A profession that my city needs. Summary of the lesson “Journey through the city of professions

Occupations Top Ten: This can be calculated from clear statistics on HR, recruiters, and analysts at publishing houses, job postings, and recruitment sites. The most needed professionals higher education according to the statistics of the last 6 months are shown in the table.

A programmer is a person who develops software(software) for personal, embedded, industrial and other types of computers, that is, programming. This can be either the manager of large software development projects or a “loner” writing the code for a specific program. Distinguish between system and application programmers. Applied - a specialist who develops and debugs programs to solve various problems. System - a specialist engaged in the development, operation and maintenance of system software.

It was found that programmers are most in demand on the Russian labor market. So, at the time of the survey, only one candidate applied for one position of a C ++ programmer, and more applicants for the position of a Java programmer. In addition, in some areas of programming, a clear lack of personnel was revealed. Due to this, the employer is unlikely to be able to save on the salary of such a specialist, and the applicant has the opportunity to choose the most favorable conditions labor. An indicator of stable demand for professional programmers is also the fact that salaries were slightly reduced during the crisis. At the same time, the salaries of computer specialists continue to grow. Compared to the period before the crisis, the salaries of PHP and Java programmers increased by 20%

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type" Privolzhsky district of Kazan

Synopsis of the GCD for the NGO "Social and communicative development"

"City of professions"


Khaziakhmetova L.A.

Kazan, 2015

Lesson objectives:


Systematize and replenish vocabulary on a given lexical topic to consolidate the ability to use correctly in oral speech grammatical constructions


Develop logical thinking, auditory attention, memory

Develop the ability to distinguish distorted logical and grammatical constructions by ear

Develop the ability to form common sentences within the same semantic group

Develop the ability to respond to the teacher's answer in the process of dialogue with a common sentence

Develop the ability to compose a descriptive story according to a graphic scheme


Cultivate a sense of understanding the importance of professions in people's lives (reasoning about the consequences of the cessation of activities of people of different professions)

Equipment : tape recorder

Materials: A3 sheets (for work in subgroups), geometric shapes, pictograms, people of different professions, objects: hammer, scissors, camera, brush, hair dryer, saw.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction V. Mayakovsky "Who to be", E. Permyak "Mom's work"

Examining pictures depicting professions, compiling descriptive stories on the topic.

Conducting games “To whom what?”, “What is superfluous?” "Guess by the description", plot role-playing games, desktop printed games.

Lesson progress

Children sit on the carpet, in a semicircle

Hello! Isenmesez!

Various objects lie on the carpet: a hammer, scissors, a camera, a brush, a hair dryer, a saw.

Teacher: Look, what a mess! Someone left items. Name them. I think the hammer was left by the carpenter. Who left the scissors? etc. These items are needed by people of different professions. What is a profession?

Children: Profession-work, the business that a person is engaged in (his work activity)

What do you need to do to get a job? (study well, know a lot, finish school)

Today we will go to the "City of professions"

To begin our work, first we will playgame "Letters and professions".I show the letter and you must name only those professions that begin with this letter.

(V - doctor, veterinarian, educator, military man, driver

K - controller, cashier, conductor, astronaut, bricklayer, confectioner

P - baker, tailor, cook, fireman, policeman, pilot, border guard, conductor, hairdresser, seller)

Well done! Completed this task. Look, our city has disappeared and we have a lot of things to do - draw a plan of our city, build houses, pave the streets, plant trees ... We will need a variety of specialists. What occupations would you like to invite?

Teacher: Come to the table. Now we will turn into architects, builders, carpenters and begin to build our city. (teamwork . For 5 people, children glue different houses, schools, streets and “build” a city)

That's how many people of different professions worked on the construction of cities. Now let's listen to the children's stories about their built cities.

- We have built a new city where people can live. Everything you need is here, but what is missing in the city? (people, different professions)

Educator: And now I propose to playgame "What happens if ..."

Will chefs stop cooking food?

Doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching kids?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to drive?

Will the cops stop showing up?

Physical education "Professions"

Many professions
in our light!

Hands on the belt - torso turns to the right
to the left.

