and maintain computer equipment to earn extra money. Therefore, setting high prices for initial stage means deprivation of the opportunity to create a customer base.

The next factor is the speed of response to the order. Modern users are accustomed to playing their favorite games or spending time in in social networks. Therefore, the client will give preference to the type of service that will help to quickly return to his usual rhythm of life. Your customer base will increase if you arrive at the address as soon as possible and fix the problem.

TO computer help includes a wide range of services, including:

  • repair and maintenance of computers;
  • antiviral treatment;
  • recovery of lost data;
  • network setup and more.

The amount of your profit in this case depends on the degree of expansion of the range of services you provide.

In any work, a certain number of errors are expected. For example, the address was not saved when setting up the network, or the connector popped out of the port. Approach work responsibly and eliminate errors and shortcomings in your work in a timely manner.

Business advertising

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to enter the business will be local (in the nearest areas) posting ads on the entrances of houses, which indicate a short list of services and contact details. Your first task is to create a base of loyal visitors who can recommend you to their friends.

Computer repair is serious business. Criminal liability

The majority of orders are related to customization. software(ON). But remember that there is a risk of falling under the action article 146 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which penalizes the installation or configuration of unlicensed software. If the master is caught doing this, he faces a fine or imprisonment.

This problem is very important, since 90% of potential customers use pirated copies of software. High probability of becoming an object scheduled inspection OBEP or a victim of competitors, so it is better to refuse to work with unlicensed programs. In this case, difficulties are inevitable - after all, the population of small towns in Russia is not eager to pay a considerable amount for access to licensed software.

So, the cost of working with pirated copies will be approximately 700 rubles. Of these, 500 rubles. accounts for the installation of software, and 200 rubles. - for debugging. If you work with a license, then the situation changes significantly. You will either have to refuse the client's order, since he has a pirated copy installed operating system, or offer the installation of a licensed OS for 3500 rubles. with payment for specialist services from 500 to 1000 rubles. Such a situation is unlikely to contribute to an increase in the number of those who are willing to pay such an amount.

Thus, it turns out that the computer repair market sector is determined by the high demand for such services, but customers do not want to pay honestly. Therefore, look for ways to solve this problem. Most experienced businessmen recommend refusing to use unlicensed software. Their advice boils down to one thing - the need to convince customers to pay for legal software, since this is primarily beneficial for them. Licensed software guarantees its stable operation and quality service.

Webinar on how to open a computer and electronics repair business (entrepreneur Evgeny Kutsenko)

  1. Accompany the receipt of an order by obtaining information about the software installed on the client's computer. When using unlicensed software, the customer is informed about the impossibility of providing services or the installation of official software is offered.
  2. Regularly expand the list of services provided.
  3. Look for clients among entrepreneurs and legal entities - these categories of customers usually use licensed programs.
  4. Properly promote your services, focusing on quality and work only with licensed products.
  5. Hold regular customers offering them discounts or all sorts of bonuses.

It cannot be argued that such tips will help you easily and quickly establish your business. At the initial stage, it will not be possible to earn tangible profits, since following the rule “We work only with licensed software” will lead to the abandonment of an extensive customer base. But a long and hard struggle for each customer will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Computer repair franchise

On the market, you can buy a ready-made business solution for organizing a computer repair center. The franchise ( has the following parameters:

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
Opening a computer repair service undeniable advantage– high marginality and the absence of any large costs other than rent and wages specialist. A key success factor is advertising, which should be done locally for the area.

Computers, laptops and other digital equipment are in every home. These items are usually quite expensive and for many users it is more profitable to repair them than to change them for new ones. This is especially true during the period. Here is a great reason to write a business plan for a computer repair service center and open a successful business.

Planning features

First of all, you need to have knowledge in the field of computer technology and software, or have a person on staff who is very well versed in this. The second thing to take care of during the planning stage is to analyze your market niche. Actually, with marketing research market of computer services and the business plan begins.