Let's talk about them now:

Extend your arms to the sides.

Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt,

Movements with an imaginary needle.

The cook cooks compote for us,

We "interfere" with a ladle.

The plane is piloted

Hands to the side,

For landing and takeoff.

Drop them down, lift them up.

The doctor gives us injections

Cross uk. fingers above your head.
Movements: palm - fist.

And the school has a security guard.

Arms - bent at the elbows "power gesture"

Bricklayer laying brick

Alternately puts hands on top of each other
top down.

And the hunter catches the game

Make binoculars out of fingers.

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith,

They bend their fingers, listing professions

Ballerina and singer.

To have a profession

We stretch our fingers.

You need to know a lot

Turns with brushes (back of the palm).

Good study buddy!

Threaten with a finger.

And, of course, don't be lazy!

Negative movement of the index finger.

Now we need to invite people of different professions to our cities. To do this, we will play a game with you.Pictogram work

Educator: Guys, you have pictures on your tables depicting people of different professions. You need to tell about the profession without naming it, and we must guess what profession you told us about. And to make the story accurate and complete, you can use a plan. Educator: Let's remember what the pictures on the diagram mean:

1. Hand - what does a person of this profession do.

2. Geometric shapes - what items does he need for work.

3. Heart - what qualities should a person of this profession have.

Sample story: This man cuts people's hair and gives them nice trendy hair. For work, he needs: scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, perfume. He must be attentive, polite, tidy

4. Physical Minute. “Dancers” (children perform dance movements learned in a music lesson to music of a different nature) - when they guess the dancer. The man wanted to relax, and he came up with music. What professions are related to music? (children's answers: ballerina, dancer, DJ, violinist...)

Now our city has everything for a person to live and work. Everything is in its place. And who would you like to be in the future? (children's answers)

But the most important thing I would like to tell you is that you can be anyone: an excellent doctor, a skilled hairdresser, a knowledgeable chef, driver, teacher, but if a person has an evil heart, if he is envious and selfish, such a person will not bring joy with his work. Therefore, I first of all wish you to be kind and sympathetic people. And it seems to me that you will choose the right profession, wisely, at the call of your heart.

1 child: Doctor heals us from pain

2 child: There is a teacher at the school

3 child: The cook cooks compote for us,

4 child: The barber cuts everyone's hair.

5 child: The tailor sews pants for us.

6 child: And we must tell you:

ALL: We have no extra professions,

All professions are important!

Shapshinskaya secondary school of the Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Classroom hour on the topic

"Professions of my village"

(4th grade)

Teacher primary school

1 sq. category

Kondratieva Nelly Anatolyevna

The plan is an outline of the class hour.

Theme "Professions of our village"

Goals: To give students an idea about the professions related to agriculture. Generalization of students' ideas about the importance of labor in human life. Education of love, respect, respect for the native village, region, citizenship. Raising interest in academic subjects necessary for students to receive future profession. To teach students to navigate the world of professions.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, screen, computer.

The course of the classroom.


Teacher: Guys, today we will make a trip to our native, beloved village of Shapshi.According to historical information, the village of Shapshi was founded in 1552 after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Although there is every reason to believe that people lived here before. Indeed, it is hard to imagine that such a convenient place in all respects has not been inhabited since ancient times. According to historians, the territory of the Vysokogorsky region was inhabited as early as the 1st millennium AD. And in subsequent centuries, the local lands were not empty. And the very name of the village - Shapshi, as local historians believe, most likely has Tatar roots.

(Viewing slides about the village of Shapshi.)

Look how beautiful our village is, how much greenery surrounds it. And every year our village becomes more and more beautiful. And how many people with useful and necessary professions live in our village.
Today we will try to talk about rural professions in such a way that a spark ignites in your soul, a spark of love and respect for working profession rural dweller.


Who to be?
How quickly the years go by
Soon eighteen.
We need to think now
What are we going to do.
Who draws, who sings
Who forges metal in the workshop.
If you want, you can grow bread,
Launch a satellite into space.
Lots of work on earth
All try hunting.
To have a profession
You have to overcome laziness.
Studying well in school
To be proud of you

There are many professions in the world
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different.
It's hard to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become fate for someone.

Teacher: Who is the most important person in the village? Chairman or Economist? No! The main one is the one who grows bread, who plows the endless field, sows the grain into the ground, and in the fall harvests the ears filled with golden grain.


(A student tells about the profession of a rural machine operator.)
Agriculture is a production saturated with machines, tools, installations. Powerful machinery is entrusted to rural machine operators. Not a single furrow is carried out in the field without the participation of machines, and hence machine operators. Not a single seed, tuber is placed in the soil without them, almost all operations for growing, harvesting and processing are performed by them - machine operators.
The mechanic is a worker Agriculture who knows and uses in the production process not only tractors, combines, but also many tools and mechanisms.
The earth lives by its own laws. She - like a living being - can get sick, suffer from thirst and have her own character. The work of the farmer is to recognize this character, to reveal all the secrets of the earth. And here he will need patience, knowledge, experience and talent.
The work of the farmer is not easy and unusual, his life is interesting and peculiar. The work of a peasant cannot be divided equally into every day, it cannot be measured either by the light of day or by fatigue. But how beautiful is the earth to which man has applied both his mind and heart, how beautiful he himself is in labor!
A strange monster, rumbling, crawls across the field. And this monster, following the commands of the tractor driver, leaves behind wide black stripes on the yellow background of the stubble. In a day, the face of tens of hectares of land changes before our eyes. The muscles of man and the mechanisms of machines are straining.
And the day will come when bread will ripen on the plowed field, which must be harvested without losing a single grain!
Anyone who chooses the profession of a machine operator must necessarily love and understand the land. He will need to know not only a variety of equipment, but also the basics of agriculture, agrochemistry, in order to competently set the depth of tillage and seed placement, and fertilizer application rates, and accurately choose the timing of work, since the slightest deviation - and the quality of the crop decreases. After all, the result of the skill of a machine operator is valued by the amount of grain harvested.
You need to choose the profession of a machine operator not because there is nowhere else to go, but to your liking and vocation. Being a farmer is a great honor!

Teacher : Who is at the helm of the sowing and harvesting next to the machine operator? Also an important person in the village - an agronomist! The quality of planting material and productivity depend on it. Let's listen to a story about this.


(student says)
Agronomist is the most common profession among plant growers. All its activities are based on the knowledge of biology and agronomy.
In the agronomic "kingdom" every business seems to be connected with everyday things that surround us - fields, forests, soil. But how much more unknown, remarkable in life cultivated plants, how many more undiscovered secrets in the soil.
The agronomist must be observant, notice and take into account in his work the changes taking place in nature.
Teacher : Who is friends with a horse,

Can't they be splashed with water?

Children's answer. (groom)


(Student's story about the groom)

Form start

End of form

A good groom has calm, gentle, trusting horses. Horses love to follow the daily routine exactly. The groom will be late with feeding - they start beating with their hooves, waving their heads in displeasure, pressing their ears to their heads. Give them food - and they calm down.
The groom takes care of a sick horse, gives her medicine.
Horses know that no one, except the groom, can properly fit a bridle, a collar, a saddle. Taking care of the horse, the groom keeps the harness in order, it must always be in good condition. In this case, the repair of the harness is carried out by the groom. And it will be necessary - he will become a groom and a blacksmith, he will not only fix the cart, but also shoe the horse.
So it turns out that a good groom is a bit of a trainer, a bit of a veterinarian, a bit of a saddler and a blacksmith.
In a word, the groom is a "horse professor."
The horse is the best business card groom, by her condition it is easy to determine whether she is kept by a kind or negligent groom.
The power of the horse is small, but with conscientious care it increases several times. The strength of the horse, the duration of its life, its working capacity - everything is in the hands of the right and important person- groom.

Teacher: What if the animals suddenly get sick?

Children's answer. (veterinarian)


(Student's story about a veterinarian.)