The service will be popular only if the competition is completely absent or minimal. In some areas or even cities, computer repair is not in demand enough to open service center. By the way, programmers often provide help in repairing a PC at home - they are also considered competitors, and quite serious due to the fact that their services are relatively cheap.


What services do service centers provide?

  • diagnostics and repair of computers and laptops;
  • installing and updating software;
  • setting up programs;
  • replacement of cartridges;
  • recovery of deleted data;
  • replacement parts.

Computer repair technicians can work both in the office and at home to the client.

A responsibility

In the work of the service center, a significant part of the orders falls on the installation of software. The difficulty lies in the fact that licensed software is much more expensive than pirated versions. But customers, especially in small towns, do not like to overpay. Tip: not worth the risk. It is better to immediately refuse to work with unlicensed programs. V Russian legislation there is an article that provides for punishment for installing pirated software: the responsibility is quite serious and can even threaten with imprisonment.

Registration and search for premises

Register in tax office the most reasonable; but if a network of service centers is planned in the future, then it is better to immediately organize a limited liability company.

As for the premises itself, a large and spacious office is not required. But in any case, it should be divided into 2 or 3 compartments - it depends on the scale of the enterprise and the number of employees. The location of the computer repair center should be near business centers, educational institutions, offices. The target audience are residents of a city or region, office workers and students. In general, almost everyone needs a computer doctor.

Equipment and personnel

So, the minimum costs for organizing a service center, in rubles:

  • rent of premises - 20,000;
  • equipment - 200,000;
  • paperwork - 5,000;
  • advertising - 20,000;
  • additional expenses - 20,000.

Total minimum amount starting capital will be about 265,000 rubles.

Calculating income is quite difficult, because the profit depends only on the number of customers. The only thing that can be noted is that the cost of the services of a professional master is high, and clients are ready to pay any amount for prompt assistance. Therefore, everything depends only on specialists and their competence.

The above computer service business plan is designed for a beginner with a limited budget. But even in big city and with great material resources one should not plan a large enterprise from scratch. Any organization can be expanded if needed.

A big plus in the service business is the ability to conclude a contract for warranty repair and maintenance of equipment big company. But such firms prefer only proven and serious service centers.

How to Write a Business Plan: Video

Given the high level of computerization, it is not surprising that the demand for computer repair and maintenance services is very high today. Therefore, many seek to build their business in the field of computer assistance. Companies try to deal with high competition in different ways. Some use "white" technologies, increasing the list of services and additional bonuses, others are not very fair competition, dumping prices. How to survive in such conditions and create successful business computer repair?

Business creation options

Before drawing up a business plan for a computer service, think about how your center will function, what is your role in it. This will determine the next steps in creating the case.

Types of business based on skills:

  1. Start personal business from scratch with the provision of services independently. Having accumulated a customer base, you can develop a business by enlarging it. This option is possible if you have the necessary technical knowledge and required skills. In the future, you can hire a manager who will take care of the organizational issues of doing business.
  2. Starting a business from scratch with the organization of the process. If you are roughly familiar with the topic, but you yourself do not have enough skills to directly perform the work, you can start a business as a manager. That is, your task will include finding customers, concluding agreements with them, and then finding knowledgeable people who can complete an order at a lower cost. This is a little heavier than the previous version.
  3. Starting a business from scratch with capital investments. For this, it is not necessary to have certain skills. You need to have enough funds to hire staff, rent and equip premises, and start the business.