And if suddenly the horse gets sick, the veterinarian will examine, listen, make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

The main focus of the veterinary profession is the treatment of animals, the fight against animal diseases bordering on human ailments. In agriculture, a specialist of this profile prevents violations in the application of various chemical substances, which, when ingested by animals, can accumulate and eventually become a source of food contamination. Also, the veterinarian directly sanitary control meat, milk and other animal products.

Teacher :People of what profession still work with animals?

Children: Livestock specialist.


Teacher: Let's listen to a story about this.

(Student's story about the profession of livestock specialist)

Modernzootechnics is rooted in antiquity and originates in the countries of the Mediterranean (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece). In the 19th century, the number of objects studied by biologists increased sharply, which included practical animal husbandry. At present, the work of a livestock specialist is of great practical importance for agriculture, processing industry, reasonable use natural resources and nature protection.

The livestock specialist organizes various activities for the effective operation of the livestock complex (poultry farm, pig breeding complex, rabbit farm, fur farm, etc.). area professional activity livestock breeding are: selection and breeding of animals using the methods of genetics and biotechnology, development of diets for all types of animals, control over the quality and quantity of products in the field of animal husbandry, merchandising of fur raw materials,selection and implementation of high technologies for the production of environmentally friendly products.

Teacher : And to find out what profession we are going to talk about next, you will have to guess the riddle.

She needs a lot of work

And work with fire

To be with us for dinner

Porridge with butter, with milk. (Milkmaid.)


(Student's story about a milkmaid)

The word milkmaid came to us from ancient India. It means "nanny", "nurse". Good and true is the word. If a woman had not guessed in ancient times to milk goats and cows, buffaloes and sheep, butter, cheese, cottage cheese would not have stood on our table. Would not stand on the table and a mug of milk.

sleeping collective farm village. Early morning. Silence. But then several windows lit up at once. The doors creaked. Voices rang out in the street. These are milkmaids rushing for milking. They get up first in the village.

Milkmaids have many worries. It is necessary to clean and water the cows, milk them three times a day, and cleanly wash the udder of each cow before milking. You need great skill, observation, because each cow has its own disposition, its own appetite.

For thousands of years, cows have been milked by hand, squatting or kneeling. At the end of the work, the hands went numb, as if they had dragged hundreds of kilograms of cargo. Now mechanisms have come to the aid of the milkmaid: automatic drinkers, automatic feeders and even electric milking machines.

Teacher : Guys, listen to another riddle and guess who it is?

This little childSleeping without sheets and diapersunder brown earsDon't give him pillows.

He has four legsHe walks without a coatHe galoshes and bootsWon't wear anything.

They won't sew shirts for him,They won't sew his pants,They won't give him a cap,Do not bake pancakes for him.

He cannot say: "Mom,I want to eat." And thereforeThe whole day mumbles stubbornly:"Moo".This is not a child at all.This is a small ... (calf).Teacher . And in order to learn more about the work of calf houses, we will go on an excursion to the calf house.

Excursion to the calf .

This year, guys, our schoolchildren of grades 8-10 also help our calves. They go to the farm to feed them every day.And let's hear what they tell about their work. (The story of a high school student

working on a farm)


The room where the calves are kept is quite spacious. We try to keep it clean.

The livestock is small - 8 calves. Everyone needs to be fed, watered, cleaned, treated, if necessary.

In accordance with age, the entire livestock is settled in flocks. In the calf shed, they are looked after for up to 8 months, and then the heifers are transferred to a neighboring yard and prepared for calving, and the bulls are taken to their older brothers in another cattle shed.

Calves are driven off once a month, if necessary - twice.

The diet and feeding scheme are made by specialists. The livestock specialist oversees the nutrition of young animals. Every morning he drops by the calf barn to see if all the ingredients are there.

After the feeders have been cleared of evening residues, we distribute hay to the calves. It is very useful for digestion and favorably contributes to the further assimilation of all feeds. And how many medicinal and useful herbs are in it!

Soon a tractor with a feeder appears. This means they brought silage.

While the calves are eating, we clean in flocks. This procedure is laborious and difficult. Indeed, in addition to cleaning manure, you need to bring sawdust and throw them on the floor so that it is dry. I must say that the work on the calf is mainly manual. There is only a manure conveyor.

There is so much work to do that there is no time to rest.

When all the animals had eaten, they lay down on the soft and clean floors, chewing their food importantly.

Also, calves love to eat licks - this is such a mixture of mineral supplements and vitamins that every flock constantly has.

The time is approaching noon. You can go home. But the working day does not end, in the evening you will again need to go to feed the calves and, if necessary, clean up in flocks.

Although the work is hard, we really enjoy taking care of the calves.

Teacher : This is the end of our tour. You and I learned a lot, discovered a lot for ourselves, and came to the conclusion that all professions are important in the countryside! In conclusion, I want to read you a poem. Who the author is is not important. Everyone can tell it on their own behalf.
I am a villager, I am a villager,
I am a farmer and horse breeder.
I am a Man, I am a Russian!
And I'm proud of that, believe me.
I am the postman that in the snow and thunder
Knocking under your window.
I am a beekeeper and agronomist.
In the village, I am a little bit of everyone.
I sow bread, I treat calves,
I drive the flocks to graze at night.
And at school I teach guys
Love your native village.
I am a villager, I am a Peasant.
I am a citizen! I'm Russian!
(M.V. Ryzhova)

Svetlana Volochek
Summary of the lesson "Journey through the city of professions"


educational goals:

Expand and refine your understanding of people's professions(librarian, artist, car mechanic, confectioner, architect);

To fix in speech a noun with a generalizing meaning “ professions”

^ Developmental goals:

Develop cognitive interests;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (exercise in the formation of adjectives from nouns, agreement of numerals with nouns);

Improve the skills of building a simple and complex sentence, using a mnemonic table when reading a poem;

Develop speech activity, dialogic speech (through Q&A, dialogue);

Develop oral connected speech (through the construction of a grammatically correct phrase and sentence, develop written speech when reading from a source.

^ Corrective targets:

Clarify and expand the vocabulary of words on this topic, improve the skills of verbal communication;

Correct auditory attention, memory, thinking.

educational goals:

Formation of cohesion of the children's team, increase the level of game interaction between children;

Cultivate motivation for learning, emotional feelings, respect for professions of various kinds.

preliminary work:

Tours: to the library, the House of Creativity "Spring", House of Artists, museums cities;

Conversations with children about professions of parents;

Examination of paintings, illustrations on topic: « professions» ;

Drawing, application on topic: "All professions are important, all professions are needed»;

Setting up a photo exhibition topic: « Professions of my parents» ;

Lesson progress

Today we have guests and we are glad to meet you. Let's give them our smiles, and let them be happy from our smiles, because every smile is the sun, from which it becomes warm and joyful.

Guys, I would like to offer you an exciting trip to an amazing city« Profession city» .

Professions are different

All of them are very important:


Cook, carpenter and driver,

Teacher, painter, fitter ...

All professions are important,

For our cities are needed!

It's time to invite you to an unusual city ​​of professions.

Do you agree?

But first, we must remember the rules of conduct on the tour. remember the poem with you using the hint table (mnemonic table)

A child of 5-6 years old was taught how to behave

When you come to the museum, don't make noise, look around carefully

Do not pick up items. Do not eat anything in the museum.

Listen to the tour guide

And so, these rules will help us in traveling through the city of professions! What do you think we can see in the unusual city? (music, song On the road of goodness)

“Outside you look at the house, like a house. But there are no ordinary tenants in it. In it, interesting books stand in close rows. On long shelves along the wall, tales of antiquity fit in.

What is the name of this house?

This is a library

Do you know who works in the library?


Hello! Tell us, please, what does a librarian do?

I am a librarian who keeps order in the library. I keep track of books. I help you choose books. I fill out library cards, where I write down the literature that people choose to go home to read

With what librarian profession so important to us?

This is profession helps us learn a lot of interesting things from books, magazines, encyclopedias. For example, where does water come from?

Do you know how to handle books?

Books must be handled with care, do not crush, do not tear, do not draw in books, do not tear out sheets, do not put greasy food.

Do you know the rules of behavior in the library? Look carefully at the screen, you will be offered options for behavior in the library, select the correct option (screen work)

Well done boys. Always remember that books are our friends, take care of them.