Types of business based on the business organization scheme:

A business plan for a computer service may provide for several schemes for the implementation of the center. However, in most cases start-up capital not required. But still, having the opportunity to make some investments, you get the opportunity to grow your business faster. So how do you open Computer service:

  1. Provision of private services at clients' homes. In this case, there is no need to rent a room, the equipment is enough to work with computer blocks, as well as the software part. Spare parts can be bought in the city from wholesale suppliers. To work, it is enough to have a phone and build up a customer base. They are first offered assistance in minor repairs, removing viruses, setting up the operating system, routers, networks, and so on. Over time, you can invest in creating a site, distributing flyers, posting ads. The site will take about a thousand dollars, its support - about fifty.
  2. Rendering services to companies, in fact, work in the computer field as a freelancer. In this case, in addition to the services mentioned above, it is necessary to offer assistance in setting up an internal network and other things. In fact, this is the work of a system administrator on call. You can repair computers on the spot in the office, or take them home. There may be several such clients, which makes it easier for you to find new orders. Again, the only investment you need is a phone.
  3. Organization of a full-fledged service center. This will require significant capital investment. They will go to the creation of the site, its optimization, content, promotion. For this it is necessary to allocate at least a thousand dollars for the creation of a web page and fifty a month for its maintenance. Then you need to rent a room and purchase equipment for the center.

Equipment and premises

A business plan for a computer service does not require renting a large room, and even more so, it is not necessary to choose a city center for this. This simplifies the search a bit and reduces the cost of renting. 15-20 sq. m. It must be zoned to a separate room for repair work and a small area for communication with customers and taking orders.

For work, it is necessary to purchase special equipment for diagnostics and repair:

  • solders
  • tin
  • microscope
  • tool
  • hot air soldering station
  • other tools.

In addition, you will need software. Preferably licensed - this will simplify your work and allow you to work calmly in the legal field.


At the initial stage, if you yourself have enough skills to provide such services, you can work on your own. However, over time, you will need additional staff. It is also necessary if you immediately organize a large service center. You will need several engineers who will deal directly with the repair of computers. We need a manager who will look for clients for the computer help center, receive and receive orders. With an increase in the volume of work, the last duties can be assigned to an individual employee. You will also need the help of an accountant.

Service list

When compiling a computer repair business plan, first of all, you should offer the following services:

  • full or partial repair of a PC, replacement of its parts;
  • data recovery;
  • Internet connection;
  • installation of anti-virus programs, cleaning the PC from viruses;
  • formatting and systematization of disks;
  • setting up multimedia programs;
  • installation, adjustment and updating of software;
  • diagnostics and adjustment of a laptop or PC.


To organize this kind of company, it is necessary to invest about 180 thousand rubles. These funds are usually spent on such items of expenditure:

  • advertising - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment utilities, telephone, Internet - 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, purchase and installation of software - 120 thousand rubles.
  • rent - 25 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

The income part is formed from payment for services. Which tariff to set depends on the average price that works in your market. The nature of the damage or the complexity of the service itself also affects the price tag. For example, if the system crashes, its recovery starts at about 500 rubles if the client has a disk with the operating system. The final price depends on the type of operating system. The remaining programs are usually installed at 1-1.5 thousand rubles. for every. Restoring lost data from removable media also costs about 500 rubles. If we are talking about a hard drive, which, moreover, is damaged, the service can cost 3-40 thousand rubles.

One engineer is able to generate income from the provision of services in the amount of 50-70 thousand rubles. per month. That is, it can be argued that these investments will return in about six months.

Pitfalls of business

As already mentioned, the market is very competitive. Therefore, in order to be able to stand out favorably among competitors, it is worth considering that the following factors influence success:

  • speed of order fulfillment - try rewarding staff for quick order fulfillment;
  • the quality of the work performed should not be a victim of speed - it should be perfect;
  • the list of services should be extensive, it is desirable to constantly expand and improve it.

First steps to take last

Some entrepreneurs make the big mistake of taking steps that don't lead to business in the first place. The main principle of development is that first you need to do what helps to make money, and then everything else.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to throw all your efforts into finding customers, and not the official registration of a business. You will always have time to register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, it is important to first create something that can then be legalized. Moreover, it is much more difficult to close some forms of business organization than to open them. When registering, by the way, you should indicate the OKPD activity code 2 95.11 “Services for the repair of computers and peripheral equipment”. A big plus of the business is that for work there is no need to issue any licenses, certificates or permits.