Guys! I want to suggest that you make bookmarks for books and leave them in the library.

Why bookmarks are needed?

(Children make bookmarks)

Look what an interesting book. I wonder what it is about (Book about paintings and artists) Here she will help us, tell us in the future traveling the road.

“I have a pencil, multi-colored gouache. Watercolor, palette, brush. And thick paper. And also a tripod easel, and my name is .... "


Acquaintance with the work of the artist

I am an artist who paints pictures.

What genres visual arts you know?

We know such genres of fine art art:

Still life, landscape, portrait.

Oh, guys, a strong wind blew and all the pictures got mixed up. Help me put things in order, and decompose the paintings into genres.

(Children lay out pictures)

Didactic game Sort by genre.

What genre does this group of paintings belong to?

These are portraits.

Why do you think they are portraits?

Because a person is looking at us from the picture.

And who will tell the poem, what is a portrait?

“If you see that someone is looking at us with a picture. Or a prince in an old raincoat or just a climber. Pilot or ballerina. Or Kolya is your neighbor. The painting must be called a portrait.”

What genre do the paintings collected here belong to?

These are landscapes.

Why do you think so?

Because nature, a river, a field, a house are painted here.

And who will tell the poem, what is the landscape?

If you see, the picture shows a river.

Or spruce, or white frost

Or a field and a hut.

The picture must be called landscape.

What genre does this group of paintings belong to?

We will classify this group of paintings as still lifes.

Why do you think so?

Because dishes, fruits, all together are drawn here.

And who will tell the poem?

If you see in the picture

Cup of coffee on the table

Or juice in a large decanter

Or pear or cake

Or all items at once

Know that this is a still life.

Now we guys will turn into unusual artists, and we will not draw on paper, but in the air.

A cloud floats in the sky

And below the flower grows

Right tree and river

Left house and porch

With what profession artist is important to people?

Guys! Let's look for the next clue. (Picture depicting a car)

Phys. minute

We go, we go by car, we press the pedal

Gas on, off. We look intently into the distance

The wipers count drops, cleanliness left and right.

Hair ruffled by the wind. We are chauffeurs anywhere

(About transport)

Oh, what is this, you guys hear a sound from there. Come on, let's see.

What is this extraordinary house? What does he look like?


auto repair shop

Guys, do you know what people's profession who work here?

My profession called a car mechanic

Tell the guys what a car mechanic does?

I am a car mechanic repairing cars, at first I carefully examine all the details of the car, find problems, then I start repairs, if necessary, I will also paint it, and then the car can again go on a flight like new and deliver people and goods to their destination.


Do you know how important this profession?


If there were no such professions, then all the cars would be broken, people would have to walk, they would not be able to carry heavy loads.

Didactic game "Collect transport according to the model"

From the individual parts of the pictures, collect the types of transport. (passenger, cargo, agricultural transport) Children explain why this type of transport is needed

Guys, what is the name of the place where the transport sleeps (Garage)

This is a simple building, but in order to build it, you also need to design. I invite you to the next house.

I think you guys know who builds houses? (children's answers) And you know that before you build a building, you must first draw it on paper, and scientifically design it.

Guys, do you know what an architect does?


Architect builds a house

The house is multi-storey.

Building a house with a pencil

On a sheet of paper.

I need to draw everything

Calculate, check

Stairs and doors.

So that he stood for many years

And so that there is light in the apartments,

Bathtubs, washbasins

For big and small.

Guys, I don't have time to design the school building. help me please.

Then proceed, here is the material for you to design individual parts of the house (children work on a separate sheet of paper to the music where you need to connect the points from 1 to 10 and get a drawing of a separate part of the house). Lay out a collage

Thank you very much, you all worked together, cleverly.

(The smell of vanillin spreads through the hall).


Oh how delicious it smells! Where does this delicious smell come from? Look at our way one more house, whose did they recognize, who lives in it?



I bake confectioners for different people sweets: cakes, rolls, cupcakes, gingerbread, cookies, pies, pastries. I want to invite you to play with me

Educator Game bun chef)

Confectioners make our life happier, more fun. Remember, not a single holiday is complete without a cake or pastries, which they cook and make with love for all of us. Dear guys, I'll tell you a secret that at the end of our exciting travel surprise awaits us. but in order to rather wait for a surprise, you need to remember the rules of behavior at the table.

Children tell

How should we serve the table? (The task of serving 2 tables. who can do it better)

Here comes the end of our journey through the city of professions you met new professions learned about the work of these people professions. All of them are very necessary and important for people, and you need to know a lot and study well in order to get a good profession and become a real expert. Labor creates everything necessary for a person and people work for each other.

Bricklayer builds houses

The dress is the work of a tailor,

But the tailor has to work

Somewhere without a warm shelter

So, that's how it goes

All we need to do

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

Guys! And who do your parents work?.All professions are needed, all professions are important.

I invite you to tea

Press conference "Professions of our city"

Target: To draw the attention of students to the choice of profession.

Tasks:1. Introduce the most common professions in our city.

2. Expand students' knowledge about professions, about educational institutions cities.

3. Develop skills and abilities to express their thoughts, argue them,

make a report.

4. Raise interest in choosing a future profession.

Registration: stands telling about professions (miner, health worker, cook-culinary specialist, locksmith),


Dear Guys! I invite you to take part in the press conference "Professions of our cities". A press conference is a communication between representatives of a certain organization and the press. I entrust the role of the press to you. You will meet representatives of some professions, they will tell you about the most important professions of our city, and you can ask them all your questions.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important issues in the life of every person, because it depends on what he will do, where he will work, and “you can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty,” as the saying goes. wise proverb, will depend on the whole way of his life. Work plays an important role in a person's life. After all, it is not in vain that so many different proverbs and sayings about labor have been invented among the people. I propose to recall some of them. I have written the beginning of the proverb, you remember the ending.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Where they work, it is dense there, but in a lazy house it is empty.

To live without work, only to smoke the sky.

Work until you sweat, and eat on the hunt.

Done hastily, done for fun.

Business - time, fun - hour.

Judge a person by his deeds.

Labor is very important for a person, and one can work everywhere: in factories and factories, markets and shops, hospitals and schools, cultural centers and libraries, parks, streets, seas and oceans, even in space. There are a wide variety of professions in the world. I invite you to remember some of them.

A game"Name your profession." Students name professions starting with a certain letter of the alphabet. For example, "B" is a librarian, banker, driller, accountant, bartender, boxer, bathhouse attendant, bulldozer operator, biologist, wrestler.

You have named many different professions and we need them all, we cannot do without them.

Think about huge amount a wide variety of professions, from which you need to choose one, such that it always brings you satisfaction, a desire to work and achieve success. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to be interested in professions, try to learn more about them.

And now our guests (children of the same class) will tell us about the most important professions of our city.

So, I give the floor to the first participant of our press conference.

First speaker.

I will tell you about a wonderful profession pastry chef.

In a huge book called "Cookery", there are hundreds of thousands of recipes for dishes, each of which has its own story. For example, as early as the 8th century BC, culinary schools existed in Rome. Cooking was considered fashionable and honorable. First culinary tastes in Europe were dictated by Italy, then by Spain and finally by France. In the 16th and 17th centuries, a “gastronomic revolution” took place, as many new products were brought from America: beans, corn, sunflowers, tomatoes and the most important product, potatoes.

The emergence of culinary art in Russia is associated with pagan holidays. Many traditions have survived to this day, to meet the spring and the sun with pancakes, poured with oil.

The profession of a cook in Russia appeared in the 10th century. It was in this century that many fish and mushroom dishes, porridges and gruels, steamed and baked vegetables, and some herbal dishes appeared. The addiction of Russian people to sour dough resulted in the appearance of many flour products (pancakes, pies, saiqi)

And real Russian kissels - oatmeal, wheat, rye! A variety of snacks, which used cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms, soaked apples, were especially successful for Russian chefs. And they were also famous for preparing the famous stews: cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, okroshka. Whoever decides to go into the culinary arts has a wide field of activity.

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