You need to purchase equipment only with which you will work in the first place, which you will need constantly. If you have a client with an order where you need to use equipment that you do not have, you can always contact the right repair office yourself. And only when you have enough funds, it makes sense to buy expensive equipment. So you will quickly reach payback.

The same goes for renting a space. You should not look for it by all means in the city center. It is enough that this place has a convenient transport interchange, it was easy to find you.

Computer technology in the modern world is present in every family. And it happens that it fails for various reasons. Of course, now many can fix simple problems on their own, but with more complex cases, you need to contact the service center. If you are versed in computer equipment and its repair, then you should think about how to base your business on this. Below is a business plan for computer repair.

Project Summary

Before you start your business, you should pay attention to the fact that you will only have to work with licensed software (software). If this is neglected, then you can fall under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If you are convicted of using unlicensed software, you will receive a considerable fine. And in the worst case, you will be arrested. The organization of a service center for the repair of computers and laptops is a very serious undertaking, which can result in criminal liability for dishonest work.

The use of licensed software will multiply the cost of the service. Because individuals will not be very willing to pay large sums (especially in small towns) for software, it remains to rely on legal entities that use licensed programs.

Based on the foregoing, it is beneficial to open a computer service in cities where there is a large population and a sufficient number of companies using equipment. Otherwise, finding customers willing to pay for licensed software will be difficult.

Business registration

At the start, it is optimal to register as an individual entrepreneur (according to OKVED 95.11 - the main line of business, 95.12 - additional). Since you will need a room to work, we choose UTII taxation. Working on UTII, you will not pay VAT, income and property taxes.

If you doubt that you will be able to properly register yourself as legal entity, then you can contact specialized organization. She will do it all for you. Registration will cost about 40 thousand rubles.

Accommodation selection

You need to try to find a place in the city center or near it. Finding a service near a place with a large crowd of people will help you get customers faster. Any computer owner can ask you for help.

You don't have to rent a huge space. After all large warehouse no spare parts required. You will need to divide the rented room into several zones, where a small supply of computer components will be stored, a system unit repair area and a place to work with software. Enough room area of ​​20-25 square meters. Renting such a room will cost about 35-40 thousand rubles.

Arrangement of the premises

For productive work and order, you will need to make the following acquisitions:

Equipping the premises will cost about 56,000 rubles.

Tools for the job

The tables show necessary equipment and its costs.

Name Quantity Total amount, rubles
Set of tools 1 2 500
Soldering Station 1 20 000
multimeter 1 750
DC source 1 7 000
Consumables for soldering Set 5 100
Wire set Set 1 200
A set of boards for system unit diagnostics Set 10 000

Thus, about 47,000 rubles will be needed for the tool.

Software and Parts

There is no need to buy and store disks with licensed software. It is enough to go to the website of the official software developer or distributor, make a payment and download the program. This state of affairs will reduce the cost of buying software, because. You will purchase this or that program only if necessary.

The situation is the same with components for computers: they are bought to order for a specific client.

We also need a reserve of funds in the amount of 136,000 rubles for licensed software. You will need a licensed Windows in the maximum version, a modern antivirus and professional software for analyzing the state of the system and troubleshooting.


You will need 2 people. One will be engaged in setting up the software part, the second - in the "physical" repair. Qualified personnel is needed, because only satisfied customers will recommend your service to their friends and acquaintances. If your subordinates screw up, then it is unlikely that an unsatisfied client will turn to you again if necessary.

The salary for each employee will be 20,000 rubles, therefore, the monthly salary costs will amount to 40,000 rubles. While the business is small, you can do the bookkeeping yourself.

Service price list

In order for the profitability of your enterprise to be high, you need to consider a list of services that you can provide with high quality.

Below you can find a list of works provided by the service center:

  • Preventive work with the computer. This includes dusting the case, power supply, video card, cleaning contacts from oxidation, applying thermal paste to the processor - i.e. work inside the system unit. This also includes software prevention (defragmentation, elimination of "broken" sectors of the hard drive, search and removal of malware). Price: from 400 to 2,000 rubles.
  • OS installation. Price: from 400 to 1,500 rubles + OS cost.
  • Increase the performance of the OS and installed software. This is work with the file system, optimization of various software. Price: 400 - 1,200 rubles.
  • Installing and configuring programs. Price: from 200 to 1,100 rubles + software cost.
  • Working with information on the hard drive: searching and removing malware, transferring information, recovering deleted information from a hard drive and USB drive, creating an OS image, removing protection, etc. Price: 400 - 3,000 rubles.
  • Setting up access to the Internet and local network(departure). From 400 to 2,500 rubles, depending on the location of the customer.
  • Testing the components of the system unit, issuing a conclusion about the malfunction of components. Price: from 400 to 1,900 rubles.
  • Working with the system unit and peripheral equipment: assembling the system unit, replacing, repairing individual components, replacing / installing a cartridge in a printer / MFP, etc. Price: from 400 to 2,000 rubles.
  • Works in the BIOS environment. Price: from 300 to 1,500 rubles.
  • Work with specific operating systems (server, Linux, Unix, MAC OS) and their configuration. Price: from 2,000 rubles.
  • Software consulting and training. Price: from 400 to 1,800 rubles.

Advertising and marketing

In order for the inhabitants of the city to know about your appearance, you need to spend advertising campaign. To do this, you can make a bright sign above the entrance, create a website and place ads on the city's Internet resources, print and distribute flyers, and hang ads in the entrances.

The amount of investment at the start

Let's calculate what investments you will need at the start:

Total will need 256,000 rubles.

Let's estimate the amount of monthly investments:

Thus, every month you will spend 96,000 rubles.


What profit can be made from the service center? Let's take as a basis the average price for each type of work, and, let's say, you will provide 12-14 services per month for each type. Let's do the calculation:

Monthly revenue: 13 x (1,200 + 950 + 800 + 650 + 1,700 + 1,450 + 1,150 + 1,200 + 900 + 2,750 + 1,200) = 172,900 rubles.

Income before taxes: 172,900 - 96,000 \u003d 76,900 rubles.

Net yield: 76,900 - 15% = 65,365 rubles.

With such income, the project will pay off in 6-7 months.


When starting your business, you may encounter a number of problems:

  1. High price tag for the services provided. If you do not analyze your niche, then you risk being left without buyers. When opening, it will be good to do, for example, a week of discounts or big bonuses. It all depends on your financial capabilities.
  2. Tightening competition. Possible, but unlikely. This niche is very profitable and highly competitive initially. Therefore, a decrease in the flow of customers is possible only with a very high difference in prices and quality of services provided. To prevent this, you need to create a flexible system of discounts for regular customers, hold seasonal promotions for your services, present your training courses (if any), offer customers special services, etc.
  3. Customer churn. In this scenario, the actions to overcome the crisis are the same as in paragraph 2.


You have been presented with a computer repair business plan with calculations. The above example demonstrates the high profitability of a niche, but one should be aware of high competition and possible criminal liability for non-compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Given the relatively low start-up costs, the whole success of this business lies in a well-written business plan.

Modern life is now almost impossible to imagine without computers, which have long ceased to function as simple computers, and have become something much more for a person. And therefore, a computer breakdown is often akin to a “tragedy”. As a rule, problems in the operation of computer equipment are two-pronged - hardware failure and software errors. Only professionals are able to fix the breakdown, which means that the computer repair business, given their role in our lives, is more relevant than ever.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:705 - 1030 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 150 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 6 – 9 months

Computer repair - is it difficult or not?

A few years ago, a person who could reinstall an operating system was considered a computer genius. Now any ordinary student can do it. Free, almost unlimited access to information on the Internet has made it possible for almost anyone to become a professional in a particular field.

So it is with computers. More precisely with their repair. A description of any problem that occurs with a PC can be found on the worldwide web and try to fix it yourself. The only thing that stops the vast majority of people is the lack of confidence in their abilities. In fact, with the help of a competent tutorial, anyone can cope with a problem in a computer.

Of course, every time you look on the Internet to look for answers to solve a particular issue related to computer repair, it will be ridiculous. Therefore, if there is a need, it is best to deepen your knowledge and skills in this area.

Now there are a lot of training courses on the device and possession of a computer and various programs. It is not at all necessary to purchase paid courses, all the information that they contain can be found on the worldwide web absolutely free of charge, except that it will take a little more time.

In fact, a computer is not such a super complex device as many people think it is. And with the advent of experience, any, even very complex breakdowns, will be resolved very quickly.

Do you need a computer repair business plan?

The lack of a clear, structured, well-written step by step plan actions in the organization of any business, not only computer repair, in 70% of cases is the reason for the closure of the company shortly after the start.

A business plan is essential if you want to be successful. If you want, a business plan written on paper is already 50% of the business idea a reality. Why exactly do you need a business plan, what goals and objectives does it pursue, read in this source -. How to write a guide to your business can be found at this link.

Find and download free good ready business plan repairing computers on the Internet is unlikely to succeed, so you need to be prepared for it independent creation.

How to set up your business

Do I need to formalize my business? Among private entrepreneurs, there has long been a trend towards the full legalization of their business. This is partly due to the increased activity of the tax authorities (it turns out to be more expensive to pay fines for illegal entrepreneurship!), and partly to various government programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, which undoubtedly include the computer repair business.

However, there are also such “businessmen” who work without registration. Place ads on websites free ads or on social networks about computer repair and quietly earn their “bread and butter” for themselves, leaving the “cream” to officially registered colleagues.

This approach to business is clearly not productive. Firstly, the opportunity to attract more customers is missed, who clearly have more confidence in the official service center or workshop, which is responsible for the work done and gives some kind of guarantee for it.

Secondly, the service center has the ability to conclude contracts with computer and laptop manufacturers for the repair and maintenance of their products. And this is a lot of money!

Thirdly, registering your business, as already mentioned, makes it possible to take advantage of state programs to support private entrepreneurship. Read more about this below.

A novice entrepreneur must not only know how to register an individual entrepreneur or how to form an LLC, if there are several people who own the business, but also own some of the intricacies of tax legislation.

OKVED code for registration of activities - 95.11.

Analysis of the competitive environment

The computer repair business is one of the most highly competitive niches in private business. The ratio of average PC users and those who have even the slightest idea about their work is divided approximately 50/50. But it is these basics of knowledge that give confidence to the second half to position themselves as specialists.

There are plenty of such amateurs in any business. They cause a particular negative by the fact that they are actively dumping, reducing prices for services, and completely undermine the credibility of other, qualified craftsmen in the event of poor-quality repairs.

Of course, you shouldn’t take such competition seriously, but it’s better to be aware of who works in your “territory” (city area, street, etc.). But with real competitors you need to carefully analyze:

  • monitor the price of their services;
  • find out the level of qualification of their employees;
  • collect statistics of customer requests to them;
  • identify strengths and weaknesses in their business.

After collecting information, all that remains is to make your business better than others. Simple, like all great things.

What to open - a service center or a small workshop

The main difference between a computer repair service center and a regular workshop is that the first one, having received a certificate from any manufacturer of computers or laptops (which is why service centers are also called authorized), is engaged, among other things, in warranty and post-warranty maintenance of PCs of this particular brand.

Of course, the profit turnover of the service center is much higher. But, despite all the advantages of the repair center, it also has its drawbacks:

  • strict requirements for warranty service imposed by manufacturing companies (starting with the parameters of the premises and ending with the level of service);
  • mandatory use of licensed software for diagnostics and installation on a PC (additional purchase costs);
  • the need to purchase special equipment and tools for testing;
  • high qualification of employees.

For a typical PC repair shop, the hassle of starting and running a business is much less. There are also advantages that are not available to service centers. For example, employees of some (not all!) Centers are not allowed to travel to repair computers at customers' homes or offices.

It happens that for the sake of one breakdown, which is quite possible to fix on the spot, spending 10-15 minutes on it, the client has to take his PC to a service center and come again to pick it up.

A PC repair shop can afford to rent a smaller office (10 square meters will be enough for one or two people), not spend money on uniforms for employees, and set prices for their services that it considers acceptable.

Opening a workshop has a much lower cost and is more suitable for students and start-up entrepreneurs with little initial capital. While the service center requires significant costs to open.

What you need to open a service center

How to open a computer repair service center, what is needed for this and what nuances of organizing a business should you pay close attention to?


Firstly, it is immediately necessary to clarify that the service center is a rather large organization with its own structure and management hierarchy, requiring a large area. The best, but most expensive option is the first line of houses on the ground floor. But the specifics of the business is such that the client comes to the center either through advertisements or on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances, so it is not at all necessary to “strike the eye” and pay expensive rent.

And therefore, you can consider cheaper options for premises - the second or basement floors in a building located in the courtyards. Or in a less prestigious area for doing business.

The room should include several zones:

  • acceptance and issuance of computer equipment;
  • workshop;
  • warehouse of spare parts;
  • staff room;
  • WC.

An example of the design of the working area of ​​the service center can be seen in the photo.


Acquiring the necessary tools and equipment is perhaps the most expensive part of organizing a PC repair service center. As many repair shop owners joke, you only need three things to start a business:

  • head;
  • hands growing from the right place;
  • and the experience that comes with time.

However, in addition to all this, you will need something material, namely:

  • multimeter for measuring PC parameters;
  • oscilloscope;
  • battery analyzer;
  • soldering station with consumables (flux, solder, needles, replaceable tips, etc.);
  • A set of screwdrivers, wire cutters, tweezers, a scalpel, a toothbrush (for cleaning hard-to-reach places);
  • vacuum cleaner for cleaning;
  • chargers for various models of laptops;
  • microscope for repairing small circuit boards;
  • motherboard holder;
  • power supply with power regulator;
  • work computer and laptop with Internet access;
  • various software for diagnostics and installation on a PC.

Of the consumables you will need:

  • thermal paste;
  • various models of motherboards, video cards, sound and network cards, coolers, RAM sticks, processors, matrices for laptops, batteries, etc. In the process of work, a lot of such spare parts will accumulate. But you need to start somewhere, so it is better if spare parts for most popular models of computers and laptops are always available.

The approximate amount required to purchase equipment is about 300-350 thousand rubles.

Currently, most service centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg have switched to 24/7 operation. So far, this has not been found in the regions - the need for this is not yet so high.

The number of staff will ultimately be determined by the estimated customer attendance and the number of orders. To open a full-fledged service center, you need to recruit the following employees:

  • two managers-receivers of equipment (to avoid creating queues);
  • two computer repair specialists (one onsite if necessary);
  • accountant (the option of an incoming employee or contacting a specialized company if necessary is possible);
  • administrator;
  • technical officer.

Services provided

An approximate list of computer and laptop repair services provided by the service center is shown in the table:

Type of serviceFor computerFor laptop
DiagnosticsIs freeIs free
SettingFrom 300 rub.From 300 rub.
Dust removal, thermal paste replacementFrom 600 rub.From 990 rub.
Upgrading for PC, recovery for laptopsFrom 590 rub.From 490 rub.
Build to order (for computersFrom 999 rub.
Repair / replacement of componentsFrom 390 rub.From 480 rub.
Replacement of a broken matrix (for laptops) From 999 rub.

Approximate price for software installation and network and Internet setup:

SoftwareInternet and networks
Installation of the operating system - from 500 rubles.Setting up a router - from 399 rubles.
Installing the MS Office package - from 290 rubles.Setting WiFi connections- from 490 rubles.
Installing drivers - from 100 rubles. a pieceInternet setup - from 500 rubles.
Installing an antivirus - from 400 rubles.Creating and configuring a local network - from 990 rubles.
Installation of a basic software package - from 590 rubles.Browser settings - from 190 rubles.
Recovery of lost data - from 390 rubles.Setting remote access- from 350 rubles.
Removal of viruses, banners, etc. - from 390 rubles.
Consultation - from 100 rubles.

In addition to services, the center can also sell spare parts and components, as well as accessories for computers and laptops:

  • cleaning products (wipes and sprays);
  • external cooling devices;
  • external memory drives;
  • headphones;
  • coasters, etc.

How to get authorization from the official brand

How to obtain service center authorization in order to officially produce on behalf of famous brands? The specific scheme depends on the conditions specified in the service contract, in specific company. General scheme looks something like this:

  • an application for authorization is sent to the official representative office of the manufacturer in Russia (personal presence in the office after that will be mandatory);
  • the company considers several criteria that determine the possibility of satisfying the application - the need for a service center in this region taking into account the number of the living population and the sales volume of devices of this brand; the presence of authorizations of other companies (this will be an advantage); remoteness from other authorization centers of the same brand; compliance with the requirements for the premises of the service center; the confirmed qualification of the employees who carry out the repair of equipment.

  • free or at a significant discount the provision of original components for models of computers and laptops of this brand.
  • free or discounted provision of software;
  • free advertising of the ASC;
  • large visitor traffic of owners of devices of this particular brand.

At the same time, you need to understand that the ASC is an independent legal organization, and, in the event of lawsuits brought as a result of poor-quality repairs and maintenance, you will have to get out yourself.

Where to find clients

As already mentioned, in terms of advertising, service centers have a great advantage over conventional computer workshops. But this does not mean at all that the latter have fewer customers. The percentage of visitor traffic is divided approximately equally - 50/50.

Most people in our country are state employees and people with an average income who can afford computer equipment in the middle price segment. Many simply cannot afford to repair such equipment with the installation of original components.

And therefore, the owners carry their usual repair shop “around the corner”, where they will do just as well, and they will supply Chinese spare parts, which, if handled correctly, will last even longer than the original ones.

  • announcements in local media;
  • creating your own website. Advertising in social networks;
  • introduction of a system of discounts for regular customers;
  • holding promotions, like “discount for repairs recommended by a friend”, etc.

A few words about start-up capital

Of the majority of business ideas that can be implemented with 100% confidence in a successful result at the present time - in a crisis in the country, the computer repair business is one of the most attractive and profitable.

But what to do if there is no money to open your own business (and you really want to!) Or not enough? There are several options:

  • you can apply to a bank for a loan to create and develop your business (interest rates are now quite attractive compared to the last year or two years ago);
  • you can contact the employment center with ready business plan for getting financial assistance from the state to open your own business (see how to draw up a business plan for submission to an employment center);
  • you can borrow money for the table of contents

    Costs of creating a business, planned profit, payback period

    The final cost of starting a computer repair business varies by region, but based on the combined experience of successful workshops and service centers, the following figures can be deduced:

    • costs for organizing an authorized service center
    Item of expensesAmount, rub.
    Purchase of equipment300 000 – 350 000
    Room rent50 000 – 150 000
    Repair of premises in accordance with authorization requirements100 000 – 200 000
    Purchase of furniture100 000 – 150 000
    Purchasing company uniforms for employees25 000 – 30 000
    Advertising costs80 000 – 100 000
    Unexpected expenses50 000
    Total705 000 – 1 030 000
    • the cost of organizing an ordinary computer repair shop can fit into a much smaller amount.
    Item of expensesAmount, rub.
    Purchase of equipment10 000 – 20 000
    Room rent5 000 – 40 000
    Purchase of furniture0 – 7 000
    Advertising costs0 – 20 000
    Purchase of spare parts and accessories10 000 – 40 000